Sarah de Jonge & Nenagh Kemp

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This paper is published as: De Jonge, S., & Kemp, N. (2012).

Text-message abbreviations and

language skills in high school and university students. Journal of Research in Reading, 35,
49-68. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9817.2010.01466.x

Text-message abbreviations and language skills in high school and university students

Running head: Texting in high school and university students

Sarah De Jonge

Nenagh Kemp

School of Psychology, University of Tasmania, Australia

Address for correspondence: Nenagh Kemp, School of Psychology, Locked Bag 30,

University of Tasmania, Hobart 7001, Tasmania, Australia. Phone +61 3 6226 7534. Fax +61

3 6226 2883. Email


We would like to thank all the participants for texting our messages so enthusiastically. We

are also grateful to Heather Hayes and Brett Kessler for identifying the most difficult items

from their pseudoword list for use in our orthographic awareness task, and to Clare Wood for

helpful discussion on planning the manuscript.

Texting in high school and university students 2


This study investigated the use of text message abbreviations (textisms) in Australian

adolescents and young adults, and relations between textism use and literacy abilities. Fifty-

two high school students aged 13-15 years, and 53 undergraduates aged 18-24 years, all users

of predictive texting, translated conventional English sentences into textese using two

methods; writing messages down, and typing them into mobile phones. Participants produced

a variety of textisms, and in both translation methods, adolescents and young adults used

textisms in nearly identical ways. This was true for the proportion and types of textisms used,

textism categories produced, and consistency with which textisms were spelled. The use of

textisms was negatively correlated with scores for reading, nonword reading, spelling and

morphological awareness, but some of these relationships were accounted for by participants’

usual text-messaging frequency. For these age groups, concerns that frequent texting may

mask or even contribute to poor linguistic skills cannot be dismissed.

Texting in high school and university students 3

Text-message abbreviations and literacy skills in high school and university students

In the past decade, mobile phones have become a ubiquitous means of communicating

with others. Text messaging, or texting, whereby individuals use a mobile phone keypad to

send messages through text rather than voice, is particularly popular among adolescents and

young adults worldwide (e.g., Drouin & Davis, 2009; Ling, 2004), although females tend to

send more numerous, lengthy and complex text messages than males (Ling, 2004; Rosen,

Chang, Erwin, Carrier, & Cheever, 2010). In many countries, including Australia, there is

currently more than one mobile phone for every person (Australia Telecommunications

Report, 2009). A 2004 survey reported that 83% of Australian adolescents owned a mobile

phone, and sent an average of one to five text messages per day (Australian Psychological

Society, 2004). More recent surveys suggest that young adult Australians spend about half an

hour a day reading and writing text messages (James, 2007), and that text-messaging is used

by about 90% of high school students (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2008).

Until recently, text messages were limited to 160 characters (most current phones

automatically concatenate 160-character sections into single, longer messages), giving rise to

an abbreviated form of written language known as textese, which has features in common

with the language used in online written computer-mediated communication, or Instant

Messaging (IM) (Ling & Baron, 2007). Textese is distinctive in its use of textisms;

contractions and nonstandard spellings specifically developed to reduce the length of words

for fast and cost-effective text messaging (Crystal, 2008). Researchers have categorised

textisms as logograms (e.g., c for see or 2 for to), letter/number homophones (e.g., m8 for

mate) and emoticons (e.g., :-) for happy), among others (e.g., Crystal, 2008; Plester, Wood, &

Joshi, 2009; Thurlow & Brown, 2003). Partly because text messaging is a relatively recent

phenomenon, there is limited empirical research on the relationship between texting

Texting in high school and university students 4

behaviours and conventional language skills, and the evidence that does exist comes largely

from children aged 9-12 years and from young adults. There seems to be little research

examining how the use of textese in younger teenagers (13-15 years) may relate to more

traditional measures of written and spoken language skill. The current study includes students

of this age group, as well as of university age. We aimed to address three apparent gaps in the

texting literature, by examining a) the effect of data collection method on texting behaviour,

b) the effect of text entry method on texting behaviour, and c) the consistency with which

people spell the textisms they use.

Data Collection Method

An important aim of this study was to investigate possible differences in text-message data

collection methods. Restrictions on mobile phone use in many schools mean that it can be

difficult to collect naturalistic data from school-age participants. Some researchers (e.g.,

Plester, Wood, & Bell, 2008; Plester et al., 2009) have responded to these restrictions by

having children write down their text message translations on paper, rather than type

messages into a phone. However, collecting data in this way raises questions about accuracy

and ecological validity. We therefore asked our participants to translate sentences from

standard English to text-style messages by writing them down, and also by typing them into

their mobile phones, and we compared the characteristics of each.

Text Entry Method

Unlike conventional English, textese has no consistent established spelling system. It

seems likely that standard patterns will emerge over time, and some textisms are already

widely used and recognised, for example 4 for for and b for be (e.g., Crystal, 2008; Drouin &

Davis, 2009). However, many textisms have several plausible abbreviations, and are written

in various ways (e.g., because may be shortened to cause, coz, cus, becos, bcoz, bcus, bcs, bc,

Kemp, 2010; got to go shortened to gotta go, got 2 go, g2g, Varnhagen et al., 2009). It is
Texting in high school and university students 5

unclear how individuals choose between the alternatives. The method of texting used may

influence the textisms produced. Alphanumeric mobile phone keypads contain twelve keys,

with each key representing a number and 3-4 other characters (e.g., 2, a, b, c). Words may be

entered by pressing each key several times until the required letter is displayed (the multi-

press method), or by changing to predictive mode, where each key is pressed once, and the

phone uses a dictionary to predict the most likely word resulting from a particular

combination of key presses (Taylor & Vincent, 2005). In studies with children, predictive

texting has been used by only a minority of participants (Plester et al., 2008, 2009) although

there is some evidence that it is becoming the more popular method for young adults (Kemp,

2010; Ling, 2004). Any textism, whether common or creative, must be programmed into a

phone’s dictionary for the phone to provide that textism as an option. Using the predictive

entry method may thus reduce the number of creative textisms used, and leave intact the use

of less creative textisms, including the omission of punctuation and grammatical features

such as capital letters and apostrophes, since extra key presses are required to include these in

at least some entry systems. This study is, to our knowledge, the first to focus specifically on

predictive texting.

Textism Spelling Consistency

The current study also examined how consistently the participants used the same textism

for a single word each time they wrote that word. Research in conventional orthography has

shown that poorer spellers’ errors are often less consistent than those of better spellers (e.g.,

Dietrich & Brady, 2001). Repeated exposure to written words is thought to build up

orthographic representations in memory (Holmes & Carruthers, 1998), and thus more

frequent text-messaging might predict more consistent spelling of textisms. However, in

addition to mere exposure, individual differences may also play a role in the strength of

orthographic representations, as some good readers are also poor spellers (Frith, 1980). Thus,
Texting in high school and university students 6

general spelling skill may also predict textism consistency. However, the deliberate nature of

textism creation (compared with the presumed accident of spelling errors) makes these

hypotheses tentative. Indeed, if texting represents creativity and play with language (Crystal,

2008), better spellers might make the most of this chance to create a variety of textisms, even

if it requires overriding suggestions from the predictive-text dictionary. Individuals,

especially in adolescence, may also use textisms for broader social reasons, such as to signal

social identity or group membership, (e.g., Green, 2003; Lewis & Fabos, 2005).

Links between Textism Use and Literacy Skills

Media attention has focused on concerns that forms of casual, immediate communication

such as text messaging and IM may threaten traditional standards of grammar, spelling and

written expression (Crystal, 2008; Tagliamonte & Denis, 2008; Thurlow, 2006). Despite

concerns that textisms may begin to intrude into conventional writing (e.g., Massengill Shaw,

Carlson, & Waxman, 2007), recent research has shown that both undergraduates (Drouin &

Davis, 2009) and children (Plester & Wood, 2009) perceive the use of textese to be

inappropriate in academic writing. An online study by Rosen et al. (2010) reported that

textisms did intrude into young adults’ formal and informal writing in experimenter-elicited

writing samples, but only rarely (2-3 times each in only 20% of samples). In contrast to the

ideas portrayed by the media, textese can be regarded as a creative use of language which

offers an authentic representation of speech (Tagliamonte & Denis, 2008; Thurlow & Brown,

2003). Further evidence is needed on the relationships between conventional language

practices and how textisms are used.

Reading and spelling in English depend to a great extent on the ability to decode letters

(graphemes) into sounds (phonemes) and vice versa. However, the English spelling system

has regularities beyond the phoneme-grapheme level. Morphological awareness is required to

understand that words with similar-sounding endings require different spellings according to
Texting in high school and university students 7

their structure (e.g., the final /t/ sound of kissed requires -ed because it is a regular past-tense

verb; the final /t/ sound of coast does not). Orthographic awareness helps spellers learn that

certain letter patterns are appropriate in some word contexts but others are not (e.g., word-

final /ʧ/ is generally spelled ch after two vowel letters, as in peach, and tch after one, as in

pitch, Hayes, Treiman, & Kessler, 2006).

These different types of metalinguistic awareness may also be important for creating and

deciphering textisms. Some categories of textism emphasise words’ sound structure, often at

the expense of spelling conventions, including non-standard spellings (e.g., fone for phone,

wot for what) and letter/number homophones (e.g., 2day for today, l8 for late). Readers and

writers of such textisms must be able to encode and decode these phonological strings while

ignoring aspects of their conventional spelling. Previous evidence is scant, but the related

skill of phonological awareness was shown to correlate with 10- to 12-year-old children’s use

of textisms in elicited messages (Plester et al., 2009) but not with university students’ textism

use or understanding (Kemp, 2010). Similarly, morphological awareness may be helpful for

writing and reading other categories of textism. For example, knowing the morphological

structure of a frequently abbreviated word such as coming (comin) or anyone (any1) might

make it easier to create or decipher similar abbreviations for words with similar

morphological structure (e.g., goin, some1 for going, someone). Finally, many textisms break

orthographic rules by omitting letters (e.g., txt for text, tgther for together) or by combining

numbers and letters (e.g., 2morrow for tomorrow, 4get for forget). It is unclear whether

having a good knowledge of orthographic conventions would make it more or less difficult to

read or write such textisms. Thus, the current study includes measures of phonological

decoding, and morphological and orthographic awareness, as well as of reading and spelling.

To date, only a small number of empirical studies have investigated relationships between

traditional language and literacy skills and text messaging behaviour, and the results have
Texting in high school and university students 8

varied with the age group studied. Plester et al. (2009) report frequent text messaging to be

positively associated with reading and spelling measures in British children aged 10 to 12

years. However, no similar significant relationship has been observed between the frequency

of text messaging and literacy scores in Australian (Kemp, 2010) or American university

students (Massengill Shaw et al., 2007). In 10- to 12-year-old British children, the use of

textisms has been shown to correlate positively with verbal reasoning and spelling (Plester et

al., 2008), even after controlling for the number of text messages sent per day, and with

reading, phonological awareness and vocabulary (Plester et al., 2009). Plester et al. (2009)

also showed that textism use predicted a small but significant amount of variance in reading

skill even after controls for age, short-term memory, vocabulary, phonological awareness,

and years of phone ownership. Studies with adults show contrasting results. After controlling

for frequency of message-sending, there were no significant correlations between textism use

and reading, writing, morphological or phonological awareness scores in Australian

undergraduates (Kemp, 2010), whereas negative associations between reported textism use

and formal writing skill were observed in young American adults of 18-25 years (Rosen et

al., 2010). These mixed results suggest that relationships between textism use and

conventional literacy skills may be different for young adults than for children.

The aim of this study was thus to investigate textism use among high school and university

students. Specifically, we examined the proportion of textisms, the number of textism

categories produced and the consistency with which textisms were spelled, and whether any

of these differed between written and texted messages. We also explored the nature of the

relationships between textism measures and conventional literacy scores, and the differences,

if any, between written and typed text messages.

It was predicted that high school and university participants would not differ significantly

in terms of the proportion of textisms produced or number of categories used, on the basis of
Texting in high school and university students 9

Tagliamonte & Denis’ (2008) evidence that teenagers and young adults use written language

in similar ways in IM. Robust sex differences reported in the literature (e.g., Ling, 2004;

Rosen et al., 2010) led us to hypothesise that females in the present study would produce

more textisms, and more textism categories, than males. The comparison of textism data

collected by participants handwriting messages versus typing messages into their phones was

included to clarify the interpretation of previous findings and the design of future

experiments, and we made no hypotheses about potential differences.

Previous research with children (Plester et al., 2008; 2009) has shown that textism use

and creativity predict linguistic skills, even after controlling for texting experience and other

skills, although the scant evidence on textism use and literacy in young adults suggests

neutral (Kemp, 2010) or even negative relationships (Rosen et al., 2010). We predicted that

after controlling for age and texting experience, textism use would predict a small but

potentially significant amount of variance in scores of reading, spelling, and phonological

decoding, and possibly also morphological and orthographic awareness.



Fifty-three first-year psychology students from an Australian university chose to

participate in this research project, advertised as a ‘texting study’, for course credit. There

were 15 males and 38 females, with a mean age of 20 years (SD = 1.8, range 18-24 years).

Sixty-two Grade 8 and 9 students (from three state high schools in the same region), with

parental permission, responded to an invitation to participate sent via their schools. Data from

10 school students were excluded from the final analyses because they failed to complete all

of the tasks (n = 4), or because another student attempted to send translations of the test

messages to their phone during testing (n = 6). This left 52 high school participants: 32 males
Texting in high school and university students 10

and 20 females, with a mean age of 14 (SD = 0.7, range 13-15 years). All participants owned

a mobile phone, were familiar with text messaging and spoke English as their first language.


Messages. The texting task comprised two lists of five messages in Standard English (see

appendix), concerning social and education-related events. Each list contained 193 words,

with the number of characters per message ranging from 208-284. To increase the scope for

the use of textisms, the messages contained numerous words which had been abbreviated by

undergraduates at the same university in a study by Kemp (2010). Twenty-three target words

which had been abbreviated in several ways in Kemp’s study were repeated within and

between the two lists to allow scoring for consistency (see appendix). An example message is

I forgot to call Kate tonight because I was studying. I hate exams, which might be written in

textese as i 4got 2 call k8 2nite bcs i woz studyin. i h8 xamz, or i 4got 2 call kate 2night bcoz i

was studyN. I hate examz, or as any similar combination.

Questionnaire data. We collected basic demographic information and information

regarding mobile phone and texting use via a two-page questionnaire.

Literacy skills. We measured traditional literacy and language skills with the spelling and

reading subtests of the Wide Range Achievement Test, fourth edition (WRAT-4) (Wilkinson

& Robertson, 2006), and phonological decoding with the Nonword Reading Test (Martin &

Pratt, 2001). We employed two experimental tasks to measure morphological and

orthographic awareness. The morphological awareness task (Kemp, 2010) consisted of 12

triplets of words, and within each triplet all the words had the same ending sound/s (e.g.,

baker, lover, cover: see appendix). Two of the words had morphological endings which

changed the meaning of the word (e.g., the -er ending of baker and lover). The third word

happened to share the same ending, but with no morphological basis (e.g., cover). A correct

response required participants to distinguish between words which constitute a single

Texting in high school and university students 11

morpheme (e.g., cover) and words which have a base + ending structure (e.g., bake + er).

The test of orthographic awareness consisted of 24 nonword pairs, each with two different

spellings (e.g., keach vs. keatch). Both spellings would result in the same pronunciation, but

only one (keach) adhered to English orthographic conventions, as described in the

introduction. To increase the scope for potential variation in scores, the word pairs we chose

were the 24 items which adult participants had found the most difficult in Hayes et al.’s

(2006) study (see appendix).


Testing was conducted with groups of 5-18 participants, in school/university classrooms.

Participants attended two testing sessions a week apart, each lasting between 45 and 120

minutes. We provided task instructions at the beginning of the session, after which

participants worked through the tasks at their own pace.

Session 1. All participants completed the text messaging questionnaire. Then, in the

texting task, participants translated the (printed) sentences in both lists of messages from

Standard English into the spelling that they would use “if sending the message to a friend”,

typing one list into their own mobile phones, and writing the other list down on paper. List

order was counterbalanced across participants. Participants all had phones with alphanumeric

(not qwerty) keypads, and were asked to use the input mode that they usually employed:

predictive or multi-press. Ethical concerns regarding costs and the privacy of participants’

phone numbers meant that participants did not send their typed messages, but once they had

finished typing, transcribed all typed messages onto paper as they appeared on their phone

screen. The experimenters checked each transcription for accuracy and made corrections

where necessary. The translations of the two lists were alternated with the completion of the

orthographic and morphological awareness tasks.

Texting in high school and university students 12

Session 2. First, we administered the spelling subtest of the WRAT-4 to groups. This

standardised test requires participants to spell dictated real words of increasing difficulty.

Participants then repeated the texting task, writing the list that they had previous texted, and

texting the list that they had previously written. During this session, each participant was

taken into a separate room to complete the two reading tasks; the WRAT-4 reading subtest

and the Nonword Reading Test. Both are standardised tests in which participants read aloud

from a list of increasingly difficult words and nonwords, respectively.


Questionnaire Data

We examined questionnaire responses to compare the experience and use of text messaging

in high school and university students. In both groups, most participants reported that when

writing text messages they used abbreviated spellings “for some words, such as u for you”

(high school 46%, university 51%) or not at all (high school 37%, university 43%). Only a

minority reported using textisms “for most words” (high school 17%, university 6%).

Undergraduates reported having significantly more years of text messaging experience (M

= 5.29, SD = 1.85) than high school students (M = 2.92, SD = 1.74), t (103) = 6.75, p < .001,

Cohen’s d = 1.32, but high school students were significantly younger (M = 11.40 years, SD

= 1.71) than university students (M = 14.34 years, SD = 1.91) when they first received a

mobile phone, t (103) = 8.29, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 1.63. High school students reported

sending more text messages per day (M = 34.82, SD = 43.29) than university students (M =

18.00, SD = 19.76), and males reported sending the same number of messages per day (M =

28.26, SD = 35.12) as females (M = 28.22, SD = 36.63). The message-frequency data were

positively skewed, and Mann-Whitney U tests revealed no significant differences between

high school and university students (U = 737.0, p = .157, two-tailed), nor between males and

females (U = 853.5, p = .847, two-tailed).

Texting in high school and university students 13

Participants at both education levels predominantly used predictive text messaging; about

79% of high school students and 86% of university students. The rest used the multi-press

entry method. As planned, we conducted further analyses using data only from the 87

predictive texters. This meant excluding the relatively small number of high school (n = 11)

and university (n = 7) students who reported using multi-press texting.

Textism Use across Education Level, Sex, and Data Collection Method

We converted the number of textisms used by each participant to a proportion of the total

number of words produced. Table 1 presents means and standard deviations of textism

proportions for both education levels, sexes, and data collection methods.

**Table 1**

As shown in Table 1, textism use was generally quite low, with remarkably similar

patterns across education level and sex groups, and even across written and texted messages.

We conducted a repeated-measures ANOVA with the proportion of textisms as the dependent

variable, with data collection method (written, texted) as the repeated measure and with

education level (high school, university) and sex (male, female) as the between-subjects

factors. There were no significant main effects, and no significant interactions, confirming

that teenagers and young adults of both sexes used textisms with near-identical frequency,

whether they typed messages into a phone or wrote them down.

Message length

The full versions of the messages were of varying length, and Table 2 shows the extent to

which the participants reduced the length of the messages in translation, written and texted.

**Table 2**

As shown in Table 2, the mean character counts of the translated messages were reduced

to 91-96% of their full versions (with Message 5 of List A reduced to about 80%, probably

because it contained relatively more words which could be reduced to a single character, such
Texting in high school and university students 14

as see and for). The character counts for the translated texted and written versions were

virtually identical, and all were longer than the maximum single-message length of 160


Textism Spelling Consistency

We examined the consistency of participants’ spelling of textisms for our target words

(e.g., tomorrow, because, weekend; see appendix). First, we calculated an individual spelling

score for each target word for every participant, by counting the number of times each

different spelling (including conventional spelling) was used. For example, the word

together, presented eight times, was spelled by one participant five times as 2gther, twice as

2gether, and once as 2gthr. We obtained consistency scores by summing the squares of the

individual spelling scores, divided by the total number of times the word was produced (in

the example, (5/8)2 + (2/8)2 + (1/8)2 = 0.47). A consistency score of 1 indicated that the same

spelling was used every time that word was written. If a participant spelled a target word

conventionally every time, no consistency score was recorded for that word, for that person.

As shown in Table 1, the overall level of spelling consistency for textisms was about 72%.

We conducted a repeated-measures ANOVA, with consistency score as the dependent

variable, data collection method (written, texted) as the repeated measure and education level

(high school, university) and sex (male, female) as the between-subjects factors. Females

were more consistent than males, F (1, 70) = 4.27, p = .04, partial ɳ2= .06, but no significant

differences were found between education levels or data collection methods.

Textism Categories

We categorised the textisms produced by participants using a classification system adapted

from Plester et al. (2009) and Crystal (2008). Table 3 summarises the twelve categories used.

**Table 3**
Texting in high school and university students 15

Number of categories used. Once all textisms were coded, we counted the number of

categories (out of 12) that each participant had used, for both written and typed text

messages, as shown in Table 4.

**Table 4**

Density of categories. As well as the number of categories used, we were interested in the

density of categories. Where applicable, we classified textisms as representing more than one

category, in keeping with previous coding methods (e.g., Varnhagen et al., 2009). For

example, the textism 2moz (for tomorrow) represents a combined letter/number homophone

(2 + [word]), but also contains an accent stylisation (moz for morrow). Similarly, the textism

ive (for I’ve) omits both the apostrophe and capitalisation. We divided the total number of

categories by the total number of textisms produced to obtain a score which reflected the

density of categories. Table 4 also displays the density of categories for each education level,

sex and data collection method.

A repeated-measures ANOVA with entry method as the within-subjects factor and

education and sex as between-subjects factors showed no significant differences between

university and high school participants, or between males and females, in terms of number of

categories employed. However, overall, participants used significantly more categories when

they wrote messages down than when they typed them into their phones, F (1, 82) = 8.65, p <

.01, partial ɳ2= .10. This suggests that although different methods of data collection yield

remarkably similar results, some differences exist, at least for this feature of message

categorisation. A similar repeated-measures ANOVA for density of categories revealed that

this density was significantly higher for written than for texted messages, F (1, 81) = 6.98, p

= .01, partial ɳ2= .08, with no significant differences for sex or education level. Thus,

although the written and texted messages were remarkably similar overall, the written
Texting in high school and university students 16

messages did include a wider range of textism categories, and a higher proportion of

categories than texted messages.

Types of categories used. To investigate whether individual categories were used in

different ways according to education level or data collection method, we divided each

individual category score by the total number of categories used. Differences between data

collection methods were significant for only two types of textism: contractions (written, M =

0.12, SD = 0.09; texted, M = 0.07, SD = 0.08; t (85) = -5.14, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 1.12 ) and

accent stylisations (written, M = 0.13, SD= 0.17; texted, M =0.09, SD = 0.11; t (85) = -3.30,

p = .001, Cohen’s d = 0.72), which were both produced more frequently when participants

wrote, rather than texted, the messages. In terms of education level, initialisms were used

significantly more by undergraduates (M = .04, SD = .06) than high school students (M =

.004, SD = .009), t (84) = 4.27, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 0.93. No other differences were

significant, meaning that overall patterns of category use were very similar for both education

levels. Because there were so few differences according to education level or data collection

method, Figure 1 displays the mean proportions of each of the twelve categories for all

participants, collapsed across the two methods of data collection.

**Figure 1**

In interpreting the figure, it should be borne in mind that the wording of the messages that

the participants were asked to translate at least partially constrained the opportunities for

using each textism category. For example, although participants could potentially shorten,

contract, or misspell as many words as they liked, the opportunity for omitting capitals or

apostrophes, or clipping the g from -ing endings was limited by the messages’ wording. With

these constraints in mind, it can be seen from the figure that the most common textisms were

omitted capital letters and omitted apostrophes, which made up .24 and .17 of categories

respectively. Accent stylisations, contractions, single letter/number homophones and

Texting in high school and university students 17

shortenings comprised .09 to .11 of categories, while non-standard spellings, combined

letter/number homophones, symbols and spelling errors made up .04 to .06 of categories. It

should be noted that if single and combined letter/number homophones are grouped together,

as in some previous research (Plester et al., 2008, 2009), the textism categories used would

more closely resemble the patterns reported previously. Participants used initialisms and g-

clippings the least, with these each comprising less than .03 of categories produced.

Literacy Scores

Table 5 shows the university and high school students’ mean standard scores on the tests

of spelling, reading and nonword reading, which were in the average range, and also their

scores on the experimental tests of morphological and orthographic awareness. The reliability

of these tests (Cronbach’s alpha) was .69 and .66, respectively.

**Table 5**

Independent-samples t-tests revealed no significant differences between the groups on

WRAT spelling or nonword reading, but unexpectedly, the high school students significantly

outperformed the undergraduates on WRAT reading, t (84) = -4.03, p <.001, Cohen’s d =

0.88. For the experimental tasks of morphological and orthographic awareness, one-sample t-

tests revealed that mean scores were significantly above chance levels; t (85) = 7.43, p <

.001, Cohen’s d = 1.61 and t (85) = 16.88, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 3.66, respectively, although

it is clear that the morphological task was the more difficult. Independent samples t-tests

revealed that undergraduates scored significantly higher than high school students on

morphological awareness, t (84) = 2.17, p = .03 Cohen’s d = 0.47.

Correlational Analyses

Table 6 shows the results of bivariate correlations between measures of texting experience

and behaviour, and literacy scores. The two age groups had shown such similar behaviour on

all of the texting tasks that we decided to combine them for the final analyses, even though
Texting in high school and university students 18

they had differed significantly on two of the five literacy measures (reading and

morphological awareness). This also kept the sample size as large as possible. These bivariate

correlations were calculated only for the texted messages, not the written ones, and are shown

in the lower/left part of Table 6.

**Table 6**

Table 6 shows that, in contrast to previous research with children, the correlations

between textism use and literacy scores were largely negative. Sending more messages per

day, using a greater number of textism categories, and using a greater proportion of textisms

were all moderately to weakly associated with lower scores on spelling, reading, nonword

reading and morphological awareness, although this may reflect the unexpectedly worse

reading performance by the university than the high school students. A longer period of

texting experience was moderately associated with lower scores on word and nonword

reading. None of the texting experience or literacy scores correlated significantly with

textism consistency.

It is possible that some of the negative relationships between texting and literacy measures

could be attributed in part to the frequency with which participants usually sent text

messages, and thus with their usual exposure to texting and textisms. Finally, then, we

conducted partial correlations between the texting and literacy measures, controlling for

number of messages sent per day. These correlations are shown in the upper/right part of

Table 6. After this control, the negative correlations between the proportion of textisms used

and real-word reading and spelling no longer reached significance, but remained significant

for nonword reading. Number of textism categories used still correlated significantly and

negatively with real- and nonword reading and spelling, and textism spelling consistency

remained non-significantly correlated with any of the literacy measures.

Texting in high school and university students 19

The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the use of textisms in high school

students of 13-15 years and university students of 18-24 years. In both handwritten and typed

messages, we examined the proportion of textisms produced, textism spelling consistency,

and the number and types of textism categories employed, as well as relationships between

conventional literacy skills and texting behaviour.

The majority of our participants used the predictive text entry method; 79% of high school

students, and 86% of university students. This is greater than the prevalence reported in

previous research; 20% (Plester et al., 2008) to 55% (Plester et al., 2009) of 10- to 12-year-

old British children, 55% of British undergraduates (Thurlow & Brown, 2003), and 77% of

Australian undergraduates (Kemp, 2010). Rapid changes in technology mean that texting

behaviour is constantly evolving, and research will need to keep pace with such changes. The

translation of the given sentences into text-messages resulted in an average reduction of

sentence character count from about 233 to about 214, a reduction of about 8%. This 214-

character average is still much longer than the 160-character maximum single-message

length, presumably because the full versions were simply too long to reduce further.

By rapidly suggesting possible words, the predictive method should greatly reduce, or

even eliminate, the need for textisms. Often the whole word is suggested after only a few

letters are typed in, meaning that typing in abbreviated spellings is often no faster than simply

typing in the first few letters and then choosing the appropriate entire word’s spelling.

However, about half the sample reported using textisms for at least some words, and textisms

still accounted for 13-16% of words in the text messages translated by participants. This is

substantially lower than the 50-54% shown by British children in translated messages (Plester

et al., 2008, although their messages were more realistic in their shorter length), although

more naturalistic elicited messages in that population produced about 35% textisms (Plester

et al., 2009). However, the present proportion is similar to the nearly 19% textisms produced
Texting in high school and university students 20

in natural text messages by British undergraduates (Thurlow & Brown, 2003), and rather

higher than the 5% in those of American undergraduates (Ling & Baron, 2007). Regardless of

text entry method, the use of textisms clearly differs with age group and message type, but

does seem generally lower in young adults than in children. However, the present study

showed no significant differences between teenagers and young adults in terms of the

proportion of textisms used. This is consistent with findings that adolescents and young

adults use similar rates of short forms in IM (Baron, 2004), and that individuals may leave

behind the desire to produce extensive textisms in early adolescence (Tagliamonte & Denis,

2008). However, the social meaning and ‘impression management’ associated with continued

use of textisms may vary with age (e.g., Green, 2003; Lewis & Fabos, 2005).

In general, we observed virtually identical texting behaviours between high school and

university students on our other measures as well. The two groups showed very similar use of

the 12 textism categories examined, except for initialisms, which were used more often by

undergraduates than by high school students. As noted earlier, the wording of the messages

themselves at least partially restricted the opportunities for use of certain categories: for

example, contraction is potentially possible with most words, but g-clipping can only be done

when there are -ing endings to clip. With these restrictions in mind, the most frequent

categories for both groups were omitted capitals (i want) and omitted apostrophes (I cant),

followed by accent stylisations (tomoz), contractions (tmrw), single letter/number

homophones (u), and shortenings (xcellent). Plester and colleagues’ sample of British

children’s most frequent categories were combined letter/number homophones (l8r) and non-

standard spellings (nite) (Plester et al., 2008), and combined letter/number homophones,

contractions (txt) and accent stylisations (hafta) (Plester et al., 2009). Our sample’s use of

predictive texting may have reduced the use of more creative textisms in comparison to

textisms of omission (of capitals and of apostrophes). This is because predictive texting
Texting in high school and university students 21

predicts only common abbreviations, or those that the phone user has programmed in. Thus,

someone using predictive texting is unlikely to come up with new textisms each time, but

instead to use the existing suggestions. In contrast, many phones allow the incorrect omission

of capitals and apostrophes, and so users can save time by not trying to include these features.

It was expected that predictive texting may have also have discouraged any variability in

the spelling of textisms, but spelling consistency was only 68 to 78%. If an individual is using

predictive spelling and types a spelling that is not in the phone’s dictionary, such as cos

(because), the predictive function “remembers” that spelling and will provide it as an

alternative the next time those keys are pressed in the same sequence. Textism spelling

consistency thus depends partly on the ability (or decision) to learn and remember one’s own

previous spellings, and thus we expected that there might be significant correlations between

textism consistency and texting frequency, and/or spelling ability. However, none of these

relationships was significant. Perhaps because no established system of textism spelling

exists, participants may not have found it important to write their textisms the same way

every time. Alternatively, texters might vary their spelling for different reasons: poorer

spellers because they cannot remember the exact version they used last time, and better

spellers because they are having fun with language, or tailoring their textisms to suit the

message recipient. Further, texters of any ability may vary the textism they use for a word

according to the length of the message or the time available to write it. Overall, the current

results suggest that the use of predictive texting does not standardise all aspects of textism

spelling, and variability continues to exist both between and within texters, regardless of

texting experience or literacy skill.

Previous researchers (Plester et al., 2008, 2009) have collected textism data by having

(child) participants handwrite messages as they imagine they would type them, but the

ecological validity of this method is not clear. In the present study we had participants type
Texting in high school and university students 22

and handwrite the same messages, and found that in both conditions, the use of textisms was

remarkably similar. No significant differences were found between texted and written data in

terms of the proportion of textisms to total words produced, nor in terms of consistency

scores. This suggests that as early as age 13 years, individuals can reflect upon their own

texting habits and reproduce textisms on paper in a representative way, without the confines

imposed by a mobile phone keypad. There were a few differences; participants used more

textism categories overall, and more categories per textism, when writing messages down

than when typing them. Specifically, participants used more accent stylisations and

contractions when they wrote messages down. Given that ethical and practical requirements

often restrict the use of mobile phones in school settings, future research may benefit from

these findings. While the use of written data could be justified in conducting a study which

focused on the proportion and/or consistency of textisms used, the use of texted data would

be more appropriate for a fine-grained analysis.

In terms of sex differences, we did not observe the predicted greater use by females of

textisms and of textism categories that has been reported in previous research (e.g., Ling,

2004; Plester et al., 2009; Rosen et al., 2010). The text messages dictated here were rather

long, and involved mainly social information (e.g., Kate didn’t lose weight and is still

worrying), two features which are normally more associated with messages written by

females than males (Baron, 2004). The nature of these messages might thus have restricted

the scope of the sex differences that would occur in naturalistic messages.

The final important aim of the current study was to investigate the links between various

aspects of texting behaviour, and measures of literacy and language skill, in high school

students and undergraduates. The initial correlations revealed an overwhelmingly negative

picture: the number of text messages sent per day, proportion of textisms produced, and

number of textism categories used all correlated negatively with the standardised measures of
Texting in high school and university students 23

reading, spelling, and nonword reading, and the experimental measure of morphological

awareness. (Correlations with the experimental measure of orthographic awareness were not

significant.) These results differ from those observed previously in 10- to 12-year-old

children, who have generally shown positive associations between literacy skills and use of

text messaging and of textisms (Plester et al., 2008, 2009). They also differ from research

with university students, which has revealed no significant differences on language measures

according to frequency of texting (Massengill Shaw et al., 2007) or use of textisms after

controlling for text-messaging frequency (Kemp, 2010).

When partial correlations were calculated controlling for number of text messages sent per

day, the proportion of textisms correlated significantly and negatively with nonword reading

(but no longer real word reading and spelling), and number of categories still correlated

significantly and negatively with real- and nonword reading and spelling. It seems that some

of the negative relationships observed between textism use and conventional literacy skills

might be accounted for, at least in part, by texting frequency rather than the use of textisms

themselves. However, the negative relationships are still unexpected, given previous results.

Of course, it cannot be inferred that greater use of text messaging is the cause of poorer

attainment on literacy and language measures. Teenagers and young adults with lower

linguistic abilities may be motivated to text more frequently by the greater freedom and

flexibility provided by this non-conventional form of written language (Plester et al., 2009).

Alternatively, young people who are less competent in literacy may use texting to mask poor

spelling skills. However, neither of these explanations can be the whole story, as the use of

textisms, and of textism categories, did not individually contribute significantly to language

outcomes, although their combined contributions reached significance for reading, nonword

reading, and spelling. It must also be noted that the individuals tested here all used mainly

predictive texting, not the multi-press entry method used most often by participants in
Texting in high school and university students 24

previous studies. Thus, the types of textisms that the current participants were regularly using

might have been less creative than those experienced by previous samples, as is suggested

here by the relatively high numbers of textisms of omission (omitted apostrophes and

capitals) compared to, for example, the letter-number homophones more common in previous

studies (e.g., Plester et al., 2008, 2009). Future research should investigate potential

differences with texting input method, especially with advancing technology .

There are some limitations in how well the current findings can be generalised to the real

world of text-messaging. Estimates of the average number of words in naturalistic messages

vary widely, from 7.7 words in samples from American undergraduates (Ling & Baron,

2007) to 14 words in British undergraduates (Thurlow & Brown, 2003), to 22 words in

British children (Wood, Plester, & Bowyer, 2008, as cited in Plester & Wood, 2009). The text

messages designed for this experimental study were very long in comparison, averaging

about 40 words per message. As previously noted, the proportion of textisms used per

message also differs substantially according to participants’ age and familiarity with texting,

as well as with the nature of the message (translated, elicited, or naturalistic). It is not clear

how well the current participants’ use of textisms represented their everyday use, but the 13-

16% observed seems to fit with previous reports. It is also difficult to know how well

participants’ reported frequency of text-messaging, and use of textisms, reflected their actual

behaviour. Future research might aim to analyse naturalistic messages collected from

individuals’ phones, as some researchers have successfully done (e.g., Ling, 2004; Ling &

Baron, 2007; Plester, Wood, Jackson, & Wilde, 2009), rather than using translation or

dictation exercises.

In conclusion, this study has shown that the moderate use of a variety of textisms remains

an important part of writing text-messages, even with the predictive entry method, for both

adolescent and young adult texters. In contrast to the largely positive associations observed in
Texting in high school and university students 25

children, in this sample we saw significant negative correlations between texting behaviours

and more traditional literacy and language skills, although some of these seem to be

accounted for by frequency of text-messaging overall, rather than any specific use of

textisms. Further research will be required to examine the causes behind these correlations. If

less competent language users are drawn to the creativity and flexibility of textese in a way

that improves their language skills through exposure to written language (as has been

suggested with younger children), then mobile phones could prove useful in educational

settings. However, if negative relationships indicate that frequent texting somehow interferes

with the development of language and literacy skills, or provides an opportunity for less able

students to mask poor spelling, quite different conclusions may be drawn. Texting and other

forms of computer- mediated communication are becoming increasingly prevalent at

increasingly younger ages, and further research will be necessary to clarify the interactions

between conventional language and literacy skills and the frequent use of written

abbreviations in digital communication.

Texting in high school and university students 26

Table 1

Means and Standard Deviations for Proportion of Textisms and Consistency Scores for

Education Level, Sex and Data Collection Methods

Prop. of textisms to total words Consistency scores for target words

Texted Written Texted Written

High school

Male (n = 22) .16 (.11) .16 (.11) .71 (.12) .71 (.12)

Female (n = 18) .16 (.16) .15 (.15) .78 (.14) .72 (.11)

Total (n = 40) .16 (.14) .15 (.13) .74 (.13) .72 (.11)


Male (n = 14) .13 (.16) .13 (.15) .67 (.07) .66 (.10)

Female (n = 32) .14 (.14) .14 (.14) .73 (.09) .70 (.11)

Total (n = 46) .14 (.14) .14 (.14) .71 (0.10) .70 (0.11)
Texting in high school and university students 27

Table 2

Character Counts for Full Messages and Mean Character Counts for Participants’ Texted

and Written Translations, and Translations’ Length as Proportion of Full Versions. Standard

Deviations in Parentheses.

List A List B

Message Full Translated Propn of full Full Translated Propn of full

Texted translations

1 217 197.9 (14.1) .91 243 228.0 (13.2) .94

2 249 236.7 (12.1) .95 284 267.2 (17.0) .94

3 212 195.5 (15.7) .92 208 193.6 (12.5) .93

4 272 259.5 (12.9) .95 223 210.4 (11.5) .94

5 214 173.61 (13.7) .81 212 202. 5 (8.8) .96

Overall 232.8 212.7 (13.7) .91 234.0 220.3 (12.6) .94

Written translations

1 217 199.3 (12.4) .92 243 225.7 (15.0) .93

2 249 236.0 (13.6) .95 284 262.23 (16.7) .92

3 212 195.1 (14.6) .92 208 192.2 (12.5) .92

4 272 256.3 (17.5) .94 223 206.3 (12.9) .93

5 214 170.5 (12.4) .80 212 201.0 (9.3) .95

Overall 232.8 211.5 (14.1) .91 234.0 217.5 (13.3) .93

Texting in high school and university students 28

Table 3

Descriptions and Examples of the Twelve Textism Classification Categories

Category Name Description Example Standard English

and Code Translation
1 Shortening/ Letters omitted from word cause because
other clipping beginnings or endings xcellent excellent
2 Contraction Letters (usually vowels) omitted tmrw tomorrow
from within words bcs because
3 g-clipping g omitted from -ing endings studyin studying
4 Omitted Apostrophe incorrectly omitted cant can’t
apostrophe Kates Kate’s
5 Omitted Lower case letters incorrectly used oliver Oliver
capitalisation for capitals i I
6 Initialism Phrase/word represented by initial btw by the way
letter of each word or morpheme bf boyfriend
7 Symbol Graphemes/symbols used for :) happy
words, actions, or emotions x kiss
8 Combined Number/letter names combined to w8 wait
letter/number represent words/phonemes NE1 anyone
9 Single Single letters or numbers used to u you
letter/number represent words 2 to
10 Spelling error Misspellings and typos ansxer answer
11 Non-standard Irregular spellings, usually phonetic neva never
spelling fone phone
12 Accent stylisation Slang or colloquialisms arvo afternoon
tomoz tomorrow
Texting in high school and university students 29

Table 4

Means and Standard Deviations for Number of Categories Used and Density of Categories

for Education Level, Sex and Data Collection Method

Number of Categories Used Density of Categories

Texted Written Texted Written

High school

Male (n = 22) 6.23 (2.43) 6.86 (2.49) 1.19 (0.09) 1.20 (0.14)

Female (n = 18) 6.67 (3.01) 7.00 (2.81) 1.18 (0.11) 1.25 (0.28)

Total (n = 40) 6.43 (2.68) 6.93 (2.61) 1.18 (0.10) 1.22 (0.21)


Male (n = 14) 6.57 (3.32) 7.64 (2.85) 1.13 (0.09) 1.22 (0.18)

Female (n = 32) 6.87 (2.70) 6.94 (2.68) 1.21 (0.17) 1.21 (0.17)

Total (n = 46) 6.78 (2.87) 6.93 (2.61) 1.19 (0.15) 1.23 (0.14)
Texting in high school and university students 30

Figure 1. Mean (and standard error of the mean) proportion of each category type to total

categories produced, collapsed across education level and data collection method. (Note that

category use was constrained by wording of dictated messages.)

Texting in high school and university students 31

Table 5

Means and Standard Deviations for Literacy Scores for High School and University Students

High School (n = 40) University (n = 46)


WRAT-4 Spelling standard score 107.40 (16.70) 110.96 (12.91)

WRAT-4 Reading standard score 116.40 (22.53) 101.72 (9.43)

Nonword Reading standard score 105.63 (15.36) 102.83 (8.40)

Morphological Awareness prop. .46 (.24) .58 (.24)

Orthographic Awareness prop. .77 (.13) .79 (.17)

Texting in high school and university students 32

Table 6

Bivariate Correlations between Texting Measures and Literacy Scores (Lower Left) and Partial Correlations Controlling for Texting Frequency

(Upper Right)

Age No. yrs No. Prop No. Textism Spelling Reading NWR MA OA
texting msg/day textisms categ. consist
Age - .75** - -.05 .18 -.24* -.08 -.47** -.20 .28* .07

No. years texting .67** - - .06 .21 -.09 -.12 -.45** -.21 .18 .09

No. messages/day -.30** .13 - - - - - - - - -

Proportion textisms -.05 .05 .08 - .72** .50** -.21 -.22 -.30** -.14 -.14

Number of categories .12 .14 .13 .75** - .21 -.25 -.37* -.31* -.14 -.07

Textism consistency -.21 -.07 -.002 .50** .21 - .01 -.07 -.17 -.16 .03

WRAT Spelling .03 -.09 -.32** -.27* -.33 .02 - .56** .64** .07 .38*

WRAT Reading -.35** -.46** -.31** -.25* -.37** -.08 .58** - .74** .02 .19

Nonword Reading -.11 -.27* -.32** -.29** -.31** -.17 .64** .77** - -.10 .33**

Morph Awareness .28** .07 -.29** -.21* -.26* -.14 .23* .20 .11 - .11

Orth Awareness .04 .05 -.09 -.16 .12 .02 .39** .25* .36** .15 -

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01

Texting in high school and university students 33

Text Messaging Task Sentences for Transcribing

List A (character count, including spaces, in parentheses)

1. We never got together on the weekend because of the weather – I missed you! I tried
calling about the formal tickets. Can’t wait to celebrate exams being over tomorrow, I
hate them. Text your boyfriend – he rocks! (217)
2. I’m totally excited about going to the formal tonight! Thanks for getting the tickets, I
forgot. Kate’s buying a great dress which is very expensive. She didn’t lose weight
and is still worrying. She’s irritating but whatever, we’ll forgive her. (249)
3. I’m excited to see your excellent pictures. We should get together tomorrow afternoon
after the debate or whatever. Kate can’t today because she’ll be studying. Are exams
over before the weekend? Bye for now. (212)
4. I’m sorry I forgot to text you tonight. No excuses, please forgive me. Wait at the
pictures and I’ll pay for a late movie. I heard Oliver failed his exams because he was
cheating. I’ll never stop wondering whether it’s true. I dropped by his house today but
no answer. (272)
5. How are you and your girlfriend going to celebrate end of exams? She’s better and
prettier than your ex, you’ll be together forever! Maybe we could go dancing together.
See you soon. (214)
List B (character count, including spaces, in parentheses)
1. I forgot to call Kate for her birthday tonight because I was studying. She’s annoyed
and will never forgive me. I hate exams. Maybe we’ll celebrate on the weekend.
We’re going swimming together tomorrow, whatever the weather forecast says. (243)
2. Oliver was wondering whether you’re getting back together with your ex boyfriend?
He said you kissed him today after the debate and you’ve dropped weight from
worrying. You should forgive him for cheating and text him about the formal because
it’s not too late to get the tickets. (284)
3. The never-ending exams are over – great! I’m disappointed you didn’t text me, thanks
mate. My parents presented me with plane tickets to Melbourne today. Can’t wait to
see your excellent pictures tonight. (208)
Texting in high school and university students 34

4. Let’s get together tomorrow between exams, please. I’m excited about my formal
pictures. I tried printing them but failed because the format is different on my printer
or something. Annoying, but whatever. See you soon. (223)
5. I totally forgot my parents aren’t going to be there on the weekend. I’m very excited to
celebrate the end of exams together at their place in Margate. You and Kate could
sleep over. Can’t wait. Bye for now. (212)

Target words included in consistency scoring (number of times words repeated across both
lists): never (4), whatever (4), over (4), to (11), today (4), tomorrow (4), tonight (4), together
(8), for (5), formal (4), forget (4), forgive (4), you (9), your (6), weekend (4), because (6),
pictures (4), tickets (4), going (4), wait (4), celebrate (4), Kate (4), excited (4), exams (4), text

Morphological awareness task items

Practice 1: catching, talking, darling Practice 2: banker, blender, beaver

1. agreement, element, employment 7. bathing, gobbling, sibling
2. baker, lover, cover 8. naked, hiked, baked
3. gimmicks, flummox, hammocks 9. fries, fuse, fees
4. wearing, crumbling, cunning 10. meanest, smartest, honest
5. weakly, madly, silly 11. snorted, hatred, parted
6. punishment, monument, measurement 12. timely, beastly, bully

Orthographic awareness task items

1 gach gatch 9 geetch geech 17 vul vull
2 saff saf 10 sull sul 18 zool zooll
3 vaiff vaif 11 vaick vaik 19 fraff fraf
4 footch fooch 12 weck wek 20 meck mek
5 woock wook 13 jaff jaf 21 yeel yeell
6 yach yatch 14 moak moack 22 thooch thootch
7 fraif fraiff 15 shaiff shaif 23 gack gak
8 thooll thool 16 thetch thech 24 zul zull
Texting in high school and university students 35


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