Bro The Very Narrow Aisle Warehouse
Bro The Very Narrow Aisle Warehouse
Bro The Very Narrow Aisle Warehouse
The subjects.
Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Systems in comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Racking service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Mechanical guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
RFID-Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Efficiency in the warehouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Energy supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Process optimisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Battery charging technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Warehouse navigation for narrow aisle trucks . . . . . . . . 48
Design Criteria.
Systems in comparison.
Narrow aisle storage.
Guidance systems.
To minimise the aisle width, fork trucks Rail guidance on the trucks, allows high
in narrow aisle systems operate with travel and lift speeds without the need
minimum safety distance to the rack- for operator intervention. Guidance
ing. EN 1726 prescribes a minimum systems ensure safe operation and are
safety distance of 90 mm (between the the basis for high throughput.
trucks load handling unit and the pallet
in the racking). Dependent on the type
of guidance, truck type and pallet size,
larger safety distances may be required.
Mechanical guidance.
Function principle
The truck is mechanically guided be-
tween two steel profiles bolted to the
floor. Rollers fitted on the side of the
chassis, 2–3 on each side, keep the
truck between the rails in the centre of
the aisle.
Working aisle width
with rail guidance
The minimum width for the working
aisle (AST) is the result of stacking-in
depth of the load, structural dimen-
sions of the respective truck type and
safety distances.
Construction of rail guidance
Rail guidance can be installed in high Depending on the truck’s geometry truck. The forces in the remaining aisle
and low profile rail variants and can be and travel speed, varied forces and mo- run are reduced to 8 to 10 kN (F2).
in-fitted with concrete or similar com- ments arise. The forces are influenced
pounds. High rail guidance has a pro- by surface tolerances of the floor. In order to make the entry into the rails
file height of 100–120 mm. easier for the operators, a lead-in is in-
The forces are imposed onto the rail via stalled at the start of the aisles. The
If a concrete base is laid before the the guide rollers. In general, trucks length of the funnel or radius is approx.
racking is erected, this is called a com- have four guide rollers, two at the front 300 mm with an opening angle of 15°.
pound-filled guide rail. A low rail pro- and two at the rear of the chassis.
file is used if pallets are deposited at Lead-ins are a high-risk area and should
ground level behind the guide rail. A At the start of the aisle, the truck is generally be installed with high pro-
high profile rail can also be installed positioned between the rails with the files, as this would ensure safe control
without a compound in fill. leading guide rollers. On entry the during the positioning process.
leading guide rollers bear the main
Depending on the requirement, differ- force. Lateral forces can reach up to Installation of guide rails
ent profiles can be selected according 25 kN (F1). The length of the position- The guide rails are laid and bolted onto
to rigidity, section, contact surface and ing area is approx. 2500 mm up to the the floor. Allowances are made for the
ease of assembly. point where all guide rollers guide the different forces in travel and high-risk
area by appropriate bolting distances.
The distance between can be 600 to
700 mm between bolts. This should be
reduced to approximately 300 mm in
the high-risk entry area.
approx. 2500 mm
approx. 300 mm
approx. 300 mm
Examples of construction variants (profile sections may vary):
Low profile guide rails
No bottom beam required, pick up
and deposit loads directly onto the
Easy assembly
Application in small to medium lift
heights with low lateral forces
Easy to dismantle for changes to
For smooth operation, a minimum
clearance of 15 mm between the under-
side of guide rollers and the floor is
e.g.: profile U 65 / 42 / 6
e.g.: profile L 40 / 60 / 8
Inductive guidance (Wire guidance).
reinforcement plate
base concrete
Safety distance for inductive
Optimised results regarding operational
safety and throughput can be achieved
with a safety distance of 125 mm for
inductively guided vehicles. The distance
between load wheel and racking or
stacked loads in the racking (whichever
is closer) should be at least 100 mm.
Guide wire cable
For the laying of the guide wire cable,
a 15 to 20 mm deep and 6 mm wide
channel is cut in the floor. Water is
used to limit the dust created and the
residue is cleaned away.
Frequency generator
A frequency generator feeds the guide
wire with high frequency alternating
current. Four individual loops each with
a maximum length of 1000 metres can
be connected to the Jungheinrich gen-
erator. If one loop is disconnected, the
others remain operational.
A power circuit with a separate fuse Six different frequencies from 4 kHz to be modulated into a loop, normally for
should be planned for the frequency 9.5 kHz can be parameterised. The ad- safety circuitry in special applications.
generator and emergency power sup- justable loop current can be assigned for
ply. The supply voltage is 220 V single each frequency from 25 mA to 120 mA.
phase with 50–60 Hz. Up to three different frequencies can
Other advantages
Guide wire approach up to an angle
of nearly 90°
Positioning process
Space-saving on the transfer aisle
Fast entry into the aisle
High travel speed on the guide wire
Will detect different frequencies
in the floor
Different frequency states are
possible in one wire
Guide Wire Layout
The floor installation is laid as a closed
loop. Start and finish are connected
with the frequency generator (FG). An
additional return wire to the frequency
generator is required for an uneven
number of aisles.
To achieve a fast and unhindered posi-
tioning onto the guide wire, the wire
should be extended as far as possible
into the transfer aisle. A truck length
including load plus 1000 mm should be
applied as minimum dimension (AST 3).
Racking is available in many designs. Static tests are based on EN 15512 „Steel Advantages of pallet racking in
The assembly is adapted to the respec- static storage systems – Adjustable pallet narrow aisle warehouses
tive application and is derived from racking systems – Principles for structural Direct access to all pallet locations
various design criteria. design.“ In addition, Jungheinrich pallet Random storage allocation possible
racking systems conform to the follow- Can be used in manual and
The most important design criteria for ing European standards: EN 15620 – EN automated applications
racking are the unit load types, load 15629 – EN 15635. Lengthways and crossways stacking
weights and dimensions and the trucks in depths – mixed stacking also
being used. Pallet tacking is used as the The assembly of free-standing pallet possible
primary storage in narrow aisle sys- racking is flexible as it is not connected Flexible design for different unit
tems. The racking can be constructed to the building. The user has the option loads
as single or multi-position systems de- of later changes if the application con- FiFo principle
pendent on the load weight. ditions change. Order picking from cab possible
Construction and components.
The vertical components are called up- Foot plates are fixed to the uprights to Profile type and profile form for sup-
rights. Every upright consists of two allow the force placed upon the up- porting beams can vary depending on
posts that are connected to a frame- right to be distributed evenly. The foot the unit loads. One of the most used
work construction. The framework can plates are bolted to the floor. profile forms is the box section. The
be of a welded or bolted construction. profile can be fitted with additional
For more flexible assembly and easier Pallet beams stiffening lock beadings for improving
transporting, the bolted systems are Horizontal beams act as the main sup- the performance of the beam.
the standard type. A continuous hole port element for the pallet unit loads.
pattern punched in the posts facilitates The beams are fixed to the uprights via IPE or UNP profiles can be used for
the fastening of pallet beams. As a the holes in the uprights. A safety pin is particularly high loadings. Z profiles are
rule, beams can be adjusted in 50 mm then used to prevent the beams from often used as bearing surfaces in order
increments, which facilitate flexible ad- lifting off unintentionally. picking racking with shelving.
justment to individual requirements.
Important note:
Damaged profiles must be replaced im-
mediately using original spare parts!
Shelves can be used for smaller pack-
aging units, such as cartons etc. Steel
mesh, steel panels and chipboard are
commonly used.
P&D locations
As a rule, pick up and deposit locations
are designed by extending the length
of the final beam in the rack structure.
The final upright before the P&D loca-
tion is designed with a reduced depth
and therefore allows the fixing of the
safety clips.
Back to Back Clearance
The back to back clearance of pallets The difference is made in the static freely accessible places, to protect the
should be 100 mm. However if this design (higher design load). Unless oth- uprights against collision with fork lift
cannot be achieved, the directive for erwise stated, slip-through guards are trucks.
warehouse installations indicates that a used as standard.
safety stop should be fitted to stop a Upright Top Level Protection
pallet pushing another pallet within the Note: Increased back to back clearanc- To protect persons and goods in the
rack. This is a directive requirement es will exist within installations with fire warehouse, end of aisle uprights at the
that has to be complied with in narrow protective (sprinkler) systems. free racking faces are extended to en-
aisle warehouses with guided vehicles. sure that the pallets cannot fall. The
EN 15512 gives two different defini- Upright protection increase must extend at least 500 mm
tions. Collision protection corners or ground above the top beam in order to prevent
1. Slip-through protection level protection barriers can be mount- loads from falling into areas accessed
(prevents the load being pushed ed as protection on all free-standing by people. If the required upright height
through) end uprights. This also applies to thor- is not available as a standard dimen-
2. Pallet stop oughfares that are used for aisle chang- sion, bolted – on extensions can be
es. It is recommended, particularly at used to achieve the required height.
Order number
bay load
Modifications to the construction may Frame profile
Please also observe Page 44; Personnel only be executed after consultation
of and approval by the manufacturer.
Clear bay Profile Max. compart-
width ment load The max. field load must not be
ures. mm
or deformed rack components must,
due to the significant reduction of
the bay load, be replaced immedi-
ately. Please note the assembly and
The operation and maintenance of mm kg service instructions.
the storage equipment has to be
carried out according to the EN 15635 –
Steel static storage systems. Jungheinrich UK Ltd.
Head Office:
Sherbourne House · Sherbourne Drive
Tilbrook · Milton Keynes MK7 8HX
If in doubt always contact Phone +44 1908 363100
manufacturer! Fax +44 1908 363180
Sample labels
The layout for a racking installation
consisting of single and double racks is
dependent on the usable floor space,
load dimensions and required safety
distances, the working aisle widths and
the column / support grid of the build-
ing that has to be integrated into the
racking installation.
Safety distances –
clearances in the racking
According to EN 15620, clearances are Distances are, for example: General conditions for planning dis-
defined as follows: “Clearances are the distances of loads to each other (x2) tances are:
nominal dimensions of distances be- to racking uprights (x1) load weight and load dimensions
tween moving and stationary system to bearing surfaces (y) height level of the top level of the
components that have to avoid a colli- to site installations (sprinklers, pipes, racking
sion in case of the most unfavourable cable links,lighting, supports, etc.) type of narrow aisle trucks being
combination of all relevant tolerances utilised (man-up or man-down)
and deformations.” degree of truck automation
assistance systems used
(warehouse navigation, rack level
height selection, automatic stacking-
in/out etc.)
Safety distances
Intersecting Aisles
If intersecting aisles for trucks are The uprights at the sides of the passage
planned, there must be adequate clear- must be fitted with corner protection;
ance and protection. The width of the stored objects above the passage must
aisle is to be modelled on a transfer have appropriate covering. The narrow
aisle. The clear height is the maximum aisle trucks can be fitted with a travel
closed height of trucks being utilised, and lift stop in order to allow operation
plus a safety distance of at least through the passage only with a closed
200 mm. mast.
Working aisles
The way to determine the working aisle
(clear dimension between the racks or
the stored goods in the racking) has
already been mentioned in the “Guid-
ance Systems” chapter.
Transfer aisle
The transfer aisle (AST3) is designed for
a smooth aisle change of a narrow aisle
truck from aisle A to aisle X. A clear
dimension for AST3 is the truck length
of the respective type including the
largest load plus an additional dimen-
sion dependent on the type of guid-
ance (minimum dimensions: 1000 mm
for inductive guidance, 500 mm for rail
Escape and rescue routes
The distance from each point within
the warehouse to the next fire escape
route / door should be a maximum of
30 metres in the air or 50 metres by
foot. These dimensions may deviate in
the building regulations of individual
countries. If due to the maximum dis-
tance an escape route is required to
run straight through the racking instal-
lation, the following design criteria
must be adhered to:
Fire protection in the racking
Fire protection measures in the ware-
house are an important safety aspect.
Early agreement with insurance part-
ners, approval authorities and imple-
menting companies ensures advantag-
es for the building owner.
Pre-requisits for assembly.
Floor Here, the maximum surface load of the Increased wear on the drill is to be
Correct functioning of pallet racking is entire covered surface and the point expected with reinforcement diameters
only ensured if the floor within the load of the forces introduced via the (reinforcement steel mesh) exceeding
installation complies with the require- feet of the uprights must be taken into 8 mm and / or reinforcing bars posi-
ments of the applicable technical stan- consideration. tioned above one another.
dards as described below.
The field load is the sum of all shelf Special protective measures to prevent
Load-bearing capacity of the floor loads relative to a beam length, with the formation of corrosion are required
According to EN 15512, DIN 15629 the exception of stored goods placed with aggressive or magnesite-based
and instructions contained in EN 15635, directly on the floor. The sum of all floors.
installation areas for warehouse facili- shelf loads must not exceed the per-
ties and equipment must be designed missible field load. The posts load and Floor tolerances
to bear the unladen weights and per- the uprights load respectively result The levelness of the warehouse floor
missible payloads safely. from the field loads applied from the must as a minimum comply with the
right and left. structural engineering tolerances as
The permissible floor compression must defined in chapter “Floor”.
be higher than the value specified for Floor quality
the shelving system. The person order- A minimum concrete quality of C20/25 Floor sagging
ing and / or operating the pallet racks is with corresponding reinforcement (EN When installing pallet racks, sagging, in
responsible for ensuring that the floor 206-1) is assumed for the warehouse particular in the case of suspended
is designed and built to bear the load floor. The warehouse floor must be at floors, can have a significant influence
of the uprights for the rack. least 20 cm thick and allow floor on the correct functioning of storage
anchoring with expansion plugs; drill- facilities. For stationary storage facili-
ing depth: approx. 15 cm. ties, sagging, measured at the widest
span, must not exceed 0.75 x 1/500.
field A
field B
field loading
compartment loading
field loading
compartment loading
Before erecting the uprights, preassem-
bly is required for screwed systems. For
this, a clear temperature and lit room
must be available.
Assembly tolerances and admissible deflections of racking and guidance systems following EN 15620
Excerpt from European Standard EN 15620 (Table 7)
* H /500 is also an acceptable value provided the pallet blocks or bearers overhang the front beam by 75 mm
or more and the blocks or bearers are supported on the beam.
To ensure problem-free operation, we recommend compliance with tolerance limitations CZ for the pallet rack both in unladen
and in laden state. This is important to ensure compliance with the safety distances in the narrow aisle.
Racking service.
Warehouse organisation.
06 - 34 - 02
z Y
08 08
07 07
05 05
04 3
Height position
al po
n aisle
w/ rack
k ro
Self-adhesive labels Plastic plates Magnetic labels for self-labelling
Three blocks of digits (with a maximum Numerical, alphabetical, alphanumeri- White PVC film on a magnetic backing
of three digits per block. Numerical, cal, can be labelled with a maximum of for labelling with felt-tipped pens (water-
alphabetical / alphanumerical). Addition- two characters. Ready for installation, soluble / permanent). Can be cleaned
al blocks on request. Barcodes can also can be attached without tools. Cus- with water or methylated spirits.
be added. tomised special designs of up to
1000 x 1000 mm on request.
07 20 5
Examples of
06 34 02 typical numbering
1st block of digits 2nd block of digits 3rd block of digits 4th block
Floor markings
Self-adhesive floor markings made
from heavy-duty PVC, suitable for
quick, flexible and inexpensive marking
of routes and pallet positions.
Floor markings can be replaced
quickly and easily
Available with barcode on request
Magnetic C-profiles
A popular and effective solution for
flexible and mobile labelling. They can
be attached time and time again, adhe-
ring to any ferrous surface. For racking
fronts, transport boxes, cupboards,
machines, tool benches, to name just a
few examples. The C-profiles are flexi-
ble and can thus be attached to slightly
curved surfaces. Matching label strips
(included in the case of cut-outs) or
perforated A4 sheets in card thickness
are available for these profiles.
Standardisation Floor quality
National standards are applied. The Today’s high bay warehouses are tech- The VDMA guideline focuses on three
load-bearing surface must comply with nologically very advanced systems areas:
the relevant standards (e.g. Concrete allowing the user to realise high Levelness requirements
society TR34 Chapter 4). Taking into throughput rates with substantial vol- Evaluation of waviness
consideration possible settling, the ume utilisation. This not only results in Definition of a measurement
load-bearing surface must be prepared increased technological requirements method for waviness
in such a way that the angular toleran- with regard to the fork lift trucks, but
ces of the finished floor do not exceed also means that vehicle-related sys-
15 mm. tems, for example the floor, need to
meet certain minimum requirements.
The tolerances based on DIN 18202 Compliance with the requirements of
(see table 1) and similar to BS5606 the VDMA guideline “Floors for use
apply for all areas of the warehouse with VNA trucks” is mandatory in order
floor. In the narrow aisle area, the tole- to realise the full potential of the
rances stipulated in the VDMA guideli- equipment.
ne apply: Floors for use with VNA
trucks ( Sectors
Materials Handling and Logistic Tech-
Adjusted levelness requirements
The VDMA guideline defines levelness
requirements both along and across the
wheel tracks. The basic principle for
measurement of these criteria is con-
tained in existing standards and widely
applied in industry.
Evaluation of waviness
This formulation of the floor require-
ments is based on the definition of a
figure (Fx) arrived at by static methods
(standard deviation) by examining a
series of height differences from adja-
cent measuring points. Lower Fx values
mean greater waviness with greater
amplitudes and thus poorer floor level-
ness. The guideline describes in detail
how to calculate the figure. The guide-
line and the calculation tool for auto-
matic calculation of the figure from
raw data are available for download on
the VDMA website.
Finished floor outside the narrow aisle area (apron)
Height differences lateral to the direction of travel based on the VDMA guideline
The guideline is available for download on the VDMA website.
See Appendix B1 for an example calculation.
Z is the dimension between the centre of the fork lift truck load wheels (a, b) in m and ZSLOPE
is the permissible slope across the aisle between the centre of the fork lift truck load wheels
(a, b) in mm/m.
Parameter dZ is the height difference between the centres of the fork lift truck load wheels
(a, b). dZ is specified as shown.
Levelness tolerances along the direction of travel for all heights, based on the VDMA guideline
See the VDMA guideline (Section 4.2.3) for the requirements with regard to the waviness of the floor.
Driver assistance systems.
Systems in use.
The following points apply with regard Where it is not possible to comply with Possible driver assistance systems are:
to safety in a narrow aisle warehouse: prescribed safety distances between End of aisle controls, lift and drive
Easily visible driving areas when racks and trucks or where construc- cut-outs, speed reductions
leaving the aisle tional measures to separate the narrow Personnel protection systems
Protection at areas of on-site aisle areas to prevent access by person- Warehouse navigation
limitations nel are not possible, the operator must
Protection of persons entering take alternative measures. A risk assess- In general, these are realised by means
the working aisles ment must be carried out to ascertain of Jungheinrich transponder technolo-
whether the necessary degree of safety gy (see next chapter).
In Germany, various directives and reg- for personnel can be achieved by means
ulations apply for the operation of a of alternative measures. End of aisle controls
narrow aisle warehouse. In countries Measures to increase safety include
where this is not the case, the follow- The risk assessment is commissioned by methods to make the ends of aisles
ing measures are recommended for the user in his function as employer clearly recognisable and to provide pro-
consideration. and must take into account all interac- tection against collisions with construc-
tions in the workplace. The manufac- tional limitations resulting from the
Legal situation in Germany turer of the VNA truck provides the building layout and technical equip-
The latest regulations on health and operator with all necessary information ment.
safety at work (BetrSichV of 3.10.02) such as operating manuals and further
transfer greater personal responsibility information, see Machinery Directive Due to health and safety considera-
to the operators of warehouse facili- MRL 2006 / 42 /EG, Article 5 (1) c. As a tions, it is highly recommended that a
ties. The occupational safety act stipu- rule, this information will enable the speed reduction system is employed to
lates that it is the responsibility of the operator to carry out the risk assess- proved a reduction of the truck. This
operator to define what work safety ment as required. also applies to transverse aisles in the
measures are required during opera- warehouse, with the exception of
tion of his narrow aisle warehouse. emergency escape routes.
For trucks with end of aisle control Attention: In both variants described, Lift cut-outs are often combined with
braking before the aisle exit or at the the stopping distance depends on the travel cut-outs. For this reason, all
closed end, two basic variants are pos- travel speed. Jungheinrich system trucks are equipped
sible: with a lift and a travel cut-out as stand-
General information on the lift ard, and the transponder technology
1. Braking to a halt and travel cut-outs offers a high degree of flexibility with
When the truck passes over the end of The lift and travel cut-outs are addi- zone-dependent settings.
aisle control (switching position in the tional functions to support the driver
floor via transponder) whilst travelling and are used for applications with lim- All displayed commands can be
towards the end of the aisle, it comes ited warehouse headroom or in con- assigned to individual aisles or ware-
to a halt. In order to move on again, nection with roof beams. house areas, and new parameters can
the truck operator must briefly release be quickly and easily set. And of course,
the drive control and then activate Assistance systems support the driver further lift and travel cut-outs can be
again. The truck can then be driven out during operation of the vehicle. How- ordered as options.
of the narrow aisle at max. 2.5 km/h. ever, they do not release the driver
from responsibility for:
2. Braking to 2.5 km/h Hydraulic movements, e.g. stopping
When the fork lift truck passes over the the function prior to contacting an
end of aisle control (switching position obstacle,
in the floor via transponder or mag- Braking, e.g. applying the brakes
nets) whilst travelling towards the end where necessary when travelling at
of the aisle, its speed is reduced to the ends of aisles, to avoid striking
2.5 km/h, and it can then be driven out an obstacle etc.
of the narrow aisle at this speed.
Lift cut-out
There are various types of lift cut-out
(e.g. general lift restriction, zone-de-
pendent lift cut-outs with override etc.).
These cut-outs stop thethe main and/or
auxiliary lift at a defined height, thus
avoiding e.g. striking roof beam during
the lifting process.
Travel cut-out
There are various types of travel cut-out
(e.g. general cut-out, cut-out with over-
ride, zone-dependent cut-outs etc.).
Lower cut-outs Personnel protection systems
If necessary, due to on-site conditions, Assistance systems support the driver A further possible alternative measure
the fork lift truck can be equipped with during operation of the vehicle. How- is the use of Jungheinrich personnel
an optional automatic lower cut out. ever, they do not release him / her from protection systems (PSS Professional or
This automatic lower cut out, which his/her responsibility e.g. to stop the PSS Professional plus). If it is not possi-
becomes effective below a certain lift hydraulic prior to contacting. When the ble to achieve the required degree of
height, prevents the main lift being lower cut out is deactivated, the driver safety, the employer should contact his
lowered. must pay particular attention in order local occupational safety office or the
to recognise obstacles when lowering trade supervisory board. You can find
The driver can release the lock by press- the cab or the load carrying unit. further information on Jungheinrich
ing the “Lower cut out” override but- personnel protection systems begin-
ton. The lower cut out is thus rendered ning on page 44.
inactive and various travel or hydraulic
speeds as well as travel or hydraulic
functions can be enabled. These over-
ride functions are set as required by the
Jungheinrich service technician during
commissioning of the vehicle. The
lower cut out is then re-activated each
time the mast is raised above the lower
cut out height.
RFID technology.
The transponder as an
information medium
Controlling narrow aisle trucks in aisles
and warehouse zones is a decisive crite-
rion for safe operation and maintaining
all prescribed functions such as end of
aisle control, lift cut-out and speed
reduction. Traditional systems tend to
use floor magnets or reflector markers
for this. By using “magnet combina-
tions” the system enables specific zones
to be identified and corresponding
safety switching to be applied mechan-
ically - for example, automatic stop
before the truck leaves the aisle. How- RFID transponders store every cm2 of your warehouse
ever, this mechanical or optical switch-
ing only allows a very limited amount of
information to be sent to the truck. In
many cases this is simply inadequate for
systems that are becoming increasingly
complex with associated rigorous safety
Maximum flexibility –
minimum maintenance
The main advantages offered by trans- The entire computer system on the nar-
ponder technology are maximum flexi- row aisle truck is a two channel redun-
bility for each individual application and dancy system with master and backup
also for future changes in the ware- computers.
house environment. In the past limited
information to the truck restricted the Data communication between the on-
user due to the position of magnets or board computers and from the comput-
reflex markers, transponder technology ers to the motors and sensors is via a
now offers complete freedom. If a rack safety-enabled and TÜV-certified CAN-
row changes or if more storage locations Bus (TÜV – German Technical Control
are added, the transponders are simply Board).
“re-taught” and the new structure is
stored in the truck‘s on-board computer. Adapting performance
Cut outs can be configured via a laptop to ground conditions
and adapted to new situations. An Transponder technology offers not only
important advantage, particularly for safety advantages, it also enables the
logistics service providers. speed performance setting to be adapt-
ed to the prevailing ground conditions.
As the transponders are protected in In practice, the floor levelness often
the ground, the technology is not vul- determines the maximum travel speed
nerable to faults or contamination, as is (Vmax) of the truck. In many cases the
often the case for example with bar- floor quality is not consistent and gen-
code systems and reflex markers. erally the travel speed has to be reduced
due to the number of poor spots. The
Reliability new system now allows you to adapt
Jungheinrich transponder technology the speed performance level to each
also meets the strictest criteria in terms situation, meaning you only have to
of data processing reliability and safety. travel slowly where the floor dictates.
GPS in the warehouse – precise positioning Pallet throughput rates can thus be
in every application enhanced.
Personnel protection systems.
Stationary, opto-electronic personnel protection systems
In the stationary systems, light barriers As a rule, in stationary control of aisle must be reset at the entrance to the
are fitted on the entry points to the access (per aisle or for the entire sys- corresponding aisle by an authorised
rack aisles or in entire access areas. tem), a distinction is made between person by means of a key-operated
operating modes “Truck operation” switch.
One-way light barriers are used to and “Personnel access.”
detect persons. Access is monitored at In operating mode “Personnel access,”
two heights, 400 mm and 900 mm, by In operating mode “Truck operation,” one or more persons may enter the
means of two one-way light barriers an authorised vehicle can drive into aisle. If a truck enters the aisle despite
(active column) or with one one-way and out of an empty aisle unhindered. the fact that access is prohibited for
light barrier and dual reflection (passive However, should a pedestrian enter the trucks, (traffic light), an alarm is imme-
column). For safe and reliable truck aisle despite the fact that access is pro- diately triggered (flashing light, horn).
detection, an optical detection system hibited (light signal), an alarm is imme- The alarm must be reset at the entrance
which also clearly identifies the direc- diately triggered (a visual alarm in the to the corresponding aisle by an author-
tion of travel is used. This also allows form of a flashing light and an acoustic ised person by means of a key-operated
precise counting of the trucks, into and alarm by means of a horn). The alarm switch.
out of the aisle.
If required, in addition to the optical
and acoustic warnings, the trucks can
also be stopped from travelling via a
signal from the aisle protection system
if the alarm is triggered. Depending on
the trucks and their guidance system,
the following possibilities are conceiv-
Stopping via an additional frequency-
enable in the case of inductively
guided trucks
Stopping via a radio frequency
Stopping via an infrared sensor
mns system (receiver on the truck,
ssive colu
Active / pa
transmitter stationary)
Block protection
Monitoring of escape doors (fire escapes
Receiver etc.) or controlling the lighting in the
aisle are further possibilities.
Active column
Passive column
Individual protection
Mobile personnel protection Jungheinrich personnel protection System description,
system (PSS) system – PSS Jungheinrich PSS
Due to their design, the aisles in nar- The JH-PSS is a contact-free protective The system consists of two laser scan-
row aisle warehouses are usually so device integrated in the truck (perform- ners, fitted at the front and rear of the
narrow that safety installations are nec- ance level in compliance with ISO truck. The PSS is integrated in the
essary to regulate operations. For safety 13849-1) and meets the requirements architecture of the JXP backup compu-
reasons, an aisle may either contain one of BGV D27, § 28 Par. 2 (formerly VGB ter of the fork lift truck. Safe connec-
fork lift truck or one or more persons at accident prevention regulations for fork tion to the CAN-Bus is ensured. Control
any one time. lift trucks 36, § 28 Par. 2) within the and evaluation are performed via the
context of access protection in narrow central vehicle electronics system. Pre-
The personnel protection system used aisles. cise route measurement and definition
must be certified to the required safety of the truck position are provided via
classification. Persons must not be able The JH-PSS protects personnel where the Jungheinrich transponder technol-
to leave the aisle to the side by entering fork lift trucks are operated in narrow ogy described above.
the racking system itself, as it cannot aisles with “time-staggered operation”
be ruled out that they might then (i.e. where it is prohibited for pedestri- Function test
unexpectedly appear in the path of a ans and fork lift trucks to be present in Each time the vehicle is put into opera-
fork lift truck. an aisle at the same time). The system tion, a self-test is automatically per-
also protects collisions between VNA formed. All components are checked
Mobile personnel protection systems or trucks in the aisles when multiple truck for correct functioning and reliable
mobile personnel protection systems operations in aisles is required or nec- switching. The test is carried out before
on the fork lift trucks have proved to be essary. and during travel into the aisle and
an effective safety measure. These does not delay operations. If the result
function opto-electronically (e.g. via There are two systems, the “PSS pro- of the test is negative, an emergency
laser scanners) and detect persons or fessional” and the “PSS professional stop is triggered and the vehicle can
obstacles in the narrow aisle. The dan- plus”. then only be moved at creep speed.
ger is identified in time, and appropri-
ate measures (e.g. stopping the fork lift
truck) are initiated, thus preventing
Additional functions,
PSS professional plus
Parameterisation of up to eight
protective and warning fields
(also asymmetrical) possible
Apron monitoring at close range
by means of short protective and
warning field (driver assistance
Aisle recognition and switchover
of protective field for different aisle
Speed-dependent switchover of
protective and warning field
Special programming to specific
customer requirements is possible
Protected laser scanner in an EKX 515k
on request, in compliance with the
relevant standards and guidelines
Equipment / general information Functions
High-efficiency scanner for scanning Automatic activation of protective
of the irrespective travel path and warning field when the truck
System integrated in the JXP backup enters the aisle, for the detection of
computer. Delivery ex works obstacles
Operating and display function via Visual and acoustic warning if the
the trucks operations control centre protective and warning fields are
(OCC) breached (display in the truck;
Control and evaluation via the acoustic message: volume and audio
central vehicle electronics system frequency can be parameterised)
Reliable connection via CAN-Bus Length of protective and warning
Consistent, TÜV-certified safety fields set according to the individual
protocol truck requirements and geometry
Complies with performance level Automatic deactivation of the PSS
as specified by ISO 13849-1 when the truck leaves the aisle
(PSS Professional)
One-stop design, configuration, Reduced speed in load direction if
delivery, commissioning and the scanner is covered
maintenance, i.e. just one supplier Prevention of undesired lowering
Laser scanner, Jungheinrich PSS
for the entire package: of the operator position into the
Jungheinrich truck with PSS. scanning area. Three types of
override after triggering of the PSS
can be parameterised:
1. Continued travel at creep speed
with override button without
2. Time-limited continuation of travel
at creep speed – maximum 5 seconds
3. Continuation of travel for a
limited distance at creep speed –
maximum of one pallet position
Process optimisation.
Enhanced performance by integra- It is highly unlikely that these levels of Jungheinrich transponder technology
ting trucks into the processes improvement will be repeated, i.e. the now offers optimum preparation for
“You have reached your destination.” physically acceptable limit has more or warehouse navigation. This is based on
It achieves this through RFID technolo- less been reached. The trucks of the both the permanent positioning of the
gy. future will not only have to be power- trucks and the interfacing of the truck
ful performers, they will need to have control system with a higher level con-
General intelligent technology on-board to trol system (Warehouse Management
As already described in the Chapter interface with the IT systems and inte- Systems).
“Floors – structure and requirements,” grated them into the logistical proc-
the performance data of high rack esses. This system reduces driver fatigue,
stackers have been vastly improved in increases throughput and helps avoid
recent years as a result of AC three Initially, transponder technology was picking and stacking errors.
phase technology. used for truck management, i.e. ground
control and communication with the
The lift speed is now more than 0.5 m/s rest of the warehouse; it therefore gov-
and the travel speed is 12 km/h. These erned all the switching functions and
figures have almost doubled in the last speed profiles.
20 years.
System description
“Warehouse navigation” uses the fea- With optimised diagonal travel for opti- Warehouse navigation:
tures of transponder technology for mum efficiency. When the truck has In the quickest time
navigation and pinpoint approaching been positioned, a spotlight (optional) Over the shortest distance
of pallet locations. All transport and illuminates the picking position and With as much energy as required
picking orders are transmitted from the shows the operator on which side and and as little as possible
warehouse management system (WMS) which location he/she should pick from.
to the trucks radio data terminal (RDT). The truck driver therefore no longer You can find a template for the calcula-
From here, the x, y and z coordinates of needs to concentrate on things such tion of profitability in the Chapter
the location are received directly by the as: “Process optimisation – Efficiency in
truck controller via a serial RS232 inter- approach, the warehouse.” Your specialist system
face. This enables the truck to identify searching for pallets, consultant can carry out a calculation
the respective target location and the “ideal time” to start diagonal based on your specific requirements.
approach it semi-automatically under travel,
driver control. The driver sees the travel barcode scans as confirmation for
and lift directions on the display and the WMS in the case of combi
when the functions are applied, the trucks.
truck automatically approaches the The warehouse navigation does all that
position with pinpoint precision. for the operator. Incorrect journeys and
adjustments are therefore eliminated.
Advantages of warehouse navigation.
Comparison – EKX
with / without warehouse
x Sec: 36
“Intelligent destination
approach” of an EKX with
warehouse navigation:
Dynamic warehouse
management system:
Practical experience.
Greater productivity through EKX high rack stackers with warehouse navigation
The task for Jungheinrich
Increase logistic system’s efficiency
without changing the warehouse
system or WMS
Maintain the very low error rates
Achieve a standard driver produc-
tivity level
Alleviate driver stress
Getting to destination automatically and at full speed
Advantage 4: Advantage 5:
Improved driver ergonomics matched The customer is delighted
by greater overall system robustness Robert Gruber, Contract Manager at
Significantly less strain on the CEVA Logistics, Niederaichbach:
drivers, who no longer have to “My drivers are ‘guided’ through the
search for locations processes by the warehouse navigati-
Relaxed operation as “ancillary on. As a result they are more relaxed
jobs” such as searching and while at the same time achieving a
scanning no longer apply consistently high throughput. The pin-
Less rack damage since the forks point soft positioning spares both rack
are automatically positioned at the and goods. We didn’t have to make
correct location and height any changes to the existing warehouse
The racks do not require labels or software systems. The Jungheinrich
or such like, which could get team implemented the whole system in
contaminated or scratched a highly professional manner.”
Warehouse navigation in wide aisles.
With the module “Warehouse naviga- Determination of the exact navigation system is a radio data trans-
tion for wide aisles,” you can also position of the fork lift truck mission terminal and the Jungheinrich
exploit the potential of warehouse navi- in the wide aisle possible logistic interface. The latter “translates”
gation for freely manoeuvrable fork lift An optical positioning system is used the requirements of the warehouse
trucks. The module functions in a man- for navigation in wide aisles. This makes management system into the “truck
ner similar to that used in a navigation it possible to define the precise position language” and vice versa.
system for cars. This boosts the effi- of the fork lift truck at any time. The
ciency and safety of processes outside position can be defined to within just a
the narrow aisle. few centimetres. The basis for this
Navigation Navigation
00-00-00 00-00-00
reached! 1,8 m
Wide aisle navigation allows the appli- ensure that the fork lift truck reaches What does this mean?
cation of various functions. The “Route its destination via the shortest and A significant increase in process
guide” displays the direction and route, quickest route. The ”Vehicle location” reliability through navigation
amongst other things, to the driver – function ensures continuous tracking in wide aisles
like the navigation systems used in of the fork lift truck position. Parallel to As soon as a driver reaches his / her
cars. For example, if the driver takes a this, feedback of the truck location to target location, for example a position
wrong turning, he / she is first informed the warehouse management system or in the rack aisle and activates the lifting
of this. Then, if he / she drives on, the a stacker guidance system ensures opti- control, the “Rack height select” func-
route is recalculated. The aim is to mum control of the entire truck fleet. tion allows the lifting frame to be
extended to the pallet location defined
by the warehouse management sys-
tem. Additional scanning or confirma-
tion of the location is no longer
Navigation Navigation
00-00-00 00-00-00
Turn around
No route found!
Radio data transmission.
The advantages
Data in the ERP (Enterprise Resource
Planning) and / or WMS systems
are kept up to date at all times
Faster processing with paperless
order system
Happier customers and less
returns handling costs due to error
Can be used in different
environments – e.g. cold stores
Range of services
Wireless Local Area Network
simulation EKX 515 including radio data transmission terminal and scanner, fitted on a railing
Warehouse Management System.
Range of services
Generation of specifications
including interface details
Installation, commissioning and
Maintenance and service
Efficiency in the warehouse.
Example: Energy
In view of rising costs and climate The energy consumption of vehicles Active energy management
change, saving energy is an important used in the warehouse in an important low current flow
consideration for the operation of factor, and savings of up to 30% can Active battery management
large-scale logistics centres. be achieved here without major effort. low current spikes
CAN-Bus 70% fewer cables and
In the face of rising energy costs and plugs
new requirements such as the energy Energy consumption These measures and continued further
conversation and energy management, In order to keep energy consumption development of the systems allow sig-
the operators of warehouse installa- at the low level for which they are well- nificant savings per vehicle to be made.
tions also need to keep a closer eye on known, Jungheinrich system vehicles And of course, deployment over two
energy efficiency in future when it are all equipped with: shifts without changing the batteries is
comes to warehouse planning and AC technology (all motors) thus not a problem.
management, in order to comply with Regenerative braking + regenerative
the new requirements and remain com- lowering effective energy recovery
petitive. High-efficiency hydraulic systems
H maximum stacking height PDF point of diagonal travel It should also be noted here that the
L rack length X focus rack area X current spikes on the rival vehicle dur-
lDF diagonal travel length Y focus rack area Y ing diagonal travel reduce the battery
hDF diagonal travel height XY focus rack area XY lifespan.
Example: Economic efficiency
Up to 25 % higher efficiency through warehouse navigation – excerpt from the “programme” for calculation of economic
Annual performance
Service hours
Double work cycles per hour without warehouse navigation
Increase in efficiency through warehouse navigation
Table for calculation of economic efficiency of a narrow aisle truck with warehouse navigation.
Please contact your Jungheinrich partner directly for an individual calculation!
Individual solutions ex works.
EKS 312,
telescopic fork and special mast
Legal background
In the case of conversions, the direc-
tives follow from the basic premise
that any significant modification of a
machine results in the production of
a new machine. Any modification
which affects safety, in other words,
any modification which may lead to
increased risk, is considered as signifi-
cant. If a significant modification is
carried out, a new EU Declaration of
Conformity needs be produced, on the
basis of a risk assessment of the modi-
fied vehicle with reference to the scien-
tific and technological state-of-the-art.
The entity performing or playing the
major role in the modification is consid-
ered to be the manufacturer. The EU
Declaration of Conformity for the mod-
ified machine may only be submitted if
the risk assessment has proved that the
overall machine complies with the cur-
rent safety requirements of the Machin-
ery Directive and the Equipment and
Product Safety Act.
Busbars and onboard chargers Enclosed Busbar Open Busbar
Busbar installations have proven them- The contact between power supply and In open systems the power supply con-
selves to be highly effective wherever Busbar is created in the enclosed Bus- tact with the current conductors is
high throughput figures in 2-shift and bar within an almost closed U profile. created at the front of the Busbar.
3-shift operations are required. The The power supply is fixed to a mobile
Busbar system supplies 3-phase AC arm on the truck and is led to the Bus- Characteristics:
current that is fed into the onboard bar via the entry funnel. low construction height in the aisle
charger via power collectors. All ener- more accessible for maintenance
gy-consuming truck components are Characteristics: and repair
supplied with power from the battery optimum protection against contact
which is replenished from the on-board low dirt accumulation in the inner
charger. Space and costs are saved Busbar
through redundant changing stations, entry funnel within the aisle,
external chargers and exchange batter- no lost space on the apron
ies. Not only are working hours and optimum control of power supply
effort caused by exchanging the heavy vehicle
batteries saved; but additional resourc-
es that have to be taken into account
when equipping a charging room are
also saved.
Busbar installation
As a rule, the aisle equipment consists
of Busbars installed either on the left or
right, entry funnels and power sup-
plies, generally installed at a racking
beam level (height level approx. 2–3 m
above the floor). The truck must be
guided prior to the power collector
connecting with the power supply of
the Busbar.
Enquiry Sheet.
on chassis:
Clearance between
h 21 =
Important information
Voltage: Frequency:
Trucks with “open” Busbar, and also mounted only on one side of the truck:
a2 = mm a4 = mm
a1 = mm a3 = mm
Energy supply.
The battery and charger technology The truck is equipped with an The battery is charged from an external
gives the optimum energy source onboard charger. Power for charger at a charging station or in a
requirements to maximise the produc- charging is supplied via a Busbar separate charging room. Jungheinrich
tivity of the truck. Systems can be in the aisle. offers battery and charging systems
designed for discharged battery to be individually specified to your applica-
recharged on the truck or in a specific This system is mainly used in 2-shift or tion.
battery recharge area. 3-shift operations.
High-frequency technology
Charging on the truck Charging outside the truck We strongly advise the use of high-fre-
There are generally two possibilities: The discharged battery is removed from quency chargers for gentler charging of
The truck is driven to an external the truck and a charged exchange bat- the batteries. Such chargers correspond
charger during operational breaks. tery is installed. The truck is immedi- to the state-of-the-art and help cut
The battery is connected to the ately operational. A sideways battery operating costs.
charger and charged. Appropriate change is generally planned for narrow
charging stations (if necessary a aisle trucks. The battery is positioned The advantages of HF chargers:
separate room) must be taken into on a roller bed and secured on the side increased battery lifespan
account during planning. against rolling off. The exchange is car- preconfigured charging programme
ried out manually (with battery change gentle charging with HF technology
This system is recommended if trucks table / trolley) or with other aids (e.g. an and process control
are not in continuous operation (e.g. in additional truck). up to 30% energy savings compared
1-shift operation). with conventional chargers
Battery removal via fork pockets on the shorter charging times
battery case is also a popular method
of battery changing. In this case roller
beds are not required at the battery
“stands” on its fork pockets.
Battery charging stations and rooms
The following list comprises a few Min. distance of 1 metre between The design of charging installations is
points which need to be taken into batteries and chargers regulated by the following standards:
consideration when designing charging Make sure the charger cable is EN 50 272-3
locations or rooms, as specified by long enough. The standard length Trade association directives
EN 50 272-3: is 2.5 metres. Longer cables can be
Sufficient dimensioning of traffic ordered as an option. The operator may need to arrange for
routes and areas Adequate provisions for installation / an applicable fire protection certifica-
Height of charger room at least removal and for transporting tion.
2 metres exchange batteries
Safety distance of minimum
2.5 metres from inflammable A gas mixture of escaping hydrogen and
material and stored goods oxygen is created during the battery char-
(also with integrated chargers) ging process. With appropriate ventila-
Installation of battery chargers and tion of the charging stations or charging
electric cables on a non-inflammable rooms (natural or artificial), the gas mix-
surface ture must be dissipated to such an
Protection for charging cables extent that there is no danger of the
from mechanical damage lower limit of inflammability being
(e.g. by pinching or running over) reached.
Regulations and standards.
DIN EN 1726, Part 2 Additional requirements for trucks with elevating operator position and 6
trucks specifically designed to travel with elevated loads
DIN 15185, Part 1 Warehouse systems with guided industrial trucks 14
EN 15512 Steel static storage systems – Principles for structural design 18, 21, 27
EN 15620 Steel static storage systems – Tolerances, deformations and clearances 18, 23, 28, 29
EN 15629 Steel static storage systems – Specification of storage equipment 18, 27
EN 15635 Steel static storage systems – Application and maintenance of storage 18, 27, 30
equipment – Adjustable pallet racks – Guidelines for safe use
DIN 4102 Fire behaviour of building materials 25
Verband der Sachversicherer (association of property insurers),
VdS CEA 4001 26
design and installation of sprinkler systems
EN 206-1 Concrete – Specification, performance, production and conformity 27
DIN 1045-2 Reinforced and prestressed concrete structures 27
DIN 18202 Tolerances in building construction 27, 35, 37
BGR 234 Trade association guideline, storage facilities and equipment 30
DIN 18560 Screeds in building construction 34
IEC 1340-4-1 Electrostatics – electrostatic behaviour of floor coverings and installed floors 34
EN 1081 Resilient floor coverings – Determination of the electrical resistance 34
ISO 6292 Powered industrial trucks and tractors – 34
Brake performance and component strength
DIN 1045 Steel and reinforced concrete construction 35
VDMA Guideline In the narrow aisle area, the VDMA guideline applies: 35, 36, 37
Floor requirements for narrow aisle trucks
BetrSichV Regulations on health and safety at work 38
MRL 2006 / 42 / EG Machinery Directive 38, 57
DIN 15185, Part 2 Warehouse systems with guided industrial trucks (code of practice for the 38, 44, 46
protection of persons when operating with trucks in narrow aisles)
TRBS 2111 Mechanical hazards – General requirements 46
BGV D27 Trade association regulations: accident prevention regulations industrial trucks 46
(formerly accident prevention regulations for fork lift trucks VGB 36)
ISO 13849-1 Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems 46, 47
DIN EN 16001 Energy management systems in practice – A guide for companies and 58
EU Declaration of The product may only be marketed in put into operation if it meets the 57
Conformity requirements of all applicable guidelines and in as far as evaluation of
conformity has been carried out in accordance with all applicable guidelines.
GPSG Equipment and Product Safety Act 61
EN 50 272-3 Safety requirements for batteries and battery systems 61
Floor conveyors for storage and retrieval –
VDI 2516 58
Cycle time calculation in narrow aisles
EnEV Energy conservation ordinance 58
Check list.
girder Pallet length (l6) = mm
Stacking-in depth = mm
Working aisle
Clear width between uprights (AST + x) = mm
Distance between stanchions (SA) = mm
The complete solution: from the Professional project management Planning and optimisation
initial material flow consultation via methods are used during the of flexible, multifunctional and
planning, design, co-ordination and project – so that everything runs efficient solutions
organisation of all logistics equip- according to plan and on time. Manual, semi and fully automated
ment during implementation right Behind the main Jungheinrich con- systems
up to project handover. tact, stands a team of experienced Integration in existing IT systems
Jungheinrich will also be there after specialists in the areas of material Adjustable and scaleable solutions
the operational go-live with our flow analysis, project management, Short payback periods
extensive network of fully trained simulation, warehouse administration Short to medium term planning
service engineers. and truck control. objectives
In many cases Jungheinrich works Direct lines of communication: Optimum space utilisation with
as the main contractor. Advantages Customer – Jungheinrich Project high storage provision
to you: a contact partner who Leader – Jungheinrich Project team. Excellent Project Management
co-ordinates all equipment and has Therefore, direct, efficient decision processes to deliver the solution
overall responsibility throughout making processes leading to
the entire project. effective implementation.
Over 50 years of Jungheinrich
experience. We develop the
optimum solution for each applica-
tions individual requirements.
· Technical modifications reserved.
Plants, Sales and
Services Europe
ISO 9001/ ISO 14001
Jungheinrich trucks
conform to the European
Safety Requirements.
Jungheinrich UK Ltd.
Head Office:
Sherbourne House
Sherbourne Drive
Milton Keynes MK7 8HX
Telephone 01908 363100
Fax 01908 363180