Cluster Beam Deposition: A Tool For Nanoscale Science and Technology
Cluster Beam Deposition: A Tool For Nanoscale Science and Technology
Cluster Beam Deposition: A Tool For Nanoscale Science and Technology
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Gas phase nanoparticle production, manipulation and deposition is of
primary importance for the synthesis of nanostructured materials and for the
development of industrial processes based on nanotechnology. In this
review we present and discuss this approach, introducing cluster sources,
nanoparticle formation and growth mechanisms and the use of aerodynamic
focusing methods that are coupled with supersonic expansions to obtain
high intensity cluster beams with a control on nanoparticle mass and spatial
distribution. The implication of this technique for the synthesis of
nanostructured materials is also presented and applications are highlighted.
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)
a perfectly monodisperse population, a refinement of the fluxes and deposition rates [24]. A further improvement
particle population is often necessary depending on the specific in aerodynamic manipulation techniques for different gas
application. The second and third requisites are naturally phase synthesis methods is opening new perspectives for the
connected to the fabrication of a class of systems exploiting integration of gas phase nanoparticle production into the large
the extraordinary properties of the nanoscale objects. and well-consolidated arena of physical vapour deposition
Among different processes for the production of technologies [23].
nanoparticles, gas-phase routes are very popular both for In this review we will present and discuss features
large scale production and for fundamental studies [2]. of gas-phase cluster production and deposition relevant for
A number of extraordinary qualities make the gas-phase the fabrication of nanostructured systems. In particular,
approach a very interesting technique for the fabrication of we will concentrate on those fundamental aspects affecting
nanostructured systems. Gas-phase synthesis is an established the performance of different gas phase production and
and well-developed process able to produce large scale manipulation methods with their advantages and bottlenecks
quantities of nanoparticles [10–12] with a high level of control in view of possible technological uses. After this introduction,
on particle physico-chemical properties such as phase and section 2 is devoted to the basic principles of nanoparticle
composition [13]. Effective post-synthesis treatment such as formation and growth in the gas phase, while section 3
high temperature annealing [14, 15] and coating [16] has been describes methods for manipulation and handling of free
demonstrated, as well as the compatibility of aerosol methods nanoparticles. Cluster sources are described in section 4;
with the high purity standards of the semiconductor industry section 5 discusses patterning and coupling to planar
[17]. Positioning of gas phase particles on a surface with a technologies. An overview of applications and conclusions
resolution in the 100 nm range and below has been shown [18] are given in sections 6 and 7, respectively.
as well as the possibility of micropatterning particle-assembled
thin films [19]. 2. Gas phase nanoparticle formation and growth
Among different gas phase approaches to nanofabrication,
the deposition of clusters from supersonic beams is gaining Formation and growth processes of objects relevant for CBD
increasing attention extending the interest for this field from follow the same physical and chemical mechanisms as any
basic to applied research [20]. Aggregates ranging from a gas-phase particle synthesis process. These mechanisms have
few atoms to a few thousands of atoms, known as clusters, been extensively studied in aerosol synthesis, the gas-phase
are produced and carried in supersonic expansions and have manufacture of nanoparticles at atmospheric pressure [28],
been the playground for the characterization of the transition and can also be applied to the cluster sources used in CBD
from atomic behaviour to solid-state collective features. The processes.
role of the electronic structure and of the lattice structure in In gas phase synthesis, nanoparticles are made by
determining the stability of the clusters has been recognized ‘building’ them from individual atoms or molecules up to the
since 30 years and has been widely studied [21]. However, desired size. Cluster embryos are formed either by physical
the spectroscopic characterization of isolated clusters remains means such as condensation of a supersaturated vapour or
the holy grail for scientists since the high dilution of the vast by chemical reaction of gaseous precursors. Examples
majority of clusters prevents the use of standard physico- include inert gas condensation [29, 30], plasma [31] and flame
chemical characterization techniques. processes [32]. Depending on the embryo concentration,
Cluster beam deposition (CBD) has great potential for system temperature and pressure, these clusters continue
the production of nanostructured and nanocomposite films to grow to larger entities by coagulation and coalescence
although several technical limitations have hampered its use and/or surface growth. Particle dynamics [33, 34] aim at a
as one of the bottom-up approaches to the synthesis of mathematical description of these growth processes, taking the
nanomaterials [20]. Supersonic expansions have several entire nanoparticle population into account.
advantages for cluster manipulation over effusive beams that
make this approach very powerful for the deposition of
2.1. Particle formation
nanostructured films and the coupling with microfabrication
techniques. This is due to the fact that supersonic CBD Formation of particles in the gas phase takes place either
favours the manipulation and positioning of nanoparticles by by homogeneous nucleation or by coagulation (collision)
the exploitation of nanoparticle inertial properties [22, 23]. processes. The starting material can be vaporized from a hot
Many theoretical and experimental approaches have been source into a low density inert gas employing Joule heating,
developed to solve the problem of neutral nanoparticle thermal plasma or laser ablation. Cooling of the vapour rapidly
manipulation in the gas phase [24]. The merging of leads to supersaturation followed by homogeneous nucleation
solutions and models developed for aerosols and for supersonic and the formation of first product clusters [35].
expansions has stimulated a novel and interdisciplinary route Often, a chemical reaction is the first step in the
to this problem [24, 25]. The solutions proposed and tested in nanoparticle formation process. This is the case when the
these last years have shown that the synthesis of nanostructured background gas in the evaporation process is not inert but
materials with tailored structural and functional properties can reacts with the precursor vapour to form product molecules,
be obtained by exploiting aerodynamical focusing in seeded for instance, in the synthesis of aluminium nitride by the
supersonic beams. In particular the use of aerodynamic reaction of aluminium vapour with ammonia in an aerosol flow
lenses [26,27] allows an unprecedented control on nanoparticle reactor [36]. Another prominent and the industrially most
spatial and mass distribution, while keeping very high relevant example of gas-phase particle formation involving
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chemical reactions is the introduction of a volatile precursor case with clusters, the coagulation theory in the free molecular
such as a chloride or organometallic compound into a high regime has to be applied. Neglecting again the spread of the
temperature environment, for instance, a flame [1, 33]. Here, particle distribution and the morphology:
precursor decomposition, oxidation, hydrolysis or, depending
on the environment, any other reaction lead to the formation 5/2 5/2 10 6kB T 1/2
dP = dP,0 + Vvol t, (3)
of product molecules. π ρP
The thermodynamics of the system determine whether
where Vvol is the total volume of particles per unit volume of
these product molecules grow to clusters by homogeneous gas and ρP is the density of the particles.
nucleation or by coagulation. A criterion to determine the Particles that grow by Brownian coagulation typically
formation path of a cluster is its thermodynamically critical reach asymptotic distributions, the so-called self-preserving
diameter, the Kelvin diameter d1,C : size distributions [28]. These distributions remain invariable
4γ Vmol,1 with time when the particle size and concentration are scaled
d1,C = . (1) with the average particle volume. For an initially monodisperse
kB T ln(S)
aerosol, it takes time tSPSD to reach the self-preserving size
Here, γ and Vmol,1 are the surface tension and the molecular distribution. In the free molecular regime, tSPSD is [39]:
volume of the cluster, S is the dimensionless saturation ratio 4
at temperature T and kB is the Boltzmann constant. A tSPSD = 1/2 3Vvol 1/6 . (4)
6kB T 5/6
nucleus is stable when its critical diameter is much smaller ρP
N0 4π
than the diameter of a single molecule of the product species.
In this case, there will be no growth or shrinkage by The geometric standard deviation for the number self
condensation or evaporation and the particle will form by preserving size distribution is about 1.46 while that for the mass
coagulation [37]. In the case of unstable clusters, particles are is about 1.3 [39, 40]. These asymptotic distributions place a
formed by homogeneous nucleation: balanced condensation lower limit on the reduction of the polydispersity of particles
and evaporation of molecules to and from clusters of the grown by coagulation.
product species. The Gibbs–Kelvin equation (1) should If the entire particle size distribution rather than a
be used with caution, though, as it relies on macroscopic monodisperse aerosol is to be considered for particle growth
particle properties like surface tension. For ceramics, the by coagulation, the population balance equation in the
critical cluster diameter is typically smaller than the molecular free molecular and continuum regimes has to solved using
diameter and particle formation takes place by coagulation. computer codes.
Metal nanoparticles on the other hand are usually formed by It should be noted that the particle morphology may affect
homogeneous nucleation, for instance, in the production of the rate of particle growth by coagulation. In the free molecular
iron nanoparticles in a plasma reactor [31] or the synthesis of limit, agglomerates collide much faster than spheres of the
bismuth nanoparticles by evaporation–condensation [38]. same mass since they have more surface area for collisions.
In the continuum limit, the enhanced collision surface of
agglomerates does not play a major role because agglomerates
2.2. Particle growth
experience enhanced drag by the medium.
The newly formed particles continue to grow either by surface Surface growth consists of a first step of molecule or
growth (addition of atoms or molecules to the particle) or atom transport to the surface of an already-formed particle
by coagulation (inelastic particle–particle collisions) which is and a second step involving a chemical reaction or a phase
usually followed by coalescence. change at the particle surface. Especially during the first stages
Coagulation describes particle–particle collisions due to of particle formation from supersaturated vapour, surface
Brownian motion or other mechanisms such as shear or growth can be significant as the initially formed clusters act as
electrostatic forces. Typically, it is applied to particle growth condensation seeds for the remaining vapour. By controlling
in combination with coalescence. For the description of the supersaturation at a low level, particle nucleation can
particle growth by coagulation, one has to distinguish between be slowed down while the rate of surface growth by vapour
collisions in the free molecular regime (particle diameter deposition can be increased [34]. In systems with chemical
dp smaller than the mean free path of the gas λ) and in reaction, species transported to the particle surface either
the continuum regime (dP λ). Neglecting the particle react with the particle thus changing its chemistry or react
morphology and the spread of the particle size distribution, at the particle surface with other gaseous species with the
the classical theory for Brownian coagulation of monodisperse reaction product being deposited on the surface. Surface
spheres in the continuum regime at temperature T is used to growth can contribute to the entire particle growth process in
calculate dp [28]: systems where vapour or gas molecules are present in sufficient
quantity. In general, the rate of change of the particle diameter
dp at temperature T by vapour deposition in the free molecular
4kB T N0 1/3
dP = dP,0 1 + t , (2) regime is given by [28]:
ddP 2v1 (p1 − pd )
where dP,0 and N0 are the initial particle diameter and = F1 , (5)
dt (2π mkB T )1/2
concentration, respectively, µ is the dynamic viscosity of the
gas and t is the residence time. If the particle diameter is much where v1 is the volume of the transported molecule in the
smaller than the mean free path of the gas, as is usually the particle phase, p1 is the partial pressure of the gas or vapour
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far from the particle and pd is the partial pressure at the time and space is by a population balance equation:
particle surface obtained from the equilibrium vapour pressure ∂n(v) ∂ dv
over a flat surface using the Kelvin equation (1). F1 is the = −∇n u + ∇D∇n + n − ∇ cn
∂t ∂v dt
Fuchs–Sutugin factor for bridging the free molecular with the (a) (b) (c) (d)
continuum regime [41]. In the continuum regime, the rate of
1 v
change of the particle diameter is [28]: + β(ṽ, v − ṽ)n(ṽ)n(v − ṽ) dṽ
2 0
ddP 4Dv1 (p1 − pd )
= F2 , (6) − β(v, ṽ)n(v)n(ṽ) dṽ
dt dP k B T 0
where D is the diffusion coefficient of the gas or vapour and F2 ∞
is the Fuchs–Sutugin factor for bridging the continuum with − S(v)n(v) + γ (v, ṽ)Sn(ṽ) dṽ (7)
the free molecular regime.
If the nucleation burst produces particles from size d0
to d0 + d, the upper and lower bound sizes will increase In this general example of a population balance, the variation of
due to vapour deposition but the size range will not change. the particle size distribution function n with time t is influenced
Thus, the relative range of particle sizes d/d, will decrease by convection (a), diffusion (b), surface growth (c), external
as the particles grow, leading to a narrower distribution than forces (d), coagulation (e) and fragmentation (f). Thereby,
u is the velocity, D the diffusion coefficient, v the particle
that obtained by growth through coagulation, as observed by
volume, c the particle velocity, β the collision function, S
Okuyama et al [42]. This has been used for instance by Bowles
the rate of fragmentation and γ the fragment size distribution
et al [43] who generated clusters of controlled size and then
(see Friedlander [28]). The collision function β describes
grew them by vapour deposition, leading to a very narrow
coagulation due to Brownian motion, shear or electrical
particle size distribution. charges. Furthermore, particle morphology, expressed for
The classical coagulation theory assumes rapid and full instance by the fractal dimension, as well as information on
coalescence of particles after a collision event, resulting coagulation in the free molecular, continuum or transition
in spherical product particles. Full coalescence, however, regime are considered in the collision function. The form
only takes place at sufficiently high temperature at which of the population balance and its terms have to be adopted
particles are present as low viscosity liquid droplets. At to the physically relevant growth processes of the investigated
lower temperature, the two or more colliding particles will system. Several examples are given by Friedlander [28].
stick to each other and fuse by sintering, often resulting As the population balance equation is a nonlinear, partial
in agglomerates rather than spherical product nanoparticles. integrodifferential equation, numerical solutions are usually
Thus, a sintering rate has to be introduced into the description required. A discrete solution accounting for all particle sizes
of particle growth. The sintering kinetics depend strongly leads to more than 109 differential equations to be solved
not only on material and temperature but also on particle simultaneously if the entire growth spectrum below 1 µm
size. Driven by surface energy minimization, coalescence is considered [48]. Therefore, the solution of the discrete
or sintering of two particles can occur via viscous flow or population balance is usually only carried out for a limited
solid state diffusion mechanisms. Typically, however, the size fraction, describing for instance the early stages of
application of macroscopic material properties to nanoparticles growth. Computationally less intensive but also less accurate
are moment, sectional or monodisperse models that rely on
does not describe the observed coalescence or sintering
simplifying assumptions. Moment models make assumptions
rates. The significantly different thermodynamic properties
regarding the shape of the particle size distribution [49],
of nanoparticles with diameters below about 10 nm that are
sectional models divide the size distribution into size classes
for instance evident from the melting point decrease of gold
and sections, which are characterized by a mean value of
nanoparticles with decreasing particle size [44] can result in a particle characteristic [50] while monodispersity can be
large errors in the predicted coalescence rate [45]. Thus, considered for rough estimates.
models must be applied to more accurately describe the
observed coalescence rates of nanoparticles [46, 47].
2.4. Control of particle synthesis
Depending on the governing growth mechanisms and process
2.3. The population balance equation conditions, product nanoparticles are individual, dense par-
ticles or fractal-like agglomerates consisting of at least two
The particle formation and growth processes described in subunits, the so-called ‘primary particles’. Depending on the
the previous paragraphs usually take place simultaneously. strength and nature of the bonds connecting the primary par-
Depending on the system investigated, additional effects such ticles, an agglomerate is termed hard or soft [34]. In hard ag-
as electrical charges or intraparticle chemical conversion might glomerates, primary particles are strongly bound together as a
play a role in the particle growth process. Furthermore, in result of sintering necks while in soft agglomerates the inter-
an accurate mathematical description the entire polydisperse particle bonds are of physical nature and in most cases van der
particle population should be considered rather than an Waals forces. Soft agglomerates are formed at temperatures
idealized monodisperse aerosol. The general mathematical too low for significant coalescence and unlike hard agglom-
description for the evolution of a particle size distribution in erates they may be separated into their component primary
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Figure 1. Mapping the degree of silica nanoparticle agglomeration in flame aerosol reactors expressed as the ratio of the collision diameter
of the hard agglomerate and the primary particle diameter (dcH /dpH ) in the process parameter space of the inlet SiCl4 -precursor molar fraction
(φ) and the cooling rate for reactor residence times of 2 ms at 2100 and 2200 K maximum process temperature (Tmax ). Isopleths of the
primary particle diameters (dpH ’s, nm) are shown also (white lines). Increasing Tmax reduces the degree of agglomeration and increases the
primary particle diameter. Pictures reproduced with permission from Langmuir 2004 20 5933–9 [51]. ©2004, American Chemical Society.
particles with relative ease. The temperature field, reactor The production of particle beams is based on the expansion
residence time and chemical additives affect the particle size of a particle-gas mixture through a nozzle, generating a sonic
and the extent of agglomeration and, consequently, the par- or supersonic gas stream [20]. The basic concept of an effusive
ticle morphology. If the growth conditions are such that the beam source is very simple: it is an orifice in a very thin wall of
rate of coalescence is faster than that of coagulation, spherical a reservoir where the gas or vapour is in thermal equilibrium.
particles are obtained. However, as particles grow, the sinter- The opening is small enough so that the outgoing flow will not
ing rate decreases due to increasing particle size and typically affect the equilibrium in the reservoir. If the pressure in the
due to decreasing reactor temperature so that particle coales- reservoir is low enough, the outgoing flow will be molecular
cence usually becomes slower than coagulation. As a result, so that the effusion rate and both the angular and velocity
irregularly shaped agglomerate particles are formed [32]. distributions of the formed beam can be calculated on the basis
Especially in ceramic nanoparticle production full of the gas kinetic theory without any assumption [53].
coalescence is only observed at very high temperatures. A supersonic expansion can be obtained by imposing a
Accounting for simultaneous gas phase chemical reaction, pressure ratio less than Pb /P0 = 0.478 across a convergent
coagulation, and sintering during the formation and growth nozzle driving an isentropic flow expansion where P0 and Pb
of silica (SiO2 ) nanoparticles, Tsantilis and Pratsinis [51] are the stagnation and the background pressures, respectively.
computed maps showing the degree of agglomeration as a The expansion through a convergent nozzle will always take
function of the reactor temperature, precursor concentration place in a subsonic regime regardless of the amount of the
and cooling rate. Figure 1 shows how an increased process applied pressure ratio. Outside the converging nozzle, depend-
temperature and high cooling rates of 105 to 106 K s−1 can ing on the pressure ratio, the flow will supersonically expand
avoid the formation of hard agglomerates even at rather high to pressures even much lower than the background. A normal
concentrations. This was observed experimentally by Wegner shock, known as Mach disc, matches the pressure inside the jet
et al [52] for titania nanoparticles when rapidly quenching a to the background and closes an area called the zone of silence.
synthesis flame by expansion through a critical flow nozzle. The location of the Mach disc has been empirically determined
as being only a function of the pressure ratio and independent
3. Manipulation and handling in the gas phase of the fluid nature and nozzle geometry [54].
The sudden free expansion of the flow produces a high
As outlined in the previous section, gas phase synthesis usually outward radial velocity at the beginning of the free jet close
does not give monodisperse particles but a size distribution, the to the nozzle outlet. This radial velocity (drag) greatly
width of which mainly depends on the synthesis conditions varies with the radial position both in the jet and at the
in the particle source. For many applications, however, a nozzle outlet. It is weak at the centreline and very strong
refinement of the particle population is desired. The ability to close to the nozzle wall at the outlet. Hence, in contrast to
sort nanoparticles in the gas phase directly after their synthesis the particles located in the central regions, those far from
in terms of a size or geometry thus is of major importance. the axis are exposed to a strong radial drag. Consequently,
For device fabrication involving controlled particle deposition the trajectories of particles concentrated on the centreline can
on substrates, a second requisite is of importance: the ability remain approximately unchanged, while particles far from the
to deposit nanoparticles with very high lateral resolution. In axis may strongly diverge in the free expansion. It should
CBD, this can be obtained by controlling the shape of the be also noted that the response of the particles to this radial
particle beam and the particle velocities. drag is a function of the particle size. The above mentioned
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Figure 2. Simulation of the gas flow (a) and trajectories of 15 nm particles (b) in an aerodynamic lens system according to Gidwani and
Di Fonzo et al [112, 149]. The particles are concentrated at the centre axis of the lens system, forming a beam. (c) Basic principle of
aerodynamic size-selection and focusing. The inertia of large particles (St 1) exceeds the drag action of the gas, separating the particle
trajectories from the gas stream lines and leading to wall deposition. Very small particles (St 1) closely follow the flow. Intermediate size
particles have trajectories only slightly decoupled from the stream lines, which can be exploited to concentrate them at given positions in the
flow-field [29, 66].
radial drag can effectively separate the particles of different limits of application to nanometre-sized particles and heavy
sizes especially if they are not concentrated on the centreline. molecules [60]. Regarding an exploitation of these effects
Small particles can follow the expanding carrier gas, while for the production of high intensity molecular beams, only
large particles persist on their original trajectories [55, 56]. very little work was performed in the early times, even though
If the particles can be concentrated on the nozzle Fenn already recognized in 1963 that the gas mixture in a
centreline, only Brownian diffusion (and lift-force effects in seeded supersonic beam source is nothing but an aerosol [61].
case of non-spherical particles [26,27]) can perturb/spread the A probable reason for this neglect is in the complexity and
configuration obtained by aerodynamic focusing. ambiguity of the results of the early experiments, where the
background gas was playing a major role [61, 62].
Dirac suggested during World War II that inertial effects
The first attempts to focus particles through supersonic
in a gas flow can be used for mass separation [57]. One decade
expansions were made by Murphy and Sears [63] and Israel and
later, the experimental evidence of such an effect was obtained
Friedlander [64]. Dahneke and Flachsbart [65] increased the
by Becker and co-workers [58]. Although the first observations particle concentration in the core of an aerosol free jet using an
were done in the jet expansion of a supersonic molecular beam extra stream, sheath air, that confines the boundaries of the core
source, the subsequent work by Becker was aimed at uranium jet downstream of the nozzle. In the recent literature, the major
enrichment in a cascade of aerodynamic separation stages (the development in particle focusing dates back to the work of Liu
‘separation nozzle’) the product of which was not a beam of et al [26,27]. They were the first to produce an enriched stream
the selected species [59]. of particles using only aerodynamic effects induced by nozzles.
In aerosol science, particle separation effects have long This was achieved with a system of so-called aerodynamic
been exploited for particulate sampling with impactors. lenses consisting of successive axisymmetric contractions–
Significant advances in this field have been made pushing the enlargements of the aerosol flow passage (figures 2 (a) and (b)).
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rest of the source. Moreover, the large amount of thermalizing Plasma sputtering offers a method for vaporizing refrac-
gas necessary to reach condensation conditions makes this tory materials without involving the complications of the target
kind of source impractical for many applications since the heating process. The combination of plasma sputtering with
operation is in a continuous regime and results in huge gas gas condensation was reported in 1986 and then developed by
loads (figure 5) [83]. Haberland and co-workers through the use of magnetron sput-
tering [86, 87]. This source is relatively easy to operate and,
4.2. Sputtering in principle, it allows the production of intense cluster beams;
however, to date, applications to nano- and microfabrication
Plasma discharges are of particular relevance for cluster are scarce.
formation. Schematically a discharge consists of a voltage In figure 6 two different configurations of a plasma-
supply that drives current through a low pressure gas between gas condensation cluster beam apparatus are depicted. The
two conducting plates or electrodes [84]. The gas breaks general and common features of these systems are: a sputtering
down to form a weakly ionized plasma. Charged particles chamber, a growth chamber and a deposition chamber. The
in the plasma acquire high kinetic energies and collide with sputtering of the target material can be obtained with different
the neutrals in the gas, causing the formation of very reactive discharge modes and configurations: dc or rf modes, hollow
species. Material sputtering from the plates or electrodes takes cathode and magnetron sputtering. The cluster size can be
place; in this way the electrode material acts as a feedstock of controlled by adjusting the sputter yield, the gas pressure and
particles injected in the plasma [85]. the volume of the cluster growth region [86,88–90].
The gas pressure inside the sputtering chamber influences
the discharge while gas inlet and extraction are critical to
determine the nucleation and condensation processes. In order
to control the cluster mass distribution, the distance between
the sputtering region and the extraction nozzle can be varied.
To favour condensation, the source region can be cooled by
liquid nitrogen, which however imposes constraints on the
source dimensions and geometry [91].
During cluster production, a typical gas pressure in the
condensation chamber is 1 mbar, with a gas flow rate of a few
hundreds of a standard cm3 per minute. In order to achieve a
high vacuum level of 10−7 mbar in the deposition chamber,
a high throughput pump is installed in each section of the
apparatus. The base pressure of the source is 10−8 mbar, while
typical pressures during cluster production in the three sections
are 10−3 mbar, 10−4 mbar and 10−6 mbar, respectively. This
requires a high pressure level, which is found to pose problems
to the sputtering operation. Conventional magnetron guns are
Figure 5. Cluster source based on evaporation by Joule heating. designed to operate at 10−2 mbar, whereas the typical operating
Metal vapour and inert gas expand from the heated high pressure pressure in a cluster source is 1 mbar. At such high pressure
reservoir (1, 2350 K, 500 kPa) out of a conical supersonic nozzle (2). the plasma is unstable and sputtering on the inside of the
Clusters are formed in the expanding flow. The cluster beam is magnetron gun can take place [90].
geometrically confined by a skimmer (3) and a collimator (4).
Reprinted from Gatz P and Hagena O F 1995 Surf. Sci. 91 Another important parameter is the geometry of the gas
169–74 [83]. ©2005 with permission from Elsevier. inlet as it affects the pressure in the region where the sputtering
Figure 6. Single (a) and double source (b) plasma-gas condensation cluster beam apparatus. Reprinted from Sumiyama K, Hihara T,
Peng D L and Katoh R 2004 Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 6 18–26. [91]. ©2004 with permission from Elsevier.
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Figure 14. (a) Array of 210 titania gas sensors made by CBD onto
an alumina wafer with interdigitated gold electrodes (b) employing
hard mask patterning [23]. The layer thickness represented by the
grayscale in figure 14(c) varies between the sensing elements
leading to individual different gas sensing performance.
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6. Applications
Figure 15. (a) Schematic view of the gas-flow reactor where SiH4 is
Clusters and nanoparticles of metals oxides, carbon and decomposed by continuous or pulsed CO laser irradiation followed
semiconductors have been extensively studied in the gas phase by expansion into a molecular beam apparatus. The beam of
with particular attention to their electronic properties. Using photoluminescent silicon quantum dots was deposited though a
mask with the letters ‘MPI’. Figure 15 (b) shows the 3 mm high
CBD, nanoparticles have been deposited on various substrates letters under normal (top) and UV-light (bottom) illumination.
to study the influence of flux, kinetic energy, mass distribution Figures reproduced from Huisken et al [122].
and other parameters on the particle–surface interaction and
on the post-deposition particle organization. Apart from
confinement [123]. Voigt et al [124] investigated the growth
electronic properties, applications of cluster-assembled films
of ∼78% porous thin films of size-selected Si nanocrystals
as well as individual clusters in optics, magnetism, gas
in detail and compared it with Monte Carlo computer
sensors, catalysis and biotechnology are briefly presented in
simulations. Simultaneously with film growth they recorded
this section.
charge transport in a coplanar contact arrangement that showed
three regimes: (i) negligible contribution at the beginning of
6.1. Microelectronics, optoelectronics and optics film growth due to missing connections, (ii) a percolation type
Semiconductor-based nanocrystalline materials are the subject of superlinear increase of current with exponent 3/2 and (iii)
of considerable interest driven by their optical and electronic linear increase with further film thickness. Furthermore, Voigt
properties [6]. Group IV-based structures, for example et al [124] found that clusters of agglomerated Si nanocrystals
consisting of Ge and Si nanocrystals embedded in matrices in the film conserve the electronic properties of the single
or free-standing, exhibit visible photoluminescence that is nanocrystals.
sensitively dependent on the particle size and size distributions The production of silicon nanoparticle-based floating gate
[119]. Since CBD allows a good control over particle sizes metal oxide field effect transistors was the focus of Ostraat et al
and shapes it may offer some advantages in the preparation [17] who managed to design a gas phase nanoparticle synthesis
of nanocrystalline samples over more conventional techniques reactor system that is compatible with silicon manufacturing
for the preparation of porous silicon which are based on technology (figure 16). Silicon nanoparticles were first
electrochemical etching or plasma enhanced chemical vapour synthesized by thermal decomposition of silane and then
deposition from an rf discharge of silane [119]. passivated by surface oxidation in an ultraclean (transition
An intense source of silicon particles that were studied metal contamination <1010 atoms cm−2 ) two-stage aerosol
for their photoluminescence has been realized by Ehbrecht process reactor. Product particles were directly deposited on a
and co-workers [120]. Silicon cluster molecular beams 200 mm silicon wafer.
were produced by using a gas-flow reactor where SiH4 is Ostraat et al [17] managed to overcome any concerns
decomposed by continuous or pulsed CO laser irradiation regarding particle contamination in microelectronic device
followed by expansion into a molecular beam apparatus. Thin fabrication, as particles typically create defects leading to
nanostructured films of size-selected Si nanocrystals could be device failure and introduce transition metal contamination
grown, for example, on sapphire substrates by combining the that degrades performance. They successfully demonstrated
CBD technique with a velocity selector, namely a fast spinning that gas phase nanoparticle and cluster production can
chopper [121]. Deposition through hard masks has also been be integrated with silicon-technology based microelectronic
exploited to shape the beam and manufacture structured thin device fabrication.
films of silicon quantum dots (figure 15) [122]. Nanostructured carbon systems have been proposed as
Strong visible photoluminescence of the Si nanocrystals promising materials for electron field emission applications
upon ultraviolet radiation was found to be dependent on such as for the production of stable and inexpensive cold
cluster size and could be explained on the basis of quantum flat cathodes, as they might be superior to conventional
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Figure 19. Sketch of the layers composing a capacitive humidity sensor (left) and picture of a capacitive sensor based on nanostructured
carbon (right). Two serial capacitors are realized by first evaporating two rectangular Au electrodes (rear electrodes) on a glass substrate; the
deposition of the ns-C film has then been carried out onto the rear Au electrodes to produce the dielectric layer, and a thin and permeable Au
layer electrode was evaporated on top. A gold thermoresistance sensor is buried under the ns-C film in order to measure the temperature of
the device. Reprinted from Bongiorno et al 2006 J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 17 427–41, figure 19 [126]. ©2006 with kind permission
of Springer Science and Business Media.
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