AstroSage Magazine - Is Your Spouse Cheating On You
AstroSage Magazine - Is Your Spouse Cheating On You
AstroSage Magazine - Is Your Spouse Cheating On You
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Know how astrology will tell you whether your spouse is loyal or not.
We witness so many incidents in our life about a person being fooled or cheated by
his/her partner. Here, the word “cheating” is used for the one who is cheating his/her
spouse; having someone else in life; or you can say, having an extramarital affair. I
understand that this is a sensitive issue, but as usual, AstroSage has always given you
content of class and therefore, this is my effort for the same. The prime house for
marriage is the seventh house, which is also a house for legal agreement.
Let us first read what Shree KSK said about a “chaste wife”: If the sub-lord of the
seventh cusp is neither Mars, Venus, nor Saturn; also if the sub-lord of the seventh is
not deposited in the constellation of Mars, Venus, Saturn; or occupying one of the
signs belonging to Mars, Venus, or Saturn; the girl will be chaste. KP Reader-4, 1996
edition page 100.
Our readers already know that Venus controls sex, Mars gives the power of Popular Posts
initiation, and Saturn is a separative planet as well as a natural malefic by nature.
February 2018 Monthly Horo
Though KP System does not entertain traditional Vedic astrology in many respects, it How lucky are you in F
simply says that any planet in a benefic form will give benefits and vice versa to the 2018? Read February m
horoscope to know full
particular native. about how your future will
this month. ...
KP System is the only system which is applicable universally and which works on Lunar Eclipse and Supe
Today, Know Its Effects
fixed rules. The Super Blue Moon eclip
its astrological significanc
big celestial event of the y
Aren't there many instances when we hear that the wife or husband of a native is take place today on 31st January 2...
having secret romantic relation with someone? Why does it happen? Sociologically,
Venus Transit in Aquarius
there can be many reasons enumerated like lack of time, extra sex desire of the Know its Effects on all Zodia
How Venus transit will in
native, one’s inability to understand the physical needs of the partner, or bad your Valentine Bash? Bei
behavior of partner. Though these are sociological stuff, but here we are interested planet of love, beauty a
Venus guides the desires of individuals a
to know the astrological parameter of it. You can use AstroSage’s brilliant software
Weekly Horoscope (19
for preparing birth chart and judge the person yourself.
February 2018)
12 effective remedies to
success. Read weekly hor
and know what your sta
Let us see what is said by great Lt. Shree B. V. Raman about the same. Extramarital
planning for you this week. This is t...
affair with keeping seventh house in focus, I will give selected inferences:
Magh Purnima Tomorrow,
Its Auspicious Timings
Seventh Lord In: Donation of these things w
you good fortune! Kno
importance of holy bath, Pu
and the divinity of the Vrat performed ...
1. Third house: If afflicted, the male native may have relations with the wife of his Weekly Horoscope
brother, and the female native may have relations with the husband of her February 2018)
These 7 Zodiacs will feel
sister. Kindly note, they should be heavily afflicted. and elated this week! Read
horoscope and know wha
2. Fourth house: If the seventh lord is afflicted by nodes, the character of the stars has in store for you. Also read how
spouse may be suspicious.
Weekly Horoscope (29 Janu
3. Fifth house: If afflicted, wife of the native may deliver someone else’s child. This February 2018)
These 3 lucky Zodiacs will
combination also gives love marriage. prosperous week. Read
horoscope to know how yo
4. Sixth house: If afflicted and Venus is also weak, the native may be an impotent business, education, family and married
person, who will marry a jealous and sickly wife who will deny him the marital
Valentine’s Day Special
pleasures. Horoscope (12 - 18 Fe
5. Eleventh house: May marry twice or may have plurality in relations. These 6 Zodiacs will get the
their life! Read weekly horos
know how can you achieve success
business and career? Al...
Planets In seventh House:
Mercury Transit in Aquarius
Know its influences on all Zo
Benefic effects of Mercury
1. Sun: The native will be morally degraded. His spouse may be of a dubious in Aquarius for all Zodiacs. M
is the planet of wisdom
character and he will have losses due to women. intellectualism. A person who is favou...
2. Moon: The native will be oversexed and jealous. He will beget a beautiful wife, Sun Transit in Aquarius
but will like other’s wives. Know its Remedies and Effe
Is Sun transit in Aquarius le
3. Ketu: The native will be a evil doer, will have attraction toward widows. more expenses? Read Sun
in Aquarius to know h
influences the financial aspects of your l
Let us see what Shree KSK has said about plurality of partners: Page - 82, same book.
1. Venus and Uranus forming evil aspects gives pleasure with girls who are to be announcement (94) astrology
cricket (144) festival (269) In
married. (15) Lal Kitab (4) Marriage (5) Mercury (11)
muhurat (5) Navratri (25) newsletters (3
2. Moon forming bad aspect with Venus signifies pleasure with other’s partner.
Match (24) planets (3) Politics (13) quiz (19
3. Moon, Venus, Uranus, and Neptune in 1, 2, 5, 7, 11 means enjoying with others. (6) Sensex (327) Sun (16) t20 ma
Saturn keeps it confidential, whereas Mars and Mercury threaten that one will transit (79) vastu (3) Venus (11) yoga (11)
carry on without delicacy or fear, even though it is an open secret. If Jupiter Blog Archive
forms good aspect, there is no complication. But, if Jupiter forms evil aspect,
► 2018 (40)
child may be born and other party may take law in hands, drag the person to
► 2017 (224)
court, and the pleasure ends in pain.
► 2016 (147)
There are many combinations given by the scholars of Astrology. But, when do they ► 2015 (206)
fructify? Even a beggar is born with Raja Yogas, and millionaires are born with no ▼ 2014 (769)
► December (20)
Yoga at all. When the superstar of the millenium, Amitabh Bachchan was born, at
► November (31)
least one person would have also taken birth in the same hospital on the same day.
► October (56)
Also, many people were born worldwide, but only he became what he is today. We
► September (61)
don’t know who those others were. I agree that the cusp sub-lord will change,
creating a change in the destiny of people born at different places, but what about
▼ August (67)
Weekly Love Horoscope 2014 (Septem
those who were born in the same room and at the same time, on the next bed, which September 2014 Horoscope - Know T
Secret Of Elim...
was just a meter away?
Transit of Mercury In Libra (Septembe
2014) -...
The answer lies in the Hindu theory of Karma and rebirth, “We reap what we sow.” Rishi Panchami 2014 - Honor Saints A
Nullify You...
As KSK said, “Karma comes first, God comes next. None can dodge fate.” Readers
Ganesh Chaturthi Today - Know The S
may refer KP Reader-4 for the same. Of Bliss
Mercury Transit In Virgo (August 29, 2
It was only Amitabh Bachchan destined to be what he is, there will be none other. Whats...
Hartalika Teej 2014 - Spread Happines
There will be no other Bill Gates, Sachin Tendulkar, Harrison Ford, Clint Eastwood,
Your Lif...
Lata Mangeshkar. The same theory applies to one and all living organisms. If you Sensex -Nifty Astrology Predictions
have done bad deeds, you will reap bad. Don’t expect good after committing sins. (28.08.2014)
When it will happen is another question. During the certain Dasha, people do such M. S. Dhoni: Don’t Let Your Captaincy
deeds. After the Dasha is gone, the acts are stopped. Dasha is the most important
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factor. One may have the Yogas to become a Prime Minister, but some one else 2014 – 29...
becomes because the former didn’t got the right Dasha at the right time. The classical Somvati Amavasya 2014 - Pacify The
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example is the outcome of the Lok Sabha Polls of 2014 of India. This is what is
Sensex - Nifty Astrology Predictions
destiny. (25.08.2014)
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31) - Kn...
Let us now take few charts to substantiate the words of the two greats:
Weekly Love Horoscope 2014 (August
August 31)...
Know how astrology will tell you whether your spouse is loyal or not. Most Miraculous Event Of This Milleni
Happens Th...
The seventh csl is Mercury, which is in the sign of Venus, conjunct Mars; Moon and Is Your Spouse Cheating On You?
Venus both are afflicted by Rahu-Ketu axis. The native had many affairs before and Sensex - Nifty Astrology Predictions
after marriage. He also had a failed love affair, which was for a very long time. The
Aja Ekadashi Vrat 2014 - Golden Chan
seventh lord, Moon is in star of Saturn. Venus is in sign of Mars. Mercury is in star of Dispel Y...
Rahu, which is conjunct Venus and in sign of Mars. Thus, this horoscope is Sensex - Nifty Astrology Predictions
confirming the sayings of Shree B. V. Raman and Shree KSK.
Most Miraculous Event Of This Milleni
Know how astrology will tell you whether your spouse is loyal or not. Quiz 18 Announced - The Astrological
Quizmaster Is...
Sensex - Nifty Astrology Predictions
The seventh csl is Sun. It is in star of Saturn. It is in sign of Mars. It is conjuncting (20.08.2014)
Mercury. Venus is aspected by Saturn and Mars both. It is also aspected by Sensex - Nifty Astrology Predictions
retrograde Jupiter. This native actually had a child from one of the girlfriends, was (19.08.2014)
taken to police, and the matter was settled by social forces. He married twice, as his Weekly Stock Market Prediction(18/08
– 22/08/...
wife was having an affair prior to her marriage with him. As said earlier, you get
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what you sow. 24) - Di...
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August 24)...
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The Misch...
The seventh csl is Mars himself. It is star of Sun, which is conjuncting Venus in sign
Sun Transit In Leo (August 17, 2014) -
of Mars. Saturn is aspecting Mars. The seventh lord, Saturn is on the axis of Rahu- What T...
Ketu. The native had extramarital affair from Venus-Saturn period, and is continued August 15, 1947 - Independence Day ‘
Havoc Of P...
in Sun Dasha too. Venus in Aries in 3, 10, or 11 house sometimes gives such incidents
Sensex - Nifty Astrology Predictions
in its Dasha or Bhukti Antara. I am not aware of earlier incidents. (14.08.2014)
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Know how astrology will tell you whether your spouse is loyal or not. Here...
Sensex - Nifty Astrology Predictions
Mercury Transit In Leo (August 12, 20
The seventh lord Venus is in 11th house, conjunct Mars, and aspected by Saturn and Know Wh...
Jupiter both. The native had an affair with the person of other religion and also Sensex - Nifty Astrology Predictions
married him/her. Now, wants to come out of the marriage on grounds better known
Weekly Horoscope 2014 (August 11 -
to him/her only. 17) - Su...
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Know how astrology will tell you whether your spouse is loyal or not. Weekly Love Horoscope 2014 (August
August 17)...
as they are regarding their personal lives. Astrological Day Planner (08.08.2014)
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The aim of writing this article is to show that you are not the one who is controlling
Shravan Putrada Ekadashi 2014 - Blos
everything, because fate which is fair to one and all. These natives had many Your Life ...
extramarital and premarital relations, and got wedded to only such type of people. Astrological Day Planner (07.08.2014)
As I said, the most important factor is Dasha, which they had in their prime time. Venus Transit in Cancer (August 7, 20
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Thus, got indulged in such type of acts. One should follow the right path in life, not
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only for the happiness of present, but also for the next birth.
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at 8:00:00 AM
Labels: astrology
Top comments
Robert Welain
5 months ago (edited) Shared publicly
Don't use astrology, use technology! Download cell phone apps to catch a cheater on
cheater and you will de nitely know, if your spouse is cheating on you!
Brijesh Bhardwaj
1 year ago Shared publicly
Meenakshi Rana
3 years ago +1 Shared publicly
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