Mitsubishi Adroit Process Suite: Reducing Your Engineering Effort and Cost
Mitsubishi Adroit Process Suite: Reducing Your Engineering Effort and Cost
Mitsubishi Adroit Process Suite: Reducing Your Engineering Effort and Cost
EBG 224-EN
Mitsubishi Adroit Process Suite
A revolution in
Automation Engineering
This single integrated package takes users
through all the phases of process design,
engineering design, control system design,
installation, commissioning, acceptance
testing and ongoing maintenance; help-
ing to maintain consistency and integrity
within an automation system, improving
quality and reducing costs.
In process applications where Mitsubishi
Electric PLCs are mixed with SCADA solu-
tions from South African market leader
Adroit Technologies, MAPS provides a
structured approach to life-cycle engineer-
ing. It provides a standards-based approach
that reduces the time and effort in automa-
tion project development, testing and com-
missioning phases, with pre-defined and
user configurable PLC function blocks and
associated SCADA graphics, based on the
MAPS Life-cycle engineering international S88 and S95 standards.
Another major shortfall of traditional inte-
gration tools is the generation of reports.
With MAPS, reports covering areas such as
I/O schedules, PLC and SCADA tag configu-
ration can be automatically generated. This
automatic report generation ensures that
the project on handover also reflects the
“as built” up-to-date electrical and instru-
mentation drawings that are aligned to the
SCADA tags and PLC I/O. The reports are
database driven, so even through on-going
maintenance the reports will always reflect
the current status of the electrical and
instrumentation configuration.
MAPS also helps to ensure that project doc-
umentation is kept up to date. Throughout MAPS Wizard screen
the design phases and even as systems are
upgraded or modified over time, MAPS
provides on-going management of the
Benefits Automatically generated reports
In MAPS reports can be created, covering
PLC/SCADA and the plant “as built” electri- I/O schedules, PLC and SCADA tag con-
Standards approach to projects
cal and instrumentation documentation. figuration. As these reports are generated
Whether tags are changed in the design, Pre-defined and user configurable PLC from a database that is constantly updated,
PLC, SCADA or the MAPS management Functionblocks and associated SCADA reports always show the current status of
environment, the project ensures that graphics together with a project structure the configuration. That ensures that the
databases and documentation are synchro- according to S88/S95 standards reduce project on handover reflects the as-built
nised. MAPS also offers the ability to cen- engineering time and effort significantly. up to date configuration of the automation
trally back up projects. project.
Single point of configuration,
deployment and management On-going life cycle management
The MAPS solution is a structured single The MAPS solution offers customers the
point of configuration. Using the MAPS capability of on-going management of
Enterprise Manager, allows for bulk engi- their PLC/SCADA projects and the plant´s
neering and reduced effort which enables as-built electrical documentation. Whether
rapid configuration of your engineering tags are changed in the design, PLC, SCADA
design, SCADA and PLC project and on- or the MAPS management environment,
going life-cycle management of the auto- the project ensures that databases and
mation solution. documentation are synchronised.
Automatically generated PLC
and SCADA projects to reduce
engineering effort
Cost reductions of between 25 % and 50 %
can be achieved when using the wizard
approach to projects inside MAPS, allowing
the user to benefit from the reduced time
Mitsubishi Q Series PLC spent on development and configuration.
MAPS cost and time saving benefits ///
In the graph we have the traditional timeline for a standard project implementation for duration of 12-month (1 year).
The white line shows the MAPS solution and the black line shows the traditional solution.
The time is measured against overall percentage cost of the project.
Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. /// FA - European Business Group /// Gothaer Straße 8 /// D-40880 Ratingen /// Germany
Tel.:+49(0)2102-4860 /// Fax: +49(0)2102-4861120 /// ///
Specifications subject to change /// Art. no. 242569-A /// 08.2011
All trademarks and copyrights acknowledged.