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[Article] Risk Assessment Techniques for Civil Aviation Security

Original Citation:
Tamasi G.; Demichela M. (2011). Risk Assessment Techniques for Civil Aviation Security. In:
RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, vol. 96, pp. 593-599. - ISSN 0951-8320
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Risk Assessment Techniques for Civil Aviation Security
Galileo Tamasia. Micaela Demichelab

This is the author post-print version of an article published on

Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 96, pp. 593-599,
2011 (ISSN 0951-8320).
The final publication is available at
This version does not contain journal formatting and may contain
minor changes with respect to the published edition.
The present version is accessible on PORTO, the Open Access
Repository of the Politecnico of Torino, in compliance with the
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Copyright owner: Elsevier.

Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile – Direzione Progetti, Studi e Ricerche
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Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica
Politecnico di Torino
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Following the 9/11 terrorists attacks in New York a strong economical effort was
made to improve and adapt aviation security, both in infrastructures as in airplanes.
National and international guidelines were promptly developed with the objective of
creating a security management system able to supervise the identification of risks
and the definition and optimisation of control measures.
Risk assessment techniques are thus crucial in the above process, since an incorrect
risk identification and quantification can strongly affect both the security level as the
investments needed to reach it.
The paper proposes a set of methodologies to qualitatively and quantitatively assess
the risk in the security of civil aviation and the risk assessment process based on the
threats, criticality and vulnerabilities concepts, highlighting their correlation in
determining the level of risk.
RAMS techniques are applied to the airport security system in order to analyse the
protection equipment for critical facilities located in air-side, allowing also the
estimation of the importance of the security improving measures vs. their

Keywords: Civil Aviation Security, Airport Security, Risk Assessment, RAMS,

Terrorist threats

1. Introduction
The terrorist attack of September 11th 2001, observed from a socio-economic,
cultural and political point of view, had a tremendous negative impact on air transport
never seen before in aviation, unparalleled in history [1,2,3].
Proper measures have soon been taken following the considerations emerged after the
attacks and most of they are listed in the seventh edition of Annex 17 of the Chicago
Convention of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) [4,5]. Annex 17
is the key document concerning aviation security and is the primary Annex for
security-related Standards and Recommended Practices.
ICAO realised immediately the urgency and the need for restoring the integrity of the
aviation system and met representatives from 32 nations to discuss new security
measures. The ICAO has then implemented 66 security standards and 16
Recommended Practices (SRPs) and has recommended the Universal Security Audit
Programme (USAP). USAP programme promotes global aviation security through
the auditing of Contracting States on a regular basis to determine the status of
implementation of ICAO Annex 17 security Standards.
Since 9/11, new measures have been taken in order to protect the aircrafts from
hijacking and sabotage threats and new preventive methodologies have been
developed to prevent actions which could threaten the aircraft security.
Other methods and innovative procedures are being developed to improve the airport
security system and to protect it from new threats, such as the Laser Beams which
could blind the pilots, the use of Hand Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS)
and explosives which could shoot down the aircraft during the landing or take-off

The heads of the aviation industry, such as ACI, IATA, IACA, Airbus and Boeing
have formed the Global Aviation Security Audit Group (GASAG). They strongly
affirm that the security of the aviation (AVSEC) is not only a responsibility of the
civil aviation industry, but also is a security problem of the nations. They have also
underlined the importance of government bodies and of the intelligence in the control
of the new emerging threats.
New countermeasures was suggested, included hundred per cent baggage screening,
explosives detection, biometric identification of passengers and, maybe, remote
check-in, risk based threat perception analysis and identification of non-risk
passengers instead of the rarer risk-passenger, as well as in-flight measures like using
Sky Marshals, strengthening cockpit doors and cabin monitoring from within the
cockpit [6-11].
Thus far, carrying arms has been banned, but the possibility of arming, or at least
training the crew, in unarmed combat is being seriously considered. Research is also
on going to improve the efficacy of some of these countermeasures.
After 9/11 greater attention has been paid to what is established in the Annex 17 in
the field of the security programs. Particularly, the concepts of threat assessment and
risk management have been underlined. Both concepts lead to a basic methodology
able to face effectively the threats addressed to the civil aviation system.
In the restricted Doc ICAO 8973 [12], the methodologies of threat assessment and
risk management are outlined. These methodologies have both an analytical and
semi-quantitative approach based on numerical scores. However, other
methodologies can be applied in aviation security and they will be delineated later in
the present paper.

2. Risk management and risk assessment for airport security

The current security measures in world airports cannot assure total protection against
every typology of threats, but an effective risk management approach can prepare
better against acts of terrorism [13,14]. The security risk management is an analytical
and systematic process which allows the evaluation of the probability of a threat to
result in a negative action towards an infrastructure, people or critical functions of the
airport system. Risk management principles acknowledge that while risk generally
cannot be eliminated, enhancing protection from known or potential threats can
reduce it.
The risk management allows the detection of actions which could reduce the risk and
mitigate the consequences of an attack. The risk management allows to implement
and to maintain efficient over time all countermeasures, gradually reducing the risk,
in view of a constant improvement, within acceptable values.
A good risk management approach includes risk assessment composed by three
primary elements: a threat assessment, a vulnerability assessment, and a criticality
A threat assessment identifies and evaluates threats based on various factors,
including capability and intentions as well as the potential lethality of an attack.
A vulnerability assessment is a process that identifies weaknesses that may be
exploited by terrorists and suggests options to eliminate or mitigate those weaknesses.
A criticality assessment is a process designed to systematically identify and evaluate
an organization’s assets based on their values, the importance of its mission or
function, the group of people at risk, or the significance of a structure.
After the evaluation of the effectiveness of the security controls, the risk assessment
allows the evaluation of the potential effects resulting from threats, with reference to
each vulnerable area. The risk assessment, therefore, is performed in order to evaluate
the risk associated to each critical element of the airport and the loss related to the
success of threats. In most cases, the risk assessment procedure attempts to strike an
economic balance between the impact of risks and the cost of security solutions
intended to manage them.
The analysis of the Annual Losses Expected (ALE) determined through the risk
assessment allows to take decision on the amount of economic resources necessary to
implement the countermeasures. Of course, the cost of countermeasures is only a
percentage of the ALE’s. Besides, the countermeasures enables the ALE’s to remain
within acceptable risk limits.

3. Qualitative and quantitative risk assessment

Risk is a multifaceted issue and must be addressed with methods that are appropriate
for the decisions to be taken. Historically, risk assessment and risk management
professionals have focused on accident risks, natural hazard risks, business
interruption risks, project risks, and financial risks. In these areas, organizations have
used very systematic processes and tools to understand and prioritize these diverse
risks, especially those with catastrophic consequences.
Security related risks are another broad category of risks with potentially catastrophic
consequences, that after 9/11 has been receiving significant attention [15,16]. While
security related risks require a different approach than other types of risk, the same
fundamentals apply. Terrorist attacks and other unlawful acts are a different type of
threat, but they pose risks in much the same way as other threats.
In a risk assessment carried on for the security in an airport, the analysis has to

 the level of the current risk

 the possible consequences of attacks
 the actions to be undertaken if the residual risk is superior to the tolerable

The quantitative risk assessment can be subdivided in the followings steps:

 Threat Assessment
Detection of the presence of hostile groups in the home territory
Evaluation of the threat level in the nation
Evaluation of the threat level near airports

 Vulnerability assessment
Analysis of the critical points and the functional importance of airport systems
and infrastructures
Evaluation, within the system of airport security, of protection systems for
every critical infrastructure and evaluation of the accessibility and vulnerability

 Criticality Assessment
Analysis of the potential accidental scenarios consequent to the success of the
attacks on critical targets
Analysis of the costs for the re-establishment of the critical targets and
evaluation of the missed indirect incomes because of their unavailability;
Evaluation of the economic losses related to every accidental scenario

The quantification can be done through the followings generalized relations:

Risk = Frequency (F) x Consequence (C) (1)

Frequency (F) = Initiating Event Frequency x Probability All Safeguards Fail (2)

Risk = [Threat (T) x Vulnerability (V)] x Criticality (C) (3)

Threat (T) is a measure of the likelihood that a specific type of attack will be initiated
against a specific target (that is, a scenario).
Vulnerability (V) is a measure of the likelihood that various safeguards against a
scenario will fail.
Criticality (C) is the magnitude of the negative effects if the attack is successful.

Figure 1 there shows the approach for the risk assessment.

Figure 1. Risk assessment approach.

One of the key challenges in defining a framework for collecting, organizing, and
reporting the risk-based information is to determine what level of precision is
appropriate to support the decisions to be taken.
In particular, the goal of this study was to propose a framework for risk assessment
able to support the decision making in the design and/or optimisation of protection
levels for airport security.
High or even medium precision may not necessarily be achievable, particularly when
the specific technology for achieving a given antiterrorism capability is not defined or
is under development [17, 18].
Several approaches can help accomplishing this objective.
Matrix based semi-quantitative approach can be based on threat, vulnerability, and
consequence categories that can be used to capture security related risks information.
Assigning numerical scores to each category of threat and vulnerability and assigning
“representative” loss estimates to the consequence categories will provide a scoring
system that will express the measure of risk in terms of loss exposure, which can be
directly compared to cost of implementation, thus providing a meaningful benefit/cost
index for relative ranking.
A mixed quantitative and semi-quantitative experimental risk based design is e.g.
currently ongoing in designing the new security systems of Lampedusa and
Pantelleria airports that are managed directly by the ENAC, the Civil Aviation
Authority Italy.

The qualitative analysis, instead, which is at present conducted in Italy, is based on
Security Audit, primarily constituted by check lists elaborated by ENAC on the
indications of the current Italian and European Community legislation.
The check lists and the inspective procedures are obviously integrated in order to take
into consideration the international legislation and the technical security
recommendations (ICAO, ECAC, IATA).
The Security Audit particularly refers to the following areas:
 Organization and management of the security systems at national level and
cooperation with other states
 Organization and management of the security systems at airport level
 Control of the access to the airport structures
 Passengers and hand baggage
 Hold Baggages
 Aircraft and flight procedures
 Cargo and Catering
 Ability to answer to illegitimate actions and contingency planning
The results are given as predetermined levels of conformity to the actual security
standards. The level of vulnerability and the necessary countermeasures to be
implemented are expressed for each airport area.
The qualitative risk survey is completed with a report submitted to the airport
management companies and to other subjects charged with the security services who
must solve the critical points shown and ranked by the analysis within a fixed
temporal term.

4. Vulnerability and Criticality analysis through modified

recursive HAZOP and Fault Tree Analysis
A vulnerability assessment is a process that identifies weaknesses in physical
structures, personnel protection systems, processes, or other areas that may be
exploited by terrorists and may suggest options to eliminate or mitigate those
weaknesses. For example, a vulnerability assessment might reveal weaknesses in an
organization’s security systems or unprotected key infrastructure such as power
supplies, ATC control towers, and electric facilities.
A criticality assessment is a process designed to systematically identify and evaluate
important assets and infrastructure in terms of various factors, such as the mission
and significance of a target. For example, power generators, radio navigation aids,
computer networks might be identified as “critical” in terms of their importance to
airport security, airport economic activity, and airport safety. In addition, facilities
might be critical at certain times, but not others. For example, a runway when in use
in heavy air traffic and low visibility conditions may represent an important target.
Criticality assessments are important because they provide a basis for identifying
which assets and structures are relatively more important to protect from an attack.

The use of RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintenability and Safety) techniques in

vulnerability and criticality assessment of an airport is here described applying it to a
key electrical facility that is a vital part of equipments needed for the airport exercise.
The equipments are usually located in air side in the physical areas.

The physical areas usually present in the airport requiring protection are shown in
Figure 2.

Figure 2. The physical areas usually present in an airport.

The airport perimeter fence is the first physical defence and together with
technological systems is a fundamental component of the airport security system.
Inside the airport perimeter there are other critical areas which are protected with
further combinations of technological systems.
The technological systems are connected through a centralized architecture that
manages the monitoring, the events and the states of alarm. An example of simplified
architecture is illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Simplified security protection system architecture.

The case study has been approached through the Recursive Operability Analysis
[18,19,20] and the Fault Tree Analisys the vulnerability and criticality of a airport
security protection system of an electric substation for power supply the airfield
ground lighting and radio navigation aids. These methodologies allow the
examination of both logical and probabilistic behaviour of the protection system.

An electric substation dedicated to Airfield Ground Lights (AGL) and Radio

Navigation Aids (RNA) is an important part of the airport electrical systems and,

together with other electric components, it is of vital importance for exercise of every
airport luminous visual aids and of the radio navigation aids. The radio navigation
aids lead the aircraft to a precision instrumental approach to the runway while the
luminous visual aids allow the pilots to verify the correctness of approach procedure.
The unavailability of these systems for lack of power supply makes the airport
runway unavailable and this, for the airports with only one runway, causes the
unavailability of the whole airport.

The immediate lack of power supply of radio navigation aids and visual aids can
cause severe anomalies in the air traffic system and can lead to an accidental
sequence that could cause air disaster as shown in Hazop analysis depicted in Table 1.
For these reason the electrical network and the electric substation could constitute the
target of severe threats by external entity aiming at disabling it through illegal
The simplified sketch of the monitoring and protection systems of electric substation,
subjected to the vulnerability assessment, is illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Simplified scheme of monitoring and protection systems.

The protection system can be considered as composed by:

 Physical perimeter fence with metallic enclosure
 System of microwaves sensors
 System of perimeter video surveillance
 Airside millimetre-wave radar
 Surveillance patrol
 Physical perimeter of electric substation and protection system with sensitive
 System of second internal perimeter video surveillance
 Protection system of electrical facility internal area through volumetric sensors

The security systems above illustrated are predisposed to identify the presence of
external non-authorised entities in each part of the airside in order to be able to
immediately activate suitable countermeasures.
A hostile entity, that wants to reach the electric substation, has to disable or to avoid
all the control systems already installed outside and inside the airport. The
vulnerability of the system is obviously connected with its leaning to become
unavailable after an attack to some essential components of protection system is
carried out.
Through a Recursive Operability Analysis (ROA) is possible, therefore, to examine in
a better way the functionality of the system and its ability to protect the potential
Furthermore, it is possible to evaluate the differential vulnerability, in comparison to
the conditions of normal operation, if some components of the system are put out of
order under attack.
The ROA allows the Fault Trees to be directly extracted by the analysis tables, for the
quantification of the identified Top Events.

5.1 Recursive Operability Analysis

In Table 1, the ROA analysis related to the security protection system in Figure 5 and
the consequences of the Top Event 1 are shown.

Figure 5. Recursive Operability Analysis.

This analysis is related to the technological failure of the protection systems and, at
this stage, does not take into account the voluntary damaging or by-passing carried on
by airport operators.

5.2 Fault Tree Analisys

The fault tree directly drawn from the ROA tables was solved using ASTRA FTA
Software [21-24] and is shown in the Figures 6 and 7:

Figure 6. Astra Fault Tree—part 1.

Figure 7. Astra Fault Tree—part 2.

The reliability parameters used in numerical solution of the fault tree are detailed in
Table 1:
Table 1.
Event Unavaila- Description
name bility
E1 1.5000E-03 MI Security Operator
E10 1.0000E-03 MI Microwave Sensors Alarm
E14 5.0000E-01 MI Perimeter Defence
E1B 1.0000E-02 MI Patrol Operators
E2 1.0000E-03 MI Volumetric Sensors Alarm
E4 1.0000E-03 MI Video Surveillance
E6 1.0000E-04 MI Sensitive Wire Alarm
E9 1.0000E-04 MI Millimeter-wave radar Alarm
ERM 1.0000E-05 MI Alarms Telematics Network

Some probabilistic parameters are gathered from reliability data-banks [25], the
missing ones related to the airport security systems was given by the producers of the
hardware apparatuses.

The cut sets are listed according to their probabilistic importance in table:

Table 2.
# Q W Minimal cutsets
1 7.5000E-06 7.5000E-06 E1 E14 E1B
2 5.0000E-08 5.0000E-08 E14 E1B ERM

Through the simple model here described, it is possible to analyse the two cut sets,
that for an external hostile entity is very difficult to contemporarily disable both the
operators of the airport security centre (E1) and the surveillance patrols (E1B) and
after to climb over the perimeter enclosure (E14).
It is much more simple to attack the monitoring network (ERM), to climb over the
monitoring enclosure (E14) and to reach the electric substation deceiving the controls
of the surveillance patrols (E1B).

The initiating events are illustrated according to their importance in table:

Table 3.
Event Importance Description
E1B 1.0000E+00 MI Patrol Operators
E14 1.0000E+00 MI Perimeter Defence
E1 9.9337E-01 MI Security Operators
ERM 6.6225E-03 MI Alarms Telematics Network

This classification allows, both in phase of design of a new system and in phase of
analysis or change of an existing system, to understand which system needs to be
With such analysis tools, the relative importance of system components can be
examined, with the possibility to improve both the general architecture and the
behaviour of every sub-system.

The analysis of the accessibility has shown, through the examination of cuts sets, that
a hostile group to have a successful action needs to:
 know the facilities airport configuration and the position of the target
 know the airport surveillance procedures
 have knowledge of alarms network
 have equipments to climb over the perimeter enclosure
 have equipments to disable the alarm network
 have weapons and tools to shoot the patrol controls
 have weapons and tools to disable the electric substation

After carrying out the structure vulnerability analysis and the criticality analysis, we
have also outlined the profile of the hostile external entity. The criticality analisys
conducted also by ROA had individualized (see Figure 5) the consequences of an
attack in terms of economic losses, denial of service, negative image to passengers.
To complete the risk assessment procedure (see Figure 1) it is necessary to evaluate
the likelihood that the profiled entity has to decide to attack the target.

By using the threat assessment, the risk assessment procedure is completed then by
defining the likelihood that one specific hostile entity has, under particular conditions,
to attack and overcome the protections of a vulnerable target, thus producing
consequences to which an economic value is associated.

The results can be expressed as expected annual loss (ALE) and they are a good
indicator in deciding the investments in the security sector. The threat assessment
methodology which completes the risk assessment procedure will be shortly
illustrated soon.

6. Threat Assessment
This last step is fundamental to perform a complete risk assessment related to security
aspects, but it is still a critical point and characterised by large uncertainties and lack
of objectivism.
A threat assessment is used to evaluate the likelihood of terrorist activity against a
given asset or location. It is a decision support tool that helps to establish and
prioritize security-program requirements, planning, and resource allocations. A threat
assessment identifies and evaluates each threat on the basis of various factors,
including capability, intention, and lethality of an attack.
The definition of a realistic or real threat set to be taken into account is delegated to
the intelligence, and to the government bodies (in Italy the Ministry of Defense and
the Ministry of Interior). Nevertheless, the civil aviation authority contributes to the
identification of the key elements to be kept into consideration in the analysis.
In the identification of threats addressed to the civil aviation there are different
sources of empirical evidence and of available statistic data. They have to be valued
considering every factor which could result in a terrorist event.
The ICAO, e.g. has defined a semi-quantitative methodology which considers the
presence in the nation of terrorist groups, the historical records of aviation attacks, the
level of internal strike, the entity of the economic problems, the number of the airport
flights and the number of high risk flights. From elaboration of these indicators which

are numerically quantified in a matrix you can have numerical scores which can be
easily connected with the likelihood of an attack.
Similarly, the probability that a group with specific characteristics, ability,
information and equipments is motivated to start a predetermined terrorist action can
be valued, as in the case of the disabling of an electric substation underlined before.

7. Conclusions
A set of scenario attacks towards a specific target can be investigated trough
examination of its vulnerability and its criticality.
Every potential scenario can be studied in order to have an estimation of the current
risk level, the evaluation of possible economic losses on a annual base, and the set of
the countermeasures to adopt in order to reduce the risk.
The quantitative analysis carried out with RAMS methodologies has shown the
possibility to investigate vulnerabilities and criticality of the airport components. The
use of the previous analysis results, melted with the result of threat assessment
complete the risk assessment procedure. The procedure offer as result the likelihood
that an attack is successful in the selected scenario, so, is possible to have the
likelihood that the airport have an economic loss and others serious problems. The
cumulative set of scenarios investigated define at the end of the process the necessary
indication to select suitable countermeasures also in terms of economical investment.
The maintenance of countermeasures over time is a task of the risk management and
it is fundamental to protect the airport infrastructures and to plan changes to airport
security systems.
The effectiveness of the quantitative techniques borrowed from the industrial risk
assessment for airport security purposes has been demonstrated through their
application to a simple case study, that could be seen as a part of a complete and more
detailed analysis.
The optimised design of the airport security system, its ability to innovate and to
modify itself in consequence of the results of risk assessment is surely the best
indicator of the ability to answer to the new incumbent threats and to assure an
acceptable security risk level to the passenger and airport operators.

The authors would like to express their thankfulness to Prof. Norberto Piccinini
(Politecnico di Torino) who initiated and encouraged the present work, to Paolo
Mazzaracchio of Civil Aviation Authority Italy – Airports Technologies Office for
the continuous and precious suggestions, to Roberto Passatore of Civil Aviation
Authority Italy - Security Directorate for his unique indications and last but not least
to Mladen Cala of ICAO Security International for the significant help in the research
of references.

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List of Caption

Figure 1. Risk Assessment Approach

Figure 2. The physical areas usually present in an airport.
Figure3. Simplified security protection system architecture
Figure 4. Simplified scheme of monitoring and protection systems
Figure 5. Recursive Operability analysis
Figure 6. Astra Fault Tree – Part 1
Figure 7. Astra Fault Tree – Part 2
Table 1. Primary Events Input Data
Table 2. Minimal Cutsets listed in order of probability importance
Table 3. Primary events listed in order of importance


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