Brain in The Palm of The Han
Brain in The Palm of The Han
Brain in The Palm of The Han
Objective: Directions:
To teach students and 1. Setting the stage.
teachers about the need to Invite students to think of a time that they got really upset.
self-calm and re-gather. List a few examples on the board of things that are
To invite students to think upsetting to them (no names).
about self-regulation pro- Ask them if they can remember if it felt like they had a
actively. choice about what they did? !
To create a positive time out Did it matter to them what the other person was feeling
space. or thinking?
2. Introducing the "brain in the palm of the hand".
Materials: Board Explain that you will use your hand to model a brain.
(See drawings next page.)
Comments for teachers: Point to your wrist. The part that is closest to your
spine and near the base of your skull is called the
• This activity looks long, but can be brain stem. It keeps you awake or asleep, makes sure
done quickly. We recommend you breathe and makes sure your heart keeps beating.
you do steps 1-7 one day and It also keeps you safe.
come back, review the brain in the
Fold your thumb across your palm. The middle part of
hand and move on to step 8 the
your brain is where you process emotions and store
next day.
your memories {limbic area). It is also where you have
• We function best when we have your "safety radar" (your amygdala).
access to all parts of our brain. Fold your fingers over your thumb so you have a fist.
Under stress the prefrontal cortex The outer layer of your brain is called the cortex. It is
doesn't work well and we lose our where your thinking and planning happens.
problem solving skills. Point to your fingernails. The area of the cortex that is
• When the part of our brain that right up front is Hit prefrontal cortex. It is where the
allows us to think and respond brain processes information about how we relate to
respectfully is not functioning well, others:
we can help ourselves and others - Understanding others' feelings
by taking some time to "come - Ability to calm ourselves
back into ourselves." - Ability to make choices
- Morality
• To watch Dr. Daniel Siegel - Ability to sense what is going on for others (read
demonstrating this click here: body language) 3. Flipping our lid.
• For further details on this model for When we are really stressed or upset, the prefrontal cortex
the brain, study Parenting from the shuts down and no longer works with the rest of our brain.
Inside Out by Daniel J. Siegel, Lift the fingers up so they are straight and the thumb is
MD & Mary Hartzell, New York: still across the palm.
Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 2003, We say, "We flip our lid."
p. 171 - 183. Explain that we "flip our lid" when the thinking part
(prefrontal cortex) of our brain isn't working. It
becomes hard to use our problem solving skills.
Positive Discipline in the School and Classroom Teachers' Guide: Activities for Students
© Positive Discipline Association
4. Reflection.
Ask students:
Brainstem: "Do you sometimes flip your lid or have you ever been
with someone who flipped their lid?" Invite students to
share (no names). "What did that look like?" "Feel like?"
"When you are really upset, have you ever done
something and later thought, 'Why did I do that?' or 'I
really wish I hadn't done that!' or 'What in the world was I
thinking when I did that?'" (Allow some thought about
why that might happen if the pre-frontal cortex is not
Midbrain: working at that time.)
Explain, when you are "flipped" (hand with fingers
straight), you can't learn very well either. It really helps
to calm back down so that you can solve problems.
5. A little more brain science: Mirror neurons.
Our brains are built so that we learn by copying. When you
see someone yawn do you notice that sometimes you feel
like yawning? Even babies copy what they see. Our brains
also mirror feelings. When we are with other people who are
sad, we can feel their sadness. The nerves (neurons) that do
Prefrontal cortex:
this are called mirror neurons.
Holding up one hand as a "flipped lid" ask students what
might happen to someone near that person because of
mirror neurons. (They are likely to flip their lid too.)
Holding both hands in the "flipped lid" positions, ask
students what might happen if two people approach
each other like this. (They might get into a fight.)
What might students need to do to find their thinking
brains and solve their problem? (Move away, calm
down, unflip their lids).
6. Exploring self-regulation.
Invite the students to share what they have found helpful
to calm or re-gather themselves. Make a list of some of
the tools.
Flipped lid:
7. Designing a space.
Explain that sometimes it is helpful in a classroom to
have a place to calm down, to sort out feelings and to re-
gather. This is not a place where students go as a
punishment, but a place to calm down until the student
feels better.
Either as a class or in small groups, invite students to
brainstorm what kind of calming- down place could be
created in the classroom. Ask them to think of some
possible names for the area. (Common names include:
the alone zone, Hawaii, Antarctica, the chill spot,
calming quarter.)
Make a list of the ideas from the class (or from different
groups). Invite students to fhink about the list for a day.
Positive Discipline in the School and Classroom Teachers' Guide: Activities for Students
© Positive Discipline Association
8. Deciding on the space and setting up agreements. The
next day, as a class:
Pick ideas from the list that are doable and practical for
making a time out area.
Establish a plan for how it will be created.
Vote on or choose a name for the area.
Decide if any guidelines are needed about using this
calming down place. If the students suggest guidelines,
have them select 3 or 4 from the list that can be made into
a poster as a reminder.
• It can be helpful to post a list of things that are useful when you or someone else has a "flipped lid."
When I have a "flipped lid" I could: Take 3 slow deep breaths, go to our cool-down zone, put my head
down for 30 seconds, etc. When a friend has a flipped lid, I could: Not take it personally, invite them to
breathe deeply, give them space, etc.
• Some teachers are worried students will go to the cool-down spot just to play or to avoid doing their
work. If this is one of your concerns bring it up as students are setting the guidelines. It is better to ask
instead of tell. For example, "Do you think that this will be a space to use to play?*' "What would happen
if you use the space during work time? When would you get your work done?" When a problem
develops, it is a great opportunity to review guidelines and focus on solutions. Let the class share how
they feel about the space being used this way, as well as their ideas for correcting the problem. When
only one student is consistently misusing the space, consider individual problem solving.
• A frequent question from teachers is, "What happens when the student won't go to the cool down spot?"
One reason students refuse to go is that they associate going to "time out" with being bad, or being
punished. Another reason is that when someone has "flipped" they are not totally in their thinking
brain. Some strategies that have worked for others are:
- Offer a choice." ____ , you seem upset. Do you think you can cool down at your desk, or would
it be helpful to go to the cool-down spot?"
- Offer an ear." ____ , I can tell you are upset I'd be glad to listen to what is going on for you after
I ____________ . Do you want to wait at your desk or would it be more helpful to go to the
cool down spot?"
• Some teams of teachers invite students to use the calming down space in the other classroom, so that
they are not as near the incident or people that were the trigger. It is best to do this only in extreme
situations. When students are able to stay in the same room they:
- Miss less class
- Do not risk being embarrassed by having to leave class or show up in another class
- Students see how peers can transition from feeling upset to becoming self-regulated.
*"The Brain in the Palm of the Hand" is the work of Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., first published in his book, Parenting
from the Inside Out (2003) and more recently published in The Whole-Brain Child (2011). Dr. Siegel is not
associated and/or affiliated with, and does not endorse and/or sponsor the Positive Discipline Association
and/or its activities.
Positive Discipline in the School and Classroom Teachers' Guide: Activities for Students
© Positive Discipline Association