Mil R 85664

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MIL-R-85664 (AS)
3 June 1985



This specification is approved for use by the Naval Air Systems Comnand,
Department of the Navy and is available for use by all departments and
agencies of the Department of Defense.


1.1 Scope. This specification establishes the design, performance, and

acceptance requirements for Radio RT-1250A/ARC Receiver-Transmitter herein-
after referred to as receiver-transmitter. The receiver-transmitter is
capable of providing simplex two-way communication of normal and secure voice
amplitude modul ated (AM) or frequency modulated (FM) signals. The receiver-
transmitter is remote control led with the primary control function being

handled via a MIL-STD-1553B Time Division Multiplex Bus and secondary control
via a slow serial data bus.


2.1 Government documents.

2.1.1 Specification and standards. Unless othetwise specified, the

following specifications and standards of the issue 1ist.ed in that issue of
the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DoDISS)
specified in the solicitation form a part of this specification to the extent
specified herein.

Ber.ef icial comaents (recc.mead. t ion., .dd it 1..., delet ion.)

and ●ny pertinent data which -y be of u.e in k+r.v~ thi.
docue.t .h.a.ld be .ddr:m.d to: Carnna.ding Officer, Naval
Air Engineering Center, System. Engineering and Sc.nd.rd iz.t ion
Oep.rtment (SESD) cad. 93. lakeh.r.t, NJ 00733, by the
melf-addre..ed Document Impr.veme.c Propo..l
(DD Form 1426) ●ppearin8 ●t the ●nd of this d.cuuent or by

FSC 5821
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MI L-R-85664( AS)



MIL-8-5087 8onding, Electrical , and Lightning Protection,

for Aerospace Systems

MIL-w-5088 Wiring; Aerospace Vehicle

MIL-E-5400 Electronic Equipment, Airborne ;.General

Specification for

MIL-T-5422 Testing, Environmental, Aircraft Electronic

MIL-A-8625 Anodic Coatings for Aluminum and Aluminum Al 10YS

MIL-T-18303 Test Procedures; Preproduction, Acceptance and

Life for Aircraft Electronic Equipment, Format

MI L-N-18307 Nomenclature and Identification for Electronic,

Aeronautical , and Aeronautical Support Equipment
Including Ground Support Equipment

MIL-S-25879 Switch, Coaxial, Radio Frequency Transmission


MIL-M-38510 Microcircuitts General Specification for

MIL-C-38999 Connectors, Electrical, Circular, Miniature, High

Oensi ty, Quick Disconnect, Environmental
Resistant, Removable Crimp Contacts; General
Specification for

MIL-H-46855 Human Engineering Requirements for Military

Systems, Equipment atsdFacil ities

MIL-G-81665 Generator-Transmitter Group AN/ASA-76

MIL-C-85666 Equipment Specification, Radio Control Units

C-10319A/ARC, C-10776A/ARC, and C-11131/ARC



FED-STD-595 Colors

QQ-P-416 P1 ati ng

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MIL-R-85664 (AS)


MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage

MIL-STD-415 Test Provisions for Electronic Systems and

Associated Equipment, Design Criteria for

MIL-STD-454 Electronic Equipments, General Requirements for

MIL-STD-461A Electromagnetic Interference Characters tics,

with Notice 3 Requirements for Equipment

MIL-STD-462 Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics,

and Notice 2 Measurement of

MIL-STD-471 Maintainability Demonstration

MIL-STD-704 Aircraft, Electric Power Characteristics

MIL-STD-781 Reliability Tests; Exponential Distribution

MIL-STD-785 Reliability Program for Systems and Equipment

Development and Production

MIL-STO-81O Environmental Test Methods

MIL-STD-883 Test Methods and Procedures for Microelectronics

MIL-STO-%5 Parts Control Program

MIL-STO-1472 Human Engineering Design Cri terla for Mil tat-y

Systems, Equipment, and Facil ities

MIL-STO-1553B Aircraft Internal Time Division Consnand/R sponse

Mul tiplex Oata Bus

MIL-STO-1562 Lists of Standard Microcircuits

MIL-STD-2074 Failure Classification for Reliability Testing

MIL-STO-2076 Unit Under Test Compatibil ify with Automatic Test

Equipment, General Requirements for

MIL-STD-2084 Maintainability of Avionics and Electronic

Systems and Equipment, General Requirements for

2.1.2 Other Government documents, and publications. The fol1owing

Government documents, and publ ications form a part of fhis specification to
the extent specified herein.

National Security Agency

CSEEB-13 TSEC/KY-28 Speech Security Equipment Engineering


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I MI L-R-85664( AS)

CSdE8-14 Conmwnicati ons Security Equipment System Document

for TSEC/KY-57/58

CSEE8-32 TSEC/KY-57/58 Conmnicati ons Security Equipment

Engineering 8u1 letin


1533AS118 Equipment Specification, C-10319( )/ARC-182, HAVE

QUICK Radio Set Con trol

(Copies of specifications, standards: handbooks, drawings, and publications

required by manufacturers in connection with specific acquisition functions
should be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the
contracting officer. )

2.1.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text

of this specifi cation and the references ci ted herein, the text of this
specification shal 1 take precedence.


3.1 Iterndescription. The receiver-transmitter shall be capable of

providing simplex two-way communication of normal and secure voice amplitude
modulated (AM) or frequency modulated (FM) signals in 25 Kilohertz (KHz)
increments wi thin RF bands: 30.000 MHz through 87.975 MHz (FM), 118.000 MHz
through 155.975 MHz (AM), 156.000 MHz through 173.975 MHz (FM) and 225.000
through 399.975 MHz (AM and FM). The receiver-transmitter shal1 provide a
receive only mode of operation of normal and secure voice from 108.000 MHz
through 117.975 MHz (AM). The receiver-transmitter shall be remote controlled
with the primary control function being handled via a MIL-STD-1553B Time
Oivision Mul tiplex 8US and secondary control via a slow serial data bus.

3.2 First article. A sample shall be subjected to first article

inspection (see 4.4 and 6.3).

3.3 Parts and materials. In the selection of parts and materials, the
prime considerations are fuTfil lment of performance requirements, 1ogistics
supportability and reliability assurance in a cost effective design. The
following shal 1 govern in parts and material selection.

a. Subassemblyies shall be designed and fabricated to be repairable.

Maximum economic standardization of parts and materials shall be exercised.
Parts selection shal1 be made in the following order of precedence:

(1) Military Standard parts shall be selected in accordance with


(2) Nonstandard pa?ts previously qualified for other programs.

(3) Nonstandard parts.

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MIL-R-85664 (AS)

b. Nonstandard parts and nonestabl ished reliability military standard

parts shal 1 be screened to the requirements of the most simil iar military
standard or standard nonestabl ished reliability part. Integrated circuits
and hybrids shall use MI L-STD-883, Method 5004, Class B, as a basis for
tailored screens.

3.3.1 Component rescreening. The contractor k.hal1 conduct 100 percent

incoming inspection of all act ive components. Functional and parametric
checks of active components wil 1 be performed at the components rated
temperature extremes and at ambient. Components which are not compliant with
their specification shal 1 not be used in the ARC-182.

3.3.2 Parts derating and application. All parts used shal1 be applied
wel 1 within their ratings. he derating shall encompass the appropriate and
meaningful appl ication conditions such as voltage, current, power,
temperature, mechanical, and duty cycle. Electronic and electromechanical
parts shall conform to Table I electronic parts derating for worst case
electrical and environmental stress unless formal written approval is received
from the procuring activity prior to incorporation into the design. Part
level stress analysis shall be used to verify that al1 parameter stresses are
within the derated values at worst case circuit and environmental conditions.
The following 1imitations on parts usage shal1 apply:

a. Prohibited application

(1) Non-hermetically sealed semiconductors except power

(2) Photo couplers (photo transistors)
(3) Hot carrier (Schottky) rectifiers
(4) Microcircuit sockets
(5) Non-hermetical lY sealed wet tantalum capacitors

3.3.3 Parts control and standardization program. The contractor shall

establish and maintain a parts control and standard~zation program in
accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD-965, Procedure I and as specified
herein. ‘Theprogram shal1 control part standardization and the criteria for
the selection, application, and testing of parts to achieve the reliability
required. As a minimum, a parts program equivalent to that specified herein
shall be required of subcontractors and SUPP1 iers.

3.3.4 Non-standard’ parts and material approval . The contractor shall

obtain procuring activity approval of all non-standard parts used in the
equipment. Standard parts are defined in MIL-E-5400. In addition to the
MIL-E-5400 requirements for standard parts, microelectronic parts are standard
only if:

a. The device is listed in MIL-STD-1562, and

b. Sources (at least two) are 1isted on the Qualified Parts List
(QPL), and

c. The part is procurl d from one of the q~’1 ified sources, and

d. Quality level “B” or better) of MIK-M-3851O is required.


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MI L-R-85664( AS)

TABLE 1. Electronic parts derating.

Maximum Allowable
Part Type Parameter Application Stress

Capacitor Applied Voltage !X&o[,rating

(Ripple Voltage
for Tantalum)

Resistors Power 50% of rating

Voltage 70% of rating

Oiodes Power 50% of rating

Current 75% of rating
Voltage 60% of rating
Junction Temperature Note ~/

Transistors Power 55% of rating

Voltage 60% of rating
Junction Temperature Note ~/

Integrated Circuits

Digital Fan-Out, Fan-In 80% of rating

Junction Temperature Note ~/

Linear Power K&oj,rating

June tion Temperature

Transformers, Parts shall be used at a winding temperature of

Inductive at least 30 degrees below rated temperature. In
Oevices addi tion, the maximum vol tage between windings or
between a winding and a shield shall be not
greater than 60% of rated voltage for the steady
state conditions and 90% of rated voltage with
transients. General purpose inductors, audio and
power transformers shal1 be applied at no more
than 70% of rated current.

1/ For solid tantalum and all electrolytic capacitors, the maximum applied
– vol tage shal1 be not greater than 70 percent of the vendor rated value.
“Applied voltage” is the sum of the applied peak ripple voltage and the
applied OC vol tage.

~/ Semiconductor devices shall be mounted and operated in such manner to

insure worst-case junction temperature does not exceed 110 degrees C at +71
degrees C ambient temperature. Any deviation requires procuring activity
approval . Power semiconductor devices, on a very selective basis, may be
mountid and/or opera~d with worst case junction temperatures not to exceed
150 degrees C at +71 degrees C ambient temperatures.
i - ../

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The approval procedure s hal1 be in accordance with MI L-E-5400 and MIL-STD-965,

Procedure 1. In addition to the requirements of MIL-E-5400, approval of non-
standard parts wi 11 be based on:

a. Suitability for the application

b. Conformance to this speci fication and to MI L-E-5400

c. Interchangeability

d. Screening (burn-in) method

3.3.5 Samples of non-standard parts and materials. Samples of non-

standard parts and materials are not required unless specified in the
contract. Where non-standard parts or materials samples are specified in the
contract, the sample shall be in accordance with MIL-E-5400 (see’6.2.1).

3.3.6 Cabling and connections. Cables and connectors. The receiver-transmitter shall provide

for the use OT cables and connectors in accordance with MIL-E-5400. The
design of the connectors shal 1 be such that improper assembly, mating or
installation is impossible. Non-RF connectors shal1 meet the requirements of
MIL-C-38999. All external connectors shall be scoop-proof, have cadmium
plating finish in accordance with QQ-P-416 (over a sui table underplating) to
withstand a 500 hour sal t test, and provide 360 degrees circumferential
grounding techniques for grounding prior to contact engagement. Interconnection cabling. The receiver-transmitter shal1 be

capable of required operation using external wiring in accordance with the
applicable requirements of MIL-W-5088. The external wiring shall be
unshielded, except that a minimum number of the individual wires may be
shielded when demonstrated as necessary to meet interference control
requirements and provide the assembly of the cable to its plugs may be easily
accompli shed. External cables and that portion of the connectors attached to
the cables shall not be SUPP1 ied as part of the receiver-transmitter.

3.3.7 Interchangeabi lity.’ Physical and functional interchangeability

shall exist for all units and replaceable assemblies, subassemblyies, and Parts
of the receiver-transmitter in accordance with MIL-E-5400. The receiver-
transmitter shal1 be constructed to preclude the requirement for any adjust-
ment when replacing an iternby another iternof the same type designation.
Provision shall be made for adjusbnent of sidetone level , microphone input
sensi tivity, and squelch thresholds on the main and guard receiver.

3.4 Oesign and construction. The receiver-transmitter shall conform with

al1 the applicable requirements of MIL-E-5400 for design, construction, and
workmanship except as otherwise specified herein. In any case, it is a
condition of final acceptance that the receiver-transmitter shal1 meet al 1 the
performance requirements of this specification.

3.4.1 Reliability. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or

purchase order, the contractor shall establish a rel iability program
conforming to MIL-STO-785 (see 6.2.1). Task 104 of MIL-STO-785 shal1 be

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MI L-R-85664( AS)

implemented to establish and maintain a closed-loop failure reporting system.

This system will identify failure trends and patterns at all levels of
assembly prior to acceptance of the hardware and will also identify failure -0
trends related to field failures throughout the contract period. The
contractor shal 1 develop and implement corrective action for significant ‘
failure trends. The reliability program shal 1 include provisions for assuring
the reliability of the receiver- transmi tter.or any pOrtiOn of the equiPment
when supplied for use as spare or repair part. Operational stability. The receiver- transmitter shal 1 operate

wi th specified performance for at least the specified mean (operating) time
between failures without the necessi @ for readjustment of any controls which
are inaccessible to the operator during normal use. 0 eratin life. The receiver-transmitter shall have a total

operating li~urs with minimal servicing and replacement of
parts. Parts requiring scheduled replacement shal 1 be specified by the
contractor. Reliability in MTBF (mean time between failure). The receiver-

transmitter, including, any buil t-in-test provisions, shal 1 have a
specified mean (operating) time between failures, upper test MT8F (Qo) of 1000
hours (as specified in MI L-STD-781), and a lower test MTBF (01) of 500 hours
when tested and accepted as specified under the requirements of 4.4.6 and

3.4.2 ~~. Maintai nability (built-in test features,

construction an pac agl ng, provision for test points and other
maintainability parameters) shall be as specified in MI L-STD-2084. The
encapsulation requirements of MIL-STD-2084 shall not be required for the three
vol tage control led oscillators (VCO), the temperature compensated crystal
oscil later (TCXO), the two loop fil ters, the power ampl ifier, and the
preamplifier assemblies. The fault detection percentage requirement of
MIL-STD-2084 shall be 95 percent minimum for the critical path circui try. Compatibility with ATE. The receiver-transmitter shall be

compatible with Automatic Test Equfpment (ATE) for WRA testing and faul t
isolation to a faul ty SRA in accordance with MIL-STD-2076. Maintainability design. Al 1 electrical/electronic circuits and

parts shal1 be packaged on replaceable and repairable, plug-in modules.
Circuit breakers, indicators, and other items which may logically be bol ted
and soldered, or othemise more rigidly electrically and mechanically fastened
to the receiver-transmitter housing shall not be considered modules. SRAS
(Shop Replacement Assemblies) shal 1 be QRAs (Quick Replaceable Assemblies) as
specified in MIL-STD-2076. SRA arrangement shall be such that access to any
SRA does not require the removal of adjacent SRAS or parts other than access
panels. The use of a special tool or tools shall not be required for SRA
removal . Fuses may be used in lieu of circuit breakers.

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MI L-R-85664 (AS) Ke in Connectors shall be keyed to prevent the insertion of

a connector or +“
su assembly intn an improper location wi thin or on the
receiver- transmitter. Al1 connectors shal 1 be legibly marked with reference
designations. Access panels. Access panels shal1 be retained by fasteners

sui table to the procuring agency. Service access. Fasteners required to be loosened for removal

of the WRA shall be held by retaining devices suitable to the procuring
agency. Adjustments. No adjustsnent or alignment shall be required at

the organizational level . Adjustment or alignment if required at a higher
maintenance level (e.g., intermediate or depot), shall not require the removal
of the part to be adjusted or al igned, or of the hardware element to which it
is attached.

Al 1 test points shal1 be in accordance with

t41L-~~~l&~$a~=i5 to acconsnodate approved test equipment.
MIL-STD-2084 takes precedence over MIL-STD-415 requirements. The sub-SRA test
points and related connector requirements of MIL-STD-2084 are waived where
prohibi ted by space or circuit performance considerations. Conformal coating
may be appl ied to PC pads used as test points. The sub-SRA test points and
related connector requirements philosophy shall be reflected in appropriate
maintenance data. Injection test points in the BIT circuits are not required.

3.4.2 .2.5.1 Module test points. Module test points shall be accessible
while power remains appl ied the modules. Test points shall become
accessible wi th minimum removal of protective covers or enclosures.

3.4.2 .2.5.2 Test points utilized at intermediate/depot level . Test

points shal1 be provided for verl flcatlon of faul ty equipments and isolation
of faulty modules at the intermediate level and repair of equipments and
modules at the depot level. Injection test points in the Built-In-Test
circuits shall not be required.

3.4.2 . Power supply test points. Accessible, individual test

points shall be provided on the receive r-transmi tter to measure the power
supply voltages. The power supply test points and related connector
requirements philosop~ shall be reflected in appropriate maintenance data. Organizational level maintainability. The receiver-transmitter

shall provide tlseoperator or organizational maintenance technician, while
airborne or on the ground with performance/readiness test and faul t (GO/NO-GO)

3.4.2 .2.6.1 Performance/readiness test requirements. BIT provi sions

shal 1 be incorporated in the receiver- transmi ttir to provide a GO/NO-GO
indication of receiver-transmitter readiness. These provisions may be in
conjunction with, but not necessarily as part of, the fault isolation
features. The operation of the performance/readiness test provision shall be
both a manually energized or continuous test mode of operation. RF radiation

● is not permitted during performance readiness tests. Normal equipment

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MI L-R-85664 (AS)

performance may be interrupted during the manual 1y ini tlated 81T sequence and,
if necessary, switches may be used in series paths for purposes of introducing
BIT stimuli or measuring equipment performance.
Self-test of the BIT is not ●
3.4.2 .2.6.2 Fault isolation. In conjunction with, but not necessarily as
part of, the performance/readiness test features, there shall be features
incorporated which provide faul t isolation to the SRA.

3.4.2 .2.6.3 MTTR. (mean time to repair). For organizational maintenance,

the MTTR shal 1 be not greater than minutes to remove and replace and verify
operation of the replaced equipment. The receiver-transmitter design shall be
such that no ancillary test equipment is required for organizational level
maintenance. Intermediate level maintainability. Intermediate level

maintenance may be performed with the assi stance of separate test equipment to
isolate a faul t to the SRA level . The MTTR to isolate the fault to a SRA,
replace the SRA, and return to full performance at the intermediate level
maintenance shall be not greater than 20 minutes.

3.4.3 Transportability. The receiver-transmitter shall be transportable

by air, rail, truck and ship when packaged as specified in Section 5.

3.4.4 Standard conditions. The following conditions shall be used to

es~bl ish normal performance characteristics under standard condi tions and for
making laboratory bench tests, except that required field tests may be
condu; ted under outside ambient conditions:

a. Temperature Room ambient

b. Al titude Normal ground

c. Vibration None

d. Humidity Room ambient up to 90 percent relative


e. Input power voltage 28 * 0.5 VDC Service conditions. The receiver-transmitter shal 1 operate as

requi red under any of the environmental service condi tions or combination of
these conditions as specified in MIL-E-5400 for Class 2 equipment, except as
modified herein.

3.4.4. 1.1 Sinusoidal vibration. The receiver-transmitter shal 1 operate

as required when subjected to sinusoidal vibration in accordance with test
procedures of MI L-T-5422 ta the requirements of MIL-E-5400, Curve IVA, with
isolators, equipment designed for operation with isolators, but with isolators
removed, shall operate as required when mounted on the MT-4934/ARC and
subjected to MIL-E-5400 Curve 1118 vibration requirements.

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MIL-R-85664(AS) Random vibration. The receiver-transmitter shall operate as

required when subJected to the random vibration requirements specified in
4.4.5. Thermal conditions. The receiver-transmitter shal 1 operate as

requi red under the thermal conditions specified by MIL-E-5400, Class 2,
without the requirement for auxil iary cooling. Temperature shock. The receiver-transmitter shal1 meet the

temperature shock requirements of MI L-STO-81O. Warm-up time. The time required for the receiver- transmitter to
warm up prior to operation shal 1 be kept to a minimum and shal1 be not greater
than 10 seconds at standard conditions. Under service conditions, the warm-up
time shal1 be not greater than 20 seconds. Electromagnetic interference (EMI). The receiver-transmitter

shall comply with MIL-STD-461A with Notlce for Class I equipment except as
modified in Tables II, III, and herein. These requirements shal1 be met under
al1 combinations of operating modes and frequencies of the receiver-
transmitter. Conducted and radiated emissions limits. The conducted and

radiated emissions of the receiver- transmi tter shall comply with the 1imits of
the following requirements of MIL-STD-461A:

a. CEO1

b. CE02

c. CE03

d. CE04

e. CE06

f. REO1

9. RE02 Conducted and radiated susceptibility limits. The receiver-

transmitter sha~tibility
comp y wi con uc an ra la limits of
the following requirements of MI L-STD-461A:

a. CSO1

b. CS02

c. CS03 ~upper test frequency limit of 1.5 GHz)

d. CS04 (upper test frequency 1imi t of 4 GHz)

e. CS05

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TA8LE II. Exceptions to MIL-STD-461

:E03/04 Conducted Emissions, 20 KHz to 50 MHz

Up to 6 dB above spec. Limit at frequencies betieen 2 MHz and 6

MHz for narrowband emissions.

:E06 Conducted Emissions, Antenna, 10 KHz to 12.4 GHz

Transmit: No’exceptions

Receive: First injection frequencies and harmonics up to

10 dB above 1imit.

Second injection harmonics up to 10 dB above


/E02 Radiated Emissions, 14 KHz to 10 GHz

Transmit: Transmit frequency up to 35 dB above 1imi t.

Harmonics of transmit frequency up to 15 dB above

Receive: No exceptions.

:s02 This requirement shal1 apply to all neutrals and grounds whether
or not they are internally returned to chassis.

:s04 Conducted Susceptibil jty, Receiver Spurious

VHF Bands: Up to 15 dB below 1imi t at UHF frequency

associated with VHF channel frequency. Up to 20
dB below 1imit for frequencies outside of 30 to
400 MHz band. Up to 15 dB below spec. Limit for
1/2 frequency in 1ow VHF-FM band (i.e., Fo = 60
MHz with FX = 30 MHz).

RS03 Radiated Susceptibility, Electric Field

Receive: Susceptibility 1imi t reduced to 0.1 volts/meter’

at frequencies offset 29 MHz from harmonics of
the second injection frequencies.

Transmit: No exceptions.

High Level High level RS03 shal 1 be in accordance with the field levels and
RS03 modulation as specified in Table III.

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MIL-R-85664 (AS)

TABLE III. High level RS03 signals

‘Scan wel 1
Rate ime
‘requenc~ 1(s;) Isec)
(MHz) Modulation 7/
220 y PAM~/ — Pw~/
10 usec2j 200 p@/ 10.6 200 4 500

220 PAM 200 usec Pw 200 pps 10.6 200 4 500

425 PAM 15 usec Pw 300 pps 10.6 200 10 200

900 PAM 2 usec Pw 1000 pps 20 275 5 50

900 PAM 125 usec Pw 300 pps 20 275 5 50

1250 PAM 10 usec Pw 3000 pps 10.6 200 5 50

1350 PAM 5 usec Pw 3000 pps 10.6 200 5 50

3000 PAM 3 usec Pw 1000 pps 160 775 5 50

3000 PAM 70 usec Pw 200 pps 160 775 5 50

3600 PAM 1 usec Pw 1000 pps 100 610 5 50

5600 PAM 1 usec PM 600 PPS 10.6 200 5 50

9100 PAM 0.5 usec Pw 1000 pps 10.6 200 5 50

9375 PAM 0.2 usec Pw 1000 pps 10.6 200 5 50






0.2 usec

0.2 usec

0.2 usec

Pulse Amolitude Modulation.

Pulse Width.
Pulses Per Second.



50000 pps

2000 pps








~/ Peak Power Oensi ty for PAM signals is defined as the power density measured
by an average power measuring device if the generator is run CU; i.e.,
average power density within- the pulse envelope.
6/ Vol ts Per Meter equivalent shown for reference only.
~/ Scan and Owen refer ta simulated antenna rotation. The signal shall be
disabled except for the specified dwell . The signal shall be periodically
enabled for the specified dwell time with the period equal to the specified
scan time.
8/ Frequency ranges 1isted with more than one modulation shal 1 be repeated as
– necessary to include al1 different modulations shown.

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MIL-R-85664 (AS)

f. CS06

g. CS08 (upper test frequency 1imi t of 4 GHz )

h. itSOl

i. RS02

J. RS03

The receiver-transmitter shall exhibit no susceptibil iw as defined in when subjected to an RS03 test to the limits of MIL-STD-461A. In
addition, the receiver-transmitter shall exhibit no susceptibility in
accordance with the criteria of 3.4.4 .3.3b when subjec@d to signals at the
levels of Table 111. Susceptibility definition. The following criteria shall be

applied to determine whether the receiver-transmitter is susceptible:

Any failure of the receiver-transmitter ta comply with the

requirem~~ts of and shall be considered an indication of
susceptibil iU.

b. Any repeatable non-command change in the modes of operation or

present frequencies of the receiver-transmitter shal1 be considered an
indication of susceptibility. This shal 1 apply whether the failure is
transient (momentary) or non-transient (permanent) in nature. In addition the
inability to change radio frequency or mode of operation while exposed to the
susceptibility signal be considered indication of susceptibility. Ground plane interference. Al 1 receiver-transmitter interface

circuits shall be capable of specified performance when subjected to the
following aircraft chassis noise be~een the MRA’s.

Three volts rms from 320 Hz to 500 Hz. (Not to be greater than
150ma rm~”appl ied current. )

b. One volt rms from 500 Hz b 20 MHz. (Not greater than 150ma rms
applied current for frequencies between 500 Hz and 50 kHz. Not to be greater
than 1 watt (CW) from a 50-ohn source for frequencies above 50 kHz. )

* eight volt pulses, 70 usec wide at 100 pps. (Not to be greater

than 15ac~eak current spikes. )

In addition, to the susceptibility definitions of, the radio shall

maintain intelligibl excommunications during a “talk thru” test wi th another
radio set using a low level signal (not to exceed 20u vol ts input to the
receiver). Conducted susceptibility test, interconnecting and signal

leads. The unit shall exhibit no susceptibil ity, as defined by paragraph
-.3.3 when subjected to 100 iiIvrins2 to 30 MHz coupled into its
interconnecting and signal leads.

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MIL-R-85664(AS) Grounding requirements. The grounding system between WRA’s of

● the equipment slal1 be compatible and consistent with the following aircraft
grounding scheme specified in 3.4.4 .3.6.1 through All WRA’S
shal1 be grounded in such a manner as to prevent ground loops and common
ground returns for signal and power circuits, provide effective shielding for
signal circuits, minimize EMI, and to protect personnel from electrical

3.4.4 .3.6.1 Chassis grounds. A ground wire of minimum length connected

internally to the WRA chassis shall be provided at a pin on each primary power
connector. No circuit shall be allowed to utilize this wire as its primary

3.4.4 .3.6.2 Shielding groundi n~. A separate connector pin shal1 be

provided for each aircraft wire shield unless suitable grounding is provided
in external cable backs hells. The connectmr shield pins shal 1 be grounded to
the equipment chassis inside the WRA adjacent to the connector mounting and by
the shortest means practical.

3.4.4 .3.6.3 Component grounds. All externally exposed metal parts,

shields, control shafts, switch handles, connectors, and bushings, shall be
grounded to the chassis. Shielding gaskets. Shielding gaskets and similar devices for

RF applications shall avoid the use of materials which represent severe
dissimilar metal combinations with the interface.

3.4.5 Dimensions. The dimensions of the receiver-transmitter shall be as

specified in Figures 1, 2, and 3.

The weight of the receiver-transmitter shal 1 be not


3.4.7 Color. The exterior color of the receiver-transmitter shal1 be

lusterless bl_iiEE. Painted surfaces shal1 be in accordance with FED-STD-595,
Color No. 37038 and anodized surfaces shall meet the requirements of
MIL-A-8525 Type 11, Class 2, Color Black.

3.4.8 Nameplates and identification markin . Serial number assignment,

nameplate approval and dentification marking s al1 be in accordance with
MIL-N-18307. Nameplates and identification markings shall include the
following information:

a. Unit name (Radio Receiver-Transmitter)

b. Unit nomenclature (RT-1250A/ARC)

c. Contract number

d. Manufacturer’s code number

e. Equipment drawing number

f. Procuring activity

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MIL-R-85664 (AS)

20”3(”80)REFttt2’7( ’”’3)REF3pLAc’s




FIGURE 1. Front view, Radio RT-1250A/ARC, Receiver-Transmitter

k(:2ii 162:)+


60.7- R“

( 2.39)

60.2 ?6.4

10.34 tO.64
( .407 * .025)


( 3.5D0 ~:~~;)

FIGURE 2. Rear view, Radio RT-1250A/ARC, Receiver-Transmitter

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~wl%%~ ““;;?)
[ t-


45. REF

rl iJ2
4, ,/ 7 ;
Y 1,
/ L-1
(1%) REF Jll

,,6 L k

( .8i) REF +~5;)MAx

“’’’’ {”)”A’+L!(;!/ !,
+ 20~.2 (8.00) MAX ●
l-(;:i:::i:,-l WA L-


FIGURE 3. Side view, Radio RT-1250A/ARC Receiver-Transmi tter Decals, nameplates, and marking locations. All decals, name-

plates, and marking shall be affi xed to the receiver- transmi tter in accordance
with Figures 1, 2 and 3. Serial numbers. Serial numbers wil 1 be assigned by the procuring

activity for the receiver-fransmi tter under contract or purchase order. The
contractor shal1 serial ize sequentially al1 receivers- transmi tters which are
deli vered under the contract.

3.4.9 Input electrical power. Operating p ower. The receiver-transmitter shall meet al 1

applicable requf remen ts of M IL-STD-704 and shall give specified performance
when energized from the following power sources having characteristics and
1imits as specified in MIL-STD-704. The vol tage supplied shal1 be 28 volts
DC. The power required shall be not greater than 20 watts in receive, 125
watts when transmitting at frequencies between 30 MHz and 174 MHz, or 150
watts when transmitting between 225 MHz and 400 MHz. Degraded performance. Degraded performance wi 11 be permitted for

vol tage trans~ents wi th durations of 75 microseconds to 0.5 seconds during
normal electrical sys ternoperation. Operation shall return to normal wi thin
five seconds with no resulting damage to the receiver-transmitter.

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MIL-R-85664 (AS) Emergency voltage. During operation in the emergency steady

state electric power condition as specified in MIL-STD-704, the receiver-
transmitter shall remain safe and control functions shall be maintained. The
emergency power source will impose an interval of zero vol tage at time of loss
of primary power for a maximum period of 30 seconds. The receiver-transmitter
is not required to perform during this period of power loss but shall return
to performance as specified above after return to emergency power conditions
in accordance with MIL-STO-704. Performance ch~rac teris tics at emergency
limit voltage shall be:

a. RF power output: 2 watts minimum

b. Receiver sensitivity -97 dBm AM and -104 dBm FM maximum for

10 d8 signal plus noise-to-noise ratio

c. Audio output power: 6 dB maximum below standard conditions Undervol tage protection. The receiver-transmitter shal 1 not be

damaged by voltages below the minimums specified by MIL-STD-704, and shall be
capable of resuming normal operation when the vol tage returns wi thin normal
limits. Reverse polarity protection. The receiver-transmitter shall be

protected such that it will not be damaged by application of reverse polari ~
vol tages.

3.5 Performance. Unless otherwise specified herein, values set forth to

establish specified performance apply to performance under both standard and
extreme service and input power condi tions. When reduced performance under
the extreme conditions is acceptable, tolerances or values setting forth
acceptable variations from the performance under the standard conditions wil 1
be specified herein.

3.5.1 Operation. The receiver-transmitter shal 1 provide the functions

and capabilities specified in 3.1 for operation in military aircraft and
helicopters. Additional ly the receiver-transmitter shall be compatible with
associated equipment listed in 6.4 to provide operations specified in 3.6.

3.6 Detail requirements.

3.6.1 Receiver-transmitter RT-1250A/ARC. The receiver- transmitter shal 1

be capable of being controlled by a high speed TOM bus in accordance with
MIL-STD-1553B, or by a slow speed serial data bus from a remote control unit
in accordance with MIL-C-85666, such as the C-10319A/ARC. The slow speed
serial data characteristics are specified in MIL-C-85666. Function. The receiver-transmitter shall provide simplex WO-WV

communication among factical platforms in the frequency bands as specified in
a through o. Channel spacing in all bands shall be 25 KHz.

a. Low VHF (FM). 30.000 MHz through 87.975 MHz, frequency

modulation, normal voice, secure voice, homing, squelch tone transmission, and
S1ow frequency hop.

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b. VHF (AM). 108.000 MHz through 155.975 MHz, ampl i tide modul ation,
normal voice, secure voice, automatic direction finding (ADF), 1020 HZ tone
transmission and slow frequency hop. Transmit shall be inhibited from 108.000
through 117.975 MHz.

c. VHF (FM). 156,000 MHz through 173.975 MHz, frequency modulation,

normal voice. secure voice. automatic direction findina.
-. 1020 Hz tone
transmission j and S1ow frequency hop.

d. UHF (AM).
225,000 MHz through 399.975 MHz, amplitude modulation,
normal voice, secure voice,
automatic direction finding (ADF), 1020 Hz tone
transmission and slow frequency hop.

e. UHF (FM). 225.000 MHz through 399.975 MHz, frequency modulation,

normal voice, secure voice, automatic direction finding (ADF), 1020 Hz tone
transmission, and slow frequency hop.

f. Continuous moni toring of the guard frequency in the selec ted band.
The guard frequency for each band is 1isted in Table IV.

TA8LE IV. Guard frequency for each band.

Range Guard Channel

30-87.975 MHz 40.5 MHz-FM

108-155.975 MHz 121.5 MHz-AM

156-173.975 ktiz 156.8 MHz-FM

225-399.975 MHz 243.0 MHz-AM

9. Compatibility with TSEC/KY-28 and TSEC/KY-58 secure voice


h. Automatic relaying whereby interconnection of two radio sets

resul ts in automatic transmission on one radio set of the signals being
received by the other radio set.

i. Slow serial data interface for display of the receiver-transmitter

operating frequency or preset channel number on remote indicators.

j. Guard channel precedence operation whereby an external control

automatically turns the radio on and tunes both the transmi tter and main
receiver to the 243.000 MHz (AM) guard frequency.

k. Compatibility with time division multiplex (TDM) data bus in

accordance with MIL-STD-15538.

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1. Direct replacement of the AN/ARC-159(V) radio set in regard to

form factor and interface functions such that the radio sets wil 1 maintain the
capabil ities of the AN/ARC-159(V) but will operate in all the frequency bands
from 30 to 400 MHz.

m. Operation with equipment listed in 6.4 or-equal .

n. Transmission of signals from a reference signal generator of CASS

or DICASS on an assigned channel.

o. Compatibility with HAVE QUICK when controlled by C-11128/ARC,

C-11129/ARC or C-11130/ARC (Oeveloped in accordance with NAVAIRSYSCOM Drawing
1533AS118) or equal. Controls. Al 1 control of the functions specified herein shall be

provided through the ?41L-STD-15538 bus interface or the slow serial interface
along with parallel control 1ines as specified in the Appendix. Operation modes.

a. OFF . In this mode, the internal DC power shal1 be electronically

switched/removed from all but the on/off circui try of the radio set.

b. Main receiver-transmitter mode (T/R). In this mode, the main

receiver shall be turned on and the guard receivers shal1 be in the OFF
condi tion. The transmitter shall be in the ready (key up) condition.

c. Main receiver-transmitter guard mode (T/R+G). In this mode, both

main and guard receivers shal 1 be turned on and the operator shal1 be able to
hear the audio output of both receivers simultaneously. The guard receiver
selected shal1 be that one which is in the frequency band of the main receiver
frequency selec ted. The radio set shal1 have the same transmi t-receiver
capabil ities as specified in the main receiver-transmitter mode.

d. ADF/homi ng mode. In this mode, the main receiver- t.ransmitter and

guard receiver shall be operating as specified in above, plus the
radio set shall be capable of operation with the associated automatic
direction finder or homing equipment.

e. Built-in-test. In this mode a performance check shal1 be run to

verify radio set operation. The GO/NO-GO results of the BIT shall be returned ~
to the remote control or to the MUX BUS control terminal for display. Frequency select modes. The frequency select modes shall allow
the operator select emergency, guard, manual, or preset modes of frequency
selection. In addition, provisions shall be made for the preset loading and
preset read functions.

a. Emergency mode (243). In this mode, the receiver-transmitter

shall be turned on and tune t=transmi tter and the main receiver to the
243.000 MHz (AM) guard frequency. When operating in this mode, all other
controls shall be inoperative. This mode shall have precedence over al1 other

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b. Manual mode. This mode shall allow the operator to rapidly and

● easily select any one of the possible operating frequencies. When operating
in the manual mode, it shal1 be impossible to change or affect the operating
frequency of the radio set by means of the preset frequency select control .
The transmitter and receivers shal1 be disabled while changing frequencies.

c. Guard mode. In this mode, the receiver-transmitter shal1

automatical 1y tune the main receiver and transmitter to the guard channel of
the selec ted frequency band. The selected frequency band shal1 be considered
to be the frequency band that incorporates the frequency or channel 1ast
selected on either the preset (if the RT was last used in the preset mode) or
the manual frequency controls (if the RT was last used in the manual mode).
When operating in this mode, the preset frequency selector control as wel 1 as
the manual frequency selector shall be inoperative.

d. Preset mode. Not applicable. Only panel mount receiver-

transmi tter’s and remote control units have capability for preset channel
selection, loading, and storage. The receiver-transmitter retains only the
operating frequency and mode through power on/of f cycles.

3.6.1,5 Improper frequencies. Under no conditions shal1 the receiver-

transmitter tune to improper frequencies. These frequencies are: below
30.000 MHz, between 88.000 through 107.975 MHz, between 174.000 through
224.975 MHz and above 399.975 MHz. In the frequency range from 108.000 MHz
through 117.975 MHz where the receive mode is proper, the equipment shal 1 not
permit transmission.

o Main and guard receiver controls. Screwdriver adjustable squelch

level controls shall be accessibl e on the maTn and guard receivers wi thout
opening the receiver- transmi tter. A screwdriver adjustable audio output
control shal 1 be accessible on the main receiver wi thout opening the receiver-
transmitter. (See 3.6.1 .13.3.) Squelch control. A pin on the rear connector (J2) shall be

provided which will isable the main squelch circuit when the pin is grounded.
Grounding the pin shall not affect the guard receiver squelch.

3.6.1 .6.2 Take control function. A pin shall be provided on the rear
connector (J2 ) which shal1, when grounded, disable MIL-STD-1553 control of the
receiver-transmitter and permi t control through the slow serial data bus. Memory device. The memory device shal1 be a nonvolatile type

such that power off, power Tine interruptions or any combination of
environmental condi tions will not cause a loss or change of operating
frequency and mode. Duty cycle. The receiver-transmitter shal1 have at least a one

minute transml t, five minute receive duty cycle. For extended periods of
transmit operation (in excess of duty cycle), thermal sensing periods of the
transmitter shall automatically 1imit the power dissipation of the transmitter
to maintain safe ooeratinu temperatures and orevent damaae to the unit. The
radio set shall co~tain a-thermal circuit fo; protection-against the over-
heating of the transmitter power amplifiers. If, by inadvertently leaving the

● RT in the transmit condition or by some other means, the transmi tter power

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MIL-R-85664 (AS)

ampl ifiers b’ecome overheated, the thermal protective circuit shal 1 so reduce
the dissipated power of the power amplifiers so that no damage wil 1 occur to
any component part and the receiver- transmi tter will satisfactorily oPerate
again when the temperature of the power amplifier is returned to normal. The
avail able RF power output under extended time transmission shal1 be Mo watts
minimum. Electrical connections. Connections to external circuits shall

be in accordance WI th Table V.

TABLE V. Connections to external circuits.

Designation Receptacle Type Function

J1 TNC M39012/31-001 Comn. Antenna

J2 Bendix P/N 21-529017-200 Power/Control

J3 TPS-Bendix P/N 7034-7 ADF/Homi ng (Right)

J4 TPS-Bendix P/N 7037-8 Homing (Left)

J5, J7 Bendix Triax TNC 8359-1 1553 Direct Coupled

Mux Bus

J6, J8 8endix Triax TNC 8358-1 1553 Transformer

Coupled Mux Bus

The receiver-transmitter shal 1 communicate with its associated controls as

specified in the Appendix. Transmit frequency accuracy. The transmitted RF carrier

frequency shal 1 be within *1.5 part per million (*1.5 Hz per MHz) of the
selected operating frequency at the time of del ivery under service condi tions.

3.6.1 .9.1 A in The change in transmitter radio frequency due to aging

shall be less tP“an or equal to 0.5 part per million per year with an
adjustment capability for eight years. Frequency accuracy adjustment. The transmitter radio frequency

shall be adjustable to within *1 part in 10g. Channel changing time. The time from the instant any channel is
selected (after warm-up and includfng band switching time) frequency controls
to the time that the radio set is ready on the selec ted frequency for either
transmission or reception shall be not greater than 65 milliseconds.

3.6.1 .10.1 Transceiver frequency transition time. The transceiver

frequency settling time as controlled by an external applique shall be not
greater than four mil 1iseconds for channel changes wi thin any band.

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MIL-R-85664(AS) Spontaneous channel change. When operating there shal1 be no

spontaneous change of channels when the equipment is subject to any combina-
tion of environmental conditions or electrical input. Turning the radio off
shall not cause a change in frequency when the radio is turned back on. Antenna circuits. Three antenna ports shall be provided. The

main receiver, transmitter, and guard receivers shal1 normal ly all operate
with the same antenna through connector J1. The receivers shall be so
isolated during transmission that no damage or degradation in performance
shall resul t from using a common antenna. No damage shal1 occur to any part
of the radio set when the transmitter is operated with the RF output shorted,
open-c ircui ted or terminated in any complex impedance. Two RF connectors
shal1 be provided for automatic direction finding and homing. When the radio
is in the ADF/homing mode and tuned to the lower (30-88 MHz) VHF (FM) band,
the main receiver shall be connected to antenna ports J3 and J4. When the
radio is in the ADF/homing mode and tuned to any band other than the lower VHF
(FM) band, the main receiver shall be connected to antenna port J3. The
transmitter shall be connected in all cases to J1. The guard receivers shall
remain operational in the AOF/homing mode.

3.6.1 .12.1 External antenna switch. The receiver-transmitter shal1

provide a ground or open on a separate pin of connector J2 for control of an
external antenna switch SA-521/A (MIL-S-25879) or an appropriate equivalent to
switch bet.+een the ADF and homing antennas on the J3 antenna port. A ground
shall be provided on this pin only when in the AOF/homing mode and when not
operating in the 30-88 MHz band. This pin shall be open circuited in all
other conditions. (See b)

o Receiver characteristics. Unless otherwise specified in the

contract, the following receiver characteristics shall apply to both the main
and the guard receiver (see 6.2.1). Al 1 signal levels (dBm) assume a receiver
impedance of 50 ok..

3.6.1 .13.1 Sensitivity. A (S + N)/N of not less than 10 dB shall be

produced at the normal voice output of the receiver for the signal levels
specified in Tables VI and VII. The test signal shal1 be frequency modulated
by 1 kHz at t 2.4 kHz deviation for the FM bands and amplitude modulated 30
percent at 1 kHz for the AM bands. A pin on the rear connector shall be
provided which shall reduce the sensitivity of the main and guard receiver in
the 108 MHz to 174 MHz range by 10 dB when the pin is grounded.

3.6.1 .13.2 Selectivity. The main receiver shal1 incorporate a narrowband

and a wideband fll ter such that the receiver is capable of working wi th
transmitters that have * 10 KHz stability. Design and location of the fil ters
shall be such that they can be replaceable at the intermediate maintenance
level with filters with different bandwidth characteristics. Bandwidths are
as follows:

a. Narrowband for normal voice and baseband secure.

Bandwidth: + 17.0 KHz min. at6 dB points
referenced to center frequency.
* 35 KHz max. at 60 dB points
referenced to center frequency.

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TABLE w. Main receiver sensitivity

Mode Siqf@ Level

Standard Service
Conditions Conditions

t== 156-173.975 MHz
dBm ~/
dBm ~/
-110 dBm
-1(1~ d~rn
-91 dBm ~/
-108 dBni
-98 dBrn~/

225-399.975 MHz AM -103 dBm -101 dBm

225-399.975 MHz FM -110 dBm -108 dBrn’ ‘
~/ Receiver serisitivi ty control pin grounded

.: TABLE VII. Guard receiver sensitivity -.

1 , )
Frequency Mode Sianal Level
Standard Service
Conditions Conditions

40.5 MHz FM, ,.

-112 dBm -110 dBm
121.5 MHz AM -103 dBm -101 dBm
-93 d8m If -91 deli~/
156.8 MHz FM -110 dBm -108 dBrn
.. -ioo dBm ~/ ‘.’ -98 dBrn 1/.,
243.0 MHz ~<., ,. -103 dBni ~ -101-.dBm –
.. .

~/ Receiver sensi tivfty control pin grounded ... ‘.

b. Wi deband for dipixise secure. B@ujdth: .. ‘“. .

* 34.5 KHz min. at6 dB pOi Iiti .
referenced b cen@r frequetiy;
* 85 KHz Mix. at 60 dB pointi
referenced to center frequency.

c. Guard receiver baniitii,dth:

‘“f 14.OKHZ min. at 6 dB pointi
referenced ti centir frequency:
* 40.0 KHz;max. at 60.dB pointi
refe~enced fm cent&r frequericy.

Pass band ,ripple shall be not greater ttiari:3

,dE over~’percerit
of the specified.6 dB bandwidth.

3.6.1 .13.2.1 Adjacent .chtinnelrejection. The main receiver’-shall be

capable of 60 dB reJection of normal and secure voice signals on ‘Channels
at least 50 KHz away with the”specified narrow band IF selectivity. (See”
3.6.1 .13.2.)

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3.6.1 .13.3 Squelch. The main and guard receivers shall have squelch

circuits that are compatible wi th CLIMAX and AN/PRC-90 swept tone type
emergency beacons and that operate in the normal voice circui ts for both AM
and FM to allow a receiver output only when the received signal plus noise-to-
noise ratio is at or above 5 dB. An adjusbnent shall be provided to select
the signal plus noise-to-noise level of squelch operation over the range of 5
dB to 15 dB. The squelch circuits shal1 prohibit receiver output when the
received signal plus noise-to-noise ratio is below the adjusted threshold

3.6.1 .13.3.1 Squelch attack/release times. Squelch attack and release

times shal 1 be not greater than 150 mill fseconds for a signal level of -7o

Squelch overlap is specified as the

dif~~~~~1~~3~e wired to unsquelch the main and guard receiver
outputs to the vol tage at which the output is again squelched. This
difference shall be at least 1.5 dB and in no case shall a change of more than
12 dB be required.

3.6.1 .13.4 ~. Audio output tests

described below shal1 be conducted h maximum audio output (250 mW across
600 ohms) unless otherwise required!’

3.6.1 .13.4.1 Normal audio output. The main and guard receivers shal 1
have a comnon output. The audio outputs of the main and guard receiver shal1
-be in phase. The common output shal1 be available at the unattenuated audio

output as specified in 3.6. and also at the 150/600 balanced output.
The audio output at the balanced output shal1 be 250 mW minimum with an input
signal of -53 dBm with 30 percent AM or * 2.4 KHz FM deviation. Volume
control of the audio output is not provided in the RT-1250A/ARC. Provision
shall be made to set the audio output at any level between 100 mW and 400 mW
using a screwdriver adjustment on the receiver module. Access to the
adjustment shall not require disassembly of the receiver- transmi tter. The
ad.iustient is provided to accommodate variation in system requirements. The
standard output as del ivered from the factory shal 1 be 250 mW minimum for 30
percent AM or * 2.4 KHz FM deviation. Under service conditions the audio
output shall be 200 mW minimum.

3.6.1 .13.4.2 Audio/gain level control. The automatic gain control (AGC )
or automatic level control 11 ma fntain the main and guard receiver
audio output level to wi thin * 3 ~Baover the following RF input ranges when
referenced from -53 dB.

a. AM: -103 to +7 dBm

b. FM: -112 to +7 dBm

In addition, for a constant -53 dBm input the audio level change shall be not
greater than 2 dB when changing from band to band or when changing be~een
main and guard receivers.

Downloaded from

MI L-R-85664 (AS.)

3.6.1 .13.4.3 Audio output protection. The receivers shall operate as

specified after the audio outputs have been subjected to both open and short
circui t condi tions.

3.6.1 .13.4..4 Bandwidth. The normal audio output frequency response shall
be * 3dB relative to 1 Hz reference for signals from 400 Hz to 3.0 KHz.
Frequencies 150 Hz and below and frequencies .4.0 KHz and above shal 1 be
attenuated at least 30 dB.

3.6.1 .13.4.5 Normal audio+ output impedances. The normal audio output .-
impedance ..shallbe .suitable for operation into both 150 and 600 otsn1oads.. ..
This output shal 1 be floating with respect to chassis ground. External
grounding of one of the output leads shall have no adverse effects on receiver . ~ -
performance. Only one output shal1 be 1oaded for normal operation.

3.6.1 .13.4.6 Normal audio output distortion. Total harmonic distortion .- “-

at the normal audio output when terminated by efther 150 or 600 ot’snsshal 1 be
not greater than six.percent over the RF input range with 30 percent
modulation or *2.4 KHz deviation when the audio level is adjusted to maximum
1evels required. Under service conditions the distortion shal1 be not greater
than 10 percent.

3.6.1 .13.4.7 Unattenuated audio output. In addition to the normal audio

output loaded inta or 600 ohms, an unaftenuated, unbalanced audio output
shal1 be provided on a separate pin on the external connector. With the 150.
or 600 ol’sn output properly terminated, the unattenuated output level shall be
6.5 * 1.0 volts rms when loaded with 1000 * 10 percent ohns for an RF input of.
-53 dBm modulated 30 percent AM or deviated i 2.4.KHz FM at 1 KHz. Under ser-;
vice conditions, the audio output level shal 1 be no less than 5.0 VRMS. The
frequency response shall be as specified in Distortion shall be
not greater than six percent, at 1000 Hz.with 30 percent modulation AM or i 2.4 .
KHz deviation FM. Under service conditions the distortion shall not exceed 10
percent. Source impedance of the output shall be not greater than 60 ohns.
In systems where the audio output has been. reduced (see, t&
unattenuated audio output wil 1 be reduced proportional 1y. For example: 100
mli audio output corresponds to 4.0 VRMS, versus 6.5 VRMS at 250 init.

3.6.1 .13.4.8 X-mode receive audio. Provision shall be made to return

deciphered audio from secure voice equipment through the audio interface of
the receiver- transmitter. When the x-mode audio select line (J2-17) is
grounded, the internal audio amplifiers shal1 be disconnected from the
una ttenuated audio output and the normal voice output, and replaced with
deciphered audio from the secure voice equipment. An audio input of 6.5 VRMS
into 110 ohns. is required b. provide the output levels specified in ...,
3.6.1 .13..4.1 and’.
3.6.1 .13.5 AM internal noise level . T~ signal plus nois,e-to-noise
(modulated to unmodulated) “ratio“of.the main and guard receivers shal1 be ~
dB minimum when a -53 dBm signal modulated 30 percent at 1,000 Hz is applied.

3.6.1 .13.6 FM noise quieting. An RF signal. of..-7O dBm deviated * 8.0 KHz
by 1 KHz shal 1 produce a signal plus noise-to-noise ratio of 30 dB minimum for
both main and guard receivers.

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3.6.1 .13.7 Noise peak limiter. The detector of the main and guard
receivers (following the intermedfate frequency amplifier) shal 1 be provided
with an instantaneous noise peak 1imiter. The noise 1imit action shall
effectively 1imi t the audio output vol tage of modulating surges or peaks
exceeding 100 percent modulation of the RF signal . Its action shall eliminate
noise spikes of one microsecond or less duration tQ prevent loss of
intelligibility due to reduction in receiver gain under the influence of
continuous RF noise such as are caused by commutators, ignition systems, etc.

3.6.1 .13.8 Cross modulation and desensitization. Cross modulation and

desensitization effects of interfering signals (modulated 30 percent at 1,000
Hz) on channels more than one (1) MHz from and at a level 70 d8 above the
desired channel reference level (-103 dBm at 10 dB signal plus noise-to-noise)
shall permit a signal plus noise-to-noise ratio of the desired signal of at
least six dB for both main and guard receivers.

3.6.1 .13.9 Channel interference. For a -43 dBm unmodul a ted carrier
signal on any channel with no signal on any other channel , the quieting
measured on any other channel greater than 100 KHz away shall be not greater
than the quieting produced on that channel for a signal of -110 dBm (squelch
disabled) for both main and guard receivers. RF intermodulation. For an RF input of two individual

unmodulated carriers each of minus 43 dBm on any WO channels, there shall be
no quieting on any other channel greater than the quieting produced on that
channel by a minus 110 dBm unmodulated carrier at that channel (squelch
disabled) for both main and guard receivers. Intermediate frequency rejection. The IF rejection of the

main and guard receivers shal 1 be as specified in Tables VIII and IX.

TABLE VIII. Main receiver IF rejection

Channel 1st IF 2nd IF

Frequency Rejection Rejection
(29 MHz) (455 KHz)

30-40 MHz NLT 55 dB NLT 90 d8

40-88 MHz NLT 65 d8 NLT 90 d8
108-174 MHz NLT 80 dB NLT 93 dB
225-400 MHz NLT 80 dB NLT 90 dB

TA8LE Ix. Guard receiver IF rejection

Frequency 1st IF 2nd IF

Rejection Rejection
(28.045 MHz) (500 KHz)

40.5 MHz NLT 80 dB NLT 50 dB

121.5 MHz NLT 80 dB NLT 90 dB
156.B MHz NLT 80 dB NLT 5U dB
243.0 MHz NLT 80 dB NLT 90 dB

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MIL-R-85664(AS) Image and spurious rejection. Image rejection shall be at

least 80 d8 relat_ive the resgonse
guard receivers except that the:-
desired simal for the main and
image frequency rejection of” the 156.8 MHz
auard receiver shall be at least 60 d8. SDurious re.iection of the main and
@ard receivers shall be at least 70 d8: relative to.~he:response of the ‘
desired signal.

I ... .3.6:” Internal spurious. Degradation of of the main .

or guard receivers aue toi nternal spurious shall be 1imi ted’tcino more than
“’”100 channels out of the 11,960 channels available. In ‘addition, no;more than
50 of the 100 shal1 require a signal level of more than -97 d8m to meet a S +
N/N ratio of 10 d8 (see The complete list of degraded channels
shall be’ reported to the procuring activity and the frequencies, sensi ti’vi
~ :
level, and these channels shal 1 be 1isted in handbooks and support
documents tion. AGC recovery and blocking. When signals up to”+7 dBm are
present, it shal1 be.possible obtain a 10 d8,signal -plus- noise~to-noise
ratio with -103 dBm input not later than 0.25 second after the one volt signal
has been removed for both main and guard receivers. Blocking shall not occur
on desired signal s.up to +7 dBm. .810cking is defined as a 3 dB or greater
reduction of the 250 mW audio output level across 600 ohns or 150 ohns. Input signal protection. The main and guard receivers shall
not be damaged by inputs up to +27 dBm {on channel).

- The int.erstage and overal 1 regeneration of the
““’ main and guard rece ver s a
occurs at maximum gain.
be minimized “so that no evidence of instabili ly
● “ Receiver amplitude variation (FM). The-l imfting characteris-

tics of the main and guard receivers shal 1 be sucli t~t the audio output shall
not vary more than 3 dB when the RF. input signal deviated 8.0 KHz FM at 1 KHz
is varied from the specffied sensitivity level (see up to +7 dBm. Main receiver. characteristics. The main receiver shall meet

al1 the requirements -of 36 1.13.16 plus the following yhen
the radio is in the trans~i ~/~eceivfl”!ran&; t/receive plus guard or ADF/
homing modes.

3.6.1 .13.17.1 Wideband audio outputs. The main receiver shal1 have one
wideband audio output for use with secure voice systems and one for use with
ADF sys terns. The outputs .shal1 not “pass through the squelch circuit and shall
be operative at all times wlkn in the receive mode. The ADF output shall be
connected to the AM detector regardless of whe”ther the receiver-transmitter is
operating in AM or FM.

3.6.1 .13,17.2 Wideband audio load impedance. The radio set shall. provide
speci.fied output performance on the secure voice and ADF outputs when 1oaded
wi th unbalanced load impedances between 2000 ohms and 20,000 ohns. ,

3.6.1 .13.17.3 Wideband audio output levels. The TsEC/KY-28/58 sys @m

output level shall be 0.250 rms minimum to 8.3 vol ts rms maximum across
20,000 ohm with inputs modu~~ted 90 percent (AM) or deviated *8.O KHz (FM) at

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MI L-R-85664( AS)

1,000 Hz. The ADF system output level shal 1 be 4.0 volts peak to peak minimum

● across 20,000 ohns with an RF input of -53 d8m modulated 90 percent (AM) at
1,000 Hz.

3.6.1 .13.17.4 Wideband audio output responses. The receiver wide band
audio output for TS~ hin +.2 to -4 dB of the 1,000 Hz
reference level for modulating ~i~nal seb’&een 30 Hz and 25 KHz. The
frequency response of the AOF audio shal1 be within *2dB of the 1,000 Hz
reference level for modul sting signals be fxeen 50 Hz and 10 KHz.

3.6.1 .13.17.5 Wideband audio output distortion. Total harmonic

distortion at the receiver wideband audio outputs shal 1 be not greater than
eight percent for 90 percent modulation (AM) or deviation of * 8.0 KHz (FM) at
1,000 KHz wi th signal levels up to +7 dBm. Under service condi tions, the
. distortion shall be not greater than 10 percent.

3.6.1 .13.17.6 Wideband audio output phase. The ADF audio output shall be
not greater than 20 degrees out of phase with the negative portion of the RF
signal modulation envelope when the RF signal is modulated 30 percent at 200

Hz- (Nominal phase delay = 180” + 18 x 10-3 FM where FM = AOF modulation

frequency. )

3.6.1 .13.17.7 Homing mode outputs (VHF-FM 30 to 88 MHz band only). When
the radio set is placed in the homing mode, and signals are present across the
50 ohns homing inputs, the homing circuits in the radio shal1 operate so that
movements of indicator 101351/A, or equal , shall indicate the conditions of
3.6.1 . through

3.6.1 . Homing sensitivity. The overall sensitivity of the

homing system shall be such that inputs of -109 dBm at connectors J3 and J4
are sufficient to obtain a general heading indication on the 101351/A and
place the red flag in the down position (grounded pin capable of sinking 100
milliampere) to indicate signal adequacy.

3.6.1 . Oynamic range. Al 1 equal phase signals between -109 and
-25 dBm applied to homing inputs shall result in the homing needle being in
the center position (O * 120 microampere).

3.6.1 . Deflection. An electrical phase shift of 1“ to * 25”

between the homing inputs shal1 deflect the homing needle from center scale.
With a 25° phase shift introdt!ced at the input ports the unbalanced current
deflection shal1 be 100 microampere minimum and 500 microampere maximum.
The unbalanced meter drive shall not vary more than 20 percent of signal
1evels from 105 dBm to -25 dBm. The meter load shall be 1000 ohms.

3.6.1 . Station approach indication. A station approach signal

shal1 be provided capable of drl vlng a 0-150 microampere, 1000 ohm movement.
The output current shal1 increase gradually from a value of O microampere for
an input level beixeen -105 dBm and -95 dBm to a value of 150 microampere *
25 microampere for a signal of -30 dBm. Under service conditions, the zero
microampere condi tion shal 1 occur beWeen -110 dBm and -90 dBm and the current
at 30 d8m shal 1 be 150 microampere * 35 microampere.

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MIL-R-85664 (AS)

3.6.1 . Communication while homing. Operation of thg:main

receiver for FM voice communication shal1 be provided simul taneously while
homing. The receiver sensitivity shall be -104 dBm for a 10 dB signal plus
noise-to-noise ratio. Internal noise due to o~eration of the hominq circuits
shall be such as to enable a maximum signal plus noise-to-noise ratio of not
less than 16 dB with a -84 dBm input signal with deviation of * 2.4 KHz at
1000 Hz. Operation of the push-to-talk circuit while in the homing mode shall
automatically switch operation from homing circui ts to the’communications

3.6.1 .13.17.8 Receiver FSK capability. In the wide band mode, the
receiver shall be capable of demodulating FSK signals with data rates up to 10 ‘
KB/S with deviation up to * 20 KHz. The following characteristics pertain to
the wideband output.
2VPP minimum into 600 ohms, unbalanced for f 20 Klfz
deviati~”a~-~om 50 B/S to 10 KB/S.

b. Phase. Positive going deviation from center frequency shal 1

.produce a po~e going demodulated output.

Delay. 50 microseconds * 15 microseconds at the 50 percent

ampl itud~”po=

d. Rise and fal1 times. No more than 20 microseconds be~een the 10

percent and 90 percent amplitude points. Guard receiver characteristics. The guard receiver shal 1

meet the aml icable requirements of hrouah 3.6.1 .13.16 .DIus the-
following when in the transmi t/receive plus guard, -ADF/homing, emergency,
guard precedence or guard select modes. The requirements of 3.6.l.13.17do
not apply to the guard receiver. The guard receiver shal1 be capable of
operation on fixed frequencies whichare 40.5 MHz, 121.5 MHz, 156.8 MHz, and
243 MHz . The guard receiver shal 1 be required to receive AM normal voice and
pulsed tone at 121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz and FM normal voice and pulsed tone at
40.5 MHz and 156.8 MHz. The guard receiver shal1 share the RF antenna input
wi th the main receiver. Both the main and guard receiver shal 1 be able to
receive signals simul taneously when the receiver-transmitter is in the receive
condi tion.

3.6.1 .13.18.1 Low level guard audio output. A separate line shall be
provided for a low ~ The 1evel shal1 be betaveen
0.15 V-and 0.45 VRMS into-a 600 ohm i 10 percent resistive load at -53 dBm
input level , 30 percent AM at 1 KHz or -53 dBm input level, * 2.4 KHz FM at.1
KHz . This guard -receiver output is for use with the TSEC/KY-28/58. With a ~
reference input of -53 dBm, 30 percent modulated AM or * 2.4 KHz FM at 1 KHz,
the frequency response shal 1 be wi thin +1 to -3 dB from 500 to 3,500 Hz and
distortion at 1,000 Hz shall be not greater than five percent. It shall be
possible for this output level to be increased to over 2.75 volts by
intermediate maintenance level personnel . Under service conditions, the
distortion shal 1 be not greater than 10 percent.

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MIL-R-85664( AS)

3.6.1 .13.18.2 Guard precedence operation. The radio set shall have
provision for guard precedence frequency selec tioh from an external switch.

● This mode which is intended for emergency use is activated by closing an

external switch (not included in receiver-transmitter) to provide an
electrical ground on an assigned pin. When this switch is closed the front
panel controls are disabled, the radio is turned on; the main transmitter and
receiver are tuned to the 243.000 MHz (AM) guard frequency. Activation of
this mode shal1 take precedence over any other mode of operation selected. Transmitter characteristics.

3.6.1 .14.1 Unmodulated power output.

3.6.1 .14.1.1 FM power. Under all service conditions except as specified

belOW, the RF power output shal1 be not 1ess than 15 watts over the frequency
range of 30 to 87.975 MHz, 156 to 173.975 MHz, and 225 to 399.975 MHz. From
22 to 18 VDC input the RF power output may decrease from 15 watts to a minimum
of two watts. From 55 degrees C to 71 degrees C ambient the RF power output
may decrease 3 dB relative to power level at 55 degrees C. From 71 degrees C
to 95 degrees C ambient the RF power output may decrease 6 dB relative to the
power level at 55 degrees C.

3.6.1 .14.1.2 AM power. Under all service conditions except as specified

below, the RF power output shall be not less than 10 watts with an unmodulated
carrier over the frequency range of 118.000 through 155.975 MHz and 225.000
through 399.975 MHz. From 22 to 18 VOC input the RF power output may decrease
from a minimum of 10 watts to two watts minimum. From 55 degrees C to 71
degrees C ambient the RF power output may decrease 3 dB relative to the power
level at 55 degrees’ C. From 71 degrees C to 95 degrees C ambient the RF power
output may decrease 6 dB relative to the power level at 55 degrees C.

3.6.1 .14.2 Transmi tter RF termination. The transmitter shal 1 meet the
specific performance requl rements with an RF termination of 50 ohm * 3 ohm..

3.6.1 .14.3 Transmitter output circuit. The transmitter shal1 operate as

specified after being subjected to either an open or short circuit load
impedance or any load impedance.

3.6.1 .14.3.1 Mismatch load. The transmitter shal1 meet the requirements
of 3.6.1 .14.1.1 and 3 6 4.1.2 when terminated in the load of
At the worst case pha~e’a~gle at a voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) of
2.5:1, the power turndown shal1 be not greater than 2 dB. The transmitter
shall turn down gradually for VSWR greater than 2.5:1 and the transmitter
shall deliver a minimum of two watts forward power regardless of VSWR.

3.6.1 .14.4 Tone transmissions.

3.6.1 .14.4.1 Squelch tone. In the 30-88 MHz VHF (FM) band a squelch
keying tone shall be transmitted along with the normal voice modulation. The
tone shall be 150 Hz * 2 percent and shall frequency modulate the transmitter
output 3 KHz * 500 Hz. The tone shall be inhibited during secure voice and AJ

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3.6.1 .14.4.2 Tone. The transmitter modulator circuit shall include a

tone generator formulating the transmitter with a 1.020 KHz * 10 percent
frequency on any channel above 118 MHz. The percentage of modulation shal1 be
a minimum of 60 percent or FM deviation of * 3.4 KHz. A separate connector
pin shal 1 be provided for tone activation. The tone shal1 be transmitted by
grounding this pin.

3.6.1 .14.5 Transmit precedence. Activating the transmit keyl ine shall
cause the transm3 tter transmi t through the consnunications antenna port, ‘Jl; ‘.

3.6.1 .14.6 Transmit key lines. Two pins shall be provided on the rear
connector to control radio set transmissions. The transmit keyline (push-to-
talk or PTT) shall cause transmitter output if the other keyl ine (transmit
blanking) is open (not grounded). If the transmit blanking 1ine is grounded,
the”transmitter shal1 be inhibi ted regardless of whether the PTT line is at
ground or open.

3.6.1 .14.6.1 RF carrier delay from PTT line. The RF carrier shall reach
90 percent of specl fied output 1evel wf thin mll iseconds after actuation of
the push-to-talk (PTT) line.

3.6.1 .14.6.2 RF carrier rise and fall time. Hi th the PTT 1ine grounded,
the RF carrier shall rise to Dercent of fuTT Dower outout within 200
microseconds after the transmit blanking 1ine is”ungrounded. The RF carrier
shall fall to -80 d8c within 80 microseconds after the transmit blanking 1ine
is grounded.

3.6.1 .14.7 Transmitter sidetone. In the AM mode (normal voice) a

transmitter side tone shall be developed by sampling a portion of the modulated
transmitter carrier in the antenna circuit. The sidetone signal shall be
introduced into the,audio portion of the main receiver. In the FM (normal
voice) mode the sidetone may be sampled from the modulation audio circui try
and gated with the forward power monitor.

3.6.1 .14.7.1 Sidetone level. With a normal voice audio input voltage of
0.5 vol t rms closed-circuit at f,000 Hz, the sidetone audio output at the main
receiver shal 1 be 250 milliwatts minimum across 600 ohms when the volume
control is in full clockwise position. An internal pot shall be provided b,
permit adjustment of the sidetone level to 3 d8 below the standard level.

Inputs shal1 be provided for normal voice,

secu~~6~~i~~”~nd_” The normal voice input shall provide a
screwdriver adjusbnent accessible from outside the radio set which permits
adjustment of the normal voice input level such that a level be~een 0.25 vol t
t-m and .1.5 VO1 ts rim (closed circuit) will produce 90 percent AM or * 5.6 KHz
FM deviation. The nominal factory setting shall be 0.5 volt rms.

3.6.1 .14.8.1 Audio input impedances. The normal voice audio input .:.,
impedance shall be ohms * percent unbalanced. The secure voice audio
input impedance shall be 2,000 ohns * 25 percent unbalanced. The retransmit
audio input impedance shal 1 be 1000 ohns f 10 percent minimum unbalanced.

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MI L-R-85664 (AS)

3.6.1 .14.8.2 Amplitude modulation.

● 3.6.1 . Percent modulation. Under standard conditions the percent

modulation shall be linear with at least 80 percent upward and between 90 and
100 percent downward for a 0.5 volt rms (closed circuit) 1000 Hz signal at the
normal voice audio input, a 6.5 volt rms (closed circuit) 1000 Hz signal at
the retransmit audio input, or a 12 volt peak-to-peak 16,000 bits per second
closed circuit signal at the secure voice audio input. The average modulated
power out shal1 be at least 1.30 times the unmodulated power output. Under
environmental conditions, the percent modulation shall not be 1ess than 65
percent upward and be~een 80 and 100 percent downward. The average modulated
power output shall be at 1east 1.20 times the unmodulated power output for
environmental conditions.

3.6.1 . Carrier fidelity. With a constant normal voice audio

input voltage of 0.5 volt rms (closed circui t) adjusted to any frequency
between 500 and 3,500 Hz, the demodulated audio voltage shal1 be wi thin +1 d8,
‘-3 dB of the demodulated audio voltage resulting from a 0.5 volt (closed
circuit) 1,000 Hz audio input. With a constant retransmit audio input voltage
of 6.5 vol ts rms (closed circuit) adjusted to any frequencY between 500 and
3,500 Hz, the demodulated audio voltage shal 1 be wi thin +1 dB, -3 dB of the
demodulated audio voltage resulting from a 6.5 volt (closed circuit) 1,000 Hz
audio input. With a constant secure voice audio input vol tage of 12 * 1 vol ts
peak to peak (closed circuit) adjusted to any frequency between 16 and 10,000
Hz when the narrow band premodulation filter is used (see and
300 and 20,000 Hz when the wideband premodulation filter is used, the
demodulated audio vol tage shal1 be wi thin +1 dB, -3 dB of the demodulated

o output at 1,000 Hz modulation.

3.6.1 . Distortion. With a normal voice audio input of 0.35 VRMS
(closed circuit) or a retransmit audio input of 4.5 VRMS (closed circuit)
adjusted to any frequency be bveen 500 Hz and 3500 Hz, the demodulated audio
harmonic distortion shall be not greater than five percent. Under service
conditions the distortion shall be not greater than eight percent. With a
secure voice audio input of 3.0 VRMS (closed ci rcui t) adjusted to any
frequency between 16 Hz and 10,000 Hz with the narrowband premodul ation fil ter
or between 300 Hz and 20,000 Hz with the wideband premodulation fil ter, the
demodulated audio harmonic distortion shall be not greater than 10 percent,
under standard or service condi tions.

3.6.1 . Incidental frequency modulation. With the RF carrier

amplitude modulated at least 75 percent upward and 90 percent downward at
1,000 Hz, the peak frequency deviation arising from incidental frequency
modulation (FM) of the transmi tter shall be not greater than * 2 KHz.

3.6.1 .14.8.3 Frequency modulation characteristics. The frequency

modulation of the RF output for the normal voice, secure voice and retransmit
inputs, shall have the following characteristics.

3.6.1 . Oeviation. An audio signal of 0.5 volts rms (closed

circuit) applied to the normal voice audio input or an audio signal of 6.5
VRMS (closed circuit) applied to the retransmit audio input shal 1 produce an
FM modulated transmitter RF output signal with a deviation of * 5.6 KHz * 0.5

● KHz . An audio signal of 12 V * 1 V peak-to-peak (closed circuit) applied to

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the secure voice input shall produce an FM modulated transmitter output signal

with a deviation of * 5.6 KHz * 0.5 KHz. Under service conditions, the
deviation produced shall be not less than i 4.5 KHz.

3.6.1 . Audio frequency response. With a constant normal voice

audio input vol tage of”O t nns [closed circuit) adjusted to any frequency
be~een 500 and 3500 Hz, ”th~”deviation shall be * 5.6 KHz * 1.2 KHz. With a
constant retransmit audio input voltage of 6.5 vol ts nns (closed circuit)
adjusted to any frequency between 500 and 3500 Hz, the deviation shal 1 be *
5.6 KHz * 1.2 KHz. Iiith a constant secure voice audio input voltage of 12 f 1
vol ts peak-to-peak (closed circui t) adjusted to any frequency be~een 16 Hz
and 10,000 Hz when the narrowband premodulation fil ter is used, and any
frequency be~een 300 Hz and 20,000 Hz when the .wideband premodulation filter
is used, the deviation shall be * 5.6 KHz * 1.2 KHz.

3.6. Modulation distortion. With any audio input frequency

specified in 3.6.1 . for the normal voice, secure voice and retransmit
inputs and with the audio input adjusted for * 5.6 KHz deviation, the
distortion shall be not greater than five percent. Under service conditions
the distortion shall be not greater than eight percent.

3.6.1 .14.8,3.4 Deviation capability. The radio set shall be capable of

FM/FSK deviation up to * 25 Hz for applications.

3.6.1 . Incidental AM. With maximum deviation (* 5.6 KHz) the
amplitude modulation of- the carrfer shal1 be not greater than four percent.

3.6.1 .14.8.4 Premodulation filters. Two fi1 ters shal1 be incorporated in

the radio to shape the audio input prior t.amodulation and after.1 imi ting.
Bandwidths are shown in Table X.

TABLE X. F.ilter bandwidth

Filter type 6d8 60dB

Narrowband Filter 18 + 0.5, -2.0 KHz 50 KHz max.

Wideband Filter 25 * 2.0 KHz 100 KHz max.

The narrowband filter shall allow adjacent channel operation between

AN/ARC-182(V) radio sets in the normal and FM secure modes. The fil t.ersshall
be selectdbl,e and shall operate in conjunction with the receiver selectivity.
filters such that when the receiver is in the narrowband mode the transmitter .
.. .
shal1 be in narrowband mode. When the receiver is in the wi deband mode the
transmitter shall also be in the wideband mode.

3.6.1 .14.9 Fre uency shift key (FSK) operation. In the wi deband mode,
the transmitter ~le of transmitting }Sl( at data rates of 50 B/S
to 10 KB/S with deviation of f 20 KHz.

Nine VPP minimum at the wideband input shall produce * 20

KHz * 1 I&z %“ev ation.

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MI L-R-85664 (AS)

b. Phase. Positive going modulation shall produce a positive

frequency s h~rom the center frequency.

c. Delay. No more than 50 microseconds at the 50 percent ampl itude


d. Rise and fall time. No more than 30 microseconds measured between

the 10 percent and 90 percent amplitude points. Microphone bias voltage. The normal voice audio input shal1
provide bias voltage and current to operate an amplifier (AM-3597 C/A type) for
a dynamic microphone. The voltage supplied shall be 16 volts DC minimum with
an external 1000 otnn resistive 1oad. Under emergency power conditions, the
vol tage supplied shal1 be at least 12 volts OC with an external 1000 ohm
resistive load. Transmit energy spectrum. The transmitter output shal1 meet

the requirements of 3.6.14 .11.1 through 3 .6.1.14 .11.3.

3.6.1 .14.11.1 Transmit noise floor. The transmitter broadband noise

level shall be no more than -lZJ dBm/Hz at any frequency 10 percent or more
removed from the carrier. For carriers above 100 MHz, the 10 percent removal
requirement is reduced to 10 MHz removal .

3.6.1 .14.11.2 Spectral containment. Ninety-nine percent of normal and

baseband secure voice transmi tted energy shall be contained wi thin the
operating 25 KHz channel .

3.6.1 .14.11.3 Transmitter spurious. Transmitter spurious outputs greater

than 100 KHz from tle carrier shal1 be at least 66 dB below the carrier except
for crossover spurious as specified in Table XI.

3.6.1 .14.11.4 Transmitter harmonics. The transmitter harmonics shal1 be

not greater than the 1lml ts of Table XIT. Noise modulation of transmitter.

AM. The noise on the unmodulated carrier shal1 be 40 dB below the

detecteda~udio voltage of a carrier modulation of 90 percent at 1 KHz,
measured in a 3 KHz audio bandwidth.

b. FM. ,The noise of the unmodulated carrier shall be Xl dB below the

detsc~d audio voltage of a 1 KHz tone having a deviation of * 5.6 KHz,
measured in a 3 KHz audio bandwidth. Transmitter keying. When operating in nomal or secure voice

modes the transmit key ine shall key the transmitter when vol tages from
ground to * 5V are applied. An open circuit or above 12 VDC on the key 1ine
shall cause the radio to operate in receive mode. CASS/DICASS operation. The radio set shall operate in

conjunction with the Sw ICASS reference signal generator described in
MIL-G-81665 to transmit signals provided by the signal generator.

35 i
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TABLE XI. Transmitter spurious 1imits

Crossover Frequency Range DF Range Spurious

Center of of Level
Frequency Crossover Crossover dB Below
(MHZ) ~/ (MHz) ~/ (MHz) ~/ (oEC) fl

34.600 34.450 to 34.750 ,*O.3 -50

40.800 40.650 to 40.950 * 0.5 -50
57.450 57.350 to 57.550 * 0.6 -50
66.075 65.550 to 65.875 * 1.6 -50
. 65. WO to 66.200 * 0.5 -40
66.225 to 66.450 * 1.6 -50
68.000 I 67.550 to 67.825 * 1.4
67.850 to 68.150 * 0.25 -40
68.175 to 68.450 * 1.4 -50
81.800 81.600 w 82.000 * 0.5 -50
134.075 133.600 to 133.875 * 1.4 -50
133.900 to 134.200 * 0.4 -40
I 134.225 to 134.45G * 1.4 -50
136.000 135.500 to 135.825 * 1.6 -50
135.850 to 136.150 * 0.25 -40

L 136.175 to 136.500 * 1.6 -50

~/ Crossover center frequency is where the crossover spurious lie exactly on

or very close to the carrier frequency.
~/ Frequency range of crossover refers to the channel frequencies where the
crossover pair of spurious ‘exceed -66 DBC.
~/ DF range of crossover specifies the maximum. spacing from carrier where the
pair exceed -66 DBC.
.... 4/ The spurious level specifies the maximum level of tkcrossover Dair in the

frequency range. ‘

TABLE X11. Transmitter harmonic 1imits

Frequency , Ha~evel (DBC)

Band ., 2ND 3R0 4TH .5TH 6TH 7TH
30-88 MHz -55 -66 -55 -66 -66
118-174 Mtiz -55 -55 -66 -66 -66 -66
225-400 Mliz -55 -55”‘~: - -66 -66 -66 -66

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3.6.1 .14.14.1 CASS/DICASS input characteristics. A separate audio input

shall be provided for CASS ASS signals to be transmitted. The CASS/
DICASS interface wil 1 provi~~ the external transmit (key) switch actuation at
least 50 milliseconds prior to input of CASS/OICASS signals to the radio set.
3.6.1 .14.14.2 CASS/OICASS input impedance. The input impedance presented
by the radio set to the CASS/DICASS signal generator shall be 100 ohms * five
percent resistive.

3.6.1 .14.14.3 CASS/OICASS signal levels. The CASS/OICASS input shal1 be

designed for 0.5 volt nns (closed clrcult) Input signals.

3.6.1 .14.14.4 CASS/OICASS input frequency range. The CASS/DICASS input

shall be designed for Input signals between Hz and 50 KHz.

3.6.1 .14.14.5 CASS/OICASS modulation characteristics. CASS/OICASS signal

modulation of the transmitter RF carrier output shall have the following

a. Percent modul ation. Under standard conditions the percent AM

modulation shal1 be between 5 and 100 percent for a 0.5 volt rms (1 KHz to 50
KHz) Closed circuit signal at the CASS/DICASS input. Under environmental
conditions, the percent modulation shal1 be not less than 70 percent.

b. Carrier fidelity. With a constant CASS/OICASS input voltage of

0.5 volts nns closed circuif adjusted to any frequency be bveen 1 KHz and 50
KHz, the demodulated signal vol tage shall be constant wi thin *2 dB.

● c. Modulation distortion. With a CASS/OICASS input of 0.35 vol t nns

closed circuT t adJUSt.ed to any frequency be bveen 1 KHz and 50 KHz, the demod-
ulated signal total harmonic distortion shall be not greater than 10 percent.

d. Intermodulation distortion. The demodulated level of the sum and

difference frequencies of two equal level 0.175 volt rms (open circui t)
discrete (non-harmonically related) modulating CASS/OICASS signals shal 1 be 25
dB below either modulating signal .

e. Carrier noise modulation. The requirements of shall


f. Phase linearity. The phase response of the modulating frequency

shall be 1inear with frequency within *15 degrees throughout the 1 KHz to 50
KHz spectrum. In addition, the phase versus frequency slope shall be not
greater than 3.5 degrees per Hz. Automatic relaying operation. In the T/R or T/R PLUS guard mode
the main receiver and transmitter of the radio set shall operate in an auto-
matic relaying mode (both normal and secure voice) when used in conjunction
with another AN/ARC-182(V) or AN/ARC-159 (V) radio set plus C-10320A/ARC(V)
control , radio set and SA-2157A/ARC(V) switching unit or other appropriate
external interface switching circui try. The set shall provide on pins of the
main power connector, the following inputs, outputs, and controls that al 1ow
the radio set to be used for automatic relaying in the transmi t/receive or
transmit/receive PIus guard mode:

● 37
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a. Main receiver audio outputs

b. Retransmit audio inputs

c. Relay trigger voltage (squelch indication)

d. Transmit control (T/R control 1 ine)

The application to the “antenna circuit of either radio set, of a signal on the
receiver selected frequency, and ofa level sufficient to open the receiver
squelch circuit shall cause the other radio set to automatically generate and
emit a radio frequency carrier wave of the units rated power on its selected
frequency. Removal of the actuating receiver signal shall cause the cessation
of the generated carrier. When the actuated signal is 3 dB or more above the
level required for relaying as described above, the generated carrier shall
reach 90 percent of rated power level wi thin the receiver and transmitter
operate times. The system shal 1 return to standby conditions after removal of
the actuating signal . The receiver-transmitter shall perform relay function
on any Mo RF channels in any of the frequency bands (see 3.6. 1.1) provided a
frequency separation of at least 10 MHz exists be b+een the two channels with
an isolation of 45 d8 between the two antennas, and the spurious frequencies
are not selected as relay channels. TSEC/KY-28/58 operation. In the T/R or T/R+G mode the radio set
shall operate in conjunction WI th the TSEC/KY-28 or TSEC/KY-58 speech security
equipment described in publication CSEEB-13, CSESO-14, and CSEEB-32 respec-
tively. Specific radio circuits required for secure voice operation in the M
or FM mode shal 1 be actuated by actuating two designated pins as required on
the radio connector. When required (for diphase secure operation) actuating
one pin wil 1 switch the transmitter premodulation filter and the receiver if
to the wide bandpass. In AM mode the receiver-transmitter shal 1 be capable of
baseband and diphase operation;. in FM mode-baseband only. In the FM mode the
baseband secure voice signals shall be contained in the 25 KHz channel . Maritime offset. The receiver-transmitter shall provide half-

duplex operation in selected channels in the mari time band when a pin on the
rear connector (J2) is grounded. The frequency which is displayed in any form
in the system shall be the frequency of the transmitter. The receiver
frequency shal 1 be * 4.6 MHz offset from the transmit frequency dependent on
the transmit frequency chosen. Table XIII 1ists the mari time offset channels
of the receiver-transmitter available when the pin is grounded. If the pin is
not grounded, the transmi tter and receiver are on the same frequency. Mode indications. All circuits connected to pins for indication

or external control purposes shall be capable of pulling in a 100 milliampere
external relay when a ground indication is provided. The indicator circuit
shall wi thstand open circuit vol tages up ta 30 VDC and have leakage current of
no more than 150 microampere.

a. AM/FM mode indicator. A ground (<1 VOC) shall be provided when

the receiver- transmi tter is operating in AM. –An open circuit shall be
provided for FM operation.

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MIL-R-85664 (AS)

TA8LE XIII. Mari time offset frequencies

Transmit Frequency ~/ Receiver Frequency Offset

(MHz) (MHz)

156.000 0
156.025 through 156.275 +4.6
156.300 0
156.325 +4.6
156.350 +4.6
156.375 through 156.875 0
156.900 through 157.425 +4.6
157.450 through 160.600 0
160.625 through 160.875 -4.6
160.900 0
160.925 -4.6
160.950 -4.6
. 160.975 through 161.475 0
161.500 through 162.025 -4.6
162.050 through 173.975 0

~/ The transmit frequency is displayed during half-duplex operation.

b. ADF mode indicator. A ground (<1 VDC) shall be provided when the
receiver-transmitter is operating in the DF_mode at frequencies in the range
of 108-173.975 MHz and 225-399.975 MHz. An open shal1 be provided for al1
other operating modes.

UHF band indicator. A ground (<1 VDC ) shal1 be provided when the
receiver~&ansmi tter is operating in the fr~quency range of 225-399.975 MHz.
An open circuit shal1 be provided for all other modes.

d. Low VHF-FM band indicator. A ground (<1 VDC) shall be provided

when the receiver-transmitter is operating in the Treqllency range of 30-87.975
MHz . An open circuit shall be provided for all other bands.

Retransmit key. A ground (<1 VOC ) shal1 be provided when the

S+N/N ra~~o of the receive signal exceeik the squelch break threshold. An
open circui t shal1 be provided when the receiver resquelches.

f. Homing flag. A ground (<1 VDC) shal1 be provided when the

receiver-transmitter 1s operating in-the OF mode at frequencies between 30 MHz
and 87.975 MHz and the receiver S+N/N exceeds the squelch break threshold. An
open circui t shal 1 be provided for all non-homing modes and when the receiver
resquel ches in homing mode.

The receiver-transmitter shall provide a

bal~~~~!”~f (~;ntial output on pins 32 and 33 of J2 which
indicates that the 1553 interface is operating and ready to receive and
transmit data on the 1553 mux bus. The true state shall be with pin 32
positive with respect to pin 33.

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3.7 Mounting base, electrical equipment MT-4934/ARC-182. The mounting

base shall be designed to secure the RT-1250A/ARC receiver- transmi tter to an
airframe structure outside the cockpit area. The mount shall have provisions
for solidly securing it to the airframe structure. No vibration isolators
shal1 be used with this mount. ‘It shal1 provide two pins at the rear and
positive self-locking thumbscrew fasteners at the front for sol idly securing
the RT-1250A/ARC to the mount. The mount with the RT-1250A/ARC attached shal1
meet the crash safety requirements of MIL-E-5400 and the vibration
requirements of

3.7.1 Dimensions (MT-4934/ARC-182). The dimensions of the mount Wi th

RT-1250A/ARC receiver-transmitter shalT be as specified in Figure 4.

3.7.2 Weight (MT-4934/ARC-182). The weight of the mount shal 1 be not

greater than 1.3 pounds.

3.8 Mounting base,. electrical equipment, MT-4935/ARC-182. The mounting

base shall be desioned for atta chment the RT-1250AIARC 1n a manner
equivalent to that-of the MT-4934/ARC-182. This mount ‘shall incorporate
vibration isolators for protection of the RT-1250A/ARC from vibration. The
mount, with the RT-1250A/ARC attached, shal 1 meet the crash safety
requirements of MIL-E-5400 and shall provide vibration isolation to the
RT-1250A/ARC as necessary for compliance in accordance with

3.8.1 Dimensions (MT-4935/ARC-182). The dimensions of the mount with

RT-1250A/ARt receiver- transmi tter shalT be as specified in Figure 5.
3.8.2 Weight (MT-4935/ARC-182).
greater than 1.6 pounds.
The weight of the mount shall be not
3.9 Safety. The receiver-transmitter safety requirements shall be in
accordance MIL-E-54041 except resistance from ground pin to chassis shal1
be 20 mill iohms maximum.

3.9.1 Human performance/human engineering-. MIL-STO-1472 and MIL-H-46855

shall be used as a design guide for the receiver- transmitter and al1 component
parts therein.

3.10 8onding. 8onding shall be in accordance with MIL-8-5087.

for the receiver-transmitter shall conform

wi th31&i_”MI!!~~~;~]~ p


4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the

contract or mirchase order, the contractor is reSDOflSible for the r)erformance
of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise
specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or
any other facil ities sui table for the performance of the inspection
requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The
Government reserves the right h perform any of the inspections set forth in
the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure
supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.

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66.9o !0.30
*C3.500 i.olo]
&lREF /4:.;10

200.7t 1.5
[7.90f .05J

185.75* .038

[7.312 x.015;


8.63’ 1,3
90.9 f 1.3
3.58* .OSJ
13.5 *1.5
L53 t.06]+


30. I
[150] MAx 6&226.4

HA NOLIS ‘+,~------
I -1 [269*.25]


.’. -
?’_ w
J4@ ,


“vi? l--i67.6? 6.4

[3.45 f .25]

FIGURE 4. Electronic Equipment Mounting 8ase MT-4934/ARC and Radio

Receiver-Transmitter RT-1250 A/ARC , outllne and mounting dimensions
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MIL-R-85664( AS)

- ~;fi:%”i%-1



~l,e.n ~Ax~

4 PL




FIGURE 5. Electronic Equipment Mounting 8ase MT-4935/ARC and Radio

Receiver-Transmitter Rt-1250 A/ARC , outl lne and mounting dimensions

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MIL-R-85664 (AS)

4.2 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified

herein are classifi ed as fol1ows:

a. First article inspection (see 4.4).

b. Quality conformance inspection (see 4.5).

4.3 Standard conditions. Unless otherwise specified herein, all

inspections shal1 be performed with conditions specified as fol1ows:

a. Temperature Room ambient (25 * 10”C)

b. Altitude Normal ground

c. Vibration None

d. Humidity Room ambient up to 90 percent relative


e. Input Power 28 *-0.5 volt dc

4.4 First article inspection. First article inspection shall be

conducted by the contractor on receiver-transmitters representative of the
production receiver- transmitters to be SUDD1 i ed under the contract. First
~rticle tests shall be accomplished under”“the authorized test procedures (see
4.6). NO first article inspections shal1 be conducted prior to acceptance of
the first article test procedure by the procuring activi tv (see 6.2.2).

4.4.1 First article test data. The contractor shall make available data
CO11ec ted in conducting first artfcle test to the procuring activity (see

4.4.2. Scope of first article tests. First article tests shall include
all tests in the a~imoved test procedures to determine that the
receiver- transmitte; meets al1 the requirements of this specification, other
applicable specifications and the contract. First article tests shall include
environmental tests in accordance with the procedures of MIL-T-5422 including
temperature shock, a random vibration test as specified in 4.4.5, and an
electromagnetic compatibility test in accordance with MIL-STD-461 and
MIL-STD-462, as modified in 4.4.4. The first article test may also include a
reliability qualification @s,t.

4.4.3 First article approval. Approval of the first article sample wil 1
be by the procuring activity uporlcompletion of all tests and the first
article test report being made available to the procuring activi ty (see

4.4.4 Electromagnetic interference tests. Compliance with the

requirements ot shall be demonstrated by tests. These tests shall be
performed in accordance with MIL-STD-462, with Notice 1.

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The contractor shall .perfonn EMI tests in

acc~&&’wi_~ Plan. The Test Plan shall describe all ENI tests
required to demonstrate compliance with the requirements” of, and shall
address all anomalies, inconsistencies, and omissions (if any). The Test Plan
shall detail a combination of operating modes and frequencies to be tested.
The combination shall represent al1 operating modes of the receiver-
transmitter and at least four frequencies. The Test Plan shall be approved .by
the procuring agency prior to the commencement of EMI testing. Ground plane interference. The contractor shall devise a

procedure to demonstrate that the receiver- transmitter complies with the
requirements of The. procedure shall be included in the EMI Test
Plan. Conducted susceptibility test, interconnecting and signal leads.

In addition to the requirements of MIL-STD-461 the fol1owing RF susceptibil ~b’
test shall be conduc~d. No malfunction, undesirable response, or change in
indication beyond the tolerance given in the equipment specification or
approval test plan shal 1 be produced in any equipment when the RF signal
levels listed in Table XIV are coupled into the interconnecting wiring.

TA8LE XIV. Susceptibility test signals

Required Signal Levels

Frequency I In One Turn Loop
2 to 30 MHz 100 MV RMS

The RF signal shall be modulated 80 percent with 400 Hz and with that .-
frequency and/or type of modulation to which the test sample is most
susceptible. This requirement applies to all interconnecting wires or cable
between component parts of subsystems, and to wires and cables connected to
other equipment. The RF signal shall be measured in the one-turn loop with an
RF voltmeter as shown in Figure 6. The signal generator shall have an output
impedance of 50 ohs or less and a maximum open-circuit voltage of at least 3
Vol ts rms . The test procedure shall be as follows:

With the current probe clamped around the wire bundles under test,
set the ~~gnal generator for maximum output and slowly scan from 2 MHz to 30
MHz .

b. At those frequencies where a response is noted, move the current

probe along the wire for maximum indication. Reduce the signal .,generator
output and determine the threshold of susceptibili & of the wire bundle. When
a response: is found on an interconnecting wire bundle, probe each wire in..the
bundle separately to determine the susceptible wire(s). ,.

Record and include in the test report the threshold of

suscepti~~l ity data (frequency, amplitude, and description of responses)
obtained in (b) above. Also include in the test report the corrective action
required for each wire that does not meet the required level.

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Wire bundles may be tested in sections if the current probe will not fit
around the complete wire bundles. Chassis or cf rcuit grounds not normally
routed with the interconnecting wiring shall be measured individually and
shal1 not be included in the wire bundle under test. Power ground return
leads shall not be placed in the probe.

4.4.5 Random vibration test. A randcm vibration test shall be conducted

as specified In through Test:item operation. The test item shall be operated during :.

application of random vibration, so that the functional effects caused by these
tests may be evaluated. The test i ternshal1 meet performance requirements, as
specified, while the functional vibration levels are being applied and
immediately preceding and following the application of the endurance levels. Mounting techniques. The test iternshall be hard mounted either

directly to the vibration exciter or transition table, or by means of a rigid
fixture capable of transmitting the vibration conditions specified herein.
Precautions shal 1 be taken in the establ ishnent of mechanical interfaces ta
minimize the introduction of extraneous responses in the test setup. The test
load shall be distributed as uniformly as possible on the vibration exciter
table in order to minimize effects of unbalanced loads. The input control
sensing device(s) shall be rigidly attached to the vibration table, or fixture
If used, as near as possible to the attachment point(s) of the test item.
Additional vibration sensors shall be located in or on the test item to
determine resonant frequencies and amplification factors. Locations to be
selected should include main structure, printed circui t boards, large

components, and modules, where practicable. The sensor sizes and weights
shall be 1imi ted so. that their effect on the dynamic responses being measured.
is minimal. Performance of test. The individual equipment test item shall be

subjected to broadband random .vfbration excitation with the power spectral
density envelope shown “in Figure 7. The test iternshal 1 be attached to the
vibration exciter according to Vibration shall be applied
sequentially along each of the three orthogonal axes of the test item. Two
test levels are required, a functional level and an endurance level. For each
axis, one half of the functional test shall be conducted first, then the
endurance test, followed by the second half of the functional test. The
equipment shal 1 perfotm according to the operating requirements as specified
in The acceleration power spectral density (g2/Hz) of applied
vibration, as measured on the test fixture at mounting points of the test
item, shall be as specified in Test times shall, for each axis, be ,
one hour each for functional and endurance levels. The instantaneous: random
vibration acceleration peaks may be 1imited to three times the nns
acceleration level. The power spectral density of the test control signal ‘
shal1 not deviate from the specified requirements by more than +100, -30
percent (+3, -1.5 dB) below.500 Hz and +100, -50 percent (*3 d8) between 500
Hz and 2,000 Hz except that deviations as large as +300, -75 percent (M5 dB)
shal1 be al lowed over a cumulative bandwidth of 100 Hz maximum, be~een 500
and 2,000 Hz. Tolerance levels in terms of dB are specified as:

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MI L-R-85664 (AS)

---- --- \
Vm -
d 0 I I
#’, I
# / I
/ I
o.% I
I I i
I 1 1
15 VAR 300 1000 2000

FIGURE 7. Randcm vibration envelope

dB = 10 Loglo W1

Where W1 = measured acceleration power spectral density in g2/Hz units, the

term WO defines the specified level in g2/Hz units. Confirmation of these
tolerances shal 1 be made by use of an analysis system providing statistical
accuracies corresponding to a bandwidth-time constant product, BT=50 minimum.
Specific analyzer characteristics shall be as specified below or equivalent,
subject to the 8T=50, minimum 1imi tation.

a. On-1 ine, contiguous filter, equalization/analysis system having a

bandwidth as follows:

B=25 Hz, maximum be bifeen20 and 200 Hz

B=50 Hz, maximum be b#een 200 and 1,000 Hz
B=1OO Hz, maximum between 1,000 and 2,000 Hz

b. Swept frequency analysis systems characterized as follows:

(1) Constant bandwidth analyzer.

(a) Filter bandwidth as follows:

B=25 Hz, maximum between 20 to 200 Hz

B=50 Hz, maximum between 200 to 1,000 Hz
B=1OO Hz, maximum between 1,000 to 2,000 Hz

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(b) Analyzer averaging time =T= 2 RC = 1 second, where T= true

averaging time constant

(c) Analysis sweep rate (linear) =

, ●
R= B or B* (Hz/second)

(2) Constant percentage bandwidth analyzer - :

(a) Filter bandwidth - pfc=one- tenth of center frequency

maximum ,(0.1 fc) where p=percentage and fc=analyzer center

(b) AnfYz: average time =T =50,


(c) Analysis sweep rate (logarithmic) =

(Hz/second), maximum, whichever is smaller

Digital. power spectral density analysis employing

quantiza tion techniques providing accuracies corresponding
to the above approach. Worst case axis. During the vibration testing, data shall be
obtained to identify the worst case axis for purpose of vibration screening
tests on production equipments. Test levels. For the purpose of the random vibration test, the
following test 1evels sfiall be used:

a. Functional Level -W. = 0.05 g2/Hz (8.5g rms minimum)

b. Endurance Level-W. = 0.12 g2/Hz (12.7g rms minimum)

4.4.6 Reliability qualification test. A reliability qualification test

may be included in the irst article tests. A maximum of six receiver- “
~ansmi tters shall be tested in accordance with MIL-STD-781 using the
reliability qualification test - mission profile in this specification. (See
Figures 8 and 9.) Each receiver-transmitter shal 1 have successfully completed
the normal burn-in and all equ~pment test (AET) prior tn the start of RQT.
The mission profile test cycle should begin at the “12 hour” point which is a
cold day ground stabilization (-54”C) prior to ground operation and flight in
a cold day. Randon vibration should be applied with the units hard-mounted
(without vibration isolators). The accept-reject criteria imposed shall be
those of MIL-STD-781, Test Plan IIIC, with the upper ‘test MTBF specified in

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-.. ,


-------- .. :..- ----- ~

“A A
z 3
IZWZ6 AL ISN3U lV/j, )7ds NO,LV#S,j,,V

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, ‘i

r-’ I




z -. .-4 .+

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4.4.7 Maintainability demonstration. A mai ntai nabi1ity demonstration for

intermediate level requirements shal1 be conducted in accordance wi th
MIL-STD-2084 and MIL-STD-471. Test Method 1, Test Plan B of MIL-STD-471,
shall be used.

4.4.8 Production receiver-transmitters. Receiver-transmitters supplied

under the contract shall respects, Including design, construction,
workmanship, performance a~daquali ty, be capable of successfully passing the
same tests as specified herein.

4.5 Quality conformance inspection. The contractor shall furnish all

samples and shall be responsible for accomplishing the quality conformance
tests. Al 1 inspection and testing may be under the supervision of the cus-
tomer representative. The contractor shall retain test data showing quanti-
tative resul ts for all quality conformance tests. Such tests shall be signed/
stamped by an authorized representative of the contractor or laboratory, as
applicable. Acceptance or approval of material during the course of manu-
facture shall not be construed as a guarantee of the acceptance of the
finished product. Quality conformance tests shal1 consist of the following:

a. Individual tests (see 4.5.1)

b. Manufacturing screening (see 4.5.2)

c. Sampling tests (see 4.5.3)

d. Reliability assurance tests (see 4.5.4)

e. Special tests (see 4.5.5)

4.5.1 Individual tests, Each receiver-transmitter submitted for

acceptance shal1 be subJected to the individual tests. The tests shall be
adequa~ to determine compl iante with the requirements of materials,
workmanship, operational adequacy and reliability. As a minimum, each
receiver-transmitter accepted shal 1 have passed the following tests:

a. Examination of product (see

b. Operational test (see Examination of product. Each receiver-transmitter shall be

examined care~ully to determine that the material and workmanship requirements
have been met. Operational test. Each receiver-transmitter shal1 be operated

long enough to permit the equipment temperature to stabilize and to check
sufficient characteristics and record data to assure specified equipment
opera tion.

4.5.2 ~g. The contractor shal1 subject each WRA ‘to

manufacturing screening/burn-in prior to undergoing sample tests or
reliabili ty assurance tests. Manufacturing screening/burn-in shal1 consist of
WRA random vibration and temperature cycling. An additional burn-in period
may be used at the option of the contractor. If an additional burn-in period

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is to be us.ed:the details thereof must be included in the approved test
procedurfiand must be the same for all equipment, including spare units.
—. WRA random vibration. Prior to conducting WRA temperature
cycling, each WRA shall have completed a 10-minute fai1ure-free vibration
screen at 6.lg rms. Power spectral density shal1 cover 20-2000 Hertz.
Pseudo-random vibration methods are acceptable. Vibration envelope is shown
in Figure 10. The test iternshall be hard mounted without vibration isolators -
and shal1 be operating throughout the test. WRA temperature cycling. Each WRA shal1 undergo 25 temperature

cycles betieen -54 ‘C he rate of temperature change between ex-
tremes shall be at le~t 5°C ~er minute. When the WRA temperature has stabi-
lized within 5°C or either temperature extreme, the WRA shall be soaked. Hot
soak at +71*C shall be two hours; cold soak at -54°C duration shall be one
hour. At the conclusion of each soak, the next temperature ramp shall begin.
The WRA shall be energized throughout temperature cycling except during the
cooldown period from +71°C to -54°C and during the 60 minute soak at -54”C..
In addition, the WRA shall be turned off for one minute at points 30, 60, and
9U minutes into each hot soak period. Receiver-transmitter performance shal1
be periodically checked during each cycle and repairs shall be made to correct
failures. The last five consecutive temperature cycles shal 1 be failure free.
One temperature CYC1e is defined as: operation at +71 “C for the 120 minute
hot soak (including three minutes “off”), non-operational cool down to -54”C,
60 minute non-operational CO1 d soak at -54°C, operational temperature increase
to +71”C.

Receiver-transmitters shall be -subjected to :

sam~~!~te~~tr.snsmitters selected for sampling tests shall first
have passed the individual tests. Receiver- transmitters wil 1 be-selected for ‘o
sampling tests by the government inspector in accordance with Table XV.

TABLE XV. Sampling test sample selection

Quantity of equipments Quanti ~ to be selected
offered for acceptance for sampling test

First 10 ,, 1

Next 50 1

Next 75 1

Next 100 , ,.,

L.. 1 for each additional 200 or fraction thereof

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MIL-R-85664 (AS)

— — —

— — — — /

— — — — —— — —— I — ——


20 80 350 2000


FIGURE 10. Manufacturing screening random vibration envelope (see

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MIL-R-85664 (AS)

Sampling tests are not required when reliability assurance tests are
conducted. Scope of sampling tests. As a minimum, each receiver-transmitter

selected for sampling tests shall be subjected to the foilowi ng tests:

a. Complete operational test at ambient room conditions, making all

necessary measurements to assure that al1 applicable specification ,.’
requirements have been met.
b. Operational test at certain environmental conditions. The
conditions may vary for each receiver- transniitter tested and should be based
on results of the first article, individual and special tests.

Ouring the reliability sample test specified in, each

failure ;~all be analyzed as to cause and remedial action necessary to reduce
the possibility of its recurring in future equipment taken.

4.5.4 Reliability assurance tests. A- reliability assurance test shall be

conducted using MIL-STO-781. lassiffcation of failure shall be in accordance
with 4.5.7.

, All equipment test. Each receiver- transmitter shall be tested as

specified in RTL-sTo-781 and modified herein. Temperature cycling and power
on/off CYC1 ing shall be in accordance with” Figure 9 and vibration in
accordance with Figure 8 are requi red. The equipment shall be subjected to 4
1/2 hours of random ,vibrati on with equipment operating during temperature
cycle 7, 8 or 9 and 4 1/2 hours of random vibration with equipment operating
during or after successful completion of the last two temperature cycles.
Each 4 1/2 hour random vibration period shall consist of three consecutive 90
minute cycles wi th three stepped levels in accordance with Figure 8, and
durations in accordance with Figure 9. Random vibration may or may not be
performed simultaneously with temperature cycling. Each receiver-transmitter
shall have successfully completed 10 minutes of failure free random vibration
as specified in 4.5.2 prior to the start of the test. Each equipment (WRA)
shall be tested for 125 equipment operating hours with the last two cycles
failure free and in addition, the last 4 1/2 hours of random vibration shall
be failure free. For determining MTBF ccmpl iance each equipment (WRA) shall
be tested separately as opposed to testing as an equipment system. The test
MTBF shall be as listed in To determine whether the MTBF is being
met at any time during the contract the operating time and the failures
therein (not counting any burn-in failures or burn-in operating time) shall be
totaled and the results compared with the reject 1ine of Test Plan XVIIIC of
MIL-STD-781. (Extend the 1ine as necessary to accommodate the data. ) These
totals shall accumulate so that at any. time the experience from the beginning
of the contract is included. At the conclusion of the month the test results
shal1 be submi tted to the customer. At any time that the current totals of
test hours and test failures plotted. on Test Plan XVIIIC curves show a reject
situation, the procuring activity shall be notified. The procuring activit#
reserves the right to stop the acceptance of receiver-transmitter at any time
that a reject situation exists pending a review of the contractors efforts to
improve the equipment, the equipment parts, the equipment workmanship, so that
the entire compilation will show other than a reject decision.

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MIL-R~85664(AS) Reliability sample test. When specified in the contract a

monthly sample test of equipments s%all replace the reliability test of Units shall be tested as specified in MIL-STD-781 as modified
herein. Temperature cycling and power on/off cycling are required and shall be
per Figure 9. Each sample equipment (MRA) shall be tested for 256 hours with
the last two cycles failure free.. For determining MT8F compliance each
designated equipment (WRA) shall. be tested separately as opposed to testing as
an equipment system. The MT8F for each designated equipment shal 1 be those
listed in To determine whether the MT8F is being met at any time
during the contract the operating test hours and the failures therein (not
counting any burn-in fail ures or burn-in operating time) shall be totaled and
the results compared with the reject 1ine of Test Plan IIIC of MIL-STD-781.
(Extend the 1ine as necessary to acconnnodate the data. ) These totals shall
accumulate so that at any one time the experience from the beginning of the
contract is included. At the conclusion of each month the test results shall
be made available to the procuring activity as specified in the contractual
data requirements 1ist. The sample size shall be based on the production
quantity of that equipment for the month as specified in Table XVI.

TA8LE XVI. Reliability test sample size

I Production Quanti ~ Sample Size

._-&L-U- Test details. Test details such as the performance criteria to
be measured, special faiTure criteria, preventive maintenance to be allowed
during the test, shall be part of the test procedures to be prepared and made
available by the contractor prior to the beginning of the reliability
assurance tests (see 6.2.2). Reliability assurance for spares and repair parts. Equipment,

components, or parts which are supplied as spares or repair parts shal1
receive a reliability screening test as specified in 4.7. Details of the
rel iability screening test to be performed shall be included in the
reliabili~ program plan, the drawing for the itern,and in the contractor’s
test procedures.

4.5.5 S ecial tests. When specified in the contract, special tests shall
be conducte-pose of checking the effect of any design or material
change on the performance of the receiver-transmitter and ta assure qual ity
control (see 6.2.1). The receiver-transmitter selected for special tests may
be selected from receiver-transmitter previously subjected to the sampl ing or
reliability tests. Special test schedule. Selection of receiver-transmitters for

special tests shall be made as foTlows:

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MI L-R-85664 (AS)

a. On an early equipment after an engineering or material change.

b. Whenever failure reports or other information indicate that

additional tests are required. (This wil 1 be determined by the procuring
activity. ) Scope of special tests. Special tests shal1 consist of such

tests as authorized by the procuring activity. Test procedures previously
approved for the first article tests shall be used where applicable. When not
applicable, the contractor shall prepare a test procedure and make it
available to the procuring activity for acceptance prior to conducting the
tests (see 6.2.2).

4.5.6 Equipment failure. Should a failure occur during either the

, sampling, rellabill ty quall~ication, reliability assurance or special tests,
the following action shall be taken:

a. Oetermine the cause of failure and the equipment BIT performance

in detecting and isolating the failure.

b. Oetermine if the failure is an isolated case or design defect or

pattern failure.

Prepare and make available to ttw procuring activity for review,

proposedc~orrec tive action intended to reduce the possibil ity of the same
component or BIT failure(s) occurring in future tests or documented
justification where no corrective action is proposed (see 6.2.2).

d. Where practical, include a test in the individual test to check

all receiver- transmi tters for this requirement until assurance is obtained
that the defect has been corrected.

4.5.7 Failure classification. Al 1 incidents occurring during reliability

assurance tests shall be classlff ed and reported as either relevant or non-
relevant in accordance with MI L-STO-2074 and MI L-STO-781. Only those
incidents classified as relevant failures shall be accountable for making an
accept/reject decision. Relevant failures. All test incidents shall be considered as

relevant failures unless determined to be non-relevant in accordance with the
criteria of MIL-STD-2074. Non-relevant failures. Al though non-relevant failures are not

used for reliability assurance test accept/reject decisions, all test article
incidents and equipment failures shall be recorded and reported (see 6.2.2).

4.6 Test procedures. The procedures used for conducting all tests
required by Section sfial1 be prepared by the contractor and made available
to the procuring activity for review and acceptance (see 6.2.2). The right is
reserved by the procuring activi ty or the government representative to modify
the tests or require any additional tests deemed necessary to determine
compliance wi th the requirements of the specification or the contract (see
6.2.1). MIL-T-18303 shall be used as a guide for preparation of test

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4.7 Testing of spares and repair parts. Equipment delivered as spare or

repair parts shall undergo acceptance tests to ensure that the iternsmeet
performance and reliabi1ity requirements not 1ess than those imposed in

● prodyc tion.

4.7.1 Weapons replaceable assemblies. All iterns to be delivered as

spares at the weapons replaceable assembTy (WRA) or higher level shall receive
performance, burn-in and reliability assurance tests connnensurate with that
afforded the original production equipment.

4.7.2 Shop replaceable assemblies. Al 1 iterns to be delivered as spares

at the shop replaceable assembly (SKAT or sub-SRA 1evel shal1 receive
functional checks and a burn-in under conditions and for a duration
coimnensurate with that imposed on that assembly in the original production.
Al 1 electronic be delivered as
component parts to I
rep~~~r~wive functional and burn-in screening tests equivalent
to those imposed for the nearest military standard part.

4.7.4 Test details. The details of acceptance tests to be performed on

SRA’s and WRA’ s supplied as spare or repair parts shall be incorporated into
item specifications and drawings.

4.8 Presubmission testing. No item, part, or complete equipment shall be

submitted until it has been previously tested by the manufacturer and found to
comply with al1 applicable requirements of this specification and the


5.1 General. Al 1 major units and parts of the receiver-transmitter shal1

be preser-ckaged, packed, and marked in accordance with MIL-E-17555 for
the level’ of shipment specified in the contract or purchase order (see 6.2.1).

5.2 Markin Shipments shall be marked in accordance with requirements

of MIL-ST DT’2-!#


6.1 Intended use. The receiver-transmitters specified herein are one

portion o~-182(V) radio system. The AN/ARC-182(V) is a variable
configuration of units using common modules that can be used to meet the prime
and back-up UHF voice plus prime UHF/VHF/AM/FM voice and data communication
requirements in any tactical aircraft. The variable configurations are
intended to provide direct physical replacement of AN/ARC-159(V) radios. They
are intended for production incorporation in new aircraft plus retrofi t in
selected aircraft.

6.2 Ordering data.

6.2.1 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents should specify the

fol1owi ng:

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a. Ti tie, number and date of this specification


If a first article inspection is not required (see 3.2, 6.3)

If reliability program is not to .be established by contractor (see

... ...

d. If receiver characteristics for main and guard receivers are not.

ta be the same (see .,:’

.. . . e. Test procedure modifications or additional’ tests, ‘if required (see


f. Selection of applicable levels of packaging and packing (see 5.1) ,.

Whether all Equipment Test or Reliability Sample Test is required

(see 4.5~~.1,

6.2.2 Data requirements. When this specification is used in an

acquisition which a DD Form 1423, Contract Data Requirements List
(CDRL ) the data requirements identified below wi 11 be developed as specified
by an approved Data Item Description (DD Form 1664) and delivered in
accordance with the approved Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423)
incorporated into the contract. When the provisions of DAR-7-104.9(n) are
invoked, and the DD Form 1423 is not used, the data specified below shall be
deli vered by the contractor in accordance with the contract or purchase order
requirements. Deliverable data required by this specification is cited in the
following paragraphs:
Paragraph Oata requirement title Applicable DIO option

4.4, 4.6 Procedure, First Article Inspection” DI-T-4901

4.4.1, 4.4.3 Report, First Article Inspection DI-T-4902 Procedures, Reliability Tests DI -R-7035 Procedures, Production/Acceptance

Inspection 01-T-4903

4.5.6c Plan, Failure Data Collection,

Analysis and Corrective Action UOI-T-23719 Report, Failure DI-R-4805

(Data item descriptions related to this.specification, and identified in

section 6 will be approved and 1isted a such in 000 5000. 19L., Vol . 11 AMSOL.
Copies of data iterndescriptions required by the contractors in connection
with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the Naval.
Publications and Forms Center or as directed by the contracting of ficer. )

Downloaded from

MIL-R-85664 (AS)

6.3 Options. The following options are available:

An additional burn-in period is allowable at the option of the

contract& (see 4.5.2).

b. Acceptance of equipment may be stopped any time a reject situation

exists in the All Equipment Test. This is at the option of the procuring
activity (see

6.4 First article. When a first article inspection is reaui red the itern
will be tested and should be a first article sample. The contracting officer
should include specific instructions in acquisi tion documents regarding
arrangements for examination test, approval, and disposition of the documents’
first article.

6.5 Associated equipment. The receiver-transmitter should operate with

the associated equipment listed in Table XVII which should not be supplied as
part of this equipment:

TABLE XVII . Associated equipment

Itern I Equipment Designation Military Specification

Intercommunications Sets AN/AIC-10, AN/AIC-14 MIL-I-22353

AN/AIC-18, AN/AIC-25 MIL-I -27543
C-6533/ARC MIL-C-55653
Microphones, Boom Mounted M-96A/A MIL-M-22179
1 1
Amplifiers, Audi o Frequency AM-3597 B/A MIL-A-23595
Antenna As-3191/A MIL-A-85670

Oirection Fi riderGroup
SA-521A/A with Selector
Antenna C-2193 B/A

AN/ARC-25 , AN/ARC-48
1===1 MIL-D-7030
AN/ARA-50 , AN/ARO-6987 MIL-D-3B402

Speech Security Equipment TSEC/KY -28 CSEEB-13

VHF Hcmi ng Indicater ID-1351/A SCS-405

Radio Set, Survival AN/PRC-90 MIL-R-81493

Night Vision Goggles AN/Pvs-5 MIL-N-4X165

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MIL-R-85664( AS)

TABLE. XVI 1. Associated equipment - Continued

Item ~~~ Equipment Designation Mi 1itary Specification

Indicator, Frequency/Channel ID-2121A/ARc .MIL-I-85671(AS)

ID-2229A/ARC MIL-I-85671(AS)
ID-2303/ARC MIL-I-85671(AS)

Control, Radio Set C-10319A/ARC MIL-C-85666

C-10776A/ARC MIL-C-85666
c-11131/ARc MIL-C-85666

Control, Radio Set C-10320A/ARC MIL-C-85674

c-lo777A/ARc MIL-C-85674
C-11132/ARC MIL-C-85674

Control Radio Set C-11128/ARC


Generator-Transmitter Group AN/ASA-76 MIL-G-81665

Switching Unit .... SA-2157AIARC MIL-S-85673 .,.

Preparing. Activity:
Navy AS ~
(Project 5821 -N174) ‘
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This appendix details the external control interface for the

Radf~~-l~~RC and associated data. Thfs appendix is
mandatory part of this specification. The information contained herein is
intended for compliance.




MIL-C-85666 Control, Radio Sets C-10319A/ARC, C-10776A/

ARC, C-11131/ARC



MIL-STD-1553 Aircraft Internal Time Division Multiplex

Data Bus


30.1 Parallel control 1ines. The receiver-transmitter shal1 interface

with other equipment in the system using the parallel lines of J2 as specified
in Table XVIII.

30.2 Serial data bus. The serial data bus shal1 be used to communicate
between the remote controls, indicators, and host receiver-transmitter. The
serial data bus shal 1 consist of a shielded twisted pair for the data bus and
a shielded twisted pair for the clock bus. The characteristics of the 1 ines
are specified in Table XIX (PirisJ2-J18, 19, 26 and 27). Further definition
of the serial interface is contained in MIL-C-85666. The receiver-transmitter
shall have capability of being operated as one of two receiver-transmitters
from one remote control unit via the slow speed bus.

30.3 Mux bus interface (MIL-STD-1553B). The receiver-transmitter shall

interface with he aircraft time ivlslon multiplex data bus as specified in
MIL-STD-1553. The receiver-transmitter shal1 provide dual (redundant) driver/
receiver interconnection directly to the 15536 Bus using the word structure
and protocol specified in MIL-STLI-1553B, except that the response time to a
val id transmit data conrnand shall be between the 1 imits of four and seven
microseconds using the test conditions specified in MIL-STO-1553. The message
format for the receiver-transmitter shall be as defined in Table XVII.

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TA8LE XVIII Receiver-transmitter power/control connector (J2)

interface characteristics ~/

0. 1/0 Function Character stics .

1 1553 :Tetiinal Ground=O, .Open=l, LS8 of 5 8it Address

Address AO

,3 1, Input Power +28 .VDC per MIL-STO-704C

150 watts maximum in transm’it
20 watts maximum in receive

1/0, System On/Off O to 7 VDC turns RT on, open. circuit

turns RT off. 25 MA current sink ~~
capabi 1ity required of external switch
if used. Open circuit OC resistance
shall be >100 KOHMS

I I Squelch Disable Ground or O VDC * 5 VDC “disables main

receiver squelch. Open,circuit enables
main receiver squelch.

I I ‘Tone Transmit Ground or O-VOC * 5 VDC keys trans----

mitter with 1000 Hz tone modulation.
..’ , :

I 1553 “~erminal
Open circuit

Ground=O, Open=l
for mot tone transmit..

,., :.
Address Al - .,,

1,9 I Ground Ground return for input power and

signal circuits.

10 ‘1 1553 Terminal Ground=O, Open=l

.Address AZ

[1 I External Sync Used with -have quick applique to strobe

data into RT-ground or O to * 0.5 VDC
no data transfer. ‘Open=data transfer.
., Pulse duration ~ 20 microseconds.
Function is used only in conjunction
with pin 41. 3.

12 I 1553 .~erminal Ground=O, Open=l .,.-,,

Address A3

13 1’ Guard “Precedence’ Ground or O t 5 VDC turns on RT to 243

MHz, open for normal operation. open
“circuit impedance shall be J lOOK Ohms.

1/ This Table indicates ncminal characteristics for specification 1imits see

— appropriate paragraphs, herein.

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MIL-R-85664( AS)

TABLE XVI II. Receiver-transmitter power/control connector (J2)

interface characteristics - Continued

10. I/0 Function haracteri sties

.4 I 1553 Terminal lround=O, Open=l, MS8 of 5 Bit address

Address A4

,5 I Receiver iround or O VDC * 1 VDC reduces

Sensitivity ‘eceiver sensitivity by 10 d8 in
‘requency range of 108 to 174 MHz.
)pen circuit for full sensitivity.

16 o UHF Band Indicator )pen CO11 ector transistor output

:apable of sinking up to 100 MA. At Eo
: 1 VDC for UHF mode. Open circuit in
ill VHF bands.

17 I X-Mode Audio lround or O VDC * 5 VDC for X-mode

Select iudio select. Open circuit for normal
]peration. 40 MA current sink
:apabi1ity required of external switch

18 I/0 Clock (HI) !ctive only when control information is

]eing sent, “1“=3.5 VDC to 5.5 VDC.
“0”=0 VDC to 1.0 VDC. 2.7K Ohm source
impedance, 22K load impedance. Line is
at “O” when not active.

19 I/0 Data (HI) Same as pin 18, except line is at “1”

#hen not active.

20 o ADF Indicator Same as pin 16 except ground (s1 VDC)

is provided when in AOF mode.

21 0 Homing Oirection Unbalanced DC meter drive current of

+100 microamp to +500 microamp for 25
degrees phase shift between homing
antenna ports. Load impedance=1000

22 I CASS/DICASS 0.5 vrnss for 90% AM modulation

23 o Low VHF-FM 8and Same as pin 16 except ground (<1 VDC)

is indicator provided for low VHF-FM
band operation.

24 0 Homing Flag Same as pin 16 except ground (<1 VDC)

is orovided when RT is in homiiigmode
and” signal strength is adequate-to
break squelch.

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TABLE XVIII . Receiver-transmitter power/control connector (J2~

interface characteristics - Continued

~ -ML Function Characteristics

25 I Take Control - Open ~circuit=RT under 1553 8US control.

Normal Ground=RT under remote control.

26 1/0 Clock (LO) Same as pin 18 except line is at “l”

when not active.

27 1/0 Oata (LO) , Same as pin 18 except 1ine is at “l’!

when not act ive. ✎
28 o AM Mode Indicator Same as pin 16 except ground (<1 VDC) ..’:.
is provided when RT is in AM mode.

29 0 Wideband Receive 0.25 VRMS to 8.3 VRMS into 20K Ohms +2,
-4 d8 from 30 Hz to 25 KHz.

30 I ;, Transmit Blanking Ground or O VDC *1 VOC inhibits ~~~‘

transmitter. Open enables normal .
transmitter control so

31 o ADF. Audio Out 4 VPP minimum into 20K Ohms; Freq

32 0 Equip Ready (HI)

response + 2 d8 from 50 Hz to 10 KHz.

5.VDC’ (H VOC) differential logic

33 0 Equip Ready (LO) “1’’=
pin-32 positive with respect to pin
33 (1553 interface ready)
pin 33 positive with respect to pin
32 (1553 interface not ready)

34 I Bandwidth Control Ground or O VOC *5 VOC=wideband open or

> 10 VOC=narrowband 5 MA current sink
capabi 1ity required of external switch

35 Spare

36 o Voice:.Output (150) High side of 150 Ohm balanced output.

Pin 44 is cannon side.

37 0 Voice Output (600) High side of 600 Ohm balanced output.

Pin 44 is comnon side.

38 0 Guard Low Level .15 VRMS to’ ;-45VRMS into 600 Ohm 1oad,
.,., output unbalanced.

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MIL-R-85664( AS)

TABLE XVI II. Receiver-transmitter ower/control connector (J2 )


w I
No. I/0 Function Characteristics

39 o Retransmit Contra Same as pin 16 except ground (<1 VOC)

is (key) provided when receive~ signal
strength is sufficient to break

40 I Retransmit Audio 6.5 VRMS into 1000 Ohms provide 90

In percent AM or f 5.6 KHz FM deviation.

41 I Take Control- Used for HAVE QUICK mode of operation.

Special Ground or O VOC * 1 VDC=HAVE QUICK
open= normal mode.

42 o Retransmit Audi o 6.5 VRMS * 1 VRMS into 1000 Ohms for 3(

out percent AM or * 2.4 KHz FM deviation
with 250 mkl output. Output impedance ,
60 Ohms max.

43 I Push to Talk (PTT Ground or O VDC * 5 VOC-transmitter I

keyed open or > 10 VOC=receive mode.

44 o Voice Output Common side of balanced ‘voice output.


45 0 Station Approach Unbalanced OC meter drive current of

150 microamps at input signal strength
of -30 dBm; load impedance=1000 Ohms.
O microamps at approx. -100 dBm.

46 0 GD. if AGC Test point - positive going voltage

between 1 VDC and 7 VDC for increasing
signal strength.

47 1 Mic Audio In (LO) Common side of microphone input.

Grounded in RT.

48 I Wideband Transmit 12 VPP * IV into 2000 Ohms produces 90

Audi o In percent AM or * 5.6 kHz FM deviation.

49 I Maritime Offset Ground or O VDC f 5 VOC causes RT to

operate in half-duplex mode with 4.6
MHz offset on selected frequencies in
the maritime band. Open or 10
VOC=nonnal simplex operation.

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MIL-R-85664( AS)

TABLE XVIII, Receiver-transmitter power/control connector (J2~

interface characteristics - Continued

No. 1/0 Function Characteristics ..-

50 - Spare

51 I- X-Mode Receive Deciphered audio from secure voice ~

Audio In equipment. 6.5 VRMS into 110 Ohms
requi red for 250 MW output. ...

52 0 Unattenuated Audio Same as pin 42. except is disconnected

out , from RT audio circuits when pin 17 is

53 I ,Mic Audio In (HI) Adjustable 0.25 VRMS to 1.5 VRMS for 90

percent AM or t 5.6 kHz FM deviation.
Input impedance= 175 Ohm * 25 percent
normally adjusted for 0.5- VRMS input.

54 - Spare . .

55 I Ground’ Chassis ground in RT . :, ...,.,

,. ●

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TABLE XIX. Receiver-transmitter message format


_COM.j T/R =0 L O,w. #1 O.W. *2 , STATUS
[ I [ 1



I -TYR.=! 1 1

r STATUS D.W. al O.w. #z

1 120MJ T/R =1)



TO RT-1250A
STATUS O.w. #l D.W. #2


=0) 1 O.w. #l O.w. *2





I COM(T/R=l)


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MI L-R-85664( AS)


.;\ i



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I 1.
1 x

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Downloaded from

MIL-R-85664( AS)

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Downloaded from

MI L-R-85664( AS)

TABLE XIX . Mode Control Conmand Message Formats

(Bus Control ler to RT-1250A) - Continued


SYNC ● * ● ● ● 1 OR o 0 0 1 0 P

01234567 89101112 13 14 15


SYNC ● * ● ● ● 1 OR o 0 1 0 0 P

01234567 8910 11 12 13 14 15


SYNC ● = . . ● 1 OR o 0 1 0 I P

0 1,23456789 101112131415


SYNC . ● ● ● ● 1 0 1 0 0 0 P

0123456 7891011 12 13 14 15

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INSTRUCTIONS: III . continuing ●ffort to make our stmdardzation documents better, the 00D protides thh form lot we in
submitting commenu and suggestions for improvements. AN u*- of military ctandardizstion documenb am invited to provide
mtwatiou. ‘Thiuform UUY be detiched. folded ●long the tin= indicated, Wed along the loose edge (00 NOT STAPLE),and
mailed. In block 5, be m spscific M pcaible about particular problem are- such u wording which mquifed interpretation, was
too rigid, mstrictire, loose, ambiguous, or WM incompatible, and give pm-d wording changes which woufd alleviata the

● problem. Enter in block 6 any remarlw not related to a specific paragmph of the document. If block 7 u fdfuf out, M
acknowledgement will IM mailed to you within 30 daya to let You know that your commenti were mceiwd and w bekng

NOTE: TIIit form may not be used torequest

copies of documentx, nor to wquect w~ivem, devhtkxw, or chrtficatkon of
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to waive my pcirtion of the referenced document(#) or to amend contractual requirements.


(Fold dow thti


,Fc.ld do”, th b 11..)


Commanding Officer NO ?OSTAOE

Naval Air Engineering Center N6CE8S4FIV
Systems Engineering Standardization Department
(sEsD), Code 93 UNITEO aTATEs
Lakehurst. NJ 08733


Commanding Officer
Naval Air Engineering Center
Systems Engineering Standardization Department
(SESD). Code 93
Lakehurst, NJ 08733
Downloaded from


(Sss’vctimu - R fverxSide)

[1-R-85664( AS 1 RerPivPr-Transmitter, on for


❑ us,”



❑ OT”fm,spdfy,: -


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