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Article history: In this study, foam mat drying was applied to Tommy Atkins mango. Using a multifactorial design, the
Received 9 August 2016 effect of soy lecithin (L) and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) used as foam stabilizers (0–1.50 g/100 g),
Received in revised form 17 October 2016 as well as temperature (T) (53–87 °C), on phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of mango were eval-
Accepted 19 October 2016
uated. Mango pulp contains antioxidant, such as mangiferin, that can be utilized in foods to enhance their
Available online 20 October 2016
functional properties. Our results indicated that L and T had negative effects (p < 0.05) on the phenolic
content and antioxidant capacity, whereas CMC had a positive effect (p < 0.05). Increasing the total
amount of phenolic compounds present in dried mango contributed to the higher antioxidant capacity
Foam mat drying
after the drying process. This study concluded that a drying T of 80 °C, and a concentration of
Phenolic compounds 0.30 g/100 g of CMC and L are optimal for increased retention of phenolic compounds and antioxidant
Antioxidant capacity capacity.
Mangiferin Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0308-8146/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F.A. Lobo et al. / Food Chemistry 221 (2017) 258–266 259
mangiferin in the edible parts of the fruit has attracted the atten- Fruits were washed and peeled manually. The pulp was
tion of many researchers. generated using a blender (MetvisaÒ), refined by sieving, and
While being a good source of bioactive compounds, fresh potassium metabisulfite (200 mg/kg) was added. A pulp sample
mangoes are susceptible to decomposition because of their high (200 g) was lyophilized (control) using a lyophilizer L108 (Lio-
water content and nutrients. The mango is a seasonal fruit, and topÒ) at 54 °C. The foam mat drying technique was employed
its industrialization has grown in recent years as a way to reduce in 16 different conditions, varying the concentrations of the
losses during the harvest period. The mango is also widely popular foaming agents carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and soy lecithin
internationally, and its processing is of high importance to (L), as well as the drying temperature (T). The mango pulp was
decrease excess crop losses (Henrique, Silvério, Neto, & Pasquini, transformed into a foam using a mixer (G. PanizÒ), the foam
2013), specially in Brazil, which is a producer and exporter of this was spread on trays that were then taken to an oven with forced
fruit (Ribeiro, Lima, Trindade, Neto, & Ristow, 2014). ventilation, and it was dried to obtain a porous film. The drying
Drying can help preserve the nutrients, biologically active com- was terminated based on the final water activity (Aw) near 0.4.
pounds, and antioxidant properties of the fruit (Sogi et al., 2015). Aw was measured by a digital water meter (EtecÒ). The dried
Additionally, dried products provide greater total value, generate mango was packaged in polyethylene bags and stored at 80 °C
higher revenues, and provide new jobs to the country. In particular, until analysis.
dehydration is a processing method that leads to obtaining stable The extraction solvents were of analytical grade. Water was
products and offers new products to consumers (Martínez et al., purified in a NANOpureÒ DIamondTM system (Barnsted Inc. Dubu-
2012). que, IO). The chromatographic solvents (methanol and acetonitrile)
In the foam mat drying process, a liquid is converted into a were purchased from Fluka (Madrid, Spain). ABTS (2,2-azino-bis-
stable foam by adding gas and foaming agents. The food is dried (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)) diammonium salt),
by the application of hot air, resulting in a dried powder. Due to Trolox (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid),
the porous structure of the foam and the large surface area, the and phenolic standards were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
mass transfer rates are increased compared to the solid food, which (Madrid, Spain).
leads to a shorter period of dehydration and a product with higher
quality. As a result of the low drying times, the nutrients can be 2.2. Experimental design
preserved, and the browning rates are considerably lower.
Therefore, the use of appropriate drying conditions is of fundamen- A multifactorial design was used to determine the effect of the
tal importance to the quality of the final product (Franco, different concentrations of L, and CMC, as well as the different T, on
Perussello, Ellendersen, & Masson, 2015). the concentration of mango phenolic compounds and antioxidant
The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of differ- capacity, using a 23 full-factorial central composite rotational
ent experimental parameters for foam mat drying of mango, such design (CCRD) with six axial points (a = 1.68), and two replicates
as drying T and concentrations of the foam stabilizers L and CMC, at the center point, totaling 16 experiments (Rodrigues & Iemma,
on the concentrations of phenolic compounds, including the 2009), as described in Table 1. The results were analyzed using
glycosylated xanthone mangiferin, and antioxidant capacity of the software program Statistica 8.0 (Statsoft Inc. 2325, Tulsa, OK,
the dried mango obtained. USA). The factors and interactions had a significant influence on
responses when p < 0.05 for a confidence level of 0.95. A Pareto
2. Materials and methods diagram was used to represent the effect of factors where the sign
indicated a positive or negative effect caused by the experimental
2.1. Samples and reagents variable. Moreover, a response surface plot and empirical correla-
tions were estimated to predict the most favorable conditions for
Tommy Atkins mangoes with green-purple peel, firm texture, retention of polyphenols and the antioxidant capacity of the
and light yellow flesh were selected in a Brazilian supermarket. samples.
Table 1
Coded and real (between parenthesis) variable values for each experimental condition of the Central Composite Rotable Design (CCRD) 23 and drying time, phenolic content and
antioxidant capacity obtained.
2.3. Extraction of phenolic compounds stabilizers and the different temperatures. Mango pulp was dehy-
drated for 120–380 min. The drying time of mango pulp increased
The control and dried mango (0.5 g) were extracted with 10 mL when the temperature decreased, but in all conditions the foam
of 80% methanol containing 0.1% of concentrated hydrochloric acid mat drying time was minimal. This finding may be observed
(v/v). The mixture was sonicated for 15 min. The remaining residue because moisture migration is high in a foam during the drying
was subjected to two further extractions with 5 mL of solvent and process. The rate of moisture removal in the foamed mango pulp
5 min sonication, and the supernatants were combined, filtered was very high because the water present in the foamed pulp was
using Whatman filter paper No. 1, and dried under vacuum to in the form of thin films, making it easy for the water to vaporize.
obtain the extract. The residue was dissolved in 1500 lL 0.01% for- These drying results are consistent with the results reported
mic acid in water (solvent A) and filtered through a 0.45-lm nylon by Thuwapanichayanan, Prachayawarakorn, and Soponronnarit
filter. The extracts that were obtained were used for the determi- (2008) for bananas. The foam mat dried product had desired prop-
nation of individual phenolic compounds by UHPLC-DAD, and erties, such as the ability to rehydrate, a consistent density, and the
antioxidant activity was measured by ABTS assay. retention of volatiles that would be lost during the drying of non-
foamed materials. This may be due to its lower time of exposure to
2.4. Analysis of phenolic compounds by UHPLC-DAD high temperature of processing. Drying was completed under each
condition until the sample reached the Aw value of approximately
Analyses were carried out in an Agilent 1260 chromatograph 0.4. The low water activity in the final product can minimize the
(Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA) equipped with a diode- growth of microorganisms, and thus is related to the stability of
array detector, which was set to scan from 200 to 770 nm, and a the product. The dried samples were subsequently used to evaluate
C18 Eclipse Plus 120 column (1.8 lm, 50 2.1 mm). The solvents the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity.
were 0.01% formic acid in water (solvent A), and acetonitrile
(solvent B) at the following gradient: 0–5 min, 5% B linear; 3.2. Phenolic contents and antioxidant activity
5–20 min 50% B linear; 20–25 min, 100% A linear, washing and
re-equilibration of the column. The flow-rate was 1.0 mL/min, Fig. 1 depicts the results from the chromatograms that were
and the temperature of the column was set at 25 °C. recorded at 280 nm with the profile of the lyophilized mango pulp
Phenolic compounds were identified by their retention time, (control), and Table 2 shows the concentrations of phenolic com-
and UV–vis spectroscopic characteristics using those of standards. pounds determined by UHPLC. A total of 21 phenolic compounds
The quantification was carried out by external calibration from the were identified and quantified in lyophilized mango and foam
areas of the chromatographic peaks obtained by DAD detection at mat dried mango. The phenolic compounds identified can be
280 nm. The corresponding calibration curves were made up of the classified in three groups: benzoic acids (gallic, protocatechuic,
following standards: gallic acid, protocatechuic acid, vanillin acid, p-hydroxybenzoic and vanillic acids), hydroxycinnamoyl deriva-
chlorogenic acid, mangiferin, caffeic acid and p-coumaric acid. tives (p-coumaric, m-coumaric, chlorogenic and caffeic acids),
Each extract was injected two times to quantify each and mangiferin, a C-glucoside-xanthone. The sum of the com-
compound, and the results are expressed as mg phenolic com- pounds from the group of benzoic acid has its highest value in
pound/100 g of dry matter. Total phenolic compounds were the lyophilized mango pulp (44.28 mg/100 g), followed by the
estimated by totaling the sum of each individual phenolic com- hydroxycinnamoyl derivatives group (20.07 mg/100 g), and the
pound identified by UHPLC-DAD. glycosylated xanthone mangiferin represented 0.22 mg/100 g.
The order of phenolic compounds in lyophilized Tommy Atkins
mango pulp from the most abundant to the lowest was derivatives
2.5. ABTS/persulphate assay
p-hydroxybenzoic (19.08 mg/100 g), gallic (18.52 mg/100 g),
caffeic (7.76 mg/100 g), derivatives of coumaric (6.56 mg/100 g),
The ABTS radical cation was produced by the oxidation of 7 mM
chlorogenic (5.53 mg/100 g), protocatechuic (3.32 mg/100 g), and
ABTS with potassium persulphate (2.45 mM) in water. The mixture
vanillic (1.34 mg/100 g) acids, and the xanthone mangiferin
was allowed to stand in the dark at room temperature for 16 h
(0.22 mg/100 g).
before use, and the ABTS radical cation solution was subsequently
The results displayed in Table 1 show that there was large vari-
diluted with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) at pH 7.4 to give an
ation in the amount of the total phenolics content of dried mango
absorbance of 0.7 ± 0.02 at 734 nm. The phenolic extracts (50 lL)
(46.18–116.93 mg/100 g) for mango pulp dried using the different
were mixed with 2 mL of the ABTS radical cation diluted solution,
vortexed for 10 s, and the absorbance measured at 734 nm after
5 min and 30 s of reaction at 30 °C.
Different dilutions of each extract were assayed, and the results
were obtained by interpolating the absorbance on a calibration
curve obtained with Trolox (30–1000 lM). Three independent
experiments were performed for each of the assayed extracts,
and the results are expressed as Trolox-equivalent antioxidant
capacity (TEAC; mmols of Trolox with the same antioxidant
capacity as 100 g of the studied extract).
Phenolic D1p-hydroxybenzoic D2p-hydroxybenzoic p-hydroxybenzoic D3p-hydroxybenzoic Gallic D1gallic D2gallic D3gallic D4gallic D5gallic Ethyl gallate
compounds acid (1) acid (4) acid (8) acid (21) acid (2) (3) (5) (6) (10) (14) (16)
Control 6.39 7.22 1.49 3.98 5.14 1.26 2.48 6.20 2.29 0.93 0.22
1 13.01 11.53 2.79 5.37 10.68 1.54 4.73 7.99 2.88 1.83 0.67
2 13.98 12.34 2.86 5.45 11.67 2.44 4.83 8.99 3.66 1.84 0.66
3 12.52 11.98 2.66 5.51 9.93 1.77 4.16 9.16 3.13 1.71 0.36
4 10.87 10.04 2.46 4.35 5.31 1.78 3.12 6.54 4.14 1.45 0.31
5 14.89 14.77 3.61 6.47 21.09 6.17 5.41 9.59 4.28 2.36 0.77
6 13.15 12.83 2.92 5.95 10.89 4.71 4.68 9.02 3.98 2.03 0.35
7 5.24 5.09 1.19 2.18 1.85 3.66 0.98 2.42 0.50 0.60 0.23
262 F.A. Lobo et al. / Food Chemistry 221 (2017) 258–266
Table 3
Regression coefficients for phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of foam mat dried mango.
Variable with statistically significant effect Regression coefficient Standard error t(1) p value
Phenolic content
Mean 76,89 0,98 78,30 0,008
Lecithin (L) x temperature (L) 11,93 0,98 24,25 0,026
Lecithin (L) 8,78 0,75 23,29 0,027
Temperature (L) 5,59 0,75 14,84 0,042
Carboxymethylcellulose (Q) 6,54 0,91 14,29 0,044
Antioxidant capacity
Mean 348,55 0,34 999,01 0,0006
Lecithin (L) temperature (L) 87,43 0,35 499,64 0,0012
Carboxymethylcellulose (L) Lecithin (L) 49,86 0,35 284,92 0,0022
Carboxymethylcellulose (L) temperature (L) 5,66 0,35 32,37 0,0196
Carboxymethylcellulose (L) 15,68 0,26 117,03 0,0054
Carboxymethylcellulose (Q) 66,86 0,32 410,69 0,0015
Lecithin (L) 97,29 0,26 726,11 0,0008
Lecithin (Q) 131,82 0,32 410,69 0,0015
Temperature (L) 50,69 0,26 378,30 0,0016
Temperature (Q) 10,28 0,32 63,14 0,0100
conditions. Lower total phenolic values were observed using the However, the quality profile did not differ notably among the
seventh and fourteenth drying conditions (48.30 mg/100 g and samples as a function of the foam drying process.
59.79 mg/100 g, respectively) compared with mango pulp that Table 3 depicts the results of the statistical analysis of the CCRD
was freshly lyophilized (60.79 mg/100 g), but all other conditions used to verify the effects of the L and CMC concentrations, and T on
that were evaluated resulted in higher total phenolic contents the total phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of the foam
compared to the control. mat dried samples that were analyzed, showing the regression
It is has been reported that phenolic acids primarily exist in coefficient, the standard error, and the values of t and p. A value
bound structures esterified to oligosaccharides or polysaccharides p < 0.05 was used indicate a significant effect of the variable on
and form bridges between the polymer, in free or bound form, total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity. Only variables
which would affect their behavior during processing, and eventu- with p < 0.05 are shown in Table 3, which were those that had a
ally their bioavailability for absorption and subsequent physiolog- significant effect on the total phenolic content, i.e., mean,
ical effects (Abdel-Aal & Rabalski, 2013). In the present study, the interaction of L (linear effect) and T (linear effect), L (linear effect),
increased amount of the total phenolic content in the dried T (linear effect) and C (quadratic effect). Fig. 2A shows Pareto
samples, relative to the control sample, was possibly due to the diagrams that were generated from the statistical analysis on the
thermal processing because it most likely facilitates the extraction effects of the different processing variables on the total phenolic
of the phenolic compounds that are linked to the food matrix. This concentration of foam mat dried mango pulp. The effects with
thermal process causes a number of physical and chemical changes values located to the right of the dashed line were those significant
in foods, such as starch gelatinization, protein denaturation, com- at 5% level of significance. These parameters were included in the
ponent interactions, and disruption of plant cell wall polymers. model shown in Eq. (1), were Y is the total phenolic content
Consequently, cell wall phenolic compounds or bond phenolics (mg/100 g), x1 is the variable L concentration, x2 is the variable
can be released, thus causing free phenolic compounds to increase drying T, and x3 is the variable CMC concentration.
in the samples (Ragaee, Seetharaman, & Abdel-Aal, 2014). This sug-
Y ¼ 76:89 11:93x1 x2 8:78x1 5:60x2 þ 6:55x23 ð1Þ
gests that the various food processing methods may alter the total
phenol content and/or phenolic composition, and may positively or The results from the analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the model
negatively affect the content of phenolic compounds, which will shown in Eq. (1) are summarized in Table 4, along with the
possibly impact their bioactive properties and health benefits coefficient of determination (R2), F calculated, and F tabulated.
(Ragaee et al., 2014). Consistent with our findings, Hamrouni- According to the ANOVA, the Fisher’s F-value for the phenolic
Sellami et al. (2013) reported a range of values of the total phenolic content calculated (88.98) was higher than the F tabulated value
contents depending on the plant material, which indicates that the (F4; 11; 0.05 = 3.86), which allowed us to accept the codified model.
drying process may result in different levels of phenol content However the R2 that was obtained (0.657) only made it possible for
depending on the type of phenolic compounds present and their the model to explain 65.72% of the observed variation in the total
location in the cell. In agreement, Mueller-Harvey (2001) reported phenolic content. According to the results obtained with the statis-
that the thermal processing may release more bound phenolic tical analysis, the total phenolic content of foam mat dried mango
acids from the breakdown of cellular constituents. Similarly, is inversely proportional to the amount of L and T, and the effect is
Choi, Lee, Chun, Lee, and Lee (2006) and Jeong et al. (2004) additive between these variable. However, the total phenolic
reported that heat treatment might disrupt the cell wall and liber- content increased with increasing concentrations of CMC.
ate phenolic compounds from the insoluble portion of the plant. In Furthermore, these results indicate that high concentrations of
contrast, Dorta, Lobo, and Gonzalez (2012) observed in mangoes total phenolic compounds can be obtained from foam mat dried
that oven-drying with forced air resulted in degradation of pheno- mango pulp with small levels of L and T. In addition, due to the
lic compounds, which caused a lower antioxidant activity. One quadratic effect of CMC, high total phenolic contents were
possibility for this discrepancy is that the thermal process and obtained when CMC concentrations were the lowest or the highest
oxidative degradation of phenolic compounds was caused by long used in this study, but the intermediary concentrations decreased
drying time. In our study, the chromatographic analysis showed the total phenolic content.
that the foam mat drying process applied using the different The results obtained for the total phenolic compounds indicated
conditions exhibited a different quantitative phenolic profile. that the foam mat drying process for mango pulp is an efficient
F.A. Lobo et al. / Food Chemistry 221 (2017) 258–266 263
Fig. 2. Pareto diagram for the phenolic content (A), mangiferin (B) and antioxidant capacity (C) and Response surface for the phenolic content (1) and antioxidant capacity (2).
method for the retention of the bioactive compounds, and different mango pulp in some conditions may result in a product with better
drying conditions did not change the qualitative profile of the phe- functional properties.
nolic compounds in mango pulp. However, the concentrations of In contrast, statistical analysis for the mangiferin concentration
the individual phenolic compounds could change during the drying in the dried samples showed no significant effects for CMC, L, or T
process. Increasing the phenolic compounds content in dried when using foam mat drying (p > 0.05), suggesting that mangiferin
264 F.A. Lobo et al. / Food Chemistry 221 (2017) 258–266
Table 4 TE/100 g dry base). It is important to note that the foam mat drying
Acceptance of the statistical model for phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of process is a method used to lower exposure to high temperatures
foam mat dried mango.
and long processing times, which may explain the high antioxidant
Source of Sum of Degree of Mean Fcalculated capacity in dried samples.
variation squares freedom square The seventh and fourteenth drying conditions used high con-
Phenolic content (R2 0.657) centrations of L (1.20 and 0.75 g/100 g), and high drying T (80°
Regression 4667.06 4 1166.76 88.98 and 87 °C), respectively. Under these conditions the antioxidant
Residual 144.24 11 13.11
Total 4811.30 15 320.75
capacity (175.37 and 318.69 nmol TE/g) was lower compared to
lyophilized mango pulp. These results are in agreement with the
Antioxidant capacity (R2 0.915)
Regression 480,318.60 9 53,368.73 1,601,062.00
total phenolic content determined by UHPLC-DAD. Thus, the use
Residual 0.20 6 0.03 of L and high drying T negatively affects the retention of phenolic
Total 480,318.80 15 32,021.25 compounds, thereby resulting in lower antioxidant capacity. The
highest value for antioxidant capacity of the dried sample was
found using drying condition 11 (825.24 nmol TE/g) without L.
aids in stabilizing the mango pulp under the different conditions Taken together, the present study confirms that the foam mat dry-
using in the foam mat drying processing. Fig. 2B shows Pareto dia- ing, in several conditions tested, increases the antioxidant capacity
grams obtained from the statistical analysis of the effects of the measured in mango pulp by ABTS assay. In contrast, Sogi, Siddiq,
processing variables on mangiferin concentration for foam mat Greiby, and Dolan (2013) found a negative effect of the drying on
dried mango pulp. The effects with values located to the left of the antioxidant capacity in the seed of Tommy Atkins mango pow-
the dashed line were not significant at 5% level of significance. Pre- der using heat, and infrared vacuum.
viously, Sanugul et al. (2005) described a mechanism of action for Table 3 shows that significant effects (p < 0.05) were found for
mangiferin, indicating that the heterosidic binding in this xantone the antioxidant capacity after foam mat drying under different
occurs through a carbon-carbon bond, which makes it more resis- conditions of L, T and CMC. These parameters were included in
tant to acid, alkali and enzymatic hydrolysis than are other phe- the model shown in Eq. (2), were Y is the antioxidant capacity
nols. This finding may partially explain the results obtained for (mmol TE/g), x1 is the variable L concentration, x2 is the variable
mangiferin because mango is an acidic fruit and the pulp was sub- drying T and x3 is the variable carboxymethylcellulose
mitted to heat during the process. However, Ichiki et al. (2007) concentration.
studied mangiferin stability during the drying of rhizome of Ane-
marrhena asphodeloides, a medicinal plant used in Japan, and the Y ¼ 348:55 87:44x1 x2 þ 49:86x1 x3 5:66x2 x3 97:30x1
authors noted that mangiferin was thermally unstable. Specifically, þ 131:83x21 50:69x2 þ 10:28x22 þ 15:68x3 þ 66:87x23 ð2Þ
these researchers observed that mangiferin retention was depen-
dent on drying conditions because mangiferin content tended to The ANOVA for Eq. (2) is summarized in Table 4 along with the
decrease remarkably with increasing temperature (from 30 °C to coefficient of determination (R2), the F calculated and the F tabu-
80 °C) for samples having high thickness, whereas samples treated lated for the model. According to the ANOVA, Fisher’s F-value for
at the same temperatures, but having thin thickness showed a the antioxidant capacity in the present study was higher than
slight decrease in the mangiferin content at the higher tempera- the F tabulated value (F 9; 6; 0.05 = 4.10), and the R2 that was
ture. In addition, they showed that the rhizome thickness influ- obtained (0.915) made it possible to validate the codified model
enced the drying time, which ranged from 16 to 61 days in the because it can explain 91.58% of the observed variation for antiox-
group with high thickness, and from 10 to 30 days in the thin idant capacity. According to results obtained from statistical anal-
group. One advantage of the drying method used in the present ysis, the antioxidant capacity of foam mat dried mango is inversely
work were the low drying times, that varied from 120 to proportional to the amount of L, and T, and the effect of these vari-
380 min, depending on the specific processing conditions. This able was additive. These results showed that foam mat dried
may explain the retention in mangiferin concentration observed mango pulp with high concentration of antioxidant capacity can
after foam mat drying of mango pulp because short drying times be obtained using low levels of L and T, considering the levels
were observed for all of the evaluated conditions. Notably, short evaluated in this work. However, interactions between L and
drying times observed in the present work were possible due to CMC, T and CMC, and a positive quadratic effect for CMC were also
the transformation of mango pulp in a stable foam before drying. obtained.
Berardini et al. (2005) and Dorta et al. (2012) reported that the The Pareto graphics are shown in Fig. 2. The different parame-
pulp is generally poor in polyphenols for bananas and mangoes. It ters have an effect on the antioxidant capacity of foam mat dried
has also been observed that the mangiferin content in mango peels mango. There was similarity between the parameters that showed
ranges from one to four times more than the pulp content (Ruiz- significant effects for the total phenolic compounds (Fig. 2 A) and
Montañez et al., 2014). Differences among the extraction methods, antioxidant capacity (Fig. 2 C), but these parameters had no effect
such as temperature, agitation, and extraction time have been on mangiferin (Fig. 2 B). Taken together, the result showed that
attributed to the variables that interfere with the concentration optimization of the experimental conditions make it possible to
of mangiferin (Sharapin, 2000). The results obtained in the present develop an drying condition that enables the best recovery of
work demonstrate stability of mangiferin concentration in foam antioxidant compounds from mangoes. In the Pareto graphs, the
mat dried mango pulp. This finding is important because the pres- bars that extend beyond the region to the right of the vertical line
ence of mangiferin in dried mango pulp can increase the incorpo- (where indicated p = 0.05) denote the parameters that have a sig-
ration of this bioactive component in formulated foods. nificant effect on the estimated index.
The ABTS assay indicated a high level of antioxidant capacity in It was observed that the concentration of L also showed a signif-
mango pulp after the foam mat drying treatment (Table 1). Specif- icant negative effect (p < 0.05) on the antioxidant capacity. This
ically, the antioxidant capacity of the control sample showed an behavior was similar to the effect observed for total phenolic com-
initial antioxidant value of 325.58 mmol TE/100 g dry basis, pounds. Similarly, the interaction between L and T showed a signif-
whereas the treated samples had higher values compared to con- icant negative effect on the antioxidant capacity. The results also
trol in some of the drying conditions (175.37–825.24 mmol indicate that the phenolic compounds and the antioxidant capacity
were higher in the absence of L. The positive quadratic effect found
F.A. Lobo et al. / Food Chemistry 221 (2017) 258–266 265
for CMC also followed that observed for the sum of phenolic com- mid-level (0) for the amount of CMC that was added to form the
pounds, indicating that the intermediary value used for CMC con- foam for the drying process. For the antioxidant capacity there
centration caused the minimum antioxidant capacity in foam mat was an interaction between L and CMC, and there was also a pos-
dried mango pulp. itive quadratic effect for CMC. Taken together, our data suggest
Fig. 2 shows the response surfaces for total phenolic composi- that both additives are beneficial, even in low concentrations.
tion and antioxidant capacity according to the variables deter- Foam mat drying is a novel method for drying and retaining bioac-
mined by the mathematical models described above. The curved tive compounds. Therefore, future work is necessary to evaluate
surfaces represent combinations of factors that cause changes in the bioaccessibility of components from foam mat dried mango
the assessed responses. Total phenolics (1) and antioxidant that are of interest for consumers and the food industries.
capacity (2) increased due to the lower concentration of L and T,
especially with the interaction between these parameters. In
contrast, the concentration of CMC positively effected the sum of 4. Conclusions
the individual phenolics identified, but with a quadratic effect.
Phospholipids, such as L, are natural food grade surfactants, and This study demonstrated that the process of foam mat drying is
appear to have the potential for expanded use in food due to their adequate to obtain mango powder products with high retention of
amphiphilic character and viscoelastic properties (Pichot, Watson, phenolic compounds, including mangiferin, and antioxidant capac-
& Norton, 2013). In this study, L promoted greater foaming proper- ity. The effects of the studied variables were significant for the sum
ties for the drying process, which resulted in a high capacity for of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity. High concentra-
foam formation and stabilization. This property produced a more tion of L and high drying T decreased the retention of these
porous final powder product that most likely contributed to the compounds, whereas the concentration of CMC showed a signifi-
oxidative degradation of phenolic compounds due to a high oxygen cant positive quadratic effect on these parameters. In general, the
diffusion during the drying process. Collectively, this likely total phenolics and antioxidant capacity of foam mat dried mango
resulted in L decreasing the antioxidant capacity. were higher compared to lyophilized mango. Our results indicate
According to the results obtained in the present work, higher that a drying T of 80 °C and a concentration of 0.30 g/100 g of
concentrations of L had significant negative effect on phenolic CMC and L (featured in the fifth condition of experimental design)
compounds and antioxidant capacity of foam mat dried mango are optimal for the operating parameters and can increase the
pulp. However, the low concentration the L could be particularly retention of total phenolic and antioxidant capacity relative to
important when systems with potential application as carriers of the other treatments that were evaluated.
bioactive compounds are considered. In practical terms, the pres-
ence of L also facilitates the removal of the dried product from Acknowledgement
the drying trays, which makes its incorporation in the drying pro-
cess technologically important. Thus, low concentrations of L The authors wish to acknowledge financial support of Fundação
should be used in the foam mat drying process for mangoes. Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de
Foam stability is one of the most important features for foam Janeiro (FAPERJ) (Process E-26/111.710/2013).
mat drying, and it emphasizes the need for knowledge of the opti-
mal concentrations of the additives used. The results from this
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