Souvenir Final File2

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This volume contains abstracts being presented in this National Conference on Challenges &
Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment on 16th & 17th December, 2017
organized by Vidya Jyoti Eduversity, Derabassi. The objective of this conference was to
provide a platform to eminent experts, academicians, researchers, professionals and students
in management discipline to share knowledge and exchange ideas on the latest developments
and challenges in management. Response to this conference has been overwhelming.

Information presented in this volume is believed to be reliable; however, neither VJES nor its
authors are responsible for any error, emission or damages arising out of use from the

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017

Vidya Jyoti Eduversity is managed by Vidya Jyoti Educational Society, Chandigarh,

established in 2006 to provide education, skill training with a difference and raise the bar of
Youth in India with International prospective. The objective of the society is to provide
quality education at affordable fees.
Vidya Jyoti Educational Society is promoted by NRIs based in the US, Australia, Canada.
The promoters are highly professionals and successful in their fields. It took over Hospitality
school started in 2003 by name and style of “Hotel & Catering Management Institute in
Chandigarh”. Today HCMI is rated as best Institute in the region by leading newspaper/
magazines surveys.
Since 2003 Growth has been continuous process with International Tie ups

 2003 – Hotel and Catering Management Institute

 2006 – Launched programs with City & Guilds London Institute
 2007 – Launched Master courses in Hospitality. India’s First Hospitality “B” School
 2009 – Vidya Jyoti Institute of Higher Education ( MOU with Siam
 2009 – Launched programs with American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute
 2010 – College of Business Studies
 2012 – College of Creative Studies
 2013 – College of Education & Leadership Development
 2014 – Center for Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
 2015 – College of Health Sciences
 2015 – VJ-Indian Defense Academy
 2016 – MoU with Cavelier India
 2017 – Programs launched with TAFE, South Australia, Karcher Germany, Tally,
NSE Academy

VJES campus is located at Derabassi on the Chandigarh Delhi highway(NH-1) very close to
the city beautiful, Chandigarh. The campus has direct access through rail and road.

Faculty of qualified and experienced professionals coming from diverse background namely-
industry, research, teaching, corporate and defense ensures an overall personality
development of the students.

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017

Mr. Tejdeep Singh (Dean)

Dr. Renu, Asso. Prof. (HOD CBS)

Souvenir Editorial Committee:-

1. Asst. Prof. Kavita Arora
2. Asst. Prof. Megha Sharma

Advisory Committee:-
1. Dr. Dinesh Kumar (Prof.)
2. Dr. M M S Aulakh (Visiting Prof.)
3. Mr. Gurdeep S Deep (International Banker)
4. Col. (Dr.) Randhawa (Prof.)
5. Dr. Aneet Bedi (Director)
6. Col. (Dr.) B I Verma (Prof.)

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017

I feel privileged and honoured in forwarding this souvenir. This conference is an effort of
VJES (College of Business Studies) to contribute its share to the process of knowledge
development. Each member of VJES feels highly elated to develop the distinguished thinkers,
dignitaries and delegates from the fields of academia and industry. In the present scenario
when the huge world is becoming a compact global village giving rise to big opportunities, it
has also posed some challenges in front of the Management field. Today is the need to
understand these changes and adapt itself accordingly. This conference is an attempt to
provide a platform to widen the understanding global business environment and its impact on
today’s business world.

I take this opportunity to thank the Management of Vidya Jyoti Eduversity, organizing
committee, faculty, and contributors for their active participation to make this conference a
big success.

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017

It gives me immense pleasure that Vidya Jyoti Eduversity is organizing its First National
Conference on the theme “Challenges & Opportunities before Indian Business Environment”.
The theme selected for this conference is befitting in the current milieu of Indian upbeat
atmosphere and is very appropriate as it is in line with the changing global demography. As
we need to move from our status of developing nation to that of a developed one, this is
possible only when our young human resource i.e., our youth is capable of analyzing the
global forces and their impact on the business and how they can overcome such challenges to
take our country to the next level.
This conference is an attempt to understand the impact of global forces, challenges and
opportunities it provides to Indian businessmen and industrialists in a holistic manner. It will
provide a common platform for academicians, researches and industrialists to share their
knowledge and experiences, and to discuss, deliberate and find ways to productively nurture
this immense wealth called “Indian Business”

We are pleased to present this issue of souvenir which details opinion sharing thoughts of
Key Speakers, conference theme, abstracts of presentations and deliberations to be held
during the conference. I am sure that the conference will be successful in achieving its
objectives and will serve as an important milestone for our journey towards developed nation.

Col.(Dr.) D.S. Randhawa

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
The Indian business environment has tremendous potential and offers unmatched
opportunities to entrepreneurs and business for achieving all round growth. There are several
untapped markets which need unconventional thinking to explore and whose needs can be
met through innovative business frameworks. The favourable demographics, size and rise of
the middle class, soaring aspirations of the young and upwardly mobile, growth of internet
and communication technology are growth catalysts for the Indian economy. India is among
the leading countries in the world in terms of growth of entrepreneurship. It has been ranked
as one of the most happening countries in terms of growth of start-ups. The consistent rise in
inbound FDI in the past few years, the encouraging improvement in the World Bank’s Doing
Business Ranking and the recent upgrade by Moody’s are all harbingers of hope and
optimism. The initiatives taken by the government such as Make in India, Skill India, Start-
up India and Digital India have come at the most opportune time. These measures can pave
the way for phenomenal growth of entrepreneurship, employment generation, industrial and
economic development. There are no two thoughts about the fact that the world looks at India
today as a nation which is at the cusp of far reaching developments with the onus firmly on
sustained growth and sustainable growth. India’s both hard power and soft power have grown
in leaps and bounds and it is well poised to benefit from the shift in the world economic
growth from the developed world to emerging market economies. Our intellectual capital,
spirit of endurance, innovative mindset and capacity to handle stressful situations with poise
and equanimity have enabled the Indian work force to succeed in different corners of the
world as evidenced by the fact that our country has been ranked number one in terms of
remittances from citizens working abroad.

The road looks promising but there are challenges along the way. Illiteracy, lack of
vocational skills, poor social indicators, rising crime rate, infrastructural issues, delays in
enforcing contracts and lack of policy clarity in areas in the economic domain can undermine
our growth potential. In this era of hyper competition, it is imperative that economic policies
become more transparent, clear and focused on facilitating growth rather than merely
concentrating on regulation. The government needs to focus on improving social indicators
such as education and health which are the foundation of the growth of any nation. Vidya
Jyoti Eduversity has played a pivotal role in bringing out the latent potential of its students,
channelizing their energies in productive pursuits, enabling all round growth and
development and shaping globally competitive future citizens. The Conference organized by
the institution on a very contextually appropriate and interesting theme. The views exchanged
by the experts and the research deliberations of the conference are sure to throw light on the
issues and challenges in the Indian business environment in a comprehensive manner and
provide a road-map for countering of those challenges to place the country in a high growth

Dr.C.D. Balaji
Author, Professor, Motivational Speaker.

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
S. No. Title of Paper Author Affiliation Page No.

1 Board independence-firm market Ms. Shivan Sarpal Assistant Professor, 1

valuation: an empirical issue of Khalsa College (Assistant
endogeneity Professor), Amritsar
2 Cost, Revenue and Profit Dr. Megha, Assistant Professor, 2
Efficiency Analysis of Dr.Aparna Bhatia Khalsa College Amritsar
Scheduled Commercial Banks:
What the distribution shows?
3 The economic importance of Mr.Sushil Kumar Assistant Professor, Amity 3
tourism in India University Jaipur.
4 Development and validation of a Dr. Jyoti Vohra, 1. Assistant Professor 4
scale to measure food shopping Dr.Pavleen Soni Khalsa College Amritsar,
behaviour of children in retail 2. Asst.Professor-UBS,
stores GNDU,Amritsar.

5 Reformation in Indian business Ms. Nomita Dey Assistant Professor, 5

& industry Sukhmani Group of
6 Motion detection using IoT and Dr.K.Hemachandran, 1. Professor, 6
embedded system concepts Thangam Visvesvaraya College of
engineering and
technology, Hyderabad
2. Assistant Professor, Dr.
MGR Educational &
Research Institute
University, Chennai
7 Industrial heritage and their Mr.Jai Sonker Assistant Professor, Amity 7
renovation techniques for their University Jaipur
profitable sustainability
8 Consumer motivations for Dr. Pankaj Jain Associate Professor, 8
providing eWoM: A literature Amity Business School,
review & research agenda Amity University Jaipur

9 Reach maximization: -The Mr. Ashish Kumar Dy. Director Amity 8

revised goal for social driven Business School
organization campaigning and
10 Indian Food Processing Mr. Padam Bhushan Assistant Professor, 9
Industry& Potential Amity University Jaipur
11 Challenges and opportunities Dr. Ruchi Srivastava Principal, 10
before Indian business Surya College of Business
environment Studies, Lucknow.
12 Is India ready for fourth Dr. Mamta Pankaj Jain, Assistant Professor, 11
industrial revolution Tilottama Khanna Amity University

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
13 Control of waste food in 5-star Dr. Durgesh Batra, 1. Associate Professor, 11
hotels: a green hotel perspective Ms. Sabina Fernandez Amity University, Jaipur
2. Assistant Professor,
Amity School of
Hospitality Jaipur
14 Realizing the importance of Dr. Chetna Sinha Assistant Professor, 12
effective communication in the Amity University,
changing business environment Ranchi.
in India
15 Talent Management: -Need for Ms. Kavita Arora Assistant Professor, 12
an hour Vidya Jyoti Eduversity,
Dera Bassi
17 Internet marketing and the Ms. Ashvarya Assistant Professor, 13
growth of the dying marketing Chaudhary Vidya Jyoti Eduversity,
industry Dera Bassi
18 Branding: A differential measure Ms. Dhariti Tandon, Assistant Professor, 14
Vidya Jyoti Eduversity,
Dera Bassi
19 Alpha-Galactosidase producing Mr. Bhairav Prasad Assistant Professor, 14
probiotics bacteria and their Vidya Jyoti Eduversity,
health implications Dera Bassi
20 Development of Wireless Sensor Ms. Ridhima Grover Assistant Professor, 15
Network (WSN) for monitoring IIMT College of
of humidity and temperature Engineering, Greater
using Bluetooth and android

21 Impact of Goods & Service Tax Mr. Sharad Malhotra Assistant Professor, 15
on Indian Economy Vidya Jyoti Eduversity,
22 Impact of Traditional Himalayan Dr. Charu Thakur Associate Professor, 16
Herbs on Health and Business Vidya Jyoti Eduversity,
23 The impact of Reliance Jio on Mr. Nitin Sharma Student, 16
major telecom industry Dr IT Group of Institute

24 Graphic Communications Ms. Mamta Rana Assistant Professor, Vidya 17

Industry Trends and Jyoti Eduversity,
their impact on the required Derabassi
competencies of Personnel
25 Quality assurance and skill Ms. Manpreet Ratia Assistant Professor, Vidya 18
development in Education Jyoti Eduversity,
26 Green HR – Recent emergence Ms. Megha Sharma Assistant Professor, Vidya 18
towards ECO focus Jyoti Eduversity,

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
Board Independence-Firm Market Valuation: An Empirical Issue of
Prof. Shivan Sarpal, Assistant Professor, Khalsa College, Amritsar.

The credibility and rectitude of monitoring effectiveness of non-executive (outside)
directors has been highly discussed in the past academia. Therefore, this paper intends to
explore the relationship between board independence and firm market valuation, one of the
most important corporate governance issue which has attracted several academic debates. The
present research involves the testing of endogeneity in the relationship between board
independence and firm market valuation. It has utilized the methodological approach of
Wintoki et al. (2012) on the data set of top corporates listed in Indian context. Notably, the
application of Pooled OLS (static as well as dynamic), Fixed Effects regression and System
GMM approach under Dynamic Modelling methodologies has demonstrated varying effects,
which in turn, too provides manifestation of the predilection for Dynamic System GMM,
Dynamic Pooled OLS and fixed effects over static Pooled OLS. Findings of the research have
ultimately concluded insignificant relationship between board independence and firm market
valuation. This effect remained robust even after controlling for the effect of board size. The
implications of the insignificant board–independence-firm market valuation relationship have
also been discussed, and thereby offers useful directions to the regulators and policymakers.

Keywords: Endogeneity issue, Dynamic Modelling Structure, System GMM Approach,

Board Independence, Board size, Market Valuation

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
Cost, Revenue and Profit Efficiency Analysis of Scheduled Commercial
Banks: What the distribution shows?
Dr. Megha, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce and Business Administration.,
Khalsa College, Amritsar.
Dr. Aparna Bhatia, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Guru Nanak Dev
University, Amritsar.

The paper makes an effort to analyze the Cost, Revenue and Profit Efficiency
performance of Indian Scheduled Commercial Banks for the year 2012-13. The study also
determines differences if any related to efficiency amongst banks on the basis of ownership
pattern. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is used to measure the efficiency of the banks.
Further by applying Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), the differences in the efficiency scores
are examined. The results of the study depict that Indian Scheduled Commercial Banks have
not been able to maintain equilibrium in their input-output to achieve full cost, revenue and
profits in the year 2012-13. Further, the ownership wise results depicts that Foreign Sector
Banks have higher cost and profit efficiency as compared to their counterparts in private and
public sector. On the other hand, Public Sector Banks are found to have been more revenue

Keywords: Cost Efficiency, Revenue Efficiency, Profit Efficiency, Scheduled Commercial

Banks, Return to scale, Data Envelopment Analysis, India

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
The Economic Importance of Tourism in India
Sushil Kumar, Assistant Professor, Amity University Rajasthan.

Tourism plays a very important role in the economic development of a country throughout
the world. In India it is one the main foreign exchange earner. It also promotes national
incorporation and worldwide brotherhood.

Tourism helps the visitors to get familiar with the culture, religion, customs and conventions,
language and way of living of the local people. Tourism changes their mind and helps the
people to make a strong bond of relationship, friendship, international understanding and co-
operation and coordination.

The economic importance of tourism in India can by no means be underestimated. It benefits

the people living in and around tourist centres financially.

The Indian Government has realized the importance of increasing Tourism. Hospitality
sectors like different category hotels, motels, mid-way hotels and restaurants, tourist lodges,
dormitories etc are made and maintained by various state Governments to looking to give
prompt and courteous services along with comforts of the tourists.

Apart from Amarnath, Kedarnath, yamnotri, Haridwar, Gangotri, Puri, Konark,

Bhubaneswar, Digha, Bakkhali, Bakreswar, the the great owner of world Taj-Mahal of
Agra, the Red Fort of Delhi, the cave temples of Ajanta and Ellora brings a large crowd of
tourists every year.

Tourism is now one of the biggest industry like all other industries which gives a huge part of
foreign money for the economy and also gives an employment to the world.

Keywords: - Tourism, Tourist, Economy, Regional etc.

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
Development and Validation of a Scale to measure Food Shopping
Behavior of Children in Retail Stores
Dr. Jyoti Vohra, Assistant Professor, PG Department of Commerce and Business
Administration, Khalsa College Amritsar.
Dr. Pavleen Soni, Assistant Professor, University Business School, Guru Nanak Dev
University, Amritsar

Purpose: Children act as active food shoppers in retail stores. They do not purchase foods
themselves but also play an important role in family food shopping decision making process.
Therefore, in order to target them, it is important for marketers to understand their food
shopping behaviour in retail stores. The purpose of present study is to develop and validate a
scale to measure food shopping behavior of children in retail stores.

Design/methodology/approach: The data have been collected from 473 mothers of children
in age category 4-11 years from Punjab (India). Exploratory Factor Analysis and
Confirmatory Factor Analysis have been used to analyse data.

Findings: The results suggest that the hypothesized model with four constructs and seventeen
items is sufficient to explain food shopping behaviour of children in retail stores. These four
constructs comprise Children’s active assessment of foods, Impact of availability and variety
on children’s purchases, Influence of TV food ads on children’s purchases and Influence of
packaging on children’s food purchases.

Practical Implications: Children develop food preferences at young age and these food
preferences will continue for a long time. Therefore, food marketers wish to influence food
preferences of children at a very young age. The findings of present study are beneficial for
food marketers for understanding food shopping behavior of children in retail stores and
design their strategies to capture their attention towards their foods.

Keywords: Children, Retail Stores, Food Shopping Behavior, India.

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
Reformation in Indian Business and Industry
Nomita Dey, Assistant Professor, Sri Sukhmani Institute of Hospitality & Management,
Dera Bassi

The most populous democracy in the world, India, attracting many global majors for strategic
investments owing to the presence of vast range of industries, investment avenues and a
supportive government. Huge population, mostly comprising the youth, is a strong driver for
demand and an ample source of manpower. To speed its economic growth and take
advantage of its “demographic dividend”, the country has embarked on drastic policy reforms
to accelerate skills development. These reforms have led to important changes, both in the
national institutional framework and at the institutional level. Apart from these, foreign direct
investment (FDI), a major source of non-debt financial resource, make in India, a major new
national programme of the government of India, are critical drivers of economic growth.
Even though India has been a latecomer to the FDI scene compared to other East Asian
countries, its considerable market potential and liberalized policy regime has sustained its
attraction as a favourable destination for foreign investors. Make in India is an answer to the
most debated question of the global investors whether the world’s largest democracy was a
risk or an opportunity. The Digital India vision provides the intensified impetus for further
momentum and progress and this would inclusive growth. The Digital India programme aims
to transform India into a digitally empowered society and make Indian economy more
transparent and speedy. The study aims to provide insights into the reasons of business and
industry growth in India as per the current scenario.

Keywords: Reformation, strategic investments, industry, youth, FDI, Make in India, Digital

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
Motion Detection Using IoT and Embedded System Concepts
Dr.K.Hemachandran, Professor, Visvesvaraya College of Engineering and Technology,
Thangam, Assistant Professor, Dr.MGR Educational & Research Institute University,

Nowadays the demands on video surveillance systems are rapidly increasing. Commercial
spaces, universities and hospitals, warehouses require of a video capturing system that have
ability to alert and record beside live video of the intruder. The current technologies require
RFIDs which are costly and hence the security domain in all becomes expensive. Existing
solutions have to assist their users for a wide variety of orthogonal designed based on a real-
time operating system that is raspbian as an exemplar. In this project video surveillance
system is presented based on a single board computer represented by Raspberry PI as an
embedded solution. The aim is to make a smart surveillance system which can be monitored
by owner remotely. As it is connected with the system with IOT, system will send the
notifications when an intrusion is detected inside the room. It is required to develop and
implement and affordable low-cost web-camera based surveillance system for remote
security monitoring. Authorized user can access to their monitoring system remotely via
internet with the use a mobile phone and monitor the situation on application. This entire
work is done on raspberry pi with Raspbian operating system ported on it.

Keywords: RFID, IoT, Raspberry PI, PIR sensor, Ethernet Port

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment
National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
Industrial Heritage and their renovation techniques for their profitable
Jai Sonker, Research scholar Assistant Professor, Amity School of Hospitality, Amity
University, Rajasthan, Jaipur.

Industrial Heritage has also been related to tourism. The legacy of Industrial Heritage is the
product of economical mutations. This legacy comprises a great number of valuable
buildings, structures, and sites. By giving a new use to those buildings, we could decrease the
deterioration or loss of our Industrial Heritage. Many industries that once flourished have
now become decadent because of economic, political, health, and social changes.
Commitment and innovation must be the basis for decisions intended to rescue this legacy.
Sustainable development of industrial heritage needs comprehensive planning and design.
The conservation planning and design study Act and regulation are important to be developed
in order to pressure for conservation. It includes:
Act of zoning activity and culture that is related to bind to historical building characteristic.
The role of contributor from all of sector; planners and designers, private society to determine
the conservation policy, local people and tourist is required. The treatment of these old
buildings plays an important in various aspects Architectural, functional and urban
constraints, prevents an optimal rehabilitation of old buildings.
The goals of the research presented in this article are:
Find rehabilitation solutions in order to obtain energy performance closer to new buildings
energy performance. Adapt actual construction’s techniques to energy performance closer to
new buildings energy performance. External & internal characteristics of the building must
be maintained while using for profitability. Experimental control of building conditions for
the validation for future. The control of active components (heating and ventilation and air-
conditioning) to reduce effect of weather conditions

Keywords: Industrial Heritage, Energy conservation, Sustainability or conservation of

building, renovation techniques

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
Consumer Motivations for providing eWom: A literature Review &
Research Agenda
Dr. Pankaj Jain, Associate Professor – Amity Business School, Amity University Rajasthan.

Electronic word-of mouth (eWOM) has received substantial interest from researchers in the past
decade. Therefore, there is significant research work in this area that helps us to address various
concerns related with eWOM. However, with consumers' increasing dependence on online retailing
and information seeking, as well as the continued growth of social media, there remains many
unanswered managerial and research questions. Moreover, there is need to consolidate and synthesize
the research work that has been done in this stream of research. This paper is an attempt to consolidate
the research word done in this regard and highlight the key concerns in current and emerging
literature and propose important questions for future research.

Keywords: Electronic word-of-mouth, Motivations, Literature Review

Reach Maximization: The Revised Goal for Social Driven Organizations,

Campaigns and Programs
Ashish Kumar, Dy. Director, Amity Business School, Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur

Although capitalist corporations have been instrumental in strong economic development
over the years, there has been a lack of trust on these firms as far as societal development is
concerned. According to Primeaux and Stieber (1994), the business enterprise is besieged by
popular misconceptions as well as by legal, religious and academic theorists anxious to prove
that business seeks only self-serving aggrandizement, i.e. to maximize its profits and to do so
at any cost to the consumer, the community and the environment. Over the years, the term
profit earning has played a pivotal role in defining the role of business in society. In the
analysis of role of business, the use of term ‘exploit’ has been used negatively to define the
cost paid by the society, so that the business can earn the profit. India has been a land of
villages and the Government of India has been implementing numerous rural development
programmes for the upliftment of rural communities. The objective of this study to analyze
how can social sector organizations in various fields like education and healthcare achieve
three contradictory goals: ultra-low cost, high quality, and extreme reach.

Keywords: Social innovation, social upliftment, profit maximization, reach maximization

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
Indian Food Processing Industry & Potential
Padam Bhushan, Assistant Professor, Amity University Rajasthan, India

In New Delhi on 25th September 2015 our Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi initiated Make
in India Campaign addressing an audience of national and international entrepreneurs. To
draw in ventures from organizations everywhere throughout the world and changing India
into a worldwide manufacturing Hub the PM of India has conceptualized it as an
International market strategy. The point is to take manufacturing share in nation's GDP from
stagnant 16% to 25% by 2022, as expressed in national manufacturing strategy, and to make
100 million employments by 2022. The significant goal behind the activity is to center on 25
areas of the economy for employment creation and aptitude improvement. The areas are
Automobiles, Roads and Highways, textiles and Garments, Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals,
Wellness, Defense, Manufacturing, Ports, Food Processing, Mining, Media and
Entertainment, Renewable Energy, IT and BPM, Aviation, Railways, Thermal Power, Oil
and Gas, Leather, Construction, Space, car parts, chemicals and Electronic System. The study
has been carried out to understand the present scenario of food processing industries in India,
investment opportunities, investments in food processing sectors and the Govt. further road
map for contributing in Make in India concept. This paper also emphasizes on the role of
food processing industries in generating opportunities of employment, raising income and
improvement in standard of living.

Keywords: Food Processing, Make in India, Food Consumption, Policies, India, Agriculture

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
Challenges and Opportunities before Indian Business Environment
Dr. Ruchi Srivastava, Principal, Surya College of Business Mgt, Lucknow –Uttar Pradesh

The economic development of any country largely depends on the Industrial Growth and
development of the country. The India which is a developing country has to really work hard
on making the Business Environment to be friendly and supportive to both entrepreneur as
well as investors. Entrepreneurships and start-ups are only a recent phenomenon in the
country. It has been observed in the last decade that now people in the country have moved
from being job seekers to job creators. The young generations is trying to explore the new
opportunities in the market and are mentally setup for the risk and challenges which are
brought by the uncertainty of the business. Doing the start-up is tough and every country
sees more failure than the success. The biggest challenge for an entrepreneur is that lonely
journey. You might have co-founders, but it has analyzed that few cofounders last for a long,
otherwise cofounders abscond you after a short journey only. Another biggest challenges for
an Indian Business Entrepreneur is to convince the family to opt for business over job and
second most important loopholes in Indian education system which are more theoretical in
orientation and less technology oriented. Finance is the life blood of business. I can either
make a business or break it. Managing the finance of his business is a big challenge for an
Indian entrepreneur, besides above stated problems, many other obstacles and challenges are
faced by the young entrepreneurs. The journey is tough but not impossible

The country’s economic policy environment must be favourable for organizations to achieve
efficiencies in today’s global market and also promote the entrepreneur skill in the country.
The government schemes, political, social and technological environment should be
supportive, inspiring and friendly to the upcoming new and energetic entrepreneurs. The
entrepreneurship acts as a positive force in the economic growth by creating new jobs
opportunities in the market and enhancing the new innovation and technology in the country.

Keywords: Industrial Growth, New opportunities, Economic policy environment


Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
Is India Ready for Fourth Industrial Revolution?
Dr. Mamta Pankaj Jain, Associate Professor – ABS, Amity University Rajasthan
Tilottama Khanna, Scholar, B.Com. (H)-ABS, Amity University Rajasthan

Industrial Revolution has been used as an effective tool to attain desired economic growth
and development for various economies of the world. It is the process of change from
previous dominance like agriculture and handicraft to industrialization, mechanisation,
technological advancement and digitalisation. This process first time initiated in Europe and
America, known as Industrial Revolution-I during 18th to 19th century. Further, Industrial
Revolution-II and III have been successfully introduced to the world. Now, this is the time
for Industrial Revolution-IV which would be the prologue of smart factories, combination of
cyber- physical and biological world says era of artificial intelligence. This new initiation will
have significant impact on all disciplines, economies and industries. It will have immense
opportunities as well as potential challenges on certain dimensions. The present study is an
attempt to understand the possible impacts of the Industrial Revolution-IV on the Indian
economy. The research methodology is in-depth literature review.

Keywords: Industrial Revolution IV, Artificial Intelligence, Indian Economy

Control of waste food in five-star hotels – A green hotel perspective

Sabina Fernandez , Research Scholar Amity University and Assistant professor, Amity school
of Hospitality, Amity University Rajasthan
Dr. Durgesh Batra, Associate Professor, Amity University Jaipur

The paper efforts towards looking at and providing statistics on the consequences of food
wastage, opportunities for improvement and the positive impact making a change can have in
our city. It also evaluates the systems and procedures hotels are currently using to fight this
ongoing issue. By recycling and composting food scraps it will not only help to reduce the
amount of greenhouse gases and improve our air quality, but it would increase profit margins,
raise environmental rating levels and make a change for a greener hospitality industry while
creating awareness in our community and sensitive environment. Waste management - solid
and liquid - is key to assuaging these concerns. But to what extent? According to the Indian
Hotel Industry Survey 2004-2005 conducted by The Federation of Hotel & Restaurant
Associations (FHRAI) and HVS International, solid waste production is the least monitored
environmental issue with the all India average at 30.7 per cent. Five star and five star deluxe
hotels monitor environmental issues more closely. Waste is neither an area of concern, nor a
segment of focus for a majority of players in the industry, though a small percentile is taking
cognizance of it.

Keywords: Recycle, Hotel waste, green hotels. 11

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
Realizing the Importance of Effective Communication in the Changing
Business Environment in India
Dr. Chetna Sinha, Assistant Professor, Amity University Ranchi

There is no discounting the power of effective communication in gaining competitive
advantage in business. It becomes all the more essential during times of radical changes or
crisis in business. With multiple global investors eyeing upon the start-up initiative of the
Indian Government, change and crisis have become an integral part of Indian business
environment today. Hence, communicating effectively is the need of the hour for businesses
and especially the start-up ventures. Effective communication offers such ventures an
opportunity to leverage the power of deliberate, coordinated and strategically targeted
communication to build support, maintain stability and reshape attitudes and behavior in
order to ensure cooperation from all the stakeholders involved and achieve the desired
objectives. Under this backdrop the present paper gives an insight on realizing the increasing
importance of effective communication and implementing it in today’s start-up ecosystem in

Keywords: Communication, Change, Crisis, Business, Start-ups, Effective

Talent Management: -Need of An Hour

.Kavita Arora, Assistant Professor, Vidya Jyoti Eduversity, Derabssi,

Talent Management, as the name itself suggests is managing the ability, competency and
power of employees within an organization. The concept is not restricted to recruiting the
right candidate at the right time but it extends to exploring the hidden and unusual qualities of
your employees and developing and nurturing them to get the desired results. Hiring the best
talent from the industry may be a big concern for the organizations today but retaining them
and most importantly, transitioning them according to the culture of the organization and
getting the best out of them is a much bigger concern.

Right talent is the greatest asset for any enterprise. In fact, one of the most important roles of
HR is to make sure employees with the right skills stick with the company for long enough.
That’s why more and more HR managers are relying on talent management. Right talent is
the greatest asset for any enterprise. In fact, one of the most important roles of HR is to make
sure employees with the right skills stick with the company for long enough. How can this
goal be achieved? Well, there’s really no magic trick for this, but using a talent management
tool can simplify the process for you and help focus on things that really matter. That’s why
there’s a steady rise in the adoption of human capital management, and more specifically,
talent management

Keywords: HRM. Talent, Hiring, Retaining 12

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
Internet Marketing and the Growth of the Dying Marketing Industry
Ashvarya chaudhary, Assistant Professor,Vidya Jyoti Eduversity, Derabassi

Internet marketing is the process of promoting a brand, products or services over the Internet. Its
broad scope includes email marketing, electronic customer relationship management and any
promotional activities that are done via wireless media.
It also combines the technical and creative aspects of the World Wide Web such as
advertising, designing, development and sales. Moreover, Internet Marketing also deals with
creating and placing ads throughout the various stages of customer engagement cycle.

Types of online marketing:

1. Affiliate Marketing
2. Display Advertising.
3. Email Marketing
4. Inbound Marketing.
5. Search Engine Marketing

It’s been almost half a decade since the Internet overtook television as the preferred medium
for advertising, and with the advent of ever-more sophisticated mobile delivery mechanisms,
2015 promises to be yet another big year for online marketing. Perhaps the only thing getting
in the way of this otherwise inexorable momentum, however, is the persistent lack of
transparency undermining the industry.
Going forward, transparency will be a determining factor in the online advertising market.
But providers would do well to embrace that shift rather than avoid it. Apart from the obvious
benefits it implies for clients, the emphasis on objective measures will also help services
understand what they’re doing right, and why, and replicate it.
For the time being, transparency, or a lack thereof, is a drag on growth. But looking ahead to
the future of one of the digital age’s most promising industries, there’s no reason it shouldn’t
be the foundation for a new and more intelligent way of doing business.

Keywords: Marketing, internet, transparency, advertising.


Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
Branding: A Differential Measure
Dhariti Tandon, Assistant Professor, College of Business Studies, Vidya Jyoti Eduversity,
DeraBassi (Punjab)

After globalisation branding is the vital initiative taken by marketing
professionals to deal with the cut throat competition prevailing in the market. In this paper,
the researcher tries to find out how the branding is a differential measure in market . To get
data researcher efforts through secondary sources which make research more result worthy.
The purpose of this study is to know how organisations used branding techniques as a major
competitive tool. This study reveals that how a good branding increases the value of a
company and provides employees with direction and motivation to retain the existing
customers and convert their prospects into their customer.

Keywords: Branding, Marketing communication, market impact

Alpha-Galactosidase producing probiotics bacteria and their health

Bhairav Prasad, Assistant Professor, Department of Medical lab. Sciences Vidya Jyoti
Eduversity, DeraBassi (Punjab)

Nowadays, people are aware that diet plays a major role in preventing diseases and
promoting health. Therefore, there is an increasing trend for foods containing probiotic
culture. “Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms which when administered in adequate
amounts confer a health benefit on the host”. Some LAB positively influences human health
mainly by improving the composition of intestinal micro biota and for this reason, they are
called probiotics. The increasing cost of health care, the steady increase in life expectancy
and the desire of the elderly for improved quality of their lives are driving factors for research
and development in the area of probiotics and also the concept of providing functional foods
including beneficial components rather than removing potentially harmful components.
Soybeans and other pulses contain oligosaccharides which may cause intestinal disturbances
such as flatulence. This study was undertaken to investigate α-galactosidase-producing
probiotics bacteria. The enzymes and cultures can be added to foods in order to enhance the
digestibility of carbohydrates in the gastrointestinal tract. However, since many of these
bacteria are reported for probiotic properties that support and induced health benefits to the
consumer. This paper provides data on the stability of α-galactosidase, which could
potentially be added to food matrices containing stachyose or raffinose, such as beans, soya
and other pulses and could be an alternative or remedies of oligosaccharides intolerance.

Keywords: α-galcotosidase, Probiotics, Oligosaccharides, LAB, Soya products 14

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
Development of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for Monitoring of
Humidity and Temperature using Bluetooth and Android
Prof. Ridhima Grover, Assistant Professor, IIMT College of Engineering, Greater Noida

Wirelesssens or networks got much attraction in order to system monitoring, actuation,
automation and control applications. It reduces the cost and complexities associated with
wired network systems. At present time, temperature and humidity are the important physical
parameters to be monitored on various places such as in hospitals, warehouses, research
laboratories, etc. Present work describes the development of a system for monitoring purpose
based on Bluetooth and RS232 protocol. The embedded system is designed on ATmega2560
based Arduino Mega Board. The Physical parameters are monitored wirelessly with the help
of Android application which has been developed for the same work.

Keywords: - Arduino, Bluetooth, Humidity, WSN, Android

Impact of Goods & Service Tax on Indian Economy

Sharad Malhotra, Assistant Professor, Vidya Jyoti Eduversity, DeraBassi (Punjab)

The word tax is derived from Latin word “taxare” which means to estimate. A tax is an
enforced contribution, exacted pursuant to legislative authority. Indian Taxation System
comprise of- Direct and Indirect Tax. Goods and Services Tax (GST) is one of the most
discussed Indirect Taxation reforms. It is a comprehensive tax regime levied on manufacture,
sales and consumption of goods and services. The Good and services tax (GST) is the biggest
and substantial indirect tax reform since 1947. The main idea of GST is to replace existing
taxes like value added tax, excise duty, service tax and sales tax. It is levied on manufacture
sale and consumption of goods and services. Many countries have implemented GST so far.
However, the idea of GST in India was mooted by the then government led by A.B. Vajpayee
in 2000 and the constitutional amendment for the same was passed by the Lok Sabha on 6th
May 2015. The bill seeks to amend the constitution to introduce GST vide proposed new
article 246A. This article gives power to legislature to every state and parliament to make
laws with respect to GST where the supplies of goods or services take place. Despite the
various amendments to the proposed transition, until the time GST is implemented, it would
be worthwhile to assess its positive impact on the various development areas viz. Agriculture,
Manufacturing industry, MSME, housing, poverty reduction, employment, price level, EXIM
trade, GDP, government revenue etc. The present paper aims at finding out the different
aspects may be positive or negative for the development of the country and its people.

Keywords: - Taxation, GST, Development. 15

Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
Impact of Traditional Himalayan Herbs on Health and Business
Dr. Charu Thakur, Associate Professor, Department of Medical lab. Sciences, Vidya Jyoti
Eduversity, Derabassi

The Himalaya has great wealth of traditional medicine. The present study is facilitated to
screen Himalayan herb Rhamnus which belongs to family Rhamnaceae. It is found in
Garhwal, Himalayan region. Rhamnaaceae is a family of 59 genera having about 900 species
including genus Rhamnus which is commonly known as buckthorn. About 10 species found
in Indian Himalayan region. Rhamnus contains various biological active compounds which
have been used for the treatment of various diseases. This herb is useful in curing various
disease includes lexatives and purgatives strongly hypotensive, in the treatment of stone
inhibitor, constipation, inflammation, asthma, tumor, wound healing, burns and odontology
without any side effects so large section of the population rely on the herbal medicines for
primary health care. In India 70% of the population depend upon it. There are so many
reasons to develop the herbal products over synthetic chemical drugs

Keywords – Himalayan Herbs, Rhamnus, Lexatives, Purgatives

The Impact of Reliance Jio on Major Telecom Industry

Nitin Sharma, Student-Dr IT Group of Institute

Indian mobile industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Indians are
habituated to touch mobiles within a short span of a time. In the world India is second largest
market for mobile service providers and it is a good avenue for network providers from
indigenous and exogenous entrepreneurs. Not only Indian network providers but also global
providers occupied and earn significant market share in the Indian mobile industry. Reliance
Jio’s free tsunami creates lot of radical and unexpected changes in consumer’s behaviors and
competitor’s strategies. The impact of this new entrant affects equilibrium in the mobile
industry and makes rivals vulnerable that they resort to mergers and acquisitions in Indian
mobile network providers. The major giants in the industry viz, Airtel and Idea strategically
responding in a similar way. To strengthen themselves in the industry, Airtel and Idea
acquiring Telenor and Vodafone respectively. The present research paper makes an attempt
to examine the impact of new entrant R-Jio on competitive strategies of rivals in the industry.

Keywords: - Mobile, Industry, Consumer, Competitive.


Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
Graphic Communications Industry Trends and
their impact on the required competencies of Personnel
Mamta Rana, Assistant Professor, Vidya Jyoti Eduversity, Derabassi

The graphic communications industry is far-reaching and touches most People’s lives on a
day-to-day basis. The products affected are as diverse as computers and medical supplies,
business cards and billboards, packaging and photos, and a car’s dashboard to the image on a
t-shirt. As the current employees are retiring in record numbers, and the technology and
business processes in the field are changing at a rapid rate, the need for well-prepared
employees is greater than ever. In order to best prepare current students for positions in the
field, educators need specific information to guide their curriculum development. This has
been difficult to obtain due to the extensive variety of organizations under the umbrella of
graphic communications. The purpose of this study was to discover the business and
technology trends that will impact the needed competencies for employees in the graphic
communications industry of the future. An online survey and telephone interviews were
conducted to question current business owners, managers, and human resources personnel to
determine the most pressing skills and knowledge sets that future employees will need.

Due to the fact that the survey yielded a very low return rate, it was difficult to prove
statistical significance for all of the data results. However, descriptive and inferential
statistics were performed, and many of the results are consistent with the literature. The
analysis of the survey and phone interview data can help guide educators in programs for
graphic communications, as well as companies which provide in-house training programs.
The results indicate a strong need for soft skills, or non-technical skills, in addition to the
foundational understanding of the technology and processes. In addition, specific trends were
identified in services and products that companies will be offering, such as variable data
marketing and electronic storefronts. This project can serve as a good starting point for
additional studies on graphic communications competency needs. Recommendations and
strategies are provided for future Success.

Keywords: - Graphic, Communication, Descriptive, billboards, dashboard


Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017
Quality assurance and skill development in Education
Manpreet Ratia, Assistant Professor, Hotel & Catering Management Institute,
Vidya Jyoti Eduversity, Derabassi

Education is an integral part of human being’s life which make us stand intellectually in the
society. Since the evolution of human life on earth, we are grasping various information and
enhancing knowledge about different factors and subjects. Previously education was spread
by the saints, monks or gurus to their pupils which was not only limited to theories but also
development of their skills related to life style.
With the change of time, modes of education have also adopted many facets and roles.
Today, there are well developed educational institutes which enhances knowledge, skills and
understanding of every being in the form of smart schools, e-classes, professional colleges,
training and skill development centres and universities. To have a goodwill and executive
recognition in the education industry, it is must to set up standards to provide education to

Keywords: - Quality Assurance, Skill Development, Teaching Strategies, E-education.

Green HR – Recent emergence towards ECO focus

Megha Sharma, Assistant Professor, College of Business Studies, Vidya Jyoti Eduversity,

Green HR , recent way used in organisations which refers to use every employee interface to
promote sustainable practices ,the HR function nowadays become the driver of environmental
sustainability within the organization by aligning its practices and policies with sustainability
goals reflecting an Eco -focus .In this paper , researcher tries to find the latest environmental
solutions to survive Green in specific HR function .The efforts are made to collect data on
secondary basis. It is found in the research that hardly few organizations are aware and
implementing Green HRM in HR function. The study concluded need to focus on emphasis
the use and implementation of Green HR concept in organisations.

Keywords: Green HR , sustainability, Green management , green practices


Challenges & Opportunities Before Indian Business Environment

National Conference- Vidya Jyoti Eduversity 2017

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