Psychiatric Tool FILIPINO VERSIOn
Psychiatric Tool FILIPINO VERSIOn
Psychiatric Tool FILIPINO VERSIOn
School of Nursing
I. Identifying Data
Name: Satur, Ella May
Age: 19 years old
Sex: Female
Address: Private Rd. New Lucban
Marital Status: S
Occupation: Student
Religion: Free Believers in Christ Fellowship
II. History:
A. Chief Complaints/ Reasons for Admission
B. History of present illness
C. Changes in client’s life before the onset of illness
D.Family History
She describes family situation as more or less peaceful but feels pressure from the expectations placed upon her and the hierarchical system
employed in the family (as she feels she is the lowest due to her being the youngest or “bunso” in the family, she is always “wrong” when it comes to
arguments with her sibling and parents). There are no incidences or histories of mental illnesses in the family. Parents are alive and well. Home into
which client was born is in the middle class. Parents are happily married with no untoward feelings against children but were very strict. Client was an
unplanned but wanted birth. It made the family bigger however challenged the second child’s spot in being the youngest causes a sense of “dethroning”
on the part of the sibling.
E. Personal History
1. Prenatal history and mother’s pregnancy and delivery
Length of pregnancy was less than 12 hours; was delivered via LSCS due to occurrence of pre-eclampsia; no known birth trauma; pregnancy
was unplanned but wanted; attitude of parents during pregnancy was positive; no birth defects was with (+) with jaundice which was related to
the occurrence of pre-eclampsia and was suction due to aspiration of meconium.
2. Birth
July 2, 1998; positive parental reaction towards baby; 2nd sibling felt challenged by birth forth attention and felt “dethroned”;
Breastfed fed for 2 years and was bottle fed complementarily around 6 months-1 yrs old; no feeding problem; no weaning problem; slept at day
and awakens at night (frequently cried); no physical or sexual abuse
3. Early childhood/ Pre-school
Was more attached to mother; above average language and motor development; toilet training was early as 1 year old (describes it as being
controlled and would only defecate and urinate in the toilet as she disliked the “smell” of the fecal matter); 1-2 playmates; Favorite play activities
were roleplaying in the classroom setting; techniques of getting attention from others; reacted passively to guidance and discipline;; Personality
and temperament as a child was described as shy and timid. Was disciplined harshly with spanks (especially from father, whenever she would
commit a mistake)
a. School
Age started and feelings and adjustments about it, went how far or age left for school – reasons for leaving; scholastic standing and
explanation for changes; special likes or dislikes in subjects; extracurricular activities (arts, organizations, sports); ambitions; attitudes and
relationships towards teacher and classmates
b. Further personality development
Had played outside with 1-2 friends while growing up, but was always put back by parents to study back home after around 1 hour. Such
comments were as such “no wonder your grades are getting lower; you keep on playing”
c. Health status
No illnesses, fell on chin accidentally but no traumatic affect was afflicted.
4. Adolescence
Peer relationships
Around 6-8 close friends, was once intuned to being a leader but now in college, more of a follower role, social popularity, participates with in
groups and shares ideas though still with reservation, idealizes favorite singers; and has patterns of passivity, anxiety, antisocial behavior
School history and Cognitive and motor development
Adjusted well initially to school but was slowly isolated due to perceived bossy behavior, relationships with teachers was teacher's pet, was
interested in leading during her highschool days in the student government
Particular adolescent emotional or physical problems
Feeling of inferiority and isolation in class during highschool
Interests and hobbies
Sewing, singing and drawing
Psychosexual history
Acquiring of sexual knowledge from books and peers. Attitude of parents toward sex for them is a closed subject; Onset of puberty was at 13
and felt reserved about it, feels menstruation is a natural part of being a girl, development of secondary sexual characteristics; Adolescent
sexual activity: Crushes, parties, dating, petting, masturbation, wet dreams and attitudes toward them; Attitudes toward same and opposite
sex: Timid, shy, aggressive, need to impress, seductive, sexual conquests, anxiety; Sexual practices: Sexual problems,
Religious background
Free Believers in Christ Fellowship
a. Occupational history
b. Social activity
Has a handful of close friends in college that she can open up to, recently left a relationship and is currently single.
c. Adult sexuality
d. Military history
e. Value systems
seen as a burden or a joy; work is seen as or an opportunity; current is devote and faithful to belief; believes in heaven and hell