Neurotology Audiology: Proceedings

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Published online: February 20, 2015

Audiol Neurotol 2014;19(suppl 1):40–44 cantly in recent years, unfortunately, in these patients, even the
DOI: 10.1159/000371609 most modern hearing aids are not able to provide adequate bene-
fits when it comes to speech understanding. In these patients, the
Benefits of Cochlear Implantation in Deafened method of choice is cochlear implantation.
Adults In elderly patients with severe-to-profound bilateral sensori-
neural hearing loss, hearing aids usually provide little benefit and
Magdalena Lachowska, Agnieszka Pastuszka, Paulina Glinka, elderly patients isolate themselves from other people, leading to
Kazimierz Niemczyk loneliness and sometimes depression. In activities such as going
Hearing Implant Center, Department of Otolaryngology, out for shopping or doctor’s appointments, they become depen-
Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland dent on others. These factors negatively affect their quality of life
[Dalton et al., 2003; Hallam et al., 2006; Knutson et al., 2006; Pois-
sant et al., 2008; Scherer and Frisina, 1998]. Cochlear implants are
more and more frequently being used in these patients [Eshragi et
Key Words al., 2009; Lachowska et al., 2013; Leung et al., 2005; Francis et al.,
Elderly · Hearing loss · Deafness · Hearing aid · Cochlear implant · 2002; Migirov et al., 2010; Poissant et al., 2008; Sterkers et al., 2004;
Audiometry · Speech perception Yeagle et al., 2010].

Subjects and Methods

Abstract The data of 30 elderly patients (13 females, 17 males) with post-
Aim: The objective was to retrospectively analyze the benefits of co- lingual bilateral severe-to-profound hearing loss were analyzed.
chlear implantation in deafened elderly (>65 years old). Method: Data Mean patients’ age at the time of implantation was 76 years old
from 30 elderly patients with a unilateral cochlear implant were in- (SD = 6.0; min = 66 years; max = 87 years). All were implanted
cluded and analyzed. Audiometric threshold and speech data in aided unilaterally (16 right, 14 left) with a multichannel cochlear im-
and unaided conditions were examined at pre- and postimplant in- plant. In all cases, the speech processors were activated 1 month
tervals at 3, 6, and 12 months after activation of the sound processor after the surgery. For this study purpose, the data were analyzed
and compared. Results: All patients demonstrated hearing benefits for the following time intervals: before cochlear implantation and
after implant and over time with results ranging from very good, at 3, 6, and 12 months after activation of the speech processor. The
good, to limited performance in a few cases. The mean postimplanta- mean follow-up time was 2.74 years (range 12 months – 7.34
tion follow-up time was 2.74 years (minimum 1 year). Our study co- years). Audiological evaluation before implantation included pure
hort demonstrates that cochlear implantation is a successful treat- tone audiometry, speech audiometry, and free-field audiometry.
ment method for improving speech perception in the auditory alone Evaluation after implantation included free-field audiometry and
or auditory-visual mode for the majority of elderly patients. No cor- speech perception tests (Ling’s six-sound test, syllable discrimina-
relations were observed between postimplant outcomes and age, or tion, monosyllabic and multisyllabic word recognition in open
preimplant hearing thresholds and speech audiometry. Conclusion: set). Speech perception tests were conducted using live voice at the
Age is not a determining or limiting factor for post-CI outcome per- presentation level of about 65–70 dB SPL. Results from speech per-
formance in deafened elderly patients. Counselling should consider ception tests performed routinely assist in the sound processor
the patient as a whole and include explanation of the risk for a minor- mapping procedure (fitting) and ensure the best possible perfor-
ity of elderly patients who may demonstrate poor outcomes after im- mance outcomes for the individual during the fitting sessions. In
plant, despite presenting as good candidates before implantation. addition, patients were asked (via interview) about their everyday
© 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel activities and the influence of cochlear implantation on their ev-
eryday lives, i.e. communication with a familiar and unfamiliar
person, necessity of lipreading, using the phone, interactions with
Introduction household members, relatives and friends, independence in every-
In cases of bilateral severe-to-profound hearing loss, even the day activities, and speech perception in noisy environments. The
most powerful hearing aids are no longer sufficient and the patient patients’ responses to those issues were very helpful in evaluating
experiences difficulties associated with residual hearing. It mani- benefits of cochlear implantation in everyday life.
fests itself mainly as significant problems with speech understand- Data were tested for normality, parametric and nonparametric
ing even in quiet environment and situations where only one per- criteria. The t test, repeated-measures ANOVA and correlation
son speaks. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is significant- analysis were used for statistical analysis; p values < 0.05 were con-
ly narrowed dynamics of hearing that leads to distorted sound sidered statistically significant. Statistics software STATISTICA
perception. Although hearing aid technology has evolved signifi- (StatSoft Inc. 2011, version 10) was used.

© 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel

E-Mail This is an Open Access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Un-
ported license (CC BY-NC) (,
applicable to the online version of the article only. Distribu-
tion permitted for non-commercial purposes only.
Frequency (Hz)














HL (dB)
Unaided before CI
Hearing aid aided before CI
Fig. 1. Free-field pure-tone audiometry
CI aided 3 months after implantation
mean results in elderly patients (n = 30) be- CI aided 6 months after implantation
fore and 3, 6, and 12 months after cochlear CI aided 12 months after implantation
implantation. The results present improve-
ment with time.




70 Ling’s six-
sound test

50 discrimination
40 word
Fig. 2. Speech perception test mean results Multisyllabic
20 word
(Ling’s six-sound test, syllable discrimina- recognition
tion, monosyllable and multisyllablic word 10
recognition tests) before and 3, 6, and 12
months after cochlear implantation for all 0 Before CI After After After
30 analyzed patients. The results present 3 months 6 months 12 months
improvement with time.

Results groups of patients based on the level of benefit for speech percep-
All patients showed hearing improvement over time. Aided tion with their CI (fig. 3, 4). To group the patients, we used the
thresholds improved significantly (p < 0.01) from a mean of 62.3 criteria presented in table 1.
dB HL with the preimplant hearing aid to a mean of 39.2 dB HL at The first subgroup of implanted elderly (6 patients, 20%) –
3 months after implantation and 36.3 dB HL at 12 months after showing very good benefits – also displayed very good percep-
implantation (fig. 1). Speech perception tests also presented high- tion of spoken language through the auditory-sensory modality
ly significant improvements (p < 0.01) over time (fig. 2). with familiar and unfamiliar speakers without assistance from
Looking at individual results, we observed a range of outcomes lipreading, and with a little help from lipreading in noisy envi-
with some patients showing very good benefits, some showing ronments. Most of them were able to have a conversation over
good results and a few with very poor results using their CI. Using the phone. After implantation, these elderly became more active
speech perception as a main criterion, we distinguished three sub- in everyday life, often met with neighbors and friends, and were

Proceedings Audiol Neurotol 2014;19(suppl 1):40–44 41

DOI: 10.1159/000371609
Frequency (Hz)














HL (dB)
Fig. 3. Mean results of free-field pure-tone
audiometry in elderly patients before and
after cochlear implantation with regard to 90
the three groups of patients (according to 100
implantation benefits): very good (6 pa- Very good results Good results Poor results
tients), good (20 patients) and poor (4 pa-
tients) performers.

Table 1. Criteria used to classify patients into one of the three groups: very good, good, and poor results of cochlear implantation

Very good results Good results Poor results

Speech perception benefits good perception of spoken perception of spoken language only detection of sounds,
language through the through the auditory-sensory no auditory-verbal
auditory-sensory modality, modality, a little help from communication, only
no lipreading lipreading lipreading
Free-field audiometry result PTA ≤30 dB HL 30 dB HL <PTA <50 dB HL PTA ≥50 dB HL

open to meet new people. The mean implant-aided free-field No correlation was shown between age and postoperative per-
audiometric threshold was <30 dB HL. The oldest patient was 87 formance for speech recognition tasks or aided thresholds (p >
years old. 0.05). There were no perisurgical complications and no major
The second subgroup of implanted elderly (20 patients, 67%) postsurgical complications.
showing good benefits – also demonstrated good perception of
spoken language through the auditory-sensory modality with a
little help from lipreading. The cochlear implant provided better Discussion
communication and enabled improved contact with other people Our study demonstrates that age is not a determining and lim-
leading to increased independence in everyday life. Their mean iting factor for outcome performance with the cochlear implant in
implant-aided free-field audiometric threshold was between 30 deafened elderly patients. The vast majority of our patients
and 50 dB HL. The oldest patient was 87 years old. achieved good and very good benefits following implantation. This
The third subgroup of implanted elderly (4 patients, 13%) – is consistent with subjective statements made by some such as ‘they
showing poor benefits – represented the minority. These patients could not imagine living without a cochlear implant’. The aided
presented no auditory-verbal communication ability. The cochle- audiological results and speech perception improved significantly
ar implant provided sensations of sounds which did not lead to after cochlear implantation. Adaptation to hearing through the co-
improved communication skills. They were still dependent on oth- chlear implant took them relatively little time, the majority report-
ers in their everyday life activities; their social life activities re- ed notable difference after 2–3 months of implant use with further
mained relatively reduced to minimum interactions. Those pa- progressive improvement over time. Our studies and the studies
tients presented some symptoms of dementia that started to de- of other authors show that recently there has been a growing inter-
velop. Their mean implant-aided free-field audiometric threshold est in cochlear implantation in deafened elderly [Eshragi et al.,
was >50 dB HL. The oldest patient was 81 years old. 2009; Francis et al., 2002; Lachowska et al., 2013; Leung et al., 2005;

42 Audiol Neurotol 2014;19(suppl 1):40–44 Lachowska/Pastuszka/Glinka/Niemczyk

DOI: 10.1159/000371609



70 Ling’s six-
sound test

50 discrimination
40 word
20 word

Before CI After After After
a 3 months 6 months 12 months




70 Ling’s six-
sound test

50 discrimination
40 word
20 word

Before CI After After After
b 3 months 6 months 12 months




70 Ling’s six-
sound test

50 discrimination
40 word
Fig. 4. Speech perception test mean results 30
of Ling’s six-sound test, syllable discrimi- Multisyllabic
20 word
nation, monosyllable and multisyllabic recognition
word recognition tests before and 3, 6, and 10
12 months after implantation for the three
subgroups of patients (according to im- Before CI After After After
plantation benefits): very good (6 patients; c 3 months 6 months 12 months
a); good (20 patients; b), and poor (4 pa-
tients; c) performers.

Proceedings Audiol Neurotol 2014;19(suppl 1):40–44 43

DOI: 10.1159/000371609
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numbers of elderly patients in each subgroup using the same eval-
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preimplant hearing threshold levels. Future research involving
larger implanted elderly populations is needed to better under-
stand the differences in outcomes resulting from cochlear implant
treatment in this group and, in turn, support counselling and pa-
Corresponding author:
tient management.
Magdalena Lachowska, MD, PhD
Hearing Implant Center, Department of Otolaryngology
Medical University of Warsaw
Disclosure Statement ul. Banacha 1a
The authors state that there is no conflict of interest including PL–02-097 Warsaw (Poland)
any financial interest or financial support to be disclosed. E-Mail mlachowska @

44 Audiol Neurotol 2014;19(suppl 1):40–44 Lachowska/Pastuszka/Glinka/Niemczyk

DOI: 10.1159/000371609

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