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Specifications & Building Codes

AISC - American Institute of Steel Construction

AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials
AREMA - American Railway Engineering and
Maintenance-of-Way Association
AISI - American Iron and Steel Institute
UBC - Uniform Building Code
BOCA - Building Officials and Code Administrators
IBC - International Building Code
ASCE/SEI 7-10 - Minimum Design Loads for Buildings
and Other Structures
NSCP - National Structural Code of the Phils.
Design Philosophies

Three Design Methods:

ASD - Allowable Stress Design (1923)
Plastic Design (1963)
LRFD - Load and Resistance Factor Design (1986)
Note that LRFD started in Canada since 1974, known as limit
states design. In United States, LRFD in the design of
reinforced concrete is known as strength design.
Design Philosophy

design of structural member: selection of a cross section that

will safely and economically resist the applied loads
economy: minimum weight i.e. minimum amount of steel
(smallest x-area with smallest weight/m) and ease of
how to do it safely? use different design approaches (ASD
and LRFD)
Design Philosophy

Fundamental requirement of structural design

Required strength ≤ Available strength

Allowable Strength Design (ASD)

“a member is selected with cross-sectional properties (A and I)

that are large enough to prevent maximum applied axial force,
shear or bending moment from exceeding the allowable, or
permissible value (using factor of safety)” - Segui (2013)

Required strength ≤ Allowable strength

nominal strength
Allowable strength =
safety factor
Allowable Strength Design (ASD)

Strength can be either of the following:

axial force (tension or compression members)
flexural (moment strength)
shear strength
If stresses are used instead of forces or moments, the equation
above becomes
Allowable Stress Design (ASD)

Maximum applied stress ≤ Allowable stress

allowable stress in elastic range of the material

also elastic design or working stress design
working stresses: resulting from the working loads, which
are the applied loads
working loads are also known as service loads
Plastic Design

based on a consideration of failure conditions rather than
working load conditions

member is selected by using the criterion: structure will

fail at a load substantially higher than the working load
failure means either collapse or extremely large
term plastic is used because, at failure, parts of the
member will be subjected to very large strains large
enough to put the member into the plastic range (see
σ −  curve)
Plastic Design

when the entire cross section becomes plastic at enough

locations, plastic hinges will form at those locations,
creating a collapse mechanism
actual loads will be less than the failure loads by a factor
of safety known as the load factor, members designed this
way are not unsafe, despite being designed based on what
happens at failure
Plastic Theory: Design Procedure

1 multiply working loads (service loads) by load factor to

obtain failure loads
2 determine the cross-sectional properties needed to resist
failure under these loads (member is said to have
sufficient strength and at the verge of failure when
subjected to the factored loads)
3 select the lightest cross-sectional shape that has these

“Members designed by plastic theory would reach the point of
failure under the factored loads but are safe under actual
working loads.” - Segui (2013)
Load and Resistance Factor Design

similar to plastic design in that strength or the failure

condition is considered
load factors are applied to the service loads
member is selected that will have enough strength to
resist the factored loads
theoretical strength of the member is reduced by
resistance factor

Factored Load ≤ Factored Strength

factored load is the sum of all service loads to be resisted

by the member, each multiplied by its own load factor
factored strength is the theoretical strength multiplied by
a resistance factor

loads × load factors ≤ resistance × resistance factor


factored load = failure load > total actual service load;

load factors > 1.0
factored strength is a reduced, usable strength, and
resistance factor < 1.0
factored loads: loads that bring the structure or member
to its limit
in terms of safety, this limit state can be fracture,
yielding, or buckling, and the factored resistance is the
useful strength of the member, reduced from the
theoretical value by the resistance factor.
the limit state can also be one of serviceability, such as a
maximum acceptable deflection

loads × load factors ≤ resistance × resistance factor

can be written more precisely as

γi Qi ≤ φRn

Qi = load effect (force or a moment)

γi = load factor
Rn = nominal resistance, or strength, of the component
under consideration
φ = resistance factor, 0.9 for yielding or compression
buckling, 0.75 for rupture (fracture)

factored resistance φRn is called design strength

LRFD - NSCP 502.3.3

NSCP Eqn 502.3-1

Ru ≤ φRn

Ru = required strength = sum of factored load effects
(forces or moments)

NSCP 502.2/Section B2 of AISC Specification

the load factors and load combinations to be used as
prescribed by the governing building code, if not then ASCE 7
should be used
Minimum Design Loads

D - Dead Load
L - Live Load due to occupancy
Lr - Roof Live Load
W - Wind Load
E - Earthquake Load (Seismic)
S - Snow Load
R - Rain or Ice Load
Load Combinations: LRFD
NSCP 203.3
Using ASCE 7 basic load combinations as given in Part 2 of
the AISC Steel Construction Manual (AISC 2011a)
1 1.4D

2 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5(L or S or R)

3 1.2D + 1.6(L or S or R) + (0.5L or 0.5W )
4 1.2D + 1.0W + 0.5L + 0.5(L or S or R)
5 1.2D ± 1.0E + 0.5L + 0.2S

6 0.9D ± 1.0W

7 0.9D ± 1.0E

(In LRFD) The load factor on L in combinations 3, 4, and 5 is
given as 0.5 (increased to 1 if L > 4.8 MPa (100 psf), except
for garages or places of public assembly). In combinations with
E or W use a direction that produces worst effects.
Load Combinations: LRFD
where S = 0

1 1.4D
2 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5(Lr or R)
3 1.2D + 1.6(Lr or R) + (0.5L or 0.5W )
4 1.2D + 1.0W + 0.5L + 0.5(Lr or R)
5 1.2D ± 1.0E + 0.5L
6 0.9D ± 1.0W
7 0.9D ± 1.0E

(In LRFD) The load factor on L in combinations 3, 4, and 5 is
given as 0.5 (increased to 1 if L > 4.8 MPa (100 psf), for
garages or places of public assembly)
ASD - NSCP 502.3.4

For allowable strength design, the relationship between loads

and strength is
NSCP Eqn. 502.3-2

Ra ≤

Ra = required strength, sum of service loads or load
Rn = nominal strength (same as for LRFD)
Ω = safety factor
Rn /Ω = allowable strength
Load Combinations: ASD
NSCP 203.4

1 D
2 D +L
3 D + (Lr or S or R)
4 D + 0.75L + 0.75(Lr or S or R)
5 D ± (0.6W or 0.7E )
6 D + 0.75L + 0.75(0.6W ) + 0.75(Lr or S or R)
7 D + 0.75L + 0.75(0.7E )+).75S
8 0.6D ± (0.6W or 0.7E )
Load Combinations: ASD
where S = 0

1 D
2 D +L
3 D + (Lr or R)
4 D + 0.75L + 0.75(Lr or R)
5 D ± (0.6W or 0.7E )
6 D + 0.75L + 0.75(0.6W ) + 0.75(Lr or R)
7 D + 0.75L + 0.75(0.7E )
8 0.6D ± (0.6W or 0.7E )

The resistance factors in LRFD that corresponds to the

following values of the safety factor Ω in ASD: For limit states
yielding or compression buckling, Ω = 1.67.
rupture, Ω = 2.00.
The relationship between resistance factors and safety factors
is given by


This equation will produce similar designs for LRFD and ASD,
under certain loading conditions.
Allowable Stress Design

If both sides of the equation, Ra ≤ Rn /Ω, are divided by area

(axial load) or section modulus (bending moment), then it is
expressed as

f ≤F

f = applied stress
F = allowable stress
see Segui (2013) Example 2.1

A column (compression member) in the upper story of a

building is subject to the following loads: Dead load = 109
kips (C), Floor live load = 46 kips (C), Roof live load = 19
kips (C)
a. Determine the controlling load combination for LRFD and
the corresponding factored load.
b. If the resistance factor φ is 0.90, what is the required
nominal strength?
c. Determine the controlling load combination for ASD and
the corresponding required service load strength.
d. If the safety factor Ω is 1.67, what is the required nominal
strength based on the required service load strength?
Given Loads: D = 109 kips, L = 46 kips, Lr = 19 kips
A. Controlling load combination = produces the largest
factored load, thus, evaluate each eqn. (load

Combination 1:

1.4D = 1.4(109) = 152.6 kips

Combination 2:

1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5Lr =

1.2(109) + 1.6(46) + 0.5(19) = 213.9 kips

Combination 3...
Answer: Combination 2 controls! U = 213.9 kips

B. The nominal strength Rn , if φ = 0.90,

Ru ≤ φRn
213.9 ≤ 0.90Rn
Rn = 237.67 kips

C. ASD Load combinations

Combination 1: D = 109 kips
Combination 2: D + L = 109 + 46 = 155 kips
Combination 3: D + Lr = 109 + 19 = 128 kips
Combination 4:

D + 0.75L + 0.75Lr =
109 + 0.75(46) + 0.75(19) = 157.75 kips

Combination 4 controls and the required service load

strength is 157.75 kips.
D. From the ASD relationship
Ra ≤

157.75 ≤
Rn = 263.44 kips
Example: The same results for LRFD
and ASD

Let L = 3D, to find a relationship between Ω and φ

= Ra Ω
1.2D + 1.6L
= (D + L)Ω
1.2D + 1.6(3D)
= (D + 3D)Ω
Design for Strength
NSCP 502.3.3 (LRFD) and 502.3.4 (ASD)

In summary,
Remember that

Required Strength ≤ Design Strength

By the definition of LRFD and ASD,


Ru ≤ φRn Ra ≤

Design for Strength
NSCP 502.3.3 (LRFD) and 502.3.4 (ASD)


Ru ≤ φRn Ra ≤

Ru and Ra = required strength
Rn = nominal strength
φ = resistance factor
Ω = safety factor
φRn = design strength

= allowable strength

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