Eco Tourism Plan, Pench Tiger Reserve, MP
Eco Tourism Plan, Pench Tiger Reserve, MP
Eco Tourism Plan, Pench Tiger Reserve, MP
Therefore, a well thought well planned and disciplined tourism is the need of the time.
The protected areas can only become sustainable with presence of friendly host
communities around their periphery. The communities can become friendly if they are
gaining economically, socially and culturally through the Eco-development
programme and tourist activities.
The solution lies in promoting Eco-Tourism instead of wildlife tourism. As per Eco-
tourism society (ETS), Eco-Tourism means –
Responsible travel to natural area, which conserves the environment and sustains the
well being of local people.
In recent times, vast changes in eco-tourism policy of the State and Central
Government have taken place. The Supreme Court of India in its order dated 16th
October 2012 in Civil Appeal no. 21339/2011 directed State to prepare eco-tourism
plan for each Tiger Reserve as per National Tiger Conservation Authority's Eco-
tourism Policy circulated vide no. F.No. 15-31/2012-NTCA dated 15th October 2012.
This eco-tourism plan is prepared taking into consideration NTCA's guideline and
State Govt. resolution.
i. This area represents Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests in the Tiger
habitat. It has a viable population of 65 Tigers with high frequency of Tiger
ii. It is a mega-biodiversity site with large surrounding forest area and thus has a
long term conservation value. It is gene bank of wild relatives of the cultivated
species for future use.
iii. Beside Tiger, it is abode to number of prominent wild denizens like Leopard,
Wild dog, Sloth bear, Gaur, Sambar, Barking deer, Cheetal, Chausinga, Nilgai,
Wild boar, Jackals, Fox's along with rare ones like Ratel, Flying squirrel,
Pangolin, Indian Civet Cat, Palm Civet Cats, Porcupines and Wild cat. The
continuity with forests of Pench Maharashtra, South Seoni (T) Division, East
Chhindwara (T) Division and South Chhindwara (T) Division enrich the
conservation prospects of these species. This Tiger Reserve is also connected
with the Pench-Kanha and Pench-Satpura corridor. Pench Tiger Reserve with
its Core and Buffer and Pench Maharashtra is very big conservation unit.
iv. Vast bird diversity is of great interest along with diverse vertebrate species.
v. The tree clad forests, rolling grasslands habituated with spotted dears afford
wonderful sights.
All these values make Pench Tiger Reserve M.P. a favourite area for Eco-tourism
interpretation and conservation education.
2. Management Zonation -
3. Organization Set-up and Management (Existing Eco-tourism
Tourism in Pench its modest beginnings in the beginning of this Century. Which
received an impetus with the improved facilities under Project Tiger. In tune with the
objectives of Project Tiger and Wildlife Conservation, tourism is allowed on a limited
and regulated basis in the National Park. Pench has launched a full-fledged park
interpretation programme.
The average, annual tourist influx of last three year amounts to 56,642 of which
almost 9.5% are foreigners. At times, nine to ten thousands tourists visit the park in a
month (November/ December), and on holidays the number sometimes goes upto
eight hundred per day.
The park has a set of rules for regulating the tourism. The Park Management provides
elephants and route guides, apart from the interpretation facilities to the tourists at a
nominal charge. Entry on foot and night driving are prohibited inside the park. Only
light vehicles are allowed with a route guide. Viewing ungulates amidst meadows
from a vehicle and spotting tiger from an elephant back are star attractions for the
Number of Tourist
Year Revenue
Indian Foreigner Total
2007-08 50857 3309 54206 8597598
2008-09 59303 5168 64471 11256880
2009-10 47758 4796 52554 10398096
2010-11 60038 5421 65459 18080606
2011-12 63802 6282 70084 19238430
i. Tourism Zone
For the management of tourism there is no separate tourism range in PTR. The
tourism is looked after by the concerning Range officers and ACFs. There are very
limited staff for tourism regulation. At Turia and Karmajhiri gates Foresters/Dy
Rangers are posted for issuing tickets and checking the entry. At Turia gate some
Foresters and Forest Guards are deployed for the checking of tourist vehicles and
Interpretation centre. At Alikatta one Forester is posted to look after the elephants and
regulate the tiger show by elephants.
At Turia and Karmajhiri gates Computerised Advance booking and Current booking
system is operational. Online booking facility is also available.
There is an urgent need of Eco-Tourism officer, who will look after all Boarding,
Lodging, Tourism operation, Interpretation and Tourism planning. The Eco-tourism
officer may be helped by one Eco–tourism Range officer. At Each gate two foresters
to issue tickets and regulate the tourist entry are essential. There should a squad of 5-6
Eco-Traffic personals, to look after guided movement of vehicles and tourists. One
very knowledgeable person should be employed for Interpretation.
Following infrastructures are urgently required for the proper Eco-tourism and
Tourism Complex at Khawasa having one Information Centre, low cost staying
facilities, nature's shop for souvenir and outlet for host community product, open air
theatre, office of Interpretation officer and range officer are required for proper
interpretation programme.
The old facility may be renovated / modified as per the new requirement.
Eco-tourism is a recent name for “nature tourism”, which varies in accordance with
the ecological setting and seasonal attributes of the site. Essentially, as stated earlier,
it aims at the enjoyment of nature and an understanding of the ecology, without
causing the least destruction to its support system, leading to economic benefits for the
indigenous masses.
Eco-tourism is clearly distinct from mass tourism. Apart from being multi-faceted, it
also has various intricate linkages with different forms of human activity, with
domestic, regional and international characters. There are many countries where eco-
tourism plays an important role in their national economies. Furthermore, the socio-
economic and ecological impact of eco-tourism is relevant to a developing country
like India, and it is evolving over the vicissitudes of time with new concepts and ideas.
Eco-tourism is highly esoteric and is distinct from mass tourism, though it may be a
component of the latter. ATEC (the Talamanca Association for Eco-tourism and
Conservation in Costa Rica) defines eco-tourism as “Eco-tourism means more than
bird books and binoculars ... more than native art hanging on hotel walls or ethnic
dishes on the restaurant menu. Eco-tourism is not mass tourism behind a green mask.
Eco-tourism means a constant struggle to defend the earth and to protect and sustain
traditional communities. Eco-tourism is a cooperative relationship between the non-
wealthy local community and those sincere, open minded tourists who want to enjoy
themselves in Third World setting...”.
Numerous terminologies are in-vogue to identify a class of tourism other than mass
Eco-tourism (ecological tourism), sustainable tourism, environmentally friendly
tourism, nature tourism, green tourism, scientific tourism, cottage tourism, wildlife
tourism, wilderness tourism, safari tourism, designer tourism, hard tourism, risk
tourism and adventure tourism.
(Middle - aged-old, travelling in groups, tour operated, staying in 3-5 star hotels,
travelling by taxis, eating in luxury restaurants and preferring safari and nature
The above categories, by and large, accommodate most of the eco-tourists in the
Indian context also. However, we can add one more category - viz. the “fun seekers”,
conforming to the young - middle age groups who travel solely for the sake of fun.
4. Objectives -
The main objective of managing this Tiger Reserve is in situ conservation of Tiger
and its habitat. Tourism is only a by product of conservation goals.
The tourism in its traditional form is not acceptable in wildlife areas. So eco-tourism
concept is put forth for wildlife conservation areas.
According to the definition and principles of eco-tourism as established by the
International Eco-tourism Society (TIES) is "Responsible travel to natural areas that
conserves the environment and improves the well being of local people". So the Eco-
tourism activities should follow the following principles.
• Encourage conservation.
• Minimize impact.
• Understanding of ecology.
This Eco-tourism plan provides for the strategy to achieve the above principal in letter
and spirit.
Backdrops in mind -
• The requirement /necessities of the wild life should be given priority in PA.
Selection Criteria
• The part of the buffer zone should be included in the tourism area.
• Breeding areas of the important species should be excluded from the tourism area.
• Residence areas of bigger sizes should be excluded from the tourism areas to
create feeling of tranquillity.
• 70 % of the habitat of the most endangered species. should be excluded from the
tourism area.
• 50% of most thickly wild animal populated areas should be kept out of tourism
• Different types of topography like plateaus, rolling slopes, valley, etc. should be
included for variety in animal species sighting and good experience.
• Different types of habitats like Teak/Sal forests, misc. forests, grasslands, etc.
should be included for variety in species.
• If unnecessary changes in the wild life habitat is observed /noticed, the tourism
should be stopped in the area.
• Tourism plan should be prepared as per the carrying capacity of the PAs.
• At last but not the least, to make the criteria for the selection of tourism areas, a
matrix can be prepared as the tourism and conservation contradict each other. The
rows can be used for different components of conservation where as columns can
be used for the different components of tourism. The judgement values can be used
for the different components. Management can get the guidance from WII
Dehradun and site specific matrix can be prepared for each PA.
The LAC will have the following functions namely –
a) To review the tourism strategy with respect to the tiger reserve and make
recommendation to the state government.
e) Monitor half yearly all tourist facilities in and around tiger reserve vis-à-vis
environmental clearance, area of coverage, ownership, type of construction,
number of employees etc. for suggesting mitigation and retrofitting measures in
f) Monitor regularly activities of tour operators to ensure that they do not cause
disturbance to animals, while taking visitors in to the tiger reserves;
As per para 2.2.2, 2.2.4 (IV), 2.2.6, 2.2.7 and 2.2.8 of the guide lines of National Tiger
Conservation Authority dated 15.10.2012 conservation of Tiger is the paramount
objective of tiger reserve and generating public support through regulated tourism is
an invaluable tool for harnessing public and community support for tiger conservation.
Regulated tourism result in enhanced awareness and is of educational value especially
for the younger generations. Non consumptive, regulated, low impact tourism could
be permitted within core or critical tiger habitat for tiger conservation. With this
importance of tourism in tiger conservation maximum of 20% of core or critical tiger
habitat usage for regulated, low impact tourist visitation is permitted.
The usage of core or critical tiger habitat of Pench Tiger Reserve for tourism before
The Supreme Court of India order dated 16th October 2012 was 150 It came to
36% of the core critical tiger habitat. The area now recommended to be kept open for
regulated tourism on the basis of objective and scientific criteria is restricted to 84.76 It comes to almost 20% of the core area. The road length is reduced to 116 km.
from 145 km. Previously 44 compartments with road lengths of 145 km. were being
used for eco-tourism purpose in the core area and total 130 vehicles, 65 in the morning
and 65 in the evening were allowed from 3 entry gates Turia, Karmajhiri and Jamtara.
Now only 20% of the core area will be opened for eco-tourism and 80% area in block
will remain inviolate.
7.1 Regulation of Tourism in Eco-tourism zone of core of PTR
Though 20% area of core is permitted for low impact eco-tourism following
regulations should be implemented.
• Core Management should not manipulate habitat to inflate animal abundance for
tourism purpose.
• The water holes, cement-troughs should not be constructed near tourist routes but
should be constructed away from road. The existing such cement troughs should
also be abandoned within next 2 years and new cement troughs if needed should
be constructed away from tourist routes.
• Visitor shall keep a minimum distance of more than 20 meter from all wildlife
Carrying capacity of each entry gate based on length of tourism roads and
infrastructure in that area have been computed as per model given in the NTCA guide
lines. The distribution of vehicle for each gate and for morning and afternoon safari
will be decided by Field Director, Pench Tiger Reserve M.P. Amalgamation of
carrying capacity of Turia, Karmajhiri and Jamtara, if interconnectivity is allowed will
be done by Field Director, Pench Tiger Reserve M.P. Number of vehicle permitted to
enter core area can be reduced or increased with the management capacity reduced or
This is the "maximum number of visitors that can physically fit into a space, over a
particular time". It is expressed as following –
PCC = A x v/a x Rf
Where A = Available area for public use
v/a = one visitor / M2
Rf = rotation factor (number of visitor per day)
In order to measure the PCC the following criteria must be taken into account :
• Only vehicular movements on forest roads are permitted, hence road length is
more relevant than area.
• "Standing area" is not relevant, but closeness between vehicles is important.
• There is a required distance of at least 500 m (1/2 km) between two vehicles to
avoid dust (2 vehicles / km.)
• The PA is open for tourist for 9 months in a year and almost 9 hours per day.
Opening period
Rotation Factor (Rf) = -------------------------------
Average time of one visit
9 hours
= ------------- = 3
3 hours
RCC is the maximum permissible number of visits to a site, once the "reductive
factors" (corrective) derived from particular characteristics of the biophysical,
environmental, ecological, social and management variables.
Cf = M1 x 100
(i) Road erosion : Here the susceptibility of the site is taken into account.
Cfe = --------- x 100 = 60 %
Here, species which are prone to disturbance owing to visitation are considered. The
peak courtship activity for spotted deer lasts for three months before the onset of
regular monsoon. As far as tigers are concerned, newborns are seen between March
and May are also during the rains, hence an average value of two months in a year can
be considered as the matter phase.
Tiger = Cfw2 = ----- x 100 = 22.2 %
(2 months) 9
Overall corrective factor for disturbance for wildlife in Indira Priyadarshini Pench
National Park -
Cfw = Cfw1 + Cfw2 = 33.3 + 22.2 = 55.5 % or 55 %
(v) Effective Permissible Carrying Capacity –
The EPCC is the maximum number of visitors that a site can sustain, given the
management capacity (MC) available. EPCC is obtained by multiplying the real
carrying capacity (RCC) with the management capacity (MC) MC is defined as the
sum of conditions that PA administration requires if it is to carry out the functions at
the optimum level. Limitations in management like lack of staff and infrastructure
limit the RCC.
The primary objective of wildlife management is to protect and conserve the wildlife
and its habitats. For environmental education and environmental awareness activities
tourism is promoted in Protected Area. More tourism may adversely affect the
conservation of wildlife. So well thought eco-tourism programme is necessary to
improve the financial condition of surrounding host communities and raising fund for
wildlife management without cause in adverse impact on wildlife and its habitat. The
Core area of Pench Tiger Reserve is very small so a scientific research is necessary to
propose eco-tourism activities in the Protected Area.
For the proper regulation of tourism in nature Govt. of India has formulated Eco-
tourism: Policy & Guidelines (2002). Which is given in Annexure No. – 51. Further
NTCA has issued circular for proper regulation of eco-tourism – dated 14 December
2007 is Annexed as Annexure No. – 52.
PCCF (WL) through there letter no./ Prabandha/4005 dated 29-09-03 prescribed
instruction for healthy tourism, is annexed as Annexure No. – 53.
The Supreme Court of India in its order dated 16th October 2012 in Civil Appeal no.
21339/2011 directed State to prepare Eco-tourism Plan for each Tiger Reserve as per
National Tiger Conservation Authority's Eco-tourism policy circulated vide no. F. No.
15-31/2012 NTCA dated 15th October 2012, is annexed as Annexure No. 53 A &
Simple, adequate boarding and lodging facilities, in tune with the environment
and the general setting of the landscape
Road network within the identified tourism zone
Self - guided Nature trails
Transportation options
Interpretive Centres
Way-side exhibits
Observation towers
Public conveniences
garbage disposal facility
Living quarters for staff/ personnel
• Structures with an exotic look causing visual pollution and non-compatible and
unaesthetic architecture should be avoided
• Establishing building codes in consultation with the Panchayats apart from other
regulations to ensure pollution free environment, with the concurrence of the
respective "Local Area Committee" constituted for the Tiger Reserve.
• Being sensitive to the conservation of endangered species & corridor value of the
• To take into consideration the carrying capacity and sociological use-limits of the
site while creating tourist facilities, and ensuring safety & convenience of
• To use local material and design as far as possible, while avoiding over
• The planning, architectural design and construction of tourist facilities should use
eco-friendly techniques viz., solar energy, recycling of garbage, harvesting of rain
water, natural cross-ventilation instead of AC, self-sufficiency in food through
kitchen garden & farming
• Energy & water saving devices should be used apart from controlled sewage
• Respecting local inhabitants, culture & involving them in various activities and
vocations as far as possible
8. Park Interpretation programme -
Local participation
Sound environmental design
Visitor management
Conservation education
Financial sustainability
Monitoring & evaluation
• To assess:
Need for Regulating the Tourism:
At present 20% of the PA is used for tourists and the average annual tourist influx is
around 70,000 (Annexure No. – 3) which may increase with the improvement of
highways. Since the entire National Park is a core, which is visualised as a tranquil
zone free from any disturbance whatsoever, it becomes essential to carve out separate
tourist zones in buffer especially near both the entry points. In a phased manner, the
infrastructural facilities need to be created at these points so as to keep the core
As per NTCA guide lines para 2.2.4(i) identification and monitoring of ecologically
sensitive areas surrounding tiger reserve is to be done to ensure ecological integrity of
corridor and buffer area and to prevent encroachment of corridor by tourism facilities.
For Pench Tiger Reserve, M.P., an area of 2 kms. from the boundary of Core area will
be treated as Eco-sensitive Zone. In this zone, the existing tourist infrastructure will
remain as it is without any extension but no new tourist infrastructure except small
home stays by local villages or community stay facility by EDS's/Panchayat will be
allowed in these villages.
No new tourist infrastructure (i.e. places for stay of tourists, canteen/restaurants) will
be constructed in Core. The existing infrastructure present in the core will be used
only for wildlife management and protection purpose.
• New infrastructure like gates, check posts, protection huts and signage's can be
set up on forest land in notified buffer area.
• All new tourist infrastructure set up in the Buffer other than Eco-sensitive zone
should have maximum height of twenty-five feet (concrete structure only),
environment friendly, low impact, aesthetic architecture, 50% of their energy
consumption should be met from solar and biogas resources. Waste recycling
and rainwater harvesting arrangement should be made in each facility. The
facilities set up should have natural cross ventilation, proper sewage disposal
arrangement the structure should merge with surrounding habitat. Tourism
facilities shall adhere to pollution norms (noise, solid waste, air and water etc.)
under the respective laws or rules for time being in force. Outdoor high
intensity illumination should not be installed. Lights outside the buildings
should be at the height below 15 feet and should be covered on top so that it
well not illuminate upside. No music systems or sound systems above 50
decibels should be permitted in open area of any tourist facility. The tourist
facilities should not be set up unless all environmental clearances, No objection
Certificate from all authorities including Field Director, PTR and received.
District Revenue and Tiger Reserve authority shall ensure that above
mentioned guidelines are followed by each and everyone. Any violation should
be referred to the appropriate authority under intimation to NTCA for taking
action in accordance to the relevant provision of the law.
• Asbestos should not be used in any tourism facility set up in buffer. Existing
Asbestos should be replaced by suitable material.
• Barbed wire fencing should not be erected around any tourism facilities.
Existing barbed wire fencing should be replaced by suitable material.
• All the tourism complexes, resorts, canteens, restaurants should not use wood
as fuel for any purpose other than for small camp fire. For camp fire wood
should be legally purchased with proper receipt. The receipt should be
produced at the time of inspection by authorities.
• All tourist facilities falling within buffer zone of tiger reserve shall be reviewed
regularly by Local Advisory Committee for environment clearance, area of
coverage, ownership, type of construction number of employee etc. LAC
should take appropriate action for non compliance and suggest mitigation and
retrofitting measures if needed. The LAC or its duly authorised member,
Collector, Field Director PTR, Deputy Director should have right to access any
tourist facility as and when required.
• Existing tourism facility in core/buffer run by Forest Department will be
renovated, landscaped and refurnished as per eco friendly plan.
• Tourist facilities and tour operators shall not cause any disturbance to animals
in buffer.
9. Conservation Fee
As per provision contained in para 2.1.6 of NTCA guide lines dated 15.10.2012 the
levy of "Conservation fee" from tourism facilities situated in and around tiger reserve.
Conservation fee will be decided by state government on the recommendation of
LAC. The proposed fee structure is given below –
The list of all existing resorts with details of suits in each resort in notified buffer
should be prepared by Deputy Director and should be published for calling any
objection. The objection submission time limit should be given. After receiving and
deciding objection, the final list should be published. The levy of conservation fee will
be made effective after receiving State Govt. order on this issue. A register to that
effect should be opened in the office of Range Forest Officer. Deputy Director should
raise demand in writing to the management of individual resort 10 days before the
completing of the quarter. The resort owner / management should remit the fee by
demand draft in the name of Field Director, Pench Tiger Foundation Society, Seoni,
M.P. and should be payable at Seoni and submit to Deputy Director before 15th of
ensuing month. Failing to remit Conservation Fee in time will attract penalty that will
be 2% of total fee per late month or its part.
Rate Chart of Tourism Activates, Pench Tiger Reserve Seoni (M. P.)
No. Purpose of Entry Indian Foreigners Remarks
1 Viewing wildlife in vehicles
A Light vehicle, per round 1000 2000 Rates for foreigners shall be
B Mini bus, per round 1600 12000 applicable if persons of mixed
nationalities travel in a vehicle.
Minibus carrying in excess Unregistered vehicles carrying
of 32 tourists shall be
C 50 500 tourists in national park shall be
charged per person per charged at double the rate .
Visiting a specific spot on
2 15 150 Per person.
Trekking / Cycling (on Per day per person (On specified
3 100 1000
Specified route). route)
The rate includes trekking/
cycling on designated routes.
Camping (Per person per
4 300 3000 Arrival at and departure from the
camp site shall be allowed only
during normal tourism hours.
Management can limit the
Wildlife Viewing from
number of persons at any spot
5 Hide/ Machan/Watch 150 1500
according to the sensitivity of the
Wildlife viewing from
6 100 500 Per person. Per round.
Govt. vehicle (Minibus).
7 Elephant Rides
Maximum time 10 minutes. Only
4 Persons shall be allowed to sit
Tiger/Leopard show (per
A 200 600 on a elephant.
Kids below 5 year age shall be
allowed free along with adult.
Maximum time 1.00 hour. Only 4
Persons shall be allowed to sit on
B Elephant safari 500 1500 a elephant. Kids below 5 year age
shall be allowed free along with
Maximum 5.00 hours.
Elephant for filming and
C 5000 15000 Permission for filming /
photography shall be required
8 Filming and Photography
Per day. Permission is required
Filming including still
a 15000 40000 for filming / photography beyond
the time and away from the route.
b Still photography 5000 15000
9 Photography by tourists Free
10 Fees for Naturalists / Guides
Excursion in vehicle per Trekking / Cycling per Camping (2 day and 1
SN Category
round day Night)
1 N-1 500 900 2000
2 N-2 400 600 1000
3 G-1 300 500 8000
4 G-2 200 300 500
5 Porter - 200 350
o List of registered gypsies and their contact mobile numbers is available at Turia
Entry Gate
• Registered Park Guides are also available at Turia, Karmajiri & Jamtara Gates.
o List of registered Park Guides is available at all entry gates.
Inspection of Private Vehicles Used for Park Excursion:
Private vehicles are allowed entry inside the park with a compulsory route guide. To
ascertain the overall condition and exhaust levels of these vehicles, a committee has
been specially constituted as below:
Committee for Inspecting Private Vehicles Routinely Used for Park Excursions
2. Park safari
3. Elephant ride
4. Boating
7. Publications – A brochure for PTR is prepared, one book on Fauna of Pench was
published in 2005.
An eco-tourism package has been proposed for the Buffer Zone, which would
complement the tourism inputs already existing in the National Park (Core Zone).
The proposals form a part the site-specific ecodevelopment programme evolved in a
participatory manner with the indigenous people from villages peripheral to the park.
Eco-tourism is visualised here as an important source of income for the host
communities living close to the Protected Area, compensating for the curtailment of
their access to the PA, and as an incentive for wildlife conservation. The Govt. of
Madhya Pradesh have laid down the guiding principles for constituting
Ecodevelopment Committees (EDC), apart from microplanning through these
committees, to ensure the active participation of the local people for forest protection
and rehabilitation. The package addresses both to the indigenous host communities
and the visitors (urban/ rural).
In accordance with the directives from the Government, a fund has been created to
ensure cycling of gate and tariff receipts to support Park Management/ eco-tourism
(“Project Tiger – Pench- Vikas Nidhi”). The beneficiaries drawn from the peripheral
villages would be provided loan from the Nidhi for eco-tourism infrastructure
The identified beneficiaries would be imparted free training in public relation, visitor
management and guide service also.
The following facilities would be provided to the visitors in the buffer zone, as a part
of the buffer zone eco-tourism package:
Nature Trail
Four nature trails of almost 2 – 8 kms. has been designed near the Karmajhiri entry
point. This trail would enable the visitors to feel the forest by trekking and closely
observing the trees and birds, which are found inside the park. A field brochure
highlighting the interpretive points would be provided to the visitors. Similarly other
potentials areas near Rukhad and Kumbhapani are being developed for nature walk,
cycling, camping, boating, machans etc.
Vehicular Excursions
A network of forest roads would be available to the tourists for vehicular excursions
with a route guide, as in the core in the buffer forest of Rukhad, Karmajhiri,
Kumbhapani etc.
From 15th of the September to mid of November Rafting facilities are developed in
Pench River just outside the Protected Area. The identified beneficiaries from host
communities would be provided loan for proper arrangement. Boating facilities is
available in back water of Pench River, near Alikatta and Chhindimatta.
Elephant Rides
Four departmental elephants would be made available to the tourists near Alikatta for
joy rides. The identified local youths would be trained in housekeeping and care of
“Pench River” near Tikadi is a good spot for angling, since it is rich in many species
of fresh water fishes. Trained local villagers would be entrusted with task of visitor
Talented beneficiaries would be provided loan for skill development and to foster
talent, which would serve as added attractions to the visitors in the area, apart from
generating income.
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