Action Plan 4 Yr Plan

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ASCA Process Data

Domain and (Projected Outcome Data
Mindsets & number of Perception Data (Achievement, attendance
Grade Lesson Behaviors Curriculum and Projected students (Type of surveys/ and/or behavior data to be Contact
Level Topic Standard(s) Materials Start/End affected) assessments to be used) collected) Person
9th CCGI – M. 4 Counselor March – All 9th grade Attitude: Achievement-Related
4yr Plan B-LS 1. generated April 2018 students – Mr. Flores
B-LS 5. PowerPoint 260 % of students who believe Increase % of students
B-SMS 3. they are capable of going who have completed a 4-
B-SS 1. to college year plan

% of students who Increase % in students

beleieve it is important to enrolling in A-G approved
plan out high school courses

Knowledge: Achievement-Data

% of student who know Increase graduation rate

the difference between class of 2021
CP, Honors, and AP classes
Increase % of 2021
Skill: graduating students who
% of students who can are UC/CSU eligible
complete a four-year plan
through CCGI

Domain and Process Data
Mindsets & (Number of Perception Data Outcome Data (Achievement,
Grade Lesson Behaviors Projected students (Data from surveys/ attendance and/or behavior
Level Topic Standard(s) Start/End affected) assessments) data) Implications
9 CCGI – 4- M. 4 March – All 9th grade Attitude: Achievement- Related Follow up is needed with
year plan B-LS 1. April students – Prior to the intervention: who did not complete
B-LS 5. 2018 260 61% of students believed 92% of 9th grade students entire 4-year plan
B-SMS 3. they are capable of going to have started a four-year plan
B-SS 1. college through CCGI School counselors need
to review student course
After the intervention: 71% of 9th grade students selection
81% of students believed enrolled in at least 3 A – G
they are capable of going to approved courses their 10th CCGI platform had
college grade year multiple glitches that
need to be fixed
Prior to the intervention: Achievement-Data
71% of students believed it (Student data will be Test run with one class to
is important to plan out high monitored) identify potential pitfalls
school classes and glitches
Increase graduation rate class
After the intervention: of 2021 More time is needed to
86% of students believed it complete entire lesson
is important to plan out high Increase % of 2021
school classes graduating students who are
UC/CSU eligible
Prior to the intervention:
37% of student knew the
difference between CP,
Honors, and AP classes

After the intervention:

37% of student knew the
difference between CP,
Honors, and AP classes
Prior to the intervention:
0% of students had
completed a four-year plan
through CCGI

After the intervention:

47% of students completed
a four-year plan through

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