Layout: Experiment Values

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The unit is used to investigate settling velocity of objects in fluids. Spheres

made of different materials and volume are used.
The sphere is guided down a transparent measuring tube filled with liquid. The
sphere sinks to the floor under the gravity.
The sedimentation time is measured for specific measured action. From this it
is possible to determine the settling velocity.
The Two measuring tubes can be filled with fluid of different viscosities. In this
way it is possible to directly compare the settling
velocity. 1. Lower Sluice value
At the bottom of the measuring tube there is sluice. 2. Upper Sluice Value
In this way the sphere can be removed from the
3. Measuring tube
measuring tube without large loss of fluid.
4. O-ring
5. Pipe Bracket
6. Cover with the
Experiment Values inlet hole

Data of the spheres: -

Material Diameter Area Density Volume V Mass m in Weight F

D in mm Asf,Sphere in ρsphere in in cm3 g in N.10-3
m2 .10-5 g/cm3
POM 5.0 1.96 1.43 0.065 0.093 0.912
POM 10.0 7.85 1.43 0.523 0.748 7.33
Alu 5.0 1.96 2.86 0.065 0.186 1.82
Alu 10.0 7.85 2.86 0.523 1.50 14.71
PE6.6 10.0 7.85 1.15 0.523 0.6 5.88

Settling Velocity

For the medium water (160C) the following sedimentation time and settling
velocity have been determined.

Here the mean was taken from 5 measurements.

The flow velocity ν is calculated:

Wall friction can occur due to tumbling of the sphere. These measured values
are not to be taken into the account.

Mate Diame Sedim- Sedim- Sedim- Sedim- Sedim- Settli Flow

rial ter D emana emana emana emana emana ng veloc
in mm tion tion tion tion tion Velco ity in
Time t1 Time t1 Time t1 Time t1 Time t1 ity m/s
in s in s in s in s in s Tm in
POM 5.0
POM 10.0
Alu 5.0
Alu 10.0
PE6.6 10.0

Evaluating the Experiment

The factors for equation, the solution after newton and the settling velocity
measured in the table given below:
Materi Diamet Densit Consta Consta Consta Consta X in Flow Velocity ν
al er D in y nt A in nt B in nt C in nt s/
mm ρsphere 𝑚4 . 10−3 𝑚2 . 10−3 𝑚 . 10−3 D m
𝑠4 𝑠2 𝑠
Calculate Measure
d d
POM 5.0 1.43
POM 10.0 1.43
Alu 5.0 2.86
Alu 10.0 2.86
PE6.6 10.0 1.15

Conclusion and physical Significance

The measured values for the settling velocity in accordance with match well
with the calculated values. A large source of error lies in the determination of
the sedimentation time t because this is measured by hand with the
stopwatch. This is particularly the case of spheres on higher density(AI). As on
these spheres the settling velocity is high, human reaction time has a large
effect when using the stopwatch.
The measured values for aluminium therefore vary the most from theoretical

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