Unit 4 Chapter 15 and Review
Unit 4 Chapter 15 and Review
Unit 4 Chapter 15 and Review
Caerphilly Castle in
South Wales, United Kingdom
Government weakness and the need for safety led to the rise of feudalism.
Step 1 Fold two sheets of Step 2 Turn and fold the Reading and Writing
paper in half from top to four pieces in half from top As you read the chapter,
bottom. Cut each in half. to bottom. write the important
events and dates that
Cut along occurred in medieval
the fold lines. Europe on each section
of your time line.
Just Ask
Answering questions about what you have read is one way to show
what you know, but asking thoughtful questions about the topic can
often show even greater understanding. How do you learn to ask great
1. Use question starters such as who, what, when, where, how, and why.
2. Do more than just read the words on the page—think deeply about
the concepts. For example, ask questions such as “What would have
happened if . . .?”
Read the following passage from Section 5, and look at the questions
that follow.
The Early
Middle Ages
What’s the Connection? Meeting People
After the fall of Rome came a Clovis (KLOH • vuhs)
period called the Middle Ages, or Charles Martel (mahr • TEHL)
medieval times. It is a fitting name Charlemagne (SHAHR • luh • MAYN)
for the period that lies between Otto I (AH • toh)
ancient and modern times. Gregory the Great
0 500 km
Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection 60°N
W e s Scots
E North
tic Peo
S Sea
Angles Ba
Volga R
ns S
ito Angles Slavs
Br Saxons
e ul
Burgundians r
Britons Franks
Se Vandals
OCEAN Vandals,ine Burgundians CARP Avars Huns
Alans, R . s AT Ostrogoths Ostrogoths Ca
n HI Alans
Sueves dia ds Sueves AN sp
gun bar Slavs ia
BurA L P S Lom Huns n
EN Visigoths Visigoths
Basques EES .
40°N Da n u b e R Black Sea
Visigoths Ostrogoths
ATLANTIC ei Franks
S . What adjustments did you have to make? Read to learn
OCEAN Burgundians R. Alemanni-Lombards how the Germanic peoples who invaded Europe had to
Basques LP
adjust to the lands they occupied.
Sueves PYR Po R.
EN an
D ub
e R. After Rome fell, Western Europe was
Visigoths Rome divided into many kingdoms. These king-
doms developed different societies based
M on their locations. The Visigoths in Spain
0 500 mi. Vandals ite and the Ostrogoths in Italy were close to the
Carthage Se rra
0 500 km
a n ea center of the old Roman Empire. As a result,
Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection they adopted many Roman ways. People
farther from Rome held on to more of their
0° 20°E
Germanic traditions.
In Britain as the empire began to
Germanic kingdoms developed in Europe weaken, Roman culture declined quickly.
after the Western Roman Empire fell. In the A.D. 300s, the Roman legions in
1. Which were the largest Germanic
kingdoms? Britain began heading home to fight
2. What geographic features helped the Germanic invaders. By the early A.D 400s,
Ostrogoths to hold Italy? the Romans had pulled out of England.
Soon the Angles and Saxons invaded
Britain from Denmark and Germany. In
people there were sheltered from the many time, they became the Anglo-Saxons.
wars fought on Europe’s mainland. They When the Angles and Saxons conquered
were able to develop their own distinct southeastern Britain, they pushed aside the
ways of life. Within Europe, wide rivers like people living there. These people were
the Rhine also kept people separated and called the Celts (KEHLTS). Some Celts fled
enabled different cultures to develop. north and west to the mountains. Others
Europe also has many mountain ranges. In went to Ireland. Scottish, Welsh, and Irish
the east, the Carpathians cut off what is now people today are descendants of the Celts.
Ukraine and Russia from southeast Europe. In
the middle, the Alps separated Italy from cen- Who Were the Franks? During the A.D. 400s,
tral Europe. To the southwest, the Pyrenees a Germanic people called the Franks set-
isolated Spain and Portugal. The mountains, tled the area that is now France. In A.D. 496
like the rivers, made it difficult for one group King Clovis (KLOH • vuhs) of the Franks
to rule all of Europe and encouraged the became a Catholic. This won him the sup-
development of independent kingdoms. port of the Romans living in his kingdom.
Identify What did Europe’s Before long, nearly all of the Franks
seas and rivers provide for its people? became Catholic.
Scala/Art Resource, NY
The Frankish Kingdom c. A.D. 500–800 In
10°E 0° 10°E
N North
S Anglo-
Rhine Saxons
Aachen KEY
Fr Clovis’s kingdom
Paris Added by Martel and Pepin
. Da
Added by Charlemagne
Tours b e R.
ire R
A ards
o mb
Basques R E N ri
SPAIN Rome a
The Frankish kingdom expanded ean
Se a
greatly under Charlemagne’s rule.
1. Under whose reign did the Franks 0 500 mi.
conquer part of Italy?
0 500 km
2. Who controlled Spain while the Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection
Franks ruled much of Western
A bronze statue of Charlemagne
conquests earned him the name of laws, he set up courts throughout the
Charlemagne (SHAHR • luh • MAYNE), or Charles empire. Nobles called counts ran the courts.
the Great. To keep the counts under control,
The pope was impressed with Charlemagne sent out inspectors called
Charlemagne. On Christmas day in A.D. 800, “the lord’s messengers” to make sure the
Charlemagne was worshiping at the church counts conducted their duties properly.
of St. Peter in Rome. After the service, the Unlike other earlier Frankish rulers,
pope placed a crown on Charlemagne’s head Charlemagne believed in education. He had
and declared him the new Roman emperor. tried late in life to learn to write
Charlemagne was pleased but also con- and wanted his people to be educated too.
cerned. He did not want people to think the He asked a scholar named Alcuin (AL • kwuhn)
pope had the power to choose who was to start a school in one of the royal palaces.
emperor. Alcuin trained the children of government
Charlemagne made Aachen (AH • kuhn) officials. His students studied religion, Latin,
the capital of his empire. To uphold his music, literature, and arithmetic.
e of
Charlemagne realized the importanc
education. He arranged reading and
of school
lessons for his people. What types
programs does our government fun
(t)Ali Meyer/CORBIS, (b)Vanni/Art Resource, NY
Invasions of Europe c. A.D. 800–1000
40°E 60°E 80°E
0 500 mi.
Settlements and 0 500 km
invasion routes: Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection
Magyars N
North Sea
Normandy Se
FRANCE Caspian
HUNGARY Sea Viking
N ITALY Black Sea ships
Rome Constantinople
A number of different groups
AFRICA Mediterranean Sea invaded and settled in early
medieval Europe.
0° 20°E 1. Which group invaded England?
2. Which group settled the area
of Hungary?
Irish monks played an important role in well as works of Roman and Greek writers.
preserving Roman learning and passing it The literary efforts of these monks helped
on to the people of Europe. to preserve the Latin language.
Patrick’s success inspired others, includ- Over time, monasteries began to play a
ing Pope Gregory I, or Gregory the Great. role in Europe’s politics. Monks took a vow
Gregory I was pope from A.D. 590 to A.D. of poverty, wore simple clothes, and ate sim-
604. He wanted all of Europe to become ple food, but their monasteries could make
Christian, and he asked monks to become money. Each monastery produced goods
missionaries (MIH • shuh • NEHR • eez)—people and owned land, and over time many of
who are sent out to teach their religion. them became wealthy. The leader of a
In A.D. 597 Gregory sent 40 monks to monastery is called an abbot (A • buht), and
southern Britain to teach Christianity. The many abbots became involved in politics.
monks converted Ethelbert, ruler of the They served as advisers to kings and acted
kingdom of Kent. Ethelbert allowed the as rulers of the lands near their monasteries.
missionaries to build a church in his capital
city of Canterbury. Meanwhile, Irish monks Why Is Gregory VII Important? The
brought Christianity to northern Britain. By growing role of abbots and other Church
A.D. 800, monks were spreading Christianity leaders in politics caused many arguments
throughout Europe. Most people in Western over who was in charge. Kings wanted
Europe had become Catholics by 1050. Church leaders to obey them, while the
Monasteries played an important role in pope claimed he could crown kings.
medieval Europe. Monks schooled people, In 1073 Gregory VII was elected pope.
provided food and rest to travelers, and He wanted to stop nobles and kings from
offered hospital care for the sick. They interfering in Church affairs. He issued a
taught carpentry and weaving and devel- decree, or order, forbidding kings from
oped better methods of farming. They also appointing high-ranking Church officials.
helped to preserve knowledge. The pope’s decree angered Henry IV, the
Many monasteries had scriptoria, or writ- Holy Roman emperor. For many years, the
ing rooms, where monks made copies of Holy Roman emperor had appointed bish-
important works. The monks copied ops in Germany. Without them, Henry IV
Christian writings, including the Bible, as risked losing power to the nobles.
A.D. 800 1000 1200
ENGLAND c. A.D. 800s c. 1100 c. 1200
Bruges HOLY ROMAN Feudalism Flanders and Guilds are
FRANCE EMPIRE begins in Europe Italy trade widespread
goods regularly in Europe
A Medieval Manor
A medieval manor usually consisted of the lord’s
manor house or castle, the surrounding fields, and
a peasant village. While minor knights or nobles
would own only one manor, more powerful lords
In the spring, serfs planted crops such as
might own several. A powerful lord would spend summer wheat, barley, oats, peas, and beans.
time at each of his manors during the year. Crops planted in the fall included winter wheat
What duty did lords have to their serfs? and rye. Women often helped in the fields.
serfs in their own court. Serfs were not than a year, he or she was considered free.
enslaved, however. Lords could not sell By the end of the Middle Ages, serfs in
the serfs or take away the land given to many kingdoms were also allowed to buy
serfs to support themselves. Lords also their freedom.
had a duty to protect their serfs, providing
them the safety they needed to grow How Did Farming Improve? During the
crops. Middle Ages, Europeans invented new
Serfs worked long hours on the lord’s technology that helped increase the amount
land and performed services for the lord. of crops they could grow. Perhaps the most
They spent three days working for the lord important was a heavy wheeled plow with
and the rest of the week growing food for an iron blade. It easily turned over Western
themselves. They also had to give a portion Europe’s dense clay soils.
of their own crops to the lord and pay him Another important invention was the
for the use of the village’s mill, bread oven, horse collar. The horse collar made it possi-
and winepress. ble for a horse to pull a plow. Horses could
It was not easy for serfs to gain their pull plows much faster than oxen, allowing
freedom. One way was to run away to the peasants to plant more crops and produce
towns. If a serf remained in a town for more more food.
Castles were built in a variety of forms and
were usually designed to fit the landscape.
Village churches often had no
benches. Villagers sat on the floor
or brought stools from home.
Serf’s Home
Serfs had little furniture. Tables were
made from boards stretched across
benches, and most peasants slept
on straw mattresses on the floor.
Europeans also found new ways to har-
ness water and wind power. Europe’s
Life in Feudal Europe
many rivers powered water mills that Knights followed a code of chivalry and
ground grain into flour. Where rivers were lived in castles, while peasants lived in simple houses
not available, windmills were used for and worked hard all year long.
grinding grains, pumping water, and cut- Reading Focus Have you heard the phrase “knight in
ting wood. shining armor”? Read to learn why these words apply to
Peasants also learned to grow more food how a knight acts as well as how he dresses.
by rotating crops on three fields instead of
two. The rotation kept soil fertile. One field During the Middle Ages, nobles were
was planted in fall and another in spring. the most powerful people in Europe. Great
The third field was left unplanted. The lords had much more wealth and land than
three-field system meant that only one- ordinary knights. However, their belief in
third, rather than one-half, of the land was the feudal system united lords and knights
unused at any time. As a result, more crops in defending their society.
could be grown. Greater food production
allowed the population to expand. How Did Nobles Live? Knights followed
certain rules called the code of chivalry
Explain How could a noble (SHIH • vuhl • ree). A knight was expected to
be both a lord and a vassal? obey his lord, to be brave, to show respect to
women of noble birth, to honor
the church, and to help people. A
knight was also expected to be
honest and to fight fairly against
his enemies. The code of chivalry
became the guide to good behav-
ior. Many of today’s ideas about
manners come from the code of
When noblemen went to war,
their wives or daughters ran the
manors. This was no small job
because manors had many offi-
cials and servants. Keeping track
of the household’s accounts took
considerable skill. The lady of a
manor also had to oversee the
storing of food and other supplies
needed to run the household.
The center of the manor was a
Nobles celebrated special occasions with large castle. At first, castles were built
feasts, which included many courses of meats, fruits, of wood. Later, they were built of
and vegetables. What were the wife’s duties when a stone. A castle had two basic
nobleman went off to war? parts. One was a human-made or
naturally steep-sided hill called a motte castles with thicker walls, more towers,
(MAHT). The bailey was an open space next finer furniture, and richer decoration.
to the motte. High stone walls encircled the
motte and bailey. The keep, or central build- What Was Peasant Life Like? The homes of
ing of the castle, was built on the motte. peasants were much simpler. They lived in
The keep had a number of stories. The wood-frame cottages plastered with clay.
basement housed storerooms for tools and Their roofs were thatched with straw. The
food. On the ground floor were kitchens houses of poorer peasants had a single room.
and stables, and above the ground floor Better cottages had a main room for cooking
was a great hall. Here the people of the and eating and another room for sleeping.
household ate and sometimes slept, and the Peasants worked year-round. They har-
lord of the castle held court and received vested grain in August and September. In
visitors. Smaller rooms opened off the great October they prepared the ground for win-
hall. They included chapels, toilets, and ter crops. In November they slaughtered
bedrooms with huge curtained beds. livestock and salted the meat to keep it for
In the later Middle Ages, nobles owned winter. In February and March, they
more jewelry, better clothes, and exotic plowed the land for planting oats, barley,
spices. They also built more elaborate peas, and beans. In early summer they
Feu d a lism helped restore ads.
ow- • ridges and ro
bro u g h t to gether two p Lord s re p aired b
and vassals.
The lords arrested band
s: lo rd s Their knights e it
erful gro u p
turn for milit
ary law, and mad
la n d in re enforced the
gave vassals Feudalism w
as a help on roads.
se rv ices . safe to travel assals,
and oth er owing efited lords, v
E u ro p ea n s for the foll eu d a lism b en
to Western • F a
. Lords gained
reasons: ni- and peasants
rotect commu ghting force in
• Feudali sm h el p ed p
arfare dependable fi ed
iolence and w Vassals receiv
fro m th e v their vassals. e.
t after the fall
r th ei r military servic
that broke ou rong la n d fo
e protected b
m e a n d th e collapse of st Peasants wer ilt
nment in Wes
rd s. T h e lord also bu
central gover th ei r lo
grain and bla
alism secured mills to grind
Europe. Feud society and k
ept nd woodwork
Weste rn E u ro p e’s smith shops a
invaders. e tools.
out powerful shops to mak and
onies, oaths,
• Feudal cerem ed lords and
contracts requ
faithful and
vassals to be
eir duties to
to carry out th
ese kinds
each other. Th
and rituals
of agreements
ape the
later helped sh
of Western
not allow
• Feudalism did rganization
one person or
to become too
ared among
Power was sh
Serfs working
the land
532 532
ong lords.
to many wars am
ted Western
Feudalism protec
ide invaders,
Europe from outs
Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY
g peace to a
but it did not brin
region. r
often placed thei
• Lords or vassals r-
s over the inte
personal interest al
they ruled. Feud
ests of the areas ei r
ete power in th
lords had compl
uld make harsh
local areas and co
r vassals and
demands on thei
t treat people
• Feudalism did no move up in
equally or let them
a serf was
so ci et y. A person born as a
nobles often
su pp os ed to remain a serf, just
rd received specia
served as
knights. person born a lo
t earning it.
treatment withou ere
os t pe as an ts w ere serfs. They w
• M ’s
ps . no t allo w ed to leave their lord
grou k three or
many people and Eu ro pe an la nd s. Serfs had to wor
st ep to yment
This was the first rn m en t, fo ur da ys each week as a pa
d go ve s for allowing
ideas about limite righ ts . to th e lords or vassal
d ci vi l
constitutions, an themselves on
them to farm for
rfs were restricted
other days. The se
Bad? t always w or k as in movement an
d even daily
es because they co
uld not
Feudalism did no d ac tiv iti ission.
in re al life as it it did in theory, an leav e the la nd without perm
wel l y.
oblems for societ
it caused many pr and
Fe ud alis m prov ided some unity
areas, but it often
security in local
strength to unite
did not have the
Checking for Understanding
co un tr ie s. Sm all 1. Do you think feudalism helped
larger regions or d no t or hurt Western Europe’s
ts co ul
feudal governmen ild in g development?
ts, such as bu
afford big projec s, 2. Is there any way feudal lords
s, or fleets of ship
aqueducts, sewer could have worked their lands
ig ht be ne fit so ci ety. without using serfs?
that m ra l
no st ro ng ce nt 3. Imagine what your life would
• Because there was rce laws fairly, have been if you were born into
government to en , a feudal society. Write at least
e force, violence
it was easy to us three brief diary entries. Describe
lie s to ge t on e’ s way. This led your daily life as a lord, vassal, or
serf and your relationship with
the other two groups. Your entries
should show feudalism as either
good or bad.
and Crusades
What’s the Connection? Locating Places
In the last section, you read Normandy (NAWR • muhn • dee)
about how Western Europeans lived Kiev (KEE • EHF)
during the Middle Ages. This section Moscow (MAHS • koh)
describes the political changes that
took place while people went about Meeting People
their daily lives. William the Conqueror
King John
Focusing on the Philip II (FIH • luhp)
• England developed a system in which
Saladin (SA • luh • DEEN)
the king’s power was shared with
Parliament. (page 535)
Building Your Vocabulary
• French kings called the Capetians grand jury
conquered lands held by the English trial jury
in western France and set up France’s
clergy (KLUHR • jee)
first parliament. (page 538)
• After the Mongols destroyed the Reading Strategy
Kievan state, the rulers of Moscow Cause and Effect Complete a
built a new Russian state headed by a diagram to show the causes and
czar. (page 539) effects of the Crusades.
• European crusaders captured Causes Effects
Jerusalem but were later driven out
by the Muslims. (page 541)
Europe c. 1160
20°W 10°W 0° 10°E 20°E 30°E 40°E
lt i
EMPIRE 0 500 km
i ne R.
OF 40°
Da n u b e R
Black Sea
OF Corsica TIN
M Mediterranea SICILY
TE n Sea
RY Sicily In 1160, feudal Europe was fragmented
into many small kingdoms and states.
1. What kingdoms controlled lands that
today belong to France?
2. Who controlled lands that today
belong to Spain?
538 CHAPTER 15 Medieval Europe
Eastern Europe and Russia Ibn Fadlan
After the Mongols destroyed the
Kievan state, the rulers of Moscow built a new
Describes the Rus
Russian state headed by a czar. In A.D. 921, the Muslim official Ibn Fadlan
encountered the Rus while visiting a settle-
Reading Focus Why do you think some of the cities ment on the Volga River.
in your state grew large while others stayed small? Read
“I have seen the Rūs as they
to learn how the cities of Kiev and Moscow grew to came on their merchant
become the centers of large Slavic states. journeys and encamped by
the [Volga River]. I have
About A.D. 500, a people called the Slavs never seen more perfect
organized villages in Eastern Europe. Each physical specimens, tall as
village was made up of families related to date palms, blonde and
each other. The villagers shared their land, ruddy; they wear neither
[coats] nor caftans [long
animals, tools, and seeds. Each family built shirts], but the men wear a
its house partly underground. This kept the garment which covers one
family warm during the cold winters. side of the body and leaves
In time, the Slavs divided into three major a hand free. . . . They build
big houses of wood on the Statue of a
groups: the southern, western, and eastern Rus leader
Slavs. The southern Slavs became the Croats, [Volga] shore, each holding ten
to twenty persons more or less.”
Serbs, and Bulgarians. The western Slavs
—Ibn Fadlān, Risāla
became the Poles, Czechs, and Slovaks. The
eastern Slavs became the Ukrainians (yoo •
KRAY • nee • uhnz), Belorussians (BEH • loh • RUH •
shuhnz), and Russians (RUH • shuhnz). Of what occupation are the Rus that Ibn
Fadlan describes?
By A.D. 600, the eastern Slavs controlled
the land between the Carpathian Moun-
tains and the Volga River. In the early
Middle Ages, the eastern Slavs created The main ruler was the Grand Duke of
farmland by chopping down the forests and Kiev. Local princes, rich merchants, and
then burning the trees to fertilize the soil. landowning nobles called boyars (boh •
They planted barley, rye, and flax. YAHRZ) helped him govern.
The rulers who came after Oleg
What Was the Kievan Rus? In the late increased the size of the Kievan Rus. In
A.D. 700s, Vikings began moving into the time, it reached from the Baltic Sea in the
Slavs’ territory from the north. Over time, north to the Black Sea in the south. It
the Vikings became rulers of the Slavs. The stretched from the Danube River in the
Slavs called their Viking rulers the Rus. west to the Volga River in the east.
Over time, the Vikings and Slavs intermar- The growth of the Kievan Rus attracted
ried and blended into one people. missionaries from the Byzantine Empire.
Around A.D. 900, a Viking leader named One Rus ruler, Vladimir, married the
Oleg created a Rus state around the city of Byzantine emperor’s sister. He became an
Kiev (KEE • EHF). Called the Kievan Rus, this Eastern Orthodox Christian and declared
state was really a group of small territories. his people Eastern Orthodox.
Volokolamsk Moscow The dukes of Moscow married women
Kasimov from the ruling families in other Slavic
30°E Tula 40°E 50°E
towns. They also fought wars to expand
Moscow’s territory. Moscow became even
more important when it became the head-
quarters for the Russian branch of the
Located along trade routes, the city of Eastern Orthodox Church. When Ivan I, the
Moscow grew in power and in area. Grand Duke of Moscow from 1328 to 1341,
1. Describe the territory acquired by Moscow
was given permission to collect taxes for the
by 1462.
2. By what year had Moscow acquired Mongols, Moscow grew even greater.
territory bordering on the Arctic Ocean? In 1462 Ivan III, known as Ivan the
Great, became the grand duke. He married
Sophia, the niece of the last Byzantine
Kiev Falls to the Mongols About 1240, the emperor. Afterward, Ivan began living in
Mongols swept into the Kievan Rus. The the style of an emperor. He had architects
Slavs called the Mongols “Tatars” because build fine palaces and large cathedrals in
one of the Mongol tribes was the Tata peo- the Kremlin—the fortress at the center of
ple. The Mongols destroyed nearly all the Moscow. He even began calling himself
major cities and killed many people. czar. Czar was a shortened version of
The only major city of the Kievan Rus Caesar. In Russian, czar means “emperor.”
that was spared was the northern city of Ivan III lived up to his title. In 1480 he
Novgorod. Nonetheless, Novgorod’s rulers finally ended Mongol rule over Moscow’s
as well as other Russian rulers, had to pay territory. Then he expanded his territory to
tribute to the khan, the Mongol leader, and the north and west. When Ivan III died in
accept the Mongols as their rulers. 1505, the Russians were well on the way
Although Novgorod had been spared toward building a vast empire.
by the Mongols, it faced attacks from the Cause and Effect Why
west by Germans and Swedes. Led by was Alexander Nevsky important?
W North Christian lands, c. 1100
E Sea Muslim lands, c. 1100
S First Crusade, 1096–1099
ENGLAND Second Crusade, 1147–1149
London Rh
HOLY Third Crusade, 1189–1192
0 500 mi.
OCEAN Caspian
0 500 km
FRANCE Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection
Clermont Venice
N Genoa
Marseille Pisa D a n u b e R.
Black Sea
Me Cyprus
dite Crete Tyre
n Se a Acre
le R.
Crusaders from all across Europe traveled
overland and by sea to fight in the Holy Land.
1. From what port cities did warriors on the First
Crusade leave to travel to the Holy Land?
2. Describe the route of the Third Crusade.
Having driven the Muslims from the regain the lost lands. This Second Crusade,
region, the crusaders created four states: the however, was a total failure.
Kingdom of Jerusalem in Palestine, the In 1174 a Muslim named Saladin (SA •
county of Edessa and the principality of luh • DEEN) became ruler of Egypt. He united
Antioch in Asia Minor, and the county of Muslims and declared war against the
Tripoli where Lebanon is located today. Christian states the crusaders had built.
These four states were surrounded by Saladin proved to be a brilliant commander.
Muslims and depended on the Italian cities He defeated the Christians and captured
of Genoa, Pisa, and Venice for supplies. Jerusalem in 1187.
The Muslims fought back, however, and The fall of Jerusalem led to the Third
in 1144 they captured Edessa. In response, Crusade. Emperor Frederick of the Holy
European rulers sent another crusade to Roman Empire, King Richard I of England,
Locating Places
Bologna (buh • LOH • nyuh)
Romanesque Gothic
Meeting People Cathedrals Cathedrals
Francis of Assisi
(FRAN • suhs uhv uh • SIHS • ee)
Thomas Aquinas
(TAH • muhs uh • KWY • nuhs)
This religious painting from the wall of a church in Italy depicts the pope
and other Christian leaders, a number of saints, and Jesus ruling over all.
How did Cistercian monks aid European society? 545
Scala/Art Resource, NY
Christianity to the people. In addition,
The Franciscan the Franciscans helped the poor and
Way of Life served as missionaries.
Francis of Assisi recorded instructions A Spanish priest named Dominic
for living in the Franciscan order. This de Guzmán founded another group of
passage is about the nature of love. friars called the Dominicans. The
Domincans’ goal was to defend
“Blessed that friar who loves his brother as
much when he is sick and can be of no use to Church teachings. Dominican friars
him as when he is well and can be of use to spent years in study so they could
him. Blessed that friar preach to well-educated people.
who loves and respects
his brother as much when The Role of Religion Throughout
he is absent as when he is
medieval Western Europe, daily life
present and who would
not say anything behind revolved around the Catholic
his back that he could not Church. Priests ran schools and hos-
say charitably [nicely] to pitals. They also recorded births, per-
his face.” formed weddings, and conducted
—Francis of Assisi, as burials. On Sundays and holy days,
quoted in “Admonitions”
people went to mass—or the Catholic
Francis of Assisi worship service.
During mass, medieval Christians
took part in Church rituals called
sacraments. The most important
Does Francis of Assisi think that love for
another person should be constant, or sacrament was communion, in which
changing? How do you know? people took bread and wine to
remind them of Jesus’ death on the
cross for their sins. Only clergy could
give people the sacraments.
Until the 1200s, most people in religious Many Christians also prayed to saints.
orders stayed in their monasteries separate Saints were holy men and women who had
from the world. They lived a simple life of died and were believed to be in heaven.
prayer and hard work. In the 1200s, several Their presence before God enabled the saints
new religious orders were created. The men to ask favors for people who prayed to them.
in these religious orders were called friars. Of all the saints, Mary, the mother of
Friar comes from a Latin word for “brother.” Jesus, was the most honored. Many churches
Friars were different from monks. They were named for her. Several French churches
did not stay in their monasteries. Instead, carried the name Notre Dame, or “Our Lady,”
they went out into the world to preach. Friars in honor of Mary.
lived by begging. They could not own prop- Some people tried to make a connec-
erty or keep any personal wealth. tion to the saints by touching relics. Relics
The first order of friars was founded by were usually bones or personal belongings
Francis of Assisi (FRAN • suhs uhv uh • SIHS • of saints. People believed that relics had
ee) in 1209. These friars became known as special powers, such as the ability to heal
Franciscans. They lived in towns and taught the sick.
0 500 km
Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection
Sea c S LITHUANIA Polotsk
Ba Vitebsk
Vilna Minsk
Hamburg 096–1192
1 Grodno
Amsterdam Gomel
1 4 95
50° Posen Bialystok
92 Antwerp Kalisz Lodz Pinsk
a in
1182 GERMAN Lublin Kiev
m N STATES Lvov Zhitomir
13 9 16
1322 Milan CRIMEA
Venice Trieste
Genoa Belgrade
Black Sea
Livorno Nis
8 Skopje
Salonica KEY
Some of the areas from
Aegean which the Jews were
Corfu Sea expelled between 1050
the expulsion of
wing Jews in 14 and 1650
F r o m Spai n f o llo 92
Some of the towns in
which Jews found refuge
from persecution
Mediterranean Sea Crete
The writings of Thomas Aquinas infl
g time after
governments and religions for a lon
or leaders
his death. Which present-day writers
do you think have ideas that will infl
people for centuries to come?
Monte Cassino
(t)Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, Robert Lee Memorial Collection, gift of Sarah C. Blaffer/Bridgeman Art Library, (b)The Art Archive/Dagli Orti
Medieval Literature During the Middle example of a heroic epic is the Song of
Ages, educated people throughout Europe Roland, written in French about 1100.
generally spoke or wrote in Latin. The In the Song of Roland, a brave knight
Church used Latin in its worship and daily named Roland fights for Charlemagne
affairs. University teachers taught in Latin, against the Muslims. Roland sounds his horn
and serious authors wrote in that language. for Charlemagne to help him, but it is too late:
In addition to Latin, each region had its
own local language that people used every The Count Rollanz [Roland],
day. This everyday language is called the with sorrow and with pangs,
And with great pain sounded his
vernacular (vuhr • NA • kyuh • luhr). The vernac-
olifant [horn]:
ular included early versions of Spanish, Out of his mouth the clear blood
French, English, Italian, and German. leaped and ran,
During the 1100s, new literature was About his brain the very temples
written in the vernacular. Educated people cracked.
enjoyed vernacular literature, especially Loud is its voice, that horn he
troubadour (TROO • buh • DOHR) poetry. These holds in hand;
poems were about love, often the love of a Charlès [Charlemagne] hath heard,
knight for a lady. where in the pass he stands,
And Neimès [a commander] hears,
Another type of vernacular literature
and listen all the Franks.
was the heroic epic. In heroic epics, bold
knights fight for kings and lords. Women —Song of Roland
seldom appear in this literature. An early Explain What is natural law?
N Stockholm
Se a
Population (in millions)
0 500 km
Azimuthal Equidistant projection Crete Cyprus
Spread of disease: By 1353, the Black Death had affected
by 1347 by 1351 most of Europe.
by 1349 by 1353 1. Where in Europe had the Black Death
Partially or totally spared spread by 1347?
Seriously affected 2. By what year had the Black Death reached
areas on the Baltic Sea?
the village
of Arc—was born January 6, 1412, in
Jeanne d’Arc—better known as Joan en she was 13,
was the youngest of five children. Wh
of Domremy in eastern France. Joan
visions of sain ts tell ing her to atte nd church and to be a good person.
she began having ability to
sed , the voices beg an telling her to speak with Charles VII about her
As time pas Charles spoke
p France . Aft er thre e atte mp ts, she was finally allowed to see the leader.
hel d Joan was a
doctors and priests. All of them believe
with Joan and had her questioned by
good person and was telling the trut
wit h the Fre nch arm y to the city of Orléans, which was surrounded
Joan was sen t es on
lish . Eve ryw here she we nt, Joa n carried a banner with religious pictur
by the Eng ops, giving
n tho ugh she did not hav e a we apon, she rode at the front of the tro
it. Eve on their side.
The troops came to believe God was
them directions and encouragement. eated the
and better than ever before. They def
Inspired by Joan, they fought harder them out
English at Orléans and began driving
of France.
“Courage! Do In 1430 Joan said the saints revealed
to her
late May, she
not fall back.” that she would soon be captured. In
d with heresy
—Joan of Arc was seized by the English and charge
s uniform she
and improper dress—for the soldier’
found guilty
wore as army commander. Joan was
es, she
and told that if she admitted her crim
she had
would not be executed. She insisted
ed on
done nothing wrong and was execut
May 30, 1431. Almost two decades
nd Joan
an investigation into the matter fou
innocent of all charges. In 1920 she
made a saint by the Roman Cathol
n though
Joan was tried and found guilty, eve
She was
many people felt she was innocent.
trial. What
also denied many rights during her
in the
prevents this from happening today
Joan of
Arc on
United States?
Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection Loire R . 1429
while the Spanish and Portuguese fought to
drive out the Muslims who had conquered ATLANTIC
them centuries before. OCEAN
oˆ n e R.
The Hundred Years’ War In Section 3, you
learned that William of Normandy became
king of England in 1066, although he still
ruled Normandy. French kings wanted to
drive the English out of Normandy. English The major battles of the Hundred Years’
War took place in what is today France.
kings claimed a right to the land, and in
1. Where was the final battle fought?
1337 the English king Edward III declared 2. Who won the battle of Crécy?
himself king of France. This angered the
French even more. War began, and it lasted
for over 100 years. Orléans (AWR • lay • AHN). Joan’s faith stirred
The first major battle of the Hundred the soldiers, and they took the city.
Years’ War took place at Crécy (kray • SEE) Shortly after, with Joan at his side, Charles
after Edward invaded France. English archers was declared king. A few months later, how-
defeated the French army and forced the ever, the English captured Joan. They handed
French king to give up some of his kingdom. her over to the Inquisition, which had her
Under a new king, however, the French burned at the stake. She later became known
slowly won back their land. Then in 1415 as Joan of Arc.
Henry V of England went on the attack. The French finally defeated the English
England’s archers again won the battle and in 1453. The king had spent almost all of his
left the English in control of northern France. money, but the war strengthened French
feelings for their country. French kings used
Who Was Joan of Arc? Charles, the prince that spirit to develop a strong government.
who ruled southern France, wanted to take The Hundred Years’ War also took a toll
back the north. In 1429 a French peasant girl on the English and their economy. In addi-
named Joan was brought to him. She told tion, a civil war known as the Wars of the
him that her favorite saints had urged her Roses, broke out among the nobles over
to free France. Joan’s honesty persuaded who should be king. The winner, Henry
Charles to let her go with a French army to Tudor, became King Henry VII.
Section Feudalism
Vocabulary Focusing on the
feudalism • Feudalism developed in Europe in the Middle Ages. It was based on landowning, loyalty, and
vassal the power of armored knights on horseback. (page 523)
• Knights followed a code of chivalry and lived in castles, while peasants lived in simple
serf houses and worked hard all year long. (page 526)
guild • Increased trade led to the growth of towns and cities and the rise of guilds and city
governments. (page 528)
Review Vocabulary 10. What was the result of increased trade?
Match the word in the first column with its Section 3 • Kingdoms and Crusades
definition in the second column. 11. What changes in England and France
___ 1. fief a. worked their own were steps toward representative
land and a lord’s land government?
___ 2. serf b. the study of religion 12. Which groups were at war with each
and God other in the Crusades? For what were
___ 3. concordat they fighting?
c. people ordained as
priests Section 4 • The Church and Society
___ 4. clergy 13. How did the Catholic Church use its
d. land granted to a
power to uphold its teachings?
___ 5. heresy 14. Why did learning and the arts flourish in
e. agreement between
medieval Europe?
the pope and the
ruler of a country Section 5 • The Late Middle Ages
___ 6. theology 15. What was the Black Death, and how did it
f. a belief different from
change Europe?
Church teachings
16. Which European nations were at war dur-
Review Main Ideas ing the 1300s and 1400s?
Section 1 • The Early Middle Ages
7. Which peoples invaded Europe in the
Middle Ages? Critical Thinking
8. How did the Catholic Church affect 17. Cause and Effect What improvements in
medieval Europe? farming led to an increase in the produc-
Section 2 • Feudalism tion of food?
9. What was the basis for wealth and power 18. Compare What did Alfred the Great and
in medieval Europe? William the Conqueror succeed in doing?
oˆ n e R.
King Louis IX asked the following of
his vassals.
“All vassals of the king are bound to appear
before him when he shall summon them,
and to serve him at their own expense for
forty days and forty nights, with as many
Read to Write knights as each one owes.”
23. Script Writing Suppose you are living in —King Louis IX, “Legal Rules for Military Service”
a small medieval town. Suddenly, the peo-
ple of your town begin dying from the
plague. You and your family have to
decide whether to stay in the town or 27. Did knights directly serve the king
leave. Write a dialogue between you, fam- and appear when he called them?
ily members, and perhaps some neighbors. 28. What do you think happened if the
The dialogue should give the advantages king needed the vassals and knights
and disadvantages of both actions and for more than 40 days and nights?
should show the family reaching a decision
about what to do.
China in the Medieval Medieval Medieval
Middle Ages Africa Japan Europe
Cha pt e r 12 Chapt er 13 Chap t er 14 C hap te r 15
What were
these people’s • Confucianism,
• Traditional
African religions,
• Shintoism,
• Roman Catholic
with small
beliefs? Buddhism Christianity,
numbers of Jews
and Muslims
like? leaders
• Emperors ruled
with the help of
selected by
(cw from top) Scala/Art Resource, NY, Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY, Vanni/Art Resource, NY, Private Collection, Paul Freeman/Bridgeman Art Library, Seattle Art Museum/CORBIS, The British Museum,
London/Bridgeman Art Library, CORBIS