Simulation Method in Research On Material-Flow in A Warehouse

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LOGISTICS Simulation Method in Research on Material-Flow in a Warehouse

Simulation Method in Research on Material-Flow in

a Warehouse
Mariusz Kostrzewski
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

This paper presents an attempt to apply the simulation model in the study of the dynamic aspects of material-flow in a
warehouse. At first the research approach was briefly subjected under explanation and literature review was given.
Then simulation tools are noted and various stages of the simulation research procedure, developed by the author of
the paper, are discussed. The general way of construction and the use of the simulation model are also described. The
paper contains several conclusions based on results of simulation runs as well as suggestions of topics for further
Keywords: simulation model, warehouse designing, research approach.

1. INTRODUCTION can make up to 20 – 50% of the total operating

expenses (which are actually a part of mentioned
The vital role, which logistics plays in
logistics costs) as it is noticed by Tompkins et al.
economic systems, is the main reason why the
(2010). Therefore a proper incoming and outgoing
reduction of logistics costs has become an
material-flow needs to be realized. In order to be
increasingly important task for supply chain
competitive in a dynamic environment, companies
managers and, what is more, for logistics systems
pursue searching for some new warehouse
designers. Both practice and theory prove that
management concepts. Over the last years focus on
final company successfulness depends on logistic
logistics concept of warehouse management has
costs influence. In 2007 a research was published,
been emphasized, which is based on the complex
which informed logistics market that logistics costs
analysis of material and information-flow. The
represent almost 10% of sales in Western countries
understanding of the way in which the entities or
(Logistics Cost and Service, 2007).
information are moved between the points of
Many authors have their own definition of a
origin (pick-up points) and destination points
supply chain. The one mentioned below is, in
(deposit points) in a warehouse, allows to plan and
opinion of the paper author, the most congruent to
optimise individual stages of entities or
the research described in the paper. Ganeshan and
information movement. In the modern logistic
Harrison (1995) defined a supply chain as “a
system every manipulation of materials is
network of facilities and distribution options that
subjected to detailed verification at the stage of
performs the functions of procurement of
planning. Using a simulation tool is a very good
materials, transformation of these materials into
opportunity for making this verification.
intermediate and finished products, and the
It should be emphasized first that simulation
distribution of these finished products to
modelling is one of types of research approaches.
customers.” From the point of view of this
According to Homburg (2007), four research
research the most important part is “logistics
methods are defined: empiricism, morphology,
facility”. In the entire supply chain at its micro
pure theory and modelling (fig. 1.). Extensive
level it is a warehouse, which is one of the key
discussion on the issues can be also found in
logistics facilities and a key element in supply
Kemme (2013, pp. 112-115). Empiricism,
chain efficiency. Material handling in a warehouse
morphology and pure theory can be omitted here as

Simulation Method in Research on Material-Flow in a Warehouse Logistics and Transport No 1(21)/2014

research approaches not used in logistics research potential in terms of throughput, cycle times,
in general. In contrast to a group of three transporters (and vehicles) utilization or
approaches mentioned above, modelling is highly warehousing equipment and infrastructure
recommended. It can be stated that two types of utilization etc. Simulation, even a discrete-event
mathematical models are distinguished. They are one, can help to map in detail the dynamic
analytical and simulation models – it is mentioned behaviour of a complex system.
in Ashayeri and Gelders (1985, p. 285-294), While talking about simulation of processes in
Kostrzewski (2009, p. 96), Valkengoed (2004, p. logistics or production, some key terms must be
18). „Analytical models are usually applied to defined.
obtain exact analytical solutions for planning According to Ören T. (2011) numerous
problems rather simple systems. If a solution of definitions of simulation are given in the literature.
such a mathematical model is available and is Defining after Banks (1999) and Heilala (1999)
computationally efficient, it is usually “simulation is the imitation of the operation of a
recommended to study the model analytically real-world process or system over time”. They add
rather than by a simulation model”, Kemme (2013, that simulation “involves the generation of an
p. 113) after Law and Kelton (2000, p. 5). artificial history of the system, and the observation
However, in case of complex systems such as of that artificial history to draw inferences
logistics systems, it can be difficult to model their concerning the operating characteristics of the
behaviour in analytic way because they are not real system that is represented.”
trivial. They should be researched as simulation Meantime Korzeń (1998) gives a more strict
models. definition. According to him “the simulation model
is a multi-modules software creating with a
compatible computer a kind of functional simulator
that allows to generate states of modelled system.”
The American researchers from Stanford
Research Institute (U.S.A.) are confident that the
simulation is a key technology for the new
millennium. According to the statement the use of
simulation solutions will be increasing 20% per
annum, which has been confirmed by the
worldwide trends and statistics, according to UGS
Corp. (2006). It is not a surprising course of things.
Simulation allows to establish a system or a set
through experiments executed directly on a tested
model (of a system or a set). Furthermore, it can be
Fig. 1. Classification of research approaches
Source: author himself based on Law and Kelton
applied to the analysis of large and complex
(2000), Homburg (2007), Kemme (2013) decision problems that cannot be resolved by other
methods (e.g. operations research). At the same
As it is mentioned in literature, a discrete-event time it allows quick decision-making by analysing
simulation models the processes of a system as the results of experiments executed for a number of
a discrete sequence of events in time. Each of these consecutive periods of time. It also allows to
events occurs at a particular instant in time and provide answer to “what-if ...?” questions.
marks a change of state in a system. This is why Simulation methods are currently the most used
using discrete-events simulation tools have become in the United States of America, Japan and
considered as a crucial planning and control option Western Europe. In Central Europe (including
when production lines or complete factories Poland), until relatively recently, these methods
designing is realized. Why not traverse the idea of were used infrequently. According to Korzeń
using simulation tools into researching material- (1998), it began to change in the late 80s of the
flow in logistics facilities then? This paper presents previous century with the expansion capabilities of
an attempt to apply the simulation model to object-oriented simulation feature (this is the major
research of some aspects of material-flow in a reason why in the paper “old” papers and
logistics facility. The use of planning and publications are mentioned – it is highly important
simulation models can help to identify optimisation to know predefinitions of simulation research:
Zeigler, 1976; Zeigler, 1984; Ashayeri and

LOGISTICS Simulation Method in Research on Material-Flow in a Warehouse

Gelders, 1985). However, a still valid statement is chosen. Then, basing on its concept and
that while searching scientific databases not many technological and organizational parameters, a
papers dealing with simulation of warehouses theoretical model (formal one) was constructed.
operating can be found (e.g.: Colla and Nastasi, The theoretical model was a basis of constructing
2010; Colla et al., 2008; Karkula, 2013). The a simulation model. The simulation model is
opposite situation takes place in case of simulation a complex one, including a pair: a formal model
in production and manufacturing. Many authors and functional numerical algorithms occurring in
prepare research and publications on production the simulation software. Technological and
and manufacturing, recalling here only a few well organizational parameters mentioned above were
known national experts such as Susz and Burduk introduced to the simulation model. And finally, as
(Chlebus et al., 2000; Susz et al., 2004; Kowalski a result of many simulations, the results discussed
et al., 2005; Chlebus et al., 2010). below were gained. These results generally should
In the paper, chosen simulation tools and be compared with the existing conditions, although
various stages of the simulation research research is under theoretical circumstances and are
procedure, developed by the author of the paper, not related with the effects of the existing facility
are discussed. A way of construction and using the logistics (warehouse). The same applies to the
simulation model are described. issue of updating the logistical tasks in relation to
This paper is an elementary description of the the existing conditions. These steps are omitted
results of research on simulation model, previously then.
constructed by the author. The paper contains the
results of a simulation of the second type, which 3. TOOLS USED IN THE RESEARCH
allows the analysis of the results as a function of
Both the theoretical and the simulation models
input parameters changes. Basic knowledge of
considered in the paper were developed in
theoretical issues concerning the idea of simulation
accordance with guidelines of atomic Discrete
methods and advantages/disadvantages of
Event System Specification (DEVS) structure.
simulation methods are concluded in Kostrzewski
DEVS structure is specified in Zeigler (1976),
(2009, 2013a). Based on the design of the
Zeigler (1984), Zeigler et al. (2000), Zeigler and
warehouse, prepared beforehand, it was decided to
Sarjoughian (2003). The formalism of its structure
arrange a simulation model that allows to observe
consists of septuplet, the ordered elements given
the dynamics of logistic processes taking place in
the logistics facility. The paper deals with the
discrete-event simulation of pallet load entities
(units) flows in every typical area in a warehouse: M DEVS = X , S , Y , δ int , δ ext , λ , t (1)
an entry area, a warehousing area, an order-picking where
area, an exit area etc. The interpretation of X – the set of inputs,
obtained simulation results is overviewed. The S – the set of states,
paper gives results and summary, based on chosen Y – the set of outputs,
results, and it also contains suggestions and δ int – the internal transition function,
potentialities for further consideration of the δ int : S → S ,
δ ext – the external transition function,
2. RESEARCH PROCEDURE δ ext : Q × X → S where Q is the total states
The procedure for the research of dynamics of set, Q = {(s, e ) | s ∈ S ,0 ≤ e ≤ t (s )} and e is the
the material-flow in a warehouse is presented in time elapsed since last transition,
fig. 2. Firstly, a warehouse logistics task was λ –the output function, λ : S → Y ,
analysed – its contents, the parameters and their t – the time advanced function t : S → R + .
corresponding values can be found in Kostrzewski
Atomic DEVS model can be used to construct a
(2009). The next step after the logistics task
coupled DEVS model.
formulating was obviously to solve the task. And
There are many software tools, which use the
then a warehouse was designed. For this purpose
mentioned DEVS model in their simulation process
an original method of logistics facilities designing,
making structure. Some of them are (products
described in Kostrzewski (2012), was used. From
names are given only as examples, without
prepared designing variants, the best design was
comparison of theirs unique possibilities): Arena

Simulation Method in Research on Material-Flow in a Warehouse Logistics and Transport No 1(21)/2014

(Kelton et al., 2010; Arena software can be used to solutions can include making attempts to optimise
model a variety of systems including business and the material-flow, the usage of resources etc. The
manufacturing processes), Automod (Chen and tool also allows checking the characteristics of the
Jiang, 2011; Automod software can be used to systems and optimising their performance.
model manufacturing and production mainly), Simulation models allow conducting experiments
Dosimis-3 (Kubiński et al., 2012, Dosimis-3 and testing “what-if ...?” scenarios, both in the case
software can be used to model material-flow of already existing systems, or – in the case of a
processes), Promodel (Harrell and Price, 2002; planning process – long before implementation and
Promodel software can be used for manufacturing, commissioning.
logistics and warehousing applications), Witness The choice of these tools from a range of other
(Briano et al., 2010), Plant Simulation, FlexSim simulation tools was dictated by the nature of
(Gelenbe and Guennouni, 1991). Various object-oriented software, accessible language
simulation and programming tools are programming, ability to implement multi-faceted
commercially (unfortunately it means: necessary to issues of process and prosaic reality of author’s
purchase expensive software and pay yearly direct experience working with the tool and
subscriptions) available to aid in developing a working together with its developers.
warehousing model. Some of these tools are made Last but not the least, it must be emphasised
specifically for simulating aspects of warehouses, that, comparing analytic versus simulation
whereas others can be adapted to achieve the modelling, „analytic models are usually applied to
necessary result. These are examples of discrete obtain exact analytic solutions for planning
simulation software for material flow, production problems rather simple systems. If a solution of
and processes. It must be remember that GUI- such a mathematical model is available and is
based warehouse simulators, such as mentioned computationally efficient, it is usually
above can be far too expensive, especially when recommended to study the model analytically
only one plant (warehouse) is going to be rather than by a simulation model”, Kemme (2013,
researched. “(…) the targets of these systems are p. 113) after Law and Kelton (2000, p. 5). This is
more likely to be warehouse designers and why the formal model of the warehouse is not
builders or very large companies” – it hard not to given here – the complexity of the real warehouse
admit to Colla and Nastasi (2010, p. 473). may significantly hinder the construction of a
Simulation models can be also realized in Matlab® formal model (mathematical). Therefore, the
or even MSExcel (Visual Basic Application in author uses simulation modelling.
MSExcel), which can be better (much cheaper) in
such a situation (one warehouse solution). 4. SIMULATION MODEL
Mainly two tools were used in the research.
As it was mentioned before “a multi-modules
One of them was the method of logistics facilities
software creating with a compatible computer a
designing implemented in the OL09 software and
kind of functional simulator that allows to generate
the second one was Plant Simulation software,
states of modelled system”. Plant Simulation is the
which were used for designing and testing the
object-oriented kind of software. Additionally to
warehouse simulation model. The logistics
its object-oriented nature, it allows programming
facilities designing method and the OL09 software
by implementing procedures in SimTalk
are discussed in Kostrzewski (2012).
programming language. This is undoubtedly the
Plant Simulation is a tool for digital simulation-
advantage: makes it versatile and allows
models constructing. Generally, the software is
constructing repetitive elements without necessity
used in the simulation of manufacturing processes.
of constructing every singular element, as well as it
The software’s name stems from it (called a plant
allows performing multiple simulation processes.
– a factory). By noting the potential of the
Building the warehouse simulation model was
software, it has begun to be used in order to create
based on combining together Frame window
simulation models of logistic systems. According
platform with some objects on it, which are
to the author, the warehouse is a kind of plant that
identical to: processes taking place in the building,
“produces” loading units (mainly in case of order-
vehicles, infrastructure facilities (e.g. roads,
picking processes). The components of Plant
storage shelves), other equipment and employees.
Simulation are given in in such a way that it can be
These elements are selected from a wide range of
treated as warehouse equipment, not only as
multi-parameter objects, which are characterised
factory equipment. Using Plant Simulation

LOGISTICS Simulation Method in Research on Material-Flow in a Warehouse

by complex characteristics (Tool box). Fig. 3. is an The Source here (in the paper) is the equivalent
example, which the author would like to use to of the moment when pallet load units are unloaded
explain bases of constructing a simulation model. from a truck on the ramp at the entrance to the
The object that generates the Entities ( ) is the warehouse (and more precisely: the moment,
Source. Entity means loading units (pallet loading which a unit load pallet is put on the ramp’s floor).
units – in case of the warehouse simulation model The Drain in turn is equivalent to the moment of
used in the research; where it should be mentioned loading a pallet load unit on a truck, which awaits
that the theme of the unit may become any near the ramp at the exit of the warehouse. Moving
product etc.). The purpose of the Source object is between points of origin (pick up points) and
to generate the next unit loads, which participate in destination points (deposit points) can even better
successive processes (SingleProc, SingleProc1, ...). reflect real conditions by introducing to
And at last, unit loads get to Drain, the material- a simulation model objects that are identical to the
flow estuary. Objects reflecting processes roads (Track). On these roads means of transport
(SingleProc) may (after giving them appropriate (Transporter), such as forklifts, are moving.
parameters and characteristics) reflect pallet places

Fig. 2. Scheme of research procedure

Source: author himself (Kostrzewski, 2013b, p. 273) with elements of Bangsow (2012, p. 440)
(and therefore the appropriate combining of objects A part of the warehouse simulation model is
of this type may be used in simulation model as presented in fig. 4. This is a part of Frame, in
a warehouse rack), points of origin (pick up which a warehouse storage area was modelled. On
points), destination points (deposit points), identify the left side in the figure some object are: a work
and control points or other items, predefined by schedule (ShiftCalendar), a social object
a simulation model constructor. (WorkerPool), which provides employees with an

Simulation Method in Research on Material-Flow in a Warehouse Logistics and Transport No 1(21)/2014

object acting as a shift manager (Broker). Objects The quoted part of Init procedure means that the
TransferStations are a specific type of points of forklift Transporter1 starts movement within a
origin (pick up points) and/or destination points dedicated road (Track).
(deposit points). Here are realised processes of The whole simulation model is so complicated
loading or unloading a forklift (Transporter) to build, that it is impossible to discuss all its
moving on the road (Track) between these points. aspects. The author hopes that these explanations
Elements on the right in fig. 4. reflect the part of will allow the reader to understand the principles
the warehouse rack and at the same time processes of model constructing.
taking place within the rack. In fig. 4. it can be A simulation model was designed to simulate
noted that the forklift Transporter2 currently one day of warehouse operations (more precisely
transports the pallet loading unit type Entity1 on 16 hours of work in two-shift work schedule: first
the route between point of origin (pick up point) at shift from 8:00 to 14:00, the second shift from
the beginning of the buffer at the entrance to the 14:00 to 22:00 ).
warehouse (not shown in the figure) and one of the The prepared simulation model should be
destination points (deposit points) at the beginning subjected to verification and validation.
of the storage area. Workplace object, empty at the Verification is a simulation stage, designed to
moment of print screening of fig. 4., indicates that confirm the theoretical assumptions of the
an employee of the warehouse operates the forklift. simulation model. Validation is the next step. The
The duration time of each activity or process, or aim of validation is therefore seen as a statement
other characteristics of these are attributed to each whether modelled simulation model reflects a real
of objects properties or transmitted via the system. In both cases, it is difficult to obtain an
appropriate procedure written in the SimTalk unambiguous opinion, as the discussed simulation
programming language. model has been developed on the basis of purely
Moving parts such as means of transport theoretical considerations.
(forklifts), trucks and pallet load units are
controlled by procedures (Formulas) written in the
SimTalk programming language, for example by
running the Init - initialisation procedure in the
simulation model - which is quoted below:

do Fig. 3. Example of objects composition in Plant
Simulation tool
Source: Bangsow (2010)

Fig. 4. Part of storage area in a warehouse simulation model

LOGISTICS Simulation Method in Research on Material-Flow in a Warehouse

5. CHOSEN RESEARCH RESULTS As a result of further observations of the

simulation model some more problems were
The research on the dynamics of the material-
found. Material-flow of pallet load units outgoing
flow in a warehouse required for charts
of the storage area and dedicated to order-picking
programming to be automatically updated during
process is not fully realised. Consequently a lack
the simulation running. The on-line changes on
of complete realisation of the plan provided for
charts are obviously impossible to be shown in the
one-day (actually two shifts) warehouse operation
paper, therefore the final moment of the graphs
turned out. According to calculations in the
creation is presented (fig. 5.).
logistics facilities designing method the quantity of
Fig. 5. presents the flow of materials
these units should be 230 pallet load units, while
(movements of pallet load units) between the
the analysis of simulation shows 215 pallet load
points of origin (pick-up points) and destination
units. Therefore the question is what the situation
points (deposit points) as a function of shifting
would be if the material-flow in the warehouse
time. This material-flow is subjected to day-work
would not be limited by the plan. In case of
schedule prepared at the time when the warehouse
checking whether the problem of incomplete
was designed with using logistics facilities
realisation of movement of pallet load units
designing methods.
outgoing of the storage area and dedicated to
In fig. 5. (and in table 1.), to mark lines, the
order-picking process would occur, the following
following letter symbols were used:
was done. Simulations were executed without the
• d – a quantity of pallet load units moving
implementation of the daily realisation plan, and
between the warehouse ramp and the buffer limited only by working time of logistics facility. It
on entry to the warehouse, was decided not to include the graph, and the
• e – a quantity of pallet load units moving results are presented as the table. The results at
between the buffer on entry to the 22:00 (Table 1.) allow to blame the schedule of
warehouse and the storage area, warehouse processes for the lack of
• f – a quantity of pallet load units on estuary implementation of the plan. Of course, this is one
of the storage area, of several reasons, but a very weighty one.
• g – a quantity of pallet load units on estuary As a result of the research can also be noted that
of the storage area and dedicated to order- too many vehicles were designed (calculated).
picking process, Arguments are provided in fig. 6 and table 2. (both
• c – a quantity of pallet load units on estuary in figure and in table some symbols are given;
of the order-picking area, these are explained as: T1 – pallet movers
• a – a quantity of pallet load units moving numbered in consecutive, T2 – counterbalanced
between the storage and the order-picking forklift trucks numbered in consecutive, T3 – reach
areas and the buffer on exit from the trucks numbered in consecutive; after each dot in
warehouse, mentioned symbol a successive number occurs).
• b – a quantity of pallet load units moving The utilization rate of transport is defined in
between the buffer on exit from the accordance with the contents of the procedure set
warehouse and the warehouse ramp. out below:
In fig. 5. some lines are horizontal. Reasons
for that fact are: either the work schedule or the g:=(time_to_num(.MUs.Transporter1:1.statAvgLifeSpan)-
lack of availability of means of transport or lack 7200);
of orders for the pallet load units transportation. d:=time_to_num(.Models.Frame.Frame.SingleProc101.
Looking at the example on lines d and e in fig. 5., h:=time_to_num(.Models.Frame.Frame.SingleProc101.
it can be seen that pallet load units are unloaded statPausingTime);
from trucks just after substituting a vehicle to the i:=time_to_num(.Models.Frame.Frame.SingleProc101.
ramp and put aside in the buffer at entry to the statEmptyTime);
Trucks Utilisation Percentage[1,1]:=((g-d-h)/g)*100;
warehouse. Transporting them to the storage area
starts one hour later, which is introduced in
accordance with the schedule. It can be considered
as wrongly prepared schedule. Tracing the graph in
fig. 5. can determine where in the schedule errors
occur. Moreover it may be helpful to exclude them.

Simulation Method in Research on Material-Flow in a Warehouse Logistics and Transport No 1(21)/2014

Table 1. Material-flow values at the end of the workday T2.7. These are the counterbalanced forklift trucks
at warehouse transporting pallet load units between the storage
Symbol The material- The material- The material- area and the order-picking area. It was found that
consistent flow rate per day, flow rate per flow rate per the majority of time these vehicles run empty or
with the resulting from day, resulting day, resulting
description the application of from the from the wait for an order, which raises concerns about
of mean logistics facilities simulation with simulation designed quantity of means of transport (discussed
title 5. designing material-flow without
method; given in realisation plan; material-flow
in Kostrzewski (2009)).
pallet load units given in pallet realisation plan; A new tool, which is a bottlenecks analyser, is
load units given in pallet useful in the research. Using it, it was noted that
load units
the output buffer in the warehouse is full and
1 2 3 4
locked. This fact can be observed already in the
d 562 562 597
analysis of the diagram at fig. 5 and values listed in
e 562 562 597
the table. 1. (line g). The results of the bottlenecks
f 468 462 469
analyser are the confirmation. Using the
g 230 215 215
bottlenecks analyser has shown that 14.40% of the
c 867 677 1214
time the output buffer is locked.
b 1097 1076 1678
In addition, in the case of the warehouse
a 1097 1076 1455
workers, being “unable” to perform the tasks

Fig. 5. Material-flow in warehouse in function of shifting time

Most likely to oversize, while using logistics (objects are fail) was noted. It is related to the
facilities designing method, are vehicles with the existence of physiological needs of people etc. It
lowest values of the utilisation indicator, e.g. T2.6, makes simulation models more realistic.

Fig. 6. Vehicles’ utilization indicator values, [%]

LOGISTICS Simulation Method in Research on Material-Flow in a Warehouse

Table 2. Tabular vehicles’ utilization indicator values, [ %]

Vehicle indicator Vehicle indicator Vehicle indicator Vehicle indicator
Vehicle symbol Vehicle symbol Vehicle symbol Vehicle symbol
value, [%] value, [%] value, [%] value, [%]
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
T1.1 93,40 T3.6 91,51 T2.14 94,35 T1.15 90,95
T1.2 93,40 T3.7 92,26 T2.15 94,35 T1.16 90,95
T1.3 93,40 T2.4 91,29 T1.5 93,83 T1.17 97,15
T1.4 93,40 T2.5 91,29 T1.6 93,83 T1.18 97,15
T2.1 89,13 T2.6 81,54 T1.7 93,83 T1.19 97,15
T2.2 89,13 T2.7 81,54 T1.8 93,83 T1.20 97,15
T2.3 89,13 T2.8 73,76 T1.9 91,73 T1.21 97,15
T3.1 96,03 T2.9 73,76 T1.10 91,73 T1.22 91,12
T3.2 91,24 T2.10 82,02 T1.11 91,73 T1.23 91,12
T3.3 85,35 T2.11 82,02 T1.12 91,73 T1.24 91,12
T3.4 93,37 T2.12 82,02 T1.13 90,95 T1.25 96,72
T3.5 89,72 T2.13 94,35 T1.14 90,95 T1.26 96,72
T1 – pallet movers, T2 – counterbalanced forklift trucks, T3 – reach trucks
Apart from results mentioned above some other
aspects of dynamics can be defined. In the paper τ – units reducer,
simulation modelling is considered, however const
τ = 1[time unit/load unit ] .
analytical one can be defined either.
In the paper the research of dynamics of the
material-flow process in a warehouse is discussed. The results can be recognised as (the range of
It can lead to analytical way of considering: how to values are results of arctangent function graph):
define whether it is a dynamic process or not. The exceptionally rapid change in the dynamic of
following basics of considerations way forward in π 7π
a logistics process in the case of: > ϕ j (t ) > ,
the research are proposed – the full mathematical 2 16
model for analytic way of research on dynamics in very rapid change in the dynamic of a logistics
a logistics process is presented in Kostrzewski 7π 3π
(2014a) and Kostrzewski (2014b). process in the case of: ≥ ϕ j (t ) > , rapid
16 8
A slope angle in case of a whole logistics change in the dynamic of a logistics process in the
process (which can give information about 3π 5π
dynamics of a logistics process) can be counted as case of: ≥ ϕ j (t ) > , rather rapid change in
8 16
in formula (2).
the dynamic of a logistics process in the case of:
5π π
 u J − u0  ≥ ϕ j (t ) > , no change in the dynamic of a
ϕ (t ) = arctan ⋅ τ  (2) 16 4
 t J − t0  logistics process in the case of: ϕ j (t ) =
where: 4
u0 – a quantity of load units taking part in a border value of dynamics in a logistics process),
logistics process at the beginning of a logistics rather slow change in the dynamic of a logistics
process duration, [load unit], π 3π
process in the case of: > ϕ j (t ) ≥ , slow
uJ – a quantity of load units taking part in a 4 16
logistics process at the end of a logistics change in the dynamic of a logistics process in the
process duration, [load unit], 3π π
t0 – a beginning of a logistics process case of: > ϕ j (t ) ≥ , very slow change in the
16 8
duration, [time unit],
dynamic of a logistics process in the case of:
tJ – duration of a logistics process, [time
π π
unit], > ϕ j (t ) ≥ , exceptionally slow change in the
ϕ (t ) – a slope angle of a logistics process, 8 16
[rad], dynamic of a logistics process > ϕ j (t ) > 0 and

Simulation Method in Research on Material-Flow in a Warehouse Logistics and Transport No 1(21)/2014

at last no dynamics in a logistics process in the warehousing equipment and infrastructure

case of: ϕ j (t ) = 0 . utilization et cetera. Simulation, even a discrete-
event one, can help to map in details the dynamic
The example calculation and statement of
behaviour of a complex system. Scenarios can be
dynamics is as follow. In order to state rate of
built, either by simulation or other modelling, to
change for line a in fig. 5., it can be calculated as:
consider a series of different situations in which
 1097[plu ] − 0[plu ]  min  
ϕ a (t ) = arctan ⋅ 1   = 0.85190179 . the flexibility of the design can be tested. These
 960[min ] − 0[min ]  plu   scenarios may include for example alternative
 π 5π growth forecasts, changes in order profiles, and
Since ϕ a (t ) ∈  ; , it can be said that it is abnormal peak requirements. It should also be
 4 16
noted that the researched warehouse design has
rather rapid change in the dynamic of a-logistics
been optimised through the use of the simulation
process. However the value is as close to border
model, which was discussed in Kostrzewski
π (2009). Nevertheless, the simulation model used in
value 45° = that it needs further research and
4 case of this research “comes” from pre-
definitions. optimisation phase (it was done on purpose). The
simulation model designed for the warehouse
6. CONCLUSIONS design is not only momentaneous i.e. using the
opportunity to verify the design of the warehouse.
The simulation study of using of material-flow It can also be used in case of short-period planning.
in a warehouse revealed inaccuracies and The increase in orders is often noticeable for
omissions made in the stage of logistics facilities several consecutive days. Inevitably, this has an
designing methods. It was found that the output impact on the work of the warehouse.
buffer of the warehouse is loaded. Moreover it was Simulation tool allows moving each employee
noted that inadvertently in the warehouse design into the virtual world of the warehouse, which is a
too many means of transport were calculated. And simulation model. This allows the store manager or
finally in the designed warehouse about 2% of a other decision-maker to be able to immediately
material-flow plan of pallet load units cannot be identify bottlenecks that can occur in a given
subject of execution by a group of warehouse period and to take measures to avoid them. In
processes (which has been inferred from the last addition, it is possible to make short-term changes
line of table 1.). These inaccuracies are related to in productivity of workers, vehicles and
the oversight that occurred in the warehouse design infrastructure components.
creation. Beside that, performance of any entity in In the simulation model an information-flow
the facility depends on the performers of others. should be also developed. This has not been done.
Contrary to appearances, a message is not that the The task is time-consuming – and indeed so is the
warehouse designer should be seen in a negative construction of each of simulation models so that
light. Neither application of logistics facilities they correspond with the actual conditions.
designing methods should be denied. The usage of Moreover a simulation tool is good enough to
simulation tools does not preclude traditional educate students or workers. It enables a student or
designing way, which has been emphasized in worker to transfer manufacturing and material
particular in fig. 2. Ashayeri and Gelders (1985) handling concepts into working computer
drew the conclusion that analytic designing of simulations that test validity of their concepts and
logistics facilities is not enough. At the same time verify effectiveness of classroom or factory
a logistics facility – after making an analytic instruction.
design of it – should be implemented as
a simulation model. It was also the subject of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
debate with exactly the similar findings in
Kostrzewski (2009). The importance of evaluating Research and publication of the paper is
a designed warehouse through the use of financed with funds under the Grant of Transport
simulation studies next to an analytical evaluation Faculty Dean No. 504M 1160 0113.
was repeatedly suggested. The usage of planning Special acknowledgments to Gentlemen: Prof.
and simulation models can help to identify Tomasz Ambroziak and Dr.Eng. Janusz
optimisation potential in terms of throughput, cycle Fijałkowski for numerous inspirations and
times, transporters and vehicles utilization or moreover to Ms. Katarzyna Koper – a friend and

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