All About Analogy

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Analogy means ‘correspondence’. In the questions based on analogy, a particular relationship is given and
another similar relationship has to be identified from the alternatives provided. Analogy tools are therefore
meant to test one’s ability to reason - how far you are able to compare and comprehend the relationship that
exists between two objects, things or figures.
Verbal analogy measures the ability to understand the relationship between two given words or group of
letters, presented in abbreviated form. See the following example.
Moon : Satellite : : Earth : Planet
This abbreviated form conveys the idea that moon is related to satellite in the same way as the earth is
related to planet.

Look for the Kinds of

There are many possibilities in establishing a relationship. Here are some useful points on the basic knowledge
required for the test.
Worker and Product
Eg: Carpenter : Furniture : : Mason : Wall
Carpenter makes Furniture and Mason builds a Wall.
1. Author : Book 7. Editor : Newspaper
2. Architect : Design 8. Farmer : Crop
3. Butcher : Meat 9. Judge : Justice
4. Chef : Food 10. Poet : Poem
5. Choreographer : Ballet 11. Teacher : Education
6. Cobbler : Shoes 12. Tailor : Clothes
Worker and Tool Relationship
Eg: Woodcutter : Axe : : Soldier : Gun
Axe is the tool used by a Woodcutter, likewise a Soldier uses a Gun to shoot.
1. Author : Pen 9. Doctor : Stethoscope
2. Astronomer : Telescope 10. Farmer : Plough
3. Barber : Scissors 11. Gardener : Harrow
4. Butcher : Chopper 12. Painter : Brush
5. Blacksmith : Anvil 13. Sculptor : Chisel
6. Bricklayer : Trowel 14. Surgeon : Scalpel
7. Carpenter : Saw 15. Tailor : Needle
8. Cobbler : Awl
Tool and Action
Eg: Pen : Write : : Knife : Cut
Pen is used for Writing and Knife is used for Cutting
1. Axe : Grind 8. Spade : Dig
2. Auger : Bore 9. Shovel : Scoop
3. Chisel : Carve 10. Spoon : Feed
4. Gun : Shoot 11. Spanner : Grip
5. Loudspeaker : Amplify 12. Steering : Drive
6. Microscope : Magnify 13. Sword : Slaughter
7. Oar : Row
Worker and Working Place
Eg: Farmer : Field : : Doctor : Hospital
A Farmer works on a Field while a Doctor works in a Hospital.
1. Artist : Theatre 8. Pilot : Cockpit
2. Actor : Stage 9. Sailor : Ship
3. Clerk : Office 10. Scientist : Laboratory
4. Driver : Cabin 11. Teacher : School
5. Engineer : Site 12. Umpire : Pitch
6. Lawyer : Court 13. Worker : Factory
7. Mechanic : Garage 14. Warrior : Battlefield
Product and Raw Material
Eg: Cloth : Fibre : : Petrol : Crude Oil
Cloth is made of Fibre and Petrol is extracted from Crude oil.
1. Book : Paper 8. Omlette : Egg
2. Butter : Milk 9. Paper : Pulp
3. Furniture : Wood 10. Road : Asphalt
4. Fabric : Yarn 11. Rubber : Latex
5. Jaggery : Sugarcane 12. Shoes : Leather
6. Metal : Ore 13. Sack : Jute
7. Oil : Seed
Quantity and Unit
Eg: Length : Metre : : Distance : Light Year
Metre is the unit of Length and Light year is the unit of Distance.
1. Angle : Radians 7. Power : Watt
2. Current : Ampere 8. Pressure : Pascal
3. Energy : Joule 9. Resistance : Ohm
4. Force : Newton 10. Time : Seconds
5. Mass : Kilogram 11. Volume : Litre
6. Potential : Volt 12. Work : Joule
Instrument and Measurement
Eg: Barometer : Pressure : : Speedometer : Speed
Barometer is used to measure Pressure. Speedometer is used to measure Speed.
1. Ammeter : Current 5.Rain Gauge : Rain
2. Anemometer : Wind Velocity 6. ScrewGauge : Thickness
3. Balance : Mass 7. Seismograph:
4. Hygrometer : Humidity 8.Sphygmomanometer Blood Pressure
9. Thermometer: Temperature
Study and Topic
Eg: Botany : Plants : : Ornithology : Birds
Botany is the study of Plants, Ornithology is the study of Birds.
1. Anthropology: Man 9. Orography : Mountains
2. Astrology : Future 10.Palaeontology : Fossils
3. Conchology : Shells 11.Pedology : Soil
4. Cardiology : Heart 12.Pathology : Diseases
5. Entomology : Insects 13.Semantics : Language
6. Haematology: Blood 14.Seismology : Earth-quakes
7. Nephrology : Kidney 15. Taxonomy : Classification
8. Oology : Eggs 16.Zoology : Animals
Animal and Young Ones
Eg: Cat : Kitten : : Dog : Puppy
Kitten is the young one of a Cat and Puppy is the young one of a Dog.
1. Butterfly : Catterpillar 7. Lion : Cub
2. Cow : Calf 8. Man : Child
3. Duck : Duckling 9. Pig : Piglet
4. Frog : Tadpole 10. Stallion : Colt
5. Hen : Chicken 11. Sheep : Lamb
6. Horse : Pony 12. Swam : Signet
Male and Female
Eg: Son : Daughter : : Nephew : Niece
1. Drone : Bee 5. Lion : Lioness
2. Dog : Bitch 6. Stag : Doe
3. Gentleman : Lady 7. Tiger : Tigress
4. Horse : Mare 8. Uncle : Aunt
Word and Synonym
Eg: Mend : Repair : : House : Home
1. Abode : Dwelling 7. Fierce : Violent
2. Abduct : Kidnap 8. Happy : Glad
3. Ban : Prohibition 9. Presage : Predict
4. Blend : Mix 10. Solicit : Request
5. Brim : Edge 11. Substitute : Replace
6. Dissipate : Squander 12. Aborigine : Native
Word and Antonym
Eg: Ignore : Notice : : Friend : Foe
1. Advance : Retreat 8. Gentle : Harsh
2. Best : Worst 9. Gradual : Abrupt
3. Cruel : Kind 10. Initial : Final
4. Chaos : Peace 11. Kindle : Extinguish
5. Create : Destroy 12. Lend : Borrow
6. Cordial : Hostile 13. Robust : Weak
7. Deep : Shallow 14. Sink : Float
13. Word and Intensity
Eg: Anger : Rage : : Joy : Ecstasy
Rage is greater degree of Anger and Ecstasy is greater degree of Joy.
1. Crime : Sin 5. Refuse : Deny
2. Error : Blunder 6. Sink : Drown
3. Famous : Renowned 7. Unhappy : Sad
4. Quarrel : War 8. Wish : Desire

Speed Developing Practice Test No. 3

Directions: In each of the following questions there is a certain relation between the two given words on one side
of : : and one word is given on the other side of : : while another word is to be found from the given alternatives,
having the same relation with this word as the words of the given pair. Choose the correct alternative.
1. Girl : Beautiful : : Boy : ?
(1) Smart (2) Heroic (3) Courageous (4) Handsome (5) None of these
2. Anatomy : Zoology : : Paediatrics : ?
(1) Chemistry (2) Medicine (3) Palaeontology (4) Mechanics (5) None of these
3. Matricide : Mother : : Homicide : ?
(1) Human being (2) Children (3) Father (4) Apes (5) None of these
4. Microphone : Loud : : Microscope : ?
(1) Increase (2) Investigate (3) Examine (4) Magnify (5) None of these
5. Line : Square : : Arc : ?
(1) Ring (2) Sphere (3) Circle
(4) Ball (5) None of these
6. Meat : Vegetarian : : Liquor : ?
(1) Insane (2) Introvert (3) Teetotaller(4) Foolish (5) None of these
7. Tuberculosis : Lungs : : Cataract : ?
(1) Ear (2) Throat (3) Skin
(4) Eye (5) None of these
8. Professor : Lecture : : Doctor : ?
(1) Hospital (2) Disease (3) Medicine (4) Patient (5) None of these
9. Victory : Encouragement : : Failure : ?
(1) Sadness (2) Defeat (3) Anger (4) Frustration (5) None of these
10. Doctor : Diagnosis : : Judge : ?
(1) Court (2) Punishment (3) Lawyer (4) Judgement (5) None of these
Directions: The following questions consist of two words that have a certain relationship between each other, followed
by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words.
11. Restaurant : Menu
(1) Library : Catalogue (2) Journal : Newspaper
(3) Book : Encyclopaedia (4) College : Account.
(5) None of these.
12. Heart : Cardiology
(1) Brain : Psychology (2) History : Histology
(3) Civics : Polity (4) Fossils : Palaeontology
(5) None of these.
13. Soldier : Regiment
(1) Flower : Bunch (2) Drop : Ocean
(3) Sailor : Crew (4) Deer : Jungle
(5) None of these.
14. Acoustic : Sound
(1) Mathematics : Geometry(2) Radio : Song
(3) Pathology : Disease (4) Communication : Phone
(5) None of these.
15. Yen : Currency
(1) Brass : Metal (2) Hen : Poultry
(3) Paper : Book (4) Karnataka : State
(5) None of these.
16. Bird : Wings
(1) Whale : Water (2) Dog : Lungs
(3) Car : Wheels (4) Pen : Paper
(5) None of these.
17. Aspirin : Headache
(1) Amoeba : Dysentry (2) Acid : Burns
(3) Quinine : Malaria (4) Iron : Aneamia
(5) None of these.
18. Sprain : Fracture
(1) Cool : Cold (2) Accident : Death
(3) Pneumonia : Fever (4) Fall : Slip
(5) None of these.
19. Ampere : Current
(1) Sound : Wave (2) Speed : Time
(3) Distance : Kilometre (4) Ohm : Resistance
(5) None of these.
20. Muslims : Quran
(1) Hindus : Temple (2) Sikhs : Avesta
(3) Christians : Christ (4) Jews : Torah
(5) None of these.
Directions: In each of the following questions the first two words have a definite relationship. Choose one word out
of the given four alternatives which will fill in the blank space and show the same relationship with the third word as
between the first two.
21. Soap is related to Wash in the same way as Broom is related to ————
(1) Clean (2) Dust (3) Sweep (4) Floor (5) None of these
22. Happiness in related to Sorrow in the same way as Comfort is related to ————
(1) Hardship (2) Rest (3) Poverty (4) Difficulty (5) None of these
23. Bicycle is to Pedal as Boat is to ————
(1) Steering (2) Water (3) Oar
(4) Sail (5) None of these
24. Hygrometer is to Humidity as Sphygmomanometer is to ————
(1) Pressure (2) Blood Pressure
(3) Precipitation (4) Heartbeat
(5) None of these
25. Drama is related to Scene in the same way as Book is related to ————
(1) Story (2) Page (3) Chapter (4) Author (5) None of these
Answers: Speed Developing Practice Test No. 3
1. (4) 2. (2) 3. (1) 4. (4) 5. (3) 6. (3) 7. (4) 8. (3) 9. (4) 10. (4) 11. (1)
12. (4) 13. (3) 14. (3) 15. (4) 16. (3) 17. (3) 18. (1) 19. (4) 20. (4) 21. (3) 22. (1)
23. (3) 24. (2) 25. (3)

Explanatory Answers:
Speed Developing Practice Test No. 3
1. (4) “Beautiful’ describes the quality of prettiness in girls while ‘Handsome’ describes the quality of prettiness in
2. (2) Anatomy is a branch of Zoology. Likewise, Paediatrics is a branch of medicine.
3. (1) Matricide is killing of mother, in the same way Homicide is killing of human beings.
4. (4) A microphone makes sound louder and a microscope magnifies an object.
5. (3) First is a part of the second.
6. (3) A vegetarian never eats meat. Similarly, a teetotaller never drinks liquor.
7. (4) Tuberculosis is a disease of the lungs. Similarly, cataract is a disease of the eye.
8. (3) Professor delivers lecture to his students. Similarly, doctor gives medicine to his patients.
9. (4) Victory leads to encouragement whereas failure brings frustration.
10. (4) The function of a doctor is to diagnose a disease and that of a judge is to give judgement.
11. (1) Menu gives a list of the items presented in a restaurant. Calalogue gives the list of books in a library.
12. (4) The study of heart is called cardiology. Similarly, the study of fossils is called palaeontology.
13. (3) A group of soldiers is called a regiment. Similarly, a group of sailors is called a crew.
14. (3) Acoustic is the science of sounds. Similarly, pathology is the study of diseases.
15. (4) Yen is a currency. Similarly, Karnataka is a state.
16. (3) Wings help a bird to move car moves with the help of wheels.
17. (3) Aspirin is used to cure headache. Quinine cures Malaria
18. (1) Second is a more intensive form of the first.
19. (4) Ampere is the unit of current. Similarly, ohm is the unit of resistance.
20. (4) Quran is the holy book of Muslims. Similarly, Torah is the holy book of Jews.
21. (3) Second denotes the function of the first.
22. (1) The given words are opposite to each other.
23. (3) The second is the tool which is used to move the first.
24. (2) Hydrometer is an instrument to measure Humidity. Sphygmo manometer measures Blood Pressure.
25. (3) Second is a unit of the first.
Speed Developing Practice Test No. 4
Directions: In each of the following questions there is a certain relation between two given words on one side of : : and one
word is given on the other side of : : while another word is to be found from the given alternatives, having the same relation
with this word as the words of the given pair. Choose the correct alternative.

1. Arm : Elbow : : Leg : ?

(1) Toe (2) Knee (3) Thigh
(4) Ankle (5) None of these
2. Shoes : Cobbler : : Spectacles : ?
(1) Optician (2) Eye (3) Read
(4) See (5) None of these
3. Doctor : Patient : : Lawyer : ?
(1) Customer (2) Accused (3) Client
(4) Magistrate (5) None of these
4. Video : Cassette : : Computer : ?
(1) Reels (2) Recordings (3) Files
(4) Floppy (5) None of these
5. Rupee : India : : Yen : ?
(1) Pakistan (2) Japan (3) Bangladesh (4) Turkey (5) None of these
6. Jews : Synagogue : : Buddist : ?
(1) Temple (2) Vedas (3) Pagoda (4) Fire-temple (5) None of these
7. Major : Battalion : : Colonel : ?
(1) Company (2) Regiment (3) Army
(4) Soldiers (5) None of these
8. Dog : Rabies : : Mosquito : ?
(1) Plague (2) Death (3) Malaria (4) Sting (5) None of these
9. Pesticide : Crop : : Antiseptic : ?
(1) Wound (2) Clotting (3) Bandage (4) Bleeding (5) None of these
10. Igloos : Canada : : Rondavels : ?
(1) Africa (2) Rangoon (3) Russia (4) Indonesia (5) None of these
Directions: The following questions consist of two words that have a certain relationship between each other, followed
by four numbered pairs of words. Select the numbered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words.

11. Dove : Peace

(1) Crow : Scavenge (2) Knife : Cut
(3) Lull : Storm (4) Pearl : Purity
(5) None of these
12. Horse : Mare
(1) Duck : Geese (2) Dog : Puppy
(3) Donkey : Pony (4) Fox : Vixen
(5) None of these
13. Cricket : Pitch
(1) Ship : Dock (2) Boat : Harbour
(3) Wrestling : Track (4) Boxing : Ring
(5) None of these
14. Preamble : Constitution
(1) Word : Dictionary (2) Contents : Magazine
(3) Explanation : Poetry (4) Preface : Book
(5) None of these
15. Rocket : Fuel
(1) Man : Energy (2) Machine : Oil
(3) Current : Electricity (4) River : Water
(5) None of these
16. Large : Enormous
(1) Big : Small (2) Plump : Fat
(3) Less : Greater (4) Pain : Ecstasy
(5) None of these
17. Inn : Traveller
(1) Lodging : Man (2) Country : Citizen
(3) Dormitory : Students (4) Ashram : Gurus
(5) None of these
18. Optimistic : Pessimistic
(1) Difficult : Impossible (2) Study : Play
(3) Tolerating : Disgusting (4) Export : Import
(5) None of these
19. Acquire : Inherit
(1) Profit : Loss (2) Learn : Discover
(3) Instinct : Habit (4) Hierarchial : Succession
(5) None of these
20. Balance : Weigh
(1) Aeoroplane : Height (2) Radar : Detection
(3) Satellite : Revolution (4) Television : Picture
(5) None of these
Directions: In each of the following questions the first two words have definite relationship. Choose one word out of
the given four alternatives which will fill in the blank space and show the same relationship with the third word as
between the first two.

21. Taj Mahal is related to Love in the same way as Jallianwalabagh is related to ——— ?
(1) Amritsar (2) Martyrdom (3) War
(4) Punjab (5) None of these
22. Poison is related to Socrates in the same way as Crucification is related to ——— ?
(1) Jesus (2) Christians (3) Aristotle (4) Church (5) None of these
23. Tempest is to Storm as Slim is to ——— ?
(1) Fat (2) Plump (3) Slender (4) Beautiful (5) None of these
24. Ladies is to Purse as Gents is to ——— ?
(1) Bag (2) Pocket (3) Wallet (4) Case (5) None of these
25. Article is to Magazine as Slokas is to ——— ?
(1) Ascetic (2) Veda (3) Recite (4) Book (5) None of these

Answers: Speed Developing Practice Test No. 4

1. (4) 2. (1) 3. (3) 4. (4) 5. (2) 6. (3) 7. (2) 8. (3) 9. (1) 10. (1) 11. (4)
12. (4) 13. (4) 14. (4) 15. (1) 16. (2) 17. (3) 18. (4) 19. (4) 20. (2) 21. (2) 22. (1)
23. (3) 24. (3) 25. (2)
Explanatory Answers:
Speed Developing Practice Test No. 4
1.(4) Ankle is related to leg in the same way as elbow is to arm.
2. (1) Shoes are made by a cobbler. Similarly spectacles are designed by an optician.
3. (3) First works for the second.
4. (4) Here the recording of the second are visualised on the first.
5. (2) Rupee is the currency of India and Yen is the currency of Japan.
6. (3) Jews worship in a Synagogue likewise Buddhists worship in a Pagoda.
7. (2) As Major heads a battalion, the Colonel commands a regiment.
8. (3) Dog bite causes rabies, similarly the bite of a mosquito causes malaria.
9. (1) Pesticide protects crops from insects and antiseptic protects wounds from germs.
10. (1) Igloos is the type of houses most commonly found in Canada and Rondavals in Africa.
11. (4) Dove is a symbol of peace similarly, pearl is a symbol of purity.
12. (4) Second is the feminine gender of the first.
13. (4) The game of cricket is played on a pitch similarly, the game of boxing is performed in a ring.
14. (4) Preamble is the introduction to the Constitution and mentions its main ideals and objectives. Similarly, preface
is the introduction to a book.
15. (1) A rocket needs fuel for its working. Similarly a man needs energy to work.
16. (2) Enormous is the extreme of large. Similarly, fat is the extreme of plump.
17. (3) First is the place of night stay for the second.
18. (4) The given words are opposite to each other.
19. (4) First is acquired whereas the second is got by birth.
20. (2) A balance is used to weigh. Similarly a rader is used for detection.
21. (2) Taj Mahal reminds us of love. Similarly, Jallianwala bagh reminds us of martyrdom.
22. (1) First became the cause of death of the second.
23. (3) The first is of higher intensity than the second.
24. (3) Ladies and gents keep their money in purses and wallets respectively.
25. (2) A magazine consists of articles. Likewise, Veda consists of slokas

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