Project Cost Sample
Project Cost Sample
Project Cost Sample
Fresno Library
Feasibility Study
Fresno, California
Cynthia Ripley
Ripley Architects
1730 Franklin Street
Suite 103 1395 Garden Hwy
Oakland, California 94612 Suite 150
California 95833
Tel 916.444.5797
Fresno Library Fax 916.444.5799
Feasibility Study
Fresno, California
Dear Cynthia:
In accordance with your instructions, we enclose our Feasibility Study Cost Plan for the
project referenced above. Please note that these costs do not include any costs related to the
Galleria portion of the project.
We would be pleased to discuss these costs further with you at your convenience.
Peter Morris
DLA 128/1188
Fresno Library
Feasibility Study
Fresno, California
Ripley Architects
1730 Franklin Street
Suite 103
Oakland, California 94612
Page Nos.
Basis of Cost Plan 1
Inclusions 2
Exclusions 5
Project Cost Summary 6
Overall Summary 8
New Library Areas & Control Quantities 9
New Library Component Summary 10
New Library Component Budget 11
Sitework Areas & Control Quantities 17
Sitework Component Summary 18
Sitework Component Budget 19
Concept Design Cost Plan
Fresno Library DLA 128/1188
Feasibility Study August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
Conditions of Construction
The general contract will be competitively bid with qualified general and main
The general contractor will have full access to the site at all hours
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Fresno Library DLA 128/1188
Feasibility Study August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
The project consists of a new Library of approximately 250,000 gross square feet, with five stories
above grade and one below grade including associated sitework and utilities.
Construction consists of basement excavation and reinforced concrete spread footings.
Vertical Structure
Vertical structure includes steel braced frame construction, sprayed fireproofing at steel members.
Exterior Cladding
Exterior walls consists of precast concrete or metal panel cladding with insulated windows,
service and entrance doors, suspended plaster soffits.
Interior Partitions
Construction consists of metal stud framed partitions with sound insulation and gypsum board
surfacing, interior doors, interior window system with glass and wood panels.
Interior Finishes
Flooring includes raised access floor in core public areas, stone or wood flooring at Lobbies &
primary circulation areas, tile in restrooms, carpet and vinyl throughout the remaining areas. Wall
finishes include tile at restrooms, allowances for upgraded wall finishes and acoustical treatment
at Lobbies, Auditorium, and Meeting rooms. Ceilings are generally suspended acoustical tile and
gypsum board at lobbies.
Function Equipment
Equipment includes restroom partitions and accessories, shelving and book stacks, built-in
casework, interior signage and directories, window coverings, projection screens, miscellaneous
equipment and accessories.
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Fresno Library DLA 128/1188
Feasibility Study August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
Vertical Transportation
Construction consists of six traction elevators, steel framed stairs, main entrance stair, roof access
Plumbing includes sanitary fixtures, waste, vent and domestic service pipework, floor drains, hose
bibbs, elevator drainage systems, water heating equipment and booster pumps, roof drainage and
Electrical includes a new load interrupter switch and utility transformer, main switchboard, branch
transformers (K13 rated), transfer switches and emergency distribution, motor work, user
convenience panels and receptacles including whips in raised floor areas, lighting panels, fixtures
including display case lighting and switching, specialties including lighting control system,
daylighting control system, transient voltage surge suppression, raised floor power distribution
boxes, and clock system, telephone/data rough-in and wiring, communications pathways, public
address system, audio/visual rough-in, complete fire alarm system and rough-in for security.
Fire Protection
Fire protection includes automatic wet sprinkler system - complete with fire pump.
Site Preparation
Site preparation includes site grading, temporary erosion control, temporary paving, drainage and
protection of existing sitework during construction. An allowance is included for the clearance of
the site, based on an urban site, with 1 - 2 story buildings covering 50% of the site area
Site Development
Construction consists of vehicular and pedestrian paving, utility yard enclosure, trash enclosure,
landscaping and irrigation, site lighting and drainage.
Site Utilities
Construction includes domestic and fire water, sewer, gas, electrical transformer and diesel motor
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Fresno Library DLA 128/1188
Feasibility Study August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
This document is based on the measurement and pricing of quantities wherever information is
provided and/or reasonable assumptions for other work not covered in the drawings or
specifications, as stated within this document. Unit rates have been obtained from historical
records and/or discussion with contractors. The unit rates reflect current bid costs in the area. All
unit rates relevant to subcontractor work include the subcontractors overhead and profit unless
otherwise stated. The mark-ups cover the costs of field overhead, home office overhead and profit
and range from 15% to 25% of the cost for a particular item of work.
Pricing reflects probable construction costs obtainable in the project locality on the date of this
statement of probable costs. This estimate is a determination of fair market value for the
construction of this project. It is not a prediction of low bid. Pricing assumes competitive bidding
for every portion of the construction work for all subcontractors and general contractors, with a
minimum of 4 bidders for all items of subcontracted work and 4-5 general contractor bids.
Experience indicates that a fewer number of bidders may result in higher bids, conversely an
increased number of bidders may result in more competitive bids.
Since Davis Langdon Adamson has no control over the cost of labor, material, equipment, or over
the contractor's method of determining prices, or over the competitive bidding or market
conditions at the time of bid, the statement of probable construction cost is based on industry
practice, professional experience and qualifications, and represents Davis Langdon Adamson's
best judgment as professional construction consultant familiar with the construction industry.
However, Davis Langdon Adamson cannot and does not guarantee that the proposals, bids, or the
construction cost will not vary from opinions of probable cost prepared by them.
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Fresno Library DLA 128/1188
Feasibility Study August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
Compression of schedule, premium or shift work, and restrictions on the contractor's working
Library humidification/de-humidification
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Fresno Library DLA 128/1188
Feasibility Study August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
1. Site Acquisition
APurchase price of property
Costs incurred in escrow
EOther costs
2. Professional Fees
Programming fees $k97,191 1.0% 972
AArchitectural fees $k97,191 8.0% 7,775
Equipment & furnishings design/procurement $k7,480 12.0% 898
Telephone/Data planning 323,362 SF $1.50 485
Independent building commissioning $k97,191 1.0% 972
Printing plans and specifications and reimbursables $k97,191 1.0% 972
Legal advertising and special consultants $k97,191 0.5% 486
BProject management $k97,191 4.0% 3,888
4. Construction
ATotal building & sitework construction 97,191
Including escalation to a construction
start of July 2002 and design
contingency of 10%
Construction Management Fees $k97,191 3.0% 2,916
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Fresno Library DLA 128/1188
Feasibility Study August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
7. Contingencies
Construction change order $k97,191 5.0% 4,860
Project wide $k136,924 5.0% 6,846
9. Escalation
Escalation to mid point of construction
July 2009, at 4%/annum 83 MO 31% 46,075
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Fresno Library DLA 128/1188
Feasibility Study August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
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Fresno Library Feasibility Study DLA 128/1188
New Library August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
Enclosed Areas
Lower Level 65,000
Ground Floor 75,000
Second Floor 45,000
Third Floor 65,000
Fourth Floor 45,000
Fifth Floor 25,362
Control Quantities
Ratio to
Gross Area
Volumes 2,009,857 EA 6,215.502
Number of stories (x1,000) 6 EA 0.019
Gross Area 323,362 SF 1.000
Enclosed Area 320,362 SF 0.991
Covered Area 6,000 SF 0.019
Footprint Area 75,000 SF 0.232
Volume 4,955,430 CF 15.325
Basement Volume 325,000 CF 1.005
Gross Wall Area 160,181 SF 0.495
Retaining Wall Area 25,000 SF 0.077
Finished Wall Area 135,181 SF 0.418
Windows or Glazing Area 25.32% 40,554 SF 0.125
Roof Area - Flat 75,000 SF 0.232
Roof Area - Sloping 0 SF 0.000
Roof Area - Total 75,000 SF 0.232
Roof Glazing Area 5,000 SF 0.015
Interior Partition Length 22,425 LF 0.069
Finished Area 320,362 SF 0.991
Elevators (x10,000) 8 EA 0.247
Plumbing Fixtures (x1,000) 256 EA 0.793
Electrical Load 5,767 KW 17.833
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Fresno Library Feasibility Study DLA 128/1188
New Library August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
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Fresno Library Feasibility Study DLA 128/1188
New Library August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
1. Foundations
Basement excavation
Mass excavation 13,800 CY 6.00 82,800
Disposal of soil off-site, within 10 miles 12,000 CY 8.00 96,000
Structural backfill 1,800 CY 15.00 27,000
Shoring to sides of excavation 6,250 SF 35.00 218,750
Foundation systems
Reinforced concrete spread footings 323,362 SF 8.00 2,586,896
2. Vertical Structure
Slab on grade
Reinforced concrete 75,000 SF 6.00 450,000
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Fresno Library Feasibility Study DLA 128/1188
New Library August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
4. Exterior Cladding
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Fresno Library Feasibility Study DLA 128/1188
New Library August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
Roofing 75,000 SF 10.00 750,000
Custom fabricated skylight structures 5,000 SF 145.00 725,000
Partition surfacing
Gypsum board, taped & sanded 588,665 SF 2.25 1,324,497
Lobby/primary circulation 25,000 SF 12.00 300,000
VCT/Carpet 153,362 SF 4.00 613,448
Raised access floor 120,000 SF 12.00 1,440,000
Ceramic tile 10,000 SF 12.00 120,000
Sealed concrete 15,000 SF 1.00 15,000
Paint 623,292 SF 1.20 747,950
Special coverings 60,000 SF 6.00 360,000
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Fresno Library Feasibility Study DLA 128/1188
New Library August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
Gypsum board, taped & sanded, lobby/primary
circulation 25,000 SF 25.00 625,000
Gypsum board, taped & sanded 10,000 SF 8.00 80,000
Lay-in acoustic tile 298,362 SF 4.00 1,193,448
Soffits & risers 1 LS 250,000.00 250,000
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Fresno Library Feasibility Study DLA 128/1188
New Library August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
Primary circulation 8 EA 40,000.00 320,000
Interior stairs 12 EA 20,000.00 240,000
Traction, 6 stop 8 EA 145,000.00 1,160,000
Roof Drainage
Flat roof 75,000 SF 5.00 375,000
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Fresno Library Feasibility Study DLA 128/1188
New Library August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
HVAC system
HVAC system, VAV, with central chillers &
cooling tower, gas fired boiler, packaged air
handling units and terminal reheat 323,362 SF 30.00 9,700,860
Humidification NIC
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Fresno Library Feasibility Study DLA 128/1188
Sitework August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
Total Site area
Gross Site 150,000
Control Quantities
Ratio to
Gross Area
Gross Site Area 150,000 SF 1.000
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Sitework August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
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Fresno Library Feasibility Study DLA 128/1188
Sitework August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
Vehicular paving
Roadways 10,000 SF 10.00 100,000
Pedestrian paving
Entry courtyards 20,000 SF 8.00 160,000
New concrete paving 16,000 SF 6.00 96,000
Steps & Ramps 1 LS 50,000.00 50,000
Site drainage
Paved areas 46,000 SF 3.00 138,000
Landscaped areas 29,000 SF 0.50 14,500
Site structures
Trash/generator enclosures 2 EA 45,000.00 90,000
Miscellaneous site furnishings & structures 1 LS 40,000.00 40,000
Sanitary sewer
Pipe, 8" 200 LF 42.00 8,400
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Fresno Library Feasibility Study DLA 128/1188
Sitework August 29, 2002
Fresno, California
On site connections 200 LF 100.00 20,000
Electrical systems
Conduit & Wire, 12KV 200 LF 150.00 30,000
Connections & terminations 1 LS 25,000.00 25,000
Emergency generator & switch, 750 KVA 1 EA 280,000.00 280,000
Ductbank with fiber 200 LF 90.00 18,000
Connections & terminations 1 LS 25,000.00 25,000
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