Florens Reefer Cont
Florens Reefer Cont
Florens Reefer Cont
Web Publication
September 2006
Refrigerated Containers
Technical criteria to be applied to refrigerated containers are the same as any other
Florens’ equipment, i.e. prevailing IICL standard and Florens depot procedure. Components
requiring special attention are:
• A Florens Pre / Post Trip Inspection Schedule form must be completed at the time of
Pre or Post Trip (Depots are required to use the Florens form or an alternative form that includes
all the elements of the Florens’ form. Please see Florens’ Pre / Post Trip Inspection
Schedule – attachment “A”). The completed form is to be retained by the depot as a
permanent record. The content of the information on the form should be same or more than the
Form in attachment A.
Temperature Recorder
Web Publication
September 2006
Repairs on Partlow
Florens may decide not to repair some components of the Partlow device in the reefer machinery hav-
ing Microlink 2ii and above models with data logger.
When Florens elects not to repair such components, the depots will be notified. In these instances,
please follow the procedure outlined below and place a “non-operational” partlow decal (supplied by
Florens) on the door of the partlow box.
Depots should continue to estimate partlow repairs as usual regardless of the damage re-
sponsibility (User, DPP or NWT).
Place “non operational” partlow decal on the door of the partlow box upon
instructions from Florens that the partlow should not be repaired.
Florens Container Services
Web Publication
September 2006
Repairs on Partlow
Place the above “non-operational” decal supplied by Florens on the partlow door
when Florens instruction states that partlow must not be repaired.
Florens Container Services
Web Publication
September 2006
Refrigerated Containers
Cables / Plugs
• Missing 230 volt plugs are not to be replaced (230 volt cable must meet IICL requirements).
• Replacement or installa-
tion of (1) cable voltage indicator sleeve is necessary if both
cables are the same color and both indicator sleeves are missing or illegible.
• A maximum of 2 proper splices per cable is permitted.
Damaged Cable Stowage doors, door hinges and latches are not to be repaired/replaced.
If the functionality is compromised, remove the door.
Web Publication
September 2006
Refrigerated Containers
Web Publication
September 2006
Refrigerated Containers
Component Refurbishment
Valve and coil housings are not to be refurbished if they are operational and functional.
Web Publication
September 2006
Refrigerated Containers
Web Publication
September 2006
Compressor must exhibit approximately 75% surface rust/corrosion before abrasive cleaning
and painting repair is done on it. Please refer to the Florens’ Technical and Operations Man-
ual, section 8 pages 4 and 5 for guidance in selecting a candidate for this type of repair.
Preferred method of cleaning is to use the needle gun to abrasive clean the
surface rust and flaking paint. Other mechanical method of cleaning, such as
wire brushing is acceptable as long as the surface rust is removed properly.
and paint as much of the surface area as possible without removing the com-
Florens Container Services
Web Publication
September 2006
Use hand tool to clean crevices, and wire brush the entire compres-
sor to obtain correct surface preparation for paint application.
As a final step before paint application, using the blower, air clean the
entire compressor. No dust or paint flakes should remain on the
Florens Container Services
Web Publication
September 2006
Before applying the paint, mask all the adjacent areas including hoses,
valve cap, sight glass and compressor ID plate. In accordance with the
paint manufacture’s recommendations:
1) Apply the Prime Coat (Hempadur 15570 WFT 200 DFT 100)
2) Apply the Intermediate Coat (Hempadur 45142 WFT 250 DFT 150)
3) Apply the Top Coat (Hempathane 55210 WFT 100 DFT 50
Web Publication
September 2006
Refrigerated Containers
No repair is required if functional
Valve coil with surface corrosion
The use of certain remanufactured electrical and mechanical components is allowed and
often encouraged by Florens. Contact your local Florens Operations representative for
details relating to specific remanufactured components and approved dealers.
Florens Container Services
Web Publication
September 2006
Refrigerated Containers
No repair is required if functional
Valve coil with surface corrosion
The use of certain remanufactured electrical and mechanical components is allowed and
often encouraged by Florens. Contact your local Florens Operations representative for
details relating to specific remanufactured components and approved dealers.
Florens Container Services
Web Publication
September 2006
Machine Handles
Missing or damaged handle assembly on the machine do not require repair or replacement.
Web Publication
September 2006
Refrigerated Containers Addendum June 2008
• User required battery pack at the time of on-hire and kept the unit
on lease for less than two years, in which case Florens will notify
the depot accordingly.
Florens Container Services
Web Publication
September 2006
When replacing condenser coil for Carrier machinery, the following guideline should be ap-
1) For units that are 6 years and older, replace condenser coil with Economy coil 69NT43-
202-20. This applies regardless of who is responsible for the replacement—Lessee or
2) For units that are less than 6 years, replace the coil with OEM product—69NT 43-202-
At off-hire, condenser coil should be checked visually for obstruction, marine growth, and
damage. Any presence of salt sediment or debris blocking the condenser fins should be re-
moved by water wash using standard tap water pressure. Do not pressure wash condenser coil.
Debris over coil fins.
Action: Water wash using standard tap water pressure.
Florens Container Services
Web Publication
September 2006
Web Publication
September 2006
Web Publication
September 2006
Web Publication
September 2006
Web Publication
September 2006
Refrigerated Containers
Web Publication
September 2006
Refrigerated Containers
3.0 Electrical
3.1 Main Cable 10/4 type length min length R40=60ft
splices (18M)
Web Publication
September 2006
Refrigerated Containers
Web Publication
September 2006
Refrigerated Containers
3. Check and record the following: (megohm minimum: motor = 1.5; heater = 1.0)
Component Megoh Amp Amp Amp
Evaporator motor (curb—left) Ω L1 L2 L3
Evaporator motor (road—right) Ω L1 L2 L3
Heater (strip back 1” wire lead if needed) Ω L1 L2 L3
Compressor motor Ω L1 L2 L3
Condenser motor Ω L1 L2 L3
Condenser motor (#2) Ω L1 L2 L3
Condenser motor (#3) Ω L1 L2 L3
Web Publication
September 2006
Refrigerated Containers