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The key takeaways are that using local and natural building materials with local labor can provide sustainable housing solutions while supporting communities culturally and economically.

The text discusses using local vegetation and geological resources for building materials and emphasizing manpower as the primary energy source. Techniques like rammed earth walls are also mentioned.

Involving local craftspeople can encourage social justice by ensuring small and medium businesses benefit rather than just large industry. It can also help maintain cultural diversity and identity as techniques are adapted to the local area.

Simply local

Anna Heringer

Creating a dwelling by hand and using the natural materials certain days, helped to encourage a responsible attitude
from the immediate surroundings is a skill that has been towards the use of available resources. Such rules for
practised for thousands of years and one that goes back to bamboo still exist in Bangladesh today.
prehistoric times. Now and in the future it will be necessary
to revive this skill in order to enable the world’s growing Maximizing the endogenous potential
­population to have access to sustainable housing and living Building with natural materials does not imply a standstill in
conditions. building history or a romanticizing of the past, during which
It frequently happens that projects are planned and com- resources were often exploited. From a pragmatic viewpoint,
pleted without the planners ever having been at the place however – in order to, for example, be independent from
of construction. With the help of satellite images from the oil and other world market prices – it simply makes sense
internet, they analyse the site and the neighbourhood, read to work with resources that are naturally available on site.
climate data into a simulation programme and prepare plans Moreover, the increased employment of skilled tradespeople
without ever having experienced the climate in person. To encourages social justice, because it ensures that small and
planners, it may seem simple and economical to deliver medium-sized businesses benefit rather than large-scale
­generalized concepts to various places around the world, industry. Finally, the completed building demonstrates wilful-
and to provide technologically standardized solutions in ness and is tailored to the user, the surroundings and the
which local craftspeople are involved as little as possible in ­climate at the given location. This process, however, requires
order to ensure high quality from a distance. But who profits a further development of architectural expression in line
from this way of doing things? How does the region benefit? with the requirements of today’s society, and a continuous
What effect does this approach, which is focused on stand- improvement in building techniques.
ardized, industrially prefabricated products, have on the These objectives are best illustrated by earth, one of the
ecosystem and on cultural diversity? oldest building materials known to man. The material meets
more needs than virtually any other. It has a positive influ-
Alongside the development of good, durable architecture, ence on room acoustics, absorbs odour, regulates room
planners should see it as their task to improve inadequate humidity, is impeccable from an ecological point of view,
living conditions at the same time as maintaining the ecologi- and, in its great variability, is even aesthetically pleasing.
cal balance, supporting social justice and encouraging For the conversion of an old blacksmith’s shop to a cinema
­cultural diversity. Building with natural, local materials and in the Swiss town of Ilanz, the two architects Gordian Blu-
energy resources with the involvement of local inhabitants menthal and Ramun Capaul used earth in a contemporary
presents itself as a possible and realistic approach to the fashion to demonstrate, refreshingly, how complex technical
problem, one that has been successfully tried and tested for requirements can be solved with the simplest of means
centuries. (figs. 2 – 4, p. 52).
Matter, energy and information are the three components of In the 1980s, Rudolf Olgiati, the father of the architect Valerio
every creative endeavour. Materials drawn from local vegeta- Olgiati, converted the 19th-century building into a residential
tion and geological resources, and manpower as the most and commercial complex. Then, in 2004, the local film club
important energy source, have for centuries been the basis moved into the rear part of the building, a former blacksmith’s
for building. and later wine shop. Public interest in the cinema was tested
Even if the materials and the energy derived mainly from in these provisional rooms for a period of two years, after
local resources, the know-how – the information – was not which the members of the film club made up their minds to
necessarily limited to a certain location. Thanks to traditions invest in a conversion. Because their budget was tight, the
of learning trades and taking to the road or travelling journey- club members fell back on their own resources: they volun-
men, the essence of craftsmanship and building know-how teered to lend a hand. For this reason, it was necessary to
spread to different regions of the world. The know-how was restrict the design to technically simple solutions, which the
always adapted to the available building materials and the film club members would be able to accomplish without any
local climate. This resulted in the development of a local previous knowledge or training.
identity and building culture, which then continued to evolve. By using target-oriented and extremely subtle measures,
Rules, for example, which only permitted trees to be felled on the architects succeeded in maintaining the special, rugged

flair of the rooms, while meeting the demands of a modern
cinema. Because the upper floors of the building accommo-
date apartments, the rooms of the film club – particularly the
cinema and the bar with a small stage – had to be provided
with good soundproofing.
Finally, under the guidance of clay building expert Martin
Rauch, the laypeople developed the building with earth
from Surrein, a tributary valley in the region (fig. 4). The
­room-in-room construction with an infill of local sheep’s wool
made of 16-centimetre-thick rammed earth walls with a
porous texture dampens even low frequencies. The rounded
corners not only have a sound-damping effect; they also
enhance, together with the surface feel of the earth, the
archaic appearance of the room (figs. 2, 3). Wall-heating
2 pipes of 8 millimetres in diameter were integrated into the
lower wall sections to provide the cinema with a comfortable
temperature. The structure of the material created by the way
in which the earth was rammed into the formwork (giving it an
effect similar to geologic stratification) and the closed nature
of the descending cinema hall give visitors the impression
they are entering a natural earth room.
Earth is capable of keeping the air humidity of rooms at a
constant level of around 50 per cent throughout the year,
which has a major impact on thermal comfort. Because the
construction can breathe, it was not necessary to install a
technically sophisticated ventilation system. The floor and
ceiling are also made of earth, which creates a very harmo-
nious appearance with a calming effect and provides a
­powerful contrast to the moving pictures. The cinema in Ilanz
shows how a sensitive design approach, pragmatic technical
3 solutions, a meaningful selection of materials from the local
surroundings, and personal initiative can help to create a
successful cultural attraction. Its fame extends beyond the
small town to the whole region, proving that modern technical
requirements can be fulfilled with local low-tech solutions.
This extremely sustainable approach highlights a strategy
that could also be applied in developing countries. The cur-
rent trend in the sustainability debate, which is reflected, for
example, by the various certification systems (DGNB, LEED,
etc.), is moving towards a reliance on high-tech solutions.
Only a minority of the world population is actually able to
afford this. Sustainability can and should not be exclusive.

Upgrading everyday matters

Using local resources to create good architecture with a
­positive, sustainable impact initially involves building up trust
in these materials and increasing their appreciation. This can
be achieved by taking great care in the development of the
building, by creating a unique design, by applying logic
to the functions and technical installations, by letting local
inhabitants participate, and by giving the building concept
true meaning. The two latter aspects, in particular, have a
bearing on the simplicity of building. The building concept
and the technical installations must be sufficiently easy to
comprehend and execute that anybody is able to replicate
them, and that they maintain their validity in a sustainable
way, no matter how many times they are repeated.
Precisely this strategy was the basis for the DESI (Dipshikha
Electrical Training Institute) project, a vocational school for
electrical training in a village in northern Bangladesh [1]. The
locally available natural building materials are mainly earth
and bamboo. Even though the inhabitants have been build-
4 ing with these materials for decades, the existing building

practices are poorly developed and the building stock in
the region’s villages is in a bad state of repair, as is clearly
evidenced by damp walls riddled with rat trails and a house
life expectancy of about ten years. This raises the question
of why the building practices appear to be so little developed
and why they have not been improved over the years. The
answer could perhaps lie in the theory that people only
develop what they cherish. Not until they have learned to
appreciate an object’s value are they willing to invest time
and passion in making it better than it was before. Often,
earth only has the status of dirt, which is simply slapped
together to form walls. An earth building is frequently
regarded as a temporary solution until sufficient funds
are available to invest in more expensive materials, such
as fired brick or cement. 5
The focus of the project is twofold. Firstly, it aims to “refine”
the local materials through craftsmanship in order to promote
their appreciation; secondly, it seeks to improve the local
building techniques in terms of their durability and thermal
comfort. The building constructed together with craftspeople
from the village in 2008 consists mainly of bamboo and earth
(fig. 5). Only minor changes were made to the traditional
building practices, albeit ones that are extremely beneficial
to the life expectancy of the building. A masonry foundation
slab with a damp-proof course consisting of two layers of PE
foil has replaced the conventional earth foundation. Straw
mixed into the earth functions as reinforcement for the walls.
In contrast to conventional earth building practices, the for-
mation of cracks is therefore largely prevented and, thanks to
the optimized material mix, the surfaces can remain as they
are without plaster. 6
Since the bamboo joint most commonly used in Bangladesh
would not have been adequate for the required ceiling span
of 5.5 metres, a new joint for three bamboo poles (fig. 6),
which is based on the traditional cross joint and strengthened
with iron pins, was designed to replace the old one [2]. In
case some parts of the construction need to be replaced, the
new joints can easily be taken apart and the bamboo can be
A thermal simulation performed during the planning phase
highlighted the need for insulation beneath the rear-ventilated
corrugated sheet metal roofs. It also confirmed that single
glazing, otherwise unusual in these regions, and simple
cross-ventilation combined with the appropriate orientation
and positioning of windows, would suffice to ensure a com-
fortable room climate throughout the year [3].
Coir fibre has replaced the conventional insulation material.
The fibre layer is 25 centimetres thick and positioned loosely
on a substructure made of bamboo and an 8-centimetre-thick
layer of earth at a distance of approximately 30 centimetres 1 Vocational school for electrical training (DESI), Rudarpur (BD) 2008,
Anna Heringer
below the sheet metal roof. Some of the cob wall surfaces have been left as they were, others have
In Bangladesh, the skill of creating something aesthetic been smoothed with a red earth plaster. The covered exterior space just
with the simplest of means is usually confined to the small outside the classrooms is often used by the apprentices for practical
scale. There, everyday objects such as baskets and bow
2 Cinema Sil Plaz, Glion/Ilanz (CH) 2010, Capaul & Blumenthal Architekten
nets are skilfully made pieces of wickerwork. These tech- Club members tackle the work together: not only does their participation
niques have been used in a modified form and on a larger have a positive effect on the costs, it also creates an added social value.
scale to produce a decorative bamboo wicker facade on the 3 The heaviness of the rugged earth walls and the ethereal lightness of the
film projections give the cinema a unique atmosphere.
first floor, which at the same time functions as fall protection 4 The rounded corners and the rough surface of the rammed earth provide
(fig. 7, p. 54). good room acoustics and eliminate the need for acoustic panels in the
The colourful fabrics that the local villagers often suspend cinema.
5 East view of the vocational school for electrical training (DESI)
from the ceilings of their earth houses, especially above
6 Day labourers from the village were trained as bamboo farmers for the
beds, were a further inspiration. On the veranda, finely DESI project. Now, they are being employed for other projects, even as
woven, semi-transparent fabric panels have been fixed far away as the capital city.

7 8

beneath a transparent roof skin made of corrugated polycar- this material and broadens the range of potential applica-
bonate sheets and a shade-giving wicker weave of dried tions. Here, geothermal cooling systems have been incorpo-
palm leaves to create an atmospheric, colour-suffused space rated into the structures surrounding the classrooms. Simple
(fig. 8). vertical moulds are set into each layer of rammed earth ele-
Visitors have nicknamed the building “the Bamboo Palace”. ments. These are offset slightly towards the top of the walls to
They were amazed to see that it is possible to create some- create hollow cores, which, with the help of fans, provide the
thing that looks so precious simply by using the everyday rooms with cool air. Solar panels supply the energy required
material bamboo. The intention of the DESI project is to to drive the fans.
encourage local residents to improve their own, often very For the poorer locals, who, for instance, have no access to a
humble homes with conventional everyday means. crane, even minor technical improvements are important. For
this reason some parts of the project, such as the exhibition
The search for appropriateness area, are rammed by hand in the traditional manner. The
Technology alone will not be able to compensate for an improvements here are based on the use of systemized form-
excessive consumption of resources. However, increased work elements, greater care given to the mix of materials, a
efficiency can temper resource use. The Training Centre for foundation slab with damp-proofing, and increased structural
Sustainability, near Marakkech, is seeking exactly this kind stability thanks to the introduction of ring beams. Morocco
of synthesis: a type of construction that is based on a wide has a rich cultural heritage with architecture embodying a
range of traditional crafts in Morocco and supplemented strong local identity. Building locally means learning from this
by modern technology in matters of energy production and heritage and applying the accumulated knowledge to today’s
efficiency. needs.
The aim of the design and concept of the training centre is
the transformation of readily available natural resources into An eye for the essentials
architecture with a strong local identity, using the smallest Every decision with regard to a building technique should
possible amount of energy and providing the largest possible reflect who is going to benefit from the completed develop-
benefit for the local population (fig. 10). It is about the further ment. At university, the syllabus should include practical
development of traditional know-how and building practices experience in manual crafts in order to increase awareness
making use of different levels of technology, chosen accord- of the consequences that derive from choice of material or
ing to their usefulness and replicability. The predominant construction method. The fact is that one designs differently,
building material in this project, rammed earth (fig. 11), is in a more responsible way, with materials that have been fully
employed using a variety of techniques, ranging from low- understood. Richard Sennett writes in his book The Crafts-
tech to high-tech. Rammed earth is a labour-intensive build- man: “We can achieve a more humane material life, if only
ing technique. In countries with a vast number of unem- we better understand the making of things.” [4]
ployed youths, it offers good and creative work to counteract A construction method that, through better workmanship,
the potential build-up of aggression. makes perfect use of local materials, supplemented by a
Research on site revealed that the construction material sensible application of new technologies, can function as a
earth, which was formerly used for buildings of all sorts global long-term model for sustainable building. The Vorarl-
and sizes, is nowadays reverted to only for the construction berg region in the western part of Austria is a prime example.
of fencing walls and dwellings in poor, mainly rural areas. The combination of outstanding craftsmanship and intelligent
Alongside good, contemporary role model buildings, use of technologies for energy efficiency enhance the value
improved building techniques are required to reintroduce of the abundant local building material, wood. The architec-
earth as an appropriate material for modern building. The ture is characterized by a feeling for the material, shows
material is often not applied in today’s projects because pragmatism in its design for easy use, and is frequently
of the long construction periods required by this traditional ­participative in the development process.
technique. In this project, traditional know-how is supple- On a very personal level, the subject “simply local” can
mented by modern technology in order to meet the needs be translated as “simply yourself”. In his hierarchy of needs,
of today’s society for safety and comfort. Local prefabrication the psychologist Abraham Maslow puts “self-actualization” on
of earth elements increases the speed of construction using the top level (fig. 9). Physically creating something, applying

  7 Decorative wickerwork as a permeable room enclosure, DESI
  8 The veranda on the first floor of the training centre is a favourite place
for many children. It is used as an extended living room, kitchen and
workspace, and for the morning assembly before school starts.
  9  Hierarchy of needs according to Abraham Maslow
10 Working model of the Training Centre for Sustainability, Marrakech
(MA) 2013, Anna Heringer, Martin Rauch, Elmar Naegele, Ernst Waibel
in cooperation with Salima Naji
The sculptural shape is inspired by two Moroccan archetypes:
the rural ksar and the urban medersa (madrasa).
11 The earth excavated for the training centre’s foundations is sieved and
then used to make rammed earth walls. 9

your own creative potential to achieve the desired product,

increases satisfaction and happiness. In its implementation,
this philosophy implies minimizing the use of external energy
resources in everyday life and replenishing this “energy loss”
with skilful creativity. The will to create something oneself
automatically restricts the quantity, as time and energy
resources are simply not infinite. The little that one is able to
produce, though, is meaningful from beginning to end and
therefore purer and more easily comprehensible.
The same lesson can be learned in building. Being restricted
to a few locally available resources can, in a way, be liberat-
ing and can spark creativity. If something does not work, it
cannot simply be replaced by another technology or material.
A small choice of materials and the craftspeople’s skills are
givens, and the process is about what the planner can pro-
duce in conjunction with the craftspeople using the resources
available. Developing a design from only two materials (e.g.
earth and bamboo) means fully committing to the character
of the materials and giving them one’s entire focus. What
results from this is an identity that – so long as the project
is based on a concept that adds to the building culture –
refers uniquely to the place and the builder, and that, ideally,
can be considered architecture (see “Schools in Mozam-
bique”, pp. 61ff.). 10
Matter, energy and information – what is it that unites all three
and gives objects their individual character? More than any-
thing else, it is a deep regard for and commitment to a place,
including its socio-cultural factors, the developers, the users
and the ecosystem. This approach makes it possible to
create unique architecture that honours the human scale and
human means as well as the special qualities of the location.

[1] Financed by Shanti-Partnerschaft Bangladesh e.V., Shanti Schweiz
and Omicron; clients: Dipshikha (Non-formal Education Training and
Research Society for Village Development)
[2] The joints were originally developed by the carpenter and wicker
maker Emmanuel Heringer for the METI school in Rudrapur and by
Dr Christof Ziegert at TU Berlin.
[3] Energy analysis and consulting: Oskar Pankratz
[4] Sennett, Richard: The Craftsman, London 2008, p. 8 11


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