Road RIPorter 3.1
Road RIPorter 3.1
Road RIPorter 3.1
Bimonthly Newsletter of the Wildlands Center for Preventing Roads. January/February 1998. Volume 3 # 1
n our National Forests, roadless areas are Finally, protection should be extended
to all roadless areas, regardless of whether
often considered the key to wildland they are under the jurisdiction of the Forest
Service, the Bureau of Land Management,
protection and recovery. Across the the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or any
country, environmental activists consistently decry other agency. Offering exemptions for
certain areas destroys the purpose of
timber sales in roadless areas, and rightly so. protecting them. If roadless area protection
The Salvage Logging Rider wreaked havoc on roadless areas throughout the is granted to the entire National Forest
National Forest System, as these areas were systematically roaded and logged system, and areas like the Tongass National
regardless of environmental laws and regulations. But roadless areas are only one Forest or the lands under the President’s
piece in an increasingly complex puzzle of wildland protection and recovery. Northwest Forest Plan are excluded, then
While efforts to protect roadless areas should be supported, they should be we are left with little real protection.
recognized as only the first step in a broader strategy to protect & restore wildland Wildlife need functioning, intact, low-
ecosystems. The next step: restoring ecological function and integrity to areas elevation habitat to survive. For long-term
already degraded. and lasting protection for the ecological
Since November, the Clinton Administration has been working with the resources that our National Forests contain,
Department of Agriculture to develop an interim protection plan for roadless areas it is time to rethink how the whole forest is
in the National Forests. In conjunction with this proposal, they are expected to managed. Are the National Forests for
announce a policy regarding road construction on National Forest land. Why this resource extraction or resource protection?
new focus on roadless areas and roads? It is related, in part, to the past year’s
Congressional debates over road construction, and a hope to avoid similar debates
in 1998. But can an administrative policy be effective? — continued on page 3 —
Roadless Areas
In order to evaluate a proposed policy, forget politics and
focus on the impact the policy will have on the ground. Any
policy to protect roadless areas must protect them from road
construction and resource extraction. For example, prohibit-
ing permanent, but not temporary, road construction might
allow roadless areas to remain roadless figuratively, but still
degrades the land. Likewise, allowing helicopter logging
without new roads won’t protect the ecological integrity of
roadless areas.
In addition to protecting roadless areas from resource
extraction and road construction, roadless area policies
should not be based on size — they should be based on
biological value. Any area should be protected from resource
extraction, regardless of whether it is 5,000 acres, 1,000 acres
or ten acres. Nor should an official Forest Service inventory
be a prerequisite for protection. Many “uninventoried” Low and mid-elevation roadless areas like the Scotchman’s Peaks in
roadless areas are as worthy of protection as inventoried western Montana await a new national policy. Photo by George
roadless areas. Wuerthner.
From the Wildlands CPR Office...
Changes, changes, changes
It seems as if every issue we tell you about staff changes here at Wildlands CPR,
but I suppose that’s part of being a growing organization. We sadly said good-bye to
Dave Havlick as our RIPorter editor/producer with the November/December 1997
issue. Fortunately, we still see him almost every day since he works on the other side C
Center for
of our wall with the Wild Rockies Field Institute and Predator Project’s Roads Scholar P
Project. Conservation activist and former editor of The Networker (Alliance for the R
Wild Rockies’ newsletter) Dan Funsch will be taking over Dave’s position, and Jim
Coefield will continue to work on the newsletter as well. Though we’ll miss Dave’s P.O. Box 7516
touch, we are looking forward to a great year with Dan and Jim. Missoula, MT 59807
We are thrilled to welcome our new half-time motorized recreation coordinator (406) 543-9551
Jacob Smith. Jacob has been working with the Biodiversity Legal Foundation for
several years, focusing on transportation planning and motorized recreation issues
like snowmobiles. He’ll be staying in Boulder, working half time for BLF and half
time for us. Jacob will consolidate the scientific and legal data we’ve been collecting
Wildlands Center for Preventing
on motorized recreation, and compile a “tool-box” of resources for activists to use to Roads is a national coalition of
challenge this insidious and destructive use of public lands. He is here to answer grassroots groups and individuals
your questions, to help you develop effective strategies, and within the next six working to reverse the severe
months or so, to set up a workshop on ecological impacts of wildland roads.
how to challenge motorized recreation We seek to protect native ecosystems
and ORV use. Thanks to the Harder In this Issue and biodiversity by recreating an
interconnected network of roadless
Foundation for providing the start-up public wildlands.
money for this program/position.
Roadless Area Protection: Director
What Price? p. 1 Bethanie Walder
Ask Dr. Roads Bethanie Walder
We have also added a new section to Development Director
The RIPorter: Ask Dr. Roads. Finally, an Odes to Roads, p. 4-5 Tom Youngblood-Petersen
authority you can turn to with your most Tom Youngblood-Petersen
Office Assistant
burning road and motorized recreation Dana Jensen
questions. Ever wonder, for example, Field Notes, p. 6-7
what type of road Jack Kerouac was on? (anti) Motorized Recreation
Find out the answer to this, and other, Regional Reports, p. 8-10 Program
profound questions in this issue. And Dana Jensen and staff Jacob Smith
don’t forget to send your questions for Newsletter
Dr. Roads to ponder on postcards, over Glossary of Terms, p. 11 Dan Funsch
the phone or e-mail, or preferably,
written on the back of road signs. We Bibliography Notes, p. 12-13 Interns & Volunteers
hope you appreciate our attempt to bring Erin Ebersberger Barb Cestero
Scott Bagely
some levity to The RIPorter. Brian Koltes
Ask Dr. Roads, p. 14
Thanks... Dr. Roads, Master of what? Board of Directors
Katie Alvord
We were thrilled to receive grants Mary Byrd Davis
from the Wilburforce and New-Land Kraig Klungness
Foundations and the Foundation for Deep Ecology in late 1997. Many thanks to all Sidney Maddock
three foundations for their support. These grants will expand our network, get our Rod Mondt
Cara Nelson
information out to more people, and continue to provide the best road and motorized Mary O'Brien
recreation-fighting resources we can develop. Thanks too, to all those of you who Tom Skeele
sent in end-of-the-year contributions and made our membership drive a success. Scott Stouder
Big thanks to Portland, OR cartoonist Matt Wuerker for donating the back cover
‘toon for this issue and several others that may appear in future RIPorters. We’ve got Advisory Committee
Jasper Carlton, Libby Ellis,
a lot of work to do to keep his vision (nightmare) from becoming reality. Dave Foreman, Keith
Hammer, Timothy Hermach,
Please read on, enjoy The RIPorter, and keep in touch with us about what we can Marion Hourdequin, Lorin
do to make your work easier. Lindner, Andy Mahler, Robert
McConnell, Stephanie Mills,
Reed Noss, Michael Soulé,
Dan Stotter, Steve
Trombulak, Louisa Willcox,
Bill Willers, Howie Wolke
e breathed a sigh of relief to assess their plans and work. The USFS
as our headlights flashed is fairly new to road removal, and a poor
restoration job can cause more harm
on the mud brown U.S. than good. Because Wildlands CPR has
Forest Service (USFS) sign, “Road had its ear to the ground on restoration
efforts, we thought we might have a few
Closed Ahead.” After driving five hours things to say.
from home and then ten jarring miles We knew the road switchbacked
into excellent wildlife habitat, and that
up a rutted dirt road in the Gallatin snowmelt waters pour each spring from
the 11,000 foot Taylor Peaks into the
National Forest of south-central drainage to Cache Creek. We knew
Montana, we were ready to camp for wildland road building fragmented the
The FS habitat, disrupting the movement of
the night, and start work the next sensitive species such as elk and griz,
morning. And we were relieved the and we knew roads devastate wild
USFS was beginning to
on their
close a few of their
440,000 miles of roads.
and were Six of us — two from Wildlands
CPR — had volunteered to help the USFS
anxious for revegetate this closed road on a water-
us to shed restoration project in the upper
Cache Creek drainage, almost 8,500 feet
assess in elevation and a half-mile from the
259,000 acre Lee Metcalf Wilderness
their plans Area. It is home to grizzly bear, elk,
and work. moose and wolves.
The USFS acquired the old road
system — and its problems — in a
Wildlands CPR Director Bethanie Walder (left) gets her hands dirty restoring
recent land exchange. Many of the
this section of Forest Service road. Also pictured are Keith Stockmann
culverts had failed, causing the water to (middle) and a Forest Service worker. Photo by Tom Youngblood-Petersen.
divert and cut new channels, and the
road prism (road bed) was restricting cross slope flow, concen- fisheries, choking streams with sedi-
trating water into a few streams, and washing deep ruts in the ments that strangle fish by decreasing
highly erodible soil. Both the failed culverts and the eroding available oxygen and burying eggs.
road prism were causing increased sediment load in Cache But we didn’t know the other
Creek, where westslope cutthroat trout, a rare and native problems associated with this particular
Montana fish, zip through its waters. road until we saw the gate closure —
The USFS had removed 20 culverts and re-graded the and deep tire tracks — the next morn-
slopes to a stable angle. They wanted Wildlands CPR volun- ing. The wide berth around the gate
teers to re-establish vegetation on the disturbed soil, helping allowed a truck to drive easily around it,
reduce the erosion problem in Cache Creek. They also wanted splash through a water ditch on the
feedback on their restoration efforts, and were anxious for us uphill side, and thrash its way up the
Dr. Splatt The project has the following goals for students:
“Count two roadkills ¤ to use roadkill data to compare and contrast dead “roadents”
between the participating schools.
and call me in the morning” ¤ to understand the migratory patterns of different animals.
¤ to understand the reciprocal relationship effects between hu-
This version of Field Notes focuses on an innovative
mans and wildlife.
program centered in Derry, New Hampshire, where one insightful
and creative teacher has students throughout the country ¤ to recognize the animals in their particular area of study.
counting roadkills and learning all about habitat and wildlife in ¤ to predict which type of animal will be most and least killed
the process. We encourage you to photocopy this article and by motor vehicles.
pass it along to school teachers in your community who might ¤ to understand the habitats and ecological impacts of small
be interested in a new project for their students, one that’s and large mammals.
connected to similar projects throughout the country. ¤ to understand the geographical differences between states
as evidenced by roadkill.
erry, New Hampshire is home of
Pinkerton Academy and the Dr. Splatt and
illustrious Dr. Splatt (real name— other teachers help
Brewster Bartlett). Back in 1992, Bartlett their students
participated in a National Science collect and analyze
Foundation project to integrate the roadkill data. The
internet into science programs and get field season lasts
local school teachers working together from early March
through the web. Prior to coming up with to early May each
his roadkill project, Mr. Bartlett developed year (though some
an acid rain monitoring project and students do more
needed an additional hook to get students extensive studies).
Each student is
interested in using the internet. While driving to school one day,
given a road to
he passed some roadkill, and Dr. Splatt was born. Bartlett
watch on their way to and from school for this 8 week period.
contacted the NH Department of Fish and Game (NHDFG) and Every day they record the number and type of roadkill they see.
learned that the only roadkill they actually counted were moose, Once a week, participating schools send the information to
bear and deer. They just didn’t have the people power to count Splatt’s website database. Prior to the field season, the students
anything else. record data about their road, such as how many lanes it has, the
What Dr. Splatt had that the NHDFG didn’t was student speed of traffic, what types of habitat are adjacent to it, etc. They
power, and that student power has multiplied from Pinkerton are able to compare to previous years’ numbers and species
Academy to over 100 schools throughout the country (mostly in killed, looking for trends and determining what those might
the East). The roadkill program is an interdisciplinary project that represent. This led one student to question whether the change
incorporates science, math, geography, art and statistics. But more to/from daylight savings may have significant impacts on roadkill
than providing a fun way for students to learn the basics, it because of the dramatic change in traffic during rush hour, and
interests them in the natural world and the cycles of life, seasons, the difference that might make for animals that were crossing the
weather and habitat adjacent to roads. All these factors and more road during previously low-flow periods.
may lead to increases or decreases in roadkill. As Splatt says, the Students also communicate with other schools involved in
program is about the project. As the data is entered, they
increasing can look at the type of roadkill counted
awareness, not and determine what type of habitat exists
about being 100% near certain schools. An abundance of
scientifically rats, for example, might reflect surveys
accurate. A case in completed in an urban setting. Dr. Splatt
point might be the works with a database coordinator to keep
number of urps the data consistent and make sure it can
(“unidentified road be used effectively. If you are interested in
pizzas’) that have setting up a roadkill survey at your school,
been tallied. But at contact Dr. Splatt by e-mail at
least this allows all On the
roadkill to be adjacent page, we have included a sample
counted, regard- data sheet. For more information, check
less of whether out the very informative and interactive
website at
you can tell if it’s a
toad or a frog.
Photos by Mark Alan Wilson — see roadkill poem on p. 15
Remember . . . .
accuracy is very
In a decision issued January 5th, the Lamb Brook is an ecological jewel, San Juan National Forest
US Second Circuit Court of Appeals critical to the survival of black bear, 701 Camino del Rio
ruled that a US Forest Service proposal interior dependent songbirds, and many Durango, CO 81301
to build roads and log in the 5,500 acre other species.
Lamb Brook Roadless Area, located in The project has been criticized by For more information contact:
Vermont’s Green Mountain National Vermont’s entire Congressional delega- San Juan Citizen’s Alliance
Forest, violated the National Environ- tion and the State’s wildlife biologist. 560 Clearview Road
mental Policy Act (NEPA). Plaintiffs in the lawsuit included Green Durango, CO 81301
The project had previously been Mountain Forest Watch, Conservation (970)259-6181
declared illegal by the Federal District Law Foundation, National Audubon
Court in Vermont two years ago (see The Society, Sierra Club, The Wilderness
RIPorter v1 #3, p. 7). That decision was Society, and the Vermont Audubon
appealed by the Forest Service, and was Council. The lawsuit was the first of its
heard by the Appeals Court last Febru- kind against the US Forest Service in
ary. In its decision, the Appeals Court New England’s history.
stated: “In sum, we agree that the Forest The ruling stopped short of being
Service violated NEPA by failing to precedent-setting for the entire 340,000
adequately consider all relevant environ- acre forest, and also held that District
mental factors prior to making its Court Judge Murtha overstepped his
finding of no significant impact....” This bounds when he ruled on the impacts of
led to a finding that the Forest Service’s the logging two years ago. Murtha had
decision was “arbitrary and capricious.” ruled that the impact of the project
The sale has been remanded back to the would be “arguably significant.”
agency for further analysis.
The lawsuit contested the agency’s Congratulations and thanks to Mathew
decision to construct and reconstruct Jacobson and all the members of Green
three miles of roads and log one of Mountain Forest Watch, which led the
southern Vermont’s most remote wild coalition of environmentalists who
forests, Lamb Brook. The area is located brought the suit.
on the Green Mountain National Forest,
southwest of Wilmington, VT. As one of
southern Vermont’s most remote areas,
W. VIRGINIA, CORRIDOR H 41 streams, and two Civil War battlefields. Projected traffic
levels are far short of the 10,000 vehicles per day engineers
Proposed 4 lane highway say would justify a new four-lane. Meanwhile, existing roads
are deteriorating. A Federal Highway study found that 45% of
Corridor H, the $1 billion “road to nowhere” across the West Virginia’s bridges are deficient.
Potomac Highlands of West Virginia, is still largely unfunded, The State of Virginia, citing the cost and local community
as Congress did not pass a five-year transportation bill in opposition, has refused to build its portion of Corridor H,
1997. The battle resumes in March, when Senator Robert C. which was to connect to I-81. ABC TV’s “It’s Your Money,” the
Byrd (D-WV) will try to corral $2 billion in Appalachian Boston Globe and other national media have dubbed Corridor
Corridor funds. H a “road to nowhere.” The road has been panned as “pork
Road backers say Corridor H is needed to promote barrel” by Citizens Against Government Waste and Taxpayers
economic development, while opponents say it is destructive for Common Sense. Corporate welfare would benefit road
and unnecessary. The road would cross two national forests, contractors, ski resorts, timber haulers, and the poultry
Corridor H opponents will appeal a lower court decision
which let highway agencies off the hook for failing to do
historical studies or consider alternatives to the major four-
lane. In the appeal, Corridor H Alternatives (CHA) will be
joined by over a dozen environmental and community groups
and several national groups (Scenic America, Friends of the
Earth, Save America’s Forests, the American Civil War Associa-
tion, and Taxpayers for Common Sense). CHA favors passing
lanes, slightly wider pavement, and straightening dangerous
curves to improve traffic flow and safety on existing roads.
The appeal hearing is expected this spring in federal appeals
court in Washington, D.C.
any Road-RIPorter readers have written or called seeking information about the different types of
road designations used by the Forest Service. What does the Agency mean when it talks about
system vs. non-system roads? What is the difference between temporary and long-term roads?
This glossary will give you answers to some of your questions. (In the next issue of The RIPorter we will
discuss temporary roads specifically.) Definitions in quotations are from the USDA Forest Service Handbook
7709.54 Forest Transportation Terminology Handbook which expired in 1992. However, FSM 7700 currently is
being revised. The revisions will include definitions from the old handbook plus new definitions, such as road
decommissioning or obliteration. The revision isn’t final, but is expected in 1998. Definitions with (R1) in
parentheses are specific to Region One of the Forest Service. These same concepts might be addressed by
different terms in other regions— please check with your own regional office.
Road — “a general term denoting a way for purposes was constructed is completed, and the occupied land is
of travel by vehicles greater than 50" in width.” It does reclaimed and managed for natural resource purposes.”
not include trails which are operated and maintained
under the trail classification. NOTE: This definition is Activities
used to identify roads (e.g. user-created, temporary) on
the ground. New road construction — “The investment in
construction of a road to provide access that adds new
Ownership/Jurisdiction miles of road to the transportation system.”
Forest development roads are not public roads (FSM
7705) in the same sense as roads that are under the Road maintenance — “Expenditures in the minor
jurisdiction of public road agencies, such as states or restoration and upkeep of a road necessary to retain the
counties. ...(T)hey are authorized only for the administra- road’s approved traffic service level.” (Replacements of
tion and utilization of National Forest System lands. existing structures, such as culverts or bridges is consid-
ered maintenance, while increasing culvert size or
Forest road — “A road wholly or partly within, or improving a bridge would be considered “betterment.”)
adjacent to, and serving the National Forest System and
necessary for the protection, administration, and use of Road reconstruction — “The investment in con-
the National Forest System and the use and development struction activity that results in betterment, restoration
of its resources.” or in the realignment of a road as defined below:
1. Realignment: Investment in construction activity
Forest development road — “A ‘forest road’ under that results in the new location of an existing road or
the jurisdiction of the Forest Service.” portions thereof;
2. Betterment: Investment in construction activity
System road — Same definition as forest develop- that raises the traffic service level of a road or improves
ment road. its safety or operating efficiency;
3. Restoration: Investment in construction activity
Non-system road — Forest roads not under the required to rebuild a road to its approved traffic service
jurisdiction of the Forest Service. (This term is used in level.”
Region One and also may be used in other regions.)
Historical road — A former forest road that is no
longer used. (R1) Specified road — Roads authorized for a specific
resource need (e.g. logging, mining, grazing). This term
Service Life can be applied to constant, intermittent or short-term
Constant service (long-term road) — “A long-term
facility developed and operated for continuous or annual Temporary road — Roads constructed for specific
recurrent service.” resource needs, but not intended to be part of the
permanent transportation system. Temporary roads are
Intermittent road — “A road developed and operated most often constructed by timber contractors for remov-
for periodic service and closed for more than one year ing timber. Temporary roads are required to be reveg-
between periods of use.” The road can be stored for etated within 10 years of completion of their use. Tem-
future use by removing culverts and improving drainage porary roads can remain active for upwards of 5 years as
so the road causes minimal damage to watershed/ part of timber sales. Temporary roads are not invento-
ecosystem health until it is reconstructed. ried or considered a part of the transportation system.
There are no design standards for temporary roads other
Short-term road — “A facility developed and oper- than location and clearing width and State best manage-
ated for a limited period of time which will cease to exist ment practices (where they exist), unless the road is
as a transportation facility after the purpose for which it classified as a specified short-term road.
n exotic “invader” is defined as often displaced
any organism that is able to by intrusive
colonize and persist in an area exotic species.
where it has never existed before
(Mooney and Drake 1986). Exotic Photo by
species of plants, pests and pathogens Mark Alan Wilson.
are a serious threat to native ecosystems
(Liebhold et al. 1995, Vitousek et al.
1996). Invasions by exotic species can variety of host trees, especially in the eastern United States
reduce biodiversity, spread disease and (Liebhold et al. 1995). Exotic pathogens also are a problem.
alter ecosystem processes. They also can For example, Port-Orford cedar root rot (Chamaecyparis
destroy wildlife habitat and damage lawsonia) is a soil-borne disease that is known to spread by
agricultural crops, rangelands, forests movement of soil infected with the fungus (Castello et al.
and wildlands (Vitousek et al. 1996). 1995, Perry 1988). The disease often spreads with the
The continuing establishment and construction of wildland roads.
spread of exotic species has severe
ecological and economic impacts. Exotic Invasions and Disturbance
Roads provide access for the dispersal It is widely accepted that invasions by exotic organisms
and introduction of exotics. Ecosystem are facilitated by disturbance (Elton 1958, Mooney and Drake
disturbance caused by road building 1986). Pickett and White (1985) define disturbance as “any
provides a perfect ecological climate for relatively discrete event in time that disrupts ecosystem,
the establishment of invasive species. community or population structure and changes resources
Once an exotic organism takes hold in substrate availability, or the physical environment.” Grime
an area, the options for control are often (1979) views disturbance as any process that removes or
costly, dangerous and ineffective. To damages biomass. Those involved in the debate on defining
stop the arrival, establishment and disturbance seem to agree that it is a discrete event that
spread of exotics, preventing invasions is changes the conditions in an ecosystem. According to these
important. Limiting the construction of definitions, roads are clearly a form of human caused ecosys-
roads into undisturbed ecosystems is tem disturbance. The disturbance caused by roads allows
effective in preventing further invasion. exotic invaders access to undisturbed ecosystems.
Non-profit Organization