Easter Display Instructions: Gold Fabric
Easter Display Instructions: Gold Fabric
Easter Display Instructions: Gold Fabric
Gold Plant
fabric Cross
Box to build
up display
Tone: Easter celebrates the
resurrection of Jesus and
the triumph over sin and
White death. Jesus is alive! Mary
fabric (2) Bible and the others are surprised
verse signs
to see the empty tomb. At
first Mary is concerned that
someone has moved Jesus’
Notes: In the John passages, Mary comes to the Other symbols: Added to the table are cloths of
tomb early in the morning while it is still dark. The gold and white (for royalty and purity). Lilies are a
tomb is open and Jesus’ body is gone. She runs to symbol of resurrection, and we’ve added a plant
get Simon Peter and the other disciple who come for more color. If you have space, other spring
and see that it is just as she said: Jesus’ body is flowers and small flowering shrubs may be used
gone! After they leave, Mary encounters Jesus for additional color. What is available in your plant
and after he says her name she recognizes him. hardiness zone will dictate what you can purchase
Can you imagine the emotion of that moment? and use (like forsythia, quince, lilacs). After Easter
May each of us leave Easter worship excited and worship plan a trip into your community to share
proclaiming, Jesus is alive! He is risen indeed! the plants.The old wooden cross used earlier in
Holy Week is replaced with a free-standing cross.
The illustrations are of the open tomb and Mary
waiting outside.
Ash Wednesday
Box to build
up display Candle d
Tone: Ash Wednesday marks
the beginning of Lent–which
is a 40-day journey to Easter
Ash (not including Sundays,
Wednesday which are referred to as
table “little Easters”). During Ash
Purple Wednesday worship, we
sign make a symbol of the cross
on each person’s forehead
Burlap with ashes. (Palms are saved
fabric (3) Bible from Palm Sunday to burn
verse signs for ashes the next year.) The
Black ashes are a symbol of our
fabric mortality and penitence. We
are reminded during worship
Notes: In Joel the priests call the people to Other symbols: In the photo a palm cross
worship and fasting to renew their relationship reminds us that the ashes are from burned palm
with the Lord. The Lord still calls us today to return fronds saved from the previous Palm Sunday.
to our relationship. We are called to return home, The palm cross may be used as an alternative to
to return to the Lord. When the people were having ashes on an open display area. Purple,
sorrowful for sin or during mourning they would representing penitence, is the color for Lent;
weep and tear their clothes. The Isaiah passage burlap represents sackcloth, which, along with
emphasizes that these outward signs can become ashes was worn during times of sorrow, mourning,
only showy demonstrations for others to see if the and penitence. The sand represents the wilderness
inward changes have not occurred. The note at the (see Lent Display Instructions). A candle was added
beginning of Psalm 51 says, “A psalm of David, to this display as a symbol that God is with us even
when the prophet Nathan came to him just after in our pain and suffering.
he had been with Bathsheba,” Ash Wednesday
reminds each of us that only God can create a
clean heart.
Good Friday
Box to build
up display Cross
Tone: Good Friday is the
day on which we remember
Jesus’ crucifixion. We know
it is not the end of the
story. God was moving, and
(3) Bible
verse signs
continues to move, toward
redemption and salvation
for all.
Notes: The Isaiah and Matthew passages remind Other symbols: In the photo the purple fabric is
us that the servant we believe is Jesus astonished the color for Lent representing penitence; burlap
people. Pilate asks the crowd what Jesus has done represents sackcloth, which was worn during times
wrong, to which they continue shouting back, of sorrow and mourning. Your church may choose
“Crucify him!” The day’s events move toward the to use only black fabric representing death and
cross where Jesus ultimately dies; the scenes are mourning; you’ll notice we’ve used it on Holy
jarring and horrific. Saturday. The are illustrations shown in the photo:
the montage showing the betrayal, the garden
For those who may have questions, have study arrest, trial, torture, and crucifixion; Jesus carrying
tools available and assist them in finding the the cross; and the nails.
answers. Whenever possible, promote additional
study and prayer to deepen understanding and
encourage spiritual growth. Make sure everyone is
invited to Easter worship.
Holy Saturday
Box to build
up display Cross
Tone: On Holy Saturday we
remember the day Jesus’
body was in the tomb and
the finality of death. We try
Holy to understand the great loss
Saturday the disciples and followers
table were feeling, but we see it
through resurrection eyes.
Some were in disbelief
fabric wondering how everything
(2) Bible could have gone so wrong;
verse signs others were grieving the loss
of their Lord. Some may have
felt the fear of what might
Notes: A lament is a sad song; in Lamentations For those who may have questions, have study
this verse is a reminder of God’s faithfulness even tools available and assist them in finding the
when we experience pain and suffering. We wait answers. Whenever possible, promote additional
for God to intervene. In Matthew, Joseph has to study and prayer to deepen understanding and
go to Pilate and request Jesus’ body. Joseph will encourage spiritual growth. Make sure everyone is
take the body to the final resting place, or so he invited to Easter worship.
thinks. Bodies after crucifixion were left on the
crosses as a gruesome reminder of how awful the Other symbols: In the photo the black fabric
punishment could be for those who were at odds represents death and mourning. The cross reminds
with the authorities or who broke the laws. Joseph us of the crucifixion that has occurred; the stone
took a risk to go and request Jesus’ body. He never represents the sealed tomb that holds Jesus’ body.
intended to use the tomb he’d carved so soon, Jesus is dead and buried.
especially for his Lord.
Holy Thursday
Holy Thursday
identification Chalice and
Box to build paten
up display sign
(3) Bible
verse signs
Tone: Holy Thursday is the
night we remember Jesus
washing the feet of his
disciples and the last meal
they shared. The scene
Burlap then shifts to Jesus in the
fabric d
garden before the arrest he
is praying.
Notes: The Exodus passage is a reference to the For those who may have questions, have study
Passover; in the passage from John’s Gospel, tools available and assist them in finding the
Jesus begins washing the feet of the disciples. answers. Whenever possible, promote additional
No one would have expected Jesus to do this, study and prayer to deepen understanding and
and Simon Peter argues with him about it. Later, encourage spiritual growth. Make sure everyone is
Jesus tells them they must also wash each other’s invited to Easter worship.
feet. A footwashing service can be a very moving
and humbling experience. In the passage from Other symbols: In the photo the fabric is purple,
Matthew, Jesus prays and asks that the cup of the color for Lent, representing penitence; burlap
suffering be taken away. We’ve said prayers that represents sackcloth, which was worn during
God would relieve our suffering and pain, but to times of sorrow and mourning. A bowl and pitcher
pray that will of the Father be done is much more represent Jesus washing the disciple’s feet. A
of a challenge; it requires deep love and trust. chalice and paten (cup and plate) represent the
Did the disciples fully understand what was going meal we celebrate in remembrance of Jesus. The
on? Probably not, and we don’t either. There are illustrations shown in the photo are: the meals,
mysteries that one day will be fully understood; Jesus washing a disciple feet, and Jesus in
until then we study, pray, and worship. the garden.
Box to build
up display
Tone: Lent is a season of
40 days in preparation for
Easter. The word “Lent”
comes from lencten, which
means “spring.” Lent has
table traditionally been a time
fabric identification when candidates prepare
sign for baptism on Easter. (In
the early church, for those
who had not lived as Christ’s
Burlap disciples, it was a time for
fabric (2) Bible penitence, restitution, and
verse signs restoration.) Christians and
churches today take this
fabric time for intentional study,
Notes: In the Exodus passage the Israelites are frequently in corporate worship, and working in
continuing their journey, but where they set up mission projects; that is, it is a time for changing the
camp there is no water. Once again, they are faced way we do things.” From Season of Ash and Fire:
with having to trust God to supply for their needs. Prayers and Liturgies for Lent and Easter, Abingdon
Press, 2003, page 17.
Wilderness experiences challenge us—they
challenge our trust of God. No matter how long Lent and Easter stories can become so familiar
we’ve been on the journey our temptation will be that they become rote. Participating fully in Lent
to complain, become impatient, and then maybe and Easter spiritual disciplines can help us see the
try to fix things ourselves. In Matthew’s Gospel, stories with fresh eyes.
Jesus is in the wilderness being tempted by the
devil, and he has just completed a 40-day fast. Other symbols: In the photo the fabric is purple,
the color for Lent, representing penitence; burlap
Blair Meeks writes: “In our society it is especially represents sackcloth, which was worn during times
crucial that we reflect on the way Jesus expects of sorrow and mourning. The small empty pitcher
disciples to live. Lent offers an opportunity to represents the lack of water the Israelites faced and
practice that alternate lifestyle by spending more Jesus’ fast. The rock, sand, and pebbles represent
time in personal devotion, engaging more the wilderness experiences we all face.
Palm/Passion Sunday
Box to build
up display
Palm plant
Tone: Palm/Passion Sunday
begins with the crowds
shouting praises to Jesus,
Passion who is entering Jerusalem,
Burlap Sunday but the authorities and those
fabric table in power are also nearby
watching closely.
Laurence Hull Stookey writes:
“The entry into the city is
(1) Bible charged with irony, and it
verse signs
is about us as fully as it is
about the people of ancient
Jerusalem: Our faith, too, is
fickle; we are the crucifiers of
Purple the One whose coming we
have called ‘blessed.’ (Hence
our withered palm branches
will produce the dust applied
(3) Imagine, pray, Palm cross (4) Illustrations to our foreheads next Ash
reflect signs Wednesday.) Jesus enters the
city for one reason only: to die.”
From Calendar: Christ’s Time
for the Church, Abingdon Press,
1996, page 88.
Notes: In Matthew, Jesus enters Jerusalem on a Other symbols: In the photo the fabric is purple,
donkey which is a service animal. Jesus arrives the color for Lent, representing penitence; burlap
as a humble servant, not in the way that would represents sackcloth, which was worn during times
be expected for a king. The crowd waves palm of sorrow and mourning. A small palm plant is
branches, laying them on the ground along with displayed on the table, as is a palm cross. There
cloaks for the procession. The crowd shouts are four illustrations of Jesus riding a donkey. The
“Hosanna!” (“Save, please!”) Some in this same black-and-white illustration (pen and ink) hints at
crowd will shout “Crucify him!” on Friday. the week ahead—Holy Week—which will include
the arrest, trial, torture, and crucifixion of Jesus—a
stark contrast to the palm waving and shouts of
Hosanna today.