CCRN Review Course 2015
CCRN Review Course 2015
CCRN Review Course 2015
PROSPECTUS: This lecture series is designed to provide the critical care health care
provider with a review of AACN’s core curriculum. Provided in a lecture format, the
instructor will review anatomy and physiology, physical assessment (including
hemodynamics and utilization of invasive assessment tools), and pathophysiology in a
systems approach. Topics that are discussed include: Cardiac, Pulmonary,
Neurological, Renal, Endocrine, Hematological, Gastrointestinal, and Psychological and
Legal aspects of care. This review is not an introduction to the environment of the
Critical Care area, but a comprehensive update for the professional already in practice
at the critical care bedside and preparing for the CCRN Certification Examination.
OBJECTIVES: At the completion of this lecture, the participant will be able to:
1. Discuss and practice test-taking skills.
2. Review critical anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of each system.
3. Discuss significant assessment and diagnostic findings relevant to the critical care
4. Discuss clinical presentation as well as specific patient management of commonly
seen critical care conditions.
Table of Contents
II. Hematology/Immunology
Physiology, Stress Response, Homeostasis, Bleeding, Pathophysiology,
DIC and Blood Products
III. Cardiovascular
Anatomy and Physiology, Cardiac Output, Hemodynamics, Assessment,
Coronary Artery Disease and Heart Failure
IV. Endocrine
Stress Response, DI, SIADH, Diabetes: DKA and HHNK
V. Gastrointestinal
Anatomy and Physiology, GI bleeding, Esophageal Varices, Hepatic Failure,
Pancreatitis, Intestinal Infarction, and GI Surgery
VI. Neurology
Anatomy and Physiology, Cerebral Perfusion Pressure, Assessment,
Increased Intracranial Pressure, Neurological Problems, Neuro-Muscular
Problems, Head Injury, Stroke, and Spinal Cord Injury
VII. Renal
Anatomy and Physiology, Renal Assessment, Acute Renal Failure, and
Chronic Renal Failure
VIII. Pulmonary
Anatomy and Physiology, Assessment, Pathophysiology, Acute Respiratory
Failure, Mechanical Ventilation, ARDS, Pneumonia, Aspiration, Status
Asthmaticus, Pulmonary Embolism, and Chest Trauma
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Obtaining application:
AACN (800) 899-2226 or (go to certification, then CCRN)
Apply; receive authorization to test (takes between 2-4 days to 2-3 weeks)
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A patient’s family expresses anxiety regarding the meaning of numbers on the patient’s
monitor and asks the nurse for clarification. The nurse’s most appropriate response
would be:
When teaching a family member to perform an aspect of patient care, the nurse realized
that family members:
A patient with cerebral edema after a subarachnoid hemorrhage has been ordered
Nifedipine 10mg by mouth every 4 hours. The patient’s blood pressure is 150/85 mmHg.
How should the nurse respond to this order?
a. Ask the pharmacist to clarify the order
b. Discuss the purpose of the order with the physician
c. Research the indications and safety of Nifedipine
d. Administer the medication to control the blood pressure
The Test: 150 Questions, 3 hours: NOT like NCLEX, you must answer each question.
o READ all instructions, will not need paper, pencil, calipers, or calculator
o Passing is 71% overall
• Collaboration, Precepting
Category C
• Min 10 Max 30
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Factors triggering DIC:
Tissue factors: tissue-break down
Platelet aggregation: sepsis
Injury to vascular endothelium and exposure to collagen
Abnormal bleeding,
Signs of thrombosis,
Change in level of consciousness (LOC),
Chest pain, S-T, T wave changes,
Dyspnea, hypoxia,
Decreased urine output, proteinuria, electrolyte imbalance,
Abdominal pain, diarrhea
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Medical Management: stop bleeding
Action: to increase O2 carrying capacity
Indications: significantly decreased hemoglobin & hematocrit
Blood loss—active bleeding
Avoid fluid overload: remember about heart failure and blood products
Administration: blood filter, 2-4 hours
Complications: transfusion reaction, infection, volume overload
Action: coagulation components
Indications: platelet count or decreased platelet function
Administration: component filter, rapid infusion
Fresh Frozen Plasma:
Action: increase clotting factors, water and electrolytes, no platelets
Indications: coagulation deficiencies, viable
Factor V and VIII
Administration: filter, rapid (can give over 2 hours)
Complications: viral, fluid overload
Action: raises Factors VIII + XII, prevents and controls bleeding, contains
Fibrinogen and Antithrombin III
Indications: DIC, von Willebrands
Administration: filter, rapid
Complications: infection
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Complications of DIC:
Mortality 40-60%
Hypovolemic shock, acute renal failure, infection, ARDS, stroke, GI dysfunction
Multisystem failure
Hematology Pearls
DIC = high PT/PTT, low fibrinogen, low platelets, high FDP/FSP, high D-dimer
Hematology Pearls
DIC = high PT/PTT, Low fibrinogen, low platelets, high FSP (FDP), high D-dimer
Which of the following lab diagnostic findings will most likely be seen in DIC?
A. PT + PTT prolonged
B. Fibrinogen increased
C. Platelet count increased
D. D-dimer normal
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Coronary Arteries
Right Coronary Artery (RCA): perfuses the right atrium and right ventricle
o 90% of people - the RCA is dominant: perfuses the inferior left ventricle
Left Coronary Artery (LCA): left main
Left Circumflex (Cx): perfuses the left atrium and lateral wall of the left ventricle
Left Anterior Descending (LAD): perfuses the anterior and apex of the left ventricle,
as well as 2/3 of the ventricular septum
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The coronaries fill during ventricular diastole (ventricular rest) and flow is
dependent on diastolic pressure
The heart utilizes approximately 85% of available O2 at rest, when the myocardium
requires more O2 for proper functioning, the coronary arteries dilate in response to
increased demand
Definitions to remember:
Cardiac output and cardiac Index indicate perfusion to the cells
Stroke Volume (SV) = amount of blood (mL) ejected with each ventricular
Stroke Volume = preload, afterload, and contractility
Preload: the amount of volume returned to the ventricle at the end of diastole,
consists of:
Venous return
Intrathoracic pressure
o Preload--overloaded: diuretics and/or vasodilators
o Preload--low: give volume
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Afterload: impedance to ventricular emptying, resistance to ventricular ejection
OR: workload of the ventricle to pump blood out
Contractility: the ability of the ventricular muscle to contract and eject blood
Drugs: Improve contractility
o Digoxin
o Dobutamine
o Milrinone
o Dopamine
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Heart Sounds: know S3 and S4
Hemodynamics: the flow of blood as it travels through the heart and great vessels
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Right ventricle Left Ventricle
Preload Preload
Venous return Return from right
Volume status ventricle
Intrathoracic Volume
Pressure Intrathoracic
Afterload Pressure
PVR Afterload
Aortic Stenosis
DaO2 = arterial
oxygen delivery—
SvO2 = true
mixed venous
oxygen 60-80%
VO2 = venous
oxygen: oxygen
ScvO2 = venous
oxygen in the
right atrium
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Cardiac output/index
Metabolic Demand
True mixed venous blood, normal is 60-80%
This gives information about oxygen consumption normal is 70-75%
There is a 75% reserve of oxygen in the blood
The SvO2: 4 pieces of information
o CO/CI, H&H, Oxygenation, Metabolic Demand
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Hyperkalemia: ventricular depression, asystole
Coronary Artery Disease: CAD, the leading cause of death in the U.S.
Definition: flow limiting lesion
Pathophysiology: inflammatory disease
Risk Factors: Diabetes
Clinical manifestations: Heart Failure (HF), sudden death, angina, unstable
angina (acute coronary syndrome—ACS), myocardial infarction
VOMIT H = Hypertension
V = Vital Signs O = Obesity
O = Oxygen N = Non-Insulin
M = Monitor D = Dependent
I = IV access A = Atherosclerosis
T = Treatment S = Sleep Apnea
1. Stable Angina:
Clinical presentation
ECG presentation: no S-T changes
Treatment modalities: rest, NTG, and ASA
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o Antiplatelet Therapy: ASA, Plavix, Effient
o Vasodilator Therapy: NTG
o Beta Blocker: decreases MVO2 (myocardial oxygen demand), regulates HR,
rhythm, and BP
o ACE-I: BP control and reduces remodeling
Clinical presentation
ECG presentation: S–T, T wave depression
Pathophysiology: clot formation
Biochemical Markers: positive troponin
Treatment Management: increase supply—decrease demand
o ASA, Beta Blockers, Heparin, NTG, Morphine, GP IIb IIIa inhibitors
o Assistance for the Ventricle: Unstable patient unresponsive to primary
o IABP: two functions: decrease afterload, increase coronary perfusion
Diastolic Augmentation
o Interventional Treatment:
PTCA, Stent Placement, catheterization laboratory
Nursing Care of the Interventional Cardiology Patient
NPO, consent, labs, insulin, kidney protection, medications
Post-procedures: monitor ECG—ST-T wave segment, vascular
examine, heparin, activity, medications
o Arterial Assessment: 6 P’s: Pulse, Pain, Pallor, Polar, Paresthesia, Paralysis
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12 Lead ECG: You need to know location
ST segment elevation is always current of injury or infarction
ST segment depression is always myocardial ischemia
Two or more contiguous leads – leads that are associated, such as, inferior or
anterior leads
Leads II, III, and AVF are inferior leads
Leads I and AVL are anterior lateral leads
V1-2 are anterior septal leads
V3-4 are anterior leads
V5-6 are lateral
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STEMI Acute Management:
VOMIT: 12 lead ECG, enzymes, MONA
Manage and monitor
ACLS for rhythms
Reduce size of infarct
o Door to diagnosis and treatment
o Diagnosis: clinical presentation, 12 lead ECG, and enzymes
o Treatment Paradigm: ABC’s, oxygen, pain management, ASA
Reperfusion therapies
Cath Lab (PCI)
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)
o Increase myocardial oxygen supply
Open the artery
Maintain CAPP—diastolic blood pressure
Control dysrhythmias
Beta Blocker
Fibrinolytic therapy if delay in treatment
Antiplatelet therapy
o Decrease O2 demand: pain and anxiety relief, temperature control
Oxygen, Beta Blockers, ACE-Inhibitor, rhythm control
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Right Ventricular Infarction: Assess for infarctions: 15-18 Lead ECG
Medical Treatment:
o Antiplatelet, vasodilator, Beta Blocker, ACE-inhibitor, statin
Surgical: CABG: continue with medical therapy
o Post-op care: Atrial fibrillation
Prevent post op complications: pneumonia, DVT with pulmonary emboli
Alveolar recruitment, incentive spirometer, and ambulation (both
pneumonia prevention and prevention of DVT)
Heart Failure: Is a progressive disease that does not improve, compensatory response:
neurohormonal blockade
o Block sympathetic nervous system—Beta Blockers
o Block renin-angio-tension system—ACE-Inhibitors
Inability of the heart to meet the needs of the body: malperfusion, evidence of organ
o Etiology of heart failure (HF): most common in U.S. is CAD
o Clinical Presentation of Left Ventricular Failure (LVF)
Tachycardia, tachypnea, dyspnea, orthopnea, PND, pulses alternans,
cough, weakness, fatigue, mental confusion, murmurs, ECG—atrial
arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation, left atrial enlargement, left ventricular
hypertrophy, chest x-ray—fluid overload, ABG’s—hypoxemia
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o Clinical Presentation of Right Ventricular Failure
Jugular venous distention, hepato-jugular reflux, dependent edema,
hepatomegaly, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, ascites,
nocturia, weakness, fatigue, wt. gain, abnormal liver functions, ECG—
RAE, RVH, atrial dysrhythmias
o Management: Treat the cause if possible: improve oxygenation
Decrease Preload
Monitor volume status: low sodium diet
Diuretics, Natrecor, NTG, pulmonary vasodilators (oxygen)
Decrease MVO2: Decrease Afterload
Beta Blockers, ACE-I
Control heart rate and rhythm
Increase Contractility
Digoxin, Dobutamine, Milrinone, Dopamine (dose dependent)
Intra-aortic balloon pump
Cardiac Pearls
o ABC’s
o CI/CO – preservation of tissue perfusion
o Purpose is to drive hemoglobin to the cell
o CO = SV X HR
o S-T-segment depression = ischemia
o S-T-segment elevation = current of injury, infarction
o S-T elevation of II, III, and AVF = inferior infarction, STEMI
o S-T elevation of I, AVL, V1-6 = anterior infarction, STEMI
o IABP: increase coronary artery perfusion, decrease afterload
You are caring for a patient recently admitted with an inferior wall myocardial infarction.
Which of the 12 Lead ECG findings would you anticipate?
Your patient with an inferior wall myocardial infarction also has a right ventricular
infarction. He soon develops right ventricular failure. Which of the following data
obtained would correlate this?
House-Fancher 20
The most common complication of a myocardial infarction is:
A. Arrhythmias
B. Heart Failure
C. Cardiogenic Shock
D. Pulmonary Edema
A normal wedge pressure, increased pulmonary artery pressures, and evidence of right
ventricular failure would most likely indicate:
A. Cardiac Tamponade
B. Left Ventricular Failure
C. Myocardial Infarction
D. Pulmonary Embolism
A. Prevention of infection
B. Treatment of heart failure
C. Treatment of dysrhythmias
D. All the above
A. Dyspnea at rest
B. Orthopnea
C. Nocturnal cough
D. All the above
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Endocrine System
o Neurologic: pituitary tumor, CNS depression, stroke, intracranial hemorrhage,
infection, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, CVA, non-malignant pulmonary disease
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o Ectopic: production of a substance indistinguishable from ADH by tissue: oat
cell cancer
o Nephrogenic: general anesthesia, narcotics, Tylenol, tricyclic’s,
o Hypoxia, stress, multifactorial in ICU patient
Clinical Presentation:
o Oliguria---urine output less than 0.5 ml/kg/hour
o Urine specific gravity greater than 1.030
o Clinical indications of fluid overload
o Anorexia, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea
o Dyspnea, and pulmonary edema
o Headache, personality and behavioral changes, altered level of consciousness
o Seizures, muscle weakness or cramps
o Serum sodium less than 120 mEq/liter
o BUN decreased, serum osmolality decreased, serum ADH level increased
Treatment: Detect SIADH in high risk patients, monitor urine output and specific
o Treat cause, surgery to remove malignancy
o Decrease water intake
o Decrease or discontinue drugs that may cause SIADH
o Correct fluid overload: fluid restriction, diuretics
o Correct electrolyte imbalance: increase dietary sodium, hypertonic saline if Na+
less than 125 or if patient has seizures
o Institute seizure precautions
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Hyperglycemia Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Condition (HHNK): hyperglycemic crisis
associated with the absence of ketone formation, most serious metabolic disturbance
type 2 DM
o Cardiovascular: hypovolemia, dysrhythmias, embolism, STEMI, pulmonary
o Neurological: seizures, cerebral edema, and coma
o Renal: acute renal failure, electrolyte imbalance
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HHNK: Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Non-ketotic Condition: Hyperglycemic
Etiology: usually seen in patients over 50 years of age with glucose intolerance:
may follow: pancreatitis, burns, hepatitis, trauma, ETOH abuse, hypertonic nutrition,
Pathophysiology: relative insulin deficiency, hyperglycemia causing osmotic
diuresis with severe dehydration with decreased GFR, renal failure and neurologic
Clinical Presentation:
o Glucose 600-2000
o Na+ is low (secondary to elevated blood sugar)
o Potassium is low
o BUN/creatinine high
o Serum osmolality high ≈ 330-450
o ABG’s normal pH, if acidosis is present consider lactic acidosis
Treatment: ABC’s, monitor
o Identify cause—infection—blood cultures
o Normalize serum glucose level
o Correct electrolyte imbalance
o Safety
o Monitor for complications
Hypovolemic shock, dysrhythmias, acute renal failure, thromboembolism,
STEMI, pulmonary edema, cerebral edema
Hypoglycemia: females greater than males, more common in elderly, ETOH abuse, and
Signs and symptoms: sympathetic nervous system stimulation—tachycardia,
nausea/vomiting, headache, change in behavior, change in level of consciousness
Treatment: replace glucose
Endocrine Pearls
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Type I DM Type II DM
Lack of insulin Deficient or Insensitive to insulin
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Gastrointestinal Bleeding
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Hepatic Failure: inability of the liver to perform organ functions—over 200 functions
o Acute hepatic failure: virus, herpes simplex, CMV, hepatotoxic drugs,
ischemia and trauma
o Chronic hepatic failure: cirrhosis, Wilson’s disease, primary or metastatic
tumor of the liver
o Cirrhosis: liver parenchymal cells are progressively destroyed and replaced
with fibrotic tissue, results impaired hepatic function: ¾ of liver can be
destroyed before symptoms appear. Distortion, twisting, and constriction of
central sections cause impedance of portal blood flow and portal hypertension
o Portal Hypertension: esophageal varices, splenomegaly—
thrombocytopenia, vitamin K deficiency, inability to produce adequate amount
of bile, impaired carbohydrate (CHO), fat, protein metabolism, inability to store
vitamins and manufacture clotting factors
o Inability to detoxify toxins and drugs or to remove bacteria
o Ammonia production—break down of protein to ammonia
Liver converts ammonia to urea and is eliminated by the kidney
o Identify and treat cause of liver failure, avoid hepato-toxic drugs,
avoid ETOH, monitor LFT’s, ABC’s, and monitor for aspiration
o Ascites and fluid overload, pleural effusion (on right), LeVeen or
Denver Shunts
o Renal insufficiency, fluid restrictions, diuresis, (aldosterone
o Immune-compromised
o Electrolyte imbalances: low K+ and low Ca++
o Empty the bowel—neomycin, lactulose
o Malnutrition
o Immunosuppression, poor wound healing, edema and ascites
o Hemorrhage: esophageal varices, coagulopathy, DIC
o Glucose abnormalities
o Electrolyte imbalance
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o Peritonitis
o Sepsis
o Hepatorenal syndrome
o Acute Tubular Necrosis (renal failure)
o Cerebral edema
Intestinal Infarction:
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hyper-coagulopathy, surgical procedures (aorta clamped), vasopressors, strangulated
intestinal obstruction, intra-abdominal infection or hypertension, cirrhosis
Clinical presentation: anorexia pallor, abdominal pain, severe cramping or
Non-specific and diffuse: objective data: tachycardia, hypotension, tachypnea, fever,
dehydration, vomiting and persistent and/or bloody diarrhea, abdominal guarding
and rigidity
Management: ABC’s
o Maintain adequate circulating volume,
o D/C vasopressors with bowel ischemia
o Prevent and treat pain
o Prevent perforation, bowel rest, NPO, elevate HOB, NG tube—decompress
o Prepare for procedures (CT scan and labs) and possible surgical intervention
Renal Dysfunction
Respiratory Compromise
GI Infections
Diarrhea: viral infections, parasites, bacterial toxins, consequence of critical illness
**Ker’s Sign: Splenic rupture or air or fluid (blood) in free space of the abdominal
House-Fancher 30
The administration of vasopressin should be most carefully monitored in patients who
A. Diabetes Insipidus
C. Hypotension secondary to GI bleed
The inability of the liver to conjugate what substance is a primary contributor to hepatic
A. Ammonia
B. Urea
C. Fatty Acids
D. Bilirubin
A. Histamine
B. Gastrin
C. Acetylcholine
D. Calcium
A. Leukocytosis
B. Elevated serum and urine amylase
C. Hyperglycemia and hypokalemia
D. Decreased serum albumin and total protein
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Cerebral Blood Flow: amount of blood within the brain vault, auto-regulated to
maintain the needs of the brain tissue. Blood to the brain must be pumped with
pressure. The pressure required to maintain adequate perfusion to all cells
(deep brain, and cortex) is called cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP)
Look at CPP: things that increase cerebral blood flow (CBF) in the head injured
patient are NOT good, such as:
Neurological Assessment:
o Mental status—behavior
o Motor function
o Sensory function
o Cranial nerves
o Deep tendon reflexes (DTR’s)
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Additional assessment includes:
o Blood pressure changes (PP)
o Respiratory rate and rhythm
o Bradypnea: central nervous system (CNS) depression
o Cheyne-Stokes: cerebral hemisphere
o Hyperventilation: lower midbrain or upper Pons
o Apneustic: mid to lower Pons
o Ataxic: medulla
o Temperature: central vs. peripheral fever
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Neurological Problems
Hydrocephalus: excessive accumulation of CSF causing increased intracranial
o Congenital
o Acquired: communicating: CSF blocked after leaving the ventricle
o Non-communicating: obstructed
o Ex-vacuo: stroke or traumatic injury that causes brain damage
o Normal hydrocephalus: normal pressure, more commonly in the elderly,
subarachnoid hemorrhage, head trauma, infection, tumor or complications of
surgery, idiopathic
o Diagnosis: CT scan, ultrasound, MRI
o Treatment: shunt placement
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Assess for additional injuries
Prevent/detect intracranial hypertension and secondary brain injury (edema)
Maintain CPP > 70
Prepare for OR or IR
Institute seizure precautions
Brain Death
Cardinal finding in brain death:
o Coma or complete unresponsiveness,
o Absence of cerebral motor responses to pain in all extremities,
o Absence of brain stem reflexes,
o Apnea
Demonstrate that there is no flow or electrical activity
o Cerebral angiography,
o EEG,
o Transcranial doppler,
o Somatosensory and brain stem auditory evoked potentials,
o Technetium Tc 99m brain scan—no uptake
Intracranial Hematoma
o Subdural hematoma: venous bleed spontaneously, older, ETOH
Treatment: possibly a burr-hole evacuation
o Epidural hematoma: Linear skull fracture, usually arterial bleeding, history of
precipitating event
Classic presentation: event causing unconsciousness, awake and
normal, rapid decline and unconsciousness again—requires intervention
Management: VOMIT
o ABC’s, vital signs, oxygenation, serum glucose
o Essential care: identification of type of stroke and timing of symptoms
o Oxygenation, ventilation, prevent aspiration
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o Decrease metabolic requirements: head of bed elevated, temperature control,
o Maintain cerebral perfusion: head of bed elevated
o Platelet aggregation inhibitors
o Anticoagulants
o Fibrinolytics—if prescribed
o Prevent complications
Spinal Shock: occurs within minutes and may last up to 3 months: T6 or higher
o Classic finding: vasodilation with significant hypotension and bradycardia,
flaccidity, poikilothermy (loss of temperature regulation from hypothalamus)
o Diagnosis: CT scan, MRI
o Injury types: Brown-Sequard
Hemisection cord injury
Ipsilateral paralysis and loss of vibratory sense
Contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensation
o Management:
o ABC’s
o Prevent further damage to spinal cord
o Immediate immobilization
o Prevention of further edema
o Monitor and treat spinal shock: fluid and steroids
o Prevent/treat complications
Status Epilepticus:
o Definition: sudden, paroxysmal episode of exaggerated activity
o Etiology: withdrawal symptoms, toxic levels of drugs
o Treatment: ABC’s, assess causes or contributing factors, protect patient from
injury, stop seizure activity, monitor and prevent complications, monitor and
document duration of seizure activity, fluid and electrolytes
Prevent seizure activity, administer medications
Obtain and monitor drug levels
Fluid and electrolytes
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Dementia: loss of mental functions, not a disease, Alzheimer’s most common form
Delirium Dementia
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Suicide: Are you planning of killing yourself? Steps to detect actual precautions
Points to remember
Suicide 4th leading cause of death in adults
Risk factors for suicide: dys-regulated impulse control,
propensity to intense psychological pain—
Hopelessness, mood disorders
ECG abnormalities—hemodynamics
GI bleeding
The patient suddenly becomes unresponsive as you are speaking to him, and develops
trembling of all extremities. Your priority is to:
A. Notify MD
B. Administer diazepam IV
C. Establish an airway
D. Perform a rapid neurologic check
A. Aneurysms
B. Coagulopathy
C. Trauma from falls
D. Ischemia
House-Fancher 39
In a patient with increased intracranial pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure should be
maintained at:
A. 40 mmHg
B. 50 mmHg
C. 60 mmHg
D. 70 mmHg
A. Level of consciousness
B. Pupillary reaction
C. Extremity movement
D. Vital signs
A patient is admitted to the ICU after sustaining a knife wound to the back. Assessment
findings include loss of pain and temperature on the right side and loss of motor
function on the left. Vital signs are stable and he is alert and oriented. No other
injuries are noted.
Based on the preceding information, which type of neurologic syndrome is likely to be
A. Central Cord
B. Brown-Sequard
C. Anterior Cord
D. Horner
A. Motor Ability
B. Heart Rate
C. Temperature
D. Ventilation
Which vital sign changes (due to loss of sympathetic nervous stimulation) would occur
after a spinal cord lesion about T5?
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Regulation of homeostasis
Production and release of hormones
o Aldosterone and Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
o Erythropoietin
Renal Assessment
o Weight and fluid changes
o Serum osmolality: 275-295 mOsm/liter
o BUN/Creatinine Ratio 10:1
BUN is elevated disproportionate to creatinine:
Catabolic state
Blood in gut
o Hypovolemia
Tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, low filling pressures, high systemic
vascular resistance, flat jugular veins, weakness, lethargy, anorexia, poor
skin turgor, thirst, low-grade fever, syncope, oliguria, increased BUN
with normal creatinine, high serum osmolality, increased H+H
o Management: return volume
o Hypervolemia
Excessive fluid intake
Retention of Na+ and water
Stress response, steroid therapy, heart failure, liver failure,
nephrotic syndrome, acute or chronic renal failure
o Clinical presentation:
Tachycardia, high blood pressure, high filling pressures, weight gain,
jugular vein distension, tachypnea, dyspnea, lethargy, apathy,
disorientation, indications of pulmonary or cerebral edema, low
hemoglobin, low serum osmolality, decreasing BUN with normal
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o Treatment
Monitor intake + output
Decrease excess volume
Fluid restriction
Prevent complications
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Stages of Acute Renal Failure
o Onset: period of time from the precipitating event to beginning of oliguria/anuria
o Duration: hours to days
o BUN/Creatinine: normal or slightly increased
o Mortality: 5%
Oliguric-Anuric Phase: when urine output is less than 400 mL/24 hours
o Duration 1-2 weeks
o BUN/Creatinine: elevated
o Mortality: 50-60%
o Metabolic Acidosis: water gain with dilutional hyponatremia, hyperkalemia,
hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, hypermagnesemia, and azotemia
Recovery Phase: period of time between onset and when the lab values stabilize
o Duration: 3-12 months
o BUN/Creatinine: back to 100% baseline
o Mortality: 10-15%
o Metabolic processes gradually resolve
Chronic Renal Failure: slowly progressive disease that causes gradual loss of kidney
function, progressive over years, asymptomatic.
Incidence: 2 out of 1000 people in US. DM and HTN two most common causes and
account for most cases. Other causes: HF, hypotension, glomerulonephritis, kidney
stones, obstruction
Ability to concentrate urine declines early
1. Inability to excrete phosphate, acid and potassium
2. Ability to dilute urine is lost
3. Plasma concentrations of creatinine and urea rise
4. Progression continues: abnormal Ca++, phosphate, parathyroid hormone, vitamin D
metabolism, renal osteodystrophy occur, secondary hyperparathyroidism is
Fatigue: anemia, frequent hiccups, general ill feeling, generalized itching
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(pruritus), headache, nausea/vomiting, unintentional weight loss
Late symptoms: hyper-vomiting, confusion, decreased sensation in hands and
feet, easy bruising, increased or decreased urine output, muscle twitching,
Diagnosis: UA, creatinine, creatinine clearance, potassium, metabolic acidosis,
CT scan, abdominal MRI, ultrasound, renal biopsy
End-Stage Renal Disease: 90% of nephrons damaged, patient now requires artificial
support to sustain life
Treatment: Goal: control symptoms, reduce complications, and slow the progress of the
Fluid restriction, diet control, blood pressure control, diabetes control,
vitamin D supplements, drug monitoring, dialysis??
Control blood sugar
Control blood pressure
Medications: dose and range
Nutrition: moderate protein restriction
Mr. J., age 24, boxes on the weekends and has sustained blunt trauma to the left kidney
during a boxing match. Which of the following indicates renal trauma?
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A patient with chronic renal failure asks the nurse why he is anemic. The nurse
explains that anemia accompanies chronic renal failure due to:
A. Over-replacement
B. Hypercalcemia
C. Renal failure
D. Hypoalbuminemia
Bradycardia, tremors and twitching muscles are associated with which electrolyte
A. Hypokalemia
B. Hyperkalemia
C. Hypophosphatemia
D. Hyperphosphatemia
A. Fluid overload
B. Dehydration
C. Diuresis
D. Over-administration of normal saline
House-Fancher 46
The The
Right Left
Ventricle Ventricle
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Alveolar Structure and Function
Normal V/Q
in the upright
In supine
position V/Q
In exercise,
perfect V/Q
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Ventilation/Perfusion Matching/Mismatching
The The
Right Left
Ventricle Ventricle
Abnormal Matching
Right The
Ventricle Left
Perfusion problems: low right ventricle cardiac output, low volume status, and
pulmonary emboli
House-Fancher 49
Abnormal Matching
The The
Right Left
Ventricle Ventricle
Remember the goal is to have V/Q Matching: keep alveoli open and capillary open with
flow: so:
Keep alveoli open: recruitment---incentive spirometer, or PEEP
Keep the capillary open: recruitment--good right ventricle function, volume
status, pulmonary artery pressures
House-Fancher 50
Oxy-Hemoglobin Curve: Demonstrates the Relationship of Oxygen to Hemoglobin
What’s Important?
The relationship of
shifting the curve to
the left: oxygen is
not disassociated
from the hemoglobin
Pulmonary Exam
Chest X-Ray
ABG Interpretation
Steps to review ABG:
o Is pH acidotic, normal, or alkalotic?
o Which parameter is abnormal?
Respiratory or Metabolic
o Is pH normal or not? -If normal with abnormal CO2 or metabolic abnormality
o Assess oxygenation
o Assess metabolic pathway
pH 7.55 7.21
CO2 28 28
O2 88 97
House-Fancher 51 Bicarb 24 14
ETCO2 Monitoring
Secondary PAH: other reasons for pulmonary pressure increases, much more
common, what we see every day in critical care
o Pulmonary emboli
o Heart Failure,
o Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
o Hypoxia
o HIV Disease
o Valvular Disease
Treatment: Underlying disease
Anything that affects the lung tissue and increases pulmonary pressures, causes
increased right ventricular work load—afterload—cor pulmonale
Lung Abnormalities
Obstructive: inability to exhale lung volume, air trapping, prolonged exhalation time,
barrel chest
o Asthma
o Chronic Bronchitis
o Emphysema
House-Fancher 52
Restrictive: inability to inhale volumes, chest wall abnormality and/or lung tissue
o Structural abnormality: chest wall restriction, muscle
o Atelectasis
o Pneumonia
o Pneumothorax
o Pulmonary edema
o Pulmonary fibrosis
o Obesity
Acute Respiratory Failure: Pulmonary system is no longer able to meet the metabolic
Hypoxemia: PaO2 less than 50
Hypercapnia: PaCO2 greater than 50
Hypercapnic Failure:
Central Nervous System Depression (brain injury or drugs)
Neuromuscular Problem
Abnormalities of chest wall (restriction)
Abnormalities of gas flow in airways (obstruction)
Increased Dead Space (air that sees no blood—pulmonary emboli)
Increased CO2 production (seizure activity, increased work of breathing)
House-Fancher 53
Assessment of Acute Respiratory Failure: altered mental status, increased work of
breathing, and signs of stress-catecholamine release
Strategies of Ventilation
Indications for MV
Clinical or laboratory signs that the patient cannot
FIO2 maintain an airway
FREQUENCY Adequate oxygenation or ventilation with
VT A RR greater than 30breaths/min
FLOW: PRESSURE Maintain arterial O2 saturations > 90% with
FiO2 > 60%
Increased CO2 >50 mmHg with pH<7.25
Ventilatory Failure
Reduced respiratory drive
Chest wall abnormalities
Respiratory muscle weakness
Inefficient Gas Exchange
Intrapulmonary Shunt
Ventilation-perfusion mismatch
Deceased FRC
AACN’s Indications for MV
Acute ventilatory failure with acidosis
Hypoxemia despite adequate oxygen therapy (ARDS)
CO2 retention
Prove Beneficial
Decrease systemic and/or MVO2
Permit sedation
Reduce intracranial pressure
Prevent atelectasis
Secure airway
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Types of Ventilators: Positive Pressure
Inspiration: created with positive pressure
Expiration: passive
Classification: pressure-cycled, volume-cycled
Ventilator strategies per patient disease process
Goals of mechanical ventilation:
Reduction in work of breathing
Assurance of patient comfort
Synchrony with ventilator
Adequacy of ventilation and oxygenation
Airway protection
Strategies of Ventilation
Improve oxygenation: PEEP
Physiologic: 3-5 cm H2O
Actions: improves the PaO2 without increasing FiO2, decreases surface
tension, decreases intrapulmonary shunt
Uses: severe hypoxemia, ARDS, drowning, sepsis, Acute Respiratory Failure
Adverse effects: hemodynamic changes, baro-biotrauma
Contraindications: ???
Basic guideline:
o Initial intubation—use ACLS protocols
o FiO2 100%, then wean to keep O2 saturation at predetermined
o Initial Vt 5-10mL/kg of IBW (ideal body weight): ARDS 4-
6mL/kg IBW
o Respiratory rate: determined by pH and PaCO2
o Add PEEP: diffuse lung injury and reduce FiO2
House-Fancher 55
o Renal and metabolic
o Gastrointestinal: bowel sounds, feeding, distention, and prevention of
o Immunologic
o Psychological
Post Extubation:
o Complications: remember the ABC’s
o Hoarseness
o Difficulty swallowing, risk of aspiration
o Severe glottic edema leading to post-extubation stridor and obstruction
NO gas, NO blood
House-Fancher 56
Clinical Presentation: severe oxygen defect
o Signs and symptoms of hypoxia
o Chest X-ray: diffuse bilateral infiltrates
o Static compliance: stiff lung disease
o Hemodynamics: remember this is a lung problem not a left heart problem
Acute elevation of PAP—with normal wedge (this depends on age of patient
and other problems that may be present—such as, COPD and left heart failure),
acute right ventricular failure
o ABG’s: acute hypoxemia unrelieved with oxygen therapy
o Low lung volumes: Vt and FVC are low
Treatment: Goal is to restore oxygenation: Improve delivery and reduce demand
o Maintain airway and ventilation
o Mechanical ventilation: low Vt and high PEEP
o Decrease intra-alveolar fluid: diuresis if possible (remember the right
o Hemodynamic monitoring
o Inotropes as indicated by cardiac output
o Decrease pulmonary hypertension
o General support
House-Fancher 57
Pneumonia: Definition: acute infection of the lung parenchyma, including alveolar
spaces and interstitial tissue
o Etiology
o Predisposing factors: general condition, mouth health, and immunologic
o Diagnosis
Chest X-ray
Increased Respiratory Rate
o Treatment: PREVENTION
Maintain airway, oxygenation and ventilation
Organism-specific antibiotics
Bronchial hygiene
Mechanical ventilation
o Complications: Death
Acute respiratory failure
Pleural effusion
Septic shock
House-Fancher 58
Pulmonary Embolism: Definition: obstruction of blood flow to one or more arteries of
the lung by a thrombus lodged in a pulmonary vessel: fat, air, amniotic fluid, tumor,
foreign body
o Etiology: hypercoagulability, alteration in vessel wall, venous stasis
o Pathophysiology: 90% of pulmonary emboli develop in deep veins of lower
o Clinical presentation: the great pretender
Anxiety, dyspnea, tachypnea, tachycardia, chest pain, cough, feeling
of impending doom, fever, hemoptysis, mental status clouding,
cyanosis, hypotension, pulseless electrical activity
o Symptoms: Dyspnea, pleuritic pain, cough
o Signs: Tachycardia, rales
o Hemodynamics:
o High PAP
o High CVP
o Low to normal PCWP (PAOP)
o Low to normal cardiac output
o ECG dysrhythmias: tachycardia, atrial fibrillation
o Heart blocks
o Tall, peaked P-waves, (P-pulmonale)
o New development of bundle branch blocks
o R axis deviation, and right ventricle strain pattern (Right BBB)
o Diagnostics:
o ABG, chest X-ray, ECG, Echo
o V/Q scan
o CT Scan with PE protocol (spiral CT scan)
o Pulmonary angiography
House-Fancher 59
Chest Trauma: Flail Chest
House-Fancher 60
Pulmonary Pearls
Low CO2 and O2 with ARDS does not improve with oxygen therapy due to
Ventilatory Adjuncts:
Aerosol treatment: bronchodilators and mucolytics
iNO, helium, prone position, rotational beds
IV Magnesium: acts as bronchodilator, decreases inflammation, 2 gm IV,
effective with respiratory failure
A. Refractory hypercapnia
B. Refractory hypoxemia
C. Low functional residual capacity
D. Increased compliance
The most common ECG changes that occur during pulmonary embolus are:
House-Fancher 61
The principle contributing factors to venous thrombosis include all of the following
A. Atrial fibrillation
B. Stasis of blood flow
C. Endothelial injury or vessel wall abnormality
D. Hypercoagulability
Which of the following features of pleural drainage systems indicates an active pleural
A. Closed pneumothorax
B. Open pneumothorax
C. Subcutaneous emphysema
D. Pneumomediastinum
You are helping another nurse to move a patient up in bed when the low-pressure alarm
on the ventilator goes off. It also indicates a low tidal volume. The patient is becoming
short of breath and his SpO2 has dropped from 0.95 to 0.84. The PETCO2 waveform is
absent. The endotracheal tube appears to be in place and there is no obvious
disconnection from the ventilator. The other nurse goes to call respiratory therapy.
What should you do?
A. Increase the Vt on the ventilator while instructing the patient to remain calm
B. Increase the FiO2 on the ventilator while instructing the patient to remain calm
C. Remove the ventilator and begin manual respiration (Ambu bag)
D. Increase the ventilator respiratory rate and peak flow
House-Fancher 62
Additional Summary Slide of Failure to Oxygenate
House-Fancher 63
Multisystem Failure
Fever + Leukocytosis = SIRS
SIRS + Infection = Sepsis
Sepsis + MODS = Severe Sepsis
Severe Sepsis + Refractory Hypotension = Septic Shock
Classifications of Shock
Important to remember:
o Preload
o Afterload
o Contractility
o Heart rate
o Perfusion
House-Fancher 64
House-Fancher 65
Classes of Hypovolemia
I. 750-1500 mL loss ↑HR, narrow pulse pressure, ↓ urine output
II. 1500-2000 mL loss ↑HR, ↑RR, ↓BP, LOC change, ↓urine output
III. 2000 mL loss or greater ↑HR, shallow respirations, obtunded, anuria
IV. Exsanguination
Remove the offending agent, antigen
Maintain a patent airway (ABC’s)
Volume resuscitation
Modify or block the effects of biochemical mediators
Administer sympathomimetic:
o Epinephrine
o Antihistamines
o Bronchodilators
o IV Steroids
Spinal Cord immobilization
Warming measures
Maintain MAP: Fluid resuscitation
Prevent venous stasis
Volume replacement
Monitor for complications of shock, or other reasons for shock
House-Fancher 66
Prevent infection
Avoid NPO Status
Antibiotic Therapy
Control Hyperthermia
Volume Status
ID Infection
House-Fancher 67
Helpful Web Sites
House-Fancher 68
Reference: Material
Electrolyte Abnormalities:
4. Hyperkalemia
a. Common causes:
i. Renal failure
ii. Over-replacement
iii. Cell damage / shift out of cells
1. Acidosis
2. Hemolysis
3. Sepsis
4. Chemotherapy
iv. Spironolactone administration
b. Manifestations
i. Bradycardia
ii. Tremors, twitching
iii. Nausea / vomiting
iv. EKG changes: ( K+ suppresses the SA node)
1. Peaked T-waves
2. Shortened S-T segment
3. Flattened P-wave
4. Long P-R interval
5. Blocks
6. PVC’s, ventricular arrhythmias
c. Treatment
i. Kayexelate
ii. Insulin / glucose
iii. Dialysis
iv. HCO3, Ca++
v. Albuterol aerosol
House-Fancher 69
5. Hypokalemia (aLKylosis is associated with a Low K+)
a. Common causes:
i. Poor intake
ii. Renal loss
1. Diuretics
2. Renal tubular acidosis
3. Gentamycin, Amphotericin
iii. GI loss
1. Diarrhea
2. Vomiting
iv. Shift into cells
1. Excessive insulin administration in DKA
2. Alkalosis
b. Manifestations
i. Tachycardia
ii. Hypotension
iii. Flaccid muscles
iv. EKG changes:
1. Flattened T-waves
2. Long S-T segment
3. U-waves
4. Peaked P-wave
5. Long P-R interval
6. PVC’s, ventricular arrhythmias
c. Treatment
i. Oral replacement is preferable (allows slower equilibration with
intracellular compartment)
ii. IV: no faster than 20 mEq/hour
6. Testing Implications:
a. Potassium levels change inversely to serum pH
b. Opening and closing the fist with a tourniquet in place K+ level
c. K+ can lead to digoxin toxicity
House-Fancher 70
Calcium (8.4-10.2 mg/dl)
House-Fancher 71
7. Hypocalcemia
a. Etiology:
i. Surgical Hypoparathyroidism
ii. Malabsorption
iii. Acute pancreatitis
iv. Renal failure
v. Vitamin D deficiency
vi. Hypoalbuminemia
vii. Excessive administration of citrated (banked) blood
b. Manifestations
i. Laryngeal spasm
ii. Seizures & muscle cramps
iii. Hypotension
iv. Hyperactive reflexes
v. Trousseau’s sign
vi. Chvostek’s sign
vii. EKG changes:
(1) Prolonged Q-T interval
(2) Flat S-T
(3) Small T-wave
c. Treatment
i. Oral route is safer
ii. IV: 10-20 mL of 10% calcium gluconate over 5-10 minutes
iii. Monitor EKG during treatment
8. Implications:
a. Ionized calcium level is inversely proportional to serum pH
b. Serum Ca++ levels should be assessed in conjunction with serum albumin
House-Fancher 72
c. Treatment
i. IV calcium: 10-20 mL of a 10% calcium gluconate
ii. Mechanical ventilation
iii. Temporary pacemaker
iv. Dialysis
5. Hypomagnesemia (common electrolyte disorder)
a. Etiology
i. Chronic renal failure
ii. Pancreatitis
iii. Hepatic cirrhosis
iv. GI losses
v. Alcoholism
vi. Treatment of DKA
b. Manifestations
i. Increased reflexes
ii. + Trousseau’s sign
iii. + Chvostek’s sign
iv. Tachycardia
v. EKG changes:
1. P-R & Q-T prolongation
2. Widened QRS
3. S-T depression
4. T wave inversion
vi. K+, Ca++, PO4 -
c. Treatment:
i. Dietary replacement
ii. IV magnesium acts as a vasodilator (expect flushing and hypotension)
1. Acute hypomagnesemia
a. 1-2 grams IV over 60 minutes
2. During a code for VT/VF
a. 1-2 grams IV push (over 1-2 minutes)
6. A 24-hour urine magnesium level may be helpful in assessing deficiency
House-Fancher 73
b. Manifestations
i. Most often is asymptomatic
ii. Numbness, tingling of hands and mouth
iii. Muscle spasms
iv. Precipitation of Ca++ salts can lead to hypocalcemia
c. Treatment
i. Treat underlying disorder
ii. Phosphate-binding agents (Amphogel)
iii. IV fluids
iv. D50 & insulin
v. Dialysis
6. Hypophosphatemia
a. Etiology
i. Re-feeding syndrome (re-feeding after severe malnutrition)
ii. Calcium and magnesium deficiency
iii. Acute respiratory disorders
iv. Alcoholism
v. DKA, insulin administration
b. Manifestations
i. Hemolysis & anemia
ii. Muscle pain & weakness
iii. Respiratory muscle weakness
iv. LOC, paresthesias
c. Treatment
i. Treat the primary disorder
ii. Nutrition
iii. Oral or IV replacement
7. Sudden in serum PO4 level during treatment can cause hypocalcemia
8. Introduce nutrition gradually to the malnourished patient
9. Phosphorus levels are inversely related to Ca++ levels
House-Fancher 74
Imbalances in Sodium and Water
House-Fancher 75
2. Normal volemic states
a. Hypernatremia ( TBW, near normal TBNa)
i. Etiology:
1. Diabetes Insipidus (lack of response to ADH)
2. insensible losses without replacement of water
ii. Signs and symptoms:
1. Thirst
2. CNS depression
iii. Treatment:
1. Water replacement
2. ADH for diabetes insipidus
b. Hyponatremia
i. Etiology:
1. Water ingestion > 25 L/day
2. Defect in renal diluting ability
3. Post-operative fluid administration / non-osmotic ADH release
4. Drugs:
b. Oxytocin
ii. Signs and symptoms:
1. Edema
iii. Treatment:
1. Water restriction
2. Sodium replacement
3. General Management Principles:
a. Hyponatremia:
i. Mild (Na+ <120)
1. Usually asymptomatic
2. Treat underlying cause
ii. Moderate (Na+ <115)
1. CNS depression
2. Replace with 0.9% NaCl
3. Fluid restriction (<1000cc/day)
iii. Severe (Na+ <110)
1. Coma, seizures, and death
2. Replace with 0.9% NaCl or hypertonic saline (3%)
3. Do not serum Na+ by more than 1 mEq/L/hour or
10 mEq/L/day.
House-Fancher 76
The Test and Test Taking Strategies
After you sign in at the testing center with your authorization number, you will go
to the testing area.
When you sit at the computer and enter your authorization number, the computer
will take your picture. Smile :)
There will be several pre-test questions, only to orient you to the computer system.
When completed, you will be asked if you are ready to begin—answer YES.
The entire test is randomized—all systems are randomized throughout the entire
You must complete the entire exam: this is NOT like the boards, you must answer
each question (you cannot complete the test in fewer questions if you are doing
You will receive a piece of paper and pencil as you enter the test, you may write
anything you wish on the paper. It is your paper for the test; it will be turned
back in to the proctor at the end of the exam.
If you cannot answer a question, do not spend too much time, skip it and move on
to the next question. You are able to go back and answer the question at any time.
After you finish, there is a short post-test questionnaire. When completed you will
leave the test area. There will be a fax for you from AACN with your total score, %
in each category and if you passed or not. Your picture will be in the top right
House-Fancher 77
Types of Questions: Three major types
Drugs that have a positive inotropic action are effective because they increase:
A. Myocardial contractility
B. Systemic vascular resistance
C. Apical pulse rate
D. Pulmonary compliance
• (Answer A): The test is just looking for the definition of inotropic. These are the
easy questions you will fly through them. Careful though, read each word……
(Answer: B) Here, the test is looking for you to analysis the lab data.
SYNTHESIS AND EVALUATION: This type of question is more complex and may ask
about signs and symptoms and treatment plans.
Which of the following conditions would most likely explain the patient’s signs and
A. Pulmonary embolus
B. Cardiac tamponade
C. Pneumothorax
D. Hemothorax
• (Answer: C): The test question has nothing to do with inhaled methane gas—this
is the distractor. The question is what is one of the complications of mechanical
ventilation with a PEEP of 10 cmH2O.
Answer each question: if you do not know, eliminate and pick the best answer—
Study the electrolyte lecture the night before the exam only.
House-Fancher 78
Be prepared to be at the examination site early.
Look for key words, such as, never, always, cardinal, or first.
More than one answer is usually correct; pick the best for the priority of the
Read and eliminate all distractors--words/terms that you have never heard/seen
Do not “read” into the question, if it does not mention renal function—it does not
House-Fancher 79
References for CCRN Review
Ahrens TS, Prentice D, Kleinpell RM. Critical Care Nursing Certification. 2010. 6th
Edition, McGraw-Hill.
Diepenbrock NH. Quick Reference to Critical Care. 2011. 4th Edition, Lippincott
Williams and Wilkins.
Kaplan, et al. CCRN: Certification for Adult Critical Care Nurses. 2013. 4th Edition.
Kaplan Publishing.
Urden LD, Stacy KM, et al. Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management. 7th
edition. 2013. Elsevier Health Sciences.
House-Fancher 80
House-Fancher 81