Common Design Loads in Building Codes: Notation
Common Design Loads in Building Codes: Notation
Common Design Loads in Building Codes: Notation
1 S2014abn
A = name for area R = rainwater load or ice water load
AASHTO = American Association of State symbol
Highway and Transportation S = snow load symbol
Officials SEI = Structural Engineering Institute
ASCE = American Society of Civil t = name for thickness
Engineers T = effect of material & temperature
ASD = allowable stress design symbol
D = dead load symbol V = name for volume
E = earthquake load symbol w = name for distributed load
F = hydraulic loads from fluids symbol W = wind load symbol
H = hydraulic loads from soil symbol = force due to a weight
L = live load symbol = name for total force due to
Lr = live roof load symbol distributed load
LRFD = load and resistance factor design = density or unit weight
Design codes are issued by a professional organization interested in insuring safety and
standards. They are legally backed by the engineering profession. Different design methods are
used, but they typically defined the load cases or combination, stress or strength limits, and
deflection limits.
Load Types
D = dead load
L = live load
Lr = live roof load
W = wind load
S = snow load
E = earthquake load
R = rainwater load or ice water load
T = effect of material & temperature
H = hydraulic loads from soil
F = hydraulic loads from fluids
ARCH 331 Note Set 13.1 S2014abn
Material density is a measure of how much mass in a unit volume causes a force due to gravity.
The common symbol for density is . When volume, V, is multiplied by density, a force value
Materials “weight” can also be presented as a weight per unit area or length. This takes into
account that the volume is a thickness times an area: V = tA; so the calculation becomes:
W = (weight/unit area)A
w = (weight/unit volume)t which is a weight per unit area
w = (weight/unit volume)A which is a weight per unit length
ARCH 331 Note Set 13.1 S2014abn
Combinations of service (also referred to as working) loads are evaluated for maximum stresses
and compared to allowable stresses. The allowed stresses are some fraction of limit stresses.
Combinations of loads that have been factored are evaluated for maximum loads, moments or
stresses. These factors take into consideration how likely the load is to happen and how often.
This “imaginary” worse case load, moment or stress is compared to a limit value that has been
modified by a resistance factor. The resistance factor is a function of how “comfortable” the
design community is with the type of limit, ie. yielding or rupture...
ARCH 331 Note Set 13.1 S2014abn
ARCH 331 Note Set 13.1 S2014abn
Live load reductions are not permitted for specific types (see code).
Some occupancies must be designed for appropriate loads as approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
Library stack room floors have specified limitations (see code)
AASHTO lane loads should also be considered where appropriate.
ARCH 331 Note Set 13.1 S2014abn
Building Material Weights-AISC Manual of Load and Resistance Factor Design, 3rd ed.
ARCH 331 Note Set 13.1 S2014abn
ARCH 331 Note Set 13.1 S2014abn
Example 1
Determine the controlling load combinations(s) using AISC-LRFD for a building column subject to the following
service or nominal (unfactored) axial compressive loads: D = 30 k, L = 50 k, Lr = 10 k, W = 25 k, E = 40 k
Example 2