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To Be Printed
To Be Printed
We are the 2nd Year Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Science, students currently
conducting a study about Gender Stereotyping. In pursuit of the success of the objective of our
study. This survey that we conducted serves as a way for us researchers to gather information
which helps us to find accurate data and analyze it to know the influence of gender stereotypes
on students’ Socio-cultural concept of Female students in Criminology at CBSUA-Sipocot, we
would like to invite you to fill out this form. We will highly appreciate the time you may allot to
us upon conducting our survey. Your response to this letter is crucial in providing the necessary
information for our study to help us achieve the factual result. Your response and time are
greatly appreciated.
Survey Questionnaire
I. Questions
Direction: Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each of
these statements regarding to your personal experience rooted from the issues.
Place an “X” mark in the box of your answer.
Been victim of Gender Stereotyping ___ Yes ____ No
Strongly Strongly
Items Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
1. Females are often portrayed as being
emotional, caring and in need of protection.
1. How do you feel when you experience gender stereotyping?