Family Nursing Care Plan

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Family Nursing Care Plan

Family Name: Demya Address: Brgy. North Poblacion, Maramag Bukidnon

Date and Time of Assessment: April 22, 2021 @ 9:00AM Date and Time of Evaluation:April 22, 2021 @ 12:00PM

Date & Cues Family Goal and Objectives Nursing Interventions Method of Resources Evaluation
Time Nursing of care Family- Nurse Required
Diagnosis Contact
April 22, Subjective: Lack of Goal of Care:  Explain to the family the  Home visits  Cooperation of “Goal partially met”
2021 @ “Among CR adequate After nursing effect of this problem to  Observations the family After nursing
9:00AM maam, wala gyud knowledge in Intervention and their health.  Health members. Intervention and health
nay tarong. the importance health teachings, the Rationale: To develop teachings  Time and effort teachings, the family was
Naputlan sad mig of having good family will decide on awareness and  Interview of the student able to decide on
tubig maong sa status of toilet appropriate action(s) initiate action in controlling nurse. appropriate action(s) to
atabay mi gakuha facility and the to this problem.  Health maintain good
ug imnon ug disease that maintain good  Discuss to family the teachings. cleanliness of the toilet
gamiton, wala miy can be aquired cleanliness of the importance of having a Facility. After 2-3 hours they
kwarta para through toilet clean toilet facility. are aslo able to verbalize
mapaayo or improper Facility. Rationale: To provide proper understanding of the
makabuhat ug cleaning of knowledge importance of having a
para amoa ra nga toilet Objectives: among the members of the clean toilet facility
cr” family. and recognize the diseases
SHORT TERM:  Encourage them to practice that may be
Objective: After 2-3 hours of proper hand washing brought by the presence of
 The toilet home visit the family Rationale: To prevent cross- this problem
facility is poor will be able to contamination within the and health teachings given.
with regards verbalize members of the family.
to hygienic understanding of  Identify resources available
status the importance of to the family
 unsanitary having a clean toilet Rationale: To reduce/correct
water-sealed facility existing risk factors.
toilet and recognize the  Note
 shared with diseases that may be socioeconomictatus/availab
their neighbor brought by the ility and use of resources
 without a door presence of this Rationale: Indicator for need
and faucet problem for
 foul smelling and health teachings information, assistance with
with plenty of given. Making positive changes,
flies all over LONG TERM: promoting safety and a sense
After 4 months of of security.
home visit the family
will be able to
to health teachings

Family Nursing Care Plan

Family Name: Demya Address:Brgy. North Poblacion, Maramag Bukidnon

Date and Time of Assessment: April 22, 2021 @ 9:00AM Date and Time of Evaluation:April 22, 2021 @ 12:00PM

Date & Cues Family Goal and Objectives Nursing Interventions Method of Resources Evaluation
Time Nursing of care Family- Nurse Required
Diagnosis Contact
April 22, Objective: Inability to Goal of Care:  Discuss importance of  Home visits Family Short-term:
2021 @  Garbage provide a home After nursing waste segregation  Observation resources: The family was
9:00AM disposal: environment intervention, the family Rationale: Determined  initiative, able to verbalize
Dumping in conductive to will be able to know products which can be recycled time and full understanding of the actual
open pit health the importance of and utilize by the family participation condition that exist within
situated at the mainteance and proper waste disposal members like empty bottles of family the family and know how of
back of the personal an proper sanitation to and newspapers which can be members in the proper disposal
house two development have a healthy sold or organic waste material applying the techniques with the
meters away; due to lack of environment. as fertilizer. segregation consequences of
with plenty of knowledge  Explain the effects of untidy system disregarding it.
flies. about the Objectives: environment to a healthy  garbage Long-term:
 Presence of importance of SHORT TERM: living cans and The family was
dirty proper disposal After 2 hours of Rationale: Facilitates the sacks able to demonstrate
surroundings of garbage nursing importance of proper garbage Studentnurse the use and
intervention, the family disposal system. resources: maintenance of a clean
will  Encourage the family to  knowledge, environment
verbalize utilize resources like empty skills and and proper garbage
understanding of the rice sacks or cans as proper attitude disposal system in
actual condition that garbage containers, in discussin compliance with the health
exist making sure that they are the nature of teachings provided.
within the family and left covered. the problem.
knowhow Rationale: maximizing the
of the proper disposal community/family’s resources
techniques with the while minimizing the cost of
consequences of purchasing garbage containers.
disregarding it.  Teach and encourage use
LONG TERM: of a compost pit
After 4 months of Rationale: The biodegradable
home visits, wastes will serve as fertilizer to
the family will the soil.
demonstrate the
use and maintenance
of a clean
environment and
proper garbage
disposal system in
with the health

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