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Chapter 2 Electrostatics Action at a distance

2.1 The Electric Field: 2.1.1 Introduction

What is the force on the test charge Q due to a source Coulomb’s law, like Newton’s law of gravitation, involves the
charge q? concept of action at a distance.
We shall consider the special case of the electrostatics in It simply states how the particles interact but provides no
which all the source charges are stationary. explanation of the mechanism by which the force is
The principle of superposition states that the interaction transmitted from one point to the other.
between any two charges is completely unaffected by the Even Newton himself is not comfortable with this aspect of
presence of others. his theory.

What is the concept of action at a distance? This leads to the

gravitational, electric, and magnetic field.

1 2

2.1.2 Coulomb’s Law 2.1.3 The Electric Field

How does one particle sense the presence of the other?
Coulomb’s law quantitatively describe the interaction of
charges. The electric charge creates an electric field in the space
around it. A second charged particle does not interact
Coulomb determined the force law for electrostatic charges
directly with the first; rather, it responds to whatever field it
directly by experiment.
encounters. In this sense, the field acts as an intermediary
between the particles.
kqQ 1 qQ
F= rˆ = rˆ Q q1 q
r 2
4πε 0 r 2 F = F1 + F2 + " = ( rˆ + 22 rˆ2 + ") = QE
4πε 0 r1
2 1
N ⋅ m2
Where k = 9 ×10 9
1 q1 q 1 n
C2 where E =
4πε 0
rˆ + 22 rˆ2 + ") =
2 1
r2 4πε 0

i =1 ri

2 i
and ε 0 = 8.86 × 10 −12

N ⋅ m2 The electric field strength is defined as the force per

unit charge placed at that point. 4
Example 2.1.4 Continuous Charge Distributions
On a clear day there is an electric field of approximately In order to find the electric field due to a continuous distribution
100 N/C directed vertically down at the earth’s surface. of charge, one must divide the charge distribution into
Compare the electrical and gravitational forces on an infinitesimal elements of charge dq which may be considered to
electron. be point charges. 1 dq 1 dq
Solution: dE =
4πε 0 r 2
rˆ ⇒ E=
4πε 0 ∫r 2

The magnitude of the electrical force is

Fe=eE=1.6x10-19x100=1.6x10-17 N. (upward)

The magnitude of the gravitational force is

Fg=mg=9.11x10-31x9.8=8.9x10-30 N. (downward)

5 6

Example 2.1 Example

Non-conducting disk of radius a has a uniform surface
What is the field strength at a distance R from an infinite
charge density σ C/m2. What is the field strength at a
line of charge with linear charge density λ C/m.
distance y from the center along the central axis.
Since the charge carrier is infinite long,
the electric field in y-direction completely The y-component of the field is
cancel out. Thus the resultant field is kdq y
along the x-axis. dE y = dE cos θ =
r2 r
1 λ cos θdA 1 λR sec 2 θ cos θ dθ where r = x + y and dq = σ (2π xdx)
2 2 2

dE x = =
4πε 0 r 2
4πε 0 ( R sec θ ) 2 a 2 xdx
E y = π kσ y ∫
0 ( x 2 + y 2 )3/ 2
1 λ cos θdθ
4πε 0 R a dx 2
= π kσ y ∫
0 ( x + y 2 )3/ 2
1 λ π /2 λ
Ex = cos θdθ =
4πε 0 − /2 2πε 0 R
7 8
2.2 Divergence and Curl of Electrostatics Fields Field Lines
2.2.1 Field Lines, Flux, and Gauss’s Law
How to determine the field strength from the field lines?
How to express the magnitude and vector properties of the
field strength? The lines are crowed together when the field is strong and
spread apart where the field is weaker. The field strength is
The field strength at any point could be represented by an proportional to the density of the lines.
arrow drawn to scale. However, when several charges are
present, the use of arrows of varying length and orientations
becomes confusing. Instead we represent the electric field by
continuous field lines or lines of force.

9 10

Example Flux
Sketch the field lines for two point charges 2Q and –Q. The electric flux ΦE through
this surface is defined as
Solution: Φ E = EA cos θ
= E⋅A
(b)Near field
(c)Far field
For a nonuniform electric field
(d)Null point
(e)Number of lines Φ E = ∫ E ⋅ nˆ da

11 12
Flux Gauss’s Law
Flux leaving a closed surface is positive, whereas flux How much is the flux for a spherical Gaussian surface around
entering a closed surface is negative. a point charge?
The net flux through the surface is zero if the number of The total flux through this closed
lines that enter the surface is equal to the number that Gaussian surface is
Φ E = ∫ E ⋅ nˆ da
= ⋅ 4π r 2 =
4πε 0 r 2 ε0
The net flux through a closed surface equals 1/ε0 times the
net charge enclosed by the surface.

Can we prove the above statement for arbitrary closed shape?

13 14

Gauss’s Law (II) Turn Gauss’s Law

from integral equation into differential form
•The circle on the integral sign indicates that the Gaussian
∫ E ⋅ da = ∫ E ⋅ nˆ da =
surface must be enclosed.
•The flux through a surface is determined by the net charge S S ε0
enclosed. By applying the divergence theorem
Qenc 1
∫ E ⋅ nˆ da = ∫ (∇ ⋅ E)dτ
S v
ε0 ∫ ρ dτ

So ∫ (∇ ⋅ E)dτ = ε ∫ ρdτ

Since this holds for any volume, the integrands must be equal
How to apply Gauss’s law? 1
∇⋅E = ρ Gauss’s Law in differential form.
1. Use symmetry. ε0
2. Properly choose a Gaussian surface (E//A or E⊥A). 15 16
2.2.2 The Divergence of Electric Field & Example 2.2
2.2.3 Application of the Gauss’s Law
The electric field can be expressed in the following form A non-conducting uniform charged sphere of radius R has
a total charge Q uniformly distributed throughout its volume.
1 dq 1 rˆ
4πε 0 ∫
all space r 2
rˆ =
4πε 0 ∫
all space r2
ρ (r′)dτ ′ Find the field (a) inside, and (b) outside, the sphere.
Divergence of the electric field is (a) inside
Why the divergence
1 rˆ Φ enc Q 43 πr 3 1
E= rˆ = ( 4 3 )
∇⋅E =
4πε 0 ∫all space (∇ ⋅ r 2 ) ρ (r′)dτ ′ operator doesn’t apply
4πr 2
3 πR 4πε 0 r 2

on the r’ coordinate?
rˆ Q
Since (∇ ⋅ ) = 4πδ 3 (r ), = rrˆ
r 2 4πε 0 R 3
1 1 (b) outside
∇⋅E = ∫
4πε 0 all space
4πδ 3 (r − r′)ρ (r′)dτ ′ = ρ (r )
ε0 Φ Q
E= rˆ = rˆ
4πr 2
4πε 0 r 2
17 18

Example 2.3 Example 2.5

Find the field due to the following: (a) an infinite sheet of
A long cylinder carries a charge density that is proportional
charge with surface charge density +σ; (b) two parallel
to the distance from the axis: λ=ks, for some constant k.
infinite sheets with charges density +σ and -σ.
Find the electric field inside the cylinder?
Pick up a Gaussian surface as shown in the figure.
The total charge enclosed is
s 2
Qenc = A ∫ (ks′) s′ds′dφ = πkAs 3
0 3
Qenc 1
E= = ks 2 in sˆ direction
ε 0 2πsA 3

19 20
How to Choose a Good Gaussian Surface? 2.2.4 The Curl of the Electric Field
The electric field can be expressed in the following form
Gauss’s Law is always true, but it is not always useful.
1 rˆ 1 1
Symmetry is crucial to the application of Gauss’s law. E=
4πε 0 ∫
all space r 2
ρ (r′)dτ ′ =
4πε 0 ∫
all space
(∇ )ρ (r′)dτ ′
There are only three kinds of symmetry that work:
Curl of the electric field is Why the divergence
1. Spherical symmetry: Make your Gaussian surface a
1 1 operator doesn’t apply
concentric sphere.
2. Cylindrical symmetry: Make your Gaussian surface a
∇×E =
4πε 0 ∫all space
(∇ × (∇ )) ρ (r′)dτ ′ on the r’ coordinate?
coaxial cylinder. Curl of gradient is always zero. ∴ ∇ × E = 0
3. Plane symmetry: Use a Gaussian “pillbox”, which
straddles the surface. The principle of superposition states that the total field is
a vector sum of their individual fields E=E1+E2+…

∇ × E = ∇ × (E1 + E 2 + ") = ∇ × E1 + ∇ × E 2 + " = 0 22

2.3 Electrical Potential Mechanical Analogous of Potential

2.3.1&2 Introduction to and Comments on Potential
The motion of a particle with positive charge q in a uniform
electric field is analogous to the motion of a particle of mass
Can we apply the concept of potential, first introduced in
m in uniform gravitational field near the earth.
mechanics, to electrostatic system and find the law of
conservation of energy? WEXT = + ∆U = U f − U i
We can define an electrostatic potential energy, analogous to
gravitational potential energy, and apply the law of If WEXT >0, work is done by the
conservation of energy in the analysis of electrical problems. external agent on the charges.
If WEXT <0, work is done on the
Potential is a property of a point in space and depends only external agent by the field.
on the source charges.

Potential energy depends not only on the “source” but also

Potential is not equal to the potential energy. on the “test” particle. Thus it will be more convenient if we
can define a potential function which is function of “source”
23 only. 24
The Unit of Potential: Volt Only Changes in Potential are Significant
When a charge q moves between two points in the We see that only changes in potential ∆V, rather than the
electrostatic field, the change in electric potential, ∆V, is specific value of Vi and Vf, are significant.
defined as the change in electrostatic potential energy per It is convenient to choose the ground connection to earth as
unit charge, ∆U the zero of potential.
∆V =
q The potential at a point is the external work need to bring
The SI unit of electric potential is the volt (V). a positive unit charge, at constant speed, from the position
1V = 1 J / C = 1 N ⋅ m / C of zero potential to the given point.

In an external electric field, both positive and negative

The quantity  V depends only on the field set up by the charges tend to decrease the electrostatic potential energy.
source charges, not on the test charge.
Which side will a charge particle drift if it is in the middle of
WEXT = q∆V = q(V f − Vi ) two conducting plates with potential difference, higher or
lower potential side?
25 26

Potential is Conservative Differential form of Potential

In mechanics, the definition of potential energy in terms of The fundamental theorem of gradient states that
the work done by the conservative force is ∆U=-Wc.. The B
negative sign tells us that positive work by the conservative VB − VA = ∫ (∇V ) ⋅ ds
force leads to a decrease in potential energy.
Therefore, the change in potential energy, associated with and VB − VA = − ∫ E ⋅ ds so E = −∇V
an infinitesimal displacement ds, is A

dU = −Fc ⋅ ds = − qE ⋅ ds The electric field E is a very special kind of vector function

dU whose curl is always zero.
dV = = − E ⋅ ds
q ∇ × E = −(∇ × ∇V ) = 0
VB − VA = − ∫ E ⋅ ds It is often easier to analyze a physical situation in terms of
Since the electrostatic field is conservative, the value of potential, which is a scalar, rather than the electric field
this line integral depends only on the end points A and B, strength, which is a vector.
not on the path taken. 27 28
Example 2.6 Find the potential inside and outside a 2.3.3 Poisson’s Equation and Laplace’s Equation
spherical shell of radius R, which carries a uniform surface
charge. Set the reference point at infinity. The electric field can be written as the gradient of a scalar
Sol : Use the Gauss' s law to find the electric field E = −∇V
and then use the electric field to calculate the potential. What do the fundamental equations for E looks like, in
terms of V?
Inside (r < R ) E = 0 ρ
 Gauss' s law ∇ ⋅ E = −(∇ ⋅ ∇V ) = −∇ 2V =
 q
outside (r > R ) E = 4πε r 2 ε0
 0

r q Curl law ∇ × E = −(∇ × ∇V ) = 0

V ( r ) = − ∫ E ⋅ dA = (r > R)
∞ 4π ε 0 r
q ∇ × E = 0 permits E = −∇V ;
and V (r ) = (r < R)
4πε 0 R in turn, E = −∇V guarantees ∇ × E = 0
29 30

2.3.4 The Potential of a Localized Charge

The Potential of a Localized Charge Distribution
Setting the reference point at infinity, the potential of a point In general, the potential of a collection of charges is
charge q at the origin is 1 n
−1 qr 1 q
V (r ) =
4πε 0
V (r ) =
4πε 0 ∫
∞ r′ 2
dr ′ =
4πε 0 r
i =1 i

For a continuous distribution

The conventional minus sign in the definition of V was 1 dq
chosen precisely in order to make the potential of a positive
V (r ) = ∫
4πε 0 r
charge come out positive.
For a volume charge ρ, a surface charge σ, a line charge λ.
1 ρ (r′) 1 σ (r′) 1 λ (r′)
V (r ) =
4πε 0 ∫ r
dτ ′
4πε 0 ∫ r
dτ ′
4πε 0 ∫ r
dτ ′

31 32
Example Example
A nonconducting disk of radius a has a uniform surface A shell of radius R has a charge Q uniformly distributed
charge density σ C/m2. What is the potential at a point on over its surface. Find the potential at a distance r >R from
the axis of the disk at a distance from its center. its center.
Solution: Solution:
dV = , dq = σ (2πxdx) It is more straightforward to use the electric field, which we
4πε 0 r know from Gauss’s law.
σπ Q r
dV = dx 2 r Q 1  1
4πε 0 x + y2 2 E= rˆ V ( r ) − V (∞ ) = − ∫
4πε 0 r
dr = − Q − 
4πε 0  r  0
4πε 0 r 2 ∞ 2

a σπ Q
V =∫ dx 2 V (r ) =
4πε 0 r
4πε 0 x 2 + y 2
σ σ
2ε 0
[( x 2 + y 2 ) 0.5 − y ]0 =

2ε 0
[(a 2 + y 2 ) 0.5 − y ] The potential has a fixed value at all points within the
conducting sphere equal to the potential at the surface.
33 34

2.3.5 Summary; Electrostatic Boundary Conditions Electrostatic Boundary Conditions: Normal

The electric field is not

We have derived six formulas continuous at a surface with
interrelating three fundamental charge density σ. Why?
quantities: ρ , E and V.
Consider a Gaussian pillbox. Gauss’s law states that
Qenc σA
∫ E ⋅ da =
S ε0
These equations are obtained from two observations:
The sides of the pillbox contribute nothing to the flux, in the
•Coulomb’s law: the fundamental law of electrostatics limit as the thickness ε goes to zero.
•The principle of superposition: a general rule applying to
⊥ ⊥ σA ⊥ ⊥ σ
all electromagnetic forces. ( Eabove − Ebelow )A = ⇒ ( Eabove − Ebelow )=
ε0 ε0
35 36
Electrostatic Boundary Conditions: Tangential Boundary Conditions in terms of potential

The tangential component of E, σ σ

E above − E below =
nˆ ⇒ (∇Vabove − ∇Vbelow ) = − nˆ
by contract, is always continuous. ε0 ε0
∂V ∂V σ
or ( above − below ) = −
∫ E ⋅ dA = 0
Consider a thin rectangular loop.
∂n ∂n ε0
The curl of the electric field states that
where = ∇V ⋅ nˆ
The ends gives nothing (as εÆ0), and the sides give ∂n
( Eabove
− Ebelow
)A = 0 ⇒ Eabove
= Ebelow
// denotes the normal derivative of V.

σ Why?
In short, E above − E below = nˆ , and Vabove = Vbelow
37 38

2.4 Work and Energy in Electrostatics

2.4.1 The Work Done to Move a charge
Homework #3
How much work will you have to do, if
you move a test charge Q from point
Problems: 2.9, 2.12, 2.15, 2.20, 2.25 a to point b?

What we’re interested is the minimum force you must exert

to do the job.
b b
W = − ∫ F ⋅ dA = −Q ∫ E ⋅ dA = Q(V (b) − V (a))
a a

So V (b) − V (a) = W / Q
The potential difference between points a and b is equal to
the work per unit charge required to carry a particle from a
to b.
39 40
2.4.2 The Energy of a Point Charge Distribution Potential and Potential Energy: Motion of Charges

How much work would it take to The motion of a charge in an electric field may be discussed
assemble an entire collection of point in terms of the conservation of energy, ∆K+∆U =0. In terms of
charges? potential, the conservation law may be written as

W1 = 0, W2 =
1 q
q2 ( 1 ) , W3 =
1 q q
q3 ( 1 + 2 ) ∆K = − q∆V
4πε 0 r12 4πε 0 r13 r23
It is convenient to measure the energy of elementary
1 qq qq q q particles, such as electrons and protons, in terms of a non-SI
W= ( 1 2 + 1 3 + 2 3)
4πε 0 r12 r13 r23 unit called the electronvolt (1 eV=1.6x10-19 J).
1 n n qi q j 1 n n qi q j
The general rule : W =
4πε 0
i =1 j =1 rij
8πε 0
i =1 j =1 rij
According to Einstein famous E=mc2, find the energy in terms
j >i j ≠i of eV for an electron of rest mass 9.1x10-31 kg, where the
speed of light is 3x108 m/s.
1 n 1 n qj 1 n
= ∑ qi (
2 i =1 4πε 0
j =1
)= ∑ qiVi (ri )
2 i =1 E=9.1x10-31x(3x108)2/1.6x10-19=0.511 MeV
ij 41 42
j ≠i

2.4.3 The Energy of a Continuous Charge Distribution Example

A proton, of mass 1.67x10-27 kg, enters the region between
Generalizing the point charge distribution result: parallel plates a distance 20 cm apart. There is a uniform
1 1 electric field of 3x105 V/m between the plates, as shown below.
dWi = (dqi )Vi (ri ) = ρ iVi (ri )(dτ )
2 2 If the initial speed of the proton is 5x106 m/s, what is its final
1 1 ε speed?
W = ∫ ρVdτ = ∫ (ε 0∇ ⋅ E)Vdτ = 0 ∫ (∇ ⋅ E)Vdτ
2 2 2 Solution:

Integration by parts: ∇ ⋅ (VE) = (∇V ) ⋅ E + (∇ ⋅ E)V 1 2 1 2

mv f − mvi = −qV
ε0 ε0
[− ∫ E ⋅ (∇V )dτ + ∫ (EV )da]
2 2

2 ∫
W= (∇ ⋅ E)Vdτ = v f = vi2 + 2qV / m
[∫ E dτ + ∫ (EV )da]
S divergence theorem
= ((5 ×106 ) 2 − 2 ×1.6 ×10−19 × −6 ×104 / 1.67 ×10−27 ))0.5
= 6 ×106 m/s.
W= ∫ E dτ

2 all space
43 44
Potential and Potential Energy of Point Charges Example
In 1913, Bohr proposed a model of the hydrogen atom in
which an electron orbits a stationary proton in a circular
path. Find the total mechanical energy of the electron given
that the radius of the orbit is 0.53x10-10 m.
The mechanical energy is the sum of the kinetic and
potential energies, E=K+U. The centripetal force is
provided by the coulomb attraction.
U =−
4πε 0 r
e2 mv 2 1 e2
F= = ⇒ K = mv 2 =
4πε 0 r 2
r 2 8πε 0 r
1 9 ×109 × (1.6 × 10 −19 ) 2
E =U + K = − U = − = −2.18 ×10 −18 J = −13.6 eV
45 2 2 × 0.53 ×10 −10 46

Example 2.4.4 Comments on Electrostatic Energy

A metal sphere of radius R has a charge Q. Find its
(i) A perplexing “inconsistency”
potential energy.
Solution: W= ∫ E dτ ≥0

2 all space Which equation is correct?

q 1
dW = Vdq =
4πε 0 r
dq W= ∑ qiVi (ri ) ≥ or ≤ 0
2 i =1
Both equations are correct.

Q q Q2
W =∫ dq =
0 4πε 0 r 8πε 0 R Why the energy of a point charge is infinite?
Does it make sense? No
The potential energy U=1/2QV is ε0 ε0 q
W= ∫ E dτ = 2 ∫ ( 4πε r ) 2 (r 2 sin θdrdθdφ ) = ∞
the work needed to bring the 2
2 0
system of charges together. all space

47 48
Comments on Electrostatic Energy 2.5 Conductor
2.5.1 Basic Properties
(ii) Where is the energy stored?
ε0 1 n E = 0 inside a conductor
W= ∫ (
E 2 ) dτ W= ∑ qiVi (ri )
2 i =1
all space

It is unnecessary to worry about where the energy ρ = 0 inside a conductor

is located. Really?
(iii) Superposition principle is not valid, because the Any net charge resides on the surface
electrostatic energy is quadratic in the fields.
ε0 ε0
W= ∫ E dτ = ∫ (E + E 2 ) 2 dτ A conductor is an equipotential
2 all space
2 all space

= ∫ (E + E22 + 2E1 ⋅ E 2 )dτ
2 E is perpendicular to the surface, just outside a conductor.
2 all space
49 50

Charge Redistribution Discharge at Sharp Points on a Conductor

Suppose two charged metal spheres with radius R1 and R2
are connected by a long wire. Charge will flow from one to σ 1
the other until their potential are equal. The equality of the E= ∝
potential implies that ε0 R
Q1 Q2
= , since Q = 4πR 2σ The above equation infer that the field strength is greatest at
R1 R2 the sharp points on a conductor.
σ 1 R1 = σ 2 R2 If the field strength is great enough (about 3x106 V/m for dry
air) it can cause an electrical discharge in air.
We infer that   1/R: The surface charge density on each
sphere is inversely proportional to the radius. How does the breakdown occur in high voltage transmission
The regions with the smallest radii of curvature have the line?
greatest surface charge densities.
51 52
Dust Causing High Voltage Breakdown 2.5.2 Induced Charges
Induced charge
on metal sphere
The potential at the surface of a charged sphere is V=kQ/R
and the field strength is E=kQ/R2. So, for a given breakdown
field strength, breakdown voltage is proportional to the
radius, VB ∝ R.
The potential of a sphere of radius 10 cm may be raised to
3x105 V before breakdown. On the other hand, a 0.05 mm If there is some cavity in the conductor, and within that
dust particle can initiate a discharge at 150 V. cavity there is some charge, then the field in the cavity will
not be zero.

No external fields penetrate the conductor; they are

A high voltage system must keep at very clean condition. canceled at the outer surface by the induced charge there.

53 54

2.5.3 Surface Charge and Force on a Conductor 2.5.4 Capacitors

Using energy density viewpoint The magnitude of the charge Q stored on either plate of a
capacitor is directly proportional to the potential difference V
In the immediate neighborhood of the surface, the
between the plates. Therefore, we may write
energy is
ε0 ε0 σ 2 Q = CV
dW = ( E 2 ) dτ = ( ( ) )dadx = fdadx
2 2 ε0 Where C is a constant of proportionality
σ 2 called the capacitance of the capacitor.
f = ←
 the force per unit area
2ε 0 The SI unit of a capacitance is the farad
This amounts to an outward electrostatic pressure on (F). 1Farad =1 coulomb/volt
the surface, tending to draw the charge into the field,
regardless of the sign of  . The capacitance of a capacitor depends on the geometry
ε0 σ2 of the plates (their size, shape, and relative positions) and
P= E2 = the medium (such as air, paper, or plastic) between them.
2 2ε 0 55 56
Parallel-plate capacitor Example
What is the capacitance of an isolated sphere of radius R?
A common arrangement found in capacitors consists of two
plates. σ Q dQ ε0 A
E= = ⇒ V = Ed = ∴ C= Solution:
ε0 ε0 A ε0 A d
where ε0 is 8.85x10-12 F/m. V= ⇒ C = 4πε 0 R
4πε 0 R

If we assume that earth is a conducting sphere of radius

Example 2.10 A parallel-plate capacitor with a plate separation 6370 km, then its capacitance would be 710 uF.
of 1 mm has a capacitance of 1 F. What is the area of each
plate? Is earth a good capacitor? No.

Cd 1× 10 −3
A= = = 1.13 × 108 m 2
ε0 8.85 × 10 −12
57 58

Example Example
A spherical capacitor consist of two concentric conducting A cylindrical capacitor consists of a central conductor of
spheres, as shown in the figure. The inner sphere, of radius radius a surrounded by a cylindrical shell of radius b, as
R1, has charge +Q, while the outer shell of radius R2, has shown below. Find the capacitance of a length L assuming
charge –Q. Find its capacitance. that air is between the plates.
Solution: Solution: λL λ
Er = =
Q R2 Q 1 1 ε 0 2πrL 2πε 0 r
E= ⇒ V = − ∫ Edr = ( − )
4πε 0 r 2 R1 4πε 0 R2 R1 b λ b
Vr = − ∫ Er dr = − ln( )
R1 R2 a 2πε 0 a
C = 4πε 0 ( )
R2 − R1 =−
Q b
ln( )
2πε 0 L a
The capacitance happens to be negative quantity. 2πε 0 L
Why we are interested only in its magnitude? ln(b / a )
Again, we are interested only in the magnitude of the
59 60
Energy Stored in a Capacitor

The energy stored in a capacitor is equal to the work done---

Homework #4
for example, by a battery---to charge it.
The work needed to transfer an infinitesimal charge dq from
the negative plate to the positive plate is dW=Vdq=q/Cdq. Problems: 2.34, 2.36, 2.39, 2.46, 2.48

The total work done to transfer charge Q is

Q q Q 2 CV 2
W =∫ dq = =
0 C 2C 2

What kind of the potential energy does this work convert?

Electric potential energy.

61 62

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