The Trumpet Call: Pastor's Corner
The Trumpet Call: Pastor's Corner
The Trumpet Call: Pastor's Corner
Pastor’s Corner
I want to commend Ken Brown for representing our church with Monroe County United,
a Christian group in our county which works for equality and justice among all peoples.
The group meets on a night when I am involved in three meetings, so I’m glad Ken can
attend. Ken recently shared with me that several in the group are planning to attend the
50th anniversary remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s assassination in
Washington DC. over three days, April 3-5. Dr. King was shot to death in Memphis on
April 4, 1968. This will be a Christian-organized event and begins with a worship
service on April 3 at a Greek Orthodox church, and progresses through a prayer walk to the National Mall
early on the 4th and a rally to end racism.
The event is called ACT to End Racism, and “ACT” is an acronym. We are to: AWAKEN oneself to the truth
that racism is ever-present, deeply rooted in American culture, and profoundly damaging to our
communities. CONFRONT racism, speak truth to power, and stand up against injustice. TRANSFORM the
hearts, minds, and behaviors of people and institutions. Ken and I plan to attend, and will stay overnight in
the Washington, DC area, leaving on the 3rd and returning on the afternoon of the 4th. We would love to
have others go with us!
We are currently working on arrangements for travel and lodging, and aim to keep the cost as low as
possible so as not to be a financial hardship on those desiring to attend. Warning: you may need to sleep in
a sleeping bag on an air mattress! I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus during
the week after Easter. It will be a joy being with other Christians, remembering Dr. King and his enduring legacy, and
finding ways in today’s environment to combat racism in the world in which we live. Please see, email, or call
Ken if you would like to go (Email:; Phone: 570-424-6480).
Before we get to Easter, of course, we are moving through the season of Lent. On Sunday mornings during
Lent, I am focusing our attention on Jesus during my messages, asking the question, “Why Jesus?” This
Sunday, March 4, we will be looking at Jesus from the perspective of the Suffering Servant. It coincides
well with Holy Communion, as we recall in the Sacrament the suffering and death of our Savior. As we
receive the bread and the cup, we are reminded of his sacrifice for our redemption. I hope to see you this
Sunday and every Sunday of Lent!
Blessings, Pastor Jim
Annual Cantata Sunday April 22
Music, Motion, + Math
You and I in God’s power is UNITY!
Journey to Resurrection
Join us as we walk in the footsteps of Jesus, beginning with His entry into
Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, through His crucifixion, and finally His resurrection.
Sunday, March 25: 12pm-2pm
Thursday, March 29: 4pm-5:30pm
Friday, March 30: 4pm-6pm
The Pregnancy
This week’s Lenten Service Resource Center of
the Poconos, one of
will be at Cherry Valley UMC
our Faith Promise
with Pastor Bob Shank on partners, is
Wednesday, March 7th, at 7pm. searching for
Centennial of Peace: A Service volunteers. If you
of the Hymns of World War I are interested in
Parable of the Prodigal Son. serving, you can hear volunteer opportunities
at the center on Tuesday, March 13th, from
6:30pm to 8pm at their new location
49 Dansbury Terrace.
If you are interested in joining us Please Text your question to 570-580-4343 or ask your question
contact Pat Braun at 570-269-5043 via an index card and drop it in the question box, located
by March 30 in Oberholtzer hall.
Not sure you can make both the social and the meeting?
YOUNG Come on out for just Ice Cream and fellowship from 6:00-
ADULT 6:30pm! Our Fun & Fellowship Team, along with many
other helpers are working together to pull off a sweet-treat
YOUNG for all of us to enjoy! And you don’t want to miss that! So
FAMILY bring the family, have some ice cream and stay a while!
St. Patty’s Day Kings of Queen Street Infant Childcare and an exciting game, relay and activity
Gig Will be on Saturday, March 17th, time for kids will be hosted during the Church Wide
7pm, at Newberry’s meeting.
For more information please visit our YAYF Come find out what the scoop is. You’ll be glad you did!
Facebook Group Page or
text Bethany Mills at 434.944.4641
After 40: Ready for Action Contact Us
Is a Discipleship Study Church Office
offering a fresh perspective (570) 421-3280
of familiar Bible Stories where
God used the number, 40, Hours: 9am to 1pm
Monday thru Friday
with significance, such as: the
40 days and 40 nights of rain in the story of Noah and great flood; the Jim Todd
Israelite people who wandered in the wilderness for 40 years; and the
Ext. 1014
resurrected Jesus alive and on the earth for 40 days. In each story, the
Church Administrator
curriculum examines periods of testing, temptation or rigorous effort, Jill Teaford
which challenged and equipped God’s people for something greater!
Ext. 1015
Join us THIS Sunday to explore how we can likewise be encouraged on Administrative Assistant
Kathy Ravago
our faith journey towards the new adventures Christ has set for us. After
40 will meet in Classrooms 8 and 9, located next to the Youth Room, Ext. 1010
Spiritual Life &
beneath the Fellowship Hall. Congregational Care
Bethany Mills
Ext. 1023
Stephen Ministry
Student Ministries
“Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain Scott Kuhnle
you.” Psalm 55:22a
Ext. 1013
Humans like to be in control, having the power to Children & Family Ministries
choose exactly what is going to happen and when. Erica Dorsch
Unfortunately, life isn’t like that!
Ext. 1017
When something happens and we realize we’re not Financial Secretary
in control, we feel lost, overwhelmed, angry, and Michael Corey
even afraid. Stephen Ministers are trained to help
when things are out of control. They provide Ext. 1012
support and encouragement, while helping a
person put faith and trust in God. Maintenance
William Mack
For more information about Stephen Ministry, contact Peggy Strack at the
church office, 570-856-2131. Ext. 1018
Organist/Traditional Music
Pauline Fox
Come join the fun! Pickleball, every Tuesday and Contemporary Music
Friday mornings from 9:00am to 11:00am. Doug Malefyt
Great exercise for young and old. For additional Choir Director
information call Ray Moeller, (570) 369-3131. Julie Searle
Audio//Visual Technician
Tristen Gearhart
Scan QR to ESUMC Website
Technology Support
East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church Michael Corey
83 S. Courtland St.
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Ext. 1012