List of Courses MSC

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Specialization in Thermo Fluids

Core Courses Total 15 credit hours, each course is of 3 credit hours

Course No. Course Title

ME-5101 Engineering Analysis and Statistics

ME-5102 Research Methodologies and Design of Experiments
ME-5103 Convection Heat Transfer
ME-5104 Advanced Thermodynamics
ME-6101 Computational Fluid Dynamics

Specialization in Applied Mechanics and Design

Core Courses Total 15 credit hours, each course is of 3 credit hours

Course No. Course Title

ME-5101 Engineering Analysis and Statistics

ME-5102 Research Methodologies and Design of Experiments
ME-5201 Experimental Mechanics
ME-5202 Dynamics of Machinery
ME-6202 Finite Element Analysis

Optional Courses Total 9 credit hours, each course is of 3 credit hours

Course No. Course Title

ME-5105 Conduction Heat Transfer

ME-5106 Radiation Heat Transfer
ME-5107 Automatic Control
ME-5108 Instrumentation
ME-5109 Gas Dynamics (Compressible Flow)
ME-5110 Industrial Furnaces and Boilers
ME-5111 Energy Conversion and Prime Movers
ME-5112 Nuclear Engineering
ME-5113 Magneto Hydrodynamics
ME-5114 Electromechanical Systems
ME-5115 Flow Induced Vibration
ME-5116 Theory of Thermal Stresses
ME-5117 Vacuum Science and Technology
ME-5118 Propulsion Theory and Engineering for Aeronautics and
ME-5119 Corrosion Engineering
ME-5120 Reservoir Engineering
ME-5121 Control Engineering
Compulsory Thesis
ME-5100 Postgraduate Research Thesis

Specialization in Applied Mechanics and Design

Core Courses Total 15 credit hours, each course is of 3 credit hours
Course No. Course Title
ME-5101 Engineering Analysis and Statistics
ME-5102 Research Methodologies and Design of Experiments
ME-5201 Experimental Mechanics
ME-5202 Dynamics of Machinery
ME-6202 Finite Element Analysis

Optional Courses Total 9 credit hours, each course is of 3 credit hours

Course No. Course Title
ME-5115 Flow Induced Vibrations
ME-5121 Control Engineering
ME-5203 Analytical Stress Determination
ME-5204 Experimental Stress Analysis
ME-5205 Theory of Plasticity
ME-5206 Fatigue of Metals and Structures
ME-5207 Theory of Elastic Stability
ME-5208 Theory of Plates and Shells
ME-5209 Computer Aided Design
ME-5210 Composite Materials
ME-5211 Micro Processors in Mechanical Engineering Design
ME-5212 Advanced Design of Machine Elements
ME-5213 Synthesis of Mechanisms
ME-5214 Fracture Mechanics
ME-5215 Design Against Fatigue
ME-5216 Computer Simulation of Mechanical Systems
ME-5217 Tribology
ME-5218 Theory and Design of Micro-Electromechanical System
ME-5219 Structural Dynamics and Aero-Elasticity
ME-5220 Pipeline Design Engineering
ME-5221 Cathodic Protection System
ME-5222 Mechanics of Composite Material
ME-5223 Nanotechnology Applications in Engineering
ME-5224 Stress Analysis and Design Aspects of Rotating Machinery
ME-6201 Advanced Mechanical Vibration

Compulsory Thesis
ME-5200 Postgraduate Research Thesis
Specialization in Energy Engineering
Core Courses Total 15 credit hours, each course is of 3 credit hours
Course No. Course Title
ME-5101 Engineering Analysis and Statistics
ME-5102 Research Methodologies and Design of Experiments
ME-5301 Energy Statistics and Energy Demand Forecasting
ME-6301 Renewable Energy Technologies
ME-6302 Energy Systems Modeling and Analysis

Specialization in Energy Engineering

Core Courses Total 15 credit hours, each course is of 3 credit hours
Course No. Course Title
ME-5101 Engineering Analysis and Statistics
ME-5102 Research Methodologies and Design of Experiments
ME-5301 Energy Statistics and Energy Demand Forecasting
ME-6301 Renewable Energy Technologies
ME-6302 Energy Systems Modeling and Analysis
Compulsory Thesis
ME-5300 Postgraduate Research Thesis

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