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Microprocessor Based
Distance Protection Relay - Quadramho
Microprocessor Based Distance Protection

Features • Built-in voltage transformer Either busbar or line voltage

supervision transformers may be used and these
• 3-zone distance relay with 18 can either be capacitor VT’s or
measuring elements • Built-in power swing blocking
electromagnetic VT’s. CT
• Different Characteristics to suit all requirements are moderate as the
line lengths and fault levels
Application relay is highly tolerant to saturated
QUADRAMHO (type SHPM) is a current transformers.
• Fast operating times over a very
wide range of fault conditions MPB distance protection relay Two models are available with the
specially designed for following characteristics:
• Digital synchronous polarising for comprehensive high-speed
close-up three phase faults protection of HV and EHV • Zone 1 and 2 shaped partially
cross-polarised mho with partially
• Micro-processor based scheme distribution/ transmission lines.
cross-polarised directional line.
logic with a wide range of built-in Three zones of protection are
schemes selected by option included, each employing separate Zone 3 Offset lens (adjustable to
switches measuring elements, one element offset circular mho).
each for three phase-to-phase and
• Ample input/output facilities- 5 three phase-to-earth faults. Thus a
• Zone 1 and 2 ground faults:
optically coupled inputs, 24 Quadrilateral with partially cross-
total of 18 elements are provided,
output contacts, 10 light emitting polarised directional line.
thereby increasing the reliability of
diodes the protection. Polyphase measuring Zone 1 and 2 phase faults:
• Full range of test features for elements are not used in Shaped partially cross-polarised
commissioning and routine QUARDAMHO as in some of the mho with partially cross-polarised
testing. Interfacing enables contemporary schemes. directional line.
automatic field test equipment to The relay is suitable for both three Zone 3 ground faults:
be used if required pole and single-and-three-pole Offset quadrilateral.
• Continuous self monitoring and tripping of the circuit breaker.
Zone 3 phase faults:
on-demand periodic self-testing Offset circular mho.

Figure 1:
Block diagram of

Different Characteristics The ‘top’ or ‘reactance’ line of the

One version of the relay has shaped quadrilateral characteristics
A block schematic of the relay is partially cross-polarised mho automatically tilts to compensate for
shown in Figure 1. Typical external characteristics (Figure2 (a) and 3) any pre-fault power flow to avoid
connections and a key to the relay with strong resistive expansion for the over-reach or under-reach
modules are shown in Figures 10 Zone 1 and 2. problems associated with resistance
and 11 respectively. A significant characteristics having fixed
factor in the high performance, For long line applications, the lens- inclination.
compact ‘QUADRAMHO’ relay is shaped Zone 3 characteristics can
be set to avoid the problems of load Synchronous polarising,(an
the use of a new type of comparator
impedence encroaching into the advanced digital memory system), is
which is physically implemented as
characteristics, (See Figure 2 (b)). provided on Zones 1 and 2 to allow
a U.L.A. (uncommitted logic array)
correct response to forward and
chip. This comparator is used in For short-line applications involving reverse three-phase close-up faults.
conjunction with input filters to give strong sources of power infeed, the
fast and accurate operation even version with quadrilateral ground-
under conditions of noisy and Level detectors
fault characteristics for all three
harmonically distorted waveforms zones can be specified, ensuring To avoid maloperation when a
commonly encountered in power adequate tolerance to arcing and transmission line is de-energised,
distribution systems. tower-footing resistance, (Figure 4). phase current level detectors are
provided. These have, very fast
operate and reset times and are
connected so as to block
comparator operation. In addition,
pole-dead signals are generated by
current and voltage level detectors
which cause the comparators to

Single pole tripping current caused, for example, by 3. Fitting a fast directional
current transformer mismatch. comparator for each phase of
Following a single-phase-to-ground
Zones 1 and 2 which uses current
fault and a single pole trip, the Operation with capacitor and polarising voltage as
output of the ground fault voltage transformers measuring quantities, both of
comparator is blocked by the
Although CVT transient errors can which are independent of CVT
resetting of the relevant phase
have serious effects on other errors.
current level detector and the
comparator is forced to reset by the distance relays, especially at high 4. The use of a switched filter to
relevant pole-dead signal. Thus the values of system impedance ratio, precondition the voltage signal to
comparator resets correctly even the design of the measuring units. Switching is
though the presence of residual ‘QUARDAMHO’ has allowed: done only when absolutely
current due to load and sound- required, unlike in other
phase cross-polarising may appear 1. Complete elimination of mal- contemporary designs.
as an impedance within the mho operation for reverse faults.
characteristic. Operation with saturated CT’s
2. Reduction of transient over-reach
to a negligible level. ‘QUADRAMHO’ incorporates
Phase selection
circuits which permit smaller and
3. Slowing down only to the extent
Two variable-biased neutral current more economical line current
necessary to prevent reverse
level detectors are provided. The transformers to be used in most
maloperation and transient
‘High-Set’, when operated, blocks applications, compared with other
the phase-phase comparators, thus distance relays. These circuits are as
preventing a 3-pole trip under heavy The following design techniques follows.
ground faults. The biasing of the have been used to meet these
1. The transphasor current input
High-Set prevents it from operating objectives:
circuit, (an electro magnetic
for most of the 2-phase ground 1. Maintenance of a true directional coupling device), differentiates
faults, allowing the phase-phase reference signal, (or polarising the current input waveform to
elements to give the fastest possible signal), at all times by the use of produce the IZ vector. The effect
3-pole trip. an adequate proportion of of saturation is much less on the
The ‘Low-Set’, when not operated squarewave cross-polarising or zero-crossings of IZ than on the
blocks the ground fault elements. synchronous polarising signals. average current level.
The biasing ensures that the ground 2. The use of a phase sequence 2. The signal preconditioning filters
fault elements are blocked for 2- comparator, which, though reduce the distortion in the IZ
phase ground faults with high fault capable of fast operation, has signals caused by saturation.
resistance. The ground fault built-in safeguards against
elements are also blocked for 3. The comparator can tolerate
maloperation caused by non-
phase-phase or 3 phase faults even some timing errors in one or
power system frequency
with considerable neutral spill more of its input signals and still
respond correctly.

Figure 2(a): Figure 2(b):

Zones 1 and 2 partially cross polarised Zones 1 and 2 partially cross
mho Zone 3 offset circular mho polarised mho Zone 3 offset lens

Scheme logic protection operation in the event Each scheme also provides a
of a breaker failure for a fault choice of three-pole tripping or
‘QUADRAMHO’ is equipped with
near the remote end of the line. single and three pole tripping.
integral micro-processor-based
scheme logic which provides 5 3. Permissive over-reach scheme Visual indicators of faulted phase
schemes as standard, selected by a incorporting current reversal and zone, etc., are given by 9
pair of pushbutton option switches, guard feature with variable pick- latched light emitting diodes,
X and Y, on the front panel of the up and drop-off time settings. (LEDs), which are reset by a push-
relay. The standard schemes are: Also includes an ‘echo’ feature button on the front of the module,
for rapid clearance of faults near or at the next trip
1. Basic 3-Zone distance scheme
the remote end of the line when
incorporating the following Optical isolators and output
the remote breaker is open.
features: contacts
A switch is provided to select a
a) Variable time delayed The five optically coupled isolators
‘weak infeed’ feature, if required,
Zone 2 and 3 tripping. (Refer Figure 10 ) are used to
to allow fault clearance when the
b) Switch-on-to-fault logic to infeed to the fault is too weak for transfer signals from external
provide instantaneous the relay measuring elements to equipment, i.e. signalling channel,
tripping of closeup solid 3 operate. circuit breaker, etc., to the scheme
phase faults logic. The 24 output contacts are
4. Blocking scheme using reverse- provided by 18 auxiliary hinged
occuring on line
looking Zone-3 elements with armature relays controlled by the
variable aided-trip delay timer scheme logic.
c) Voltage transformer and current reversal guard
supervision logic. feature with variable time setting. In-built supervision and self
d) Power swing blocking logic. A guard feature for low-infeed testing
e) Block to auto-reclose logic. through faults is also ‘QUADRAMHO’ includes continous
f) Voltage memory for the incorporated. An optically- supervision of essential supplies and
synchronous polarising. coupled isolator is used as a circuits of the relay. The voltage
‘channel in service’ input which, if transformer supervision unit (VTS)
g) Control of output contacts. not energised, cause the blocking continously monitors the voltage
h) Logic to control various scheme to revert to the basic circuits within the relay as well as the
internal relay functions. scheme. supply voltage to the relay. The VTS
These features are included in the 5. Zone 1 extension scheme. This can be set, via SW3, to block the
other schemes as well. does not require a signalling relay tripping if required.
channel. The extension of Zone 1 Periodic self-testing of all 18 relay
2. Permissive under-reach scheme.
is controlled by an input from the comparators is done automatically
The signal-aided trip is sealed in
auto-reclose equipment via an every two weeks or on demand. In
until the Zone 2 unit resets to allow
optically-coupled isolator. the case of a comparator failure,
time for possible breaker failure

Figure 3:
Resistive expansion of partially cross-polarised mho

diagnostic information is stored in
the relay and can be read by a test
option facility to simplify fault
Self testing can be disabled by SW5
if it is not required.
In the event of a failure detected by
the continous supervision or periodic
self-testing circuits, the ‘relay
available’ LED is extinguished and
the ‘relay inoperative alarm’ contact
is closed.

Test facilities
A comprehensive monitoring system
is provided to enable the features of
the relay to be thoroughly tested
during commissioning, routine
maintenance and fault finding
The monitoring system includes a Figure 4:
25-way test socket from which Zones 1,2 and 3 quadrilateral earth faults
power supply voltages, clock
frequency, synchronous polarising,
switch-on-to-fault and many more Test injection Technical data
internal features can be checked
whilst the relay and the line are Two heavy duty connectors are fitted
energised. In addition, a large on the right-hand side of the relay.
number of test options may be There is an interlock so that no
modules can be removed without Voltage, Vn:
selected by the thumbwheel switches
first removing the connectors, there 100V to 120V rms phase-phase
X and Y. These allow all the inputs to
the scheme logic to be displayed on by isolating supplies, inhibiting all Current, In:
output contacts except the relay 1A or 5A rms per phase
eight indications LED’s and the
inoperative alarm contact and the
25-way socket during off-line tests.
connections short-circuiting current Frequency, fn:
Further test options enable each transformer. 50 Hz or 60 Hz
relay output to be tested. A trip test
Heavy-duty test plugs may be Operative frequency range:
of the circuit breaker or test of the
connected for secondary injection 47 Hz to 51 Hz or 56.4 Hz to
signalling channel can be
purposes. 61.2 Hz
performed conveniently by this
method. The terminal blocks on the rear of DC supply, Vx (1):
An additional 9-way test socket, the relay have additional 3 versions are available.
fitted to the scheme logic module, connections to allow injection of Nominal Operative Maximum
enables the thumbwheel switches supplies to optically coupled (V) range (V) Continuous
isolators without the need to withstand(V)
and the pushbutton to be over-
disconnect panel wiring. Monitoring
ridden electrically, thus permitting 48/54 37.5-60 64.8
of output contacts can also be done
the use of a programmable
via these connections. 110/125 87.5-137.5 150
secondary injection test set.
Modular features 220/250 175-275 300

The relay employs a modular Vx (1) is a switched mode dc/ac/dc

construction using plug-in modules unit operated from the station
which are individually tested and battery.
calibrated in the factory using DC supply for optically coupled
automatic test equipment. Modules isolators, Vx (2):
can be exchanged, if necessary,
without any need to recalibrate the Supply options for the optically
relay. The relay case has standard coupled isolators are the same as
wiring using a multi-layer printed for Vx(1) but Vx(2) need not be same
circuit board. as Vx(1).

Voltage circuits:
Less than 0.1 VA, 0.4 lagging power
factor at 63.5 V phase to neutral.
Current circuits:
0.26 VA (1A relay)
0.68 VA (5A relay) } mho version

0.34 VA (1A relay)

0.75 VA (5A relay) } quadrilateral
DC supply:
25W under healthy live-line
conditions. 50W under tripping

Setting ranges:
Distance measurement overall
range, all zones forward:
1A relay: 0.2 ohms to 240 ohms
Figure 5:
5A relay: 0.04 ohms to 48 ohms Typical impedance reach accuracy characteristics for zone
Reverse zone 3: 5A relay: 0.04 ohms to 0.96 ohms Zone 3:
in 0.04 ohm steps
1A relay: 0.05 ohms to 240 ohms Z3 = (K31 + K32) K33 X ZPh
approx. Residual compensation:
Zone 3 Reverse
5A relay: 0.01 ohms to 48 ohms 1A relay: 0.02 ohms to 5.98 ohms
Z3’ = (K35 + K36) K33 X K37 X
approx. in 0.02 ohm steps
Notes on reach settings: 5A relay: 0.004 ohms to
(Above values are in ohms).
1.196 ohms in 0.004 ohm steps
Switched attenuators are used for all
relay reach setting. Each switch is Fine settings (multiples of coarse Summary of K - factors
labelled as a K-factor for settings):
identification. K1, K2, K4, K5 and K1 0 to 4 Step1
Zone1:1 to 9.98 in 0.02 steps
K6 are attenuators of the IZ K2 0 to 0.8 Step 0.2
(operating) signal whereas all other Zone2:1 to 9.9 in 0.1 steps
K3 8,16,32,40,48 (if fitted)
K-factors are attenuators of the V Zone3:1 to 9.9 in 0.1 steps
(restraint) signal. The reach is K4 0 to 5 Step1
calculated as follows: Zone3:reverse: 1 to 9.9 in 0.1 steps
K5 0 to 0.9 Step 0.1
Coarse reach Note: Zone 3 reverse only may be
K6 0 to 0.08 Step 0.02
altered by a multiplier with 0.25x,
ZPh = K1+ K2 qPhº ohm 0.5x and 1x settings. An additional K11 1 to 9 Step 1
In multiplier with 1x and 5x settings (and infinity)
Residual compensation may be used to adjust all four fine K12 0 to 0.9 Step 0.1
K4 + K5 + K6 K13 0 to 0.08 Step 0.02
ZN = qNº ohm
In Extended zone 1:
K14 1,5
Where In is the nominal current 1x to 2x normal Zone 1 in 0.1 steps.
K15 1 to 2 Step 0.1
rating of the current input module. Zone 1 positive sequence: (and infinity)
Residual compensation factor K21 1 to 9 Step 1
Z1 = (K11+K12+K13) K14 x ZPh
(and infinity)
ZL0 − ZL1 ZN Extended zone 1:
= = K22 0 to 0.9 Step 0.1
3ZL1 ZPh Z1X = Z1 X K15
Coarse settings, all zones: K31 1 to 9 Step 1
Zone 2:
1A relay: 0.2 ohms to 4.8 ohms in K32 0 to 0.9 Step 0.1
Z2 = (K21 + K22) K14 X ZPh
0.2 ohm steps

Figure 6:
Zone 1 typical operating
times for a shaped mho

Figure 7:
Zone 1 typical operating
times for a shaped mho

K33 1,5 Resistive setting range: Zone 6 reverse X Zone 3

reverse + 0.3 X Zone 3
K35 1 to 9 Step 1 (Quadrilateral earth fault unit only)
K36 0 to 0.9 Step 0.1 The resistive reach in both the
Timer = 50 ms.
forward and reverse directions for
K37 0.25,0.5,1.0
Zones 1, 2 and 3 is set by switch K3
The infinity positions of K11, K15 Blocking: Individual blocking of
K3 Zone 1 and/or Zone 2
and K21 are used for on-load Resistive reach Rs = ohms
IN and/or Zone 3 and/or
directional checks.
indication/alarm as
Characteristic angle: Power swing blocking: selected by switches on the
Phase (qph) : 85º to 45º in 5º steps Power swing blocking zone (Zone 6) scheme logic module.
has mho lenticular characteristic Blocking is removed if a
Residual (qN) : 85º to 45º in 5º steps ground fault occurs during
whose aspect ratio is same as that
Lenticular aspect ratio a/b (lenticular of Zone 3. a power swing.
relay only):
Power swing blocking may be
For Zone 3 and power swing enabled/disabled by switch SW9.
blocking 0.41,0.67 and 1.0 (setting
of 1.0 gives circular characteristic). Settings: Zone 6 forward = Zone 3
forward + 0.3 X Zone

Figure 8:
Zone 1 typical ground
fault operating
times for a quadrilateral

Figure 9:
Zone 1 typical ground
fault operating times for a
quadrilateral characteristic.

Time delays: These are summarised below. Reset time:

(Times quoted include the operating
Zone 2 (tz2) : 0 to 2.55s in 10ms Maximum: 36 ms
time of the electromechanical
tripping output relays.) (NOTE: The main trip contacts, Trip
Zone 3 (tz3) : 0 to 5.1s in 40ms
A, Trip B, Trip C, Trip 3ph and Any
steps and infinity Mho characteristic :
Trip, are sealed in for a minimum of
Scheme timer (tp) : 0 to 90 ms in Minimum: 60ms following the initial trip.)
6 ms steps 50 Hz : 14 ms
Scheme timer (td) : 0 to 90 ms in 60 Hz : 13ms Polarising:
6 ms steps Typical : Proportion and type of cross-
Timer settings are by a series of 50 Hz : 18ms polarising for Zones 1 and 2
switches arranged in a binary series. 60 Hz : 16ms partially cross-polarised mho.
The time delay associated with each Phase-earth faults, Phase-phase-
switch is effective only when the Quadrilateral Characteristic: earth faults, Phase-phase faults:
switch is set to the right-hand Minimum:
16% square wave from healthy
position. 50 Hz : 19 ms
Operating times: 60 Hz :17ms
Three-phase faults:
Zone 1 operating time Typical :
16% square wave from synchronous
characteristics are shown in Figrues 50 Hz : 25ms polarising system.
6, 7, 8 and 9. 60 Hz : 22ms

3. Under healthy operating conditions this
1. Heavy duty connectors contact is held open.
a) Closes when heavy duty connector is 4. Removal of IZ heavy duty connector disables
removed. all auxiliary relay output contacts and closes
relay inoperative alarm.
b) Opens when heavy duty connector is
5. Connections shown are typical only.
6. When busbar VT’s and a single phase
b) Opens after operation of (a) and (b)
tripping scheme incorporating P.S.B. are used
when heavy duty connector is removed. this opto must be energised during single
2. Breaker open opto must be connected if pole dead times.
busbar VT’s are used or if the weak infeed or 7. When 3 phase tripping scheme is used trip
echo feature of the permissive overreach A, trip B, trip C and any trip respond as trip
scheme are required. CB auxiliary contacts 3 phase.
must be connected in series to indicate `all
poles open’.

Figure 10:
External connection diagram: Quadramho static
distance protection relay 1 and 3 phase tripping

Table 3
Ref Description Module ref
1 Phase and neutral RRZ07
2 Zone 1 and 2 RRM08
3 Zone 3 RRM09
4 Scheme logic RCL 10
5 Voltage input RFV04
6 Auxiliary relay RVC53
7 Current input RFC15

Figure 11:
Outline drawing and module layout

(Note: Synchronous polarising fault measurement and SIR = 60 AC current:
start-up time is 140 ms from corresponds to 1.04V/0.108 In Withstands: 2.4 In continously
energisation of line and it for ground fault measurement 100A for 1s
remains effective for 8 cycles and 1.80V/0.188 In for phase (1A version)
after fault incidence.) fault measurement. 400A for 1s
The effective accuracy range at (5A version)
Current sensitivity - Output contact ratings:
any setting is applicable up to
impedance measuring units
1.2 times rated voltage and 56 Make and carry: 7500 VA for 0.2s
Determined by low-set current times rated current. with maxima of 30A and
level detectors. The sensitivity 300V, ac/dc
The figure of ± 5% or ± 10%
varies inversely with coarse reach
indicated above, is the assigned Carry continously : 5A ac/dc
setting ZPh and is nominally 5%
error± E% of the relay.
In at ZPh = 4.8/In ohms. Break: ac : 1250 VA
Transient over-reach is less dc : 50W resistive
Returning ratio- than 1%. 25W, L/R = 0.04s
impedance measuring units The variation in accuracy caused With Maxima if 5A,
Returning ratio is the impedance by a departure from reference 300V.
value at which the relay just setting is not more than ± E%
returns to a reset condition when compared with the Environmental withstand
divided by the impedance value accuracy at reference settings.
Environmental classification:
at which comparator just Characteristic angle:
operates. For storage only:
The accuracy of phase setting
Returning ratio measured on the 25/070/56
is ± 2º independent of relay
characteristic angle of the relay is IEC 68
reach setting. The impedance
less than 110%. BS 2011
reach accuracy does not vary
with characteristic angle setting. Temperature:
Effect of dc supply variations: Operative range – 25ºC to
Impedance measurement:
The variation in dc supply within
The following accuracy claims Storage and transport – 25ºC to
the operative range has
apply under reference conditions: +70ºC
negligible effect on the relay
Relay coarse reach and residual accuracy. Humidity:
compensation settings of
Effect of temperature: Long term damp heat:56 days
ZPh = ZN = 4.8/In ohms; fine severity in accordance with IEC
The effect on relay accuracy of a
reach multiplier set to unity; any 68-2-3 and BS 2011 Part 2.1 Ca
departure from the 20ºC
characteristic angle setting;
reference temperature (but within Salt mist:
ambient temperature 20ºC;
the operative range) is not more
nominal input frequency fn. BS 2011 Part 2.1 Kb
than ± E% when compared with
Zone 1accuracy ± 5% up to the accuracy at 20ºC. Enclosure protection:
SIR = 30
Effect of frequency: IP50 (dust protected) in
Zone 1accuracy ± 10% for accordance with:
SIR = 30 to SIR = 60 The effect on relay accuracy of a
departure from the nominal IEC 529 and BS 5490.
Zone 2 accuracy ± 10% up to
SIR = 60 frequency (but within the Vibration:
operative range) is not more than
Zone 3 accuracy ± 10% up to The relay complies with: BS 142
± E% when compared with the
SIR = 60 section 2.2 Category S2
accuracy at 50Hz or 60 Hz.
SIR is the system impedance ratio 0.5g between 10 and 300 Hz.
defined as the total source Overload ratings Mechanical durability:
impedance divided by the relay
setting (ZPh + ZN for ground AC voltage: The relay will perform more than
faults or 2ZPh for phase faults). Withstands: 1.5 Vn continously 104 operations.
At reference settings and at a 2.5 Vn for 10s
nominal source voltage of 110V
phase-phase, SIR = 30
corresponds to 2.05V/0.213 In
for ground fault measurement
and 3.55V/0.370 In for phase

Voltage withstand Nominal V0 detector setting 9.5 V Information required
(15% of 63.5V).
Insulation: with order
Blocking action of VTS on Nominal current rating In:
The relay complies with:
distance comparators can be
IEC 255-5, BS 142 Section 1.3. removed by switch SW3. 1A or 5A
Frequency fn : 50Hz or 60 Hz
2KV rms for 1 minute between all
case terminals connected together Monitoring and self-test: Voltage of dc supply Vx(1):
and the case. 2KV rms for 1 There is in-built continous 48/50V, or 110/125V, or
minute between independent monitoring of power supplies, 220/250V.
circuits of the scheme, including clock pulses, scheme logic and ac
contact circuits. voltage supplies and a selectable Voltage of dc supply Vx(2):
1KV rms for 1 minute across the periodic self-test of all 18 48/50V,
contacts of the normally open measuring elements (selected via 110/125V, or 220/250V.
out-going contact pairs. SW5) every 2 weeks.
Characteristic: Shaped mho or
HIGH VOLTAGE IMPULSE Time taken to do self-test = quadrilateral.
WITHSTAND: 0.085s.
Advice on application is available
The relay complies with:
when the information requested
IEC 255-5, BS 142 Section 1.3. Switch-on-to-fault system:
above is difficult to specify.
5KV peak, 1.2/50µs, 0.5 joules. The switch-on-to-fault system is Requests for advice should
HIGH FREQUENCY enabled either 200ms or 110s include the following details:
DISTURBANCE TEST: (as selected by switch SW2), after 1. Voltage transformer ratio.
all poles of the line have been
The relay complies with: 2. Current transformer ratio.
de-energised and remains active
IEC 255-6 Class III, BS 142
for 240ms after the line has been 3. Positive and zero sequence
Section 1.4.
energised. impedances of the protected
2.5KV peak between independent feeder or full details of
Swtich-on-to-fault tripping is by
circuits and between circuits and feeder lengths and
any Z1/Z2/Z3 comparators or
case earth. construction.
voltage and current level
1.0KV peak across input circuits. detectors (as selected by a switch 4. Source impedances or fault
1MHz bursts decaying to 50% of SW1 on the front of the relay). levels for both minimum and
peak value after 3 to 6 cycles. maximum plant conditions.
Voltage level detector setting is
Repetition rate 400 per second. 44.5V phase-earth (70% of
63.5 V)
TEST: Current level detector setting is

IEC 801-4 : Level 3 4.8

0.05 In X A
2KV, 5KHz (K1 + K2)

NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL Condition for fault detection:

SPECIFICATIONS: Current level detector operated
The relay complies with relevant and voltage level detector not
clauses in the following operated, on corresponding
specification: BS 142, IEC 255. phase, for 20ms.

Voltage transformer (fuse

failure) supervision: The relays are housed in 483
The voltage transformer mm cases for rack or panel
supervision (VTS) operates when mounting finished in black with
zero sequence voltage is detected module front plates also finished
without the presence of zero in black.
sequence current, by a ‘low-set’ Weight:
neutral level dectector. The VTS 23 Kg.
does not limit the distance relay
current sensitivity or operating Overall size:
times for line faults, even when Rack mounted case, height
the VTS is set to block relay 266mm, width 483 mm, depth
tripping. 315 mm.

ALSTOM Limited Pallavaram Works: 19/1, GST Road, Pallavaram, Chennai-600 043. India.
Tel: 91-044-2368621 Fax: 91-044-2367276 Email:
© 1998 ALSTOM Limited

Our policy is one of continuous development. Accordingly the design of our products may change at any time. Whilst every effort is made to produce up to date literature, this brochure should
only be regarded as a guide and is intended for information purposes only. Its contents do not constitute an offer for sale or advice on the application of any product referred to in it.
ALSTOM Limited cannot be held responsible for any reliance on any decision taken on its contents without specific advice.

PR:059:0799:A Printed in India.

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