Bahay Na Bato
Bahay Na Bato
Bahay Na Bato
Bañera - Bathtub
Baño - Bathroom
Barandillas - railing or balustrade (usually wooden)
Barrigones - "Buntis" (or bombere, pregnant) grillworks on windows, to accommodate
Batalan - Rear part of house used for washing and water storage, with a flooring often
made of slatted bamboo; more a part of a bahay kubo (but may be present as well at
the rear of a bahay na bato)
Baul mond - Traveling trunk
Bentwood beech chairs and other furniture - Imported dark wood furniture
Brackets - Series of often diagonal braces placed in support of the volada on the
second floor
Butaka - A version of silla perezosa with no leg rests
Caida - Landing on the upper entrance hall; foyer of the second floor; also
called "antesala"
Calado - Lace-style fretwork or latticework used to adorn room dividers and to allow
air to circulate
Capilla - Long bench, a staple item in the caida
Capital - Topmost member of a column (or pilaster) mediating between the column
and the load"
Capiz window - (Often) sliding window made of capiz shells cut into squares
Caryatid - A sculpted female figure serving as an architectural support taking the place
of a column or a pillar supporting an entablature on her head
Clerestory - Any high windows above eye level for the purpose of bringing outside
light, fresh air, or both into the inner space
Colonette - A small, thin decorative column supporting a beam (horizontal timber) or
lintel (beam spanning a door or window)
Comedor - Dining room
Comun - Toilet; also called "latrina"
Corbel - A projection jutting out from a wall to support a structure above it;
also "braces"
Cornice - A ledge or generally any horizontal decorative molding that crowns a
building or furniture element
Court, courtyard - A space enclosed by walls and is open to the sky; has azotea or
Cuartos - Rooms
Cuatro aguas - Hip roof, which has more corners and angles, making it stronger than
the dos aguas (gable) or high-pitched roof due to stronger aerodynamics (i.e., more
wind resistance); also has the advantage of providing an overhang, which is effective
for protecting the house from rainwater and from direct sunlight
Dapugan - A platform in the kitchen where the kalan or clay stove is placed
Despacho - Office; also "oficina"
Dispensa - Pantry
Dos aguas - Gable or high-pitched roof
Eave - Bottom edge of a roof
Paminggalan - A cabinet where leftover food and preserves are stored. The doors of
the cabinet have slats so that it can absorb air and room temperature inside. To avoid
ants from coming up and getting to the food, the legs of the cabinet are placed on
containers filled with kerosene or any liquid.
Pasamano - Window ledge
Persiana - Louver window
Piedra china - Chinese stone used to pave the floor of the zaguan
Pilaster - False pillar used to give the appearance of a supporting column and to
articulate an extent of wall, with only an ornamental function
Platera - Aparador or cabinet for kitchenware (chiefly china)
Porte cochere - Horse carriage porch or portico at the main entrance
Portico - "(From Italian) a porch leading to the entrance of a building, or extended as a
colonnade, with a roof structure over a walkway, supported by columns or enclosed by
Puerta - "Door of the entrada principal (main entrance)"
Puertita - "small cut door that is part of the puerta"
Pugon - Clay oven
Punkah - Ceiling cloth fan
Sala mayor - Main living room, place for late-afternoon parties called tertulias and dances
called bailes
Sala menor - Secondary living room
Sillas Americanas - "American chairs, considered the Monobloc chairs of their time (due
to ubiquity)"
Silla perezosa - Lazy chair
Solihiya - Typical wicker weave pattern in furniture
Stained glass - "gGlass colored or stained (as by fusing metallic oxides into it) for
decorative applications (as in windows)"
Transom - "Transverse horizontal structural beam or bar" often in floral tracery design
Trompe l'oeil - "A style of painting in which things are painted in a way that makes them
look like real objects"
Tumba-tumba - Philippine rocking chair
Valance - "A length of decorative drapery hung above a window to screen the curtain
Ventana - "Wooden window panel that uses a grid pattern with flattened Capiz shell
pane"; often in sliding style, as opposed to flinging out
Ventanilla - Literally 'small window'; "sliding panels between the floor and windows" to
allow more air and light; "usually protected by balustrades which can either be wooden or
wrought iron grills"
Volada - "An enclosed overhanging balcony"; "a gallery (along the elaborate system of
windows) which protects the rooms from the heat of the sun"
Yerong pukpok - Gingerbread trim
Zaguan - Ground floor (literally "passageway" in Arabic) to accommodate horse carriages
and carrozas (processional carriages)[4]