Level 3 Word List: Unit Seven

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level 3 WORD LIST

UNIT seven
Word / Phrase Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
assume verb /əˈsum/ to believe that something is Don’t assume that you will play
true, even though you have no on the team, since there are a
proof lot of good players.
assumption noun [count] /əˈsʌmpʃ(ə)n/ something that you think is It’s important not to make
likely to be true, although you assumptions until we know all
cannot be certain the facts.
blind adjective /blaɪnd/ unable to see. Some people Blind and sighted children
prefer to use the expression attend the same school.
visually impaired.
brain noun [count] /breɪn/ the organ inside your head that The human brain is divided
allows you to think and feel, into two halves.
and controls your body
challenge verb /ˈtʃæləndʒ jərˈself/ to push yourself to do more She’s studying for another
yourself difficult things degree to challenge herself.
child prodigy noun [count] /tʃaɪld ˈprɑdədʒi/ a child who is extremely skillful His five-year-old son plays the
at something that usually only piano better than most adults;
adults can do he could be a child prodigy.
coin noun [count] /kɔɪn/ a flat, round piece of metal I need some coins for the
with special designs on it, used parking meter.
as money
crucial adjective /ˈkruʃ(ə)l/ something that is crucial is Hard work is crucial to exam
extremely important because it success.
has a major effect on the result
of something
deaf adjective /def/ not able to hear anything or not He’s a little deaf in one ear, but
able to hear very well. Many deaf he can cope at school.
people wear a hearing aid to
help them hear. Deaf people
often use their hands to
communicate in sign language
and many can lip-read what
other people are saying.
defining factor noun [count] /dɪˈfaɪnɪŋ ˈfæktər/ a feature or quality that shows The defining factor of genius is
exactly what someone or originality.
something is like
develop an phrase /dɪˈveləp ən to become skillful at something We develop abilities in many
ability əˈbɪləti/ things as we grow older.
exceptional adjective /ɪkˈsepʃən(ə)l/ extremely good or impressive Only very exceptional students
in a way that is unusual get into MIT to study.
exist verb /ɪɡˈzɪst/ to be real or to appear in the She’s twelve, and she still
real world believes that fairies exist!
explore the phrase /ɪkˈsplɔr ðə to examine or discuss all the She has explored all the
possibilities ˌpɑsəˈbɪlətiz/ different options possibilities, but she hasn’t
found any nice apartments.
figure out phrasal verb /ˈfɪɡjər aʊt/ to be able to understand We had to figure out the
something or to solve a problem connection between the
two events.
find a solution phrase /faɪnd ə səˈluʃ(ə)n/ to think of a way to solve a UN leaders are working hard to
problem find a solution to the conflict.

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Word / Phrase Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence

genius noun [count] /ˈdʒiniəs/ someone who is much more There are very few geniuses
intelligent or skillful than other in the world, but Leonardo da
people Vinci was one of them.
gifted adjective /ˈɡɪftəd/ a gifted person has an My daughter’s teacher says she
impressive natural ability is a gifted child.
glass noun [noncount] /ɡlæs/ a small container made of glass You should serve champagne
used for a drink in a tall, narrow glass.
go back over verb phrase /ɡoʊ bæk ˈoʊvər/ to do something again from In this online test, you cannot
the beginning, or to check go back over the questions.
what you have done Once you have clicked on an
answer, you cannot change
your mind.
hard and fast adjective /hɑrd ənd fæst/ fixed, and not able to be It’s not a hard and fast rule; it’s
changed, or to be different not true for everyone!
hopeful adjective /ˈhoʊpfəl/ believing that something will In spite of our differences, we
happen in the way that you remain hopeful that a solution
want it to can be found.
hopeless adjective /ˈhoʊpləs/ very unlikely to succeed or I’m hopeless at playing tennis.
improve I always lose.
illustrate verb /ˈɪləˌstreɪt/ to show what something is like, The following examples
or to show that something is illustrate our approach to
true customer service.
incredibly adverb /ɪnˈkredəbli/ extremely It was incredibly difficult to fit
everyone in because the room
was so small.
intelligence noun [noncount] /ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns/ the ability to understand and Maria had humor and
think about things, and to gain intelligence, as well as beauty.
and use knowledge
inventor noun [count] /ɪnˈventər/ someone who has invented Leonardo da Vinci was a
something or whose job is to scientist, an inventor, a writer,
invent things and an artist!
IQ noun [noncount] /ˌaɪ ˈkju/ intelligence quotient: a number He has a very high IQ, but no
that represents someone’s common sense!
keyboard noun [count] /ˈkiˌbɔrd/ a musical instrument that has I can play the keyboard and
keys, especially an electric the piano because they are
piano really similar.
left-brain adjective /left breɪn/ left-brain thinkers rely more on Left-brain thinkers tend to like
the part of their brain that is art and music at school.
used for thinking creatively and
left-handed adjective /ˌleft ˈhændɪd/ someone who is left-handed is According to studies, left-
born with a natural tendency handed people are more
to use their left hand to do artistic than right-handed
things, especially things such people.
as writing
lift verb /lɪft/ to move something to a higher I cannot lift the suitcase; it is
position too heavy.
like preposition /laɪk/ used for introducing an example You should avoid fatty foods
of something or someone that like cake and cookies.
you have just mentioned
logic noun [noncount] /ˈlɑdʒɪk/ the way that someone Logic is useless in understanding
connects ideas when they are how we fall in love with
explaining something or giving someone.
a reason

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Word / Phrase Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence

matchstick noun [count] /ˈmætʃˌstɪk/ a single match made of wood He used to build things out of
matchsticks when he was
a child.
of some kind phrase /ɑv sʌm kaɪnd/ a type of person or thing She’s working on a business
deal of some kind in France.
ordinary adjective /ˈɔrd(ə)nˌeri/ normal or average, and not Most ordinary people need a
unusual or special calculator to do that equation.
originality noun [noncount] /əˌrɪdʒəˈnæləti/ the quality of being new, His writing shows real originality.
interesting, and different
overlook verb /ˌoʊvərˈlʊk/ to fail to consider someone She was overlooked for the job
or something, or to fail to because she was considered
recognize success too old at 55. The successful
candidate was only 30.
painful adjective /ˈpeɪnf(ə)l/ making you feel upset, I have a sore throat and it’s
ashamed, or unhappy or really painful when I swallow.
causing physical pain
painless adjective /ˈpeɪnləs/ not causing any physical pain, I was very worried about the
or less difficult or unpleasant interview, but in fact it was
than you expected pretty painless.
perhaps adverb /pərˈhæps/ used when you are making a Maybe you should stay home if
suggestion, giving advice, or you don’t feel well?
making a polite request
poor adjective /pʊr/ of low quality The teacher said his
schoolwork was poor.
powerless adjective /ˈpaʊrləs/ not able to control or prevent She was powerless to stop him.
raise verb /reɪz/ to make people start to think The accident raises a number
about or realize something of questions about the safety
of the system.
range verb /reɪndʒ/ to be included in a group of The scores ranged from
numbers, ages, measurements, 42–98%.
etc. with particular fixed limits
reader noun [count] /ˈridər/ someone who reads, especially Readers of our magazine will
someone who reads a particular be familiar with her column.
newspaper, book, or magazine
right-brain adjective /raɪt breɪn/ right-brain thinkers rely more Right-brain thinkers are often
on the part of their brain that is good at math.
used for thinking logically and
right-handed adjective /ˌraɪt ˈhændɪd/ naturally tending to use your He’s right-handed, but all the
right hand rather than your other members of his family
left hand to do things such as are left-handed.
rock star noun [count] /rɑk stɑr/ a famous singer or musician Rod Stewart is a famous rock
who performs rock music star from the 1980s and 90s.
speculate verb /ˈspekjəˌleɪt/ to consider or discuss why We can only speculate on
something has happened or the reasons for his sudden
what might happen resignation.
straight adjective /streɪt/ without a bend or curve Use a ruler to draw straight lines.
successful adjective /səkˈsesfəl/ achieving the result that you The team has had a very
want or doing well in your successful season.
systematically adverb /ˌsɪstəˈmætɪkli/ in a way that is according to a The collection has not been
careful plan systematically updated.
talented adjective /ˈtæləntəd/ someone who is talented is He is a very talented artist;
very good at something his paintings are amazing!

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Word / Phrase Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence

test verb /test/ to examine something to find It is only a theory until you
out if it is satisfactory or if it test it.
has a particular quality
thoughtful adjective /ˈθɔtf(ə)l/ kind, and showing that you Thank you; the flowers were a
think about what other people very thoughtful gift.
want or need
thoughtless adjective /ˈθɔtləs/ not thinking about what other It was thoughtless of Michael
people want or need to take the car without asking.
upside-down adjective /ˈʌpˌsaɪd daʊn/ with the top part at the bottom She made a bench with two
or lower than the bottom part upside-down pots and a plank
of wood.
useless adjective /ˈjusləs/ not effective in achieving the Why do you keep this
purpose that something was completely useless umbrella? It
intended to achieve doesn’t open!
well-known adjective /wel noʊn/ known by many people or He’s a well-known actor in
by the people involved in a Russia, but nobody knows him
particular situation here in the U.S.
work of art noun [count] /wɜrk əv ɑrt/ something such as a painting The museum was full of
or sculpture that is of very high priceless works of art.

Useful Expressions
Useful Expressions Topic / Category Sample Sentence
be under pressure Think again! Children these days are under a lot
of pressure.
It can’t be … Think again! It can’t be Jeff; he’s away on vacation.
It could be … Think again! It could be A or B, but it’s definitely not C.
It looks like … Think again! It looks like Greg, but I don’t think it is him.
way of working Think again! His way of working is very different from
mine, so I prefer to work on my own.

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