A Day For Entrepreneur Brief
A Day For Entrepreneur Brief
A Day For Entrepreneur Brief
In this competition, the participants will have a unique opportunity to prepare a complete business plan
and present in front of Professionals, Industrialists and Investors. This competition is designed to test
the entrepreneurial Skills of the participants to the ultimate limit.
Each team are required to prepare a business plan within 1 million PKR. This battle will have teams
working on Innovative of business plan, how innovative and profitable business is and how they design
their business plan and present in front of audience & Judges.
Things to remember:
Your business plan should be within PKR 1 Million (10 Lac)
Make a business plan which is innovative and profitable in future.
Your business plan should satisfy the need of people of targeted segment.
Note: The CBC management has the right to change the qualifying number of teams and requirements at any
time of the event. For any further queries or information feel free to contact.
Best of Luck