DVC Notifier
DVC Notifier
DVC Notifier
DVC Series
Digital Voice Command
Voice Control Systems
The DVC is the heart of an integrated, full-featured Audio
Command Center. The DVC Digital Voice Command combines
the capabilities of a powerful digital audio processor, an event-
driven audio message generator, and a router. Designed for
use with Digital Audio Loop (DAL) devices such as DAA2, DAX
and DAA series digital amplifiers as well as the DS-DB, each
DVC supports a dedicated audio network with up to eight
channels of audio, five channels of firefighter telephone com-
munications, and control and supervision for up to 32 DAL
devices. The DVC has two wire digital audio ports to connect
to wire DAL segments. Either or both ports may be converted
to multi-mode fiber or single-mode fiber using fiber option
modules. Larger audio systems incorporating hundreds of
amplifiers can be created by networking additional DVC units
The DVC may be networked with ONYX® Series panels via
NOTI•FIRE•NET with an NCA-2, or with an NFS2-3030
(running in network monitor mode). A DVC can be connected
directly with a single NFS2-640 or NFS2-3030 Fire Alarm Con-
trol Panel (FACP) to create a standalone integrated audio solu-
tion as well. Refer to the DVC manual for details. DVC
When used as an Audio Command Center with Emergency Shown using CA-2 mounting option,
Paging capability, the optional DVC-KD Keypad Display is SBB-C4, and ADDR-C4 door.
NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, the term “DVC” refers to the DVC- • Broad All-Call functionality when used with DVC-KD (DVC-
EM. Keyboard Display): All Call, Page Active Evac Areas, Page
Active Alert Areas, Page Inactive Areas.
Features • Auxiliary input for 12 Vp-p analog low-level audio sources.
Includes user audio level adjustment feature.
• Programmable from NUP port using VeriFire® Tools.
• Auxiliary input accepts external audio sources such as tele-
• Up to 32 minutes of standard quality or 4 minutes of high
phone paging or background music. High impedance input
quality digital audio storage of user-selected/created mes-
accepts 600 ohm, line level, 1.0 VRMS, or 1.41 Vp-p low
sages and tones. Supports twisted-pair wire media. Sup-
level audio. Selectable AGC, user control of audio level, and
ports single- and multi-mode fiber-optic media when used
audio supervision are supported.
with fiber option modules.
• Associated NCA-2, or NFS2-3030 (programmed for net-
• 4-channel analog audio supported with optional DVC-AO
work monitor mode) supports NOTI•FIRE•NET applica-
• Up to 1000 audio sequences. tions.
• Message prioritization. • Multiple audio command centers supported via
• Equations support flexible programming for distribution of NOTI•FIRE•NET.
messages. • Distribution of one channel of standard-level paging audio
• Electrically isolated digital audio ports for direct connection on NOTI•FIRE•NET.
with up to 32 Digital Audio Loop (DAL) devices. Style 4 or 7 • Three standalone, non-network mode options:
configurations supported.
– NFS2-3030 (NUP to NUP) digital and analog.
• Optional DS-RFM, DS-FM, and DS-SFM fiber modules may
– NFS2-640 (NUP to NUP) analog audio only.
be used to convert one or both Digital Audio Ports for oper-
ation with single-mode or multi-mode fiber. – NFS2-640 with NCA-2 (NUP to NUP to NUP) digital and
• DCC (Display and Control Center) capabilities when used
with optional DVC-KD. • Push-to-talk relay, or logic argument.
• Firefighters’ Telephone Communications to local FFT riser • Isolated alarm bus input, to be used for backup activation of
on DVC, 32 local DAL device FFT risers, and FFT alarm messages in the event network communication is
communication to additional command stations via lost.
• Local paging microphone option. Installation Options
• Remote microphone options. The DVC provides flexible configurations based on one-row or
• Optional Digital Voice Command Remote Paging Unit two-row chassis options that mount into size “B”, “C”, or “D”
(DVC-RPU), or DVC-RPU mode. CAB-4 Series cabinets.
CA-2: Chassis assembly, occupies two tiers of a CAB-4 Series DS-AMP/E: 125W, 25 VRMS, or 100W, 70VRMS. 70VRMS
enclosure. The left side accommodates one DVC mounted on requires DS-XF70V step-up transformer. Digital Series Ampli-
a half-chassis and one NFS2-3030 or NCA-2 mounted on a fier, part of the DS-DB system. See DN-60663.
half-chassis. The right side houses a microphone/handset DS-BDA: Digital Series Backup Digital Amplifier, 25 or
well. The CA-2 assembly includes a microphone. DPA-2B 70VRMS, can be configured to act as a one-to-one backup for
dress plate is required (below); the VP-2B Vent Plate is also DS-AMP/E amplifiers. Can also be programmed to provide a
required for top row configurations. ADDR Series doors with second audio channel for a DS-AMP. See DN-60663.
two-tier visibility are available for use with the CA-2 configura- BDA-25, BDA-70: Backup Digital Amplifier, 25 or 70.7VRMS,
tion: ADDR-B4, ADDR-C4, ADDR-D4 (below). can be configured to act as a one-to-one backup for DAX and
DPA-2B: Dress plate required for CA-2 chassis assembly. DAA2 series amplifiers. For DAA2 Series only, supports alter-
VP-2B: Vent plate required for cabinet configurations where native second channel operation.
the DPA-2B is used for the top two row position. DS-RFM, DS-FM, DS-SFM: Fiber conversion modules for
TELH-1: Firefighters’ Telephone Handset for use with the DVC DVC, DS-DB distribution board, and DAX and DAA2 Series
when mounted in the CA-2 chassis. Order separately. amplifiers. See DN-60633.
ADDR-B4: Two-tier-sized door designed for use with a CA-2 DAA Series Digital Audio Amplifiers: Legacy DAA Series
chassis mounted in the top rows. ADDR Series doors are sim- amplifiers are compatible with DVC systems running SR4.0.
ilar to CAB-4 Series “DR” doors, but a clear window space For DAA-50 series amplifiers, see DN-7046. For DAA-7525
exposes the top two tiers of the CAB-4 enclosure. Use an Series, see DN-60257.
SBB-B4 backbox with the ADDR-B4. See DN-6857. – DAA-5025: 50W, 25Vrms Digital Audio Amplifier assem-
ADDR-C4: Three-tier-sized door designed for use with a CA-2 bly with DAA-PS power supply board, shipped mounted to
chassis mounted in the top rows. ADDR Series doors are sim- its chassis. Supports twisted-pair wire media. (For multi-
ilar to CAB-4 Series “DR” doors, but a clear window space mode fiber-optic media order DAA-5025F. For single-
exposes the top two tiers of the CAB-4 enclosure. Use an mode fiber-optic media order DAA-5025SF.)
SBB-C4 backbox with the ADDR-C4. See DN-6857. – DAA-5070: 50W, 70.7Vrms Digital Audio Amplifier
assembly with DAA-PS power supply board, shipped
ADDR-D4: Four-tier-sized door designed for use with a CA-2 mounted to its chassis. Supports twisted-pair wire media.
chassis mounted in the top rows. ADDR Series doors are sim- (For multi-mode fiber-optic media order DAA-5070F. For
ilar to CAB-4 Series “DR” doors, but a clear window space single-mode fiber-optic media order DAA-5070SF.)
exposes the top two tiers of the CAB-4 enclosure. Use an
SBB-D4 backbox with the ADDR-D4. See DN-6857. – DAA-7525: 75W, 25Vrms Digital Audio Amplifier assem-
bly with DAA-PS power supply board. Shipped mounted
DPA-1: Dress panel, can be used with the CA-1 chassis when to its chassis (no battery charger on DAA-7525 power
configured with a DVC, DVC-KD, and CMIC-1. supply board). Supports twisted-pair wire media. (For
DPA-1A4: Dress panel, used with the CA-1 chassis when the multi-mode fiber-optic media order DAA-7525F. For sin-
CMIC-1 is not used. Provides mounting options on right two gle-mode fiber-optic media order DAA-7525SF.)
bays for two ACS annunciators, or for blank plates. SEISKIT-CAB: Seismic kit for CAB-4 series cabinets. Includes
ACT-4: Audio-coupling transformer. Used to electronically iso- battery bracket for two 26AH Power Sonic batteries and TELH-
late DVC-AO analog risers. 1 telephone handset strap. See document 53829.
ACT-25, ACT-70: Audio-coupling transformers for 25V and 70V SEISKIT-DAA: Seismic kit for DAA, DAA2 and DAX series
high-level audio. Used to isolate and convert high-level audio amplifiers, required when using CHS-BH1 chassis. Includes
to low-level, supporting applications with large numbers of battery bracket for two 12AH Power Sonic batteries. See docu-
analog amplifiers. ment 53851.
DAX-3525(E)/DAX-3570(E): 35W, 25 or 70.7VRMS. Digital
audio amplifiers with charging power supply and 2 Class B or 1
Class A output, shipped mounted on chassis. Options: BDA-
25/70 backup amplifier, DS Fiber modules.
DAX-5025(E)/DAX-5070(E): 50W, 25 or 70.7VRMS. Digital
audio amplifiers with power supply and 2 Class B or 1 Class A
output, shipped mounted on chassis. Options: BDA-25/70
backup amplifier, DS Fiber modules.