Hamad Et Al., 2017
Hamad Et Al., 2017
Hamad Et Al., 2017
artic l e i nf o abstrac t
Article history: The pressure drop has a significant importance in multiphase flow systems. In this paper, the effect of the volumetric quality and
Received 27 August 2016 mixture velocity on pressure drop of gas-liquid flow in horizontal pipes of different diameters are investigated experimentally
Revised 8 January 2017
and numerically. The experimental facility was de- signed and built to measure the pressure drop in three pipes of 12.70, 19.05 and
Accepted 23 January 2017
25.40 mm. The water and air flow rates can be adjusted to control the mixture velocity and void fraction. The measurements are
Available online 27 January 2017
performed under constant water flow rate (CWF) by adding air to the water and constant total flow rate (CTF) in which the flow
Keywords: rates for both phases are changed to give same CTF. The drift-flux model is also used to predict the pressure drop for same cases. The
Air-water flow present data is also compared with a number of empirical models from the literature. The results show that: i) the pressure drop
Pressure drop increases with higher volumetric qualities for the cases of constant water flow rate but decreases for higher volumetric qualities of
Horizontal pipes constant total flow rate due to the change in flow pattern. ii) The drift-flux model and homogenous model are the most suitable
Experimental measurement Drift- models for pressure drop prediction.
flux model
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction In horizontal flow, the phases tend to separate due to the dif- ference in
densities and the effect of fluid gravity, thereby causing a form of stratification. The
The application of single and multiphase flow has been fre- quently heavier fluid tends to concentrate at the bottom of the pipe whereas the lighter
observed in many diverse fields of science and engineer- ing such as agricultural, fluid concentrates at the top. Several flow patterns can be observed during the flow
biomedical, chemical, food science and petroleum engineering. It is necessary to of mixed phases as flow rates of water and air are varied. These flow patterns also
predict design parame- ters such as friction factor, pressure drop, bubble size, void depend on the physical properties of the fluids such as the density and viscosity,
fraction, heat and mass transfer coefficient in order to determine the de- sired surface tension and the flow system geometry.
operating conditions and the size of the equipment required for the specific According to Awad (2012) the formation of specific flow pattern is governed by
application. The pressure drop in horizontal pipes is the parameter to be competition of different forces in the system such as momentum, viscous,
investigated in this paper gravitational, and surface tension. When the momentum force in two-phase flow is
The pressure drop in horizontal pipes has been studied by a number of dominant, the bubbles tend to disperse uniformly into the pipe. This usually
researchers to develop empirical models to use in the design of new equipment. occurs at high mixture flow rate, which leads to a bubbly flow.
However, there is no general model available to predict the pressure drop within The pressure drop of a fluid is due to the variation of kinetic and potential
acceptable accuracy (Michaelides, 2006). This is attributed to the complexities energy of the fluid and that is due to friction on the walls of the flow channel.
inher- ited from the single-phase flow like the non-linearity, transition to turbulence Therefore, the total pressure drop is represented by the sum of the static pressure
and instabilities plus additional two-phase characteris- tics like motion and drop (elevation head), the momentum pressure drop (acceleration) and the fric-
deformation of the interface, non-equilibrium effects and interactions between the tional pressure drop. Here the most problematic and important term is the
phases (Ghajar, 2005). frictional pressure drop, which can be expressed as a function of the two-phase
friction factor.
Two distinct approaches are available from engineering point of view in
Corresponding author. accounting for the behaviour of multiphase flow sys-
E-mail addresses: f.hamad@tees.ac.uk (F.A. Hamad), foadfaraji5@gmail.com
(F. Faraji), christianosantim@gmail.com (C.G.S. Santim), n.mehboobbasha@tees.ac.uk (N. Basha),
z.ali@tees.ac.uk (Z. Ali).
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2017.01.007 0301-9322/©
2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F.A. Hamad et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 91 (2017) 120–129 121
tem. The first is a global approach that relies on the practical method in Table 1
The values of coefficient C (Holland and
developing simplified models that contain parameters,
Bragg, 1999).
which are evaluated from the experimental data (Lockhart and
Martinelli, 1949; Friedel, 1979; Mishima and Hibiki, 1996; Chen et al., 2001). The Liquid Gas C
The Froude and weber numbers are given respectively as Fr = 3. Experimental facility
G2m G2 d
and We = m , where σ is the surface tension. The dimen-
ρmσ The experimental facility shown in Fig. 1 is designed and built
sionless parameters F, H and E (Thome, (1990)) are defined as fol-
at Teesside University, to investigate the pressure drop for single and two-phase
flows pressure drop. The test rig has three PVC transparent pipes of 1 m in length
ρl fgo
(1 − x)2 +x2 , and inner diameters of 0.0127 m, 0.01905 m and 0.0254 m. The main components of
ρg flo the test rig are the water centrifugal pump, air compressor, water and air flow me-
ters, water tank, and differential pressure transducer.
F = x0.78(1 − x)0.224, To generate air-water mixture, the water is pumped from the
tank to the test section using a centrifugal pump. Then, the air is
Σ0.91. Σ0.19.
μ Σ0.7
ρl μ g supplied from the main compressor in the building via a filter and
ρg μl pressure regulator, this is done to minimise the fluctuation in air
g flow rate. The air and water flow rates are measured by the flow
1− .
μl pressure regulator, this is done to minimise the fluctuation in air
flow rate. The air and water flow rates are measured by the flow
The flo and fgo can be calculated from the single phase fric- tion correlation meters at the upstream of the mixing point.
(Blasius equation) based on liquid Reynolds num- ber, (Relo = Gd/μl ) and gas In this investigation, the measurements are performed under constant water
Reynolds number (Rego = Gd/μg). From Blasius equation: flo = 0.079/Re0.25 and flow rate (CWF) by adding air to the water and con- stant total flow rate (CTF) in
fgo = 0.079/Re0.25. lo go which the flow rates for both phases are changed to give same CTF. The water flow
The pressure drop for assuming the total flow is liquid, (dp/dx)lo can be rate up to 40 l/min was measured by the digiflow 6710M meter. The air flow rate was
calculated as,
. dp Σ 2 floG2vl measured by Platon air flow meter with accuracy of ± 1.25%. The differential
= (10) pressure transducer (C9553 COMARK) is connected to the test section by two
dx d
lo flexible plastic tubes via two taps at inlet
Where vl is the liquid specific volume (m3/kg) is Thus, the two- phase flow and exit of the pipe. The images of flow patterns are obtained by a high-speed digital
pressure gradient can be obtained by substituting the Eqs. (9) and (10) in Eq. (8). camera (NiKon 1J1). Due to the limited length of the pipes, a perforated pate was
used a flow conditioned eliminate velocity profile distortion and uneven void
fraction distribution.
3.1.1. Muller-Steinhagen and heck
Muller-Steinhagen and Heck (1986) proposed the following two-phase
4. Numerical solution
frictional pressure drop correlation based on all liquid flow and all gas flow,
A Roe-type Riemann solver based on drift-flux model proposed by Santim and
. Σ Rosa (2016) was used to calculate the pressure drop
dp numerically. The model is assumed to be isothermal with no mass transfer between
= GMS (1 − x)
+ Bx (11) the phases. The system of equations for the con- servation laws is given by Eqs.
TF (15)–(17). The first two equations
where the factor GMS is defined as, consist of mass formulations for each phase i.e, liquid and gas and
the last equation for the mixture momentum conservation.
GMS = A + 2(A − B)x. (12)
∂ ∂
Assuming the total flow is liquid, the pressure drop (dp/dx)lo can be [(1 − α) ρ l] + [(1 − α ) ρlu l] = 0, (15)
calculated as: ∂t ∂x
. Σ ∂ ∂
dp 2floG2vl (αρ ) + (αρ u ) = 0, (16)
A= dx = d . (13) ∂t g
∂x g g
dx d
Similarly, the pressure drop for assuming the total flow is gas ((dp/dx)go): ∂ ∂Σ Σ
[(1 − α)ρ u + αρ u ] + (1 − α)ρ u2 + αρ u2 + P = F ,
. Σ l l gg
∂x l l g g W
dp 2 fgoG vg 2 (17)
d . (14)
go where P is the pressure, α represents the void fraction, ρ is the
density, u is the velocity, with the subscripts l and g refer to the liquid and gas
The literature review presented above shows that in spite a number of
phases. The last term on Eq. (17), FW, is a momen- tum source term that represents
empirical models developed to predict the pressure drop of multiphase flow,
the wall friction force and is given as:
there is still a dearth of research work needed in this area as there are no reliable
models that can be
used for different geometries and flow patterns. Hence, the pur- pose of this paper ρm|um|um (18)
FW= f
is twofold. The first is to collect new experi- 2d
mental data on pressure drop for various pipe diameters with dif- ferent flow In which um = (1 − α)ul + αug represents the mixture velocity, ρm = αρg +
patterns (Teesside University) at Constant Water Flow rate (CWF) where the air is (1 − α)ρl is the density of mixture in terms of the void fraction, f represents
added to the water. In addition to Con- stant Total Flow rate (CTF) where the flow the friction factor and d is the ID pipe.
rates for both phases are changed to give CTF. The second is to examine the The friction factor (f) depends on Reynolds number of the mix- ture (Rem),
possibility of using the drift-flux model (utilizing the approximate Riemann which is defined as:
solver proposed by Santim and Rosa (2016) to predict the pressure Rem = , (19)
drop for two-phase flows by comparing the experimental data with μm
predictions from the model. In addition, the present experimental measurements are where μm is the mixture viscosity. The relation proposed by Beattie and
also compared with predictions from empirical models in the literature. Whalley (1982) is used: μm = (1 − α)μl (1 + 2.5α) + αμg in the range 0 < α
< 1.
F.A. Hamad et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 91 (2017) 120–129 123
For laminar flows, the friction factor is defined as f = 64/Rem. The implicit length is too short or flow to fully develop and achieve a define defined flow
relation proposed by Colebrook, Eq. (21), is utilized pattern.
to calculate f for turbulent flows since the Eq. (20), proposed by , . Σ
ρ g −18α
Haaland, is assumed as an initial guess for Colebrooks´ equation. 2 ρl
1.2− 0.2 1−e
+ ,
6.9 Σ
.. Σ C0 = . Rem 2 Σ . 1000 Σ2 (24)
, = −1.8 log ε 1.11
, (20) 1+ 1+ Rem
3.7D + Re 1000
f m . Σ1/4
. Σ ud = C cos (θ ) + D gσ Oρ sin(θ ). (25)
1 ε/D 2.51 ρ2
, = −2 log + , , (21)
f 3.7 Rem f The discretization scheme used in the simulations is an upwind
discretization as demonstrated by Leveque (2002), in which the
discretization as demonstrated by Leveque (2002), in which the
where ε represents the equivalent roughness of the pipe, consid- ered as 10−9 vector U of conservative variables has its components Ui evaluated using an
m. explicit numerical procedure depicted below:
The thermodynamic state equations for the liquid and gas den- Σ _ +
. .
sities are expressed in terms of the sound velocities, cl and cg, as Ot (λp) wp (λ p w
p , (26)
presented below Uin+1 = Un i− Ox +
) , (26)
presented below i i
Ox p=1
P − Pl,0
ρl = ρ and ρ P
l,0 + g = , in which,
c2l c2g
βi−1/2 = R−1(Ui − U ) and wp = βi−1/2
rp, (27)
where ρ l,0 and Pl,0
i−1 i−1/2
are given as constants.
The system of the conservation laws, given by Eqs. (15)–(17), can be written where w represents the waves crossing the cells’ interface, λ− and
in the conservative form, as: λ+ are the characteristic velocities (superscript ’-’ means left going waves). The
∂U ∂F matrix R represents the right eigenvector matrix, and p is the counter of
+ = S, (22) eigenvalues (m is the total number).
∂t ∂x This explicit scheme must satisfy a CFL (Courant-Friedrichs- Lewy) condition
where U, F and S are the vectors of the conservative variables, fluxes and as stability criterion:
source terms written as follows: Ot
. Σ . Σ . Σ < 1.
U1 (1−α)ρl F1 |λmax|
U = U2 ≡ αρg F = F2 F3 The wall friction force source term is treated using the Fractional-Step
U3 (1 − α)ρlul + αρgug method studied by Leveque (2002). The hyperbolic
. Σ . Σ . Σ
(1 α ) ρ u l
− l S1 0 system is split into two sub-problems which are solved indepen- dently. The first
≡ αρgug S = S2 ≡ 0 . (23) consists of a homogeneous system using the up- wind scheme previously
(1 − α)ρlu 2 + αρgu2 + P FW presented in Eq. (26).
g S3 Σ
Σ .m
Ot (λ )
m _ + p
. p
Since the system has three equations and four unknowns, we U∗ = Un − (λp) wp + w (29)
need to obtain the system closure by using of a drift-flux rela- i i
Ox i+1/2 i−1/2
p=1 p=1
tion. The relation chosen was ug = C0um + ud, presented by Zuber
and Findlay (1965). The parameter C0 and the drift velocity ud are defined primarily The ODE must be solved in a second step, as
considering the fluid transport properties and
sometimes by the flow pattern regime. The drift parameters imple- Uin+1 = U ∗ −i OtS . 3 (30)
mented on the solver were proposed by Choi et al. (2012) and are pattern To obtain a numerical solution on pressure drop along a pipe, a spatial mesh
independent. This correlation was chosen since the pipe with 100 nodal points is chosen after a mesh test,
124 F.A. Hamad et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 91 (2017) 120–129
The results show that the pressure drop increased significantly for small pipe
diameter. To have a better understanding of this effect, the variation of pressure
drop with volume fraction for the same water Reynolds number (Re = 26,000)
considering three pipes is given in Fig. 3d. The results show that reducing pipe di-
ameter lead to nonlinear increase in friction pressure drop similar to single phase
flow which can be approximated by the follow- ing formula: Op = 4.733d−1.45,
this formula is given by Bhagwat et al. (2012). A similar finding was reported by
Kaji and Azzopardi (2010) for air-water flow in vertical pipes of diameters in a
range of 0.010 m – 0.050 m.
a b
c d
Fig. 3. (a) Variation of measured pressure drop for the CWF and CTF rates in 0.0254 m pipe with volumetric quality. (b) Variation of measured pressure drop for the CWF and CTF rates in 0.01905 m pipe with
volumetric quality. (c) Variation of measured pressure drop for the CWF and CTF rates in 0.0127 m pipe with volumetric quality. (d) Effect of pipe diameter on pressure drop (Re = 26,000).
considered as an addition wall due to the velocity difference be- tween the two to predict the pressure drop. For all simulations the system shows to be hyperbolic.
layers which lead to generation of addition eddies. Fig. 5 represents a comparison between the experimental pres- sure drop and the
numerical prediction as a function of the mix- ture Reynolds number. The results
5.3.2. Experimental uncertainties show that there are different representative zones: i) for 0 < Re < 75,000, the
The experimental uncertainty is a combined effect of pipe di- mensions data is not scat- tered, ii) for 75,000 < Re < 125,000, there is a high scatter and
(length and diameter and surface roughness), the accu- racy of instrumentation (flow iii) Re> 125,000 the pressure drop increases smoothly. These three zones are similar
meters and pressure transducer), the fluid properties (density, viscosity and surface to laminar, transition and turbulent flow for sin- gle phase flow. The comparison
tension) and the op- erating conditions (flow rate and temperature). The effect of proves that the drift-flux model can be used for pressure drop prediction of two-
these variables will lead to some error in pressure drop measurements. The error phase flows.
can be estimated using the available statistical correla- tion and incorporated into
the plotted graph as error bars. Fig. 4d present the experimental data for two-phase
5.5. Comparison of present pressure drop data with empirical models
flow with error bar. The height of the bars reflects the level of uncertainty at the
dif- ferent Reynolds numbers. It can be observed that the uncertainty is peaked for
The investigation was carried out for three horizontal pipes of different
Re in the rage of 75,000 −125,000 reflecting the high instability of the flow this
diameters using air-water mixture. Table 2 provides the range of various
parameters used in the experiments.
5.4. The drift-flux model The measured pressure drop values have been compared with the predictions
from the most common existing empirical models, the models selected for this
The model takes into account the effects of non-uniform veloc- ity and void purpose are Lockhart and Martinelli (1949), Friedel (1979), Müller-Steinhagen and
fraction profiles as well as effect of local relative ve- locity between the phases Heck (1986), Awad and Muzychka, (2008) and the homogeneous model. The
(Shen et al., 2014). The relative motion between the phases is governed by a subset most of the above-mentioned models are applicable for smooth pipes. Therefore,
of the parameters in- herent to the flow. The model comes from the Two-Fluid the test conditions of the present experimental data in transparent acrylic pipes are
model (TFM) through neglecting the static head terms and assuming the applied to the above-mentioned mod- els. The comparison between the
momentum conservation of the mixture. Therefore, a third bound- ary condition is measurements and the predic- tions are presented in Figs. 6–9.
not necessary at the inlet region and the interfacial friction term is cancelled out. The accuracy of the predictions can be measured by calculating the average
Other advantage is that the equa- tions can be put in a conservative form, percent error (APE) and average absolute percent error (AAPE) of each data source.
facilitating to discretize by finite volume methods. The system of the conservation The percentage error at each point (PE) can be calculated as:
laws is generally hyperbolic depending on the slip law used.
Σ (dp/dx) − (dp/dx) Σ
The approximate Roe-type Riemann solver proposed by Santim and Rosa pred exp
PE =100. (32)
(2016), which is based on the Drift-Flux model, is applied (dp/dx)exp
126 F.A. Hamad et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 91 (2017) 120–129
a b
Fig. 4. (a) Variation of the pressure drop with CWF and CTF in the pipe of 0.0254 m. (Water flow rate = 40 l/min). (b) Photographs of CWF cases (d = 0.0254 m, 40l/min). (c) Photographs of CWF (d = 0.0254 m, 40 l/min).
(d) Experimental data for pressure drop with error bars.
Table 2
Experimental measurements.
Pipe ID (m) No of tests Flow Type Usw (m/s) Usa (m/s) β (%) Op (Pa) Rem
min max min max min max min max min max
The average percentage error is defined as follows: the absolute errors are considered so that the positive and nega-
. Σ ΣΣ tive errors are taken into account (the positive and negative errors
n (dp/dx) pred − (dp/dx) exp arenot cancelled out). Theequationisgiven as:
APE = 100. (33)
n (dp/dx)exp
Eqs. (32) and (33) are used to estimate the error of individual points and ⎡ ⎤
average error of the data. The average abolute percent- Σ. Σ2 Σ1/2
. 1 ( dp/dx )pred − (dp/dx )exp
age error (AAPE) is calculated to evaluate the prediction capability
AAPE = ⎣ ⎦ 100. (34)
of the emprical correlation. Unlike the average percent error (APE), n (dp/dx)exp
of the emprical correlation. Unlike the average percent error (APE), k=1
F.A. Hamad et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 91 (2017) 120–129 127
Fig. 5. Comparision between the experimental data and prediction from drifit flux model.
perimental data within acceptable error and can be recommended as a guide for
pressure drop prediction in multiphase flow systems. The Friedel model gives the
highest percentage of errors and not recommendable for pressure drop prediction of
multiphase flow in horizontal pipes.
Through analysis of Fig. 6a & b, it can be observed that the assumption of
multiphase flow as homogeneous flow is reason- able as the trend lines of
experimental and predictions are very close. Ghajar (2005) considers that the
homogenous model is more suitable for predicting pressure drop in bubbly flow
patterns. The present results also confirm this behaviour once the homogenous
model gives more accurate results for the bubbly flow cases of CWF and the low
air flow rate (5 l/min) for CTF. The error increases for the cases of CTF with high
volumetric quality when wavy strat- ified flow is observed. The discrepancy can be
related to the orig- inal assumption, which is made in the equation of the
homoge- neous model, that the flow is homogenous and the velocities of the
gas and liquid are the same.
b By analysis of Fig. 7, it can be verified that the Lockhart- Martinelliḿodel is
suitable for CWF cases as the error is lower compared to CTF. The higher error for
CTF may be attributed to the change in the flow pattern to wavy stratified flow
similar to ho- mogenous model. Spedding et al. (2006) found that the Lockhart-
Martinelli over/under predicts the data within ± 40% error espe- cially in higher
mass velocity values which are much higher than present study. Awad and
Muzychka (2014a) and Quiben (2005), recommended that Lockhart-Martinelli as
one of the best methods that can be used for predicting pressure drop in two-phase
flow as it can be used for any flow pattern. The results in Fig. 7 demon- strate that
at higher mass flux (Reynolds number) of the mixture, this method under predicts
the data. This may be attributed to the assumptions considered in the development
of the model such as:
i) interaction between the two-phases is ignored, ii) the accelera- tions and static
heads for the phases are neglected, therefore the pressure drop in gas and liquid
phases is assumed to be the same. From Fig. 8, it can be seen that the Friedel model
gives a high discrepancy compared to the other correlations which is reflected in
average error of 56% as given in Table 3. As it can be verified from the comparison,
this model over predicts the experimental data. The present finding is supported by
Fig. 6. (a) Comparison of experimental data with Homogenous model. (b) Compar- ison of
experimental data with Awad and Muzychka, 2008.
even higher error of 66% given by Xu et al (2012) and 83% by Awad and Muzychka
(2014b). In contrast, some authors (Quiben (2005) and Ghajar (2005)) rec-
ommended the Friedel correlation is capable of providing the most accurate results for
A summary of the error percentage calculated from Eqs. pressure drop analysis in two phase flows. The high discrepancy may be attributed to
(33) and (34) for all the models (empiricals and numerical) is given in Table 3. the difference in test oper- ating condition, pipe diameter and using fluids of
The error values in the table show that the drift-flux model and different densi-
homogenous model and Awad and Muzychka, (2008) model are the most accurate
models for pressure prediction as the values of AAPE, APE, average negative error
and average positive error are the lowest compared to the other models. The
Lockhart-Martinelli and Muller-Steinhagen & Heck models can predict most of the
128 F.A. Hamad et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 91 (2017) 120–129
Table 3
Estimated error for each model.
various empirical correlations and by using of the drift-flux model. The superficial
water velocity in the range of 0.16 - 5.263 m/s and superficial air velocity in the
range of 0.16 – 3.289 m/s were used to give the different values of volumetric
qualities. The pressure drop measurements were performed under constant water
flow rate (CWF) and constant total flow rate (CTF). Through compari- son
between the pressure drop obtained by the models against the experimental
acquisitions, the main findings can be summarised as follows:
- Single phase flow tests were performed and the results con- firmed the
accuracy of the instrumentation and the suitabil- ity of the test facility which
can be used for two-phase flow investigation.
- The friction pressure drop enhanced with the increasing of gas flow rate for
CWF. On the other hand, it decreased with the increasing of gas flow rate for
Fig. 8. Comparison of experimental data with Friedel model. CTF. This behaviour is at- tributed to the flow patterns transition in pipes.
- Drift-flux model predicts the experimental data with good ac- curacy. The
average error is of around 0.8% which is the low- est compared to other
- The prediction from Homogenous and Awad and Muzychka (2008) models
is concluded as the most accurate one com- pared to other empirical models
in the literature to measure the friction pressure drop with an average
percentage error less than 3%.
- The Lockhart-Martinelli and Muller-Steinhagen and Heck model are
considered as the second best empirical models from the literature to
predict the experimental data with satisfactory average percentage is
less than - 12%.
- The Friedel model can be used as a guide to predict the pres- sure drop but it is
not quantitatively reliable as the average percentage error is around 56%.
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