Electrical Drives & Control Time:60 Mts. Max Marks:25

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CO3: Understand the speed control techniques implemented in electric

ELECTRICAL DRIVES & CONTROL drives using solid state power electronics

Time :60 Mts. Max Marks :25 PART – A

CO Achieved I. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences. Each question
CO2: Be aware of the different characteristics of electrical machines used Carries 2 marks
in industry 1. List the methods of breaking of an induction motor. (CO 2)
CO3: Understand the speed control techniques implemented in electric 2
2. What are the characteristics which determines the performance of a
drives using solid state power electronics three phase induction motor(CO 2) 2
PART – A II. Answer the following question carries 6 marks.
I. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences. Each question 3. Explain the different materials adopted for speed control of induction
Carries 2 marks motors.(CO3) 6
1. List the methods of breaking of an induction motor. (CO 2)
2. What are the characteristics which determines the performance of a III
three phase induction motor(CO 2) 2 4. What is the necessity of starter for an induction motor and explain
PART - B the different types of starters used for starting induction motors with
II. Answer the following question carries 6 marks. the aid of a neat diagram (CO2) 15
3. Explain the different materials adopted for speed control of induction
motors.(CO3) 6

4. What is the necessity of starter for an induction motor and explain
the different types of starters used for starting induction motors with
the aid of a neat diagram (CO2) 15


Time :60 Mts. Max Marks :25
CO Achieved
CO2: Be aware of the different characteristics of electrical machines used
in industry

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