2.23.18 ND Survey Memo
2.23.18 ND Survey Memo
2.23.18 ND Survey Memo
The Tarrance Group is pleased to present the National Republican Senatorial Committee with the
key findings from a survey of voter attitudes in North Dakota. These key findings are based on
live telephone interviews with n=500 “likely” registered voters throughout the state on both
landline and cellular telephone. Responses to this survey were gathered February 18-20, 2018.
➢ Key Democratic figures remain toxic in North Dakota. A plurality of respondents have an
unfavorable view of Chuck Schumer, and nearly 60% of North Dakota voters have an
unfavorable view of Nancy Pelosi.
➢ The generic ballot for United States Senate is a net +14 advantage for Republicans. Forty-
eight percent (48%) of respondents indicate they would vote for a generic Republican, and
only thirty-four percent (34%) indicate they would vote for a generic Democrat.
➢ Importantly, in the last 5 months, Senator Heitkamp’s net favorable rating has decreased by
10-points and now trails Congressman Cramer’s net rating:
Feb ‘18
Kevin Cramer 49%
Heidi Heitkamp 44%
Undecided 7%
➢ As you can see from the chart above, Congressman Cramer already has a 5-point lead over
Heitkamp. Forty-nine percent (49%) indicate they would vote for Cramer, forty-four percent
(44%) indicate they would vote for Heitkamp, and seven percent (7%) remain undecided.
Cramer’s “definite” vote (36%) is +5 points higher than Heitkamp’s (31%).
o Enthusiasm is on Cramer’s side: his ballot position reaches 50% among those who are
extremely likely to vote in the November election, and has an 11-point lead over
Heitkamp among those who are very likely to vote.