A8V - Variable Displacement Double Pump

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Variable Displacement Double Pump A8V

For open circuits axial tapered piston, bent axis design RC92300/12.2004

Size 28-160 Peak pressure up to 40MPa Replace RC92300/09.2003


Two variable pumps in a common housing, the splitter box, an SAE flange for direct mounting on to the
prime mover and the control device-usually summation HP control.
Flow is proportional to speed by change the swivel angle.

Special Features

The various design options with auxiliary drive and the possibility of multi-circuit control allow optimum
matching to individual drive applications.
Variable Displacement Double Pump A8V
Ordering Code

A8V 55 SR 1.1 R 1 0 1 F 1

Stroke Limiter
Pump Type
fixed 1
Variable Displacement hydraulic 2
Double Pump
mechanical 3

(2.3not for Size 28)

Pressure Connection
8.1-28.1ml/r 28 SAE F
15.8-54.8ml/r 55 SAE flange connection
0-58ml/r 58

23.1-80ml/r 80
30.8-107ml/r 107 Suction Connection

21.8-125ml/r 125 SAE flange 1

46.2-160ml/r 160

(Displacement Vgmin- Vgmax perrotary group) Gear Ratio

Only exist control device DM.LL
28 55 58 80 107 125 160

0 __ 1.00 __ 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Ratio 0

1 0.73 0.75 0.87 0.87 0.85

Ratio 1
Control Device

Summation HP control SR 2 0.86 0.93 1.06 1.06 1.08

Ratio 2

3 __ 1.17 __ 1.35 1.23

Individual power control LL Ratio 3

4 __ 0.84 0.81 __ __
Cross-sensing control LLC Ratio 4

5 __ 1.05 __ 1.18 __
Constant pressure and manual control DM Ratio 5

See below 1.1
Direction of Rotation (Viewed on shaft end)
Clock wise R

Variable Displacement Double Pump A8V

Design 1.1-5

1.1 without adaptor gear 1.2 without adaptor gear 2. without adaptor gear
without auxiliary drive without auxiliary drive without auxiliary drive

4. with adaptor gear 5. with adaptor gear

A2F 23.28 with auxiliary drive
3. with adaptor gear with auxiliary drive and
with auxiliary drive and coupling for mounting of plugged.
coupling for mounting of a gear pump with (with cover)
a fixed pump A2F 23. 28 tapered shaft and Bolton
(with splined shaft)

Ordering Example
A8V, 55, SR, 1.1,R,1,0,1,F,1
Variable Displacement Double pump A8V, Size55, Summation HP
Control, Design1.1,Clockwise rotation, Series 1,gear ratio 1.00,Suction
Connection1, SAE Pressure connection, fixed stroke limiter. Pimps
for auxiliary drive should be listed separately when ordering.

Technical Data
Filtration of Hydraulic Fluid
Operating Pressure Range:
Recommended filtration 10 m. Coarser filtration of 25 to 40 m is possible,
Pressure at port A or B.
however longer service life is achieved with filtration of 10 m (reduced
Nominal pressure Pn=35MPa
Peak pressure P max=40MPa
Absolute pressure on Speed Range
the suction inlet S No limitation on minimum speed nmin.
See data table for max. permissible speeds nAmax.
Pabsmin 0.08MPa
Pabsmax 0.2MPa Mounting Position
Fluid Temperature Range: Horizontal, as referred to the drive shaft ; other positions are possible,
but require prior consultation with us.
tmin - 25 0C
tmax 800C
Viscosity Range: Output speed of the auxiliary drive is the same as input speed

Vmin 10mm2/s nA( Design 3, 4, 5,)

Vmax ( for short periods )100mm /s

Operating Viscosity:
Vopt 16 - 36 mm2/s
Auxiliary Drive Gear Ratio
Fluid Recommendation

Operating Recommended Viscosity grade Size

temperature to DIN 51519 Design 55 80 107 125 160
1.1 1.244 1.333 1.256
range ISO(VG)
1.2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
30 -40ºC VG22=22mm2 /s at40 C

Direction of rotation (Viewed on Shaft )

40 -50ºC VG32=32mm2 /s at40 C

( Design1.1) ( anti - Clockwise )

50 -60ºC VG46=46mm2 /s at40 C

( Design1.2 ) ( Clockwise )
60 -70ºC VG68=68mm2 /s at40 C

70 -80ºC VG100=100mm2/s at40 C

Variable Displacement Double Pump A8V

Technical Data (theoretical values, without considering mb and v, Values rounded off)

Displacement of double Splitter Max, drive speed nAmax(r/min)for Max.flowQmax(0/min)of Drive power P(kw) of double Moment of inertia Weight
Size pump per rotary group box gear (absolute) pressure P at suction double pump(displacement pump, with p1 + p2=35MPa J(kgm2) kg
Vgmax(ml/r) ratio inlet S and max.displ.Vgmax losses of 3%included)at speed (start of control)and Qmax at speed

nA P=0.09MPa P=0.1MPa P=0.15MPa


n0.09 no.1 n0.15 n0.09 n0.1 n0.15 n0.09 n0.1 n0.15

0.729 2040 2185 2350 0.014020

28 28.1 2 x 76 2 x 82 2 x 88 46 49 53 54
0.860 2410 2580 2770 0.009351

1.000 2360 2500 2640 2 x 125 2 x 133 2 x 140 75 80 84 0.012475

0.745 1760 1860 1965 0.03743

0.837 1975 2090 2210 0.02818

55 54.8 0.9318 2200 2330 2460 2 x 125 2 x 133 2 x 140 75 80 84 0.2175 100

1.051 2480 2625 2775 0.01639

1.1714 2765 2930 3090 0.012977

0.8125 2315 2435 2720 0.06189

58 58.8 0.8667 2470 2600 2900 2 x 165 2 x 174 2 x 194 0.05590 130

1.054 3000 3160 3530 0.3579

1.000 2120 2240 2370 2 x 164 2 x 174 2 x 184 99 105 111 0.02680

0.8666 1840 1940 2055 0.05590

80 80 1.054 2235 2360 2500 2 x 164 2 x 174 2 x 184 99 105 111 0.03579 130

1.181 2505 2645 2800 0.02797

1.3448 2850 3010 3185 0.02137

1.000 1900 2000 2135 2 x 197 2 x 208 2 x 222 119 125 133 0.03625

0.8431 1600 1685 1800 0.08257

107 107 1.075 2040 2150 2295 2 x 197 2 x 208 2 x 222 119 125 133 0.047012 165

1.2285 2335 2455 2625 0.035353

125 125 1.000 1900 2000 2135 2 x 230 2 x 242 2 x 258 139 146 156 0.055 180

160 160 1.000 1750 1900 2100 2 x 271 2 x 284 2 x 325 164 178 196 0.064 200
Variable Displacement Double Pump A8V

Summation HP Control
Summation HP control SR is a pressure related, pilot operated
control which steplessly adjusts the swivel angle, and thus the
displacement, of the under-coupled pumps in the range Vgmax to
Vgmin. Flow is inversely proportional to system pressures,
thereby maintaining hydraulic power constant. Summation HP
control means control using the sum of the two pressure
(P1+P2). If one pump requires less power, then the remaining
power is available to the other pump. In extreme cases, either
pump can be supplied with the maximum power.

Design1.2 Design2-5

with hydraulic stroke limiter

P= constant

P drive power [kw]

P1P2 pressure [MPa]
ηt overall efficiency A1, A2 suction line

Q flow [L/min] S suction line

R air bleed

HA oil drain

X pilot pressure

The fixed setting of the max. flow at the required value Vgmax is
made by means of a stop screw (please indicate require
value in clear text when ordering). By means of mechanical
stroke limiter, the max. displacement can be steplessly
varied of limited. Adjustment range from Vgmax to Vgmin.

By means of an additional hydraulic stroke limiter, the max.

displacement can be steplessly varied of limited. Adjustment
range is from Vgmax (fixed setting) to Vgmin.

A8V...SR A8V...SR
Design1.1 Design2-5
Variable Displacement Double Pump A8V

A pilot pressure (port X ) of at least 1/14 of the operating pressure (P1+P2) is required for Constant pressure and manual control DM is an
individual power control. One pump is a constant
the hydraulic stroke limiter; however, min. pressure at port X must not 0.7MPa. Max.
pressure control, the other pump is a manual
Permissible pressure is 5MPA (for all Sizes)
control, and the displacement is adjustable is the
range 0 to 58ml.

The constant pressure control maintains the

pressure in a hydraulic system constant within its
control range in spite of changing pump flow
requirements. The variable pump supplies only
the volume of fluid required by the services.
Should operating pressure exceed the set
pressure, the pump is automatically swivelled
back to a smaller angle. Setting range from 5 to
35MPa . Pmax=1MPa.

Pressure range at start of control 10-40MPa total

summated pressure P1=pressure from
pump1,P2= pressure from pump 2. Connections
A1, A2 service lines
Special curves are produced for each individual S suction line
drive. R air bleed
HA oil drain
Constant Pressure and Manual Control DM
T1, T2 connection for
flushing fluid

Constant pressure and manual control DM

Variable Displacement Double Pump A8V

Variable Displacement Double Pump A8V

Unit Dimensions, Size 55, 88and 107

Design 1.1
With out adaptor gear
With auxiliary drive

A1:A2 Services lines

S Suction line

R air bleed ( plugged )

HA oil drain (plugged )

Size A A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 deep Flange

55 361 361.95 5 12 130 273 331 M12 28 92 41 57.6 179.5 20 50.8 23.8 M10 17 SAE 3/4” 42MPa(6000Psi)

80 418 409.575 6 12 144 310 383 M16 36 107.3 47.2 68.5 214.3 25 57.2 27.8 M12 17 SAE1” 42MPa(6000Psi)

107 443 447.7 6 16 157 385 407 M16 36 115.6 51 71.6 216.3 25 57.2 27.8 M12 18 SAE1” 42MPa(6000Psi)

A19 B7
A18 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 B B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B8 B9
Size Flange Flange

55 M18 x 1.5 SAE4 116 209 66.5 80 11.5 407 381 270 54.25 76 61.9 106.4 SAE3” 3.5MPa

80 M22 x 1.5 SAE3 140.08 248.5 180 100 12 456 428.625 290 60.5 102 77.8 130.2 SAE4” 3.5MPa 20 125

107 M22 x 1.5 SAE2 150 260 192 100 12 495 466.7 320 67 102 77.8 130.2 SAE4” 3.5MPa 20 125

CB1096 DIN5480
B10 B11 B12 B13
Size deep deep Keyed splined Weight Kg

55 109 M10 16 18 6 x 25 W40 x 2 x 18 x 9g 72

80 M10 16 140 M14 20 25 8 x 15 W45 x 2 x 21 x 9g 100

107 M10 16 140 M14 20 25 8 x 15 W50 x 2 x 24 x 9g 135

Variable Displacement Double Pump A8V

Unit Dimensions, Size 55, 80, 107, 125 and 160

Without adaptor gear
With auxiliary drive



A1 , A2 Services lines
S Suction line
R Air bleed (plugged )
HA Oil drain (plugged) A8V125(160) Suction line

Size A A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 Deep Flange

55 361 361.95 5 12 130 273 331 M12 28 92 41 57.6 179.5 20 50.8 23.8 M10 17SAE¾” 42MPa(6000Psi)
80 418 409.575 6 12 144 310 383 M16 36 107.3 47.2 68.5 214.3 25 57.2 27.8 M12 17SAE¼” 42MPa(6000Psi)

107 443 447.7 6 16 157 385 407 M16 36 115.6 51 71.6 216.3 25 57.2 27.8 M12 18SAE¼” 42MPa(6000Psi)
125 426 447.7 6 16 157 307.7 354.4 M16 36 272 47.5 62.2 222 25 57.2 27.8 M12 18SAE1" 42MPa(6000Psi)

160 542 511.2 6 20 221 421 473 M20 42 224 57 72 257 32 31.8 66.7 M14 19SAE¼” 42MPa(6000Psi)
A19 B7
Size A18 Flange A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 B B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 Flange

55 M18 x 1.5 SAE4 407 381 270 54.25 76 61.9 106.4 SAE3” 3.4MPa
80 M22 x 1.5 SAE3 110 240.5 211 100 12 127 456 428.625 290 60.5 102 77.8 103.2 SAE4” 3.5MPa

107 M22 x1.5 SAE2 108 260 214 100 12 137 495 466.7 320 67 102 77.8 130.2 SAE4” 3.5MPa
125 M22 x 1.5 SAE2 108 157 214 100 12 137 495 466.7 320 67 102 SAE4” 3.5MPa

160 M22 x 1.5 SAE1 162.6 208 280 110 25 555 530.2 384 85.5 125 SAE5” 3.5MPa
CB1096 DIN5480 Kg
Size B8 B9 B10 deep B11 B12 deep B13 Keyed Splined Weight

55 W40 x 2 x 18 x 9g 80

80 175 125 M10 16 140 M14 20 25 8 x 36 W45 x 2 x 21 x 9g 110

107 198.5 125 M10 16 140 M14 20 25 8 x 45 W50 x 2 x 24 x 9g 145
125 198.5 125 M10 16 140 M14 20 25 8 x 45 W50 x 2 x 24 x 9g 180
160 202.8 138 M10 16 160 M14 20 25 8 x 45 W60 x 2 x 28 x 9g 200
Variable Displacement Double Pump A8V
Unit Dimensions, Size 55, 80and 107

Designs 2-5 Design 4

Designs 2 with adaptor gear

with adaptor gear with auxiliary drive and coupling for

without auxiliary drive mounting of gear pump

Design 3 (with tapered shaft and bolt - on fixing)

with adaptor gear

with auxiliary drive and coupling

for mounting of fixed pump A2F23.28 (with

splined shaft) A.

Size C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 Splined hub profile
A1,A2 Service lines
S Suction line 55 34 80 42.5 33 55 100 M8 17 N30 x 2 x 14 x 9H

R Air bleed(plugged) 80 40 105 42.5 41 60 125 M10 12.5 N35 x 2 x 16 x 9H

HA Oil drain (plugged)

107 40 105 42 41 62 125 M10 12.5 N35 x 2 x 16 x 9H
X pilot port
A17 A19
Size A A1 A2 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A13 A14 A15 A16 deep Flange A18 Flange A20 A21
55 361 361.95 5 130 273 331 M12 28 20 50.8 23.8 M10 17 SAE¾" 42MPa(6000Psi) M18 x 1.5 SAE4 176 312
80 418 409.575 6 144 310 383 M16 36 25 57.2 27.8 M12 17 SAE" 42MPa(6000Psi) M22 x 1.5 SAE3 191 344
107 443 447.7 6 157 335 407 M16 36 25 57.2 27.8 M12 17 SAE1" 42MPa(6000Psi) M22 x 1.5 SAE2 204 360

B7 Splined shaft Weight

Size A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 B B1 B2 B4 B5 B6 flange B8 DIN 5480 Kg
55 181 164.3 123.3 115 370 322 6 8 407 381 270 76 61.9 106.4SAE3" 3.5MPa (500Psi) 320 W40 x 2 x 18 x 9g 100
80 198.2 177.5 129.7 115 420 382 7 12.5 456 428.625 290 102 77.8 130.2SAE4" 3.5MPa (500Psi) 340 W45 x 2 x 21 x 9g 130
107 215.3 194.7 143.7 128 453 406 21.5 27 495 466.7 320 102 77.8 130.2SAE4" 3.5MPa (500Psi) 360 W50 x 2 x 24 x 9g 165
1. The fluid must be filtered. Minimum filter fineness is 20 µm.

2. The tank must be sealing up and an air filter must be installed on air entrance.
3. Products without subplate when leaving factory, if need them, please ordering specially.

4. Valve fixing screws must be high intensity level (class 10.9). Please select and use them

according to the parameter listed in the sample book.

5. Roughness of surface linked with the valve is required to .

6. Surface finish of mating piece is required to 0.01/100mm.

All rights reserved-Subject to revision


THM Huade Hydraulics (P) Ltd

F-127, Focal Point, Phase VIII
Ludhaiana-141010, India
Phone: 0091+161+2672777, Fax: 0091+161+2672778
info@thmhuade.com, sales@thmhuade.com

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