Transformadores 7400CT9601

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Low Voltage Transformers

Selection Guide
Special Purpose Transformers

Non-Ventilated Transformers Export Model Transformers

For use in contaminated or dust-laden Designed to accommodate voltage systems
environments, indoor or outdoor. world-wide.

Stainless Steel Shielded Isolation Transformers Buck and Boost Transformers

Enclosed Transformers Protect sensitive loads from damaging tran- Economical space-saving design for
Built for the most severe environ- sients and electrical noise. Models with providing small changes in voltages
ments; featuring superior corrosion filters combine the protection of shielding to match load requirements.
resistance. with enhanced low-pass filters to help con-
trol the most severe electrical noise and

Drive Isolation Transformers NL and NLP Transformers for Non-

Specifically designed for the rigorous Linear Loads
demands of ac and dc motor drive loads. K-factor rated specifically to withstand
Mini Power-Zone® Transformers harmonic heating and high neutral
Combine transformer and circuit breaker currents associated with computer
distribution panel into one space and labor equipment and other single phase
saving unit. electronic loads.

General Purpose Transformers

General Purpose Transformers Contents

Product Selection Guidelines . . . . . . . . . 4
General Purpose Transformers . . . . . . . . . . 9
Standard Ventilated and Resin-Filled. . . 9
Energy Saving WATCHDOG®. . . . . . . . 12
With Copper Windings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Special Purpose Transformers . . . . . . . . 14
Non-Ventilated Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Export Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
General Purpose Stainless Steel Enclosure. . . . . . . . . . . 15
Transformers for Non Linear Loads . . . 16
Transformers WATCHDOG® Energy- Shielded Isolation Transformers . . . . . . 17
High quality standard Efficient Transformers Buck and Boost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
transformers for the major- Low temperature rise for MINI POWER-ZONE® Power Supply . . 24
ity of routine lighting and energy savings and Drive Isolation Transformers . . . . . . . . . 25
power applications. Enclosures, Dimensions and
longer life. Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Lug Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Enclosures and Accessories . . . . . . . . 27
Copper-Wound Transformers Enclosure Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Other Transformer Products . . . . . . . . . . 29
To meet specifications or when copper Control Power Transformers . . . . . . . . . 29
windings are preferred. Open Core and Coil Transformers . . . . 34
Motor Starting Autotransformers . . . . . 35
Transformer Disconnects . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Other Transformer Products Application Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Control Power Transformers Motor Starting Autotransformers

Designed to handle high inrush current associated with contac- Designed for medium-duty motor starting service. Available in a
tors and relays; available in a variety of designs to meet the two- or three-coil design.
needs of panel builders and machinery OEMs.

Open Core and Coil Transformers Transformer Disconnects

Space-saving, compact design for general applications. A convenient source of 120V power that can be used for auxil-
Available in single- and three- phase. iary or isolated loads such as panel lighting, portable power
tools, and programmable controller equipment.

Product Selection Guidelines
For Low Voltage Transformers

Transformer Products Accessories

Is more than 20% of load: 3-phase dc, SELECT
variable-frequency electronic motor 3-Phase Drive Isolation Are ventilated transformers to be
drive, or similar 3-phase rectifier type? YES Transformers installed outdoor, or is light water
(See Selection Note 1) Page 25 spray possible at installation site?
Is more than 50% of load single-phase SELECT
computers or similar electronic power Type NL or NLP K-Rated
supply loads? YES Transformers
(See Selection Note 2) Page 16
Has experience shown that the loads SELECT Page 27
require unusual protective measures Shielded Isolation
against voltage surges or transients? YES Transformers
(See Selection Note 3) Page 17

Is higher initial cost justified in order SELECT

to save in long-term energy costs, or Low Temperature Rise Are ventilated or non-ventilated
do you need long-term overload YES WATCHDOG® transformers to be ceiling hangar
capability? (See Selection Note 4) Transformers Page 12 mounted?

Does the environment contain large SELECT
quantities of dust or airborne Non-Ventilated or
contaminants, or is moisture present? YES Resin-Filled Transformers
(See Selection Note 5) Page 14
Ceiling Mounting
Does the specification require SELECT Page 27
copper-wound transformers? Copper-Wound
YES Transformers
(See Selection Note 6)
Page 13

Does the installation require a lower

audible sound level than standard? YES
(See Selection Note 7)
Contact Your Local Are standard mechanical or crimp type
NO Square D Company cable lugs required to be supplied by
Sales Office Square D Company?

Are loads of an unusual or special

nature, or is unusual transformer YES
construction or performance required?


Lug Kit Accessory
General Purpose
Dry Type Transformers YES Page 26
Pages 9-11

Product Selection Guidelines
Selection Notes

Note 1: Drive Isolation Transformers Note 2: K-Rated Transformers for Non-Linear

Drive isolation transformers help reduce voltage distortion Loads
caused by ac and dc motor drives. To help reduce drive current Many types of single-phase loads cause distorted current
distortion, a minimum of 4% reactance should be specified. In waveforms. These loads include common office automation
addition, the isolation created by separate, electrically insulated equipment such as personal computers, copiers, facsimile
secondary windings allows grounding of the load-side neutral. machines, and printers. Other similar loads include single-
Grounding helps prevent drive generated common-mode elec- phase process control systems, lighting controls, UPS systems,
trical noise from passing upstream into the primary system as it and discharge lighting. If the current distortion is high enough, it
would with simple line reactors. Three-phase ac and dc drives can cause overheating of system neutrals and transformers. To
cause distorted current to flow in the windings of transformers, prevent shortened transformer life expectancy when high har-
creating additional heating. DC drives in particular have high monic current conditions exist, K-rated transformers are recom-
current pulses that cause system voltage notching and stress in mended.
transformer windings. Consider this resulting additional heat
Selection Criteria K-Rated Transformer for Non-Linear
and mechanical stress when specifying drive isolation trans-
K-rated transformers should never be specified for three-phase
Selection Criteria Drive Isolation Transformer: non-linear loads such as motor drives, three phase UPSs, or
The use of standard, general purpose lighting transformers is any three-phase device with SCR phase-control or static-diode
not recommended for this application. Make sure that your drive input circuits. K-rated transformers are evaluated only for the
transformer has been specifically compensated and tested per heating effects of harmonic currents, not for the thermal and
UL 1561 procedure for the typical harmonic spectrum for phase mechanical stress of drive loads. These transformers have dou-
converters defined in IEEE-519. In addition, drive transformers ble-size neutral terminals and, therefore, are intended only for
must be capable of supplying the drive overload requirements use in high 3rd harmonic-single phase non-linear loads. For
defined as Class B in IEEE-597, and be suitable for 150% load transformers specifically designed for high 5th and 7th harmon-
for one minute occurring once per hour. ics and current pulse stress of three-phase converter loads, see
Note 1: Drive Isolation Transformers.

Small Specialty Products

Do you want to combine primary SELECT
overcurrent protection, transformer, and Mini Power-Zone
secondary main distribution panel in one YES NEMA Type 3R Transformers
unit? Page 24

Does application require a voltage change
Buck and Boost
of less than 26.6% but does not require YES Transformers
separate insulated windings?
Page 19

Do you want to combine a branch circuit SELECT

disconnect and transformer for local, single Type SK
YES Transformer Disconnects
phase receptacle loads?
Page 36

Do you need open core and coil lighting, SELECT FROM

motor starting autotransformers or control OEM Product Section
transformers? Pages 29-35


Do you have a specialty OEM or industrial CONTACT YOUR LOCAL

transformer application not covered in this YES Square D Company
Selection Guide? Sales Office

Product Selection Guidelines
Selection Notes

Note 3: Shielded Isolation Transformers Note 4: Low Temperature Rise Transformers

Electrostatic shields in transformers divert some types of elec- Transformers can be designed with lower temperature rise than
trical noise and transients to ground, providing a moderate the maximum allowed for the insulation system used in the wind-
amount of load protection from some surges and line distur- ings. This creates the benefits of 1) lower conductor loss, poten-
bances. The addition of secondary filters and primary MOV tially lowering the cost of transformer operation, and 2)
type surge suppressors provides significant additional protec- continuous overload capacity if future expansion is planned, or
tion, particularly from very high-level transient energies. for temporary loads, such as summertime air conditioning, which
will cause the average load to exceed the nameplate rating.
Selection Criteria Shielded Isolation Transformer:
No industry standards exist for testing the performance of elec- Temp. Rise Continuous Overload
Insulation System (Deg. C.) Capacity
trostatic shields. Many manufacturers use unrealistic test meth-
180 115 0%
ods using “dry circuit” unenergized transformers and adjust the
180 80 15%
method to provide the best data for their product. Importantly,
220 150 0%
the supplier must perform both ring wave and short rise time
220 115 15%
impulse injection tests in actual, energized, loaded, and
220 80 30%
grounded installation conditions. NOTE: Isolation transformers
without shields provide excellent transient and noise reduction Selection Criteria Low Temperature Rise Transformer:
when the secondary is grounded in accordance with the When calculating energy savings for low temperature rise
National Electrical Code. transformers, consider the importance of the average loading of
The introduction of shields in transformers improves transient the transformer. Low temperature rise transformers can have
and surge protection for some frequencies, but testing has significantly higher core losses. Lowered conductor loss typi-
shown shields can introduce resonances and parasitic oscilla- cally can overcome the disadvantage of higher core loss only if
tions at other frequencies, particularly in the 150 kHz range typ- the load, on average, exceeds 50–70% of the nameplate rating.
ically found in industrial applications. In those ranges, shields Statistical estimates show that 75% of all installed transformers,
can actually amplify the noise and transients, possibly making on average, never carry more than a 50% load. Under these
power quality problems worse. For this reason, shielded trans- light loading conditions, 150°C rise transformers can actually
formers are not recommended to be routinely supplied in all have lower total loss than lower temperature rise designs. Con-
applications. Restrict shield use to protecting loads such as tact your local Square D field office for loss data to properly
computers, process controls, or other electronic loads from evaluate your energy costs.
lighting and switching impulses that have much higher fre-
quency components. Use caution in selecting shielded trans-
formers when the loads share feeders with motor controls,
switches, contactors, or any load generating arcing type tran-
sients on the line. Contact your local Square D field office for
application assistance.

Product Selection Guidelines
Selection Notes

Note 5: Environmental Considerations Note 7: Transformer Sound Levels

One of the greatest dangers to ventilated, dry type transformers All transformers produce some sound as a necessary part of
is the moisture content or presence of contamination in the operation. Standards limit the allowable sound levels to those
cooling air that passes through the coil ducts and around the shown in the following table and are based on the nameplate
coil conductors. High quantities of airborne fibers or lint can kVA rating. If sound level is a concern in the location of the
clog air ducts and prevent cooling air from reaching the conduc- transformer, such as near offices, living areas, theater stages,
tors. Conductive material, such as carbon, metal, or coal dust in or seating, reduced sound level designs are available to meet
the surrounding air, should also be a major concern in trans- your specifications. Contact your local Square D sales office for
former selection. Non-ventilated or resin-filled dry type trans- these special applications.
formers do not have ventilation openings, and therefore provide
kVA NEMA Standard Sound Level
superior protection from many moisture and contamination
0–9 40 db
problems, in both indoor and outdoor applications.
10–50 45 db
Selection Criteria Environmental Considerations: 51–150 50 db
Non-ventilated or resin-filled transformers are not gasketed and 151–300 55 db
are not intended to meet requirements of NEMA Type 4 or 301–500 60 db
NEMA Type 12. Non-ventilated or resin-filled transformers can
Selection Criteria Transformer Sound Levels:
be located outdoor without the addition of weathershields or
other accessories. Apparent sound level is typically reduced by half for every 3 db
of sound level reduction. Sound level testing is specified by
NEMA standards under special conditions that are not usually
Note 6: Copper-Wound Transformers present at the job site installation. The presence of reflective
surfaces within 10 feet of the transformer can add to the appar-
Copper-wound transformers are significantly higher in price
ent sound of a transformer. In extremely unfavorable installa-
and weight than the more popular aluminum wound transform-
tions, such as a theater designed for high acoustical efficiency,
ers. On average, the losses are equivalent between copper and
the apparent sound of a transformer can be as much as 20 db
aluminum transformers. Therefore, the major reason for specifi-
higher than when tested under NEMA standard conditions.
cation of copper-wound transformers is either preference for
Reduced sound level transformers can represent a significant
copper connections or dimensional restrictions that can only be
increase in cost for your project. In addition, reduction beyond
met by copper windings.
8–10 db is not practical. Make sure to compare this additional
Selection Criteria Copper-Wound Transformer: cost with either relocation of transformers into different areas or
Before investing in the additional cost of copper-wound trans- providing better equipment room acoustic treatments. Consider
formers, examine the reasons for copper preference in your the type of environment where the transformer will be located
specifications. Although copper-wound transformers can theo- and choose the construction that best suits the requirement.
retically be made smaller than aluminum-wound transformers,
most manufacturers supply aluminum-wound and copper-
wound transformers in the same enclosure size. Many specifier
preferences stem from fear that installers will not employ the
required installation practices and hardware necessary to make
reliable aluminum connections. Aluminum connections are now
commonplace in electrical installations. Aluminum-wound
transformers are chosen in the majority of United
States specifications.

Product Selection Guidelines
Recommended Ratings

Table 1: AC Motor Full-Load Running Currents

110–120 Volts 220–240 Volts 440–480 Volts 550–600 Volts
Horsepower Single-Phase Three-Phase Single-Phase Three-Phase Single-Phase Three-Phase Single-Phase Three-Phase
Aa A A A A As A A
0.5 9.8 4.0 4.9 2.0 2.5 1.0 2.0 0.8
0.75 13.8 5.6 6.9 2.8 3.5 1.4 2.8 1.1
1 16.0 7.2 8.0 3.6 4.0 1.8 3.2 1.4
1.5 20.0 10.4 10.0 5.2 5.0 2.6 4.0 2.1
2 24.0 13.6 12.0 6.8 6.0 3.4 4.8 2.7
3 34.0 19.2 17.0 9.6 8.5 4.8 6.8 3.9
5 56.0 30.4 28.0 15.2 14.0 7.6 11.2 6.1
7.5 80.0 44.0 40.0 22.0 21.0 11.0 16.0 9.0
10 100.0 56.0 50.0 28.0 26.0 14.0 20.0 11.0
15 135.0 84.0 68.0 42.0 34.0 21.0 27.0 17.0
20 — 108.0 88.0 54.0 44.0 27.0 35.0 22.0
25 — 136.0 110.0 68.0 55.0 34.0 44.0 27.0
30 — 160.0 136.0 80.0 68.0 40.0 54.0 32.0
40 — 208.0 176.0 104.0 88.0 52.0 70.0 41.0
50 — 260.0 216.0 130.0 108.0 65.0 86.0 52.0
60 — — — 154.0 — 77.0 — 62.0
75 — — — 192.0 — 96.0 — 77.0
100 — — — 248.0 — 124.0 — 99.0
a A= Amperes

Table 2: Single-Phase, Full Load Currents Table 3: Three-Phase, Full Load Currents
kVA 120V 208V 240V 277V 480V 600V 208V 240V 480V 600V
kVA Rating
Rating Amperes Amperes
0.050 0.416 0.240 0.208 0.181 0.104 0.083 3 8.34 7.23 3.61 2.89
0.075 0.625 0.360 0.312 0.270 0.156 0.125 6 16.6 14.4 7.2 5.8
0.100 0.833 0.480 0.417 0.361 0.208 0.167 9 25.0 21.7 10.8 8.67
0.150 1.25 0.721 0.625 0.541 0.313 0.250 15 41.7 36.1 18.1 14.5
0.250 2.08 1.20 1.04 0.902 0.521 0.417 30 83.4 72.3 36.1 28.9
0.500 4.16 2.40 2.08 1.80 1.04 8.33 45 125 108 54.2 43.4
0.750 6.25 3.60 3.13 2.70 1.56 1.25 75 208 181 90.3 72.3
1 8.33 4.81 4.17 3.61 2.08 1.67 112.5 313 271 135 108
1.5 12.5 7.21 6.25 5.42 3.13 2.50 150 417 361 181 145
2 16.7 9.62 8.33 7.22 4.17 3.33 225 625 542 271 217
3 25.0 14.4 12.5 10.8 6.25 5.0 300 831 723 361 289
5 41.6 24.0 20.8 18.0 10.4 0.833 500 1390 1204 602 482
7.5 62.5 36.1 31.3 27.1 15.6 12.5 750 2082 1804 902 722
10 83.3 48.1 41.7 36.1 20.8 16.7 1000 2776 2406 1203 962
15 125 72.1 62.5 54.2 31.3 25.0 1500 4164 3609 1804 1443
25 208 120 104 90.3 52.1 41.7 2000 5552 4811 2406 1925
37.5 313 180 156 135 78 62.5 2500 6940 6014 3007 2406
50 416 240 208 181 104 83.3 3750 10409 9021 4511 3609
75 625 361 313 271 156 125
100 833 481 417 361 208 167
167 1392 803 695 603 348 278
200 1667 962 833 722 417 333
250 2083 1202 1042 903 521 417

General Purpose Dry Type Transformers
Standard Ventilated and Resin-Filled

General purpose standard transformers are intended for power,
heating, and lighting applications.
All ventilated transformers have core and coil assemblies
mounted on rubber isolation pads to minimize the sound level.
Vented openings in the enclosure allow air to flow directly over
the core-and-coil assembly for cooling. Each is manufactured
and tested to meet or exceed IEEE, NEMA and ANSI stan-
dards. Their compact size permits installation near the load
being supplied. Adding weathershields allows these normally
indoor rated units to be used outdoors.
Ventilated Resin-Filled Resin-Filled
15–750 kVA 0.05–30 kVA
Resin-filled general purpose transformers are epoxy encapsu-
lated. The enclosure has no openings, making resin-filled
transformers ideal for use indoor or outdoor where airborne
particles or contaminants could be detrimental to operation.
The core-and-coil assembly is embedded in an epoxy resin
Single Phase
compound and wall mounted for maximum protection. These
Deg. C.
kVA Catalog Full Capacity Temp. Wt. Encl. Wiring units can be used outdoor without accessories.
Number Tapsa (lbs) c f
240 x 480 Volts Primary Single Phase
120/240 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
Deg. C.
0.050 50SV1A None 55 4.2 1A 1 Catalog Full Capacity Wt. Encl. Wiring
kVA Temp.
Number Tapsa (lbs) c f
0.100 100SV1A None 55 4.5 2A 1
480 Volts Primary, 120/240 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
0.150 150SV1A None 55 6.2 3A 1
3 3S40F 2—5%FCBN 115 55.2 10A 28
0.250 250SV1B None 80 10.5 4A 1
5 5S40F 2—5%FCBN 115 115 13B 28
0.500 500SV1B None 80 13.8 5A 1
7.5 7S40F 2—5%FCBN 115 150 13B 28
0.750 750SV1F None 115 15.5 6A 1
10 10S40F 2—5%FCBN 115 165 13B 28
1 1S1F None 115 21.2 7A 1
15 15S40F 2—5%FCBN 115 320 15B 28
1.5 1.5S1F None 115 30.1 8A 1
15 15S40H 2—5%FCBN 150 200 17D 18
2 2S1F None 115 39.1 9A 1
25 25S40F 2—5%FCBN 115 385 15B 28
3 3S1F None 115 55.2 10A 1
600 Volts Primary, 120/240 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
5 5S1F None 115 115 13B 1
0.050 50SV51A None 55 4.2 1A 6
7.5 7S1F None 115 150 13B 1
0.100 100SV51A None 55 4.5 2A 6
10 10S1F None 115 165 13B 1
0.150 150SV51A None 55 6.2 3A 6
15 15S1H None 150 200 17D 1
0.250 250SV51B None 80 10.5 4A 6
25 25S3H 6–2.5%2+4-q 150 230 17D 3
0.500 500SV51B None 80 13.8 5A 6
37.5 37S3H 6–2.5%2+4-q 150 325 18D 3
0.750 750SV51F None 115 15.5 6A 6
50 50S3H 6–2.5%2+4-q 150 350 18D 3
1 1S51F None 115 21.2 7A 6
75 75S3H 6–2.5%2+4-q 150 495 21D 3
1.5 1.5S51F None 115 30.1 8A 6
100 100S3H 6–2.5%2+4-q 150 705 22D 3
2 2S51F None 115 39.1 9A 6
167 167S3H 6–2.5%2+4-q 150 1020 24D 3
3 3S4F 2–5%FCBN 115 55.2 10A 28
Note: Boldface catalog numbers indicate in-stock transformers.
a (FCBN) Full Capacity Taps Below Normal where noted. 5 5S4F 2–5%FCBN 115 115 13B 28
c For enclosure styles, see Dimensions Table, Page 27. 7.5 7S4F 2–5%FCBN 115 150 13B 28
f See Wiring Diagrams, Page 41.
q When 240V connection is used there will be 3-5% taps, 1 above and 2 10 10S4F 2–5%FCBN 115 165 13B 28
below 240 volts.
15 15S5H 4–2.5%FCBN 150 200 17D 19
25 25S5H 4–2.5%FCBN 150 230 17D 19
37.5 37S5H 4–2.5%FCBN 150 325 18D 19
50 50S5H 4–2.5%FCBN 150 350 18D 19
75 75S5H 4–2.5%FCBN 150 495 21D 19
100 100S5H 4–2.5%FCBN 150 705 22D 19
167 167S5H 4–2.5%FCBN 150 1020 24D 19

General Purpose Dry Type Transformers
Standard Ventilated and Resin-Filled

Three Phase Three Phase

Deg. C. Full Capacity Deg. C. Wt.
Catalog Full Capacity Wt. Encl. Wiring Catalog Encl. Wiring
kVA Temp. kVA Temp. (lbs)
Number Tapsa (lbs) c f Number Tapsa c f
Rise Rise
480 Volts Delta Primary 480 Volts Delta Primary
208Y/120 Volts Secondary 60 Hz 240 Volts Delta Secondary 120 Volts CENTER TAP 60 Hz
3 3T2F 2—5%FCBN 115 125 12C 8 30 30T6HCT 6—2.5%2+4- 150 250 17D 20
6 6T2F 2—5%FCBN 115 150 12C 8 45 45T6HCT 6—2.5%2+4- 150 340 18D 20
9 9T2F 2—5%FCBN 115 265 14C 8 75 75T6HCT 6—2.5%2+4- 150 500 19D 20
15 15T2F 2—5%FCBN 115 335 14C 8 112.5 112T6HCT 6—2.5%2+4- 150 750 21D 20
15 15T68F 4—2.5%2+2- 115 335 14C 9 150 150T6HCT 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1020 22D 20
15 15T3H 6—2.5%2+4- 150 200 17D 10 225 225T6HCT 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1275 24D 20
30 30T2F 2—5%FCBN 115 775 16C 29 300 300T6HCT 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1680 25D 20
30 30T3H 6—2.5%2+4- 150 250 17D 10 500 500T63HCT 4—2.5%2+2- 150 2460 30D 33
45 45T3H 6—2.5%2+4- 150 340 18D 10 750 750T91HCT 4—3.5%2+2- 150 3250 31D 26
75 75T3H 6—2.5%2+4- 150 500 19D 10 1000 1000T78HCT 2—5%1+1- 150 6300 33F 27
112.5 112T3H 6—2.5%2+4- 150 750 21D 10 480 Volts Delta Primary
480Y/277 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
150 150T3H 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1020 22D 10
15 15T76H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 200 17D 11
225 225T3H 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1275 24D 10
30 30T76H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 250 17D 11
300 300T3H 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1680 25D 10
45 45T76H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 340 18D 11
500 500T68H 4—2.5%2+2- 150 2460 30D 11
75 75T76H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 500 19D 11
750 750T90H 4—3.5%2+2- 150 3250 31D 11
112.5 112T76H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 750 21D 11
1000 1000T77H 2—5%1+1- 150 6300 33F 16
150 150T76H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 1020 22D 11
480 Volts Delta Primary
240 Volts Delta Secondary 60 Hz 225 225T76H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 1275 24D 11
6 6T5F 2—5%FCBN 115 150 12C 12 300 300T76H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 1680 25D 11
9 9T75F 4—2.5%FCBN 115 265 14C 13 500 500T76H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 2460 30D 11
15 15T75F 4—2.5%FCBN 115 335 14C 13 480 Volts Delta Primary
380Y/220 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
15 15T6H 6—2.5%2+4- 150 200 17D 14
15 15T96H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 200 17D 11
30 30T6H 6—2.5%2+4- 150 250 17D 14
30 30T96H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 250 17D 11
45 45T6H 6—2.5%2+4- 150 340 18D 14
45 45T96H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 340 18D 11
75 75T6H 6—2.5%2+4- 150 500 19D 14
75 75T96H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 500 19D 11
112.5 112T6H 6—2.5%2+4- 150 750 21D 14
112.5 112T96H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 750 21D 11
150 150T6H 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1020 22D 14
150 150T96H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 1020 22D 11
225 225T6H 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1275 24D 14
225 225T96H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 1275 24D 11
300 300T6H 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1680 25D 14
300 300T96H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 1680 25D 11
500 500T63H 4—2.5%2+2- 150 2460 30D 15
500 500T96H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 2460 30D 11
750 750T91H 4—3.5%2+2- 150 3250 31D 15
1000 1000T78H 2—5%1+1- 150 6000 33F 17 Note: Boldface Catalog Numbers indicate in-stock transformers.
a (FCBN) Full Capacity Taps Below Normal where noted.
c For enclosure styles see Dimensions Table Page 27.
f See Wiring Diagrams Page 41.

General Purpose Transformers
Standard Ventilated and Resin-filled

Three Phase Three Phase

Full Capacity Deg. C.
Full Capacity Deg.
Catalog Wt. Encl. Wiring C.
kVA Temp. Catalog Wt. Encl. Wiring
Number Tapsa (lbs) kVA Temp.
Rise c f Number Tapsa (lbs) c f
600 Volts Delta Primary 208 Volts Delta Primary
208Y/120 Volts Secondary 60 Hz 480Y/277 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
6 6T7F 2—5%FCBN 115 150 12C 8 15 15T64H 2—5%FCBN 150 200 17D 30
9 9T7F 2—5%FCBN 115 265 14C 8 30 30T64H 2—5%FCBN 150 250 17D 30
15 15T7F 2—5%FCBN 115 335 14C 8 45 45T64H 2—5%FCBN 150 340 18D 30
15 15T8H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 200 17D 11 75 75T64H 2—5%FCBN 150 500 19D 30
30 30T8H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 250 17D 11 112.5 112T64H 2—5%FCBN 150 750 21D 30
45 45T8H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 340 18D 11 150 150T64H 2—5%FCBN 150 1020 22D 30
75 75T8H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 500 19D 11 225 225T64H 2—5%FCBN 150 1275 24D 30
112.5 112T8H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 750 21D 11 300 300T64H 2—5%FCBN 150 1680 25D 30
150 150T8H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 1020 22D 11 500 500T64H 2—5%FCBN 150 2460 30D 30
225 225T8H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 1275 24D 11 240 Volts Delta Primary
208Y/120 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
300 300T8H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 1680 25D 11
15 15T12H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 200 17D 11
500 500T8H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 2460 30D 11
30 30T12H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 250 17D 11
750 750T8H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 3250 31D 11
45 45T12H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 340 18D 11
1000 1000T88H 4—3.5%FCBN 150 6000 33F 11
75 75T12H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 500 19D 11
600 Volts Delta Primary
480Y/277 Volts Secondary 60 Hz 112.5 112T12H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 750 21D 11
15 15T74H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 200 17D 11 150 150T12H 4—2.5%2+ 2- 150 1020 22D 11
30 30T74H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 250 17D 11 225 225T11H 2—5%FCBN 150 1275 24D 16
45 45T74H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 340 18D 11 300 300T11H 2—5%FCBN 150 1680 25D 16
75 75T74H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 500 19D 11 500 500T11H 2—5%FCBN 150 2460 30D 16
112.5 112T74H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 750 21D 11 Note: Boldface Catalog Numbers indicate in-stock transformers.
150 150T74H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 1020 22D 11 a (FCBN) Full Capacity Taps Below Normal where noted.
c For enclosure styles see Dimensions Table Page 27.
225 225T74H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 1275 24D 11 f See Wiring Diagrams Page 41.
300 300T74H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 1680 25D 11
500 500T74H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 2460 30D 11
600 Volts Delta Primary
240 Volts Delta Secondary 60 Hz
15 15T10H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 200 17D 15
30 30T10H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 250 17D 15
45 45T10H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 340 18D 15
75 75T10H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 500 19D 15
112.5 112T10H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 750 21D 15
150 150T10H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 1020 22D 15
225 225T10H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 1275 24D 15
300 300T10H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 1680 25D 15
500 500T10H 4—2.5%FCBN 150 2460 30D 15

General Purpose Transformers
Energy Saving Premium WATCHDOG® Type

Three Phase
Full Capacity Deg. C.
Catalog Wt. Encl. Wiring
kVA Temp.
Number Taps (lbs) c f
480 Volts Delta Primary, 208Y/120 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
15 15T3HF 6—2.5%2+4- 115 250 17D 10
30 30T3HF 6—2.5%2+4- 115 340 18D 10
45 45T3HF 6—2.5%2+4- 115 500 19D 10
75 75T3HF 6—2.5%2+4- 115 650 21D 10
112.5 112T3HF 6—2.5%2+4- 115 1020 22D 10
150 150T3HF 6—2.5%2+4- 115 1275 24D 10
225 225T3HF 6—2.5%2+4- 115 1680 25D 10
300 300T3HF 6—2.5%2+4- 115 2460 30D 10
500 500T90HF 4—3.5%2+2- 115 3250 31D 11
480 Volts Delta Primary, 208Y/120 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
15 15T3HB 6—2.5%2+4- 80 250 17D 10
30 30T3HB 6—2.5%2+4- 80 340 18D 10
Typical Dry Type General Purpose Energy 45 45T3HB 6—2.5%2+4- 80 500 19D 10
Saving Premium WATCHDOG® Type 75 75T3HB 6—2.5%2+4- 80 750 21D 10
112.5 112T3HB 6—2.5%2+4- 80 1020 22D 10
Energy saving WATCHDOG® transformers have these special
150 150T3HB 6—2.5%2+4- 80 1275 24D 10
225 225T3HB 6—2.5%2+4- 80 1680 25D 10
• Designed for higher efficiency at minimum operating cost. 300 300T3HB 6—2.5%2+4- 80 2460 30D 10
• Constructed for an extra-long life expectancy using 220°C 500 500T90HB 4—3.5%2+2- 80 3250 31D 11
insulation system designed for full load operation at a max- Note: Boldface Catalog Numbers indicate in-stock transformers.
c For enclosure styles see Dimensions Table Page 27.
imum temperature rise of 115°C or 80°C above 40°C ambi- f See Wiring Diagrams Page 41.
ent, instead of 150° rise. q When 240V connection is used there will be 3-5% taps, 1 above and 2
below 240 volts.
• Capable of continuous emergency overload at 15% on
115°C rise, 30% on 80°C rise.

Single Phase
Deg. C.
Catalog Full Capacity Wt. Encl. Wiring
kVA Temp.
Number Taps (lbs) c f
240 x 480 Volts Primary, 120/240 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
15 15S3HF 6—2.5%2+4- q 115 230 17D 3
25 25S3HF 6—2.5%2+4- q 115 325 18D 3
37.5 37S3HF 6—2.5%2+4- q 115 350 18D 3
50 50S3HF 6—2.5%2+4- q 115 495 21D 3
75 75S3HF 6—2.5%2+4- q 115 705 22D 3
100 100S3HF 6—2.5%2+4- q 115 1020 24D 3
240 x 480 Volts Primary, 120/240 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
15 15S3HB 6—2.5%2+4- q 80 230 17D 3
25 25S3HB 6—2.5%2+4- q 80 325 18D 3
37.5 37S3HB 6—2.5%2+4- q 80 350 18D 3
50 50S3HB 6—2.5%2+4- q 80 495 21D 3
75 75S3HB 6—2.5%2+4- q 80 705 22D 3
100 100S3HB 6—2.5%2+4- q 80 1020 24D 3

General Purpose Dry Type Transformers
With Copper Windings

Three Phase
Full Capacity Deg. C.
Catalog Wt. Encl. Wiring
kVA Temp.
Number Taps (lbs) c f
600 Volts Delta Primary
208Y/120 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
15 15T79HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 240 17D 11
30 30T79HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 300 17D 11
45 45T79HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 385 18D 11
75 75T79HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 600 19D 11
112.5 112T79HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 780 21D 11
150 150T79HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 1080 22D 11
225 225T79HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 1520 24D 11
300 300T79HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 1920 25D 11
500 500T79HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 2550 30D 11
750 750T79HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 3800 31D 11
600 Volts Delta Primary
240 Volts Delta Secondary 60 Hz
Typical Dry Type General Purpose Transformer
with Copper Windings 15 15T129HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 240 17D 15
30 30T129HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 300 17D 15

Aluminum windings in general purpose transformers can be 45 45T129HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 385 18D 15

replaced with copper windings which are preferred by some 75 75T129HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 600 19D 15

customers. 112.5 112T129HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 780 21D 15

150 150T129HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 1080 22D 15
Three Phase 225 225T129HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 1520 24D 15
Deg. C. 300 300T129HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 1920 25D 15
Catalog Full Capacity Wt. Encl. Wiring
kVA Temp. 500 500T129HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 2550 30D 15
Number Taps (lbs) c f
Note: Boldface Catalog Numbers indicate in-stock transformers.
480 Volts Delta Primary c For enclosure styles see Dimensions Table Page 27.
208Y/120 Volts Secondary 60 Hz f See Wiring Diagrams Page 41.
15 15T3HCU 6—2.5%2+4- 150 240 17D 10
30 30T3HCU 6—2.5%2+4- 150 300 17D 10
45 45T3HCU 6—2.5%2+4- 150 385 18D 10
75 75T3HCU 6—2.5%2+4- 150 600 19D 10
112.5 112T3HCU 6—2.5%2+4- 150 780 21D 10
150 150T3HCU 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1080 22D 10
225 225T3HCU 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1520 24D 10
300 300T3HCU 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1920 25D 10
500 500T68HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 2550 30D 11
750 750T90HCU 4—3.5%2+2- 150 3800 31D 11
480 Volts Delta Primary
240 Volts Delta Secondary 60 Hz
15 15T6HCU 6—2.5%2+4- 150 240 17D 14
30 30T6HCU 6—2.5%2+4- 150 300 17D 14
45 45T6HCU 6—2.5%2+4- 150 385 18D 14
75 75T6HCU 6—2.5%2+4- 150 600 19D 14
112.5 112T6HCU 6—2.5%2+4- 150 780 21D 14
150 150T6HCU 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1080 22D 14
225 225T6HCU 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1520 24D 14
300 300T6HCU 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1920 25D 14
500 500T63HCU 4—2.5%2+2- 150 2550 30D 15

Special Purpose Transformers
Non-Ventilated Type

Three Phase
Deg. C.
Catalog Full Capacity Wt. Encl. Wiring
kVA Temp.
Number Tapsa (lbs) c f
480 Volts Delta Primary
208Y/120 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
15 15T68F 4—2.5%2+2- 115 335 14C 9
30 30T2F 2—5%FCBN 115 775 16C 29
30 30T3HNV 6—2.5%2+4- 150 340 19E 10
45 45T3HNV 6—2.5%2+4- 150 510 19E 10
75 75T3HNV 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1020 22E 10
112.5 112T3HNV 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1275 24E 10
150 150T3HNV 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1680 25E 10
225 225T3HNV 6—2.5%2+4- 150 2100 23E 10
300 300T3HNV 6—2.5%2+4- 150 3300 28E 10
480 Volts Delta Primary
240 Volts Delta Secondary 60 Hz
Typical Non-Ventilated Transformer
15 15T75F 4—2.5%FCBN 115 335 14C 13

Non-ventilated transformers are intended for use in contami- 30 30T6HNV 6—2.5%2+4- 150 340 19E 14

nated or dust-laden environments, indoor or outdoor. 45 45T6HNV 6—2.5%2+4- 150 510 19E 14
75 75T6HNV 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1020 22E 14
Single Phase 112.5 112T6HNV 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1275 24E 14
150 150T6HNV 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1680 25E 14
Full Capacity Deg. C.
Catalog Wt. Encl. Wiring
kVA Temp. 225 225T6HNV 6—2.5%2+4- 150 2100 23E 14
Number Tapsa (lbs) c f
300 300T6HNV 6—2.5%2+4- 150 3300 28E 14
240 x 480 Volts Primary
120/240 Volts Secondary 60 Hz 600 Volts Delta Primary
208Y/120 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
15 15S3HNV 6—2.5%2+4-q 150 230 17E 3
15 15T7F 2—5%FCBN 115 335 14C 8
25 25S3HNV 6—2.5%2+4-q 150 310 18E 3
30 30T8HNV 4—2.5%FCBN 150 340 19E 11
37.5 37S3HNV 6—2.5%2+4-q 150 350 18E 3
45 45T8HNV 4—2.5%FCBN 150 510 19E 11
50 50S3HNV 6—2.5%2+4-q 150 495 21E 3
75 75T8HNV 4—2.5%FCBN 150 1020 22E 11
75 75S3HNV 6—2.5%2+4-q 150 1020 24E 3
112.5 112T8HNV 4—2.5%FCBN 150 1275 24E 11
100 100S3HNV 6—2.5%2+4-q 150 1220 25E 3
150 150T8HNV 4—2.5%FCBN 150 1680 25E 11
600 Volts Primary
120/240 Volts Secondary 60 Hz 225 225T8HNV 4—2.5%FCBN 150 2100 23E 11
15 15S5HNV 4—2.5%FCBN 150 230 17E 19 300 300T8HNV 4—2.5%FCBN 150 3300 28E 11
25 25S5HNV 4—2.5%FCBN 150 310 18E 19
37.5 37S5HNV 4—2.5%FCBN 150 350 18E 19
50 50S5HNV 4—2.5%FCBN 150 495 21E 19
75 75S5HNV 4—2.5%FCBN 150 1020 24E 19
100 100S5HNV 4—2.5%FCBN 150 1220 25E 19
Note: Boldface Catalog Numbers indicate in-stock transformers.
a (FCBN) Full Capacity Taps Below Normal where noted.
c For enclosure styles see Dimensions Table Page 27.
f See Wiring Diagrams Page 41.
q When 240V connection is used there will be 3-5% taps, 1 above and 2
below 240V.

Special Purpose Transformers
Export Model and Stainless Steel Enclosure

Typical Export Model Transformer Typical Stainless Steel Enclosure

Export model transformers are designed to accommodate Stainless steel enclosures provide better corrosion resistance
voltage systems world-wide. than standard painted enclosures. Square D has an entire line
of resin-filled transformers available with #316 stainless steel
Export model transformers 10kVA and smaller are certified by
enclosures to meet demands for extra protection in environ-
TUV (file no. E9571881.01) to meet EN standard EN60-742 in
ments where harsh chemicals or corrosive materials such as
addition to being UL Listed. Original equipment is eligible for the
acids, food products, gasoline, organic solvents, or salt water
“CE” mark if transformer components meet the EN60-742
are present.
standard. Because the EN standard has a more severe over-
load requirement, the 1S67F has a UL rating of 1kVA but an EN Square D transformers with #316 stainless steel have a higher
rating of 0.750kVA. nickel content than #304 stainless steel, making them even
more resistant to harsh environments.
Single Phase
Units are painted with standard ANSI 49 gray and have a
Deg. C.
Catalog Full Capacity Wt. Encl. Wiring NEMA Type 3R rating. Additional voltages not listed below are
kVA Temp.
Number Taps (lbs) c f
Rise available. Contact your local Square D field office for details.
190/200/208/220 x 380/400/416/440 Volts Primary
110/220 Volts Secondary 50/60 Hz
Single Phase
1t 1S67F None 115 21.2 9A 31
2 2S67F None 115 39.1 11A 31 Catalog Full Capacity Deg. C. Wt. Encl. Wiring
kVA Temp.
Number Tapsa (lbs) c f
3 3S67F None 115 55.2 11A 31 Rise

5 5S67F None 115 135 13B 31 240 x 480 Volts Primary

120/240 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
7.5 7S67F None 115 165 13B 31 1 1S1FSS None 115 21 7A 1
10 10S67F None 115 165 13B 31 1.5 1.5S1FSS None 115 30 8A 1
15 15S67H None 150 225 17D 32 2 2S1FSS None 115 39 9A 1
3 3S1FSS None 115 55.2 10A 1
25 25S67H None 150 260 17D 32
5 5S1FSS None 115 115 13B 1
Note: Boldface Catalog Numbers indicate in-stock transformers. 7.5 7S1FSS None 115 150 13B 1
t 0.750kVA EN rating.
a (FCBN) Full Capacity Taps Below Normal where noted. 10 10S1FSS None 115 165 13B 1
c For enclosure styles see Dimensions Table Page 27. 15 15S1FSS None 115 320 15B 1
f See Wiring Diagrams Page 41. 25 25S1FSS None 115 385 15B 1
480 Volts Primary
120/240 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
3 3S40FSS 2–5% FCBN 115 55.2 10A 28
5 5S40FSS 2–5% FCBN 115 115 13B 28
7.5 7S40FSS 2–5% FCBN 115 150 13B 28
10 10S40FSS 2–5% FCBN 115 165 13B 28
15 15S40FSS 2–5% FCBN 115 320 15B 28
25 25S40FSS 2–5% FCBN 115 385 15B 28
Three Phase
480 Volts Primary
208Y/120 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
3 3T2FSS 2–5% FCBN 115 125 12C 8
6 6T2FSS 2–5% FCBN 115 150 12C 8
9 9T2FSS 2–5% FCBN 115 265 14C 8
15 15T2FSS 2–5% FCBN 115 335 14C 8
30 30T2FSS 2–5% FCBN 115 775 16C 29

Special Purpose Transformers
Transformers for Non-Linear Loads
Standard NL Model and Premium NLP Model

Type NL and NLP are dry type transformers intended to feed
applications such as computers, copiers, printers, FAX
machines, video display terminals and other equipment having
switching-mode power supplies. These transformers are spe-
cially built to handle high harmonics associated with such
loads. Type NLP is designed particularly for more severe non-
linear applications and has reduced sound levels three decibels
below NEMA standards.
Features for typical non-linear load service include:
• Three-phase, dry type transformers, 480 Delta – 208Y/120
• Electrostatic shield
• Class 220 installation Type NL Transformers for typical non-linear load service and Type NLP
• Reduced core flux to compensate for harmonic voltage dis- Transformers for more severe non-linear load service.
• 200% neutral with double size neutral terminal for addi- Three Phase Premium NLP Model
tional customer neutral cables
Full Capacity Deg. C.
Catalog Wt. Encl. Wiring
• Additional coil capacity to compensate for higher non-linear kVA Temp.
Number Taps (lbs) c f
load loss
480 Volts Delta Primary Aluminum Wound
• Temperature rise of 115°C 208Y/120 Volts Secondary 60 Hz UL K-13 Rated
• Heavy-gauge ventilated indoor enclosures (weather 15 15T3HFISNLP 6—2.5%2+4- 115 245 17D 10

shields available) 30 30T3HFISNLP 6—2.5%2+4- 115 350 18D 10

45 45T3HFISNLP 6—2.5%2+4- 115 600 19D 10
• UL Listed
75 75T3HFISNLP 6—2.5%2+4- 115 780 22D 10
Three Phase Standard NL Model 60 Hz 112.5 112T3HFISNLP 6—2.5%2+4- 115 1025 22D 10
150 150T3HFISNLP 6—2.5%2+4- 115 1390 25D 10
Deg. C.
Catalog Full Capacity Wt. Encl. Wiring 225 225T3HFISNLP 6—2.5%2+4- 115 2010 25D 10
kVA Temp.
Number Taps (lbs) c f
300 300T68HFI8NLP 4—2.5%2+2- 115 2100 30D 11
480 Volts Delta Primary Aluminum Wound 500 500T90HFISNLP 4—3.5%2+2- 115 3600 32F 11
208Y/120 Volts Secondary 60 Hz UL K-4 Rated
15 15T3HFISNL 6—2.5%2+4- 115 240 17D 10 480 Volts Delta Primary Copper Wound
208Y/120 Volts Secondary 60 Hz UL K-13 Rated
30 30T3HFISNL 6—2.5%2+4- 115 300 18D 10
15 15T3HFISCUNLP 6—2.5%2+4- 115 330 18D 10
45 45T3HFISNL 6—2.5%2+4- 115 500 19D 10
30 30T3HFISCUNLP 6—2.5%2+4- 115 380 18D 10
75 75T3HFISNL 6—2.5%2+4- 115 725 21D 10
45 45T3HFISCUNLP 6—2.5%2+4- 115 600 19D 10
112.5 112T3HFISNL 6—2.5%2+4- 115 950 22D 10
75 75T3HFISCUNLP 6—2.5%2+4- 115 865 22D 10
150 150T3HFISNL 6—2.5%2+4- 115 1290 24D 10
112.5 112T3HFISCUNLP 6—2.5%2+4- 115 1250 22D 10
225 225T3HFISNL 6—2.5%2+4- 115 1900 25D 10
150 150T3HFISCUNLP 6—2.5%2+4- 115 1955 25D 10
300 300T68HFISNL 4—2.5%2+2- 115 2100 25D 11
225 225T3HFISCUNLP 6—2.5%2+4- 115 2450 25D 10
500 500T90HFISNL 4—3.5%2+2- 115 3600 29D 11
300 300T68HFISCUNLP 4—2.5%2+2- 115 2400 30D 11
480 Volts Delta Primary Copper Wound 500 500T90HFISCUNLP 4—3.5%2+2- 115 5000 33F 11
208Y/120 Volts Secondary 60 Hz UL K-4 Rated
15 15T3HFISCUNL 6—2.5%2+4- 115 330 18D 10
30 30T3HFISCUNL 6—2.5%2+4- 115 380 18D 10
45 45T3HFISCUNL 6—2.5%2+4- 115 475 18D 10
75 75T3HFISCUNL 6—2.5%2+4- 115 865 21D 10
112.5 112T3HFISCUNL 6—2.5%2+4- 115 1090 22D 10
150 150T3HFISCUNL 6—2.5%2+4- 115 1450 24D 10
225 225T3HFISCUNL 6—2.5%2+4- 115 2065 25D 10
300 300T68HFISCUNL 4—2.5%2+2- 115 2200 25D 11
500 500T90HFISCUNL 4—3.5%2+2- 115 4300 29D 11
Note: Boldface Catalog Numbers indicate in-stock transformers.
c For enclosure styles see Dimensions Table Page 27.
f See Wiring Diagrams Page 41.

Special Purpose Transformers
Shielded Isolation Transformers

Although any transformer with two windings is an “isolating”
transformer, because the internal primary winding is isolated
and insulated from the secondary winding, isolation transform-
ers have a special function. They isolate electrical power from
the normal supply source to reduce the effect of power
surges. For example, applications such as electronic motor
controls, X-ray machines, and computers benefit from the use
of shielded isolation transformers.
• Electrostatic shields — Isolation transformers can be
equipped with electrostatic shields between the primary
and secondary to reduce line interference or undesirable
frequencies; critical equipment may require this added pro-
tection. An electrostatic shield is indicated by “IS” at the end
Typical Shielded Isolation Transformer
of the catalog number, such as 3S6FIS.
• Filters — Primary surge suppression and secondary filters
can be added to shielded isolation transformers for addi-
tional reduction of transient and across-the-line surges.
How to Order Single Phase
Surge suppression and filters are indicated by “FIL” at the
Select the voltage required from the chart below and insert the end of the catalog number, such as 15T3HISFIL.
voltage code in place of the parentheses ( ) in the catalog
number. Three Phase
Full Capacity Deg.
Voltage Code Primary Secondary Wiringf C.
Catalog Wt. Encl. Wiring
kVA Temp.
6 120x240 120/240 1 Number Tapsa (lbs) c f
7 208 120/240 6 480 Volts Delta Primary
8 277 120/240 6 208Y/120 Volts Secondary (With Electrostatic Shield) 60 Hz
9 9T2FIS 2—5%FCBN 115 265 14C 8
9 208 208 7
15 15T3HIS 6—2.5%2+4- 150 200 17D 10
Single Phase 30 30T3HIS 6—2.5%2+4- 150 250 17D 10
Deg. C. 45 45T3HIS 6—2.5%2+4- 150 340 18D 10
Catalog Full Capacity Wt. Encl.
kVA Temp. 75 75T3HIS 6—2.5%2+4- 150 500 19D 10
Number Taps (lbs) c
112.5 112T3HIS 6—2.5%2+4- 150 750 21D 10
480 Volts Primary
120/240 Volts Secondary (with Electrostatic Shield) 60 Hz 150 150T3HIS 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1020 22D 10
1 1S( )FIS None 115 21.2 7A 225 225T3HIS 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1275 24D 10
1.5 1.5S( )FIS None 115 30.1 8A 300 300T3HIS 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1680 25D 10
2 2S( )FIS None 115 39.1 9A 500 500T68HIS 4—2.5%2+2- 150 2460 30D 11
3 3S( )FIS None 115 55.2 10A 208 Volts Delta Primary
208Y/120 Volts Secondary (With Electrostatic Shield) 60 Hz
5 5S( )FIS None 115 115 13B
9 9T85FIS 2—5%FCBN 115 265 14C 8
7.5 7S( )FIS None 115 150 13B
15 15T85HIS 2—5%FCBN 150 200 17D 16
10 10S( )FIS None 115 165 13B
30 30T85HIS 2—5%FCBN 150 250 17D 16
15 15S( )HIS None 150 200 17D
45 45T85HIS 2—5%FCBN 150 340 18D 16
25 25S( )HIS None 150 230 17D
75 75T85HIS 2—5%FCBN 150 500 19D 16
Note: Boldface Catalog Numbers indicate in-stock transformers.
Single phase stocked in voltage codes 6 and 7, from 1 through 25kVA. 112.5 112T85HIS 2—5%FCBN 150 750 21D 16
a (FCBN) Full Capacity Taps Below Normal where noted. 150 150T85HIS 2—5%FCBN 150 1020 22D 16
c For enclosure styles see Dimensions Table Page 27.
f See Wiring Diagrams Page 41. 225 225T85HIS 2—5%FCBN 150 1275 24D 16
300 300T85HIS 2—5%FCBN 150 1680 25D 16
500 500T85HIS 2—5%FCBN 150 2460 30D 16

Special Purpose Transformers
Isolation Transformers
Shielded and Filtered

Three Phase
Full Capacity Deg. C.
Catalog Wt. Encl. Wiring
kVA Temp.
Number Tapsa (lbs) c f
480 Volts Delta Primary
208Y/120 Volts Secondary (With Shield and Filter) 60 Hz
15 15T85HISFIL 2—5%FCBN 150 265 19D 16
30 30T85HISFIL 2—5%FCBN 150 330 19D 16
45 45T85HISFIL 2—5%FCBN 150 390 19D 16
75 75T85HISFIL 2—5%FCBN 150 525 21D 16
112.5 112T85HISFIL 2—5%FCBN 150 840 22D 16
150 150T85HISFIL 2—5%FCBN 150 1125 25D 16
225 225T85HISFIL 2—5%FCBN 150 1365 26D 16

Typical Shielded Isolation Transformer With Filter

Three Phase
Full Capacity Deg. C.
Catalog Wt. Encl. Wiring
kVA Temp.
Number Taps (lbs) c f
480 Volts Delta Primary
208Y/120 Volts Secondary (With Shield and Filter) 60 Hz
15 15T3HISFIL 6—2.5%2+4- 150 265 19D 10
30 30T3HISFIL 6—2.5%2+4- 150 330 19D 10
45 45T3HISFIL 6—2.5%2+4- 150 390 19D 10
75 75T3HISFIL 6—2.5%2+4- 150 525 21D 10
112.5 112T3HISFIL 6—2.5%2+4- 150 840 22D 10
150 150T3HISFIL 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1125 25D 10
225 225T3HISFIL 6—2.5%2+4- 150 1365 26D 10
Note: Boldface Catalog Numbers indicate in-stock transformers.
a (FCBN) Full Capacity Taps Below Normal where noted.
c For enclosure styles see Dimensions Table Page 27.
f See Wiring Diagrams Page 41.

Special Purpose Transformers
Buck and Boost Transformers

Common “Mis-Applications”
Using Buck and Boost transformers incorrectly can be avoided
by observing both common sense and the restrictions for
autotransformers in the National Electrical Code. The following
are some examples of incorrect use.
• Creating a 240/120 single phase service from 208Y/120
Buck & Boost
Transformer source.
This creates unbalanced line-to-line neutral voltages. This
Application application is proper only for 240V 2-wire loads.
Buck and Boost transformers are isolating transformers that
have 120 x 240 volt primaries and either 12/24 or 16/32 volt sec- 138V
ondaries. When used as isolating transformers, they carry the PH
full load stated on the nameplate. However, their primary use 236V
and value is that the primary and secondary can be intercon-
nected for use as an autotransformer. When used as an 208V
autotransformer to slightly step up or down voltage, the Buck 2 Phases and
Neutral from
and Boost transformer can carry loads in excess of its name- 208Y/120 Service
plate rating. Using the transformer in this way is one of the most N
economical and compact means of slightly adjusting voltage.
• Bucking or boosting 3-phase, 3-wire systems for 3-phase,
How to Make a Selection 4-wire loads.
Refer to the Tables 1–10 that follow for guidelines in selecting This uses three Buck and Boost transformers in a 3-phase
the correct transformer that supplies the required voltage for a wye connection. The neutral created by this connection is
specific kVA load. not stable and will not yield proper line-to-neutral voltages
Single Phase Loads – If load voltages of 115V, 120V, 230V or under load. This connection violates NEC Article 210-9,
240V are required, refer to Tables 1, 2, 3 or 4 respectively. Exception No.1. The wye connection can be used for 3-wire
to 3-wire, 4-wire to 3-wire, and 4-wire to 4-wire applications.
Three Phase Loads – (For power or lighting, but available volt- PH
age must be a 3-phase, 4-wire system with neutral for lighting.) PH
If load voltages of 230V, 240V, 460V or 480V are required, refer PH
to Tables 5, 6, 7 or 8 respectively. 3PH4W
Three Phase Loads – (Open delta connection for 3-wire power
loads only. Requires only 3-phase, 3-wire available voltage.) If
load voltages of 230V or 240V are required, refer to Tables 9 or N

10 respectively.
To use Tables 1–10 in this section, do the following: 3PH3W
1. Calculate LOAD kVA:
Load Volts x Load Amperes PH
Single Phase kVA =
1000 • Correcting long-line voltage drop where load fluctuates.
Load Volts x Load Amperes x 1.73 Line drop will vary with load. If Buck and Boost transform-
Three Phase kVA = ers are used to correct voltage drop during peak load cycle,
2. Select the Desired Load Voltage table nearest the voltage dangerously high voltages may result under lightly loaded
required. conditions.
3. Check for the nearest Available Voltage to the actual volt-
age measured.
242V Load
4. Follow down the vertical column of the voltage measured 240V
and select a load kVA value equal to or greater than calcu-
lated (never smaller), then move horizontally to the left and
select the transformer catalog number. Long Line With 20V Drop Under Full Load

Note: For 3-phase loads, two or three transformers may be

required as shown in the table heading.
262V Load
5. Refer to the correct wiring diagram number at the bottom of 240V 238V
the “Load kVA” column for the load kVA you have chosen.

Long Line With 2V Drop Under Light Load

Special Purpose Transformers
Buck and Boost Transformers
Single Phase

Table 1: Desired Load Voltage: 115V Single Phase, 60 Hz One Transformer Required
Available Voltage
Catalog 91 96 101 105 127 130 138 146
Single Phase Load kVA
50SV43A — 0.25 — 0.5 0.5 — 0.25 —
50SV46A 0.18 — 0.37 — — 0.37 — 0.18
100SV43A — 0.5 — 1 1 — 0.5 —
100SV46A 0.37 — 0.75 — — 0.75 — 0.37
150SV43A — 0.75 — 1.5 1.5 — 0.75 —
150SV46A 0.56 — 1.12 — — 1.12 — 0.56
250SV43B — 1.25 — 2.5 2.5 — 1.25 —
250SV46B 0.94 — 1.88 — — 1.88 — 0.94
500SV43B — 2.5 — 5 5 — 2.5 —
500SV46B 1.88 — 3.75 — — 3.75 — 1.88
750SV43F — 3.75 — 7.5 7.5 — 3.75 —
750SV46F 2.81 — 5.62 — — 5.62 — 2.81
1S43F — 5 — 10 10 — 5 —
1S46F 3.75 — 7.5 — — 7.5 — 3.75
1.5S43F — 7.5 — 15 15 — 7.5 —
1.5S46F 5.62 — 11.25 — — 11.25 — 5.62
2S43F — 10 — 20 20 — 10 —
2S46F 7.5 — 15 — — 15 — 7.5
3S43F — 15 — 30 30 — 15 —
3S46F 11.25 — 22.5 — — 22.5 — 11.25
Wiring Diagram 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2

Table 2: Desired Load Voltage: 120V Single Phase, 60 Hz One Transformer Required
Available Voltage
Catalog 95 100 106 109 132 136 144 152
Single Phase Load kVA
50SV43A — 0.25 — 0.5 0.5 — 0.25 —
50SV46A 0.18 — 0.37 — — 0.37 — 0.18
100SV43A — 0.5 — 1 1 — 0.5 —
100SV46A 0.37 — 0.75 — — 0.75 — 0.37
150SV43A — 0.75 — 1.5 1.5 — 0.75 —
150SV46A 0.56 — 1.12 — — 1.12 — 0.56
250SV43B — 1.25 — 2.5 2.5 — 1.25 —
250SV46B 0.94 — 1.88 — — 1.88 — 0.94
500SV43B — 2.5 — 5 5 — 2.5 —
500SV46B 1.88 — 3.75 — — 3.75 — 1.88
750SV43F — 3.75 — 7.5 7.5 — 3.75 —
750SV46F 2.81 — 5.62 — — 5.62 — 2.81
1S43F — 5 — 10 10 — 5 —
1S46F 3.75 — 7.5 — — 7.5 — 3.75
1.5S43F — 7.5 — 15 15 — 7.5 —
1.5S46F 5.62 — 11.25 — — 11.25 — 5.62
2S43F — 10 — 20 20 — 10 —
2S46F 7.5 — 15 — — 15 — 7.5
3S43F — 15 — 30 30 — 15 —
3S46F 11.25 — 22.5 — — 22.5 — 11.25
Wiring Diagram 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2


H1 H2 X1 X2 H1 H2
H3 H4 X3 X4 H3 H4 X1 X2 X3 X4

1 HV 2 HV

Special Purpose Transformers
Buck and Boost Transformers
Single Phase

Table 3: Desired Load Voltage: 230V Single Phase, 60 Hz One Transformer Required
Available Voltage
Catalog 203 208 216 219 242 245 253 261
Single Phase Load kVA
50SV43A — 0.5 — 1 1 — 0.5 —
50SV46A 0.37 — 0.75 — — 0.75 — 0.37
100SV43A — 1 — 2 2 — 1 —
100SV46A 0.75 — 1.5 — — 1.5 — 0.75
150SV43A — 1.5 — 3 3 — 1.5 —
150SV46A 1.12 — 2.25 — — 2.25 — 1.12
250SV43B — 2.5 — 5 5 — 2.5 —
250SV46B 1.88 — 3.75 — — 3.75 — 1.88
500SV43B — 5 — 10 10 — 5 —
500SV46B 3.75 — 7.5 — — 7.5 — 3.75
750SV43F — 7.5 — 15 15 — 7.5 —
750SV46F 5.62 — 11.25 — — 11.25 — 5.62
1S43F — 10 — 20 20 — 10 —
1S46F 7.5 — 15 — — 15 — 7.5
1.5S43F — 15 — 30 30 — 15 —
1.5S46F 11.25 — 22.5 — — 22.5 — 11.25
2S43F — 20 — 40 40 — 20 —
2S46F 15 — 30 — — 30 — 15
3S43F — 30 — 60 60 — 30 —
3S46F 22.5 — 45 — — 45 — 22.5
Wiring Diagram 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4

Table 4: Desired Load Voltage: 240V Single Phase, 60 Hz One Transformer Required
Available Voltage
Catalog 212 218 225 229 252 256 264 272
Single Phase Load kVA
50SV43A — 0.5 — 1 1 — 0.5 —
50SV46A 0.37 — 0.75 — — 0.75 — 0.37
100SV43A — 1 — 2 2 — 1 —
100SV46A 0.75 — 1.5 — — 1.5 — 0.75
150SV43A — 1.5 — 3 3 — 1.5 —
150SV46A 1.12 — 2.25 — — 2.25 — 1.12
250SV43B — 2.5 — 5 5 — 2.5 —
250SV46B 1.88 — 3.75 — — 3.75 — 1.88
500SV43B — 5 — 10 10 — 5 —
500SV46B 3.75 — 7.5 — — 7.5 — 3.75
750SV43F — 7.5 — 15 15 — 7.5 —
750SV46F 5.62 — 11.25 — — 11.25 — 5.62
1S43F — 10 — 20 20 — 10 —
1S46F 7.5 — 15 — — 15 — 7.5
1.5S43F — 15 — 30 30 — 15 —
1.5S46F 11.25 — 22.5 — — 22.5 — 11.25
2S43F — 20 — 40 40 — 20 —
2S46F 15 — 30 — — 30 — 15
3S43F — 30 — 60 60 — 30 —
3S46F 22.5 — 45 — — 45 — 22.5
Wiring Diagram 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4


X1 X2
H1 H2 H3 H4 X3 X4 H1 H2 H3 H4 X1 X2 X3 X4

3 HV 4 HV

Special Purpose Transformers
Buck and Boost Transformers
Three Phase

Table 5: Desired Load Voltage: 230Y/133 Three Phase, Table 7: Desired Load Voltage: 460Y/265 Three Phase,
60 Hz, Three Transformers Required 60 Hz, Three Transformers Required
Available Voltage Available Voltage
Transformer Transformer
Catalog 181Y/105 192Y/111 203Y/117 208Y/120 Catalog 406Y/235 418Y/242 432Y/250 438Y/253
Numbers Numbers
Three Phase Load kVA Three Phase Load kVA
50SV43A — 0.75 — 1.5 50SV43A — 1.5 — 3
50SV46A 0.56 — 1.12 — 50SV46A 1.12 — 2.25 —
100SV43A — 1.5 — 3 100SV43A — 3 — 6
100SV46A 1.12 — 2.25 — 100SV46A 2.25 — 4.5 —
150SV43A — 2.25 — 4.5 150SV43A — 4.5 — 9
150SV46A 1.69 — 3.38 — 150SV46A 3.38 — 6.76 —
250SV43B — 3.75 — 7.5 250SV43B — 7.5 — 15
250SV46B 2.81 — 5.62 — 250SV46B 5.62 — 11.25 —
500SV43B — 7.5 — 15 500SV43B — 15 — 30
500SV46B 5.62 — 11.25 — 500SV46B 11.25 — 22.5 —
750SV43F — 11.25 — 22.5 750SV43F — 22.5 — 45
750SV46F 8.45 — 16.9 — 750SV46F 16.9 — 33.8 —
1S43F — 15 — 30 1S43F — 30 — 60
1S46F 11.25 — 22.5 — 1S46F 22.5 — 45 —
1.5S43F — 22.5 — 45 1.5S43F — 45 — 90
1.5S46F 16.9 — 33.8 — 1.5S46F 33.8 — 67.6 —
2S43F — 30 — 60 2S43F — 60 — 120
2S46F 22.5 — 45 — 2S46F 45 — 90 —
3S43F — 45 — 90 3S43F — 90 — 180
3S46F 33.8 — 67.6 — 3S46F 67.6 — 135 —
Wiring Diagram 8 8 7 7 Wiring Diagram 10 10 9 9

Table 6: Desired Load Voltage: 240Y/138 Three Phase, Table 8: Desired Load Voltage: 480Y/277 Three Phase,
60 Hz, Three Transformers Required 60 Hz, Three Transformers Required
Available Voltage Available Voltage
Transformer Transformer
Catalog 189Y/109 200Y/115 212Y/122 218Y/126 Catalog 424Y/245 436Y/252 450Y/260 457Y/264
Numbers Numbers
Three Phase Load kVA Three Phase Load kVA
50SV43A — 0.75 — 1.5 50SV43A — 1.5 — 3
50SV46A 0.56 — 1.12 — 50SV46A 1.12 — 2.25 —
100SV43A — 1.5 — 3 100SV43A — 3 — 6
100SV46A 1.12 — 2.25 — 100SV46A 2.25 — 4.5 —
150SV43A — 2.25 — 4.5 150SV43A — 4.5 — 9
150SV46A 1.69 — 3.38 — 100SV46A 3.38 — 6.76 —
250SV43B — 3.75 — 7.5 250SV43B — 7.5 — 15
250SV46B 2.81 — 5.62 — 250SV46B 5.62 — 11.25 —
500SV43B — 7.5 — 15 500SV43B — 15 — 30
500SV46B 5.62 — 11.25 — 500SV46B 11.25 — 22.5 —
750SV43F — 11.25 — 22.5 750SV43F — 22.5 — 45
750SV46F 8.45 — 16.9 — 750SV46F 16.9 — 33.8 —
1S43F — 15 — 30 1S43F — 30 — 60
1S46F 11.25 — 22.5 — 1S46F 22.5 — 45 —
1.5S43F — 22.5 — 45 1.5S43F — 45 — 90
1.5S46F 16.9 — 33.8 — 1.5S46F 33.8 — 67.6 —
2S43F — 30 — 60 2S43F — 60 — 120
2S46F 22.5 — 45 — 2S46F 45 — 90 —
3S43F — 45 — 90 3S43F — 90 — 180
3S46F 33.8 — 67.6 — 3S46F 67.6 — 135 —
Wiring Diagram 8 8 7 7 Wiring Diagram 10 10 9 9


Neutral H1 H2 X1 X2 H1 H2 X1 X2 H1 H2 X1 X2
Neutral H1 H2 H1 H2
H3 H4 X3 X4 H3 H4 X3 X4 H3 H4 X3 X4 H1 H2
H3 H4 X1 X2 X3 X4 H3 H4 X1 X2 X3 X4
H3 H4 X1 X2 X3 X4


X1 X2
Neutral X1 X2
X1 X2
H1 H4 X3 X4 H1 H2 H3 H4 X3 X4
H2 H3 X3
H1 H2 H3 H4 X4


Neutral H1 H2 H3 H4 X1 X2 X3 X4
H1 H2 H3 H4 X1 X2 X3 X4
H1 H2 H3 H4 X1 X2 X3 X4


Special Purpose Transformers
Buck and Boost Transformers
Three Phase

Table 9: Desired Load Voltage: 230V, Three Phase, 60 Hz,

(Open Delta-Power Loads Only) Two Transformers Required
Available Voltage
Catalog 203 209 216 219 242 245 253 260
Three Phase Load kVA
50SV43A — 0.86 — 1.72 1.72 — 0.86 —
50SV46A 0.64 — 1.29 — — 1.29 — 0.64
100SV43A — 1.72 — 3.43 3.43 — 1.72 —
100SV46A 1.29 — 2.58 — — 2.58 — 1.29
150SV43A — 2.58 — 5.16 5.16 — 2.58 —
150SV46A 1.94 — 3.88 — — 3.38 — 1.94
250SV43B — 4.3 — 8.6 8.6 — 4.3 —
250SV46B 3.23 — 6.45 — — 6.45 — 3.23
500SV43B — 8.6 — 17.2 17.2 — 8.6 —
500SV46B 6.45 — 12.9 — — 12.9 — 6.45
750SV43F — 12.9 — 25.8 25.8 — 12.9 —
750SV46F 9.7 — 19.4 — — 19.4 — 9.7
1S43F — 17.2 — 34.3 34.3 — 17.2 —
1S46F 12.9 — 25.8 — — 25.8 — 12.9
1.5S43F — 25.8 — 51.6 51.6 — 25.8 —
1.5S46F 19.4 — 38.8 — — 38.8 — 19.4
2S43F — 34.3 — 68.8 68.8 — 34.3 —
2S46F 25.8 — 51.6 — — 51.6 — 25.8
3S43F — 51.6 — 103.2 103.2 — 51.6 —
3S46F 38.8 — 77.6 — — 77.6 — 38.8
Wiring Diagram 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6

Table 10: Desired Load Voltage: 240V, Three Phase, 60 Hz,

(Open Delta-Power Loads Only) Two Transformers Required
Available Voltage
Catalog 212 218 225 229 252 256 264 272
Three Phase Load kVA
50SV43A — 0.86 — 1.72 1.72 — 0.86 —
50SV46A 0.64 — 1.29 — — 1.29 — 0.64
100SV43A — 1.72 — 3.43 3.43 — 1.72 —
100SV46A 1.29 — 2.58 — — 2.58 — 1.29
150SV43A — 2.58 — 5.16 5.16 — 2.58 —
150SV46A 1.94 — 3.88 — — 3.38 — 1.94
250SV43B — 4.3 — 8.6 8.6 — 4.3 —
250SV46B 3.23 — 6.45 — — 6.45 — 3.23
500SV43B — 8.6 — 17.2 17.2 — 8.6 —
500SV46B 6.45 — 12.9 — — 12.9 — 6.45
750SV43F — 12.9 — 25.8 25.8 — 12.9 —
750SV46F 9.7 — 19.4 — — 19.4 — 9.7
1S43F — 17.2 — 34.3 34.3 — 17.2 —
1S46F 12.9 — 25.8 — — 25.8 — 12.9
1.5S43F — 25.8 — 51.6 51.6 — 25.8 —
1.5S46F 19.4 — 38.8 — — 38.8 — 19.4
2S43F — 34.3 — 68.8 68.8 — 34.3 —
2S46F 25.8 — 51.6 — — 51.6 — 25.8
3S43F — 51.6 — 103.2 103.2 — 51.6 —
3S46F 38.8 — 77.6 — — 77.6 — 38.8
Wiring Diagram 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6


X2 X1 X1 X2
X4 X3 H4 H3 H2 H1 H1 H2 H3 H4 X3 X4



X4 X3 X2 X1 H4 H3 H2 H1 H1 H2 H3 H4 X1 X2 X3 X4


Special Purpose Transformers

The MINI POWER-ZONE® packaged power supply is the low
voltage (600 volts and below) version of our POWER-ZONE®
package unit substation. The MINI POWER-ZONE provides a
compact power supply for small loads and is suitable for service
equipment. This unit is a space-saving substitute for an individ-
ual main breaker, transformer, and secondary distribution panel
that are connected via conduit. Proper coordination of primary
breaker and transformer is assured to prevent nuisance tripping
on power-on inrush. The MINI POWER-ZONE power supply is
UL Listed for both indoor and outdoor use.
The MINI POWER-ZONE package includes these features:
• A transformer with a maximum full load temperature rise of
115°C using a 180°C insulation system. The core and coil is
encapsulated in an epoxy resin-sand combination.
• A circuit breaker section enclosed in a weather-resistant,
MINI POWER-ZONE Power Supply steel enclosure.
• Enclosures use an electrostatically applied, ANSI 49 color,
480 Volts Primary Single Phase powder coating to protect both the transformer and panel
120/240 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
board section and to provide extra corrosion resistance. This
Catalog construction provides an exceptionally durable unit for use in
kVA Height Width Depth
Number wet, dirty, or dusty applications.
IN mm IN mm IN mm
5 MPZ5S40F 32.7 831 12.0 305 11.9 303 • Unique two-part construction uses removable transformers
7.5 MPZ7S40F 32.7 831 12.0 305 11.9 303 that can be replaced without disturbing external panelboard
10 MPZ10S40F 32.7 831 12.0 305 11.9 303 wiring. All sizes are furnished from Square D warehouse
15 MPZ15S40F 42.9 1090 17.4 442 13.5 343 stock, complete with the transformer main primary and main
25 MPZ25S40F 42.9 1090 17.4 442 13.5 343 seondary circuit breakers sized in accordance with National
480 Volts Delta Primary Three Phase Electrical Code requirements.
208Y/120 Volts Secondary 60 Hz • Accommodates standard Square D plug-on branch circuit
15 MPZ15T2F 44.6 1133 27.4 696 13.6 345 breakers and QUIK-GARD® ground fault circuit breakers.
22.5 MPZ22T2F 44.6 1133 27.4 696 13.6 345
• Shunt trip capability on the primary breaker is available by
30 MPZ30T2F 44.6 1133 27.4 696 13.6 345
special order if local code requires remote tripping when the
package is used as service equipment.
• Electrostatic shield and bolt-on panel are available by special
Single Phase
480 Volts Primary
120/240 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
Feeder Breakers
Catalog Wt. Primary Main
kVA Secondary Main Max. No. Max.
Number Lbs. Circuit Breaker
Circuit Breaker 1 Pole or 2 Pole Amperes
5 MPZ5S40F 175 FAL24020 20A QO-230 30A 6 or 3 20
7.5 MPZ7S40F 200 FAL24030 30A QO-240 40A 8 or 4 30
10 MPZ10S40F 215 FAL24040 40A QO-260 60A 10 or 5 40
15 MPZ15S40F 350 FAL24060 60A QO-280 80A 16 or 8 60
25 MPZ25S40F 425 FAL24100 100A QO-2125 125A 24 or 12 100

Three Phase
480 Volts Delta Primary
208Y/120 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
Feeder Breakers
Catalog Wt. Primary Main
kVA Secondary Main Max. No. Max.
Number Lbs. Circuit Breaker
Circuit Breaker 1 Pole or 2 pole Amperes
15 MPZ15T2F 710 FAL34040 40A QO-360 60A 12 or 4 40
22.5 MPZ22T2F 725 FAL34070 70A QO-380 80A 18 or 6 60
30 MPZ30T2F 755 FAL34090 90A QO-3100 100A 24 or 8 80
Note: Boldface Catalog Numbers indicate in-stock transformers.

Special Purpose Transformers
Drive Isolation Transformers

Square D drive isolation transformers are designed for the spe-
cial requirements of ac and dc motor drives, and allow for high-
surge, harmonic, and offset currents. Drive isolation transform-
ers should not be confused with isolation transformers (see
Page 17). Drive isolation transformers reduce transient genera-
tion into a supply power and buffer SCR current surges.
The main function of drive isolation transformers is to provide
the following:
• Voltage Change — if necessary, these units adjust the
voltage to match the motor drive voltage requirements.
• Isolated Secondary Winding — normally the secondary
is grounded to a new isolated building ground to provide
greater insurance against drive “noise” coupling back into
Drive Isolation Transformer the primary system and affecting other equipment on the
same service.
• Reactive Buffer — tends to ease the rate of current
How to Order
change in the solid-state switching elements contained in
To complete the catalog number, select the voltage required the drive.
from the chart and insert the voltage code in place of the paren-
theses ( ) in the catalog number.
• Evaluated according to UL Standard 1561 for effects of
Voltage Code Primary Secondary harmonic heating.
142 230 Delta 230Y/132
143 230 Delta 460Y/265 • Designed for typical harmonics per IEEE 519-1992.
144 460 Delta 230Y/132
• Meets 4% minimum reactance for 150°C temperature rise
145 460 Delta 460Y/265
146 575 Delta 230Y/132 designs.
147 575 Delta 460Y/265 • Conforms to IEEE-597 Class B overload, which requires
150% of load for one minute per hour.
• Designed for the mechanical stress of dc drive current
• Designed for the thermal and mechanical stress of highly-
Three Phase 60 Hz cyclic process control applications.
Catalog Full Capacity Deg. C.
kVA Wt. (lbs.) Encl.c Wiringf
Number Taps Temp. Rise
7.5 7T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 180 17D 16
11 11T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 180 17D 16
15 15T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 190 17D 16
20 20T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 210 17D 16
27 27T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 250 17D 16
34 34T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 295 18D 16
40 40T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 350 18D 16
51 51T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 445 20D 16
63 63T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 465 20D 16
75 75T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 550 20D 16
93 93T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 845 22D 16
118 118T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 920 22D 16
145 145T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 1025 22D 16
175 175T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 1325 25D 16
220 220T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 1400 25D 16
275 275T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 1560 25D 16
330 300T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 1550 25D 16
440 440T( )HIDT 2—5%1+1- 150 1900 25D 16
550 550T( )HDIT 2—5%1+1- 150 2500 30D 16
Note: Transformers are in stock for voltage code 145 through 275kVA and voltage code 144 through 93kVA.
c For enclosure styles see Dimensions Table Page 27.
f See Wiring Diagrams Page 41.

Lug Kits

Transformer Lug Kits

VERSAtile® Compression Equipment Lugs – UL Listed

Transformer Terminal Lugs Hardware Included
Tool Type Kit Catalog Number
kVA Size and Phase Qty. Catalog Number Qty. Type
15-37.5 1-Phase 8 VCEL-021-14S1 8 .25" x 1" Cap Screws VCEL-SK1
15-45 3-Phase 5 VCEL030-516H1 1 .25" x 2" Cap Screws
50-75 1-Phase 8 .25" x 1" Cap Screws
13 VCEL030-516H1 VCEL-SK2
75-112.5 3-Phase 8 .25" x 2" Cap Screws
100-167 1-Phase 3 VCEL-030-516H1 3 .25" x .75" Cap Screws VCEL-SK3
150-300 3-Phase 26 VCEL-075-12H1 16 .37" x 2" Cap Screws
100-167 1-Phase 3 VCEL-030-516H1 3 .25" x 1" Cap Screws VCEL-SK3-050
150-300 3-Phase 26 VCEL-075-12H1 16 .37" x 2" Cap Screws
500 3-Phase 34 VCEL-075-12H1 21 .37" x 2" Cap Screws VCEL-SK4

Mechanical Set – Screw Type Lugs

Transformer Terminal Lugs Hardware Included
Kit Catalog Number
kVA Size Qty. Catalog Number Qty. Type
15-37.5 1-Phase 8 DA-2 9 .25" x .75" Cap Screws DA-SK1
15-45 3-Phase 5 DA-250
50-75 1-Phase 8 .25" x .75" Cap Screws
13 DA-250 DA-SK2
75-112.5 3-Phase 8 .25" x 1.75" Cap Screws
100-167 1-Phase 3 DA-250 3 .25" x .75" Cap Screws DA-SK3
150-300 3-Phase 26 DA600 16 .37" x 2" Cap Screws
500 3-Phase 34 DA-600 21 .37" x 2" Cap Screws DA-SK4

Enclosures and Accessories
Enclosure Dimensions and Accessories

Table 1: Enclosure Dimensions and Accessories

Enclosure Height Width Depth
Weathershield WallBracket
Mounting Ceiling Mount-
Number/Style IN mm IN mm IN mm ing Bracket
1 A 5 127 4.47 114 3.44 87 Wall — —
2 A 5.5 140 4.47 114 3.44 87 Wall — — —
3 A 5 127 4.85 123 3.75 95 Wall — — —
4 A 5.5 140 5.23 133 4.06 103 Wall — — —
5 A 6.19 157 6.19 157 4.69 119 Wall — — —
6 A 6.69 170 6.19 157 4.69 119 Wall — — —
7 A 8.13 270 6.94 176 5.31 135 Wall — — —
8 A 8.25 210 8.68 220 6.56 167 Wall — — —
9 A 9.56 243 8.68 220 6.56 167 Wall — — —
10 A 10.5 267 8.62 219 6.5 165 Wall — — —
11 A 12.56 319 8.62 219 6.5 165 Wall — — —
12 C 13.5 343 14.75 375 9 229 Wall — — —
13 B 14.75 375 9.75 248 11.75 298 Wall — — —
14 C 14.75 375 19.1 485 12.25 311 Wall — — —
15 B 20 508 15 381 13.5 343 Wall — — —
16 C 22 559 25 635 13.5 343 Wall — — —
D 27 686 20 508 16 406 Floor WS363 WMB361–362 CMB363
E 27 686 20 508 16 406 Floor N/A WMB361–362 CMB363
D 30 762 20 508 20 508 Floor WS363 WMB363–364 CMB363
E 30 762 20 508 20 508 Floor N/A WMB363–364 CMB363
D 30 762 30 762 20 508 Floor WS364 WMB363–364 CMB364
E 30 762 30 762 20 508 Floor N/A WMB363–364 CMB364
D 37 940 30 762 20 508 Floor WS364 WMB363–364 CMB364
E 37 940 30 762 20 508 Floor N/A WMB363–364 CMB364
D 37 940 30 762 24 610 Floor WS364 N/A CMB364
E 37 940 30 762 24 610 Floor N/A N/A CMB364
D 43.75 1111 32 813 27 686 Floor WS380 N/A CMB380
E 43.75 1111 32 813 27 686 Floor N/A N/A CMB380
D 48 1219 48 1219 29.5 749 Floor WS368 N/A N/A
E 48 1219 48 1219 29.5 749 Floor N/A N/A N/A
D 49.5 1257 35 889 28.5 724 Floor WS381 N/A CMB381
E 49.5 1257 35 889 28.5 724 Floor N/A N/A CMB381
D 49.5 1257 41 1041 32 813 Floor WS382 N/A N/A
E 49.5 1257 41 1041 32 813 Floor N/A N/A N/A
D 57.5 1461 41 1041 32 813 Floor WS382 N/A N/A
E 57.5 1461 41 1041 32 813 Floor N/A N/A N/A
D 58 1473 48 1219 29.5 749 Floor WS368 N/A N/A
E 58 1473 48 1219 29.5 749 Floor N/A N/A N/A
D 60 1524 56 1422 36 914 Floor WS370A N/A N/A
E 60 1524 56 1422 36 914 Floor N/A N/A N/A
D 68 1727 56 1422 36 914 Floor WS370A N/A N/A
E 68 1727 56 1422 36 914 Floor N/A N/A N/A
D 71 1803 48 1219 36 914 Floor WS383 N/A N/A
E 71 1803 48 1219 36 914 Floor N/A N/A N/A
D 74 1880 56 1422 40.5 1029 Floor WS384 N/A N/A
E 74 1880 56 1422 40.5 1029 Floor N/A N/A N/A
32 F 91.5 2324 56 1422 54 1372 Floor N/A N/A N/A
33 F 91.5 2324 72 1829 54 1372 Floor N/A N/A N/A
34 F 91.5 2324 84 2134 54 1372 Floor N/A N/A N/A

Enclosures and Accessories
Enclosure Style and Accessories

Enclosure Style A Enclosure Style B Enclosure Style C

Enclosure Style D Enclosure Style E

Enclosure Style F Transformer with Added Weathershield

Other Transformer Products
Control Power Transformers

Application • Secondary fuse protection kits — are available for 25-

Square D manufactures three lines of general purpose control 750 VA standard and 50-1000 VA for high efficiency. Indi-
power transformers, a high-efficiency line, a standard line, and cated as type S if factory installed or AP if field installed.
an international line. All three lines are specifically designed to • Shorting bars — for interconnnecting terminals of dual-
handle high inrush associated with contactors and relays for voltage transformers are included, extras available in sepa-
applications such as conveyor systems, paint lines, punch rate kits. Indicated as type SB.
presses, or overhead cranes. • Special sizes and voltage combinations are available.
Type T and TF control power transformers, designed for interna- • Transformer kits — for factory or field installation in combi-
tional markets, are rated for 50/60 Hz. They are the best choice nation starters. Indicated as type GO or GFT.
when size and cost are of concern for 50-1000 VA and when Enhancements for Type T and TF Line Only
products need to meet the CE mark for international standards. • Fingersafe® Covers — snap on to meet CE requirements
The Type T, like the Type K, also offers various temperature (FSC-1 50-200 VA, FSC-2 250-1000 VA, and FSC-23 spe-
classes: cial 6 terminal applications)
• 50-150 VA with a 55°C Temperature Rise • Fuse Pullers Kit — offers finger protection from fuse block
• 200-350 VA with a 80°C Temperature Rise for CE requirements and facilitates every fuse change out.
• 500-1000 VA with a 115°C Temperature Rise (FP-1)
• Secondary Fuse Protection Kits — now available field-
Separate Fingersafe® accessory kits may be purchased and installable. Indicated as SF type.
installed to meet EN60-742 for CE approval. The Type T and TF
line meets requirements of UL, CSA, CE, and NOM. They are Regulation
UL Listed under E61239, Guide XPTQ2, CSA certified under Class 9070 transformers are designed with low impedance wind-
LR37055, Guide 184-N-90, CE marked under EN60742, and ings for excellence voltage regulation. This allows Class 9070
NOM117. transformers to accommodate the high momentary inrush cur-
rent caused when electromechanical devices such as contac-
The standard line, Type K (1000-5000 VA) transformers, are the
tors, relays and solenoids are energized. The secondary voltage
best choice if size and cost are of concern. These standard
drop between no load and momentary overload is low, helping to
units use the most advanced insulating materials, making it
assure satisfactory operation of magnetic components.
possible to offer the advantages of different temperature
classes: Selection Guide
1. Determine inrush and sealed VA of each coil in the control
• 50 VA- 250 VA with a 55˚C Temperature Rise
• 300 VA- 350 VA with a 80˚C Temperature Rise
2. Total the sealed VA of all coils.
• 500 VA - 5000 VA with a 115˚C Temperature Rise
3. Total the inrush VA of all coils at 100% secondary voltage.
Type K control transformers are UL Listed under UL File Add this value to the total sealed VA present (if any) when
No.E61239, Guide XPTQ2 and CSA certified under CSA File inrush occurs.
No. LR37055, Guide 184–N–90. The standard line includes 4. If the supply voltage is stable and varies no more than ±5%,
Type KF designed with a top-mounted fuse block to accommo- refer to the 90% secondary voltage column. If the voltage
date two primary Class CC time delay fuses and one second- varies as much as ±10%, use the 95% voltage column.
ary 1.5" x 13/32" size fuse. 5. Using the regulation chart, select a transformer:
Type E control transformers are high-efficiency units with a A. With a continuous VA rating equal to or greater than the
55˚C temperature rise. This is the best choice when low heat value obtained in step 2
contribution is required. These high-efficiency units provide B. With a maximum inrush VA equal to or greater than the
extra regulation and lower energy losses. Type E control trans- value obtained in step 3
formers are UL listed under File E61239 and also CSA certified Regulation Chart — Inrush VA@ 30% Power Factor
under File No.LR37055, Guide 184–N–90. 95% Secondary 90% Secondary 85% Secondary
Voltage Voltage Voltage
All Square D control transformers are copper-wound, vacuum VA
Type Type Type T
impregnated with varnish and fully tested in strict compliance Type E Type K Type T Type E Type K Type T
with ANSI, CSA, and UL codes. Windings are additive polarity. 25 72 N/A 161 109 N/A 221 131 N/A 281
50 171 161 161 235 221 221 299 281 281
Jumper cables are supplied with each transformer. 75 327 244 244 390 337 337 554 437 437
100 382 307 307 553 440 440 722 575 575
Enhancements for Special Applications 150 468 521 521 735 765 765 997 1014 1014
200 1065 1065 759 1538 1538 1060 2163 2163 1369
The standard, high-efficiency, and international models all have 250 1290 1290 1190 1949 1949 1660 2680 2680 2120
300 1700 1237 1335 2489 1775 1845 3384 2299 2350
designs adapted to meet the needs of special applications: 350 2500 1480 1610 4115 2104 2270 5393 2712 2910
500 3600 1836 2650 4836 2651 3500 6900 3441 4340
• Top-mounted fuse block —indicated as type KF, TF, or 750 6250 3482 3270 8583 5042 4895 13183 6564 6530
EOF. 1000 8750 4244 5350 13275 6345 7675 19462 8388 9935
1500 16500 10023 N/A 22863 14735 N/A 35378 19304 N/A
• Leads — instead of terminal boards, are available on lim- 2000 24300 12744 N/A 36688 19202 N/A 54737 25450 N/A
3000 28900 18176 N/A 44789 28096 N/A 98007 37797 N/A
ited sizes. Indicated as type KL or EL. 5000 78500 29868 N/A 116406 48349 N/A 187579 66541 N/A

Other Transformer Products
Control Power Transformers
Type T, Type K

Type T
• Rated for IEC, UL, CSA and NOM D
• Tri-lingual markings (English, Spanish and French)
• Fingersafe® cover accessories allow OEMs to apply “CE”
mark on their machinery C
• Declaration of Conformity to EN60 742
• All the Features of the Type K


9070T150D1 Figure 1

Type T D1= 240/480V-120V, 230/460V-115V, 220/440V-110V, 50/60 Hz Type T

Type & Type &
UL VA IEC VA Dim./Accs. UL VA IEC VA Dim./Accs.
Voltage Voltage Code
Rating Rating Codef Rating Rating Codef
Codeq (D18, 20, 32)
T25D1 25 25 T1 T25 25 25 T2
T50D1 50 50 T1 T50 50 50 T2
T75D1 75 75 T2 T75 75 75 T4
T100D1 100 100 T3 T100 100 100 T4
T150D1 150 150 T4 T150 150 150 T5
T200D1 200 200 T5 T200 200 200 T7
T250D1 250 160 T6 T250 250 160 T8
T300D1 300 200 T7 T300 300 200 T8
T350D1 350 250 T8 T350 350 250 T9
T500D1 500 300 T9 T500 500 300 T10
T750D1 750 500 T10 T750 750 500 T11
T1000D1 1000 630 T11 T1000 1000 630 N/A
q The following voltage codes will have the same dimensions as their respective VA sizes from the D1 codes: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D12, D13, D14, D15, D23, D31, D33.
f See table below for dimensions.

Type T
Type & Dimensions – See Figure 1 Terminal Wt.
Voltage Slot
A B C Da E F Covers (lbs)
T1 3.09 3.00 2.58 3.84 2.00 2.50 FSC-1 .20 x .38 2.6
T2 3.34 3.38 2.89 4.09 2.38 2.81 FSC-1 .20 x .48 3.6
T3 3.34 3.38 2.89 4.09 2.38 2.81 FSC-1 .20 x .48 3.6
T4 3.59 3.75 3.20 4.34 2.88 3.13 FSC-1 .20 x .38 5.1
T5 3.59 3.75 3.20 4.34 2.88 3.13 FSC-1 .20 x .38 5.1
T6 5.25 3.75 3.25 6.05 2.88 3.13 FSC-2 .20 x .38 7.3
T7 4.70 4.50 3.80 5.50 2.56 3.75 FSC-2 .20 x .38 8.6
T8 5.09 4.50 3.80 5.89 3.00 3.75 FSC-2 .20 x .38 9.9
T9 5.46 4.50 3.80 6.26 3.56 3.75 FSC-2 .20 x .38 11.5
T10 5.66 5.25 4.43 6.46 3.43 4.38 FSC-2 .28 x .56 16.9
T11 6.04 5.25 4.43 6.84 4.31 4.38 FSC-2 .28 x .56 19.3
a Width dimensions with fingersafe covers on.

Type K
• Vacuum Impregnated
• Flexible Mounting Plates
• Copper magnet wire
Type K, Standard Single Phase D1=240/480V-120V, 230/460V-115V, 220/440V-110V, 50/60 Hz
Type and Dimensions — See Figure 1
Voltage VA Weight
Code A B C E F Slot
K50D1 50 3.09 3.00 2.58 2.00 2.50 .20 x .38 2.6
K75D1 75 3.34 3.38 2.89 2.38 2.81 .20 x .48 3.2
K100D1 100 3.34 3.38 2.89 2.38 2.81 .20 x .48 3.6
K150D1 150 3.59 3.75 3.20 2.88 3.13 .20 x .48 5.1
K200D1 200 4.81 4.50 3.75 2.50 3.75 .20 x .38 7.8
K250D1 250 5.19 4.50 3.75 2.88 3.75 .20 x .38 9.2
K300D1 300 4.88 4.50 3.75 2.56 3.75 .20 x .38 8.0
K350D1 350 5.31 4.50 3.75 3.00 3.75 .20 x .38 10.0
K500D1 500 5.88 4.50 3.75 3.56 3.75 .20 x .38 12.2
K750D1 750 5.56 5.25 4.38 3.44 4.38 .28 x .41 15.4
K1000D1 1000 6.50 5.25 4.38 4.31 4.38 .28 x .41 20.3
K1500D1 1500 6.62 7.06 6.56 4.13 5.81 .28 x .56 30.0
K2000D1 2000 6.94 7.06 6.56 4.44 5.81 .28 x .56 35.0
K3000D1 3000 7.91 9.00 9.50 4.63 7.63 .44 x .69 52.0
K5000D1 5000 9.63 9.00 9.50 6.56 7.63 .44 x .69 84.0
Types shown in bold type are normally stocked items.
a The following voltage codes will have the same dimension as their respective VA sizes from the D1 codes: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D12, D13, D14, D15, D23, D31, D33.

Other Transformer Products
Control Power Transformers
Type TF and Type KF

Type TF and KF
Type TF KF transformers can help panel builders and machin- B
ery OEMs comply with the revised UL Standard 508 and NEC A
450. The primary fuse clips accommodate Class CC time delay,
rejection type fuses. The secondary fuse clips use a midget G
1.5" x 13/32") fuse. Type TF and KF transformers help to free up C

space, reduce labor and additional costs associated with pur-

chasing, stocking and installing separate fuse blocks. The Type
TF transformers, with the use of the Fingersafe® cover accesso-
ries and fuse pullers, comply with “CE” requirements.

9070TF150D1 Figure 2

Type TF (with top mounted fuse block) D1=240/480V-120V, 50/60 Hz Type TF (with top mounted fuse block)
Type & Type &
UL VA IEC VA Dim./Accs. UL VA IEC VA Dim./Accs.
Voltage Voltage Code
Rating Rating Codef Rating Rating Codef
Codeq (D18, 20, 32)
TF25D1 25 25 TF1 TF25 25 25 TF2
TF50D1 50 50 TF1 TF50 50 50 TF2
TF75D1 75 75 T2F TF75 75 75 TF4
TF100D1 100 100 TF3 TF100 100 100 TF4
TF150D1 150 150 TF4 TF150 150 150 TF5
TF200D1 200 200 TF5 TF200 200 200 TF7
TF250D1 250 160 TF6 TF250 250 160 TF8
TF300D1 300 200 TF7 TF300 300 200 TF8
TF350D1 350 250 TF8 TF350 350 250 TF9
TF500D1 500 300 TF9 TF500 500 300 TF10
TF750D1 750 500 TF10 TF750 750 500 TF11
TF1000D1 1000 630 TF11 TF1000 1000 630 N/A
q The following voltage codes will have the same dimensions as their respective VA sizes from the D1 codes: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D12, D13, D14, D15, D23, D31, D33.
f See table below for dimensions.
Type TF
Type & Dimensions — See Figure 2 Terminal Wt.
Voltage Slot
A B C Da E F Gc Covers (lbs)
T1 3.09 3.00 4.00 3.84 2.00 2.50 4.20 FSC-1 .20 x .38 2.9
T2 3.34 3.38 4.25 4.09 2.38 2.81 4.45 FSC-1 .20 x .48 3.9
T3 3.34 3.38 4.25 4.09 2.38 2.81 4.45 FSC-1 .20 x .48 3.9
T4 3.59 3.75 4.55 4.34 2.88 3.13 4.75 FSC-1 .20 x .38 5.4
T5 3.59 3.75 4.55 4.34 2.88 3.13 4.75 FSC-1 .20 x .38 5.4
T6 5.25 3.75 4.55 6.05 2.88 3.13 4.75 FSC-2 .20 x .38 7.6
T7 4.70 4.50 5.10 5.50 2.56 3.75 5.30 FSC-2 .20 x .38 8.9
T8 5.09 4.50 5.10 5.89 3.00 3.75 5.30 FSC-2 .20 x .38 10.2
T9 5.46 4.50 5.10 6.26 3.56 3.75 5.30 FSC-2 .20 x .38 11.8
T10 5.66 5.25 5.73 6.46 3.43 4.38 5.93 FSC-2 .28 x .56 17.2
T11 6.04 5.25 5.73 6.84 4.31 4.38 5.93 FSC-2 .28 x .56 19.6
a Width dimensions with fingersafe covers on.
c Height dimensions with fingersafe covers on.
Type KF D1=240/480V-120V, 50/60 Hz
Type and VA Dimensions — See Figure 2
Voltage Weight
Code 60 Hz A B C E F Slot
KF50D1 50 3.09 3.00 3.87 2.00 2.50 .20 x .38 2.9
KF75D1 75 3.34 3.38 4.19 2.38 2.81 .20 x .48 3.5
KF100D1 100 3.34 3.38 4.19 2.38 2.81 .20 x .48 3.9
KF150D1 150 3.59 3.75 4.50 2.88 3.13 .20 x .38 5.4
KF200D1 200 4.81 4.50 5.06 2.50 3.75 .20 x .38 8.1
KF250D1 250 5.19 4.50 5.06 2.88 3.75 .20 x .38 9.5
KF300D1 300 4.88 4.50 5.06 2.56 3.75 .20 x .38 8.3
KF350D1 350 5.31 4.50 5.06 3.00 3.75 .20 x .38 10.3
KF500D1 500 5.88 4.50 5.06 3.56 3.75 .20 x .38 12.5
KF750D1 750 5.56 5.25 5.69 3.44 4.38 .28 x .41 15.7
KF1000D1 1000 6.50 5.25 5.69 4.31 4.38 .28 x .41 20.6
a The following voltage codes will have the same dimension as their respective VA sizes from the D1 codes: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D12, D13, D14, D15, D23, D31, D33.

Other Transformer Products
Control Power Transformers

Type E D1=240/480V-120V
VA Dimensions — See Figure 3 Dim./
Type Weight Accessory
60 Hz 50 Hz A B C E F Slot Codea
EO17D1 25 25 3.31 3.00 2.50 1.75 2.50 .20 x .38 1.9 EF1
EO1D1 50 35 3.31 3.00 2.50 2.00 2.50 .20 x .38 2.2 EF2
EO18D1 75 75 3.78 3.38 2.81 2.19 2.81 .20 x .38 3.5 EF3
EO2D1 100 70 3.78 3.38 2.81 2.38 2.81 .20 x .38 3.8 EF4
EO3D1 150 120 4.44 3.75 3.13 2.88 3.13 .20 x .38 6.0 EF5
EO4D1 300 240 5.56 4.50 3.75 3.25 3.75 .20 x .38 10.5 EF6
EO16D1 350 280 6.19 4.50 3.75 3.81 3.75 .20 x .38 13.2 EF7
EO51D1 500 400 6.56 5.25 4.38 3.81 4.38 .28 x .41 17.2 EF8
EO61D1 750 500 7.94 5.25 4.38 5.13 4.38 .28 x .41 24.5 EF9
EO71D1 1000 900 7.94 6.00 5.00 4.75 5.00 .28 x .63 30.5 EF10
EO81D1 1500 1300 8.59 7.06 6.03 5.88 5.81 .44 x .69 45.0 EF11
EO91D1 2000 1800 9.22 7.06 6.03 6.50 5.81 .44 x .69 56.0 EF12
EO10D1 3000 3000 9.44 9.00 8.38 5.88 7.63 .44 x .69 72.0 EF13
EO11D1 5000 5000 12.06 9.00 8.38 8.50 7.63 .44 x .69 115.0 EF14
a The following voltage codes will have the same dimension as their respective VA sizes from the D1 codes: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D12, D13, D14, D15, D23, D31, D33.

Cross Referencea
B EO1 K50
EO18 K75
EO2 K100
EO3 K150
EO19 K200
EO15 K250
EO4 K300

EO16 K350
EO51 K500

Figure 3 EO61 K750

EO71 K1000
EO81 K1500
EO91 K2000
EO10 K3000
EO11 K5000
Type EO3D1 a Cross reference is for VA size only. Type E is not directly replaceable by Type
K in all sizes. Please compare dimensions.
Type T Field Installable Accessories
Part No. Description Notes
3 pullers/kit, 10 kit minimum, available in bulk packaging of 150 pullers
FP-1 Fuse puller Kit, used on all TF units by adding a B to the end of the catalog number.
FSC-1 Finger-protected cover kit to be used on 25VA to 200VA 2 covers/kit, 10 kit minimum, available in bulk packaging of 100 covers
FSC-2 Finger-protected cover kit to be used on 250VA to 1000VA by adding a B to the end of the catalog number.
Finger-protected cover kit to be used with all VAs
FSC-23 2 covers/kit, 1 kit minimum.
with voltage codes D19, D35, D40 or D41
SF25A t Secondary fuse block kit to be used on 25VA to 200VA Accommodates 11⁄4" x 13⁄32" size fuse.
SF25B t Secondary fuse block kit to be used on 250VA to 1000VA
SF41A t Secondary fuse block kit to be used on 25VA to 200VA Accommodates a midget 11⁄2" x 13⁄32" size fuse.
SF41B t Secondary fuse block kit to be used on 250VA to 1000VA
FB-1Ak 1-Pole non-rejection fuse block, and FSC-1 Accommodates a 11⁄2" x 13⁄32" size fuse.
FB-1Bk 1-Pole non-rejection fuse block, and FSC-2
FB-2Ak 2-Pole non-rejection fuse block, and FSC-1 Accommodates a 11⁄2" x 13⁄32" size fuse.
FB-2Bk 2-Pole non-rejection fuse block, and FSC-2
FB-3Ak 3-Pole, 2 rejection and 1 non-rejection fuse block, and FSC-1 Accommodates a 11⁄2" x 13⁄32" size fuse.
FB-3Bk 3-Pole, 2 rejection and 1 non-rejection fuse block, and FSC-2
t Cannot be used when CE is required, can also be factory installed by adding to end of catalog number, i.e. 9070T50D1SF25.
k Can be used with the FP-1 and one additional cover to meet CE requirements.

Other Field Installable Secondary Fusing

Part No. Description
AP1 2" x 9⁄16" fuse size used on Type EO, 25 to 500VA; Type K, 50 to 500VA; and Type T 25 to 500VA
AP2 11⁄4" x 1⁄4" fuse size used on Type EO, 25 to 350VA; Type K, 50 to 500VA; and Type T 25 to 500VA
AP3 11⁄4" x 1⁄4" fuse size used on Type EO, 25 to 150VA and Type K, 50 to 150VA i
AP4 11⁄4" x 1⁄4" fuse size used on Type EO, 200 to 750VA and Type K, 200 to 1000VA
i Use AP4 kit for 9070K150D18, D19, D20 and D32.

Other Transformer Products
Control Power Transformers

Voltage Codes for Wiring Diagrams Ordering Information

Voltage Circuit Example Class Type
Primary-Secondary Voltage
Code Diagram
9070 T F 50 D1
D1 230/460-115 2
240/480-120 Type T or K
D2 240/480-24 2 Control Transformer
D3 208-120 1
D4 277-120 1 With top mounted
fuse block
D5 575-115 1 VA Size
600-120 50VA 200VA 500VA
75VA 250VA 750VA
D6 380-110 1 100VA 300VA 1000VA
150VA 350VA
D8 k 230-115 1
Voltage Codes
440-110 D1 – 240/480-120V
D9 k 460-115 1 D2 – 240/480-24V
480-120 D3 – 280-120V
D4 – 277-120V
440-220 D5 – 600-120V
D12 460-230 1 D23 – 120/240-24V
D13 120-12/24 7
Wiring Diagrams
D14 208-24 1
D15 240/480-24/120 5
Circuit diagrams below represent transformer connection con-
D16 600-24 1
figuration for voltage codes listed below. Specific voltage
D17 415-110 1
arrangements are included on the label of each control trans-
D18 208/277/380-95/115 32
D19 a 208/240/277/380/480-24 20 C.D. Wiring Diagram Price Sec
D20 208/230/460-115 13 H1 H2
1 Single V. Single V.
D22 480-277 1 X2 X1
H1 H3 H2 H4
D23 120/240-24 2
2 Dual V. Single V.
X2 X1
D24 115-115 1 H1 H2 H3
120-120 3 With 1 Tap Single V.
X2 X1
D25 277-24 1 H1 H2
D26 208/240/416/480-120 ... 4 Single V. With 1 Tap
X3 X2 X1
D27 208/240/480-120 13 H1 H3 H2 H4
5 Dual V. With 1 Tap
220/440-110/220 X3 X2 X1
D31 230/460-115/230 5 H1 H2
240/480-120/240 7 Single V. Dual V.
X4 X2 X3 X1
H1 H3 H2 H4
D32 230/460/575-95/115 32
240/480/600-100/120 8 Dual V. Dual V.
X4 X2 X3 X1

D33 380/400/415-115/230 21 H1 H2 H3 H4
13 With 2 Tap Single V.
D34 208/480/575-120 13 X2 X1

D35 a 208/230/380/440/460-110/115 ... H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6

20 With 4 Tap Single V.
D36 600-12/24 7 X2 X1
H1 H2 H3 H4
D37 600-120/240 7 21 With 2 Tap Dual V.
X4 X2 X3 X1
D38 240/480-12 2
H1 H2 H3 H4
D39 208/380/416-95/115 32 32 With 2 Tap With 1 Tap
X3 X2 X1
D40 a 208/240/380/416/480-120 ...
D41 a 208/230/400/440/460-110/115 ...
k Use Codes D8 and D9 on transformers with leads only. On other requests
with these voltages please use the stocked Code D1.
a Use Finger-protected cover kit FSC-23.

Other Transformer Products
Open Core and Coil


Figure 1


Dry Type Open Core and Coil

E E Max.
Figure 2
Max. The compact space-saving design of Square D’s open core and coil
C dry type transformers can be used in general applications. Additional
features of open core and coil transformers include:
• Class 220°C insulation with 150° temperature rise.
A • Aluminum windings
• Top terminated
Available in single phase from 5-75 kVA and 3-phase from
9-112.5 kVA
E E B • UL component recognized
Figure 3

Single Phase
Catalog Full Capacity Dimensions (IN) Wt. Wiring
kVA Figure
Number Taps A B C D E F G (lbs) f
240x480 Volts Primary
120/240 Volts Secondary 60 Hz
5 5S1HFOCk None 8.0 9.0 11.0 8.0 7.75 — — 66 1 1
7.5 7S1HOC None 8.0 9.0 14.25 8.0 8.50 — — 80 1 1
10 10S1HOC None 8.0 9.0 14.25 8.0 8.50 — — 100 1 1
15 15S1HOC None 16.0 16.5 12.5 13.0 4.50 6.5 6.0 110 1 2
25 25S3HOC 6—2.5%2+4-q 16.0 16.5 13.0 13.0 4.50 7.0 6.0 120 3 2
37.5 37S3HOC 6—2.5%2+4-q 19.0 16.5 16.0 13.0 5.50 9.5 6.5 230 3 2
50 50S3HOC 6—2.5%2+4-q 19.0 18.0 17.0 13.0 6.50 9.5 6.5 260 3 2
75 75S3HOC 6—2.5%2+4-q 19.0 18.0 17.0 13.0 6.50 9.5 7.5 335 3 2

Three Phase 60 Hz
Catalog Dimensions (IN) – See Figure 3 Wt.
kVA How to Order Three Phase
Number A B C D E F G (lbs)
9 9T( )HOC 13.0 18.0 12.5 16.0 4.0 6.5 6.0 120
15 15T( )HOC 13.0 18.0 12.5 16.0 4.0 6.5 6.0 120
To complete the catalog number, select the
30 30T( )HOC 16.0 18.0 12.5 16.0 4.5 6.5 6.0 170 voltage required from Table 1 and insert
45 45T( )HOC 16.0 18.0 16.0 16.0 4.5 8.5 7.5 260 the voltage code in place of the parentheses
75 75T( )HOC 19.5 21.0 16.0 16.0 6.5 8.5 7.5 365 ( ) in the catalog number.
112.5 112T( )HOC 19.5 21.0 19.5 16.0 8.0 9.0 10.5 565

Table 1
Voltage Primary Secondary Full Capacity Wiring
Code Voltage Voltage Tapsa f
12 240 Delta 208Y/120 4-2.5% 2+2- 11
3 480 Delta 208Y/120 6-2.5% 2+4- 10
8 600 Delta 208Y/120 4-2.5% FCBN 11
k 115°C temperature rise
f See Wiring Diagrams, Page 41.
q When 240V connection is used there will be 3-5% taps, 1 above and 2 below 240 volts.
a FCBN full capacity taps below normal where noted.

Other Transformer Products
Motor Starting Autotransformers

Square D motor starting autotransformers offer a space-saving
design for medium-duty motor starting service. Features of
open core and coil transformers include:
• Class 220°C insulation
• Available in two-coil and three-coil designs
• 10-400 Horse Power
• 50%, 65%, 80%, 100% Taps
How to Order
To complete the catalog number, select the voltage required
Motor Starting Autotransformer from Table 1 and insert the voltage code in place of the paren-
theses ( ) in the catalog number.

Table 1 Voltage Codes

Voltage Code Primary Voltage
200 208
201 240
202 480
203 600

Two-Coil Motor Starting Autotransformer 60 Hz

Horse Catalog Dimensions (IN) - See Figure 1 Weight Fig. C B
Power Number A B C D E (lbs)
10 MSA10T( )H2 7.5 10.5 8.0 9.0 6.0 45 1
20 MSA20T( )H2 7.5 10.5 8.0 9.0 6.0 45 1
30 MSA30T( )H2 7.5 10.5 10.0 9.0 7.5 65 1
50 MSA50T( )H2 7.5 10.5 10.0 9.0 7.5 65 1
75 MSA75T( )H2 8.5 12.25 10.25 9.0 7.5 95 1
100 MSA100T( )H2 8.5 12.25 10.25 9.0 7.5 95 1 E D
125 MSA125T( )H2 11.0 14.5 10.5 9.0 7.5 125 1 7/16" Dia. Mounting Holes (4)
(10 hp - 50 hp)
150 MSA150T( )H2 11.0 14.5 10.5 9.0 7.5 125 1 9/16" Dia. Mounting Holes (4)
75 hp - 400 hp)
200 MSA200T( )H2 11.0 14.5 10.5 9.0 7.5 145 1
250 MSA250T( )H2 14.25 17.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 160 1 Figure 1
Two-Coil Autotransformer
300 MSA300T( )H2 14.25 17.0 12.25 9.0 9.0 180 1
400 MSA400T( )H2 16.0 19.25 13.0 9.0 9.0 225 1

Three-Coil Motor Starting Autotransformer 60 Hz

Dimensions (IN) - See Figure 2 C B
Horse Catalog Weight Fig.
Power Number A B C D E (lbs)
10 MSA10T( )H3 7.5 10.5 7.0 9.0 4.0 37 2
20 MSA20T( )H3 7.5 10.5 7.0 9.0 4.0 37 2
30 MSA30T( )H3 8.25 13.0 7.25 9.0 6.0 55 2
50 MSA50T( )H3 8.25 13.0 7.25 9.0 6.0 55 2
75 MSA75T( )H3 12.0 14.5 9.5 9.0 7.25 85 2
100 MSA100T( )H3 12.0 14.5 9.5 9.0 7.25 85 2 E 1/2 x 7/8" D
125 MSA125T( )H3 12.0 14.5 9.5 9.0 7.25 135 2 Mounting Slots (4)

150 MSA150T( )H3 14.0 15.5 10.0 9.0 7.5 135 2 Figure 2
Three-Coil Autotransformer
200 MSA200T( )H3 14.0 15.5 10.0 9.0 7.5 135 2
250 MSA250T( )H3 14.0 15.5 10.5 9.0 7.62 145 2
300 MSA300T( )H3 14.0 15.5 10.5 9.0 9.12 210 2
400 MSA400T( )H3 14.75 18.25 12.0 9.0 9.12 230 2

Other Transformer Products
Transformer Disconnects

Transformer disconnects mount inside or outside a control sys-
tem enclosure and provide power to auxiliary single-phase
loads when the main three-phase disconnect is either “on” or
“off”. The transformer disconnect is normally wired to the line
side of the control panel's main disconnect. This convenient
source of 120 volt power can be used for auxiliary or isolated
loads, such as panel lighting, portable power tools, and pro-
grammable controller equipment.
Standard Features
The standard NEMA Type 1 enclosure is lockable for general
purpose applications. The disconnect switch is rated at 45
amperes, 600 volts and has an external handle mechanically
interlocked with the enclosure cover. The handle can lock in the
Transformer Disconnects
“off” position. A standard fused and grounded transformer sec-
How to Order
ondary is also included.
To Order Specify: Catalog Number
Primary fuse holders and secondary fuse holders for branch • Class No. 9070
VA Enclosure(s) Factory
• Type Number Class Type# Voltage
circuit protection are standard, complying with National Electri- Rating Modification
• VA Rating
cal Code requirements (two Class CC rejection-type fuse hold- • Enclosure 9070 SK 1000 G1 P1 230/460-115
ers are supplied on the primary). • Factory Modifications
• Voltage
Square D offers two models of transformer disconnects:
• Model MN — Mini disconnect has a smaller enclosure with Cross Reference
a pre-drilled standard outlet hole. (100 through 500VA) Old Square D Number New Square D Number
• Model SK — Standard disconnect is available in small and SK5271M MN100GOD1
SK5271N MN250GOD1
large sizes (250 through 3000VA). SK5271Q, R SK250G1D1
Standard features for both models include: SK5271S, J SK500G1D1
SK5271T, K SK750G1D1
• UL Listed: File E137621. NEMA Type 1 & 12 enclosures.
SK5271U SK1000G1D1
• CSA Certified: File LR37055. NEMA 1 enclosures only. SK5271V SK1500G2D1
• Disconnect Switch — Rated at 600V, 45A. Short-circuit SK5271W SK2000G2D1
withstand integrated rating of 100,000A when protected by SK5271X SK3000G2D1
Class CC fuses.
NEMA Type 1 Rated Transformer Disconnect
• Enclosure — NEMA Type 1 Rated. 230/460 – 115V, 50/60Hz, Standard
• Type KF or TF Transformer — A Square D 230/460-115V Catalog Number Transformer Continuous VA Enclosure Size
Control Power Transformer provided with a top mounted MN100G0D1 100 0
fuse block that accepts two Class CC time delay primary MN250G0D1 250 0
fuses and one secondary fuse 11⁄2 in. x 13⁄32 in. MN500G0D1 500 0
SK250G1D1 250 1
• Knockouts — Conveniently located. SK500G1D1 500 1
• Ground Terminal. SK750G1D1 750 1
• Flanges — External mounting flanges with slotted holes SK1000G1D1 1000 1
provided for “hook and hang” mounting. SK1500G2D1 1500 2
SK2000G2D1 2000 2
• 90° Access Cover Stop.
SK3000G2D1 3000 2
• Wide variety of units are stocked.
NEMA Type 12 Rated Transformer Disconnectt
Variations of Standard SK Model 230/460 – 115V, 50/60Hz
The SK Model can have the following factory modifications Catalog Number VA
(See Factory Modifications Table, Page 37): SK250A2D1 250
SK500A2D1 500
• Add one or two outlet receptacles, either duplex, ground SK750A2D1 750
fault protected, or twist-lock. SK1000A2D1 1000
• Substitute a 55°C rise high efficiency transformer or a SK1500A2D1 1500
shielded transformer. SK2000A2D1 2000
SK3000A2D1 3000
• Add a red warning pilot light.
t Rated NEMA Type 3R by adding form N3.
• Add an additional secondary fuse.
• Replace standard primary fuse blocks with 5 inch Class “R”
fuse blocks.
• Substitute special voltage transformers.

Other Transformer Products
Transformer Disconnnects

Fusing – Now Standard in Type MN & SK Units L1 L2 L3
Standard fuse holders accommodate: OFF
2 Primary 11⁄2 in. x 13⁄32 in. Class CC rejection-type ON
1 Secondary 11/2 in. x 13/32 FU FU
1 2
Factory Modifications for NEMA Type 1 and NEMA Type 12 460V 230V
Rated Transformer Disconnectp E23 H1 H3 H2 H4
H1 H3 H2 H4
Model Available on
Modification Optional
No. Sizes Connection
G13q Duplex Receptacle, Door-Mounted G0,G1,G2 & A2 X1 X2

G14qa Class A Ground Fault Protected Receptacle, G0,G1,G2 & A2 R

Door-Mounted Power
G15q Twist-Lock Receptacle, Door-Mounted G1 & G2
G16q Two Duplex Receptacles, Door-Mounted G2 & A2 FU FU FU
3 5 4
E23c Electrostatically-Shielded Transformer G0,G1,G2 & A2 X2A
P1 “ON” Red Warning Pilot Light G1,G2 & A2 X1B X2B
F11 Optional
Cf 55°C Rise Transformer G1,G2 & A2
G13, G14, G15, G16
F11c Additional Fusible Secondary Circuit G0,G1,G2 & A2 F30 - Not Shown on Drawing
F30 Replace Standard 13⁄32 in. x 11⁄2 in. Class CC G2 & A2
Primary Fuse Holders with 13⁄16 in. x 5 in. D
Primary Fuse Holders A
N3 Convert NEMA Type 12 to NEMA Type 3R A2
Special Voltages (see voltage chart) G0, G1,G2,A2
Note: If either Model No. F30 or G16, or the combination of Model No. E23 C ON E
and F11 are ordered on SK250G1 through SK1000G1, the Size 2 enclosure
must be supplied. Therefore, the catalog numbers change to SK2501000G2
and a list price adder will apply.
q Not available with other receptacle options.
k Consult factory for inrush data. 1/2"- 3/4"
c E23 and F11 not available together in Size 1 enclosure. Knockouts
a Must specify if CSA required. 90°
f 55° rise transformer is standard in MN100G0, MN250G0, and SK250G1
units. Form “C” is not available on 3000VA units. G I
p Mini enclosure is limited to only one modification, restricted to E23, F11,
G13, or G14.
Voltage Codes
Voltage Primary Secondary Enclosure Type
Code Voltage Voltage H 1/2"- 3/4" Conduit G0, G1, G2

220/440 110
D1 230/460 115 D
240/480 120
D3 208 120
D4 277 120
550 110 J E
D5 575 115
600 120
D6 380 110
D17 415 110
110 110 90°
D24 115 115 K
120 120
Please Contact Local Square D Field Office for other Voltages

H B Type A

A B C D E F G H I J K (DIA.)
IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm
G0 10.30 261 2.00 51 2.65 67 11.30 286 7.00 177 7.81 198 15.25 386 2.09 53 0.32 8 1.00 25 ... ...
G1 10.80 274 1.70 43 6.00 152 11.80 300 9.40 239 8.96 228 16.81 427 2.09 53 0.32 8 1.00 25 ... ...
G2 13.80 351 1.70 43 10.00 254 14.80 376 13.40 340 12.21 310 23.06 586 2.09 53 0.32 8 1.00 25 ... ...
A2 13.50 342 2.86 72 6.00 152 14.50 367 16.50 417 13.49 341 25.56 647 2.44 62 4.25 108 15.75 398 .32 8

Application Information

Transformer Installation Electrostatic Shield Grounding

Installation Clearances For most applications the shield, secondary neutral, and enclo-
sure grounding must be grounded to an available building
A dry type ventilated transformer depends on the free flow of air
ground. Some special installations require non-standard shield
for cooling and proper operation. Ventilation openings must be
connections. Such circumstances must be completely specified
at least 6 inches from any wall or obstruction. Local code
by the electrical designer.
restrictions may require different installation clearances.
Enclosure Grounding
The core and coil assembly of a ventilated transformer rests on Loads and Transformer Temperature
rubber isolation pads within the enclosure. This mimimizes Overloading of Transformers
noise transmission and isolates the transformer from the enclo- In general, a dry type transformer cannot be overloaded without
sure. The core assembly is grounded to the enclosure at the damaging the insulation system and reducing the transformer's
factory. For proper installation, the enclosure must be solidly life. Complete failure of the transformer is possible depending
grounded to prevent electrical hazard. on the severity of an overload.
Neutral Grounding Temperature Rise vs. Overload Capacity
The load side of a transformer is considered a separately derived Reduced temperature rise is the only valid way to provide con-
source. If one of the conductors on the load side is a neutral, the tinuous overload capabilities. Square D's WATCHDOG® trans-
National Electrical Code requires the conductor to be solidly formers are designed with additional capacity beyond their
grounded to an available building ground. When comparing nameplate rating. The 115°C rise units have 15% extra capac-
phase-to-ground and phase-to-neutral voltage readings, signifi- ity, while the 80°C rise transformers have an extra 30% capacity.
cant differences in those readings may indicate improper neutral
220°C Insulation
grounding. Grounding of transformer secondaries without neu- System
trals is not necessary. In such cases, phase-to-ground voltage Hot Spot
measurements are unpredictable and normally insignificant. Hot Spot
PH B Hot Spot
Rise 115°C
Primary Secondary Rise
40°C 40°C 40°C
Shield Ambient Ambient Ambient
150°C Rise 115°C Rise 80°C Rise
Neutral Transformer Transformer Transformer

Enclosure and Building Ground Effects of Non-Linear Loads

Proper Use and Selection of Taps Transformers generate heat which raises the external tempera-
Taps are usually supplied on the primary winding to allow ture of the enclosure. Standards define enclosure temperature
matching of the supply voltage to the voltage rating of the trans- as the sum of the ambient temperature and the temperature
former connection. Selection of a tap position above the nomi- rise of the enclosure. Enclosure temperatures as high as 90°C
nal connection will lower the secondary output and vice-versa. are considered normal.
Taps should not be used to raise a secondary output voltage • Drive Isolation Applications – AC and DC drives cause
that has fallen due to temporary loading situations. When the distorted current to flow in the windings of transformers
loads return to normal a high voltage condition can cause supplying power to the drives. The resulting additional heat-
equipment damage. ing and mechanical stress must be allowed for in the trans-
HV 480 HV Amps 180 LV 208Y/120 LV Amps 416
former design. Use of standard general purpose lighting
transformers for this application is not recommended.
H1 H2 H3
HV Square D stocks a complete line of drive isolation
transformers specifically designed for AC and DC drive
H2 76 5 4 3 2 1 76 5 4 3 2 1 76 5 4 3 2 1 application.
• Other Electronic Load Applications – Many types of
H1 H3 LV LV loads cause distorted current waveforms. Some of these
X0 X1 X2 X3
loads are common office automation equipment such as
X1 X0 personal computers, copiers, FAX machines and printers.
HV Taps 1 504 2 492 3 480 Others are SCR controlled process systems, lighting con-
4 468 5 456 6 444 7 432 trols, UPS systems and discharge lighting. If the current

Application Information

distortion is high enough, it can cause overheating of sys- 208

tem neutrals and transformers. Square D offers application .05
assistance and measurement and analysis services. Other factors besides impedance affect short circuit current.
Overcurrent Protection for Lighting Transformers Primary system capacity and motor current contribution from
The National Electrical Code, Article 450-3 requires both pri- the load side will change the short circuit value obtained
mary and secondary overcurrent protection, either in the form using the above simplified method. Make sure to take all fac-
of circuit breakers or fuses. Square D offers application assis- tors into account to ensure that device interrupting ratings
tance in breaker and fuse sizing. are properly coordinated. Contact your local Square D repre-
sentative for information on system analysis service.
Transformer Performance Considerations
Transformer Performance Considerations
Inrush and Excitation Current
• Definitions – Inrush is a high, initial peak of current occur- Impedance
ring during the first few cycles of transformers energization. • When not to specify impedance – Transformer imped-
Excitation current is the steady-state current that keeps the ance will vary depending on transformer size, voltage,
transformer energized after the inrush has dissipated. winding material and many other factors. Although non-
standard impedances are obtainable, they usually require
Inrush additional cost. Only a specific reason should prompt spec-
ifying impedance, allowing manufacturers to supply their
standard designs is more cost effective.
Amps Transformer Voltage Regulation
• Definition – Transformer regulation is defined as the per-
Excitation centage difference between voltage at the secondary ter-
minals under no-load condition and voltage under full load.
This value depends on the load power factor and is usually
reported at 1.0 PF and 0.8 PF.
• Inrush problems when backfeeding transformers – The • Motor Starting Calculations – The starting current of a
magnitude of the inrush is significantly increased when motor can be as high as six or seven times the full-load run-
backfeeding a transformer (the amount of increase is ning current. This initial high current can cause excessive
dependent on the individual design). This high inrush can voltage drop because of transformer regulation. Reduced
cause breakers to trip unnecessarily or fuses to blow. voltage can cause the motor to fail to start and remain in a
Increasing the rating of the primary overcurrent protection stalled condition, or it can cause the starter coil to release
may be necessary. or “chatter”. A typical goal is to allow 10-12% maximum
Note: When operating Delta-Wye transformers in reverse, voltage drop at start. The voltage decrease during motor
the neutral connection must not be connected or grounded starting can be estimated as follows::
when the Wye side is used as a primary. ROTOR CURRENT
• Definition – Impedance, usually designated as %IZ, is a
way of expressing the amount of current-limiting effect the AND 6.3% IMPEDANCE AND IS SUPPLYING A MOTOR WITH 2500
transformer will represent if the load side of the transformer AMPERES LOCKED ROTOR CURRENT
becomes short-circuited. Considered along with the X/R 2500
VOLTAGE DROP (%) = X 6.3 = 18.9%
ratio, the information is used for systems analysis to deter- 833
mine proper interrupting ratings and coordination of protec- • Other High Inrush Load Applications – Certain control
tive devices. voltage requirements, such as magnetic starters and con-
• Use of impedance to determine interrupting capacity – tactors, require better transformer regulation than that avail-
Knowing the maximum current available on the load side of able with standard lighting transformers. Square D offers a
a transformer is necessary to properly choose current inter- full line of control power transformers designed for these
rupting values for disconnects and overcurrent protective high inrush applications.
devices. Here is a simple method of estimating short circuit
current: Transformer Loss and Cost of Operation
SECONDARY SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT = FULL LOAD RATING Energy Savings with Low Temperature Rise Transformers
The phrase “lower losses” means reduced electrical costs to
FULL LOAD CURRENT AND 5% IMPEDANCE keep the units energized and running, reduced heat generation,

Application Information

and lower air conditioning costs. Less heat also translates into Q. Why is there a 5% limit for single phase loading on Delta-
longer transformer life. The WATCHDOG® transformers are low Delta connected transformers with 240/120 center tapped
temperature rise units (80°C and 115°C). Their energy losses secondaries?
have been significantly reduced to achieve the lower tempera- A. Delta-Delta connected transformers are intended to supply
ture rise. balanced three-phase loads, such as motors. Unbalanced
Maximize Efficiency loading will cause a circulating current to flow in the wind-
Maximum transformer efficiencies can be obtained when the ings. This additional current is like a “hidden” load within
average loading is kept in the 60-80% range. Therefore, care- transformer windings and can severely de-rate or even over-
fully review the required load profile before determining the kVA load the transformer. Adding a center tap on the secondary
size of the transformer to be installed. for a combination of a 240V three-phase and 120V single-
phase loads will create an unbalance. The amount of unbal-
ance is limited to 5% to prevent excessive circulating cur-



Primary Secondary

0 25% 50% 75% 100%

Q. What is the difference between “isolating” and “insulating”
Load transformers?
A. Insulating and isolating are both terms used to describe
transformers with electrically separate primary and second-
Typical Questions
ary windings. The windings are insulated from one another
Q. What is the humming sound that occurs when a transformer making the current within each winding closed off from the
is energized and how can it be minimized? other. All transformers with electrically separate primary and
A. A phenomenon know as “magnetostriction” causes the hum. secondary windings are both insulating and isolating. Isola-
Core steel lamination lengthens and shortens as it reacts to tion transformers may or may not have electrostatic shields.
the alternating magnetic field producing the sound. The Q. Can transformers be used to convert single phase to three
humming noise is minimized by a quality manufacturing pro- phase?
cess and the use of sound dampening pads between the
A. No, transformers cannot convert single-phase power to
core and coil assembly and the enclosure mounting bars.
three-phase power. That conversion can only be done by
Permissible sound levels are limited by standards and vary
motor generators, rotary phase converters, or electronic
depending on transformer kVA size. If an application calls for
converters. Single-phase transformers can be connected to
sound levels below these standards, special transformer
three-phase systems by simply connecting two-phase lines,
construction is required.
or a single-phase and neutral to the primary of the trans-
Q. Can a transformer manufactured for use at 60 Hz be oper- former.
ated at 50 Hz?
Q. What are buck and boost transformers?
A. Lighting general purpose transformers with 60 Hz name-
A Buck and boost transformers are small isolating transform-
plate ratings should not be used for 50 Hz applications.
ers that, connected as autotransformers, allow small correc-
However, transformers rated at 50 Hz or 50/60 Hz can be
tions in voltage.
operated at 60 Hz.
120/240V 220V
Q. Can transformers with Delta (3-wire) primaries be used on H1 H3 H2 H4
Wye (4-wire) systems?
H1 H3 H2 H4 X1 X3 X2 X4
A. Yes, the neutral wire of the 4-wire service is simply not
hooked up. Installing a Wye primary transformer on a Wye X1 X3 X2 X4
12/24V 242V
service is not necessary.
Buck Boost Transformer Same Transformer Connected
As Autotransformer

Dry Type Transformers
Wiring Diagrams
600 Volts and Below

H1 H4 H1 H4 H1 H2 H3
H1 H3 H2 H4 H3 H2 H3 H2
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 43 2 1 5 43 2 1 5 43 2 1

1 X1 X3 X2 X4 2 X1 X3 X2 X4 3 X1 X3 X2 X4 4 X1 X2 X3
X0 - H0

H4 H6 H5 H4 H10 H12 H6 H11 H5

H1 H7 H9 H3 H8 H2 H1 H7 H13 H15 H9 H3 H14 H8 H2
H1 H2 H1 H2

6 X1 X3 X2 X4 7 X1 X2 8 9
X1 X3 X0 X2 X1 X3 X0 X2

H1 H2 H3 H1 H2 H3
H4 H5 H4 H8 H9 H5
H1 H6 H2 H7 H3 H1 H6 H10 H2 H11 H7 H3
765 43 2 1 7 65 43 2 1 765 43 2 1 5 43 2 1 5 43 2 1 5 43 2 1

10 X0 X1 X2 X3 11 X0 X1 X2 X3 12 X1 X2 X3 13 X1 X2 X3

H1 H2 H3 H1 H2 H3 H1 H2 H3

7 65 43 2 1 7 65 43 2 1 7 65 43 2 1 5 43 2 1 5 43 2 1 5 43 2 1 321 321 321

14 15 16
X1 X2 X3 X1 X2 X3 X0 X1 X2 X3

H1 H2 H1 H2
H1 H2 H3
H1 H2 H3
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 65 43 2 1 7 65 43 2 1 7 65 43 2 1
321 321 321

17 20
X1 X2 X3
18 X1 X3 X2 X4 19 X1 X3 X2 X4
X1 X2 X3

H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H3 H1 H2 H3
7 6 5 4 3 2 7 6 5 4 3 2
765 432 765 432 765 432 765 432 765 432 765 432

23 24
X0 X1 X2 X3 X1 X2 X3
21 X1 X3 X2 X4 22 X1 X2

H1 H2 H3 H1 H2 H3

H0 H1 H2 H3
234 567 234 567 234 567 54321 54 321 54 321 321 321 321

25 26 27
X4 X6
X1 X2 X3 X1 X2 X3 X1 X2 X3

H1 H2 H3
H1 H2 H4 H0 H1 H2 H3

A3 A2 A1 B3 B2 B1 C3 C2 C1

12 3 12 3 12 3
28 X1 X3 X2 X4 29 X0 X1 X2 X3 30
X1 X2 X3

H1 H4
H2 H4 H8 H10 H1 H2 H3
H1 H3 H6H5 H7 H9 H3 H2
12345 6 7 8 9 10
54321 54 321 54 321

31 X1 X3 X2 X4 32 X1 X3 X2 X4 X6
X1 X2 X3

large and small,
look to Square D.
Square D Company is a leading
manufacturer and supplier of
transformers, from small control
transformers to large power
transformers. The full line of Square D
transformers is available from an
extensive network of Square D sales offices
and distributors located throughout
North America.
Square D company is part of
Group Schneider, a global manufacturer
of transformers, electrical distribution,
automation and industrial equipment.
Square D has been serving industrial,
construction and utility markets, as well
as individual consumers and government
agencies for over 85 years. We offer
unsurpassed quality, innovative design
and a committed staff of trained sales
representatives and service technicians
willing to stand behind every product
we sell.
For more information on how we can
fulfill your electrical needs, call your
Square D sales representative or
authorized Square D distributor.

Order No.7400CT9601 Sept 96 Printed in U.S.A.

(Replaces M0-16) © 1996 Square D All Rights Reserved

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