Assoc. Justice Mariano C. Del Castillo (642 SCRA 11) 2011
Assoc. Justice Mariano C. Del Castillo (642 SCRA 11) 2011
Assoc. Justice Mariano C. Del Castillo (642 SCRA 11) 2011
rism only if the copying violates the moral rights of the author under the
Law on Copyright.
Same; Same; View that the Supreme Court has no power to decide on
the guilt or innocence of a sitting Justice in the administrative complaint
because such act is a usurpation of the exclusive disciplinary power of
Congress over impeachable officers under the Constitution.—This Court
may conduct an investigation of an administrative complaint against a
sitting Justice to determine if there is basis in recommending to the House
of Representatives the initiation of an impeachment complaint against the
sitting Justice. This Court may also conduct an investigation of an
administrative complaint against a sitting Justice to determine if the
complaint constitutes contempt of this Court. However, this Court has no
power to decide on the guilt or innocence of a sitting Justice in the
administrative complaint because such act is a usurpation of the
exclusive disciplinary power of Congress over impeachable officers
under the Constitution. Any decision by this Court in an administrative
case clearing a sitting Justice of an impeachable offense is void for want of
jurisdiction and for violation of an express provision of the Constitution.
Same; Same; Judgments; View that in writing judicial decisions, the
judge may copy passages from textbooks, journals and other non-
government works with proper attribution.—In writing judicial decisions,
the judge may copy passages from textbooks, journals and other non-
government works with proper attribution. However, whether the failure to
make the proper attribution is actionable or not depends on the nature of the
passages copied. If the work copied without proper attribution is
copyrighted, the failure to make such attribution violates Section 193 of the
Intellectual Property Code.
Same; Same; Same; View that the Judiciary and the academe should
have the same rule when it comes to copyrighted works.—Academic
writing, such as writing dissertations or articles in academic journals, is
governed by standards different from judicial decision writing. The failure
to make the proper attribution for passages copied from Works of the
Government is not actionable against a judge when writing a judicial
decision. However, the same failure by a student or a faculty member may
be deemed plagiarism in the academe, meriting a severe administrative
penalty. Never-
theless, the Judiciary and the academe should have the same rule when it
comes to copyrighted works. In every case, there is a legal duty to make
the proper attribution when copying passages from copyrighted works
because the law expressly requires such attribution without exception.
CARPIO-MORALES, J., Separate Dissenting Opinion:
Administrative Complaints; Plagiarism; View that the Supreme Court
may wield its administrative power against its incumbent members on
grounds other than culpable violation of the Constitution, treason, bribery,
graft and corruption, other high crimes, or betrayal of public trust.—The
Court may wield its administrative power against its incumbent members on
grounds other than culpable violation of the Constitution, treason, bribery,
graft and corruption, other high crimes, or betrayal of public trust, And
provided the offense or misbehavior does not carry with it a penalty, the
service of which would amount to removal from office either on a
permanent or temporary basis such as suspension.
Same; Same; View that the Court cannot proceed with the
administrative complaint against Justice Del Castillo for it will either (i)
take cognizance of an impeachable offense which it has no jurisdiction to
determine, or (ii) downplay the questioned conduct and preempt the
impeachment proceedings.—In view of the impeachment complaint filed
with the House of Representatives involving the same subject matter of the
case, which denotes that a co-equal branch of government found the same
act or omission grievous as to present a ground for impeachment and opted
to exercise its constitutional function, I submit that the Court cannot proceed
with the administrative complaint against Justice Del Castillo for it will
either (i) take cognizance of an impeachable offense which it has no
jurisdiction to determine, or (ii) downplay the questioned conduct and
preempt the impeachment proceedings.
Same; Same; View that the legal researcher was remiss in her duties of
re-studying the sources or authorities invoked in the Vinuya Decision.—I
submit that the legal researcher was remiss in her duties of re-studying the
sources or authorities invoked in the Vinuya Decision and checking the
therein citations or, at the very least, those whose authors’ rights to
attribution and integrity are
Same; Same; View that the massiveness and frequency with which
instances of unattributed copying occur in Vinuya highlight the extent of the
plagiarism.—The massiveness and frequency with which instances of
unattributed copying occur in Vinuya highlight the extent of the plagiarism.
Clever transpositions of excerpts to make them flow according to the
researcher’s transition phrases are clearly devices of a practiced plagiarist,
which betray the deliberateness of every single act. The plagiarism in
Vinuya will also be scrutinized on the basis of its effect, especially in light of
its commission in a judicial decision.
Same; Same; View that judges and their legal researchers are not being
asked to be academics; only to be diligent and honest.—No court can lightly
regard a ponencia, as in Vinuya, where around 53% of the words used for an
important section were plagiarized from sources of original scholarship.
Judges and their legal researchers are not being asked to be academics; only
to be diligent and honest.
Petitioners Isabelita C. Vinuya, et al., all members of the Malaya
Lolas Organization, seek reconsideration of the decision of the Court
dated October 12, 2010 that dismissed their charges of plagiarism,
twisting of cited materials, and gross neglect against Justice Mariano
Del Castillo in connection with the decision he wrote for the Court
in G.R. No. 162230, entitled Vinuya v. Romulo.1
Mainly, petitioners claim that the Court has by its decision
legalized or approved of the commission of plagiarism in the
Philippines. This claim is absurd. The Court, like everyone
2 Black’s Law Dictionary (8th Edition, 2004).
3 Available at
was here that he drew materials from various sources, including the
three foreign authors cited in the charges against him. He compared
the divergent views these present as they developed in history. He
then explained why the Court must reject some views in light of the
peculiar facts of the case and applied those that suit such facts.
Finally, he drew from his discussions of the facts and the law the
right solution to the dispute in the case. On the whole, his work was
original. He had but done an honest work.
The Court will not, therefore, consistent with established practice
in the Philippines and elsewhere, dare permit the filing of actions to
annul the decisions promulgated by its judges or expose them to
charges of plagiarism for honest work done.
This rule should apply to practicing lawyers as well. Counsels for
the petitioners, like all lawyers handling cases before courts and
administrative tribunals, cannot object to this. Although as a rule
they receive compensation for every pleading or paper they file in
court or for every opinion they render to clients, lawyers also need
to strive for technical accuracy in their writings. They should not be
exposed to charges of plagiarism in what they write so long as they
do not depart, as officers of the court, from the objective of assisting
the Court in the administration of justice.
As Duncan Webb said:
tion is to claim the authority of the author, this is not always the case.
Frequently commentary or dicta of lesser standing will be adopted by
legal authors, largely without attribution.
The converse point is that originality in the law is viewed with
skepticism. It is only the arrogant fool or the truly gifted who will
depart entirely from the established template and reformulate an
existing idea in the belief that in doing so they will improve it. While
over time incremental changes occur, the wholesale abandonment of
established expression is generally considered foolhardy.”9
The Court probably should not have entertained at all the charges
of plagiarism against Justice Del Castillo, coming from the losing
party. But it is a case of first impression and petitioners, joined by
some faculty members of the University of the Philippines school of
law, have unfairly maligned him with the charges of plagiarism,
twisting of cited materials, and gross neglect for failing to attribute
lifted passages from three foreign authors. These charges as already
stated are false, applying the meaning of plagiarism as the world in
general knows it.
True, Justice Del Castillo failed to attribute to the foreign authors
materials that he lifted from their works and used in writing the
decision for the Court in the Vinuya case. But, as the Court said, the
evidence as found by its Ethics Committee shows that the attribution
to these authors appeared in the beginning drafts of the decision.
Unfortunately, as testified to by a highly qualified and experienced
court-employed researcher, she accidentally deleted the same at the
time she was cleaning up the final draft. The Court believed her
since, among other reasons, she had no motive for omitting the
attribution. The foreign authors concerned, like the dozens of other
sources she cited in her research, had high reputations in
international law.
9 Supra note 7.
I dissent on two grounds. First, this Court has no jurisdiction to
decide in an administrative case whether a sitting Justice of this
Court has committed misconduct in office as this power belongs
exclusively to Congress. Second, in writing judicial decisions a
judge must comply with the Law on Copyright1 as the judge has no
power to exempt himself from the mandatory requirements of the
1 Part IV, Intellectual Property Decree (Republic Act No. 8293).
6 See note 4.
7 Professor Laurence H. Tribe writes: “The independence of the process of
impeachment and criminal prosecution is highlighted by the case of Judge Alcee
Hastings, who was acquitted of bribery by a federal jury in 1983, but was
subsequently impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate for the same
offense—and for testifying falsely about it under oath at his federal criminal trial.
Similarly, Judge Walter Nixon was impeached by the House and convicted by the
Senate in 1989 for falsely testifying under oath before a federal grand jury
investigating Judge Nixon’s improper discussions with a state prosecutor in a case
involving a business acquaintance’s son, despite an earlier acquittal in a federal
prosecution for bribery arising out of those very events. And, although this precise
sequence is not addressed by Article I, Section 3, clause 7, it should also be possible
for an official to be acquitted by the Senate in an impeachment trial but subsequently
convicted of the same underlying acts in a federal court. The Senate’s acquittal, after
all, could well represent a determination merely that the charged offenses were not
impeachable, or that the nation would be harmed more than protected by pronouncing
the official guilty.” American Constitutional Law, Volume 1 (3rd edition), pp. 159-
8 An author whose moral rights under the Law on Copyright are infringed by a
judge in his judicial decision may file a civil case in court against such judge. See
discussion on The Judge Must Follow the Law on Copyright, infra.
9 Quoting Black’s Law Dictionary.
In the Matter of the Charges of Plagiarism, Etc., Against Associate
Justice Mariano C. Del Castillo
pleader that the judge may make any use of the pleadings in
resolving the case. If the judge accepts the pleader’s arguments, he
may copy such arguments to expedite the resolution of the case. In
writing his decision, the judge does not claim as his own the
arguments he adopts from the pleadings of the parties. Besides, the
legal arguments in the pleadings are in most cases merely
reiterations of judicial precedents, which are Works of the
However, misquoting or twisting, with or without attribution, any
passage from the pleadings of the parties, if done to mislead the
parties or the public, is actionable. Under Canon 3 of the Code of
Judicial Conduct, a judge “should perform official duties honestly.”
Rule 3.01 and Rule 3.02 of the Code provide that a judge must be
faithful to the law, maintain professional competence, and strive
diligently to ascertain the facts and the applicable law.
c. Copying from Textbooks, Journals and other Non-
Government Works
In writing judicial decisions, the judge may copy passages from
textbooks, journals and other non-government works with proper
attribution. However, whether the failure to make the proper
attribution is actionable or not depends on the nature of the passages
If the work copied without proper attribution is copyrighted, the
failure to make such attribution violates Section 193 of the
Intellectual Property Code, which provides:
193.3. To object to any distortion, mutilation or other modification of, or
other derogatory action in relation to his work which would be prejudicial
to his honor or reputation;
x x x x.” (Emphasis supplied)
“The term moral rights has its origins in the civil law and is a translation
of the French le droit moral, which is meant to capture those rights of a
spiritual, non-economic and personal nature. The rights spring from a belief
that an artist in the process of creation injects his spirit into the work and
that the artist’s personality, as well as the integrity of the work, should
therefore be protected and preserved. Because they are personal to the artist,
moral rights exist independently of an artist’s copyright in his or her work.
While the rubric of moral rights encompasses many varieties of rights,
two are protected in nearly every jurisdiction recognizing their
existence: attribution and integrity. The right of attribution generally
consists of the right of an artist to be recog-
23 Id., p. 569, citing John Carter, John Swing and John Veronis v. Helmsley-Spear,
Inc. and Associates, U.S. Court of Appeals for 2nd Circuit, 1 December 1995.
24 Article 8 of the Civil Code provides: “Judicial decisions applying or
interpreting the laws or the Constitution shall form part of the legal system of the
law are all in the public domain. There is no need for a judge to
refer to copyrighted works. When a judge ventures to refer to
copyrighted works by copying passages from such works, he
immediately knows he is treading on protected works, and should
readily respect the rights of the authors of those works. The judge,
whose most important function is to write judicial decisions, must be
the first to respect the rights of writers whose lives and passions are
dedicated to writing for the education of humankind.
Besides, Section 184(k) of the Intellectual Property Code already
generously allows the judge unlimited copying of copyrighted works
in writing his judicial decisions. The Code, however, does not
exempt the judge from recognizing the moral rights of the author.
The basic rule of human relations, as embodied in Article 19 of the
Civil Code, requires that the judge should give to the author of the
copyrighted work what is due him. Thus, Article 19 states: “Every
person must, in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of
his duties, act with justice, give everyone his due, and observe
honesty and good faith.”
d. Difference from the Academe
Academic writing, such as writing dissertations or articles in
academic journals, is governed by standards different from judicial
decision writing. The failure to make the proper attribution for
passages copied from Works of the Government is not actionable
against a judge when writing a judicial decision. However, the same
failure by a student or a faculty member may be deemed plagiarism
in the academe, meriting a severe administrative penalty.
Nevertheless, the Judiciary and the academe should have the same
rule when it comes to copyrighted works. In every case, there is a
legal duty to make the proper attribution when copying passages
from copyrighted works because the law expressly requires such
attribution without exception.
25 In the Matter of Hon. Thomas E. Brennan, Jr., Judge, 55th District, Mason,
Michigan, 433 Mich. 1204, 447 N.W.2d 712 (6 November 1989) . In this case, Judge
Brennan, Jr. submitted an article to a law review for publication. The article failed to
acknowledge several passages copied from law journal articles of two other authors.
The Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission recommended to the Supreme Court of
Michigan that Judge Brennan, Jr. be publicly censured for misconduct. Interestingly,
Judge Brennan, Jr. (a state judge) admitted his misconduct and made the following
Respondent Thomas E. Brennan, Jr., of the 55th District Court, Ingham
County, Michigan, acknowledges notice and receipt of the Judicial Tenure
Commission’s Decision and Recommendation for Order of Discipline dated
September 12, 1989, and stipulates to the Judicial Tenure Commission’s
findings as recited in paragraphs one (1) through six (6) thereof;
Respondent further affirmatively acknowledges the impropriety of his
conduct as set forth in the Decision and Recommendation for Order of
Discipline, and pursuant to MCR 9.221(C), consents to the Commission’s
recommendation that he be publicly censured.
Respondent further concurs in the request of the Judicial Tenure Commission
that an order embodying the foregoing disciplinary action be entered
immediately by the Michigan Supreme Court. (Emphasis supplied)
I join Justice Antonio T. Carpio’s thesis in his Dissenting
Opinion on the commission of plagiarism or violation of intellectual
property rights in the Vinuya decision. I join him too on his other
thesis that this Court has no jurisdiction to decide an administrative
case where a sitting Justice of this Court has committed misconduct
in office, with qualification.
I submit that the Court may wield its administrative power
against its incumbent members on grounds other than culpable
violation of the Constitution, treason, bribery, graft and corruption,
other high crimes, or betrayal of public trust, AND provided the
offense or misbehavior does not carry with it a penalty, the service
of which would amount to removal from office either on a
permanent or temporary basis such as suspension.
“The President, the Vice President, the members of the Supreme Court,
the Members of the Constitutional Commissions, and the Ombudsman may
be removed from office, on impeachment for, and conviction of, culpable
violation of the Constitution, treason, bribery, graft and corruption, other
high crimes, or betrayal of public trust. All other public officers and
employees may be removed from office as provided by law, but not by
impeachment.”1 (underscoring supplied)
2 Cuenco v. Fernan, Adm. Case No. 3135, February 17, 1988, 158 SCRA 29; vide also the
Resolution of April 15, 1988 (160 SCRA 778) where the complainant was severely
reprimanded and warned.
3 A.M. No. 88-4-5433, April 15, 1988, 160 SCRA 771.
4 Id., at p. 774.
In the Matter of the Charges of Plagiarism, Etc., Against Associate
Justice Mariano C. Del Castillo
tive Cases Against Justices of the Court of Appeals and the Sandiganbayan, Judges of
Regular and Special Courts, and Court Officials Who Are Lawyers as Disciplinary
Proceedings Against Them Both as Officials and as Members of the Philippine Bar”
(September 17, 2002). The rule provides that when the said administrative case is
based on grounds which are likewise grounds for a disciplinary action of members of
the Bar, the administrative case shall also be considered a disciplinary action against
the respondent justice, judge or court official concerned as a member of the Bar [as
applied in Avancena v. Liwanag, A.M. No. MTJ-01-1383, March 5, 2003, 398 SCRA
541 and July 17, 2003, 406 SCRA 300 where the judge was dismissed from service
and disbarred from the practice of law. See also Juan de la Cruz (Concerned Citizen
of Legazpi City) v. Carretas, A.M. No. RTJ-07-2043, September 5, 2007, 532 SCRA
218; Cañada v. Suerte, A.M. No. RTJ-04-1884, February 22, 2008, 546 SCRA 414].
Its application to a particular administrative action is not dependent on the date of
commission of the offense but on the date of filing of the case. There is no automatic
conversion when the administrative case was filed before October 1, 2002 or prior to
the date of effectivity of A.M. No. 02-9-02-SC (vide Office of the Court
Administrator v. Morante, A.M. No. P-02-1555, April 16, 2004, 428 SCRA 1, 35-36;
J. King and Sons Company, Inc., v. Hontanosas, Jr., A.M. No. RTJ-03-1802, February
28, 2006 Resolution) and the respondent has already been required to comment on the
complaint (Heck v. Santos, A.M. No. RTJ-01-1657, 23 February 2004, 423 SCRA
329, 341).
13 Id., at p. 164.
Time and again, the Court has emphasized the heavy burden and responsibility
which court officials and employees are mandated to carry. They are constantly
reminded that any impression of impropriety, misdeed or negligence in the
performance of official functions must be avoided. The Court will never countenance
any conduct, act or omission on the part of all those involved in the administration of
justice which would violate the norm of public accountability and diminish the
people’s faith in the judiciary.
Under Section 23, Rule XIV of the Omnibus Civil Service Rules and Regulations,
(simple) neglect of duty is punishable by suspension of one month and one day to six
months for the first offense. Under Sec. 19, Rule XIV of the same Rules, the penalty
of fine (instead of suspension) may also be imposed in the alternative. Following the
Court’s ruling in several cases involving (simple) neglect of duty, we find the penalty
of fine on Atty. Evangelista and Del Rosario in the amount of P10,000 and P5,000,
respectively, just and reasonable. (Id., at pp. 161-163; emphasis, italics and
underscoring in the original).
15 People v. Cabalquinto, G.R. No. 167693, September 19, 2006, 502 SCRA 419.
16 Vide Republic Act No. 7610 (Special Protection of Children against Child
Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act); Republic Act No. 9262 (Anti-Violence
Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004); A.M. No. 04-10-11-SC of
November 14, 2004 (Rule on Violence against Women and their Children); and A.M.
No. 99-7-06-SC, In Re Internet Web page of the Supreme Court, Resolution of
February 14, 2006.
17 In Re: Undated Letter of Mr. Louis Biraogo, supra at p. 162, citing Rivera v.
Buena, A.M. No. P-07-2394, February 19, 2008, 546 SCRA 222.
Background Facts
the Vinuya Decision and that “no attributions were made to the x x x
authors in [its] footnotes.”5 However, the Court concluded that the
failure to attribute did not amount to plagiarism because no
malicious intent attended the failure; the attributions (present in
Justice del Castillo’s original drafts) were simply accidentally
deleted in the course of the drafting process. Malicious intent was
deemed an essential element, as “plagiarism is essentially a form of
fraud where intent to deceive is inherent.” Citing Black’s Law
Dictionary’s definition of plagiarism—the deliberate and knowing
presentation of another person’s original ideas or creative
expressions as one’s own—the Court declared that “plagiarism
presupposes intent and a deliberate, conscious effort to steal
another’s work and pass it off as one’s own.” In fact, the Court
found that by citing the foreign author’s original sources, Justice del
Castillo never created the impression that he was the original author
of the passages claimed to have been lifted from the foreign law
“The Court also adopts the Committee’s finding that the omission of
attributions to Criddle-Descent and Ellis did not bring about an impression
that Justice Del Castillo himself created the passages that he lifted from
their published articles. That he merely got those passages from others
remains self-evident, despite the accidental deletion. The fact is that he still
imputed the passages to the sources from which Criddle-Descent and Ellis
borrowed them in the first place.”
5 Specifically, the Court referred to the article A Fiduciary Theory of Jus Cogens written by
Criddle-Decent and Fox.
their intended messages. And, second, the lifted passages provided mere
background facts that established the state of international law at various
stages of its development. These are neutral data that could support
conflicting theories regarding whether or not the judiciary has the power
today to order the Executive Department to sue another country or whether
the duty to prosecute violators of international crimes has attained the status
of jus cogens.”
The Court, thus, declared that “only errors [of judges] tainted
with fraud, corruption, or malice are subject of disciplinary action”
and these were not present in Justice del Castillo’s case; the failure
was not attended by any malicious intent not to attribute the lifted
passages to the foreign authors.
Justice Maria Lourdes P. A. Sereno dissented from the Court’s
October 12, 2010 Decision based mainly on her disagreement with
the majority’s declaration that malicious intent is required for a
charge of plagiarism to prosper.
On November 15, 2010, Attys. Roque and Bagares filed a motion
for reconsideration of the Court’s October 12, 2010 Decision. This
motion was the subject of the Report/Resolution submitted to the
Court for consideration. Incidentally, the same counsels filed an
impeachment complaint for betrayal of public trust against
Justice del Castillo with the House of Representatives on
December 14, 2010.
The Court’s Action on the
Motion for Reconsideration
The Court referred the motion for reconsideration to the
Ethics Committee and its Report recommended the dismissal of
the motion for reconsideration. The Report differentiated
academic writing from judicial writing, declaring that originality of
ideas is not required of a judge writing decisions and resolving
conflicts because he is bound by the doctrine of stare decisis—the
legal principle of determining points in litigation according to
My Position
8 See De Leon, Philippine Constitutional Law, Vol. II, 2004 Ed., p. 831.
9 See, among others, security of tenure at Section 1; fiscal autonomy under
Section 2; defined jurisdiction that Congress cannot touch without concurrence from
the Supreme Court; administrative supervision over all courts under Section 6; a
Judicial and Bar Council that renders recourse to the Commission on Appointments
essary; and the guarantee of strict focus on judicial duties under Section 12.
21 Brent D. Ward, Can the Federal Courts Keep Order in Their Own House?
Appellate Supervision through Mandamus and Orders of Judicial Councils, 233
Bringham Young University Law Review 233, 237 and 253 (1980), at
collection=journals&handle=hein.journals/byulr1980&div=177ID=&page=>, last
visited on February 9, 2011.
23 Ibid.
24 Michael J. Gerhardt, The Constitutional Limits to Impeachment and Its
Alternatives, 68 Texas Law Review 1, 73-74 (November 1989).
27 Cruz v. Iturralde, A.M. RTJ No. 03-1775, April 30, 2003, 402 SCRA 65.
28 George, Joyce J. “Judicial Opinion Writing Handbook.” 5th edition. William S. Hein &
Co., Inc., 2007, page 715, defines plagiarism as “the intentional representation of another
person’s words, thoughts or ideas as one’s own without giving attribution.”
29 A A P I P C E
I P O ,P I P F , O
30 Stearns, Laurie. “Copy Wrong: Plagiarism, Process, Property and the Law.” Perspectives
on Plagiarism and Intellectual Property in a Postmodern World. Ed. Lise Buranen and Alice
M. Roy. Albany, New York State University of New York Press. 1999. 5-6.
Because the majority Decision has excused the lack of attribution to the
complaining authors in the Vinuya decision to editorial errors and lack of
malicious intent to appropriate—and that therefore there was no plagiarism
—lack of intent to infringe copyright in the case of lack of attribution may
now also become a defense, rendering the above legal provision
rules at each turn of her writing. She may be correct if she in fact
properly cited those rules the first time she copied from it and,
further, indicated a clear intent to do further copying down the line.
But she did not. Properly, she could have written:
“x x x x
The DSB has the following powers and functions: (a) to establish panels,
(b) to adopt or reject panel and Appellate Body reports, (c) to maintain
surveillance of the implementation of rulings and recommendations, and (d)
to authorize the suspension of concessions and other obligations. GATT’s
Understanding on Dispute Settlement has a lot to say about the subject
and some are mentioned here. For one it says, “It is understood that
requests for conciliation and the use of the dispute settlement procedures
should not be … as contentious acts. Members engage in … procedure to
resolve disputes.”
x x x x”
Further, she did not identify the portions she copied verbatim in
order to set them apart from her own writing. Under the rule that she
foists on Justice Del Castillo, quotation marks must be used
whenever verbatim quotes are made.5 This requirement is all the
more important since, unlike domestic rules, the rules of GATT are
unfamiliar terrain to most readers. Thus, at the next turn, she could
have at least enclosed in quotation marks the other portions she
copied verbatim from her source like this:
5 Harvey writes that “[w]ords you use verbatim from a source must be put in quotation
marks, even if you use only two or three words; it’s not enough simply to cite.” Harvey,
Writing with Sources: A Guide for Harvard Students 10 (2008).
including the facts of the case and the applicability and conformity of
the measure with the relevant agreements. It should also make other
findings that will assist the DSB in making the recommendations or in
giving the rulings provided for in the covered agreements … consul …
regularly with the parties to the dispute and giving them adequate
opportunity to develop a mutually satisfactory solution.”
“The request for the establishment of a panel should be made in
writing, indicate whether consultations were held, identify the specific
measures at issue, and provide a brief summary of the legal basis of the
What is more, learned lawyers would always set apart the laws or
rules that they cite or invoke in their work since these are
expressions of a higher grade than their comments or opinions. A
lawyer’s opinion can persuade but a rule or a law is binding. I have
yet to see a Supreme Court decision that copies verbatim a specific
rule or law, which it invokes to support such decision, without
distinctly calling it what it is or citing its source.
Below is the rest of the verbatim copying that she made from
Understanding on Dispute Settlement in the section she wrote
without attribution or quotation marks.
bers, unless one of the parties bers, the report shall be adopted at a
to the dispute formally notifies DSB meeting unless a party to the
the DSB of its decision to dispute formally notifies the DSB of
appeal, or the DSB decides by its decision to appeal or the DSB
consensus not to adopt the decides by consensus not to adopt the
report. If the panel report is on report. If a party has notified its
appeal, the panel report shall decision to appeal, the report by the
not be considered for adoption panel shall not be considered for
by the DSB until the adoption by the DSB until after
completion of the appeal. (page completion of the appeal.
[Article 16.4, GATT Annex 2]
It may uphold, modify, or The Appellate Body may uphold,
reverse the legal findings and modify or reverse the legal findings
conclusions of the panel. ( page and conclusions of the panel.
[Article 17.13, GATT Annex 2]
Note that the AB reviews only An appeal shall be limited to issues of
issues of law covered in the law covered in the panel report and
panel report and legal legal interpretations developed by
interpretation developed by the the panel.
panel. (page 8)
[Article 17.6, GATT Annex 2]
The DSB shall keep under The DSB shall keep under
surveillance the implementation surveillance the implementation of
of adopted recommendation or adopted recommendations or
rulings. Any member may raise rulings. The issue of implementation
the issue of implementation of of the recommendations or
the recommendations or
rulings at the DSB anytime rulings may be raised at the DSB by any
following their adoption. Member at any time following their
(page 8) adoption.
[Article 21.6, GATT Annex 2]
world, while not prohibited across the board, law journals and
reviews frown upon authors who submit manuscripts which have
been previously published elsewhere, since the purpose of
publication is the circulation and distribution of original scholarship
and the practice would permit the author to be credited twice for the
same work.
Notably, from the papers she furnished the members of the Court,
it would seem that the WB Danish Trust Fund commissioned and
paid for the 2001 study that Justice Sereno and her co-authors
undertook. Indeed, the cover page of the WB paper she also
provided shows that it was part of the “Document of the World
Bank.” I would assume, however, that Justice Sereno obtained WB
authorization for the subsequent publication of the report in 2007.
Next, in her memorandum for petitioners-intervenors Franklin M.
Drilon and Adel A. Tamano in Province of North Cotabato, et al. v.
Government of the Republic of the Philippines Peace Panel on
Ancestral Domain, et al.,9 Justice Sereno lifted a famous phrase
from the United States’ case of Baker v. Carr, 169 U.S. 180, without
making attribution to her source.
submits the same or similar work to more than one course without such prior
permission is subject to disciplinary action, and ordinarily will be required to
withdraw from the College. (available online at
9 G.R. Nos. 183591, 183752, 183893, 183951, September 18, 2008, 568 SCRA
Justice Sereno explains that, since she earlier cited Baker v. Carr
in her memorandum, it would be utterly pointless to require her to
repeat her citation as often as excerpts from the case appear down
the line. It is not quite pointless because one who copies from the
work of another has an obligation, she insists in her dissent, to make
an attribution to his source. Otherwise, a writer can simply say at the
start of his article that he is copying from a list of named cases and it
would be up to the reader to guess where the copied portions are
located in that article. An explanation like this from an academician
is disheartening.
In another article, Uncertainties Beyond The Horizon: The
Metamorphosis of the WTO Investment Framework In The
Philippine Setting,10 Justice Sereno also copied from the World
Trade Organization fact sheet on line (prepared by the United States
Department of Agriculture) without using quotation marks, and
made the material appear to be her own original analysis. Thus:
Here again, Justice Sereno ignores her unbendable rule that one
commits plagiarism by his “[f]ailure to use quotation marks to
indicate that the entire paragraph in the body of the decision…was
not the ponente’s original paragraph, but was lifted verbatim from
[another’s] work.”
In his book entitled Economic Analysis of Law (2nd edition,
1977), Judge Richard A. Posner wrote:
“xxx Hence, settlement negotiations will fail, and litigation ensue, only if
the minimum price that the plaintiff is willing to accept in compromise of
his claim is greater than the maximum price the defendant is willing to pay
in satisfaction of that claim.” (At p. 435)
“xxx [S]ettlement negotiations will fail and litigation will ensue if the
minimum price that plaintiff is willing to accept in compromise of his
claim is greater than the maximum price that the defendant is willing to
pay in satisfaction of that claim.” (At page 483)
In other sections of the same article that Justice Sereno wrote, she
either copied verbatim from Judge Posner or mimicked his ideas
without attributing these to him. Thus:
Judge Posner wrote—
“A somewhat more plausible case can be made that judges might slant
their decisions in favour of powerful interest groups in order to increase the
prospects of promotion to higher office, judicial or otherwise.” xxx (At p.
“The first is that the American judicial system have rules designed
to minimize the possibilities of a judge maximizing his financial interest
by receiving a bribe from a litigant or from acceding to a politically
powerful interest group by making the rules work in such a manner as
to create disincentives for the judge ruling in such a manner.” (page
“It is often argued, for example, that the judge who owns land will
decide in favor of landowners, the judge who walks to work will be in
favour of pedestrians.” [Posner, 415]
“The second proceeding from the first is that the judge maximizes
the interest of the group to which he belongs. If he belongs to the
landowning class he will generally favor
Using the severe standards she sets for Justice Del Castillo in
Vinuya, i.e., “objective existence of plagiarism,” I am afraid that any
explanation of good faith or lack of malicious intent on Justice
Sereno’s part in copying without proper attribution from the work of
Judge Posner would not be acceptable.
Still I can concede that Justice Sereno may not have intended to
plagiarize the work of others even if she copied verbatim from them
without proper attribution or quotation marks. Her above articles
were, taken as whole, essentially hers. I regret, however, that since
she wrote them as an academician bound by the high standards that
she and the University of the Philippines where she taught espouse,
she may have failed, borrowing her own phrase, to set the correct
“educative and moral directional value” for the young.
Justice Del Castillo, who did not write as an academician but as a
judge, is at least entitled to the liberties granted judges in writing
I vote to DENY the motion for reconsideration filed in this case.
Judges need not strain themselves to meet inapplicable standards
of research and attribution of sources in their judicial opinions, nor
seek to achieve the scholarly rigidity or thoroughness observed in
academic work. They need to answer to only two standards—
diligence and honesty. By honesty here is meant that good faith
attempt to attribute to the author his original words and analysis.
Even if a judge has to rely in large part on the drafts of his legal
researchers, the work of a diligent and honest judge will never
display the severe plagiarism evident in the Vinuya Decision
published under the name of Justice Mariano C. del Castillo. A
judge will only find himself in the same predicament as Justice del
Castillo if two situations coincide: (1) the judge wittingly or
unwittingly entrusts a legal researcher with the task of drafting his
judicial opinion, and the legal researcher decides to commit severe
plagiarism; and (2) the judge: (a) does not read and study the draft
decision himself; (b) even if he does read and study the same, the
“red flags” that are self-evident in the draft decision completely
escape him; or (c) despite having seen the red flags, he ignores them.
We use the words “severe plagiarism” here deliberately because
not only were three (3) works of the four (4) complaining authors1
plagiarized in Vinuya, text from the following copyrighted works
was copied without attribution as well: essays contributed by Robert
McCorquodale and Phoebe Okowa to the book International Law,
edited by Malcolm
ing the jurisdiction of this Court over the complaint for plagiarism
against Justice del Castillo. My esteemed colleague Justice Carpio is
convinced that Congress is the sole disciplining authority of all
impeachable officers, including Justices of the Supreme Court. He
characterizes plagiarism as a betrayal of public trust, and thus,
“impeachment by Congress takes the place of administrative
disciplinary proceedings against impeachable officers as there is no
other power that can administratively discipline impeachable
I. The Flow of the Analysis in This Dissent
A. Parameters
To allay any concern from members of the judiciary, I have been
very careful to underscore the limitations of my analysis of the
Vinuya Decision. My Dissent of 12 October 2010 is very clear:
“In a certain sense, there should have been less incentive to plagiarize law
review articles because the currency of judges is stare decisis. One wonders
how the issue should have been treated had what was plagiarized been a
court ruling, but that is not at issue here. The analysis in this opinion is
therefore confined to the peculiar situation of a judge who issues a
decision that plagiarizes law review articles, not to his copying of
precedents or parts of the pleadings of the parties to a case.”3
VOL. 642, FEBRUARY 8, 2011 97
In the Matter of the Charges of Plagiarism, Etc., Against Associate
Justice Mariano C. Del Castillo
they occur in the Vinuya Decision. Two of these tables deal with
copied works that previously appeared in my earlier Dissent: A
Fiduciary Theory of Jus Cogens, by Evan J. Criddle and Evan Fox-
Decent, and Breaking the Silence: Rape as an International Crime
by Mark Ellis; however, the entries for these tables present instances
of plagiarism not discussed or presented in my Dissent of 12
October 2010. Following the tables are lists of violations of rules
against plagiarism, each list item corresponding to one table entry.
Following the presentation of the tables, the process whereby
plagiarism could have been committed in Vinuya is examined. The
severe extent of plagiarism, which is already evident in the tables, is
discussed further, followed by an analysis of the systematic
commission of plagiarism in Vinuya. This analysis consists of the
detailed dissection of specific parts of the Vinuya decision: the text
of the body in pages 31-32, and the first paragraph of footnote 65.
The research process purportedly used by the legal researcher of
Vinuya is then broken down into separate steps that illustrate the
decision points at which an honest and diligent researcher would
have ensured that proper attribution to sources be given. This is then
followed by a closer examination of the deletion of existing citations
and the features of Microsoft Word relevant to the deletion of
II. Technical Analysis of Plagiarism in Vinuya
A. More Plagiarism
Below are new tables of comparison—excluding materials in
tables already discussed in my earlier Dissent to the majority
Decision in AM 10-7-17-SC—of excerpts from the Decision in
Vinuya vis-a-vis text from one (1) book on international law, five (5)
foreign law journal articles, and a copyrighted report of the United
States Congressional Research Service. While the degree of
seriousness of the offense of unattributed copying varies with the
kind of material copied, the
VOL. 642, FEBRUARY 8, 2011 103
In the Matter of the Charges of Plagiarism, Etc., Against Associate
Justice Mariano C. Del Castillo
(p. 347 (p. 32, other materials before it any firm basis for
of footnote concluding that, as a matter of international law, a
Criddle 77 of State no longer enjoys immunity from civil suit in
and Vinuya) the courts of another State where acts of torture
Fox- are alleged….
Decent) Source:
Al-Adsani v United Kingdom, App. No.
35763/97, 34 Eur. H.R. Rep. 11, par. 61 (2002)
(21 Nov. 2001).
14 Appeal from a
Judgment of the
Hungaro/ Appeal from a
Czechoslovak Judgment of the
Mixed Arbitral Hungaro-
Tribunal, Czechoslovak
Judgment, 1933, Mixed Arbitral
PCIJ, Ser A/B, Tribunal (Peter
No 61, p 208 at p Pázmány
231 University v.
1933 P.C.I.J.
208, (ser. A/B)
(p. 315 of No. 61, at 231
Evans’s (Dec. 15).
International Law
book, essay
written by
(p. 24, footnote
55 of Vinuya)
3. Even decisions of national
The decisions of courts support the thesis that
national courts on general international law as
these it stands does not mandate an
constitutional enforceable legal duty of
provisions diplomatic
nevertheless protection.
support the thesis
that general
international law
as it stands does
not mandate an
enforceable legal
duty of
17 Kaunda and
(p. 484 of Evans’s (p. 27, matters with which courts are ill
International Law footnote equipped to deal….
book, essay written by 63 of Source:
Okowa) Vinuya)
Kaunda v. President of the
Republic of South Africa, 44
I.L.M. 173, pars. 65-77 (2005) (C.
Ct. S. Afr.).
TABLE D: Comparison of Mariana Salazar Albornoz’s article,
Legal Nature and Legal Consequences of Diplomatic Protection:
Contemporary Challenges, and the Supreme Court’s Decision in
Vinuya, et al. v. Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 162230, 28 April
C W D “O ”
Mariana Salazar Albornoz, Legal Vinuya v. C
Nature and Legal Consequences Executive A
of Diplomatic Protection: Secretary, V
Contemporary Challenges, 6 G.R. No. D
A M 162230, 28
D I 377 April 2010.
1. Nowhere is this position more Nowhere is
clearly reflected than in the this
dictum position
than in the
dictum of
96 ILC First 59 ILC First Reading Text of the Draft
Reading Draft Draft Articles on Articles on Diplomatic
Articles on Diplomatic Protection Adopted by
Diplomatic Protection, U.N. Doc. the Commission on
Protection, supra A/CN.4/484, ILC First Reading, Rep. of
note 13, par. 60, Report, A/53/10 (F), the Int’l. Law Comm’n,
Commentary to par. 60, Commentary 56th Sess., 3 May-4
Draft Article 2, to Draft Article 2, par. June and 5 July-6
par. (1); see also, (1); see also, August 2004, U.N.
Commentary to Commentary to Draft Doc. A/59/10 at 22-28,
Draft Article 1, Article 1, par. (3), and par. 60; GAOR, 59th
par. (3), and text text of Draft Article Sess., Supp. 10 (2004).
of Draft Article 2.
97 Report of the 60 Report of the
International Law International Law
Commission on Commission on the
the work of its work of its 50th
50th session, session, supra note
supra note 13, 60, par. 77.
par. 77.
Elizabeth Prochaska, Testing Vinuya v. A B
the Limits of Diplomatic Executive P
Protection: Khadr v. The Prime Secretary, G.R.
Minister of Canada (2009). No. 162230, 28
April 2010
(p. 397 of
Larry Niksch, J Vinuya v. Executive
M ’ C Secretary, G.R. No.
W , 10 April 162230, 28 April 2010.
1. The Asian The AWF The projects of atonement involved providing former comfort women with 2 million
Women’s Fund announced three yen per person as atonement money donated by Japanese citizens, delivering a letter of
announced programs for apology from the Japanese Prime Minister, and offering goods and services under
three programs former comfort medical and welfare support projects financed by the Japanese government.
for former women who Note:
comfort applied for
women who assistance: (1) an The passage in Vinuya does not contain a footnote. The following source is the nearest
applied for atonement fund citation that may reasonably be taken as within the context of the discussion in Vinuya.
assistance: (1) paying ¥2 million
an atonement (approximately
fund that paid $20,000) to each
two million woman; (2)
yen medical and
(approximately welfare support
$20,000) to programs, paying
each former ¥2.5-3 million
comfort ($25,000-$30,000)
woman; (2) for each woman;
medical and and (3) a letter of
welfare apology from the
support Japanese Prime
programs for Minister to each
former woman.
comfort (p. 17, Body of
women, Vinuya)
paying 2.5-3
million yen
$30,000) for
each former
woman; and
(3) a letter of
apology from
the Japanese
Prime Minister
to each
[FN8]. From
the Asian
Women’s Fund
March 16,
(paragraph 11
of Niksch)
2. ...As of March ...As of March In order to fulfill its moral responsibility in all sincerity, the Japanese government
2006, the 2006, the decided to disburse about 700 million yen over a five-year period for medical and
Asian AWF provided welfare support projects aiding former comfort women in the Philippines, the Republic
Women’s Fund ¥700 million of Korea and Taiwan.
provided 700 yen ...
million yen (approximately
(approximately $7 million) for Note:
$7 million) for these programs The passage in Vinuya does not contain a footnote. The following source is the nearest
these programs in South citation that may reasonably be taken as within the context of the discussion in Vinuya.
in South Korea,
Korea, Taiwan, and
Taiwan, and the
the Philippines;
Philippines; ¥380 million
380 million yen
yen (approximately
(approximately $3.8 million)
$3.8 million) in Indonesia;
in Indonesia; and ¥242
and 242 million yen
million yen (approximately
(approximately $2.4 million)
$2.4 million) in the
in the Netherlands.
Netherlands. (p. 17, Body
[9] of Vinuya)
(paragraph 12
of Niksch)
3. On January On January The government of the Philippines and the Asian Women’s Fund
15, 1997 the 15, 1997 the signed a Memorandum of Understanding on January 15, 1997….
Asian AWF and the The Philippine government’s Department of Social Welfare and
Women’s Philippine Development implemented the projects over a period of five
Fund and the government years….
Philippine signed a
government Memorandum Note:
signed a of The passage in Vinuya does not contain a footnote. The following
Memorandum Understanding source is the nearest citation that may reasonably be taken as
of for medical within the context of the discussion in Vinuya.
understanding and welfare
for medical support
and welfare programs for
support former
programs for comfort
former women. Over
comfort the next five
women. Over years, these
the next five were
years, these implemented
were by the
implemented Department of
by the Social Welfare
Philippine and
government’s Development.
Department of (p. 17, Body
Social Welfare of Vinuya)
(paragraph 19
of Niksch)
C W A /
James Ladino, Ianfu: Vinuya v. Executive U L
No Comfort Yet for Secretary, G.R. No.
Korean Comfort 162230, 28 April
Women and the 2010.
Impact of House
Resolution 121, 15
Cardozo J.L. &
Gender 333 (2009).
1. In 1992, the Korean In 1992, the Korean ...In her report to
Council for the Council for the the U.N. Human
Women Drafted for Women Drafted for Rights
Military Sexual Military Sexual Commission,
Slavery by Japan Slavery by Japan Radhika
(“KCWS”), submitted (KCWS), submitted a Coomaraswamy,
a petition to the petition to the UN the U.N. special
United Nations Human Rights investigator into
Human Rights Commission violence against
Commission (UNHRC), asking for women, concluded
(“UNHRC”), asking assistance in that Japan must
for their assistance in investigating crimes admit its legal
investigating committed by responsibility....
....Lee Hyo-chae,
as a co-chair of the
KCWS submitted a
VOL. 642, FEBRUARY 8, 2011 149
In the Matter of the Charges of Plagiarism, Etc., Against Associate
Justice Mariano C. Del Castillo
was given that this was not the ponente’s original analysis, and no
attribution to Albornoz was made.
D.2 The elucidation of Albornoz regarding what she calls the
traditional view on the discretion of states in the exercise of
diplomatic protection was copied into footnote 57 of the Vinuya
Decision. Albornoz’s citation of Borchard was used as a reference in
the same footnote, but Albornoz was bypassed completely.
D.3 Albornoz’s summation of the ILC’s First Reading Draft
Articles on diplomatic protection was copied with some
modifications: the second half of the first sentence from Albornoz
was removed and instead replaced with “fully support this
traditional view” in an apparent effort to link this summary to the
previous instance of copying (table entry D.2.). Minor edits were
made to Albornoz’s summary to streamline the flow of the second
copied sentence. No attribution to Albornoz was made.
D.4 Albornoz’s summation of Dugard’s proposal was lifted word
for word and used in footnote 62 of Vinuya. The footnote Albornoz
attached to this summation, a quotation of Albornoz’s cited source,
was inserted directly after the copied summation. No attribution to
Albornoz was made.
D.5 The conclusion reached by Albornoz regarding the rejection
of Dugard’s proposal was copied exactly, even with regard to the
portions of the Official Records of the General Assembly that
Albornoz quoted. No attribution to Albornoz was made.
D.6 The major part of a sentence from Albornoz was copied and
attached to the transition phrase “In addition” to continue the
pastiche of copied sentences in footnote 62 of Vinuya. The footnote
of Albornoz regarding Dugard was inserted immediately after and
enclosed in parentheses. Note that the inline text citation, “supra
note 13, par. 80” in Albornoz’s footnote 130 was copied as well. No
attribution to Albornoz was made.
sentence was again copied to form part of the body of Vinuya. The
cutting of sentences from Ladino’s work and the patching together
of these pieces to form a mishmash of sentences negate the defense
of inadvertence, and give the reader the impression that the freshly
crafted argument was an original creation.
The work of Criddle and Fox-Decent was subjected to a similar
process. This process is dissected in the following list of instances
ordered according to how they appear in pages 31 to 32 of the body
of the Decision:
a. Detailed analysis of ‘patchwork plagiarism’ in the body of
Vinuya, pp. 31-32:
1. Page 31, par. 2: Early strains of the jus cogens doctrine have
existed since the 1700s,[71] but peremptory norms began to
attract greater scholarly attention with the publication of Alfred
von Verdross’s influential 1937 article, Forbidden Treaties in
International Law.[72]
In the Matter of the Charges of Plagiarism, Etc., Against Associate
Justice Mariano C. Del Castillo
Vinuya is so high that the underlying cause could not have been
mere inadvertence.
Step 1:
a. First, using an internet-based search engine, which could be a
free search service like Google’s, or a paid service like
Westlaw’s, the researcher would have typed in key phrases like
“erga omnes,” “sexual slavery,” or other such terms relevant to
the subject matter.
b. For some researchers, this is just a preliminary step, as they
would then pick and choose which articles to read and which to
discard. The researcher in Vinuya, however, claimed that she
purposely read all the materials available through this search.8
Step 2:
a. The search engine would have generated a list of documents
containing the search terms and topics relevant to the subject
matter. The search engine would also have linked the items on
this list to the corresponding online locations where these
documents may be accessed.
b. In Vinuya, the researcher used the Westlaw legal research
service (which is made available to offices of all the Justices),
and perused the generated list.9 A possi-
8 “So in the process, my practice, which may not be shared by other researchers,
my own practice as to doing research for decisions is to basically review all the
material that is available insofar as I can. So I review everything, I take notes, I do my
own research and then after one has reviewed as much as I am able to, then one starts
writing.” TSN at 28, Hearing of 26 August 2010, Deliberations of the Committee on
Ethics and Ethical Standards.
9 “So what happens, Your Honors, is basically, one does an initial review, sorry, I
do an initial review on this…all of these goes for the most articles, Law Journal
articles. So one does initial review on
ble item on this list would be the article entitled “Breaking the
Silence: Rape as an International Crime,” by one of the
complaining authors, Dr. Mark Ellis.
Step 3:
The researcher would read articles from the generated list and
identify the portions she planned to incorporate into the draft. For
this example, she would have scrolled through the work of Mark
Ellis and found the selection she wanted. The level of scrutiny
invested into each of the chosen articles would vary; some
researchers make cursory readings and incorporate as many
portions from different works and authors as they can.
Step 4:
a. The researcher can either save the articles in their entirety, or
save the selections in one document. The researcher in Vinuya
claimed that she did the latter and used the Microsoft Word
program for this purpose.
b. If the researcher chose to save only pertinent selections, then
ideally the attributions would have to be made at his point.
Now, this step is critical. I know of no software in the world,
especially not Microsoft Word, that will generate the citation to the
work of Ellis on its own, without the appropriate action
these articles and if there is an article that immediately strikes one as relevant or as
important or as useful in the course of writing a decision, you can click on it, the blue
portion, you can click on this and the article will actually appear. And then you can
read the whole article, you can skim through the article, if again it seems relevant, it’s
possible to e-mail the article to yourself, which makes it easier because…so at least I
have, for instance, all of the articles available like in my home.” TSN at 28, Hearing
of 26 August 2010, Deliberations of the Committee on Ethics and Ethical Standards.
12 A case in which the popup text box would not appear is that in which a block of
text containing the note reference mark is selected; the popup text box will only
appear if the cursor is hovered near the note reference mark.
13 R A. P ,T L B P m, 38 (2007).
14 Id., at p. 106.
15 Laurie Stearns, Copy Wrong: Plagiarism, Property, and the Law, 80 C . L. R . 513,
518 (1992).
16 Id., at p. 522.
19 Id., at p. 715.
20 Id., at p. 718.
21 Id.
22 Id., at p. 726.
“In conclusion, this author believes that a judicial writer cannot commit
legal plagiarism because the purpose of his writing is no to create a literary
work but to dispose of a dispute between parties. Even so, a judge is
ethically bound to give proper credit to law review articles, novel thoughts
published in legal periodicals, newly handed down decisions, or even a
persuasive case from another jurisdiction. While the judge may unwittingly
use the language of a source without attribution, it is not proper even though
he may be relieved of the stigma of plagiarism.23
23. Id.
24 Supra note 3 at p. 29.
25 See: In re Widdison, 539 N.W.2d 671 (S.D. 1995) at p. 865 (as cited in Jaime S.
Dursht, Judicial Plagiarism: It May Be Fair Use but Is It Ethical?, 18 C L.
R . 1253); Rebecca Moore Howard, Plagiarisms, Authorships, and the Academic
Death Penalty, 57 College English 7 (Nov., 1995), at pp. 788-806, as cited in the
JSTOR,; Klinge v. Ithaca College, 634
“Plagiarism thus does not consist solely of using the work of others in
one’s own work, but of the former in conjunction with the failure to attribute
said work to its rightful owner and thereby, as in the case of written work,
misrepresenting the work of another as one’s own. As the work is another’s
and used without attribution, the plagiarist derives the benefit of use form
the plagiarized work without expending the requisite effort for the same—at
a cost (as in the concept of “opportunity cost”) to its author who could
otherwise have gained credit for the work and whatever compensation for its
use is deemed appropriate and necessary.”26
N.Y.S.2d 1000 (Sup. Ct. 1995), Napolitano v. Trustees of Princeton Univ., 453
A.2d 279, 284 (N.J. Super. Ct. Ch. Div. 1987), and In re Brennan, 447 N.W.2d 712,
713-14 (Mich. 1949), as cited in Gerald Lebovits, Alifya V. Curtin & Lisa Solomon,
Ethical Judicial Opinion Writing, 21 T G J L E
264, note 190; Apotex Inc. v. Janssen-Ortho Inc., 2009, as cited in Emir Aly Crowne-
Mohammed, 22 No. 4 Intell. Prop. & Tech. L. J. 15, 1 – as cited in page 28 and
footnotes 24, 25, 27 to 29 of my 12 October 2010 Dissent.
26 Id., at p. 26.
A C - E
D .D D G
C : A :
J. A ’ A -
Justice and the
Cost of Doing Asian Development
Business: The Bank Country
Philippines, report Governance
submitted to the Assessment:
World Bank, 2001. Philippines, 2005.
1. Cost refers to both Costs, on the other Cost refers to both
monetary and hand, refer to both monetary and
nonmonetary the monetary and nonmonetary
opportunities that a nonmonetary opportunities that a
litigant has to forego opportunities that litigant has to forego
in pursuing a case. business people in pursuing a case.
Direct cost refers not forego as a result of Direct cost refers not
only to fees paid to making use of the only to fees paid to
the courts but also to judicial system the courts but also to
out-of-pocket costs itself. Direct costs out-of-pocket costs
arising from litigation refer not only to the arising from litigation
itself (e.g., lawyers’ fees paid the courts itself (e.g., lawyer’s
fees and but also to out-of- fees and
compensation, pocket costs arising compensation,
transcript fees for from litigation transcript fees for
stenographic notes, itself (e.g., lawyers’ stenographic notes,
etc.). Indirect costs fees and etc.). Indirect costs
refer to lost documenta- refer to lost
opportunities arising opportunities arising
duced in 2001. Were it not for his charges, I would not have learned
of such inadvertent error from the ADB. I have thus called the
attention of my co-authors, Drs. De Dios and Capuno, to this matter.
Below is a reproduction of the contents of my letter to Drs. De Dios
and Capuno:
... It is incumbent upon the courts to harmonize these laws, and often they
would find the absence of constitutional standards to guide them (Sereno
2001). at page 98
... Critics pointed out that the Supreme Court should not have made factual
declarations on whether a property belongs to the national patrimony in the
absence of an operative law by which a factual determination can be made
(Sereno 2001). at page 99
... As Sereno pointed out, if this tension between the three branches is not
resolved satisfactorily, it will create a climate of unpredictability as a result
of the following: at page 99
(iii) a court that will continually have to defend the exercise of its own
powers against the criticism of the principal stakeholders in the process of
economic policy formulation: the executive and legislative branches and the
constituencies consulted on the particular economic issues at hand (Sereno
more likely than not, it was the ADB echoing the thoughts of one or
some of the authors in the reference list when it used those quoted
sentences, and that the pool of authors being echoed by ADB
includes me. The reference list of the ADB report with the relevant
reference is quoted herein:
Sereno, Ma. Lourdes. 2001. The Power of Judicial Review and Economic
Policies: Achieving Constitutional Objectives. PHILJA-AGILE-USAID
Project on Law and Economics.” at page 158.
This charge is made even more aggravating by the fact that the
Supreme Court itself, through the Project Management Office, has a
copy of my 2001 paper. In July 2003, a “Project Appraisal
Document on a Proposed Loan in the Amount of US$21.9 Million to
the Republic of the Philippines for a Judicial Reform Support
Project” was officially filed by the World
Justice Sereno said that ‘this section is drawn from Article XX and XXII of
the GATT 1994, Understanding on Dispute Settlement and Working
I think the problem lies in the fact that neither Justice Abad nor
his researcher is aware that the phrase “Understanding on Dispute
Settlement” is the short title for the “Understanding on the Rules and
Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes,” which is
formally known also as Annex 2 of the Marakkesh Agreement
Establishing the World Trade Organization (short form of treaty
name: WTO Treaty). A quick visit to the WTO website will show
that the WTO itself uses any of the terms “DSU,” “Dispute
Settlement Understanding” or “Understanding on Dispute
Settlement” (UDS) as short forms for the said Annex. The WTO
webpage30 shows that “Understanding on Dispute Settlement” is the
first short way they call the long set of rules covered by Annex 2 of
the WTO Treaty.
More importantly, the WTO documents that were cited here are
public international documents and rules governing the relations of
states. In page 6 of my article, “Toward the Formulation of a
Philippine Position in Resolving Trade and Investment Dispute in
APEC,” I explain the modes of resolving trade and investment
disputes by APEC countries, and one of these modes is the WTO
dispute settlement mechanism governed by the WTO rules
This is therefore a meaningless charge.
Assuming that Justice Abad knows that the above treaty titles are
interchangeable, then his charge is akin to complaining of my
supposed failure for having simply written thus: “The following are
the requirements for filing a complaint under the Rules of Court”
and then for having immedi-
Panel, and the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in Baker v. Carr,
cited in the legal memorandum.
J. A ’ E
P J. S
S : C J.
Petitioners-Intervenors’ S :
Memorandum, Province Baker v. Carr, 369
of North Cotabato v. U.S. 186 (1962).
Peace Panel
3.4 The power to
determine whether or not
a governmental act is a
political question, is
solely vested in this
Court, and not with the
Respondents. This
Honorable Court had
firmly ruled that Article
VIII, Section 1 of the
Constitution, as rejected
the prudential approach
taken by courts as
described in Baker v.
Carr. Indeed, it is a duty,
not discretion, of the
Supreme Court, to take
cognizance of a case and
exercise the power of
disciplines adopted during those negotiations. trading partners. The basic aim during those negotiations.
The WTO functions as the principal international of the WTO is to liberalize The WTO functions as the principal international
body concerned with multilateral negotiations on world trade and place it on a body concerned with multilateral negotiations on
the reduction of trade barriers and other measures secure basis, thereby the reduction of trade barriers and other
that distort competition. The WTO also serves as contributing to economic measures that distort competition. The WTO
a platform for countries to raise their concerns growth and development. also serves as a platform for countries to raise
regarding the trade policies of their trading http://www.fas.usd their concerns regarding the trade policies of
partners. The basic aim of the WTO is to their trading partners. The basic aim of the WTO
liberalize world trade and place it on a secure (last accessed February 13, is to liberalize world trade and place it on a
basis, thereby contributing to economic growth 2008). (Emphasis supplied.) secure basis, thereby contributing to economic
and development. (p. 260-261, footnote 2 of J. growth and development.
[WTO FACTSHEET Sereno’s work) Source cited:,
last accessed February 13, 2008.]
Justice Abad has likewise pointed out that I made it appear that
the description of the WTO in my article entitled “Uncertainties
Beyond the Horizon: The Metamorphosis of the WTO Investment
Framework in the Philippine Setting” was my own original analysis.
Again, a cursory reading of the article will show that the paragraph
in question was actually the second footnote in page 2 of the article.
The footnote was made as a background reference to the Marrakesh
Agreement, which, as I explained earlier in the article, established
the WTO. The footnote thus further provided background
information on the WTO. Contrary, however, to Justice Abad’s
allegation, I clearly attributed the source of the information at the
end of the footnote by providing the website source of this
information and the date I accessed the information. Thus, should
one decide to follow the website that I cited, one would immediately
see the information contained in the article was lifted from this
direct source.
5. The purported non-attribution to Judge Richard A. Posner’s
seminal work in his book Economic Analysis of Law.
TABLE K: Comparison of Justice Abad’s allegations, the article
entitled Lawyers’ Behavior and Judicial Decision-Making, and
Judge Richard A. Posner’s book Economic Analysis of Law, cited in
the article.
J. A ’ J. S : S C J.
A Sereno, Lawyers’ Behavior S :
and Judicial Decision- R A. P ,
Making, 70(4) Phil. L. J. E A
476 (1996). L , (2 ed.
The last is that judges maximize for judicial behavior must lie
their influence on society by elsewhere than in pecuniary or
imposing their values, tastes and political factors. That most
preferences thereon. judges are leisure maximizers
Depending on one’s impressions is an assumption that will not
and experiences (since there is no survive even casual
empirical data on which a more observation of judicial
scientific conclusion can be behavior. A more attractive
reached on which of the above possibility, yet still one
four theories are correct), we can thoroughly consistent with the
see the relation of this utility- ordinary assumptions of
maximizing behavior on both our economic analysis, is that
probability estimate function and judges seek to impose their
Posner’s precondition inequality preferences, tastes, values etc.
for litigation. Although more on society....
research is required in this area, if
we believe Posner’s function to
be true….
(Emphasis supplied.)
May I ask you for help in this respect—I wish to submit my work to the
evaluation of your esteemed professors in the UP School of Economics. My
work as an academic has been attacked and I would wish very much for a
statement from a panel of your choosing to give its word on my work.
I am attaching a table showing which part of Posner’s work I am alleged
to have plagiarized in my Philippine Law Journal article.
Thank you very much. I will be much obliged for this kind favor.
Very truly yours,
Maria Lourdes P.A. Sereno
32 Salonga v. Cruz Paño, G.R. No. 59525, 18 February 1985, 134 SCRA 438.
33 Gerald Lebovits, Alifya V. Curtin, & Lisa Solomon, Ethical Judicial Opinion Writing, 21
Geo. J. L E 264 (2008).
34 Id., at p. 269.
35 Promulgated 5 September 1989, took effect 20 October 1989.
VOL. 642, FEBRUARY 8, 2011 203
In the Matter of the Charges of Plagiarism, Etc., Against Associate Justice
Mariano C. Del Castillo
judiciary, this Court has come down hard on erring judges and
imposed the concomitant punishment.41
As held by the Court in Teban Hardware and Auto Supply Co. v.
“The personal and official actuations of every member of the Bench must
be beyond reproach and above suspicion. The faith and confidence of the
public in the administration of justice cannot be maintained if a Judge who
dispenses it is not equipped with the cardinal judicial virtue of moral
integrity, and if he obtusely continues to commit an affront to public
decency. In fact, moral integrity is more than a virtue; it is a necessity in the
41 Castillo v. Calanog, Jr., A.M. No. RTJ-90-447, 16 December 1994, 239 SCRA
42 Teban Hardware and Auto Supply Co. v. Tapucar, A.M. No. 1720, 31 January
1981, 102 SCRA 492, 504.
43 Ex Parte Brown, 166 Ind. 593, 78 N.E. 553 (1906).
“Easily the most daunting task which confronts a newly appointed judge
is how to write decisions. It is truly a formidable challenge considering the
impact of a court’s judgment reverberates throughout the community in
which it is rendered, affecting issues of life, liberty, and property in ways
that are more pervasive and penetrating than what usually appears on the
surface—or under it.”45
44 Supra note 33 at p. 282.
45 Foreword of Justice Ameurfina A. Melencio Herrera, “F
D W J ,” (2009).
46 Daniel Farber, Missing the Play of Intelligence, 6 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 147, (1994).
Thus, the value of ethical judicial writing vis-à-vis the role that
courts are called upon to play cannot be underestimated.
47 Id., at p. 170.
48 Id., at footnote 40.
49 David McGowan, Judicial Writing and the Ethics of the Judicial Office, 14
Geo. J. Legal Ethics 509, 509. (2001).
wrong must be righted, and this Court must move forward in the
right direction.
Note.—A decision that does not clearly and distinctly state the
facts and the law on which it is based leaves the parties in the dark
as to how it was reached and is precisely prejudicial to the losing
party, who is unable to pinpoint the possible errors of the court for
review by a higher tribunal. More than that, the requirement is an
assurance to the parties that, in reaching judgment, the judge did so
through the processes of legal reasoning. It is, thus, a safeguard
against the impetuosity of the judge, preventing him from deciding
ipse dixit. (Yao vs. Court of Appeals, 344 SCRA 202 [2000])