(CC Lab) Sodium and Potassium
(CC Lab) Sodium and Potassium
(CC Lab) Sodium and Potassium
Ms. Canellie Canlas & Asst Prof. Vivian Asuncion | 2 Shifting
● Major extracellular cation (90%)
● Determines osmolality of plasma & maintenance
of acid-base balance
○ Normal plasma osmolality is
approximately 295 mmol/L
○ Sodium and associated anions accounts
for 270 mmol/L
● Na-K ATPase pump: makes sure that Na+ METHODS OF DETERMINATION
concentration in ECF is higher → preventing
osmotic rupture of cells Ion Selective Electrode (ISE)
○ NA-K ATPase pump moves 3 sodium
● Uses a semipermeable membrane to develop a
ions out of the cell, in exchange for 2
potential produced by having different io
potassium ions moving into the cell
concentration of either side of the membrane
○ During the movement, ATP is converted
● Method of choice
to ADP
● 2 electrodes used:
○ Because the water follow the
○ Reference electrode (constant potential)
electrolytes across cell membrane, the
○ Measuring electrode
continual removal of sodium from the
● Difference in potential between reference and
cell prevent osmotic rupture of the cell
measuring electrode is used to calculate
● Plasma concentration depends on intake and
“concentration” of ion in the solution
excretion of water & renal regulation
● Activity of the ion is the one being measured
● Regulation:
(not the concentration of ions)
○ Adrenal gland
● Glass aluminum silicate membrane
■ Releases aldosterone (direct
● 2 Types - based on sample preparation
reabsorption of sodium)
○ Direct ISE – undiluted samples
■ When blood sodium levels are
interact with the ISE membrane
low, the adrenal glands release
(preferred in hyperlipidemic and
hyperproteinemic samples)
○ Kidney
○ Indirect ISE – diluted samples are
■ Targeted by aldosterone
○ Generally, between the 2 types, there is
■ Reabsorbed 80% (proximal
no significant difference in the sample
found except in cases of hyperlipidemic
■ 20-25% (loop of Henle)
or where there is increase lipids in the
○ Failure to properly regulate sodium
blood or proteinemic (increased protein
levels may results to hypernatremia or
○ For these samples, mas preferred natin
gumamit ng direct ISE measurement for
more accurate reading (this is to prevent
false decreased measurement)
○ In cases where in may hyperlipidemia or
hyperproteinemia si patient, we use the
Mix well. Stand for 5 minutes. Shake intensively for 30 ● Hemolysis does not cause significant change in
seconds. Stand for 30 minutes. Centrifuge at high values (since majority of the sodium is found
speed for 5-10 minutes. Obtain the supernatant. outside the cell)
● 0.02 ml = 20 ul ○ Marked hemolysis – falsely decreased
● 1.0 ml = 1000 ul levels (dilutional effect)
● Specimen of choice in urine Na+ analyses –
Pipette into RB S CN CP U 24-hour collection
cuvettes ● Sweat is also suitable for analysis
Standard 0.02
Control 0.02 ● As said earlier, failure of regulation of sodium
normal ml levels can lead to either hypernatremia or
serum hyponatremia.
Control 0.02
pathologic ml HYPERNATREMIA
serum ● Increased plasma or serum concentrations of
Unknown 0.02 sodium (>145 mmol/L)
supernatant ml ● Results from excess loss of water, decreased
Precipitant 0.02 water intake, or increased sodium intake or
ml retention
Working 1.0 ml 1.0 1.0 ml 1.0 ml 1.0 ml ● Symptoms involve CNS as a result of
reagent ml hyperosmolar state
Mix well. Measure absorbance of RB, standard, and ○ Hyperosmolarity - a condition wherein
samples against distilled water at 405 nm, after 5-30 the blood has very high
minutes. concentrations of the sodium, glucose
and other substances causing water
● RB = Reagent Blank
to draw out of the body’s organs
● Pipette 0.02 ml of the obtained supernatant from
including the brain which leads to
the precipitation step from the freshly prepared
CNS symptoms
tubes for CN, CP and U.
● >160 mmol/L – associated with 60-75%
● Take note: Add the samples first directly to the
mortality rate
bottom of the tube prior to adding the reagent to
○ Hypernatremia is less commonly seen
the side of the tube.
in hospitalized patients than
Causes of Hypernatremia
𝐴 𝑅𝐵 − 𝐴 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 Excess water loss - may occur either through kidney
𝐶 = 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑥 𝐴 𝑅𝐵 − 𝐴 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 or through extrarenal conditions, such as diarrhea,
severe burns and sweating
● Unit of measurement: mmol/L or mEq/L 1. Diabetes Insipidus (DI)
● Conversion factor: 1.0 ● Kidney cannot respond to AVP/ADH or
vasopressin secretion is usually impaired
REFERENCE RANGES ● AVP is an antidiuretic hormone which
promotes reabsorption of water
2. Renal tubular disorder
Reference Ranges for Sodium ● Acute tubular necrosis - tubules can
Serum, plasma 135-145 mmol/L concentrate urine
Urine (24 h) 40-220 mmol/day, varies 3. Prolonged diarrhea
with diet Decreased water intake
Cerebrospinal fluid 135-150 mmol/L (slightly ● Osmolality measurement for evaluation of
higher than serum and hypernatremia
plasma) ● Renal loss of water - low or normal osmolality
● Extrarenal such as burn - increased osmolality
SPECIMEN CONSIDERATIONS Increased sodium intake or retention
● Serum, plasma, urine 1. Hyperaldosteronism (Conn’s disease)
● To obtain plasma samples, we use lithium ● Continuous reabsorption of sodium
heparin, ammonium heparin, lithium oxalate – ● Retarded AVP release
suitable anticoagulants 2. NaCO3 infusion
● Major intracellular cation
● Concentration in RBC – 20x greater (inside the
cells than outside) METHODS OF DETERMINATION
● Many cellular functions would require that the
body will maintain a low extracellular fluid Ion Selective Electrode (ISE)
concentration potassium ions ● Method of choice
● As a result, only 2% is found in plasma ● Valinomycin – potassium carrier in the
● Filtered in the glomeruli, reabsorbed in the membrane
proximal tubules, and secreted in the distal ● KCl – inner electrolyte solution
tubules (under influence of aldosterone)
● (1) Filtered in the glomeruli Other methods:
(2) Initially, reabsorbed in proximal ● Flame emission spectrophotometer (FES)
● Plasma K level = below 3.0 mmol/L
● Symptoms: muscular weakness, fatigue,
muscle cramps, hypotension, decreased
reflexes, palpitation, cardiac arrhythmias,
cardiac arrest
Causes of Hypokalemia
1. Gastrointestinal loss
● Occur through vomiting, diarrhea or
gastric suction
2. Renal loss
● increased renal wasting of potassium
a. Cushing’s syndrome
b. Hyperaldosteronism
- increased activity of
aldosterone or other
- Aldosterone promotes sodium
retention and potassium loss
- can lead to hypokalemia and
metabolic alkalosis
3. Intracellular shift
- increase intracellular uptake of
a. Alkalosis: promotes intracellular loss
of potassium to minimize the elevation
of intracellular pH.
- If na withdraw ng hydrogen
ions intracellularly, both the
potassium and sodium ions
would enter the cells to
preserve the electroneutrality
b. Insulin overdose
- Insulin promotes the entry of
potassium into the skeletal
muscles and liver cells.
4. Decreased intake