Membrane Eng
Membrane Eng
Membrane Eng
13. Consider the currently accepted fluid-mosaic E) It requires integral proteins of the cell
model of the plasma membrane. Where in the membrane.
membrane would cholesterol most likely be found?
A) on the outside surface 20. The concentration of solutes in a red blood cell
B) in the interior is about 2%. Sucrose cannot pass through the
C) on the inside surface membrane, but water and urea can. Osmosis would
D) in the interior and on the inside surface, but not cause red blood cells to shrink the most when
on the outside surface immersed in which of the following solutions?
E) none of the above A) a hypertonic sucrose solution
B) a hypotonic sucrose solution
14. Consider the currently accepted fluid-mosaic C) a hypertonic urea solution
model of the plasma membrane. Where in the D) a hypotonic urea solution
membrane would oligosaccharides most likely be E) pure water
A) on the outside surface 21. Imagine two solutions separated by a selectively
B) in the interior permeable membrane that allows water to pass, but
C) on the inside surface not sucrose or glucose. The membrane separates a
D) in the interior and on the inside surface, but not 0.2-molar sucrose solution from a 0.2-molar
on the outside surface glucose solution. With time, how will the solutions
E) none of the above change?
A) Nothing happens because the two solutions are
15. Which of the following statements is true about isotonic to one another.
passive transport? B) Water enters the sucrose solution because the
A) Passive transport operates independently of sucrose molecule is a disaccharide and thus
diffusion. larger than the monosaccharide glucose.
B) Passive transport operates independently of C) Water leaves the sucrose solution because the
concentration. sucrose molecule is a disaccharide and thus
C) Passive transport phenomena can never reach larger than the monosaccharide glucose.
equilibrium. D) The sucrose solution is hypertonic and will gain
D) Passive transport does not occur in the human water because the total mass of sucrose is
body. greater than that of glucose.
E) Passive transport requires no ATP input. E) After the sucrose dissociates to two
monosaccharides, water will be osmostically
16. Which one of the following molecules is most drawn to that side of the membrane.
likely to diffuse freely across the lipid bilayer of the
cell membrane without the involvement of a 22. The diffusion of water across a selectively
transport protein? permeable membrane is called _____.
A) carbon dioxide A) active transport
B) glucose B) osmosis
C) sodium ion C) exocytosis
D) DNA D) passive transport
E) hemoglobin E) facilitated diffusion
17. The movement of atoms, ions, or molecules 23. The internal solute concentration of a plant cell
from a region of higher concentration to regions of is about 0.8 M. To demonstrate plasmolysis it
lower concentration is called _____. would be necessary to suspend the cell in what
A) spontaneous combustion solution?
B) diffusion A) distilled water
C) heat B) 0.4 M
D) crenation C) 0.8 M
E) active transport D) 1.0 M
E) any of the above
18. Materials that readily cross the lipid portion of a
cell membrane are typically _____. 24. Which of these situations accurately represents
A) nonpolar and uncharged osmoregulation in organisms?
B) nonpolar and charged A) Freshwater fish must all be isotonic to their
C) polar and charged environments.
D) polar and large B) Marine animals cannot be isotonic to seawater.
E) two of the above C) Plant cells need a hypotonic environment for
their cells to stay turgid.
19. Which one of the following statements is true D) Seawater is hypotonic to human cells.
about diffusion? E) Freshwater protozoa have short life cycles
A) It is very rapid over long distances. because they eventually burst from taking in too
B) It requires expenditure of energy by the cell. much water.
C) It is a passive process.
D) It occurs when molecules move from a region of 25. Green olives may be preserved in brine, which
lower concentration to a region of higher is a 20-30% salt solution. How does this method
concentration. prevent contamination by microorganisms?
BIOLOGY OLYMPIAD ACTIVITY BOOK Membrane Structure and Function
3-Identify Structure A.
A) glycoprotein B) cholesterol
C) phospholipid D) extracellular matrix
E) protein
BIOLOGY OLYMPIAD ACTIVITY BOOK Membrane Structure and Function
9-Structure B is a _____.
5-What name is given to the process by which water A) water molecule B) phospholipid
crosses a selectively permeable membrane? C) transport protein D) solvent
A) diffusion B) passive transport E) solute
C) phagocytosis D) pinocytosis
E) osmosis 10-Endocytosis moves materials _____ a cell via
6-You know that this cell is in a(n) _____ solution A) into ... facilitated diffusion
because the cell _____. B) into ... membranous vesicles
C)into ... a transport protein
D) out of ... diffusion
E) out of ... membranous vesicles
8-Structure A is a _____.