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Trends in Food Science & Technology 53 (2016) 102e112

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Therapeutic potentials of bioactive compounds from mango fruit

Afifa Asif a, Umar Farooq a, *, Kashif Akram a, Zafar Hayat b, Afshan Shafi a,
Farkhandah Sarfraz a, Muhammad Asim Ijaz Sidhu a, Hafeez-ur Rehman a,
Sommayya Aftab c
Institute of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan
Department of Animal Sciences, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan
The Children's Hospital and the Institute of Child Health, Lahore, Pakistan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: Continues spread of infectious diseases which affect almost 50, 000 people every day have
Received 18 February 2016 become a leading global problem and the main reason is the emergence of multi-drug resistance in
Received in revised form bacterial strains. So this alarming condition has necessitated search of new and natural antimicrobial
27 April 2016
substances with higher bioactivity and no side effects. From the last decade, use of plant extracts as a
Accepted 6 May 2016
Available online 10 May 2016
source of bioactive components (phytochemicals) has gained wide attention against synthetic antibiotic
Scope and approach: The present review aimed at evaluating the bioactive components of mango kernel,
Mango kernel
their extraction, mechanism of action, anti-microbial potential and other therapeutic roles against
Mango peel various diseases.
Pytochemicals Key findings and conclusions: Recent studies have shown that fruit's waste parts like mango peel and
Antimicrobials agents kernel contain a noteworthy amount of bioactive component of therapeutic worth. These biologically
Pathogens active components include mangiferin, flavonoids, catechin, phenolic acids, gallic acid and gallic acid
Infectious diseases derivatives. The therapeutic importance of these compounds have evaluated through in-vitro and
minimal pre-clinically but there is need to proper pre-clinical trials and afterward clinical trials for health
claims and health benefits.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction predominant producers are India and Pakistan (Diarra, 2014).

Because of its exotic flavour, succulence, and sweet taste mango is
Mango (Mangifera indica L.), a member of Anarcadiaceae family, known as the king of fruits and is broadly utilized by consumers in
have more than 70 genera, and 1000 varieties, is considered one of all stages of maturity throughout the world (Kittiphoom, 2012).
the most important tropical fruits (Fowomola, 2010; Kansci, Apart from consumption as ripe fruit, mangoes are processed into
Koubala, & Mbome, 2008; Kittiphoom, 2012; Kobayashi et al., several frozen, canned, dehydrated, concentrated and dried prod-
2013). Dates back in 4000 years ago, South-East Asia is thought to ucts prepared mainly from mango pulp. Juices, puree, leather,
be the origin of this delicious fruit which is now being cultivated in squash, nectar, pickles, chutney, jam, slices, powder and ready-to-
more than 90 countries throughout the world (Diarra, 2014). After serve beverages are some of examples of mango products having
bananas, Mango is ranked as the third most integral tropical fruit considerable demand which is increasing for both domestic and
crop where its cultivation accounts for 39 million tonnes in 2010. export markets (Ravani & Joshi, 2013). Besides direct consumption
Mexico, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Brazil, Philippines, Nigeria, and or industrial processing of mango pulp, significant quantities of
Egypt are top mango producers. In the market of South Asia, the mango fruit wastes mainly in the form of peel and seed (kernel) are
available (Massibo & He, 2008). The mango seed is the major waste
of mango after processing, but it is a promising source of thera-
peutic health benefits (Ashoush & Gadallah, 2011; Kittiphoom,
* Corresponding author. 2012; Momeny, Rahmati, & Ramli, 2012). Depending on their
E-mail address: (U. Farooq).
0924-2244/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Asif et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 53 (2016) 102e112 103

different varieties, mango contains about 20e60% seed of the et al., 2013). Although to manage the threat of infectious diseases,
whole fruit, and the kernel as 45e75% of the whole seed several strategies including antibiotics, oral therapies, micro-
(Maisuthisakul & Gordon, 2009). Peel is a waste product of mango nutrient supplementation and other conventional methods have
processing industry consisting 15e20% of mango weight (Massibo been in use (Di Cesare, DuPont, & Mathewson, 2002). But all these
& He, 2008) (see Table 1). methods have some limitations such as induction of antibiotic
Mango contains congregation of several bioactive compounds associated diarrhea (Kremer & Zwane, 2006), increase in pathogen
and has been used as an important herb in the traditional and resistance against drugs (Ge et al., 2002; Goosens, Ferech, Stichele,
Ayurvedic medicinal system, since centuries (Shah, Patel, Patel, & & Elseviers, 2005; Mathew, Cissell, & Liamthong, 2007; Nair &
Parmar, 2010). These important compounds are distributed in Chanda, 2005; Neogi, Saumya, Mishra, & Raju, 2008; Vaghasiya
various concentrations in different parts of mango fruit like seed, et al., 2010), gastrointestinal disturbance, skin rashes, thrust and
peel and pulp. A number of polyphenols like alkylresorcinol, fla- mineral imbalance in the body due to available antimicrobial drugs
vonols, gallotannins, xanthones and benzophenone derivatives (Dancer, 2004).
have been reported in mango fruit waste; peel and seed kernel In this scenario, exploration of natural, economical and effective
(Table 2) (Barreto et al., 2008; Berardini, Carle, & Schieber, 2004; antimicrobial compounds without side effects is an indispensable
Kno€ dler et al., 2008; Massibo & He, 2008; Schieber, Berardini, & need of the time (Macarthur & DuPont, 2012). These situations has
Carle, 2003). The presence of such valuable bioactive compounds generated the requirement or demand to discover a novel source of
in the mango fruit waste indicated that it is not a waste instead it's a bioactive compound to prevent the growth of pathogens. The use of
coin dumped under rocks (Engels et al., 2011a, b). These so called plant based extracts as a natural treatment of microbial pathogens
wastes parts have many applications in the development of ethno- are certainly considered as safe with low cost and no noticeable
veterinary medicines (Alwala, Wanzala, Inyambukho, Osundwa, & side effects (Akthar, Degaga, & Azam, 2014). In order to generate
Ndiege, 2010). Various therapeutic potentials of mango fruit awareness and to gather information, the present effort has been
wastes have been investigated including antimicrobial (Alok, made to highlight the therapeutic potentials of bioactive com-
Keerthana, Kumar, Ratan, & Chand, 2013; David & Diemert, 2006; pounds present in mango fruit wastes with particular reference to
Gadallah & Abdel Fatah, 2011; Kabuki et al., 2000; Mirghani, their antimicrobial potential for efficient, sustainable and cost
Yosuf, Kabbash, Vejayan, & Yosuf, 2009; Shabani & Sayadi, 2014; effective treatment of infectious diseases.
Stoilova, Gargova, Stoyanova, & Ho, 2005) anti-inflammatory
(Andreu, Delgado, Velho, Curti, & Vercesi, 2005; Augustyniak, 2. Composition of mango seed kernel and peel
Waszkiewicz, & Skrzydlewska, 2005; Nakaishi, 2000; Sanchez
et al., 2000), antidiabetic (Ramesh, Parasuraman, Vijaya, Mango seed consists of about 29% shells, 68% kernel and 3% testa
Darwhekar, & Devika, 2001), analgesic, immunomodulatory (Diarra, 2014; Odunsi, 2005). The composition of mango seed
(Berardini et al., 2004; Sahu et al. 2007), antioxidative (Berardini kernel varies according to different varieties (Mirghani et al., 2009;
et al., 2004; Nithitanakoo, Pithayanuku, & Bavovada, 2009; Soong Percival et al., 2006; Ribeiro et al., 2007; Rodriguez et al., 2006).
& Barlow, 2004), anticarcinogenic (Abdullah, Mohammed, Based on dry weight, 11% fat, 6.0% protein, 77% carbohydrate, 2.0%
Abdullah, Mirghani, & Qubaisi, 2014; Duthie, Duthie, & Kyle, ash and 2.0% crude fibre is the average composition of mango seed
2000; Woude et al., 2003). kernel. Mango seed kernel is high in minerals such as sodium,
Among various health benefits, antimicrobial potential of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium (Sandhu & Lim,
different fruits including mangoes is of particular research interest 2007). The mango seed kernel contains 52e56% unsaturated fatty
as infectious diseases cause around one-third of all mortality acids and 44e48% saturated fatty acids (primary stearic acid). A
globally and prevail the primary source of death especially in large quantity of essential amino acids (lysine, leucine, and valine)
developing countries (Akinsulire, Aibinu, Adenipekun, Adelowotan, is also present in mango seed kernel. Bioactive components which
& Odugbemi, 2007). These diseases are mostly caused by patho- are present in mango kernel include phytosterols (stigma-sterol,
genic agents particularly of microbes (Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Sal- campe-sterol and also contains vitamin K), sito-sterol (b-sito-ste-
monella, and Clostridium) that are capable of being communicable rols), tocopherols, and polyphenols (Soong & Barlow, 2006).
to another host (Engering, Hogerwerf, & Slingenbergh, 2013). The Chemical composition of mango peel varies depending upon
extent of occurrence of different infectious diseases has been cultivar. A significant amount of total dietary fibre (45e78%),
increasing globally (Kaur et al., 2010) due to prolonged destitution, distributed into soluble (16e28%) and insoluble (29e50%) fractions,
huge migration to urban vicinities, changes in food handling, food is present in mango peel (Ajila, Bhat, & Rao, 2007). Cellulose,
processing technologies and food marketing systems (Racaniello, hemicelluloses, pectin, lipids, proteins, carotenoids and poly-
2004). Among all the factors, food borne pathogenic bacteria have phenols are also present in mango peel (Ajila et al., 2007). Mango
always been considered as a major cause of morbidity and mortality peel also contain considerable amount of reducing sugars and
due to infectious diseases in humans (Djeussi et al., 2013). The because of the presence of reducing sugars mango peel also utilized
significant rise is experienced in long-standing diarrheal infection for fermentation process, bio-energy and various value added
because of waterborne Cryptosporidium, renal collapse due to food products (Somda, Savadogo, Quattara, Quattara, & Traore, 2011).
borne Escherichia coli, haemorrhagic colitis, middle-ear diseases Rehman, Salariya, Habib, and Shah (2004) documented that mango
from drug-resistant pneumococci and pneumonia etc. It is because peel contain a high quantity of pectin (10%e15%) and soaking
of the increase in bacterial cells multiplication, mutagenic character process before the extraction of pectin increases its yield to about
of bacterial DNA and continuous bacterial cells transformation 21%. The pectin obtained from mango peel possesses better gelling
(Daszak, Cunningham, & Alex, 2000). property as compared to citrus peel pectin (Koubala, Kansci,
In the United States, infectious diseases are reported for 25% of Garnier, Ralet, & Thibault, 2012).
entire appointments to physicians, where antimicrobial agents are
the second most commonly accepted class of medicines in each 3. Bioactive compounds present in mango fruit waste
year. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 10
billion infections emerge annually (Akinsulire et al., 2007; Jones Ahmed, Saeid, Eman, and Reham (2007) demonstrated the
et al., 2008; Williams, 2000). The prevention and control of these polyphenolic composition by measuring the various polyphenolic
diseases becomes crucial for the survival of human being (Djeussi components in mango seed kernel. The bioactive compounds or the
104 A. Asif et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 53 (2016) 102e112

Table 1
Effectiveness of various extracts of mango waste against various microorganism.

Mango Extract type Inhibited microorganisms Action/Effect Reference


Mango kernel Methanolic Escherichia coli Inhibited the growth at a concentration of (Abdalla et al., 2007)
Extract 400 ppm methanol and 5% mango kernel
Bacillus subtilis, B. cereus, Clostridium botulinum, Inhibition was achieved at a concentration of (Engels et al., 2011a, b)
Campylobacter jejuni, Listeria monocytogenes, 0.2 g/liter
Staphylococcus aureus
E. faecalis Significant reduction of colony forming units (Subbiya et al., 2013)
(CFU)/mL comparable to conventional irrigant
5% NaOCl
Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans, Citrobacter Inhibition ranged between 5 mm and 18 mm (Amgad et al., 2012)
freundii, E. coli, Gordonia bronchialis, L. with 18 mm/Mycobacterium highest zone of
monocytogenes, Mycobacterium senegalense, M. inhibition
smegmatis, Nocardia asteroids, N. farcinica, N.
otitiscaviarum, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Salmonella typhi, Shigella flexneri, S. aureus,
Streptococcus pyogenes
E. coli, Salmonella typhimurium, P. testosterone, P. Reduction of all tested microbial strains because (Vaghasiya et al., 2011)
syringae, P. stutgeri, P. pictoruim, Proteus of the presence of high amount of tannins and
vulgaris, Proteus morganii, Proteus mirabilis, phenol contents in extract
Klebsiella aerogenes, Enterobacter aerogene,
Citrobacter freundii
S. aureus, B. subtilis, E. coli, P. aeruginosa Inhibition ranged between 1.40 and 2.23 cm (Mirghani et al., 2009)
after 1 mM dilution
Aeromonas hydrophila, P. Putida, P. aeruginosa, P. Highest zone size were exhibited in the range of (Sahu, Das, & Mishra, 2013)
fluorescens, Vibrio alginolyticus, V. 22.16 mm/400 mg-19 mm/400 mg
parahaemolyticus, V. fluvialis, V. harveyi,
Edwardsiella tarda, E. coli, Flavobactrium
Ethanolic Staphylococcus aureus Inhibition by Ultrastructural changes in (Jiamboonsri et al., 2011)
Extract bacterial cell morphology
Mesophilic aerobic microorganism Reduction of 80% mesophilic plate count and (Vega et al., 2013)
Total fungi and yeasts 97% total molds
S. aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, S. pneumoniae, Maximum zone of inhibition was achieved at a (Shabani & Sayadi, 2014)
P. aeruginosa, C. albicans, E. faecalis concentration of 25 mg/mL
S. aureus, B. subtilis, E. coli, P. aeruginosa Inhibition ranged between 2.23 and 3.30 cm (Mirghani et al., 2009)
E. coli, Salmonella enteritidis, Klebsiella Active against all tested strain at 2500 ppm (Kabuki et al., 2000)
aerogenes, S. aureus, B. cereus, Campylobacter
Aqueous S. aureus, P. aeruginosa Inhibition was achieved against Gram positive (Prakash, 2012)
Extract and Gram negative microbes by using spread
plate method
S. aureus, P. aerugenosa Inhibition was achieved by using spread plate (Alok et al., 2013)
method at 10% concentration of extract
B. cereus, B. subtilis, Salmonella typhi, P. Inhibition zone ranged between 3.17 mm and (Khammuang & Sarnthima,
aeruginosa 8.1 mm 2011)
Hexane S. aureus Antibacterial activity achieved because of Iron (Engels et al., 2011a, b)
Extract binding capacity of gallotannins
Powder Vibrio vulnificus, E. coli, S. aureus Inhibited the growth at a concentration of (Kaur et al., 2010)
100 mg/ml
Phosphate S. aureus, B. subtilis, E. coli, P. aeruginosa Significantly Inhibit the growth ranged between (Mirghani et al., 2009)
Extract 1.5 and 3.3 mm zone of inhibition
Mango peel Aqueous B. cereus, B. megaterium, B. subtilis, Minimum inhibitory concentration was (Rakholiya et al., 2013a, b)
Extract Corynebacterium rubrum, L. monocytogenes, 1250 mg ml1 and minimum bacterial
Micrococcus flavus, S. albus, E. coli, Klebsiella concentration was >1250 mg ml1.
aerogenes, Enterobacter aerogenes, Proteus
mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida
albicans, C. neoformans
Ethanolic S. aureus Strains Minimum inhibitory concentration was (de Oliveira et al., 2011)
Extract achieved at 2048 mg/mL it also modulate the
effect of antibiotics.
Acetone S. aureus, S. subflava, Corynebacterium Rubrum, Zone of inhibition ranged between 9 mm and (Chanda, Baravalia, Kaneria,
Extract Salmonella typhimurium, Enterobacter aerogenes, 14 mm. Rakholiya, 2010)
Klebsiella pneumonia, Proteus mirabilis,
Cryptococcus luteolus,
Methanolic Alternaria alternata Inhibited the growth at a concentration of (Vega-Vega, Silva-
Extract 6.25 mg/mL Espinoza1, et al, 2013;
Vega-Vega, Brenda, et al.
A. Asif et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 53 (2016) 102e112 105

polyphenolic contents in 100 g of mango seed kernel includes Table 2

20.7 mg tannin, 6.0 mg gallic acid,12.6 mg coumarin, 7.7 mg caffeic Important bioactive compounds present in mango fruit waste parts (Ajila et al.,
2007; Koubala et al., 2012; Soong & Barlow, 2006).
acid, 20.2 mg vanillin, 4.2 mg mangiferin, 10.4 mg ferulic acid,
11.2 mg cinnamic acid, and 7.1 mg unknown compounds (Masibo & Fruit waste part Bioactive compounds Chemical nature
He, 2009). The total polyphenolic contents of the mango kernel Mango Peel Mangiferin Xanthonoid
extract was estimated to be 112 mg GAE/100 g. Similarly Palmeira, Proanthocyanidins Flavonoides
Gois, and Souza (2012) reported that mango peels contain a Epicatechin Flavonoides
Quercetin Flavonoides
considerable quantity of polyphenols, carotenoids and dietary fibre.
Isoquercetin Flavonoides
These polyphenols includes mangiferin pentoside, quercitin, Astragalin Flavonoides
syringic acid and ellagic acid (Ajila, Jaganmohan, & Rao, 2010). The Epicatechin Catechin
bioactive components present in mango waste parts (seed kernel Epigallocatechin Catechin
Epicatechin gallate Catechin
and peel) are given in Table 2 and also discussed in detail as
Gallic acid propyl ester Phenolic acid
followed: 3,4- dihydroxybenzoic acid Phenolic acid
Dihydroxybenzoic acid Phenolic acid
Ellagic acid Phenolic acid derivative
3.1. Tannins and tannin like substances
Mango Kernel Gallotannins Hydrolyzable tannins
Mangiferin Xanthonoid
Kabuki et al. (2000) reported antimicrobial activities of an Proanthocyanidins Flavonoides
ethanolic extract from mango kernels against 18 bacterial species Isoquercetin Flavonoides
including foodborne pathogens. It was found that the extract was Quercetin Flavonoides
Fisetin Flavonoides
composed primarily of polyphenols, but the antibacterial compo-
Epicatechin Catechin
nents were not characterized. In a subsequent study it was Epigallocatechin Catechin
demonstrated that mango kernel extracts contain high amounts of Epicatechin gallate Catechin
hydrolyzable tannins (Berardini et al., 2004) and hypothesized that Gallic acid propyl ester Phenolic acid
the antimicrobial activity could be due to the presence of gallo- Gallic acid Phenolic acid
Gallic acid methyl ester Phenolic acid
tannins (Kabuki et al., 2001). Tian et al. (2009) demonstrated the
antimicrobial activity exhibited by gallotannins extracted from a
Chinese plant, Galla chinensis, belongs to mango family, Ana-
cardiaceae. The extracts of Galla chinensis were tested against three 3.4. Catechins
species of Gram negative (Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium,
Shigella dysenteriae) and Gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus (þ)-Catechin is a derivative of flavonoid and is further divided
aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus) each for minimum inhibi- into different groups such as ()-epicatechin, ()-epigallocatechin,
tory concentrations and shown strong broad spectrum antibacterial (þ)-gallocatechin and ()-epicatechin gallate. According to
potential. Antimicrobial activities of gallotannins from Galla chi- Scartezzini and Speroni (2000) mangiferin, catechin, and epi-
nensis and Galla rhois extracts were also reported by other re- catechin constitute about 50% of total polyphenolic composition of
searchers (Ahn, Lee, Kweon, Ahn, & Park, 1998; Li, Wang, Zhang, & Mangifera indica extract.
Shi, 2005; Zhu, Chen, & Tang, 2002).

3.2. Mangiferin 3.5. Quercetin

Mangiferin is a xanthone that possess strong antioxidant po- Quercetin is known as a colouring compound because it gives
tential. Mangiferin thought to be more effective antioxidant than color to fruits, flowers, and vegetables. They occur in plants in the
other natural antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E and because form of glycosides, such as rutin (quercetin rutinoside) (Berardini
of this reason informally known as “super antioxidants.” These et al., 2005). Schieber, Ullrich, and Carle (2000) reported the
compounds have high heat stability and also known as C-glucosyl presence of quercetin and related glycosides in mango. Among all
xanthone (Luo et al., 2012; Sanchez et al., 2000). It provides a strong the glycoside the most commonly found glycosides are quercetin 3-
protective shield to mango kernel against various forms of stresses galactoside (22.1 mg/kg), quercetin 3-glucoside (16.0 mg/kg) and
(static and dynamic) including pathogenic microflora quercetin 3-arabinoside (5.0 mg/kg). The amount of the quercetin
(Muruganandan, Gupta, Kataria, Lal, & Gupta, 2002). It might be a aglycon was 3.5 mg/kg whereas other flavonol glycosides
pharmacologically active phytochemical suggested in the Indian (kaempferol) were only present in trace amounts. A large amount
medicinal system for treatment of a number of immunodeficiency of quercetin is also present in mango peel (Berardini et al., 2005;
diseases (Scartezzini & Speroni, 2000). Tunchaiyaphum, Eshtiaghi, & Yoswathana, 2013).

3.3. Flavonoids
3.6. Anthocyanins
Flavonoids are the most common type of polyphenols, mainly
divided into six classes on the basis of degree of oxidation. These The recommended daily intake of anthocyanins for humans is
classes include flavones, isoflavones, flavanones, flavonols, antho- approximately up to 200 mg/dl (Duthie et al., 2000). Degree of
cyanins, and proanthocyanidins. Proanthocyanidins (a polymeric ripeness of mango also affects the total anthocyanin concentration.
flavanols) are mainly responsible for the astringency of food of The total anthocyanin contents in ripe mango ranged from 360 to
plant origin (Santos-Buelga & Scalbert, 2000). The other flavonoids 565 mg/100 g as compared to 203e326 mg/100 g in unripe mango
present in various parts of mango include epicatechin, quercetin, whereas a novel anthocyanin 7-Omethylcyanidin 3-O-b-D-gal-
isoquercetin, fisetin, and astragalin (kaempferol-3-glucoside) actopyranoside has also been found in the mango (Berardini et al.,
(Rozema, Bornman, Gaberscik, Haeder, & Trost, 2002). 2005).
106 A. Asif et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 53 (2016) 102e112

3.7. Phenolic acids carcinogenic properties. Mango peel contains a significant

amount of dietary fibre and this fibre has high hydration capacity
A large number of phenolic acids are found in mango but most (Koubala, Kansci, Garnier, Thibault, & Ralet, 2013). Mango peel di-
abundantly occurring phenolic acids includes gallic acid, gallic acid etary fibre possesses strong anti-oxidant potential as compared to
propyl ester, benzoic acid, 3,4- dihydroxybenzoic acid, gallic acid other natural anti-oxidants like tocopherol. Ajila & Rao (2013)
methyl ester, and benzoic acid propyl ester (Rastraelli et al., 2002). indicated that this high anti-oxidant potential is because of boun-
Structurally they are glucose esterified to form a polyol. Biosyn- ded phenolics to the mango peel fibre.
thetically these phenolic acids are formed by the oxidation of gal-
loyl residues in ellagitannins (Scalbert & Williamson, 2000). 4. Mechanism of action of antimicrobial activity of bioactive
Hydrolyzable tannins are derivatives of phenolic acids but found in compounds present in mango waste
low quantity than that of condensed tannins. Gallotannins are
generally regarded as safe (GRAS) for the use in foods and food Antimicrobial actions of mango kernel extract might be due to
products as food additives. Hydrolyzable tannins are easily hydro- the leaking of bacterial cell membrane by decreasing the perme-
lyzed by the action of digestive acid and/or enzymes, releasing ability of membrane (Lambert, Skandamis, Coote, & Nychas, 2001;
gallic acid or ellagic acid units (Scalbert & Williamson, 2000). Oussalah, Caillet, & Lacroix, 2006). There are two ends of bacterial
cell membrane, hydrophobic end which is non-polar and hydro-
3.8. Gallic acid and their derivatives philic end that is polar (Cristani et al., 2007). The hydrophobic end
reacts with aliphatic side chain while the hydrophilic end of
Gallic acid and its derivatives (e.g. ellagic acid) found either in membrane embeds with the hydrophobic benzene ring and polar
the free or bound form with tannins as gallo-tannins and ellagi- side of phenols (present in mango kernel extract) (Goel, Puniya,
tannins respectively. Structurally, gallic acid contains hydroxyl Aguilar, & Singh, 2005). Due to the decrease in permeability of
groups and a carboxylic acid group in its structure, its molecules membrane, the structures of membrane become alter and inhibit
has the ability to react with one another to form an ester, a com- the passing of substrates into cell (Cristani et al., 2007). Chung, Lu,
pound form known as digallic acid. Gallic acid does not give and Chou (1998) demonstrated that tannins present in mango
astringent taste because it does not form complex with protein. kernel extract, form stable complexes with proteins and some
Gallic acid was acknowledged as the major polyphenolic compound carbohydrates of bacterial cell membrane.
present in mangoes, after 6 hydrolyzable tannins (Kim et al., 2006). The breakdown of the proton pump, decline in membrane po-
The quantity of gallic acid found in mango kernel extract varied tential, deficiency of the ATP pool and loss of ions are caused by the
from 23 to 838 mg/100 g depending on the method of extraction permeability of cell membrane (Di Pasqua, Hoskins, Betts, &
(Soong & Barlow, 2006). Mauriello, 2006; Turina, Nolan, Zygadlo, & Perillo, 2006). The
structural arrangement of different fatty acids, layers of phospho-
3.9. Ellagic acid lipids and polysaccharides can be disrupted due to the passing of
tannin in mango kernel extract in cytoplasmic membrane and cell
Ellagic acid contains fused 4-rings in its structure and this wall (Burt, 2004; Longbottom, Carson, Hammer, Mee, & Riley,
specific structure is present in mango whereas in other plants it is 2004). It can also block the physiology of cell by coagulation of
bound to a sugar molecule in the form of ellagitannins, which is a cytoplasm (Burt, 2004). Changes in the bacterial membrane by the
more water-soluble compound and easily absorbed by the animals. action of quercetin could prevent the secretion of toxins. It can bind
The quantity of ellagic acid in mango kernel extract has been varied the toxins released to the external environment and also limit the
from 3 to 156 mg/100 g GAE depending on the method of extraction functioning of trans-membrane beyond the plasma membrane
(Soong & Barlow, 2006). (Akthar et al., 2014; De-Souza, De-Barros, De-Oliveira, & Da-
Conceicao, 2010; Ultee, Kets, Alberda, Hoekstra, & Smid, 2000).
3.10. Methyl gallate The direct action on microbial metabolism by inhibition of iron,
oxidative phosphorylation, deficiency of the substrates required for
Gallic acid derivatives methyl gallate and propyl gallate possess microbial growth or inhibition of extracellular microbial enzymes
strong antioxidant efficiency. Methyl and propyl gallate have pre- can also explain the antimicrobial activity of mango kernel extract
ventive potential against herpes simplex virus in vitro (Massibo & (Cushnie & Lamb, 2005; Raybaudi-Massilia, Mosqueda-Melgar,
He, 2008). The mango seed kernel also possesses antioxidant Soli- va-Fortuny, & Martin-Belloso, 2009). The phenolic compounds
property because of its high content of sesquiterpenoids, poly- have the ability to transfer electrons and donate protons (Pietta,
phenols, phytosterols, and microelements such as zinc, copper, and 2000). The ingestion of extract of mango kernel decreases intesti-
selenium (Berardini et al., 2004; Dinesh, Boghra, & Sharma, 2000; nal morbidity by increasing the re-absorption of NaCl and water
Kittiphoom, 2012; Schieber et al., 2003). (Raybaudi-Massilia et al., 2009; Sairam et al., 2003). The mecha-
nism of action of mango kernel extract is explained in Fig. 1.
3.11. Carotenoids
5. Natural antimicrobial properties of mango fruit wastes
Chen et al. (2004) reported the high amount of carotenoids in
mango peel. These carotenoids possess high vitamin A activity and Due to the presence of various phytochemicals, mango kernel
anti-oxidant potential. Similar findings were examined by extract showed a wide spectrum of antimicrobial efficacy against
Varakumar, Kumar, and Reddy (2011) with addition that this high Gram-positive bacteria than Gram-negative bacteria (Kabuki et al.,
vitamin A capacity and anti-oxidant potential was because of the 2000). Various studies indicated that antibacterial activity and
presence of large quantity of beta-carotene contents. strength of immune system are stimulated by the use of dietary
doses of methanolic extract of mango kernel (Sahu et al., 2007). The
3.12. Dietary fibre possible procedure possessed by mango kernel extract to control
the infectious diseases, could be through the immune system
Dietary fibre now a day gaining a lot of attention because of its activation and microbicidal activity (David & Diemert, 2006). It has
positive health impacts like prebiotic, anti-oxidant and anti- been demonstrated that high concentration of mango kernel
A. Asif et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 53 (2016) 102e112 107

Mango Waste Extracts

Reduce Change in Prevention of DNA Irritate the respiration Inhibit the

cytoplasmic membrane structure and protein by reducing the extracellular
contents by complex synthesis oxidative bacterial enzymes
formation phosphorylation
(Goel et al. 2005) (Akthar et al. 2014) (De Souza et al.
(Cristani et al. 2007)
(Oussalah et al. 2006) 2010)

Inhibition of

Fig. 1. Mode of action of mango waste extracts against microbes.

extract was needed (30%e35%) for the effective action of man- supported by Alok et al. (2013) who worked on antibacterial
giferin against Gram-positive Bacillus pumilus and Gram-negative property of two different varieties of Indian mango (Mangifera
Salmonella agona (Stoilova et al., 2005). indica) kernel extracts at various concentrations against some hu-
Sairam et al. (2003) conducted a comparative experimental man pathogenic bacterial strains (Bcillus Subtilis, Bacillus Cereus,
study and reported that the diarrheal disorder which was induced Staphylococus aureous, Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli).
by magnesium sulphate and castor oil in mice can be treated with In a study performed by Vega-Vega et al. (2013) the antioxidant
the aqueous and methanolic extracts of kernel of Mangifira indica. and antimicrobial potential of mango kernel extract was examined
Both methanolic and aqueous extract were given orally in the dose by introducing the extract in fresh-cut mango flesh. The antimi-
of 250 mg/kg, showed significant anti-diarrheal activity compara- crobial and antioxidant potential was evaluated during the storage
ble with that of the standard drug loperamide. Methanolic mango period of 15 days under 5  C. Results indicated that gallic acid was
kernel extract significantly inhibited the growth of Streptococcus the major bioactive component identified in mango kernel extract.
aureus and Proteus vulgaris, but both aqueous and methanolic ex- The fresh cut fruit which was preserved in ethanolic extract of
tracts did not show any inhibition against the growth of E. coli and mango kernel showed maximum resistance against spoilage as
Klebsiella. After the treatment duration, the results showed that the compared to control. It is concluded from the results of study that
methanolic extracts of mango kernel had significant impact on mango kernel extract showed both strong antioxidant and anti-
intestinal transit and anti-diarrheal activity as compared to the microbial potency (inhibition of 80% of mesophilic plate count and
aqueous mango kernel extract. 97% of total molds).
Abdalla, Darwish, Ayad, and El-Hamahmy (2007) performed an To evaluate the antibacterial and antioxidant efficacy of mango
experiment to examine the efficacy of mango kernel extract and oil kernel extract Khammuang and Sarnthima (2011) conducted a
against the total bacterial count in sunflower oil, pasteurized cow comparative research study while using four mango species. This
milk and potato chips. In this experiment total bacterial count was study revealed that mango kernel extracts of all the varieties
reduced by using combination of mango kernel oil and extract in showed broad spectrum antimicrobial potential against both Gram
various concentrations. Combination of 5% oil and 400 ppm positive and Gram negative microbes. The most sensitive pathogen
methanolic extract of mango kernel was most effective against inhibited by all the extracts was Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC
pathogens especially E. coli. Because of this combination sunflower 27853. Results of this study revealed that mango kernel extract
oil oxidative stability also increased and improved its shelf life. So, might be used as a potential antimicrobial.
results concluded that the mango kernel oil and extract could be Shabani and Sayadi (2014) performed an experiment to examine
utilized as natural antioxidant and antimicrobial agents. the antimicrobial activity of various plants including mango, march
The study of Gadallah and Abdel Fatah (2011) showed that and tamarisk. The ethanolic and aqueous extracts of these plants
mango seed kernel was an effective inhibitor against the patho- were prepared in the ratio of 25 and 50 mg/mL. The antimicrobial
genic microbes by performing a parallel control study on the activity was evaluated against pathogenic bacteria Streptococcus
minced beef in refrigerated conditions. The results indicated that pyogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Strepto-
methanolic extract of mango seed kernel was highly effective coccus pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans. The
against Gram positive pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus and Ba- ethanolic mango kernel extracts showed the maximum zone of
cillus subtilis) than Gram negative organisms (Escherichia coli and inhibition against Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Salmonella). Similar results were also showed by another study Vaghasiya, Patel, and Chanda (2011) conducted an experiment
conducted by Mirghani et al. (2009) with higher antibacterial ef- to analyse the antimicrobial effects of seeds of Mangifira indica L.
ficacy of mango kernel against Gram positive Bacillus subtilis and The methanolic extracts of seeds were utilized against 20 standards
Gram negative Escherichia coli pathogens. These results were also and 41 clinically isolated strains of bacteria. The mango seed extract
108 A. Asif et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 53 (2016) 102e112

showed antimicrobial potential against all the strains of bacteria inconvenient to be destroyed by the typical irrigants with no
which were clinically isolated, and almost all strains of bacteria that infection to the body. Therefore, plant materials with minimum
were taken as standard. This study further approved the mytho- adverse effects were investigated for root canal therapy by Subbiya
logical utilization of Mangifira indica L. for the advancement of new et al. (2013). In this study, the antimicrobial potential of Mangifera
approaches to cure pathogenic bacterial infections. indica L. kernel extract was estimated and correlated with typical
Amgad et al. (2012) investigated the in vitro antimicrobial ef- irrigants (2% chlorhexidine and 5% sodium hypochlorite) across
fects of ethanol and methanol extracts of mango kernel across dentinal biofilm of E. faecalis. Broth micro dilution and agar diffu-
delegate fungi, Gram negative, Gram positive and aciduric bacteria. sion method was accomplished with extracts and typical irrigants
The in vitro antimicrobial effects of ethanol and methanol extracts across E. faecalis planktonic cells. The experimental duration was
of mango kernel indicated the average inhibition zones ranged consisting of 3 weeks. Results of mango kernel extract utilization
from 5 mm to 18 mm. The greatest inhibition zone (18 mm) was against root canal biofilm of E. faecalis showed the considerable
against Mycobacterium smegmatis. However, the mango kernel reduction of colony forming units (CFU)/mL and antimicrobial ac-
ethanolic and methanolic extracts indicated satisfactory inhibitory tivity at par with 5% NaOCl was observed.
actions against all the examined strains. The study of Jiamboonsri, Rakholiya et al. (2013a) studied the antimicrobial potential of
Pithayanukul, Bavovada, and Chomnawang (2011) supported aqueous extracts of mango (Mangifera indica L) peel (ripe and un-
these results with additionally proposed that mango seed kernel ripe) and seed. The results revealed that the highest antimicrobial
extract can be another effective remedial operator or collateral activity was observed in case of ripe peel extract with >15 mm zone
healing besides penicillin G in the therapy of methylene resistant of inhibition against Gram positive bacterium i.e. Micrococcus fla-
Staphylococcus aureus infection. vus. Similarly, ripe and unripe seed extracts showed maximum
Mirghani et al. (2007) evaluated the antimicrobial effects of zone of inhibition against P. vulgaris followed by Proteus morganii.
mango seed kernel against the strains of Gram-negative (Pseudo- Similarly, another study was carried out by Vega-Vega et al. (2013)
monas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli) and Gram-positive (Bacillus to evaluate the antifungal activity of ethanolic and methanolic ex-
subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus) bacteria. The outcomes tracts of mango peel against Alternaria alternate. Results revealed
demonstrated that Lemak (variety of mango) provided comparably that the mango peel ethanolic extract exhibited the highest anti-
greater antimicrobial effects among different types of mango with fungal activity at a concentration of 6.25 mg/mL.
average zone of inhibitions ranged from 1.40 to 2.23 cm. The mango peel extracts not only possess antimicrobial poten-
Kaur et al. (2010) also reported antimicrobial activity of meth- tial but also play role to enhance the antimicrobial activity of the
anolic extract of mango seed kernel against Staphylococcus aureus, antibiotics. In this regard a study was conducted to evaluate the
Escherichia coli and Vibrio vulnificus. Karthy and Ranjitha (2011) also antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus against norfloxacin,
reported that tannins (gallotannins) present in ethanolic extract of erythromycin and tetracycline (de Oliveira, Falc~ ao-SilvaSiqueira-
mango kernel have strong antimicrobial potential. Diterpenoids Junior, Costa, & de Melo Diniz, 2011). The ethanolic extract from
that were extracted from different varieties of mango plant illus- mango peel was also used along with these antibiotics. The results
trated the strong bactericidal activity against Gram-positive bac- revealed that, due to the addition of mango peel extract, the anti-
teria and also inhibited the growth of Micobacterium tuberculosis biotic resistance of the tested culture was reduced (resistant culture
(Garcia, Bocanegra-Garcia, Palma-Nicolas, & Rivera, 2012; Kurek, was inhibited by the antibiotics and mango peel extracts).
Grudniak, Kraczkiewicz-Dowjat, & Wolska, 2011).
Rakholiya, Kaneria, Desai, Chanda et al. (2013a, b) performed a 6. Other therapeutic uses
comparative study to evaluate the antimicrobial potential of mango
wastes (seed kernel and peel). In this study ripe and unripe mango Ramesh et al. (2001) examined the antidiabetic effect of alco-
wastes were used against 10 Gram positive, 10 Gram negative and 5 holic extract of mango seed kernel. In the study, the extract of
fungi. After the experimental trial, results indicated that ripe mango seed kernel was compared with tolbutamide 500 mg/kg.
mango peel and seed were more effective against pathogens as The results revealed that mango seed kernel extract showed
compared to unripe mango seed kernel and peel. It was also considerable effect on hypoglycaemia in the normal rats (fasted)
observed that mango seed showed higher antimicrobial potential after 3 h of drug application, when compared with normal group. In
as compared to mango peel. aloxone induced diabetic rats, the extract of mango seed kernel
El-Hawary and Rabeh (2014) examined antimicrobial and anti- considerably enhanced insulin level at the quantity of 100 and
fungal efficacy of three different cultivars of Magnifera indica 200 mg/kg. It was concluded that mango seed kernel extract
including zebdeya, hindi and cobaneya. Along with antimicrobial stimulate the production of insulin in pancreas of Wistar rats and
and antifungal activity immunostimulant and anti-carcinogenic have significant action across aloxone induced diabetes in Wistar
activity were also measured. In the current study mango peel rats.
essential oil was used for the evaluation. Results indicated that To evaluate the anti-allergic and antimicrobial potential of some
essential oils of cultivar Hindi showed broad spectrum anti- Thai crops, a comparative study was conducted by Tewtrakul,
bacterial effect against both Gram positive (18e21 mm) and Gram Itharat, Thammaratwasik, and Ooraikul (2008). In this study
negative (16e19 mm). This cultivar also revealed considerable anti- various crops including mango, banana, germinated rice, okra,
fungal potency against Candida albicans whereas no anti-fungal durian, jackfruit, rambutan, jampadah, huasa potato, tamarind,
activity was showed against Aspergillus flavus by all the cultivars. coconut, fan palm fruit and dioscorea tuber. Crop's waste parts (peel
It was also demonstrated that peel essential oil of Magnifera indica and seed) were tested for anti-allergic against antigen-induced b-
zebdeya (phagocytic indices ¼ 1.47) and Magnifera indica cobaneya hexosaminidase and antimicrobial potential against Bacillus subtilis,
(phagocytic indices ¼ 1.06) showed appreciable immunostimulant Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Results
activity which was measured by low Macrophage migration index. demonstrated that mango seed possessed highest anti-allergic and
The anti-carcinogenic potential of the peel essential oils were antimicrobial activity followed by banana peel. So these results
examined in vitro against MCF-7, HCT-116 and HepG2 cancer cell indicated that mango waste (seed and peel) has strong therapeutic
lines using MTT assay and the results showed significant effect with potential and can be used as nutraceutical for the treatment of
IC50 ¼ 1.62e1.77, 2.95e5.56 and 2.76e3.14 ml/ml, respectively. allergic and bacterial infections.
In the root canal biofilm of Enterococcus faecalis cause The properties of mango kernel oil like analgesic,
A. Asif et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 53 (2016) 102e112 109

immunomodulatory, antioxidative and anti-inflammatory are mango kernel extracts inhibit activation induced cell death. These
because of presence of bioactive component; gallotannin 15.5 mg/g mango kernel polyphenols may react with H2O2 and prevent the
(Berardini et al., 2004). Abdullah et al. (2014) conducted an fenton reaction between Fe2þ and H2O2 because this reaction re-
experiment to analyse the activity of ethanolic mango kernel sults in the formation of hydroxyl radicals. Reduction of hydroxal
extract against breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7). The radicals results in the protection of human T lymphocytes. Jagetia
result of this experiment indicated that the extract promotes and Baliga (2005) found that mangiferin provided protection
cytotoxicity in MCF-7 cells and MDA-MB-231 cells with IC50 values against radiation-induced sickness and mortality. It has been sug-
of 15 and 30 mg/mL, respectively. The anti-proliferative, NR uptake gested that mangiferin reduces blood glucose levels by inhibiting
and LDH release assays were used for further confirmation of the glucose absorption from the intestine.
cytotoxic property on the cells. So it was concluded that mango Muruganandan, Srinivasan, Gupta, Gupta, and Lal (2005) found
kernel extract come into sight to be higher cytotoxic to both es- that mangiferin possess both intra-pancreatic and extra-pancreatic
trogen negative and positive breast cancer cell lines than to normal mechanisms to control the diabetic complications. Mangiferin ef-
breast cells. Lamson and Brignall (2001) also performed study on ficacy might be enhanced because of its dual actions. Mangiferin
breast cancer while using mango kernel extract as remedy. also showed antihyperlipidemic potential by significantly
Sahu et al. (2007) performed a parallel-control and randomized decreasing the plasma total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL
experimental trial on fish to evaluate the effectiveness of mango while increasing in HDL levels in diabetic rats. According to Singh,
kernel extract on the immune responses. The results indicated that Sharma, Kumar, Kumar, and Sinha (2009) mangiferin has also the
mango kernel extract was more effective for immune responses strong antifungal potential against Thermoascus aurantiacus,
which are related to serum protein, albumin, superoxide anion Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Trichoderma reesei, and Aspergillus flavus.
production and survivability of fish. After the results it was The therapeutic effect of mango peel and flesh extracts con-
concluded that mango kernel extract enhances the ability of fish to taining bioactive molecules, as well as the individual phenolic
be more resistant against pathogenic infection and strengthen the compound (mangiferin and quercetin) on endothelial cell migra-
immune system. Soong and Barlow (2004) assayed the antioxidant tion responsible for formation of blood vessels was observed in a
activity of a variety of fruit seeds, namely, mango, jackfruit, longan, study. Results showed that mangiferin, and extracts rich in man-
avocado, and tamarind and found that the antioxidant activity of giferin, increased the migration of endothelial cells which was
the mango seed kernel was the highest, a fact attributed to its high found to be dose dependent. The results finally suggested that the
polyphenolic contents. mango peel extract possess health promoting potential due to the
Mango kernel extract possess numerous physiological activities presence of mangiferin against diseases related to the impaired
because of containing an important bioactive component “ellagic formation of new blood vessels (Daud et al., 2010).
acid”. Ellagic acid has the potential to inhibit the binding of DNA, Mangiferin is a special polyphenol, which has been extensively
the DNA adducts formation of N-nitrosobenzylmethylamine and N- studied due to its nutraceutical and pharmaceutical properties to
nitrosodiethylamine- induced lung tumorigenesis and mutagenic combat degenerative diseases like cardiovascular diseases and
activities. It also possess antiviral and antioxidant efficacy, and cancer. The synergism of the various mango polyphenols is signif-
enhances the detoxifying enzymes activities (Rashmeet, Reen, & icant for maximum antioxidative activity. The mango peel powder
Stoner, 2006). Massibo and He (2008) suggested that addition of (MPP) has significant contents of total dietary fibre and total ca-
ellagitannins (ellagic acid derivative) in a minute quantity in hu- rotenoids (Elhassaneen, El-Waseef, Fathy, & Ahmed, 2013) as well
man diet provide effective target physiological function rather than as a potential source of minerals and antioxidants (Imran, Butt,
purified ellagic acid in high quantity. Anjum, & Sultan, 2013).
Another bioactive component, anthocyanins present in mango The mango peel extracts possess hypoglycemic properties due
kernel extract demonstrated strong therapeutic potential against to the presence of Mangiferin (xanthone) which is considered as a
human diseases associated with oxidative stress such as coronary good antioxidant compound (Saleh, El-Maraghy, Reda, & Barakat,
heart disease and cancer (Duthie et al., 2000; Lazze et al., 2003). 2014). In a study, the streptozotocin-induced rats (diabetic) were
Roberts-Thomson et al. (2008) demonstrated the effectiveness fed on diet supplemented with mango peel powder. The results
of mango kernel components quercetin and mangiferin and the revealed that due to the incorporation of mango peel powder, there
aglycone derivative of mangiferin, norathyriol, to improve the was significant increment in high density lipoprotein and decline in
transactivity of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors lipid peroxidation, urine sugar, blood glucose level (fasting), total
(PPARs). Peng and Kuo (2003) reported that quercetin have the cholesterol and triglycerides as compared to the control (Gondi,
ability to protect Caco-2 cells from lipid peroxidation caused by Basha, Bhaskar, Salimath, & Rao, 2015).
hydrogen peroxide and Fe2þ. Molina, Sanchez-Reus, Iglesias, and It has been reported from different studies that the mango peel
Benedi (2003) documented by performing an experiment on extracts show antiproliferative effects (dose dependent) against
mouse liver to examine the quercetin efficacy against lipid oxida- cancer cell lines. The scientists and researchers had correlated this
tion. They found that quercetin reduces the rate of lipid oxidation potential health benefit of the mango peel with its phenolic and
by increasing the amount of glutathione, so in this way quercetin flavonoid contents (Kima et al., 2010).
protects the liver from oxidative damages.
Quercetin inhibits cell proliferation in colon carcinoma cell lines, 7. Conclusion and future prospective
in mammary adenocarcinoma cell lines (Woude et al., 2003), Mol-4
human leukemia cells, platelet aggregation calcium mobilization, The bioactive components (phytochemicals) containing plant
and tyrosine protein phosphorylation in platelets (Hubbard, food is acquiring interest in the scientific society by reason of its
Wolffram, Lovegrove, & Gibbins, 2003) and also induces apoptosis potential to prevent and control the various illnesses. Mango fruit
(Mertens-Talcott, Talcott, & Percival, 2003). Quercetin by acting as waste extracts have significant curing and protection potential
antioxidant performs anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory activ- against various diseases especially to prevent the growth of caus-
ity (Andreu et al., 2005; Augustyniak et al., 2005; Nakaishi, 2000; ative pathogens of infectious diseases. However, there is need of
Sanchez et al., 2000). optimization of extraction and utilization of bioactive compounds
Hernandez, Rodriguez, Delgado, and Walczak (2007) demon- from mango fruit waste. Moreover, the mango kernel extract could
strated that the major polyphenols (mangiferin and catechin) in the be a possible alternative to antibiotics with the advantage of cost
110 A. Asif et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 53 (2016) 102e112

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