Store Ihm
Store Ihm
Store Ihm
A store has to store commodities for several reasons. When prices are low, it may necessitate
buying more than the normal requirement. If chances of shortages loom large, they may buy
more to tide over the period of shortage. Moreover, there are several kinds of commodities
and beverages such as rice, flours, wines and liquors which gain their qualities and values
when stored for a long period.
Storing of all items is the basic responsibility of a storekeeper and the person must be well
aware about the nature of materials to be stored, in particular about the shelve life of specific
In a good class of hotel there are approximately more than 700 items, which require storage.
Size and type of store facilities vary from hotel to hotel according to their size, nature of
business, traffic flow, volume of business and type of clientele etc. A small hotel may have a
general store for storing all its requirements, while a large hotel may have different storage
areas/sections but the basic fundamentals of storage facilities will be the same as per the
nature of the commodities.
A good amount of fund is always tied up with the store for the smooth operation of a hotel.
Hygiene- The word derived from Greek word Hygeia, which means goodness of health. It is
essential to form a clear conception of the importance of kitchen hygiene. The aim of
ensuring satisfactory hygienic conditions is to prevent any food being served from becoming
a source infection to the consumer.
Surfactants- This is formed by a blend of three words – surface, active and agent. These are
wetting agents that lower the surface tension of a liquid, allowing easier spreading and
lowering the interfacial tension between two liquids.
They are usually organic compounds that are amphiphilic, meaning they contain hydrophobic
(water repelling) and hydrophilic (water dissolving) groups. So, they are soluble in both
organic solvents and water.
Surfactants have wide commercial use, such as cleaning agents, paints, adhesives etc.
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Detergents- These are chemical compounds that are used for cleaning purposes. They contain
significant quantities of surfactants. In hotel industry, they may be used singly or in
combination with other cleansing agents to produce a detergent suitable for specific use.
Polivit- A perforated aluminium sheet, which is best used in an aluminium or galvanized iron
Par Stock- It is minimum cutlery, crockery, hollowware required to meet the daily demands
of a kitchen facility so as to ensure smooth operation.
Food Store A food store is a clean, well ventilated, properly illuminated, easy to operate,
efficient place used by a catering establishment according to catering policy.
A well controlled store and cellar provides a daily check on all issues and costs, and helps to
lower the cost of raw materials (food/beverage cost) by controlling pilferage, wastage and
reducing the possibility of frauds by user department.
Apart from large hotel and restaurant chains, there are a lot of entrepreneurs who are not in
favour of a store, as according to them
= why to keep a storekeeper and waste space and capital in equipment and furnishing of a
store, but
it is wrong.
Types of stores:- According to nature of food and beverage commodities, stores can be
categorized as:-
Perishable food store:- Used to store perishable food items such as fish, meat, poultry, dairy
products, game, fats, vegetables and fruits.
Frozen store:- Used for storing frozen foods, which must be placed immediately in a deep
Non-perishable items or dry store (groceries store):- Used for storing pulses, cereals, sugar,
flour, jams, pickles, bottled foods, canned foods, breads, cakes etc.
Cellar:- It is a dark and silent room in the purchase department, hidden from public view. It is
run jointly by the purchase and F&B department. It is an ideal place to store alcoholic
beverages as it is dark, airy and quiet, with a constant temperature and protected from
unpleasant smells. If a true cellar is not available in a catering organization, a dark quiet place
where temperature remains constant can be fitted with wine bins and if necessary, with a
A large hotel may have additional storage facilities other than F&B. They are:-
Maintenance store- for all types of equipments, tools, fixtures, devices etc.
Size and shape of a store room varies from establishment to establishment and depends on
individual requirement, availability of source of supply, volume of business and inventory
Inventory turnover by 3 to 4 times a ideal condition and can be calculated by the formula:-
Rate of stock turnover = Cost of food consumed / Average value of stock at cost price
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Illustration:- In 28 days trading period the cost of food consumed was Rs 60,000 and opening
stock on day 1 was Rs 20,000 and closing stock on day 28 was Rs 10,000
Rate of stock turnover = 60,000 / (20,000 + 10,000)/2 = 60,000 / 15,000 = 4.0 times
In 28-day trading period the total volume of stock turnover is 4 times and that an average of 1
week’s stock was held during the period.
Storing food can be a great way to lower down food costs and prepare for the possibility that
food shortages could occur. Beyond the essentials, exactly how much room is required for
storing food and for how long ?
The most important point that determines the space requirement for storage facility is the
number of meals served in restaurant and clubs, or number of employees being served at a
particular facility. A rough idea of the space required for storage of dry rations can be made
on the basis of these points.
Restaurants and clubs:- Area required for dry storage based on number of meals.
Location:- Ideally it should be near the receiving zone where goods are delivered by various
vendors, and it should be easily approachable by the person of any section authorized to
receive issues. Facing north is right direction for a store so as to maintain a cool temperature
and avoid sunshine.
3. Maintenance of standard of hygiene requires that the walls and ceilings be free of
4. Sufficient lighting (natural and artificial) should be there in all areas (recommended
level 30 foot candle) and storekeeper’s desk should be well illuminated
(recommended level 70 foot candle- FCL).
5. Should have a separate issuing counter / window.
6. The ceiling should not be less than 12 ft from floor level.
7. There should not be any right angle corner between floor and wall to prevent
accumulation of dirt.
8. The height of issuing counter (reception platform) should not be less than 30 inch
from floor level and length should not be less than 36 inch. It should be well
9. The recommended height of the racks is 8 ft from floor level and space between
shelves may vary 50-90 cms and for stacking of small cans or jars it should not be less
than 15 inch.
10. Racks should be arranged with a minimum distance from wall not less than 3 inch and
same gap should be maintained between two racks.
11. A make-up counter is essential and should be located at the centre of the store for
holding commodities before issuing to the user department.
12. Follow a minimum aisle space of approximately 36 inch for gangway.
13. For turning an average truck space required is 72 inch.
14. Storekeeper should be provided with a suitable working table along with space to
keep documents.
15. Shelving – a) for perishable foods:- Shelving should be slatted to permit maximum
circulation of air in refrigerated facilities.
b) for non-perishable food items:- Solid steel shelving is preferred.
The basic aim of a food store is to maintain an adequate supply of foods for the immediate
needs of the business with the very minimum loss through spoilage and pilferage.
The standard established for storing food should address the following principal concerns:-
The sequence of store operation has been shown in the following flow diagram:-
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Foods must be stored at correct temperatures. The optimum storage temperature varies
depending on the nature of the item. The generally accepted storage temperatures and periods
for storing foods are given in tables A, B and C below.
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1. Foods should be divided into – Perishable, Frozen and Dry items. Received, inspected
with respect to quality, quantity and delivery performance. For any discrepancy, to be
reported to higher authorities for necessary action / documentation.
2. Most frequently used items should be stacked near the entrance area of the store.
3. There should be a definite place for each commodity.
4. Food items like spices, herbs etc.delivered in unsealed containers such as paper bags,
boxes should be transferred to suitable airtight containers.
5. Items should be grouped if they are similar such as bottled or canned.
6. Items must be stacked by coding system of numerical bin sequence or alphabetical
7. Stock rotation should be on FIFO basis.
8. Humidity level should be approximately 90%.
9. Meat and poultry items should be stored separately.
10. Meat items should be hung on hooks with drip trays underneath to collect any blood.
11. Cuts of meat may be brushed with oil or wrapped in oiled grease proof paper.
12. Decayed or spoiled vegetables should not be stored.
13. Hard fruits and stone fruits should be stored in cold store.
14. Vegetables should be stored separately on racks in a cool and dry place.
15. Eggs have a tendency to absorb smells. So store them away from other foods at 1-40C
in refrigerated equipment and use in rotation.
16. Cut pieces of cheese should be wrapped and refrigerated at a temperature below 50C.
17. Rotation of dry goods should be LILO.
18. Store room should not left open and unattended.
19. Proper key control should be implemented.
20. Check date of packing / expiry before use.
21. Discard stores of expired date or found unit for consumption.
22. Protect from insects / rodents approach.
23. Store properly and protect items from chances of contamination.
24. Keep storage flow clear.
25. Never use flow for storing food commodities or empties.
26. Flour bags should be piled off the floor to enable free circulation of air around the
piles. Should be well ventilated and kept away from direct sunlight. Temperature of
storage area should be 65-750F and RH 55-65%.
27. Employees’ access should be restricted and there should be a time schedule for
delivery of goods to user department / section.
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Shelves: These are integral to a store room. Shelves are of various designs and sizes
depending upon the nature of items to be stored and available space.
18, 21 or 24 24,30,36,42,48,60,72
These are manufactured as flat or louvered metal shelves and open welded wire shelves.
The open wire shelving is recommended where ventilation is important.
Shelves are available in aluminium, galvanized, coated galvanized and stainless steel. SS
is the ultimate finish for both wet and dry storage. Uncoated zinc plated units should be
used for dry storage only. The average shelf load limit is 1000 lbs. The height and upright
shelves varies from 26 inch to 86 inch.
Mobile ingredient bins for dry storage: - These are now available either in plastic or metal
and may have sliding or hinged covers. Clear and see-through covers are also available.
Table 1 gives example of sizes and capacities of various ingredients.
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Chinaware and glassware carton sizes:- These are among the most important service
equipment used in a catering facility and need to be stacked and preserved with great care
and caution. Table 2 gives standard carton sizes with respect to crockery items.
(Note: To determine square feet when inches are given, multiply length x width and
divide by 144. Example, 12 in x 42 in shelf = 504 sq in = 504/144 = 3.5 sq ft.)
Table 3 gives an idea for the space required for various storage items in sq. ft.
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Refrigerated Storage:- There are various options available for refrigeration systems – both
indoor and outdoor installations. Indoor units are available in various finishes and with
colour panels. Outdoor units require weather cages for the roof and rain hoods for the
doors. Walk-in coolers may be set directly on existing concrete or tiled floors. Audio and
visual alarm systems are available for coolers and freezers. Plastic air curtains hung at
door openings can cut down running time of the compressor and save money.
Blast Freezer:- Harmful food based bacteria can multiply once every 20 minutes or so
under ideal conditions. In 12 hours, over 69 million bacteria are capable of growing on
food surfaces. Whenever a cooked food product is freezed, it must pass through the
‘danger zone’ as it cools from 1500F to below 410F. It is crucial that food passes through
this stage of freezing as quickly as possible.
Table 4 and 5 provide useful tips for Specialized Walk-ins and standard Blast Freezer
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Blast freezing and Chilling is the method of rapid heat removal, by means of convection
in which cold air is circulated over the product. This quickly seals the outer layer of food
products prohibiting bacteria growth and prevents product dehydration. This process must
happen quickly enough to prevent formation of ice crystals (commonly known as freezer
burn) and prevents food texture and consistency.
1. Damaging bacteria rendered dormant. 2. Food colour, texture and nutritional value
sealed in. 3. Prevention of formation of large ice crystals, which can damage food.
4. Reduce kitchen waste, as unused portions can safely be stored for later use.
5. Increased kitchen efficiency allows preparing large batches and use some portions
later. 6. Cost effective operation and maintenance.
Thumb rule for space requirement for walk-in refrigeration:- General rule for estimating
space is to allow 0.5 cu. ft. of usable space per meal served. Small walk-ins with only one
door and a single aisle can have 50-60% of usable space. Large walk-ins with multiple aisles
and doors can have 35-45% usable space.
Role of Storekeeper
Primary role:- To store and to maintain adequate stocks of materials with minimum loss
through theft and spoilage.
Secondary role:- Must make follow-up checks the facilities and the articles along with
storage methods and storage temperature.
Immediate corrective action should be taken whenever there is a deviation from the
established standard operating procedure.
Key functions
(A) Stock Control:- 1. Stock taking 2. Determining the value of stock held in stores.
3. Comparing actual stock value (physical) with the book value of the stock.
4. Determining rate of stock turnover. 5. Establishing stock levels. 6. Maintaining stock
(B) Stock Taking:- It is an important task and should be undertaken by the staff from the
accounts department along with F&B management team. Generally by two methods it
is undertaken.
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Value of Closing Stock = Value of Opening Stock + Purchases during the period –
Requisitions made in the same period.
(C) Maintain Stock Levels:- The level at which an item of stock is to be held in
stores/cellars at any point of time in a particular trading period is called Stock Level.
Determinants:- 1. The forecasted usage figures for the trading period. 2. The Economic
Ordering Quantity (EOQ). 3. The re-ordering time for the item (Lead Time). 4. The rate
of Stock Turnover. 5. Budget. 6. Market trends. 7. Storage space available. 8. Shelf life of
the item.
Minimum Stock Level = Reorder level (ROL) – (Average usage x Average reorder
Maximum Stock level = ROL + EOQ – (Minimum usage x Minimum reorder period)
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(D) Issuing Control:- Standard procedures follow the following areas-
1. Setting up a requisition system
2. Pricing the requisition
1. A requisition system is a structured method for controlling issues. The requisitions
may be submitted in advance to enable the store room clerk to prepare the order
without haste. The items listed on requisitions fall into two categories:-
Directs – The food category charged to food cost as received (e.g. perishable food items)
Stores – The food category charged to food cost as issued (e.g. staples and tagged items)
Many different approaches have been taken over the years in an effort to control F & B
costs. The objective has always been the same to keep costs in line without sacrificing the
quality and quantity of the food which goes to the customer.
To control and maintain highest level of service standards, a storekeeper has to follow
certain procedures and document or record all the transactions of the day.
Daily Perishable Order: * The most important document handled by the store.
All the perishable that are purchased by the hotel are ordered through this format.
The Executive Chef order a day ahead of the receipt of the perishables considering any
social functions due to be hosted and the stock level. Stores department is consulted to
know the stock in hand.
While ordering the fruits, an excess stock is necessary for following day issues.
Ordering fruits is done in numbers.
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An adequate stock of perishables helps to give a speedy issue to the outlets.
The order form is made in four copies. Original and second copy goes to purchase
department, third copy to stores, fourth copy is book copy or office copy. The purchase
department places the order with the suppliers, and the original sent to the receiving
department to receive the items.
For any short received, intimation sent to purchase department, Executive Chef and store
through a shortage report.
The ordering by Executive Chef means that the Chef takes the responsibility of the items
including those that fall short. But if the items are short supplied, the Chef can hold the
Purchase department responsible.
When F & B items are received by store from the receiving department, the items are
either weighed or counted as per requirement and quantity of the items, date of receipt,
serial and remarks are entered in receiving tag which is sent to stores with the items.
Generally the items weigh more than what is weighed at the receiving end as there is a
margin for shrinkage.
These details are entered in the Stores’ Credit Report (SCR):-
i) Received report number, date, item, quantity and unit, unit price and bin card number.
ii) At the end of the day the original copy of the report sent to F & B controls for their
iii) F & B dept. reconciles the receiving report and SCR to look for any discrepancy.
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1. When items are received at stores, the items are weighed or counted as per
requirement and entered in SCR (Stores Credit Report).
2. For groceries, they are counted or weighed in the SCR and in the bin card.
3. For perishables, they are stored at the appropriate temperature as per requirement.
4. Groceries and beverage items entered into the cards after consulting the SCR.
5. In case of smokes, liquors, two entries are made in the card.
1. Ensuring safety and security of the beverage facility- responsibility to a single person
under lock and key.
2. Organizing the beverage storage facility:-
The physical arrangement of a cellar comprises –
The main storage area held at 130C to 160C for the storage of red wines and spirits.
A refrigerated area held at 100C for storage of white wines and sparkling wines.
Another refrigerated area held at 60C to 80C for storage of ledger beers, if necessary.
An area held at 130C for storage of bottled beers and soft drinks.
A totally separate area for stacking empty bottles, crates etc.
3. Maintaining appropriate conditions-
Temperature, humidity, light etc. to maximize shelf life.
4. Maintaining cellar records – for proper control.
5. Ensuring par stock for bars. Par Stock is the precise quantity stated in number of
bottles or other containers and must be on hand at all times for each item.
6. Beverage Store –Should have only one access. It must be locked and to be sealed for
opening and closing.
7. Ideal location – To provide direct and easy access.
8. Maximum height of shelves – Should be 7 ft. 6 in. from floor level as it reduces
chance of breakages.
9. Size of Shelves – According to the size of bins which are approximately 22 in. wide,
14 in. high and 18 in. deep.
10. Space for cleaning – Leave 4 in. space between lower shelf and floor for cleaning etc.
List of documents used in cellar (for 5-star hotel):- * Cellar control * Cellar control ledger
(Ullage) * Bin card * Cellar perpetual inventory control ledger * Daily beverage inventory
sheet * Beverage requisition book * Empties outward book and breakage book.