Sweat Chloride Brochure

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Scheduling My Test The Sweat Chloride Test

Due to the time and medical expertise required

for the testing procedure, all sweat chloride
tests MUST be scheduled in advance.
Contact the Florida Hospital Laboratories Client
Services Department by calling (407) 303-8561
and ask to schedule
a sweat chloride test. You will be transferred
to the Florida Hospital Orlando Chemistry
Department to schedule your test. Sweat
chloride testing is performed Tuesday through
Friday between 8:00 and 9:00 am at Florida
Hospital Orlando.
Where do I go? WTR PK ST. FLORIDA
 On the day of your appointment, park in the

King Street garage.

 Go to the third floor of the Medical Plaza.

Go to Outpatient Registration (Room 370),

where you will be registered based on the PRINCETON AVE.

laboratory requirements of your insurance plan.
 Instructions will be provided on how to get to

the main hospital second floor laboratory.

Florida Hospital Medical Plaza

2501 North Orange Ave, Suite 370
Orlando, FL 32804

(407) 303-8561 | (407) 303-8570 FAX

 Do not apply creams or lotions to the skin 24
The sweat chloride test has been the “gold
hours before the test.
standard” for diagnosing cystic fibrosis
(CF) for more than 50 years. When testing  Make sure you are well hydrated. Drink plenty
is performed by trained technicians and of liquids.
evaluated in an experienced, reliable
 Maintain a regular diet and continue any
laboratory, the sweat chloride test is still the
regular medications.
best way to diagnose CF.
 Wear heavy clothing and bring a blanket to
CF is an inherited disease that can affect the
WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT DURING THE TEST? stay warm while the sweat is being produced.
lungs and pancreas. The sweat of a patient
with CF produces high amounts of chloride, The test is usually performed on the arm or, if the  Do not come for a sweat test if you have
which is measured by the laboratory and patient is a small infant, on the upper thigh. symptoms of illness, such as fever or flu.
reported to the physician. During the first part of the test, a chemical called  Contact your physician directly for test results.
The sweat chloride test can be performed on pilocarpine is placed on a gauze pad and placed
people of any age. However, some children on the test area. An electrode is placed over the
may not make enough sweat to complete the gauze, and a small amount of electrical current
test. If a child does not produce enough sweat is applied to the area. There is usually a small
the first time, the test should be repeated. amount of tingling or a feeling of warmth. This
part of the test lasts for five minutes.
The second part of the test comprises cleaning
the area and collecting the sweat on a clean
piece of gauze. The gauze is covered with
plastic and wrapped in a bandage to help induce
sweating. This part of the test takes 30 minutes.
During this the time, the patient is kept very
warm in order to collect the most sweat.
After 30 minutes, the gauze is removed, and
the volume of sweat is measured. If there is a
sufficient amount of sweat on the gauze pad, the
patient may leave.
The skin in the area of the placement of the
electrodes may stay red for several hours and For more information regarding sweat
continue to sweat. In rare cases, a small blister-like chloride testing and to see a video of how
spot may appear. This is usually due to an allergic the test is performed, visit CFF.org.
reaction to the pilocarpine chemical used in the test.

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