Approach Safety: Peter Vittek
Approach Safety: Peter Vittek
Approach Safety: Peter Vittek
02 ISSN 1805-7578
Approach Safety
Peter Vittek
Laboratory of Aviation Safety and Security
Department of Air Transport, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague
Horská 3, Praha 2, 128 03, Czech Republic
Abstract—Safety and approach are two areas which are very runway. It consists of four flight phases. The most important
important in aviation. Their mutual link is also one of one is the final approach, which, together with landing, is the
contemporary very important challenges that aviation faces. This most dangerous phase of flight. This is shown in Figure 1.
article deals with an overview of the current situation in this
area. The consequences of the hazard of this phase of the flight
will vary based on the used approach system, which indicates a
Keywords-Aviation safety, approach, safety indicators great influence on the safety. It is dependence, which should
not be so serious due to actual setting of regulations.
There are several types of approach. Their current
I. INTRODUCTION nomenclature is changed thanks to ICAO PBN manual 4th
Aviation safety is an area, to which is given increasing edition. Comparison of old and new nomenclature is in Table
attention, despite the negative attitude of various stakeholders 1.
from aircraft operators to the supervising authorities. Current
solutions, examining and assessing of aviation safety is TABLE I. PBN NOMENCLATURE
provided by means of safety studies that are being developed to
all changes introduced in the aviation sector. Approach
At present, there is an effort to optimize the growth of Old name New name
aviation as one important transport segment. This should be Precision approach 3D approach
achieved by allowing the introduction of IFR operations at
uncontrolled aerodromes in uncontrolled airspace. Although Approach with vertical 3D approach
these procedures are normally used in the world, it is a novelty guidance
in the Czech Republic, which must be tested first. [11]
Non-precision approach 2D approach
Approach to landing is the final phase of the flight, when
the aircraft is guided from the arrival route to a landing on the
9 ISSN 1805-7578
Figure 3. SAHARA
A. Safety Study
Given the need for maintaining safety it is required to
create a safety study for every change that will value whether
the future state will be acceptably safe. From the perspective of
risk management, it appears to be most appropriate that the
newly introduced change will maintain the level of safety,
respectively it will increase it.
However, safety study is only a backing material for
decision-making and it is in no way binding. This is defined by
the fact that only in ideal condition there would be possible to
Figure 2. ALARP create two safety studies by independent subjects with the same
conclusion. In fact, the conclusions will undoubtedly vary and
More generally from the social perspective, this safety is sometimes even quite dramatically.
dealt with acceptable level of safety (ALoS), which is required Therefore, the essence of the safety study is not a final
to define by the state in its State Safety Programme (SSP). The safety evaluation, but proposed safety requirements and safety
state should for all segments of aviation define measurable recommendations. It is also possible to use the safety study as a
indicators and target levels that must be achieved. The main basis for the creation of additional barriers that would increase
purpose of issuing SSP is reaching ALoS. safety. [15]
Achieving and maintaining ALoS can be problematic due
to the system, which will ensure it. From the beginning, it is
necessary to determine the reasonable values of ALoS, for As already mentioned, IFR operations at uncontrolled
which are mostly used safety indicators. When the safety aerodromes are a common phenomenon in the world. In the
indicators are nation widely determined, they must met two Czech Republic there are such procedures till now unused, so it
essential conditions. They must be look at from the availability is necessary to ensure the level of safety during the transition
point of view, respectively there must be enough data from the from the current state without IFR operations at uncontrolled
aviation stakeholders for their assessment, so that the indicator aerodromes to the new one.
is conclusive. At the same time, the indicators should apply for
The introduction of IFR operations at uncontrolled
various types of stakeholders.
aerodromes must resolve several key areas [10] such as:
In the case of an incorrect setting of an acceptable level of
safety (ALoS), the aviation stakeholders could deviate from 1) Airspace class/type
safety management to ALARP value and use the opposite From the airspace point of view, there must be addressed
system SAHARA (Set As High As Regulations Allow, Figure airspace class selection, minimums setting or other additional
3). Basically it is the same model of risk management, but the rules. [1], [6], [17], [19]
value of ALARP is moved to greater risks. This approach may 2) Approach type
not be detectable by anyone and neither the regulator may be For small uncontrolled aerodrome, transformation from
able to detect it. VFR to IFR traffic is very substantial benefit, largely thanks to
allowing scheduling of flights at the aerodrome with a high
10 ISSN 1805-7578
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