Membrane Eng

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BIOLOGY OLYMPIAD ACTIVITY BOOK Membrane Structure and Function

TEST-1: Membrane Structure and Function phospholipid.

C) The mosaic comprises the carbohydrate chains
1. Which of the following best describes the general on the inner surface of the membrane.
structure of a cell membrane? D) The fluid is phospholipid and the mosaic is
A) proteins sandwiched between two layers of protein.
phospholipid E) The term refers to the appearance of cells in a
B) proteins embedded in two layers of tissue.
C) a layer of protein coating a layer of phospholipid 7. Which of the following is NOT a function of
D) phospholipids sandwiched between two layers membrane proteins?
of protein A) Membrane proteins attach the membrane to the
E) phospholipids embedded in two layers of cytoskeleton.
protein B) Membrane proteins provide receptors for
chemical messengers.
2. Which of the following functional processes C) Membrane proteins form channels to move
results from the presence of protein within the substances across the membrane.
plasma membrane? D) Membrane proteins with short sugar chains
A) enzymatic activity form identification tags that are recognized by
B) cell-cell recognition other cells.
C) intercellular joining E) All of these are functions of membrane proteins.
D) cell-cell communication
E) all of the above 8. The freeze-fracture method is an especially good
technique to view ____________.
3. Select the correct statement concerning A) the coded information in DNA
membrane carbohydrates. B) thin sections (slices) of fixed and embedded
A) Carbohydrates are only found associated with cells
the membranes of prokaryotic cells. C) the internal structure of membranes
B) Glucose is the most abundant membrane D) patterns of movement in living cells
carbohydrate. E) all of the above
C) Cell membranes consist of protein and
phospholipid; carbohydrate is not a membrane 9. Stability of the plasma membrane is enhanced by
component. _____.
D) Membrane carbohydrates function primarily in A) cholesterol molecules
cell-cell recognition. B) saturated triglycerides
E) When combined with a protein, they form a C) saturated phospholipids
glycolipid. D) polyunsaturated triglycerides
E) hydrogenation of the component lipids
4. One consequence of the sidedness of the plasma
membrane is that _____. 10. All of the following are found in membranes
A) molecules that begin on the outside face of the EXCEPT _____.
endoplasmic reticulum end up on the inside A) phospholipids
face of the plasma membrane B) glycolipids
B) the asymmetrical distribution of membrane C) steroids
proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates is D) glycoproteins
determined as the membrane is being E) glyconucleic acids
C) each membrane protein has directional 11. The lipids in a cell membrane are arranged ____.
orientation in the membrane A) between two layers of protein
D) membrane carbohydrates are restricted to the B) on either side of a single layer of protein
extracellular surface of the plasma membrane C) so that the polar parts of two lipids point toward
E) all of the above each other
D) so that the nonpolar parts of two lipids point
5. Why are phospholipids well suited to be the main toward each other
structural components of membranes? E) none of the above
A) They are completely insoluble in water.
B) They form a single sheet in water. 12. Phospholipids are well suited to serve as the
C) They form a structure in which the hydrophobic major component of the plasma membrane
portion faces outward. because they _____.
D) They form a selectively permeable structure. A) have a water-soluble part and a water-insoluble
E) They are triglycerides, which are commonly part
available in foods. B) have very diverse structures and can act as
receptors, enzymes, and channel molecules
6. The membrane is referred to as a "fluid mosaic" C) allow all needed molecules to pass through the
structure. Which of the following statements is membrane while being impermeable to any
true? toxic substances
A) The fluid is phospholipid and the mosaic is D) contain protein
carbohydrate. E) all of the above
B) The fluid is protein and the mosaic is
BIOLOGY OLYMPIAD ACTIVITY BOOK Membrane Structure and Function

13. Consider the currently accepted fluid-mosaic E) It requires integral proteins of the cell
model of the plasma membrane. Where in the membrane.
membrane would cholesterol most likely be found?
A) on the outside surface 20. The concentration of solutes in a red blood cell
B) in the interior is about 2%. Sucrose cannot pass through the
C) on the inside surface membrane, but water and urea can. Osmosis would
D) in the interior and on the inside surface, but not cause red blood cells to shrink the most when
on the outside surface immersed in which of the following solutions?
E) none of the above A) a hypertonic sucrose solution
B) a hypotonic sucrose solution
14. Consider the currently accepted fluid-mosaic C) a hypertonic urea solution
model of the plasma membrane. Where in the D) a hypotonic urea solution
membrane would oligosaccharides most likely be E) pure water
A) on the outside surface 21. Imagine two solutions separated by a selectively
B) in the interior permeable membrane that allows water to pass, but
C) on the inside surface not sucrose or glucose. The membrane separates a
D) in the interior and on the inside surface, but not 0.2-molar sucrose solution from a 0.2-molar
on the outside surface glucose solution. With time, how will the solutions
E) none of the above change?
A) Nothing happens because the two solutions are
15. Which of the following statements is true about isotonic to one another.
passive transport? B) Water enters the sucrose solution because the
A) Passive transport operates independently of sucrose molecule is a disaccharide and thus
diffusion. larger than the monosaccharide glucose.
B) Passive transport operates independently of C) Water leaves the sucrose solution because the
concentration. sucrose molecule is a disaccharide and thus
C) Passive transport phenomena can never reach larger than the monosaccharide glucose.
equilibrium. D) The sucrose solution is hypertonic and will gain
D) Passive transport does not occur in the human water because the total mass of sucrose is
body. greater than that of glucose.
E) Passive transport requires no ATP input. E) After the sucrose dissociates to two
monosaccharides, water will be osmostically
16. Which one of the following molecules is most drawn to that side of the membrane.
likely to diffuse freely across the lipid bilayer of the
cell membrane without the involvement of a 22. The diffusion of water across a selectively
transport protein? permeable membrane is called _____.
A) carbon dioxide A) active transport
B) glucose B) osmosis
C) sodium ion C) exocytosis
D) DNA D) passive transport
E) hemoglobin E) facilitated diffusion

17. The movement of atoms, ions, or molecules 23. The internal solute concentration of a plant cell
from a region of higher concentration to regions of is about 0.8 M. To demonstrate plasmolysis it
lower concentration is called _____. would be necessary to suspend the cell in what
A) spontaneous combustion solution?
B) diffusion A) distilled water
C) heat B) 0.4 M
D) crenation C) 0.8 M
E) active transport D) 1.0 M
E) any of the above
18. Materials that readily cross the lipid portion of a
cell membrane are typically _____. 24. Which of these situations accurately represents
A) nonpolar and uncharged osmoregulation in organisms?
B) nonpolar and charged A) Freshwater fish must all be isotonic to their
C) polar and charged environments.
D) polar and large B) Marine animals cannot be isotonic to seawater.
E) two of the above C) Plant cells need a hypotonic environment for
their cells to stay turgid.
19. Which one of the following statements is true D) Seawater is hypotonic to human cells.
about diffusion? E) Freshwater protozoa have short life cycles
A) It is very rapid over long distances. because they eventually burst from taking in too
B) It requires expenditure of energy by the cell. much water.
C) It is a passive process.
D) It occurs when molecules move from a region of 25. Green olives may be preserved in brine, which
lower concentration to a region of higher is a 20-30% salt solution. How does this method
concentration. prevent contamination by microorganisms?
BIOLOGY OLYMPIAD ACTIVITY BOOK Membrane Structure and Function

A) Bacterial cell walls are shrivelled up by salt, concentration gradient.

causing the cell to burst. D) Facilitated diffusion of solutes occurs through
B) High salt concentrations lower the pH, thus protein pores in the membrane.
inhibiting the process of glycolysis. E) There is only one kind of protein pore for
C) High salt concentrations raise the pH, thus facilitated diffusion.
inhibiting the process of glycolysis.
D) Bacteria can't survive in a hypotonic solution 31. Which one of the following is NOT involved in
because of pressure on the cell wall. facilitated diffusion?
E) Bacteria can't survive in a hypertonic solution A) a concentration gradient
because they lose water. B) a membrane
C) a protein
26. Cells A and B are the same size and shape, but D) an outside energy source
cell A is metabolically quiet and cell B is actively E) all the above are involved
consuming oxygen. Oxygen will diffuse more
quickly into cell ___ because _____________. 32. Which of the following enables a cell to pick up
A) A ... the diffusion gradient there is shallower and concentrate a specific kind of molecule?
B) A ... its membrane transport proteins will not be A) passive transport
saturated B) diffusion
C) B ... the diffusion gradient there is steeper C) osmosis
D) B ... the oxygen molecules inside cell B have a D) receptor-mediated endocytosis
higher kinetic energy. E) exocytosis
E) A ... needs the oxygen in order to revive.
33. Which of the following is a difference between
27. Plant cell cytoplasm is typically more active transport and facilitated diffusion?
concentrated than its environment, yet plant cells A) Active transport involves transport proteins and
do not swell and burst because _____. facilitated diffusion does not.
A) the negative osmotic potential due to charged B) Facilitated diffusion can move solutes against a
ions is counteracted by positive osmotic concentration gradient and active transport
potential due to macromolecules cannot.
B) they actively transport ions through their C) Facilitated diffusion requires energy from ATP
plasmodesmata and active transport does not.
C) their pressure potentials rise until they are equal D) Facilitated diffusion involves transport proteins
but opposite in sign to their osmotic potentials and active transport does not.
D) their cell walls seal out any influx of water E) Active transport requires energy from ATP and
E) plants actively excrete water from individual facilitated diffusion does not.
34. The result of the operation of an electrogenic
28. Sea water is dangerous to drink because pump would be _____.
___________. A) cell lysis
A) one cup of sea water contains enough sodium B) a voltage difference across the membrane
to poison you C) plasmolysis
B) sea water is hypertonic to your body tissues D) a cell with a positively charged interior
and drinking it will cause you to lose water by E) a cell with a high internal concentration of
osmosis protons
C) sea water is isotonic to your body fluids and you
will absorb too much water, causing your cells 35. Active transport requires a cell to expend
to burst energy.Which of the following statements is NOT
D) the salt causes hypertension and you will true?
promptly die of a stroke A) Active transport often involves the passage of
E) it contains toxic levels of iodine two different solutes across a membrane in
opposite directions.
29. Which of the following would be least likely to B) Active transport uses ATP as its energy source.
diffuse through a cell membrane without the help of C) Active transport usually goes with the
a transport protein? concentration gradient.
A) a large polar molecule D) Active transport requires a protein carrier.
B) a large nonpolar molecule E) All of the above are true.
C) oxygen
D) a small nonpolar molecule 36. The sodium-potassium pump is an example of
E) any of the above would easily diffuse through _____.
the membrane A) facilitated diffusion
B) transport by a mobile carrier
30. Which of these statements describes what C) ion movement through a gated channel
occurs in facilitated diffusion? D) active transport
A) Facilitated diffusion is another name for E) coated-pit endocytosis
B) Facilitated diffusion of solutes occurs through 37. Glucose is a six-carbon sugar that diffuses
phospholipid pores in the membrane. slowly through artificial membranes. The cells
C) Facilitated diffusion requires energy to drive a lining the small intestine, however, rapidly move
BIOLOGY OLYMPIAD ACTIVITY BOOK Membrane Structure and Function

glucose from the gut into their cytoplasm. This Test 2:

occurs no matter whether the gut concentrations of
glucose are higher or lower than the glucose 1-What is the function of Structure E?
concentrations in intestinal cell cytoplasm.
Using this information, which transport mechanism
is most likely to be responsible for the glucose
transport in intestinal cells?
A) simple diffusion
B) phagocytosis
C) active transport
D) exocytosis
E) facilitated diffusion

38. A nursing infant is able to obtain disease-

fighting antibodies, which are large protein
molecules, from its mother's milk. These molecules
probably enter the cells lining the baby's digestive
tract via _____.
A) osmosis A) transport across the plasma membrane
B) passive transport B) stabilization of the phospholipids
C) exocytosis C) cell-cell communication
D) active transport D) structural support of the cell
E) endocytosis E) detection of environmental change

39. Which of these statements is true about 2- Identify Structure D.

cholesterol metabolism?
A) Cholesterol circulates in the blood and is
deposited on blood vessels.
B) Cholesterol is formed because it is a waste
product of fat metabolism.
C) The kidneys maintain cholesterol balance.
D) Hypercholesterolemia is a disease induced by a
faulty diet.
E) Cholesterol is dangerous because it creates
layers of fat in the heart muscle.

40. Which one of the following terms specifically

refers to the intake of very large particles by cells?
A) phagocytosis A) glycoprotein
B) exocytosis B) cholesterol
C) pseudocytosis C) phospholipid bilayer of membrane
D) osmosis D) extracellular matrix
E) pinocytosis E) protein

3-Identify Structure A.

A) glycoprotein B) cholesterol
C) phospholipid D) extracellular matrix
E) protein
BIOLOGY OLYMPIAD ACTIVITY BOOK Membrane Structure and Function

4-Which of these cannot pass directly through the

phospholipids of the plasma membrane? A) water molecule B)phospholipid
C) transport protein D)solvent
E) solute

9-Structure B is a _____.

A) A B)B C)C D) D E)B, C, and D

5-What name is given to the process by which water A) water molecule B) phospholipid
crosses a selectively permeable membrane? C) transport protein D) solvent
A) diffusion B) passive transport E) solute
C) phagocytosis D) pinocytosis
E) osmosis 10-Endocytosis moves materials _____ a cell via
6-You know that this cell is in a(n) _____ solution A) into ... facilitated diffusion
because the cell _____. B) into ... membranous vesicles
C)into ... a transport protein
D) out of ... diffusion
E) out of ... membranous vesicles

11-A white blood cell engulfing a bacterium is an

example of _____.
A) pinocytosis
B) receptor-mediated endocytosis
D) phagocytosis
A) hypertonic ... lost water E) facilitated diffusion
B) hypertonic ... gained water
C) isotonic ... neither lost nor gained water
D) hypotonic ... shrunk
E) hypotonic ... swelled

7-You know that this cell is in a(n) _____ solution

because it _____.

A) hypotonic ... is turgid

B) hypotonic ... lysed
C) hypertonic ... lysed
D) hypertonic solution ... lost water
E) hypertonic ... gained water

8-Structure A is a _____.

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