5 Ozkan
5 Ozkan
5 Ozkan
The objective of this study was to choose a suitable anesthetic combination for use in experimental surgical models by comparing the anesthet-
ic and cardio-respiratory changes. Fourteen healthy male sheep were randomly assigned to two different drug regimens. In Group the sheep
were anesthetized with ketamine + xylazine ( mg/kg im. + . mg/kg i.m., respectively). Anesthetic combination of ketamine + diazepam (
mg/kg im. + . mg/kg i.m., respectively) was used in Group . Heart rate, respiratory rate and mean arterial pressures were evaluated before
anesthesia, after induction of anesthesia up to minutes in minute intervals and during recovery. In all sheep, duration of anesthesia induc-
tion, duration of anesthesia and duration of recovery were recorded. Quality of induction, anesthesia, analgesia and recovery were evaluated.
Cardio-respiratory parameters decreased below baseline values after anesthesia induction in both groups. However, no profound effects on
cardio-respiratory functions were observed during study. In Group , it was observed that; anesthesia induction time was longer, the depth
of anesthesia was inadequate during the osteotomy stage of the surgical procedure and recovery time was longer in comparison to Group .
Otherwise the quality of anesthesia induction, anesthesia, analgesia and recovery was better in Group than Group . These findings indicate
that both drug combinations can provide short time anesthesia for minor surgical procedures. Ketamine+xylazine combination can be used as
a more suitable anesthetic combination in experimental surgical procedures such as maxillofacial surgery than ketamine+diazepam combina-
tion, in sheep. © Association of Basic Medical Sciences of FBIH. All rights reserved
TABLE 1. Scoring criteria used for assessing quality of induction, anesthesia and analgesia, and recovery.
The sheep immediately and quietly Induction period prolonged a little. In- Induction period prolonged much
entered into anesthetic state with coordinaton despite at a lesser extent more than its normal duration. Incoor-
INDUCTION scarce number of to-and-fro move- with conspicuous to-and-fro move- dination is very pronounced with very
ments ments. The animal struggled a while prominent to-and-fro movements, and
on the ground. excessive muscular tremors.
Lack of response to painful stimuli, Very faint movements as a response A marked response to painful stimuli; it
ANESTHESIA AND and absence of tremor of leg muscles to painful stimuli; muscular tremors drew its legs back, and shuddered ; very
ANALGESIA though at a lesser extent marked tremor of its legs
Lack of excitation, but with coordi- With lesser degrees of excitation and The animal floundered and struggled on
nation the animal stood up on its legs coordination, the animal could stand the ground to stand up. It made more
RECOVERY quietly and at one attempt without up only at 2-3 attempts with marked than 3 attempts to stand on its legs.
any conspicuous ataxia of its legs. ataxia of its legs.
of their unique characteristic features. Among these char- recovery period were recorded. The induction period was
acteristics their easy and perfect adaptations to laboratory assessed as the time for the sheep to lie sideways, and the
conditions with their body weights and sizes similar to presence and absence of response to painful stimuli after
those of human beings can be enumerated []. Although administration of ketamine. The duration of anesthesia was
the effects of most of anesthetics in humans have been determined as the period between the first injection and the
investigated, and elucidated, studies in literature investi- moment of the first spontaneous elevation of the sheep’s
gating anesthetic effects of drug combinations in sheep head. The recovery period was the time passed from the
undergoing major surgery for research or treatment are last injection up to the time the animal stands up on its legs,
scarce in number. In this study, comparison of anes- and maintains its erect posture. The heart rates per minute
thetic drug combinations as diazepam-ketamine and as were determined by auscultation with a stethoscope, and
xylazine-ketamine in spontaneously breathing sheep ex- respiratory rates per minute were assessed by observation
posed to experimental maxillofacial surgery was targeted. of chest and abdomen movements, and auscultation with
a stethoscope. Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were
Materials and Methods measured by placing a cuff around the tail root in a non-
invasive oscillometric method and mean arterial pressures
After obtaining approval from the local ethics committee, were calculated with the diastolic blood pressure + / (sys-
- month old male sheep, weighing between - kg, tolic –diastolic blood pressure) formula. Hemodynamic pa-
bred and raised under similar conditions, were random- rameters were measured before premedication, at -minute
ized into groups. In xylazine group (Group , n=) after intervals for minutes starting from the onset of the in-
hours of fasting and hours of thirst, ketamine ( mg/ duction of anesthesia, and also during the recovery period.
kg, i.m.) was administered minutes after atropine (.
mg/kg, i.m.) + xylazine (. mg/kg, i.m.) premedication. For Surgical methods
diazepam group (Group, n=), minutes after premedi- Distraction Group; In all sheep, submandibular incision
cation with atropine (. mg/kg, i.m.) + diazepam (. mg/ was made to expose the right mandibular body. After the
kg, i.m.), ketamine ( mg/kg, i.m.) was injected. Induction mucoperiosteal flap was reflected, vertical corticotomies
of anesthesia was performed after observation of findings were performed from mesial to the decidious first pre-
of sedation in all sheep which were head drop and palpe- molar tooth mesial to the first molar under saline irriga-
bral ptosis. The animals were maintained in spontaneous tion. The mm mandibular bone segment was removed.
respiration and as an analgesic flunixine meglumine ( mg/ To create a transport segment, vertical corticotomy was
kg, i.m.) was introduced just before surgical intervention. performed approximately cm posterior to the distal
During surgery, when animals started to move, additional edge of the defect. The distraction device (LOGIC distrac-
mg/kg intravenous ketamine was given to Groups and tor system, straight, right, TX, USA), was oriented per-
through external jugular vein to achieve rapid onset of ef- pendicular to the corticotomy line and was fixed in place.
fect. Heart rates, respiratory rates and blood pressures of Graft group; The recipient site, the right mandible was
animals were assessed. Induction of anesthesia, anesthesia prepared by making mm segmental resection be-
and analgesia, and recovery from anesthesia were qualita- tween the canine and first molar. Block grafts mea-
tively evaluated as good, moderate and worse in accordance suring mm long, mm high, mm wide were
with Aydilek and co-workers study [] (Table ). Besides, harvested from the right iliac crest. The block graft
duration of induction, anesthesia, surgery and postoperative was then placed into the defect and fixed in place.
TABLE 2. Mean values of heart rate, respiratory rate and mean blood pressures in two groups
Group1 (n=7) Group2 (n=7)
T p
Mean±SD (Min-Max) Mean±SD (Min-Max)
Baseline 98.86±4.91 (90-105) 95.00±7.07 (85-105) 1.19 0.259
Premedication 89.86±3.63 (85-97) 84.14±3.53 (80-90) 2.98 0.011
Induction 90.00±4.08 (85-95) 84.29±6.08 (75-90) 2.07 0.061
5 89.14±9.74 (80-105) 80.29±4.27 (75-89) 2.20 0.058
10 101.57±12.90 (80-117) 83.43±10.06 (75-105) 2.94 0.012
15 106.14±3.67 (100-111) 111.00±18.82 (80-130) -0.67 0.526
Heart rate
20 110.29±10.05(100-127) 127.29±6.82 (120-137) -3.70 0.003
25 108.00±6.98 (99-117) 127.71±8.77 (115-141) -4.66 0.001
30 106.86±4.88 (100-115) 126.00±5.80 (115-133) -6.68 <0.001
Recovery 88.00±11.71 (70-105) 92.57±7.61 (78-100) -0.87 0.403
*F=8.55, p=0,001 *F=32.94, p<0.001
*F=3.97, p=0.070
Baseline 23.14±4.91 (20-29) 23.00±2.31 (19-26) 0.10 0.924
Premedication 18.29±2.22 (15-21) 18.86±1.57 (17-21) -0.56 0.588
Induction 17.43±2.70 (15-21) 18.86±1.57 (17-21) -1.21 0.250
5 17.57±2.15 (16-22) 19.00±2.24 (16-22) -1.22 0.246
10 19.29±3.64 (15-24) 18.43±2.30 (16-22) 0.53 0.608
15 21.71±1.80 (20-25) 22.14±4.02 (15-27) -0.26 0.801
Respiratory rate
20 20.29±1.80 (17-22) 24.57±0.98 (23-26) -5.54 <0.001
25 20.14±2.04 (16-22) 23.00±1.73 (21-26) -2.83 0.015
30 18.00±1.92 (15-20) 24.43±1.81 (22-26) -6.45 <0.001
Recovery 17.57±1.40 (16-20) 20.29±1.70 (18-22) -3.26 0.007
*F=4.73, p=0.013 *F=8.52, p=0.002
*F=31.97, p<0.001
Baseline 76.57±3.87 (70-82) 77.29±5.85 (69-85) -0.27 0.792
Premedication 72.57±6.29 (65-80) 68.43±7.55 (56-81) 1.12 0.287
Induction 65.00±5.00 (60-70) 63.14±3.85 (59-70) 0.78 0.451
5 67.43±4.16 (60-72) 64.14±5.08 (55-70) 1.32 0.210
10 72.86±9.42 (61-85) 64.14±4.30 (60-70) 2.23 0.055
15 79.86±7.80 (66-90) 72.71±12.43 (58-90) 1.29 0.222
Mean arterial pressure
20 79.57±2.23 (76-83) 86.57±5.68 (79-95) -3.04 0.017
25 82.71±4.15 (77-88) 87.86±5.67 (80-95) -1.94 0.077
30 73.29±7.78 (60-80) 86.86±7.20 (80-97) -3.39 0.005
Recovery 73.86±4.41 (69-81) 76.43±4.65 (68-82) -1.06 0.309
*F=5.89, p=0.004 *F=15.04, p<0.001
*F=0.18, p=0.683
*F= Repeated measures One Way Anova test value, Group 1 = ketamine+ xylazine group, Group 2 = ketamine+diazepam group
surgical procedure after the induction period (p<.). tive times, and degree of surgical comfort and satisfaction
The mean arterial pressures measured at minute and were assessed to be good after additional doses. In Group ,
were significantly higher in Group . In within group the quality of anesthesia and analgesia up to the osteotomy
assessments, there was statistically significant difference phase of the surgery was of moderate degree, while during
among measures of mean arterial pressure separately the osteotomy phase it was evaluated as “worse” in qual-
for two groups (for Groups and , p=., p<. re- ity. In this Group, during the osteotomy phase all animals
spectively) (Table ). There was no statistically significant received additional doses. Two animals were administered
difference between Group and Group in alteration of second, and one animal was administered third additional
mean arterial pressures during the procedure (p=.). doses. After administration of dosages surgical satisfac-
In both groups the mean arterial pressures increased with tion and comfort were evaluated as of moderate degree.
the start of surgical procedure after the induction period. In Group total duration of surgery, and postoperative
The respiratory rates at minute , and and recov- recovery time ranged between -, and - minutes,
ery were significantly higher in Group (p<.). With-in respectively. In Group , operative time, and postopera-
group assessments, there was statistically significant differ- tive recovery times varied between -, and -
ence among measures of respiratory rate in two groups minutes, respectively. In Group postoperative recovery
(for Groups and , p=., p=. respectively) (Table time was detected to be significantly shorter than Group
). There was statistically significant difference between (p<.). The quality of recovery was evaluated as “good” in
Group and Group when alteration of respiratory rates Group and “moderate” in Group . Although any statisti-
was concerned during the procedure (p<.). In both cally significant difference between operative times was not
groups, respiratory rates increased with the start of surgi- found, relatively longer durations were observed in Group .
cal procedure after the induction period. Especially, in
Group the respiratory rate was in a trend to increase Discussion
after the th minute, meanwhile decrease in respira-
tory rates was observed in Group after the th minute. Ketamine can be used singly or in combination for pre- and
intraoperative sedation, induction, and maintenance of
TABLE 3. Mean values of duration of anesthetic and surgical pro-
cedures in two groups anesthesia, balanced anesthetic applications, regional and
1 (n=7) 2 (n=7) spinal anesthesia, and postoperative analgesia [-]. The
Mean±SD Mean±SD t p pharmacodynamic and clinical effects of ketamine which
(Min-Max) (Min-Max)
has been used since the s on bodily systems, have been
8.43±2.57 13.00±2.58
Duration of induction -3.32 0.006 determined in experimental and clinical studies. Ketamine
(4-12) (9-17)
52.14±15.77 70.71±22.81 had come into the foreground especially during the last
Duration of surgery -1.77 0.102
(40-75) (45-115) decade due to prevention of its side effects by using drug
86.43±9.88 146.43±20.35 combinations and thus expansion of its area of usage [-].
Duration of recovery -7.02 <0.001
(75-105) (120-180)
Sedative preanesthetic drugs like diazepam and xylazine
Duration of anesthesia
- - - can possess hypotensive and hypoxic effects by depress-
ing cardiovascular and respiratory activities. In contrast to
The duration of anesthetic and surgical procedures was most of the anesthetic drugs, ketamine has been shown to
shown in Table . Sufficient depth in anesthesia was possess incremental effects on the heart rate, blood pres-
achieved after . minutes in Group and minutes in sure and respiratory rate due to increase in sympathetic ac-
Group after ketamine administration. Time to the induc- tivation [-]. Ketamine has desired effects such as main-
tion of anesthesia was found to be significantly shorter in tenance and stimulation of respiration, bronchodilation,
Group (p= .). The quality of induction was deemed maintenance of functional residual capacity and achieve-
to be good in both groups. In Group , the duration of ment of equivalent minute ventilation rates both in sponta-
anesthesia ranged between and minutes (mean neously breathing individuals and in those wide awake [].
.±. minutes) after administration of ketamine. In It had also unwanted respiratory effects such as increase
Group , upon the initiation of the osteotomy phase of in respiratory secretions [,]. It has been demonstrated
the operation, involuntary movements in animals were that anti-muscarinic drugs like atropine have decreasing ef-
observed, and additional doses were instituted. Anesthe- fect on hypersecretion induced with ketamine []. In our
sia and analgesia in all phases of surgery in Group were study, atropine incorporated in premedication decreased
of good quality. In this group, -shot additional dose was hypersecretion which was induced during spontaneous
administered to three animals dependent on the opera- breathing. Benzodiazepines decrease cardiovascular effects
of ketamine [-]. Similarly, xylazine decreases the effects stage was not sufficient. Sumitra et al. [] emphasized that
of ketamine by lowering blood pressure and depressing the ketamine-diazepam combination affected respiratory and
cardiovascular system. In these studies, dependent on the cardiac functions relatively at a lesser extent than ketamine-
stage of anesthesia, it was demonstrated that the drugs used xylazine combination, and ketamine-diazepam combina-
in combinations can cause fluctuations in heart rate, blood tion can be a suitable anesthetic regimen for surgical models
pressure, respiratory rate and catecholamine levels varying in rats. Lin et al. [] investigated the effects of two different
with the degree of stress [,,,]. Similar to the results of anesthetic regimens, namely ketamine-diazepam and ket-
other studies, our study demonstrated that hemodynamic amine-diazepam-xylazine combinations in sheep and found
findings such as heart rates, respiratory rates and mean that the latter combination resulted in a prolonged duration
blood pressures fell under baseline values after premedica- of anesthesia. They finally emphasized that both combina-
tion phase and climbed over baseline values after induction tions can be used to anaesthetize sheep. In the same study
and during surgical intervention. We suggest that in addi- Lin et al. [] stated that intravenous ketamine and xylazine
tion to sympathetic effects of ketamine, higher values of the infusions provide an improved anesthesia with subsequent
three hemodynamic parameters in the ketamine-diazepam satisfactory recovery period lasting for minutes after ces-
Group can be attributed to relatively lesser contribution of sation of infusion. In an investigation performed in children
diazepam to the induction of anesthesia compared to xyla- with a benzodiazepine-ketamine combination unconscious
zine. Mouallem et al. [] in a study conducted in sheep em- state was achieved within minutes and stressed that an-
phasized that ketamine-diazepam combination significantly esthesia and analgesia was maintained with intravenous ket-
reduced heart rates and respiratory rates, however Coulson amine boluses without any side effects excluding delay in re-
et al. [] investigated cardiovascular effects of ketamine-di- covery []. Also in our study, anesthetic states was reached
azepam and ketamine-xylazine combinations in sheep and within minutes and with repeated doses were observed
stressed lack of any meaningful effects on heart rates and re- delay in awakening and prolonged recovery times in ket-
spiratory hemodynamics. In our study incremental or dec- amine-diazepam group. On the other hand in ketamine-
remental alterations in hemodynamic variables caused by xylazine group anesthesia was achieved within approxi-
both drug combinations remained within physiologic limits. mately minutes. With repeated doses delayed awakening
Ketamine anesthesia which demonstrates its main impact and longer recovery times were seen in this group, too.
via central nervous system, has anesthesic, analgesic, and
amnesic effects as well as unwanted effects such as delirium, Conclusion
hallucination and nightmares during the recovery period
[]. In combination with benzodiazepines and an alpha- Though ketamine-xylazine and ketamine-diazepam combi-
agonist xylazine, an increase in the quality of analgesia, se- nations are frequently used anesthetic methods in clinical
dation, anesthesia and recovery, alleviation of anxiety and and experimental studies, both methods can be preferred
a decrease in the unwanted ketamine have been demon- in painful minor surgeries. However in major surgical inter-
strated [,, ,] . In our study prolongation of anes- ventions involving bone tissue as maxillofacial surgery, ket-
thetic induction and recovery period, inadequate depth of amine-xylazine anesthesia can be preferred over ketamine-
intraoperative anesthesia were observed in premedication diazepam anesthesia in that it achieves more rapid anesthetic
with diazepam in ketamine-diazepam group. Xylazine pre- induction, better surgical comfort, maintenance of physio-
medication in ketamine-xylazine Group was found to be ad- logical parameters within optimal limits and faster recovery.
equate. Compared with ketamine-diazepam combination,
faster anesthetic induction, an anticipated duration of anes- Declaration of Interest
thesia, improved surgical comfort and satisfaction at every
stage of anesthesia have been observed by using ketamine- No authors have affiliations or financial involvement with
xylazine combination. On the other hand postoperative re- any organization or entity with a direct financial interest in
covery period was shorter and requirement for additional the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript.
dosages was less compared to -ketamine-diazepam combi- The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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