Feedback Ms. Annisa_9 Agustus 2024_Alda
Feedback Ms. Annisa_9 Agustus 2024_Alda
Feedback Ms. Annisa_9 Agustus 2024_Alda
A. Background
as a their L2. So that people develop their English to face this millennial era to
education that is taught to the students. Not only in academic subject, but also in
daily life. English has important position like medicine, flight, tourism, and so
on.2 So that the parents want their children to be taught English in their primary
school for their best future.3 Indonesian Government stated in National Education
Law (2003)
who are not majoring in English still find it difficult. As for students majoring in
language who in fact learn English as learning support for lessons defined in the
Hermansyah, Nurhendi, “The Influence of Flash Card Toward Students’ English
Vocabulary Mastery During COVID-19” Jurnal Syntax Fusion, Vol. 1, No 11 (November, 2021),
Istiqomah, “Globalisasi Bahasa Inggris”. (April, 2012), 90.
Suleyman Nihat SAD, “Theory-Practice Dictionary: Prospective Teachers’ Evaluation
About Teaching English to Young Leraners” Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, Vol. 6,
No. 2 (October, 2010), 26.
There are four aspects to build an English well. These are listening, then
speaking, reading, and also writing. Besides that, there are secondary skills that
the key to success in speaking.5 When we have a limited vocabulary, they will be
language. Some experts state that vocabulary is a saving word that is used by
by its meaning is used.8 In speaking they need a tool that is vocabulary to interact
with another, in listening they need to mastering vocabulary to guess what she had
heard from the audio, in reading they need of knowing vocabulary to understand
the story they read, in writing they also need to write something in their mind. 9 So
Ice Sariyati, “The Effectiveness of TPR (Total Physical Response) Method in English
Vocabulary Mastery of Elementary School Children” Parole, Vol. 3, No. 1 (April, 2013), 51.
Welliam Harmer, Nur Azmi Rohimajaya, “Using Flash Card as Instructional Media to
Enrich the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Learning English” Journal of Language Studies, Vol.
3, No. 2 2018, 168.
Hatch and Brown, 1995. Vocabulary, Semantic, and language education (t.t: t.p,), 1
Bamhart Cynthia A. 2008, The Facts on File Student’s Dictionary of American English
(t.t: t.p.,), 697.
Harimurti Kridalaksana Kamus Linguistik. (Jakarta: Gramedia, 1993), 127.
Mery Sorta,” Vocabulary Teaching Technique in English as Foreign Language
Learning for Young Learners: A case study of an English Teacher at SDN Cipinang Besar Selatan
07 Pagi”, 2018, 11
that vocabulary is not only knowing of vocabulary but also comprehend the that
َو َعَّلَم َءاَدَم اَأْلْس َم اَء ُكَّلَه ا ُثَّم َعَر َض ُهْم َعَلى اْلَم اَل ِءَك ِة
َفَق اَل َاْنِبُؤ ِنْي ِبأْس َم اِء َه ُؤ اَل ِء ِاْن ُكْنُتْم َص اِدِق ْيََن
The meaning is “And he taught Adam the name of all things, then he placed them
before the angles, and said tell me the name of these if ye are
In addition, the meaning of object that is taught, not only the object name
but also all of objects who are living in this earth and sky.
make them understand without feeling bored in class, they cannot just sit down in
class while listening into the teacher, they like to do an active movement. Thus,
teaching young learners is more difficult than adult learners. Different approach,
method, and strategies should be careful to teach young learners. Tambun (2014)
argued that they commonly like funny studying and physical learning. 12 They also
and so on because they are still child who like playing so that the teacher must be
creative to teach them in different ways to make them more attractive in class.
Tambun, R. A. 2014.” The Influence of Using Crossword Puzzle toward Students’
Vocabulary mastery”.
Departemen Agama RI, The Noble Qur’an, (Depok: Al Huda),
Shin, J.k. 2006 “‘Ten Helpful Ideas for Teaching English to Young Learners. English
Teaching Forum”. Vol. 44, No. 2, 2-3.
Researcher finds students are still low in vocabulary. Whereas vocabulary is the
vital in any level exactly for student young learners. They difficult to
students’ motivation they make some noisy with the friend and in one time they
often permit to go to toilet, do not listen what teacher saying, and another cases
student looks sleepy in class during learning activity. These cases are similar with
Elsya Matruty and Stella Rose Que in the International Journal of Language
should be used by teacher. Consequently, a teacher should know more clearly the
needs of media, methods or materials that are in accordance with the goals to be
teacher to guide a lesson that will be taught to student easily and make a class
alive and fun during teaching and learning. One of appropriate media in
interesting media in teaching vocabulary because most of them like playing card. 13
Flashcard is a double side of picture that is used for media in teaching vocabulary.
For the early age flashcard is a simple media that is liked by children and helps
1. Identification of Problem
these are:
d. Some students are sleepy during the learning and teaching process.
2. Scope of Problem
C. Problems Statement
Based on the constraints listed above, the problems in this study are:
D. Research Objectives
2. To find out how much influence using flashcard in teaching vocabulary for
young learners
E. Benefits of research
1. For Master
2. For Students
learning English.
3. For Researchers
F. Previous Research
Flashcard and Word List’. The result of this research using flashcard recovered.
This study used quasi-experimental design. That consist of two groups, group
experimental and control group. The treatment group was given flashcard
treatment and the result showed that they can memorize easily.14
b. The research comes from Nining Candra Wahyuni ‘The Use of Puppet and
This research used quantitative method. There were two groups between
Elsa Yusrika Sitompul “Teaching Vocabulary Using Flashcard and Word List” Journal
of English and Education, Vol. 1, No. 1 (June, 2013), 52.
flashcard and puppet group. The result shows that both media using flashcard
c. The research completed by S. Thoriqul Huda & Devi Dwi Kurniawan ‘The Use
Learners’. The calculation increased the students more active and interest with
the method. This is evidenced by two cycles, the 1 st cycle is 49, 210. And 2 nd
Table 1.1
Previous Research
2013 List
2019 Puppet
Nining Candra Wahyuni “The Use of Puppet and Flashcard as Media in Teaching
Vocabulary for Children with Special Needs” Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol. 8, No.
2 (November, 2019), 136.
Thoriqul Huda & Devi Dwi Kurniawan “The Use of Flashcard to Improve the Mastery
of English Concrete Nouns of Young Learners”. Wiralodra English Journal (WEJ), Vol. 5, No. 1,
(March, 2021), 20.
Before we next to our research, it is necessary to know the main of these concepts
in it.
1. Flashcard
and used to practice by teacher by showing the front and back side of the
Flashcard is a card that contains a picture with an alphabet follow the picture
within word that is used to help teacher in the class in teaching vocabulary
2. Vocabulary
Chadaporn Yawaboot & Apisak Sukying “Using Digital Flashcard to Enhance Thai
EFL Primary School Students’ Vocabulary Knowledge” English Language Teaching, Vol. 15, No.
7, (June, 2022), 62.
Azhar Arsyad Media Pembelajaran (Depok: Rajawali Press, 2002), 119.
Sarah Philips Young Learner Resource Book for Teacher (t.t: t.p., 2001), 69.
3. Young Learner
Phillips (1996: 5) The word children are learners that from 1 st elementary
order communicate with another country. And it will start to recognize them
H.Methodically of Discussion
Arash Hashemifardnia, dkk “The Effect of Teaching Picture-books on Elementary EFL
Learners’ Vocabulary Learning” JELTL (Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistic),
Vol. 3, No. 3 (September, 2018), 248.
Sarah Phillips. Young Learners. (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Ice Sariyati “The Effectiveness of TPR (Total Physical Response) Method in English
Vocabulary Mastery of Elementary School Children” Parole, Vol. 3, No. 1 (April, 2013), 54.
methodically of discussion.
Chapter II: This chapter contains literature review and discuss about the
important of vocabulary for young learners, flashcard, and also young learners.
A. Vocabulary
vocabulary is “all the words that a person knows or uses, or a list of words with
Wilkins in Thornbury (2002) said that “Without grammar, little can be conveyed,
McCarthy (1990:8) “No matter how well successfully the sounds of L2 are
an L2 just cannot happen in any meaningful way”. 24 From that statements it can
2. Kinds of Vocabulary
There are two kinds of vocabulary, these are passive and active
Scott Thornbury, S. How to Teach Vocabulary 2 (London: Longman, 2002), 13.
McCharty. Vocabulary (Oxfrod: Oxford University Press, 1990), 8.
Howard Jackson. Grammar and vocabulary, (London: Routledge, 2002), 28.
practice it.26 And for an active vocabulary is student understand and they used or
journal There are two kinds of vocabulary, those are oral vocabulary, it means
words that they know and used in speaking and listening and print vocabulary is
a group of words that they impute and used in reading and writing. 27 In another
hand (Nation: 2001) states that there are four types of vocabulary in the text:28
a. Great Frequency Word: These words around 80% of the arrangement words
in the textbook.
the textbook.
c. Practical Word: These words are about 5% of the arrangement words of the
d. Low Frequency Word: These words are average to get into great frequency
Based on the description above, it can conclude that there are many kinds of
vocabulary. So, the teachers have to consider the appropriate technique that will
approach. Alkhuli (1967: 62) said in journal of Elsa Matruty that there are eight
a. Direct Organization
b. Picture
in a book, magazine, and so on. A picture can also distinguish between plural
or singular noun.
c. Action
d. Context
The part of converse that surround a word or way can throw light on its
e. Synonym
f. Antonym
g. Definition
Definition is used effectively that if the students know the term and can
guess a word easily. But teaching definition for young learners is not
h. Translation
above, the researcher uses one of media of developing vocabulary that is a picture.
learners because picture can show them the activity. Therefore, using picture
4. Teaching Vocabulary
student’s vocabulary and how teacher helping the student to solve the problem
they face and how teacher arranges the classroom and how teacher takes the best
Carten, there are some steps that can aid teacher in teaching vocabulary: 31
Siti Ngarofah “Teaching Vocabulary Using Flashcard to Young Learner” Professional
Journal of English Education, Vo. 1, No. 6 (November, 2018), 776.
Nur Rohmah Hidayati “The Use of Charade Game to Teach Vocabulary”, Journal of
English Language Teaching, Vol. 5, No. 1 (April, 2016), 3.
McCarten, J. Teaching Vocabulary (United Stated of America: Cambridge University
Press, 2007), 20.
In another hands Harmer stated that there are two steps of teaching
1) Introducing Vocabulary
things because students will remember or memorize faster if they know the
word by using picture and real things, and they imitate what teacher’s
2) Practicing Vocabulary
using games vocabulary, instruct them to classify the word, matching word
B. Flashcard
Flashcard is a card that conducts picture on it, and it helps teacher to drill
a. Paper Flashcard
Harmer, Jeremy The Practice of English Language Teaching 4th Edition (London:
Longman, 2007), 229.
Nisa Amalia Rahmadi, dkk “The Effectiveness of Flashcard media Strategy in
Improving Young learners’ Vocabulary” Journal of Excellence in English Language Education,
Vol. 2, No. 1 (2023), 75.
Paper flashcard is a sketch card with picture and word on it and they have
b. Digital Flashcard
vocabulary. We can find and operate it in any application such as Word Wall,
not only easy to make student understand the lesson but also easy to remember and
memorize the meaning in English because study new word by using picture is
accurately because they can see the real object. Therefore, flashcard is best media
C. Young Learners
a) Children will respond through real thing or concrete thing rather than abstract
Schmitt Nobert and Mc. Carthly Vocabulary Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), 212.
Siti Ngarofah & Ani Sumarni “Teaching Vocabulary Using Flashcard to Young
Learner” Professional Journal of English Education, Vol. 1, No. 6 (November, 2018), 778.
e) They also like learning that around them such as culture, hobby, and their goal
a) Sensor-Motor Stage (0-2 years) they like to learn movement activity and their
b) Pre-operational stage (2-7 years) in this stage children need a concrete thing.
d) Formal operational stage (11-15 years) they can use an abstract thinking.
D. Hypothesis
for young learners. Young learners prefer study by using picture rather than
F. Conceptual Framework
Mary Lou McCloske, Seven Instructional Principles for Teaching Young Learners of
English, (TESOL Symposium: San Diego, 2002), 3.
skilled four skills of English these are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Thus,
Picture. 2.1
Learning vocabulary from young learners is crucial for many factors like
they will understand vocabularies in foreign language because they will face a
globalization era that consumed English, and they will be easy to make a sentence
to communicate with another exactly a tourist, and it will help them in written
A. Research Sites
This research will take place in MI At-Taqwa Bondowoso, East Java. It was
managed for about two months from April till May in academic year of 2023/2024.
A. Research Design
This study used a quantitative method of pre-experimental with pre-test and post-
test. It was one group of pre-test and post-test. This method aims to compare with one
or more experimental groups and verify the effect of research of each subject
research.37 This research compares between before and after treatment by using pre-
test and post-test. It aimed to find the effect of using flashcard in teaching vocabulary
Karimuddin Abdullah, dkk, Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif (Aceh:Yayasan Penerbit
Muhammad Zaini , 2021), 1.
Nisa Amalia Rachmadi, dkk, “The Effectiveness of Flashcard Media Strategy in
Improving Young Learners’ Vocabulary” Journal of Excellence in English Language Education,
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2023.
1. Population
2. Sample
Sample is a part of population. This sample of this study used total sampling
of populations become the sample and do not have chance to be chosen as the
sample.40 Researcher takes only this class because it is impossible to research all of
C. Instruments of Study
the work is easier and the better results. 42 Research instruments greatly determine
the success of a study. This researcher the instruments used is a test. The test used
uses validity and reliability test to gain the valid data in this research.
To carry out the result of this research effectively, researcher used mean,
1. Validity test
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D (Bandung: Alfabeta,
2019), 133.
Sugiyono, Statistika untuk Penelitian (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2019), 67.
Wiratma Sujarweni, Metode Penelitian Bisnis dan Ekonomi, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka
Baru Press, 2015), 81-82.
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D, (Bandung: Alfabeta,
2013), 82.
that researcher used. Likewise, with the Pearson correlation product moment
1. Test
Test that researcher used in this study is pre-test and post-test to measure
students’ understanding.
a. Pre-test
The pre-test will be held in 3rd class without using flashcard and involved
three themes there are hobby, profession, and school and they will be given 10
between after pre-test and post-test. And the score to each true answer is ten and
zero for a false answer. It was given for ten minutes to do the pre-test.
b. Treatment
the treatment they will be given vocabulary of transportation, animal, and fruits
through flashcard.
c. Post-test
Indrawan, dkk, Research Methodology Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed for
management, development, and education (revision), (Bandung: PT. Refika Aditama, 2017), 123.
The researcher gives a vocabulary test after treatment was done. It will be
1. Normality Test
Normality test is used to get knowing of data and to find out the
distribution of it44. The researcher used SPSS to gain this data with
2. T-Test
The data that has been collected by researcher will be analyzed by using a
Table 4.1
AAA 40 50
AAA 60 70
ATZ 80 80
BQP 60 70
DAF 70 80
DAF 80 100
DLW 60 80
FZK 60 70
FKR 70 90
HS 60 70
HS 80 100
HUSK 80 90
IARA 50 60
KN 70 80
MADC 60 70
MKAS 60 80
MFA 60 50
MAZ 70 80
MDDRA 70 90
MHD 60 70
MNRU 60 90
MRH 70 80
NIKZ 70 90
NKI 90 100
NA 40 60
NRA 90 100
PNA 50 70
RSA 90 100
RKJ 50 80
SAA 50 70
SAF 80 80
SRNH 70 90
SMDH 40 60
SSMS 70 90
ZMF 40 70
ZNF 80 100
Table 4.1 showed that the result of pre-test and post-test involved by 36 of
students. The highest score of pre-test was 90 and the lowest score was 40.
Meanwhile the highest score of pos-test was 100 and for the lowest was 50.
Otherwise, the mean score of pre-test was 65.00 and the mean score of post-test
was 79.44.
2. Data Analysis
The researcher will analyze the data submitted that tested to the students
Post-test, researcher used SPSS 21 to measure. The result had shown below:
Picture 4.1
Pretest Posttest
Valid 36 36
N Missing 0 0
Mean 65.00 79.44
Median 65.00 80.00
Mode 60 70a
Minimum 40 50
Maximum 90 100
Sum 2340 2860
a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown
From analysis on the picture above, the median score of pre-test was 65.00
and for the median of post-test was 80.00. Meanwhile, the maximum score of
pre-test was 90, and minimum of pre-test was 40. Meanwhile, maximum score
of pos-test was 100 and for the minimum score was 50. It was shown that the
post-test was very good. In addition, the frequency of pre-test and post-test as
Picture 4.2
Frequency Score of Pre-test
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
40 4 11.1 11.1 11.1
50 4 11.1 11.1 22.2
60 10 27.8 27.8 50.0
Valid 70 9 25.0 25.0 75.0
80 6 16.7 16.7 91.7
90 3 8.3 8.3 100.0
Total 36 100.0 100.0
As the picture above that showed the percentage of students’ score from
36 students. The lowest score was 40, with the frequency of four students by
11,1% percentage. The highest score was 90, with the frequency of three
Picture 4.3
students’ score from 36 students. The highest score was 100, with the
was 50, with the frequency of two students by the percentage 5,6%.
a. Normality Test
Picture 4.4
Based on result of data above, we can figure out that score in pre-test was
significance from 0,476 > 0,05, and for post-test result was 0,509 > 0,05 that
b. T-test
The researcher also used t-test to determine how much the effect of
Table 4.6
T-test Result
Paired Samples Test
From the table, we can see the score was 0,000 < 0,05. For the t-test value
was 10.277. It can be said that there was different significance between pre-
test and post-test. So, it can be concluded that using flashcard much more high
B. Discussion
In this research the result of data analysis shew that flashcard had an effect
Bondowoso. There was high score in the post-test rather than in pre-test. The
highest score of post-test was 90 and for the lowest score was 50. Meanwhile, the
mean of post-test was 65.00 and the mean score of pre-test was 79.44, and for the
median of pre-test was 65.00, while the median of post-test was 80.00. It can be
concluded that using flashcard in teaching vocabulary had a high impact for
young learners.
percentage 11,1% and the highest score of pre-test was three frequency students
by the percentage 8,3%. Meanwhile in post-test, the highest score was six
frequency students by the percentage 16,7% and for the lowest score of post-test
was two frequency students by the percentage 5,6%. In another hand we can see
the result of t-test was 10.277 and sig. (2 tailed) 0,000. In this case 0,000 < 0,05.
Based on description above the result of using flashcard had a high score in
learning vocabulary.
the result of the effect flashcard in teaching vocabulary to young learners is good for
young learners especially for the third MI At-Taqwa Bondowoso. In this class
students are active in answering the question and there are no students who are
seen in output of normality and t-test by SPSS. Normality score is 0,476 > 0,05, and
for post-test result is 0,509 > 0,05 that indicated if the data of pre-test and post-test is
normally distributed. In t-test value 0,000 < 0,05 and for the t-test value was 10.277.
It can be said that there was different significance in reaching high level.
Based on the description, some suggestions from researcher would like to give
1. For Teachers
interested for students. Teacher must take awareness what students need and how
to increase students’ motivation in learning, especially English, who are still many
teaching young learners because they have more an active movement rather than
teenagers. So, teachers have to be innovative in order that students are not bored.
2. For Students
This research may become reference for another researcher, but in some cases,
researchers must develop and improve their method in researching some problems
English’, 697.
Doff, Adrian “Teach English A Training Course of Teachers”. (Great Britain: Bell
Elsa Yusrika Sitompul “Teaching Vocabulary Using Flashcard and Word List”.
No 1, April 2013, 54
Nur Rohmah Hidayati “The Use of Charade Game to Teach Vocabulary” Journal
Shin, J.k. 2006 ‘Ten Helpful Ideas for Teaching English to Young Learners.
Siti Ngarofah & Ani Sumarni “Teaching Vocabulary Using Flashcard to Young
2018, 777
Alfabeta, 2013), 82
Vocabulary mastery”.
Thoriqul huda & Devi Dwi Kurniawan “The Use of Flashcard to Improve the
2018. 480
Flashcard”. 2012, 10